Chapter 97 - Goose Immortal

Chapter 97 - Goose Immortal

This day, Yu Zhengdu was in the middle of a meeting in the conference room of the subsidiary company. Suddenly, he heard a commotion outside. A girl from administration knocked on the door in agitation. “Yu ge, your duck’s going crazy.”

A string of question marks popped up over Yu Zhengdu’s head. He hurriedly stood up and walked out, only to hear shrill sounds of “gua gua gua gua” from the direction of his work station. A group of coworkers were crowded around that location, pointing and gawking. As soon as they noticed him, they immediately gestured for him to come. “Leader, hurry and come. Your duck seems to have gotten possessed——”

Someone was speaking while trying to placate the duck. However, as soon as that person approached, he instantly got slapped by the duck’s wings. Someone had also accidentally gotten pecked. His screech of “ao——” reached every corner of the office. He instantly became teary-eyed. “This duck is too vicious!”

Yu Zhengdu: = =

He walked closer and looked. As expected, the duck was extremely excited. When she saw him, she started flapping her wings even faster. She even started turning circles in the nest. “Gua gua——gua gua——”

A coworker felt incredibly bewildered upon seeing this. “Is it doing ballet?”

The duck spread out both its wings and protected the hatching nest. “Gua gua——gua gua——”

Yu Zhengdu had an epiphany. He took out his phone and calculated the time that had passed. Then, he went on high alert. “I think the gosling is going to hatch!”

The duck spread her wings: “Gua——”

His coworkers fell into great confusion. “Prior to the hatching of an egg, ducks will notify you in advance?”

Normal ducks obviously wouldn’t, but this duck had been threatened by the Ghost King before. It didn’t dare to not notify them.

Yu Zhengdu acted like he couldn’t hear his coworkers’ questions. He sent Shang Que a message:【Peppa’s about to be born.】

Less than a minute after he sent the message, Shang Que’s voice sounded out behind them. It carried a hint of nervousness. “I’m here.”

Their surrounding coworkers instantly greeted him. Someone asked in surprise, “Boss Shang got here so quick. Were you coincidentally already here?”

Liu Wei inquired with wide eyes, “Boss’s equipment looks so familiar?”

Yu Zhengdu turned around and looked. He felt astonished too.

Only to see that Shang Que was wearing a neat and tidy suit; from his shoulder hung a……dad diaper bag?

Shang Que stood up straight. Coldly, he shooed the other coworkers away. “What’s there to stare at? It’s just a gosling hatching. Hurry and get back to work.”

The big boss had spoken. The employees didn’t dare to not listen. They could only silently disperse. However, this didn’t stop them from frequently looking back while walking away. They muttered to themselves, “If a gosling hatching isn’t interesting, then why is Boss Shang here?”

“The stuff Boss Shang is carrying……seems to be stuff for infants?”

“Speaking of, I think Boss Shang has been coming over to check on the goose egg every day this past period of time?”

“Wow, what a boss with a double standard!”

After everyone had walked away, Shang Que finally scoffed. He lowered his voice and told Yu Zhengdu, “These people are honestly so unconscientious. How dare they surround this area? Do they want to be Peppa’s imprinted dads?”

Oviparous animals all imprinted. They would instinctively stick to the first living thing they saw after hatching. Shang Que naturally couldn’t allow anyone else to appear in Peppa’s field of vision during her birth.

Not only so, he also coldly glanced at the big white duck. “Leave.”

The big white duck didn’t even dare to make a peep. She obediently hopped out of the hatching nest, squeezed her wings to her body, and quickly waddled away.

Yu Zhengdu: “……” Wet nurse duck, pitiful!

After removing all living animals other than Yu Zhengdu, Shang Que took off the dad diaper bag and started pulling stuff out from it.

A mini heat lamp, a tiny new nest, a little milk bottle for water, glucose, fresh grass in a box, vegetable leaves, crushed corn, bone powder, etc. There were also a bunch of other random things, including a tiny little square box.

Yu Zhengdu stared at the small box in confusion. “This is?”

“Gosling swimming pool.” While speaking, Shang Que also pulled out a tiny, palm-sized swim ring. “I don’t know if Peppa will be born knowing how to swim. It’ll be safer to prepare a swim ring too.”

