Chapter 143 - Extra: Feiyu Amusement Park (End)

Chapter 143 - Extra: Feiyu Amusement Park (End)

When Luofeng had just started using Underworld employees for work in the mortal realm, they had provided all their Underworld employees with the function of “being able to be seen by humans.” This made it more convenient for those employees to interact with their mortal clients.

As Luofeng’s services endlessly expanded, the number of employees their company started hiring from the Underworld greatly increased as well. To make it easier on management, two years ago, Luofeng had upgraded this benefit. Now, they gave their Underworld employees a special “staff badge.” This staff badge was similar to the magical instruments in the mortal realm. When employees were working, they could put the staff badge on; consequently they would be able to be seen in the mortal realm. After work, they could take the staff badge off and return to being a normal ghost. As such, they could avoid causing a disruption between the mortal realm and Underworld.

Because of this, many Underworld employees who had been sent to various places for work would directly take their staff badges off after work. This was more convenient, since they simply became invisible in the eyes of mortals. The group of ghosts who were working at Feiyu Amusement Park did this too. Either way, there was basically no one at the amusement park at night. Many were too lazy to leave. They took their staff badges off and laid on the ground.

They had never thought that on the first day of opening, they would encounter illegal hooligans who had entered the Ghost City in the middle of the night with the goal of causing destruction.

“San ge, I’ve checked. There’s no one here,” a subordinate reported to Lao San.

Lao San revealed a pleased smile. “Excellent. We can easily create a big scene. Take all your tools out.”

As soon as he gave this order, his subordinates immediately took out insulated gloves, pliers, and other equipment from their backpacks. They started looking around everywhere to find the main circuit board.

They had no idea that numerous pairs of eyes had already been trained on them from every corner of the Ghost City ever since they had started moving.

“I hope they’re here to steal.” Holey Intestines Ghost was lying on a little boat drifting in the Troubled Water. His intestines were airing along the sides of the boat. He casually chatted with Hangwoman Ghost who was hanging from a branch: “Whether or not I’ll be able to get a brand new intestine rack this time all depends on them.”

Hangwoman Ghost swayed back and forth, completely apathetic. “I don’t think they’re here to steal. What could they steal from here?”

“What are the orders from headquarters right now?” Headless Ghost sat on a chair in the Stripping Pavilion. There was no head on his neck. He could only express himself through body language. After, he hurriedly reminded the group of ghosts playing soccer in the distance, “Be more gentle, you guys. Don’t break my head.”

“Boss Yu told us to record this,” the softshell turtle spirit next to him said.

Headless Ghost: “Ah, are we not going to scare them?”

“We are. Boss Yu told us to get evidence first, then scare them to death,” the softshell turtle spirit relayed.

Headless Ghost: “……The familiar style of Boss Yu.”

Thus, this group of ghosts wasn’t that worried either. They just held onto their phones and started giving a play by play of Lao San’s group’s actions to the company group chat in a leisurely manner.

Kang Jin:【Oho, these people look very experienced. Professionals.】

Qu Guangzhao:【With these skills, it seems that they’re here to do something impressive】

Zheng Yan:【Jiayou, they have to be sent over by the competitor!】

Holey Intestines Ghost:【Steal something! You useless people, hurry and steal!】

Yu Zhengdu:【……】

Hangwoman Ghost:【They’re coming, they’re coming. There are two people heading right in my direction. What do they really want? Next up, let’s have our special correspondent, Hangwoman Ghost, reveal the truth for everyone】

Hangwoman Ghost pulled out her staff badge in preparation after sending this message. Only to see that Lao San and a subordinate were already at the tree where Hangwoman Ghost was hanging from. With great difficulty, they had finally managed to locate where the electrical lines were – in a corner near the tree’s roots.

Lao San spat and cussed, “This stupid amusement park. It’s so damn hard finding things.”

Originally, directly finding the engine room and causing damage there would’ve been the simplest and most effective plan. However, there were people on guard at the engine room. And, it was easier to be discovered there. Thus, they had decided to find more obscure places to start their destruction.