Yu Zhengdu almost choked. “……You really thought of everything.”

Shang Que with a cold expression: “I read a goose raising manual in advance.”

Yu Zhengdu felt greatly ashamed. “I’m really an unqualified father.”

“How are you unqualified? You’re busy with work.” As Shang Que spoke, he reached out and gently stroked the top of Yu Zhengdu’s head. He revealed a comforting smile. “As long as I’m standing behind you, everything will be fine.”

It had to be said that when Shang Que said things like this, his aura was very powerful and convincing.

……If the situation in question wasn’t related to raising a goose, it would definitely be more touching.

Just as they were conversing, that giant goose egg in the hatching nest gently trembled. Shang Que instantly grabbed onto Yu Zhengdu’s hand. “She’s coming out!”

A little hole got pecked into the white egg shell. A faint, almost unnoticeable avian call sounded out from inside. The little hole became bigger and bigger. A tiny little goose beak – that looked like a sunflower seed – peeked out.

Shang Que had originally been observing the movements around the goose egg, completely focused. Upon seeing that the goose beak had already popped out, he suddenly froze, though. After brief thought, he stepped back a little bit and gently pushed Yu Zhengdu forward.

Yu Zhengdu was slightly surprised. “Un?”

At the same time, a faint yellow, fuzzy, and wet head poked out from the hole in the egg shell. Two little beady black eyes made eye contact with Yu Zhengdu.

The gosling stretched out its neck and released a soft, “Ge——ge——”

Yu Zhengdu’s eyes instantly softened. He revealed a faint smile and lowly replied, “Peppa, we’re finally meeting again.”

At this time, Shang Que finally scooted up close. He stared at the gosling for a while before suddenly saying, “Call me Dad.”

Yu Zhengdu glanced askance at the other and moved closer to him. “Un, this is your dad too.”

Because both Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que lived alone, meaning there was no one at home when they were at work, and because Peppa was still a newborn gosling, they naturally couldn’t rest at ease if they left her alone at home. Thus, they simply decided to let her continue living at the company. In the day, they could take care of her. At night, they could take her home, depending on the circumstances. If something came up, rendering it inconvenient to take her home, there would still be Luofeng’s ghost employees taking care of her at the company. She wouldn’t be unsupervised.

Originally, Yu Zhengdu wanted to take Peppa back to the Luofeng headquarters. After all, the employees on that side all knew exactly what was going on with Peppa. However, considering the fact that Luofeng was full of ghosts and Peppa had just been born, it would be better for her to stay at a location that was full of life. As such, he decided to keep her on the Amazing Future side first until she finished molting.

Fortunately, raising a gosling didn’t take up too much space. Additionally, Shang Que had already given Peppa a human consciousness when she had hatched. Though she was a waterfowl, she could slowly learn human habits and knowledge, just like a human child. More accurately speaking, because their rates for development were different, Peppa’s learning speed was actually faster than that of normal children.

However, a mild misunderstanding happened halfway through. After Luofeng’s employees learned that Peppa had finally hatched, they all rushed over to visit her, not forgetting to bring little gifts. Their serious attitude towards the hatching of a gosling had already caused Amazing Future’s employees great shock. On top of this, one Luofeng employee hadn’t carefully considered and had carried a bag of chicken eggs to visit.

Everyone at Amazing Future: “……??” Are you a human?!! Carrying chicken eggs to visit the gosling!

You must be trying to terrorize the gosling!

At first, Amazing Future’s silly programmers thought that CTO, Big Boss, and their coworkers at headquarters’ behavior was very strange. However, the ability of humans regarding acceptance and adaptation was astonishingly great.

In only a few days, not only had the programmers started accepting this, they had even involuntarily joined the gosling care group.

After all, a lifetime of writing code was extremely boring. Being able to observe a fuzzy little gosling at work could be considered a rather excellent leisurely activity.

Thus, quite soon after, some strange posts started appearing in a few technological forums and discussion groups for the Internet industry.