In order to ensure that the park looked nice and realistic while simultaneously avoiding the possibility of guests accidentally touching the electrical lines, Feiyu Amusement had hidden all of their electrical lines. Among these, some were hidden under the turf in this desolate corner.

It was all because Lao San’s group was very experienced that they really did manage to locate the lines. Lao San ordered his subordinate to pry open the turf. He held onto the pliers and other tools and stood off to the side while urging, “Hurry it up. People are going to be coming soon.”

“Let’s put some stuff up there first. When there are lots of people here tomorrow, we’ll make it explode. I’d like to see how they’ll be able to cover that up. And all those rides, hah……”

Before he could finish speaking, an eerie female voice suddenly sounded out from above. “What are you guys doing?”

Lao San was quite surprised. As expected from someone who had been on the streets for a long time, though, he surprisingly still managed to prevent himself from making any noises under these circumstances. Instead, he slowly lifted his head and looked up. A pair of greenish-purple calves and feet covered in red high heels appeared in his vision.

Lao San: !!!

Before he could react, his subordinate screamed first. He fell on his butt and pointed up in the direction of the tree in shock while howling, “San ge, th-th-there’s a ghost——ghost——”

Lao San had originally been quite terrified. Upon hearing his subordinate’s screams, he actually calmed down. He aggressively kicked his subordinate on the butt. “Why the fuck are you screaming? This is an actress. Haven’t you seen videos of this woman online?”

Back in the day, Hangwoman Ghost’s appearance in Gao Duidui’s livestream had been too memorable. Even to this day, that video and gifs of the video were still being spread online. Lao San and his group had done some homework before taking this job. They had watched the video too.

Because of this, after the initial shock, Lao San instantly recalled: hadn’t this Hangwoman Ghost been in the livestream previously? Though she looked realistic and frightening, she was ultimately only an actress.

This was a human, and a woman at that. He wasn’t scared at all.

Upon being reminded by Lao San, the subordinate quickly remembered. The fear in his heart slightly dissipated. However, his calves were still shaking instinctively. He spat and cussed, “The ghosts in this amusement park are a bit too realistic.”

“Otherwise why do you think the one with the surname Mai would tell us to come here?” Lao San scoffed. It was all because this amusement park’s special effects were too realistic, meaning that they had become a threat for the other park.

“What are you still standing around for? Get that woman down.” Lao San kicked his subordinate, then looked up and smiled creepily at Hangwoman Ghost. “Little girl, why are you still hanging here in the middle of the night? How unfortunate that you’ve encountered us.”

As he spoke, his subordinate stood up and walked toward Hangwoman Ghost.

But Hangwoman Ghost didn’t look as scared as they expected her to. She didn’t even scream at all. She only turned her protruding eyes towards them and revealed a chilling smile. “Is that so?”

At this time, the subordinate was already directly under her. He reached both hands up and tugged on her ankles. He forcefully pulled. “Get down here.”

Unexpectedly, Hangwoman Ghost looked really thin and frail – like she was barely hanging onto the tree – but in actuality, he couldn’t tug her down.

“What’s going on? Did you not eat?” Lao San yelled upon seeing this.

“That’s not it, Leader. She’s very firmly attached to the branch.” The subordinate furrowed his brows. He turned around and said, “Also, her feet are so cold……”

“It’s been so long since I’ve felt the body temperature of a living human,” Hangwoman Ghost eerily said. “How about you come up here to accompany me?”

While speaking, she opened her mouth. A bright red tongue dangled out of it. The tongue grew long and longer, until it had reached the subordinate’s neck. The sticky tip of the tongue licked the subordinate’s chin briefly.

The subordinate belatedly realized that something was wrong. His eyes widened greatly. He instinctively wanted to run, but his calves were shaking too hard for that. He couldn’t even take a single step. In actuality, it was already too late anyways.

That long and sticky tongue had already wrapped around his neck like a snake. It kept a tight grip on him.

“L-Leader, sh-sh-she’s really a……” The subordinate turned around in horror and looked at Lao San with urgency. “G-ghost…… She’s really a ghost……”

At this moment, Lao San wasn’t much better off than him. His forehead and back dripped with cold sweat. His entire body was stiff. He stuck his neck out and said, “Y-You wait a moment. I’ll call someone over……”

“Leader, don’t leave——” When the subordinate heard that Lao San was about to leave him, he could no longer be bothered to mind if anyone was going to be attracted by the noise. He started yelling.

However, how could Lao San dare to stay? As if there was oil under his feet, he attempted to run. Just as he was about to move, though, he accidentally kicked something. With a stumble, he fell on the ground.

“Do you not have eyes? You kicked my head!” A displeased voice sounded out from on the ground.

Lao San looked down, only to see that a head had rolled over and stopped in front of him. The eyes on the head were wide open. The head’s teeth were bared as it stared at him.

A headless corpse suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It bent down and picked up the head, then blew on it a few times. After blowing the stray grass off of the head, it lifted the head up so that it was facing Lao San. The mouth on the head opened and closed. It said: “I hate it when other people kick my head.”

“G-ghost…… Y-you guys are really ghosts?” Lao San was shaking so hard that he couldn’t stand up. He almost instinctively asked this question.

At this moment, the terrified voices of others sounded out from around him. “There are ghosts——”

“Leader, there are ghosts——ghosts——”

Lao San looked over, only to see that his subordinates, who had previously been spread out all over the park to try and vandalize it, were charging in this direction. Upon closer inspection, all of them looked indescribably tragic.

Some had intestines wrapped around their necks. Others were covered in large blood stains. Others still had been captured by white skeletons and were being dragged over.

“This whole amusement park is full of real ghosts. They’re real ghosts——” Someone wailed in pain. The ones who were slightly less brave had already fainted by this time.

Their shrieks finally caught the attention of the amusement park’s patrol guards. Quick footsteps sounded out from afar. Someone shouted, “Who’s over there?”

The ghosts all made eye contact. Then, with great tacit understanding, they took their staff badges off.

The ghosts had disappeared, but Lao San’s group had already lost their wits because of fear. When the patrol guards arrived, they saw a group of people crouched on the ground, shivering.

“Who are you guys? Why are you in the amusement park?” The leader of the patrol guards roared. That group of people was all wearing hats and masks. They also had gloves and tools in their hands. Anybody could tell that they were doing something illegal. Though he didn’t know why they had ended up like this, the leader of the patrol guards didn’t dare to act carelessly. He hurriedly told the others to surround them while holding batons.

Lao San was ultimately the leader. He could still speak at such a time. In horror, he stared at the patrol guards and yelled, “You guys……you guys are actually using real ghosts? I’m going to expose you guys. I’m going to sue you guys……”

The patrol guards made eye contact, then burst into laughter. “Tch. So you got scared by our ghosts, huh.”

“Hahaha, well our park’s ghosts are truly very realistic.”

“Tsk tsk. If you’re such a coward, don’t imitate the bad guys and do these things.”

The group snickered. They had no respect for Lao San at all.

The leader of the patrol guards told someone to call the police. The others pulled out their equipment and got Lao San and his group under control first.

The police arrived very quickly. However, what surprised the patrol guards was that Luofeng’s Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que arrived right after them.

Yu Zhengdu explained to the leader of the patrol guards with a smile, “We received a call for help from our employee, so came over to take a look.”

Hangwoman Ghost poked her head out from behind them and explained in panic, “I was too tired after work today and accidentally fell asleep in the park. I hadn’t thought that I would encounter this group of people. They scared me to death.”

“So you’re the one they ran into.” The leader of the patrol guards sighed in relief and said with a smile, “It’s a good thing you were there and gave them quite a fright. Otherwise, who knows if something bad would have happened to the amusement park.”

A nearby member of the patrol guards burst into laughter. “And I was wondering who they had run into. So it was Hangwoman Ghost. Jeez, Hangwoman Ghost is already so famous on the Internet, but they still got scared so badly. These people are really quite terrible at dealing with stress.”

Yu Zhengdu nodded, faintly smiling. “Exactly so.”