Heading: Click Here to See A Fresh Gosling

Heading: Shocked! Our Boss is Raising a Peppa in His Office

Heading: She’s So Cute

Heading: I Specially Brought Her Breakfast, But She Kicked it Over……However, I’m Still Completely Obsessed With Her

Very quickly, Peppa Goose’s HD photos had been spread all over the industry. Many of those in the same field all knew that Amazing Future was raising a little gosling in their office. Thus, they became bewildered.

【There must be something wrong. Why would they name it Peppa? I thought that they were raising a miniature pig in their office】

【Programmers are honestly very crazy. Obsessing over dogs and cats is whatever. Now they’re starting to obsess over geese?】

【Upstairs, don’t generalize. Only Amazing Future’s programmers are this crazy】

【But keeping a fuzzy little pet in the office is truly very stress-relieving! It would be so nice if our company could raise one too!】

【It only seems stress-relieving. Avian animals aren’t like dogs and cats. They can’t be taught at all. They’ll run all over the place, screech all the time, and poop in random places. Raising one isn’t as nice as it looks at all.】

【I heard someone at Amazing Future say that their company’s goose and duck are both very magical. They’re even smarter than cats and dogs. They won’t make any noises during work and know how to go to the office bathroom to poop??】

【Upstairs, keep listening to Amazing Future bluff. How could you believe someone who’s saying that ducks and geese are smarter than cats and dogs?】

Similar suspicions existed in the field. A majority of people believed that raising ducks and geese in the office wasn’t very suitable. Doing so made it very easy to upset normal work order. There were even some people who suspected that this was a way Amazing Future was trying to garner attention: they were purposefully using this topic as a way to pique people’s interest. Quite a few people agreed with this sentiment.

Trying to gain attention was something that had been happening in the Internet industry for a long time. Because good programmers were rather rare, there was a lot of competition when companies started hiring. They would come up with numerous different promotional tactics to get people interested. Varying boasts about employee benefits ranged from normal ones such as employee cafeterias and work environments to controversial ones such as the supposed “programmer encouragement expert.” For the latter, companies would find beautiful women with big chests to encourage the programmers. Some companies also had “pet days.” On special days, they allowed employees to bring their cats to work.

As such, as soon as the news about Amazing Future raising a goose in their office got out, it wasn’t unusual for some people in the industry to think that this was only a way they were trying to gain attention.

However, not long after these questioning voices made their presence known, Shang Que’s Weibo suddenly became very active.

From Today On I Will Be A European God: One week old Peppa and her dad [Picture]

The attached photo was Yu Zhengdu’s side profile as he worked. A light yellow gosling balanced on his shoulder and stared diligently at the computer screen with him.

From Today On I Will Be A European God: Sleeping Peppa [Picture]

The attached photo was the gosling laying in a hood covered with a layer of cotton. Some sharp-eyed netizens very quickly recognized this to be——the hood of the sweatshirt that Senior often wore.

From Today On I Will Be A European God: Peppa’s new nest, very dense with growth [Picture]

This picture was of Peppa obediently squatting on a fluffy, dense head of hair. This density……without a doubt, this was Senior’s hair.


【Goodness, this goose is a little too cute and obedient!】

【????? I’ve become very bewildered. Is this really the legendary goose of society? Are they this obedient when young?】

【You guys are actually looking at the goose?? My eyes are completely glued to Senior’s handsome side profile, okay? Slowly starting to nosebleed】

【……A goose named Peppa or the goose’s dad. As of this moment, I don’t know which one to complain about】

【Is Senior really a programmer? He has even denser hair than me!!!!】

【I love Peppa Goose. Since CEO’s company has started raising her, Senior’s appearance rate on CEO’s Weibo has increased exponentially. I’m so blessed [holding heart]】

【Am I the only who feels like CEO is publicly showing off his goose but is actually secretly showing off Senior?】

How many followers did Shang Que have? Because of how often he was posting pictures of his goose, his posts very quickly got reposted to the internal communications of the Internet industry.

【Amazing Future’s Peppa Goose really seems so well behaved】

【The duck looks really obedient too……】

【Quit it. Who doesn’t know how to take posed pictures?】

【A posed picture can make a goose sleep in singer’s hood so obediently? Can make a goose squat on singer’s head?】

Hehe, if you’re so capable, upload a video】

Amazing Future’s employees were really very capable. Soon, an anonymous worker had already uploaded a video clip.

The video was of a big white duck waddling forward, leading a fluffy little gosling down the hallway.

At first, everyone had still been confused. They thought that this was some ordinary goose-herding being performed by the duck. Just as they were lamenting about how strange this company was – actually letting a duck raise a goose – an employee greeted the duck and goose. “Peppa, going to the bathroom?”

The duck didn’t have much of a reaction, but the gosling flapped its wings. “Ge ge.”

The netizens watching the video instantly felt astounded.【What’s going on? Peppa can understand?】

【It must be a coincidence, right?】

As they discussed this, they saw the duck and gosling spin on their feet and walk through a doorway. The camera panned upward, revealing the sign for the women’s bathroom.

Netizens:【……? It’s real???】

【Peppa has gained a human consciousness?】

There were a few similar videos. Very quickly, everyone knew that Amazing Future’s Peppa Goose truly had a high IQ. She absolutely wasn’t as difficult to handle as normal avians.

The programmers of other companies were instantly jealous. Of course, what made them feel more jealous was a different matter.

【Emmm, I don’t know if the goose pictures are posed, but singer’s hair is honestly very thick. Either working at this company isn’t very stressful or they have extremely good fengshui conducive to growing hair. I don’t care, I’m going to submit my resume】

【Plus one, upstairs. I want to go grow my hair out at Amazing Future too】

【I think you guys got the order wrong. It’s not “grow your hair out at Amazing Future,” it’s “you can only join Amazing Future after growing your hair out”】

During lunch break on this day, Liu Wei and a group of programmers from their company started examining soccer bets after eating lunch. There had been several matches recently. The few of them often pooled their money and placed a few bets.

Liu Wei: “Let’s buy this one. I feel like this one is more likely to win.”

The other person: “Don’t. Their prowess is just so-so. They’ve only won the past two matches because of luck.”

Liu Wei: “Luck is also a type of prowess!”

“I don’t believe in stuff like luck. We’d better buy one for a team that has better combined prowess.”

The two of them argued incessantly. A coworker nearby got annoyed, so suggested, “Quit arguing. How about let’s buy what Octopus ge says.”

Octopus ge was a viral celebrity who specialized in soccer match predictions. His Weibo ID was “Little Asian Octopus.” Because he was riding off the popularity of the octopus who had once been undefeatable during the World Cup, and because his predictions were mostly acceptable, he was nicknamed “Octopus ge” by netizens.

Liu Wei expressed his disagreement. “I don’t want to. Octopus ge is my idol’s antifan. I refuse to listen to what he says.”

Coworker: “Then we can only split our funds up and place separate bets.”

Liu Wei: “Don’t. Are we buying soccer bets? No, we’re buying our amazing coworker relationship.”

Coworker: = = “Then everyone hurry and come to the same decision.”

Liu Wei was slightly exasperated. He looked at the coworker who had argued with him. “How about playing rock, paper, scissors? We’ll listen to whoever wins.”

That person: “So tasteless.”

Just as they were stuck in the middle of their argument, a sound of “gua gua” suddenly sounded out from under them. Only to see a big white duck leading Peppa around on their post-lunch walk.

“Oho, I have an idea,” Liu Wei said. He hurriedly pulled out two pieces of paper and wrote the names of two different teams on them. Then, he placed them in front of Peppa and coaxed, “Peppa, come. Help geges make a decision.”

Upon seeing this, everyone else chuckled too. “Yes yes yes. Let Peppa make the decision. We’ll buy whichever one Peppa says to buy. Nobody is allowed to have an opinion.”

Peppa had only just grown a little bit bigger. Because she had Shang Que’s powers aiding her, she was much healthier than normal goslings. Her bright little eyes glanced from side to side before she stepped on one of the pieces of paper.

Liu Wei was overjoyed. “Peppa is very smart.”

The other coworker was slightly disappointed. “Aiya, Peppa believes in luck too. Not many people have high hopes for this team.”

“It’s the opposite of Octopus ge’s prediction. Nevermind, nevermind. We’ll just go with this one.”