Just as he was speaking, he saw the amusement park’s representative, who had been called back last minute, walk over. The other made eye contact with Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que, then sighed. “We’ve troubled Boss Yu and Boss Shang by having to make this trip.”

Upon noticing his pained expression, Yu Zhengdu asked, “What’s wrong?”

“The person who got caught is named Lao San. He’s a common visitor to the police station,” the representative explained. “The police have interacted with this group of people several times. Their mouths are always glued shut. Though we have video evidence, we can only prove that they intended to cause damage. We can’t get the main conspirator’s name out of their mouths…… At most, they’re just going to be held in prison for a bit.”

Lao San and his group weren’t a threat at all. The one who was really annoying was the main conspirator hiding in the shadows. If they didn’t find the real conspirator, who knew what would happen again in the future?

“Not a single word out of these people’s mouths can be trusted. Right now, they’re still adamant that our park really has ghosts. What lunatics.” The representative rolled his eyes. “The police can’t do anything about them either.”

Yu Zhengdu sweatdropped and pretended he hadn’t heard that sentence. He only turned around to look at Shang Que. Then, he clapped once. “I have an idea.”

Shang Que gazed at him. Yu Zhengdu cheerily asked, “Where’s your iron ball?”

Shang Que came to an instant realization.

Before Yama began court, he first swallowed an iron ball. Shang Que owned an iron ball that caused people to be unable to lie. However, this iron ball was only useful when it was inside someone’s stomach.

Shang Que said disdainfully, “Let’s make this clear in advance. Don’t tell me to wash it after you use it.”

Yu Zhengdu fell silent for a moment. “Let’s make Kang Jin wash it.”

Shang Que: “……That works too.”

Soon after, Lao San could be heard yelling from inside the room.“It’s the one with the surname Mai. The one with the surname Mai hired us——”

“Our leader is hiding in Minan. He’s at XX Nightclub……”

Then, they heard the subordinates’ voices. “San ge, why are you telling them everything? You’ll get your hands cut off!!”

Lao San: “I have to say everything. You, and you too, you guys haven’t been caught for the crimes you committed last year yet……”

The police were both pleasantly surprised and completely bewildered. “What’s going on? How come Lao San has suddenly switched personalities?”

“I’ve already reported it to the higher-ups. Lao San is speaking the truth. Everything corroborates.”

“Quick quick, bring him back to interrogate him some more.”

“Hurry and notify the police in Minan. Tell them to prepare to arrest the leader……”

“We’ll finally be able to arrest everyone this time, right……”

Thus, the gang that had been causing the Chuandong police great distress for a long time suddenly collapsed because a core member, nicknamed Lao San, suddenly started passionately confessing everything. Additionally, Joseph and his group’s conspiracy became completely exposed. With help from Lao San, the police managed to collect evidence very smoothly. Joseph and them had nothing to refute. Even though they had great lawyers and ended up only being temporarily arrested, fined, and barred from entering the country for a brief period of time, Excellent Jade Corporation pulled strings to get this event into the news. The international amusement park’s reputation was negatively impacted by this. Most customers swarmed towards Feiyu Amusement Park. This all happened later though, so we won’t go into detail about it.

Luofeng employee group chat:

Zhao Ruola:【I won. Hurry and pay up】

Zheng Yan:【Earning extra spending money with Boss Zhao, so happy】

Shang Que:【Doesn’t the croupier win everything?】

Zhao Ruola:【???】

Zheng Yan:【???】

Shang Que had obviously never gambled for money before. Upon seeing all the question marks in the group chat, he turned to look at Yu Zhengdu in confusion. “Is that not how this works?”

Yu Zhengdu: “……No.”

Shang Que was shocked. “Could it be that I have to pay up?”

Yu Zhengdu fell silent briefly. “That’s not it either.”

Shang Que: ??

Yu Zhengdu:【Everyone, please abide by the law. Gambling is strictly forbidden. Time to scatter and disperse】

Group chat:【…………】

Yu Zhengdu:【Oh right, Kang Jin. I’m bringing something tomorrow for you to wash.】

Kang Jin:【W-h-y】

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