For several consecutive days, Yu Zhengdu had been eating lunch with Shang Que at the headquarters. On this day, because he had a bit of work to do, he stayed on the Amazing Future side. Naturally, Shang Que came over to eat with him.

However, shortly after the two of them finished eating, they saw a group of programmers from their company chasing Peppa around with bright eyes and arms full of little toys and deluxe goose food.

Liu Wei: “Peppa, Peppa. Come. Help predict another match for us.”

“Peppa jie, this is my offering for you today. Please accept it.”

“Goose Immortal, you’re our group’s goddess!”

Yu Zhengdu was completely lost. He called out to them and asked, “What are you guys doing?”

Only now did everyone discover that Yu Zhengdu and Boss were here today too. Liu Wei excitedly said, “Leader, Peppa’s so magical! She’s already accurately predicted the results for four matches for us!”

The other person: “In our soccer fan group chat, she has already usurped Octopus ge in status and officially become Peppa jie!”

Yu Zhengdu: ????

After asking for more details, he finally learned that a few days ago, Liu Wei and them had jokingly asked Peppa to predict the results of a match because they themselves had had conflicting opinions. Unexpectedly, the prediction had been accurate. At first, they only thought that this was a coincidence. Given the previous success, though, they once again jokingly asked her for a prediction.

The two teams for the second match had a great difference of prowess. Nobody had thought that Peppa would’ve chosen the weaker soccer team. At the time, everyone had only been casually playing around. Thus, they hadn’t placed their bets as per Peppa’s prediction. Who would’ve thought, though, that an unexpected winner had been produced that day: the much weaker team had won.

These coworkers were shocked, but still believed in their hearts that this was only a coincidence. Later on, they once again asked Peppa for a prediction. Surprisingly, after four consecutive matches, Peppa actually managed to make four accurate predictions. Among these, two matches had even produced unexpected winners.

Because of the fact that the three prior predictions had been accurate, by the fourth match, one coworker had boldly placed a lot of money into this bet and won a huge sum. He was the one who had been chasing Peppa around with little toys and deluxe feed just now.

Not only so, but because Amazing Future’s programmers had gotten into the bad habit of showing off their goose, they had eventually started posting pictures of Peppa’s prediction process into their soccer fan group chats. Now, Peppa had quickly become the goddess of many soccer fans. At a young age, she was already being respectfully called “Peppa jie” by a group of grown men.

After hearing the whole story, Yu Zhengdu was very speechless. “……Peppa jie?”

He glanced at Peppa the gosling who was surrounded by a bunch of programmers. Peppa flapped her wings and looked back at him. She stuck her neck out and quacked, “Ga——” Dad!

Yu Zhengdu turned to look at Shang Que in confusion. “This is a coincidence, right?”

“No.” Shang Que had remembered something too at this time. He fell silent for a moment before saying, “You still remember that Peppa was a spirit trapped in the belly in her past reincarnation, right?”

Yu Zhengdu instantly understood.

Previously, the reason a spell as evil as “trapping a spirit in the belly” had become so widespread was because one of the belly spirit’s skills was predicting the future. And in her past life, Peppa hadn’t been an ordinary belly spirit; instead, she had been a belly spirit refined by the demon priest Jin Heguan. She possessed extremely strong powers of divination. The main goal that Liu Ningan had in keeping her around was to use her fortune telling skills to earn money.

Shang Que explained that probably because Peppa had been refined in her past life, and had once possessed a living spirit, though this power had been greatly reduced after reincarnation, it hadn’t completely disappeared. This was also a normal occurrence in reincarnation.

Shang Que: “If you want her to accurately predict great catastrophes or extremely fortunate events like she did in the past, that wouldn’t work. However, predicting the results of a soccer match likely won’t be a problem.”

Yu Zhengdu slowly became excited. “……Feels like we’re about to get rich?”

“Silly.” Shang Que caressed his fluffy hair. “Did you forget what happened to Liu Ningan?”

Yu Zhengdu: “Wow, don’t scare me.”

That group of programmers didn’t hear their conversation. They had already prepared the pieces of paper with the names of the two teams for the upcoming match and were in the middle of calling Peppa over to make her prediction.

Liu Wei: “Peppa, if you make another accurate prediction this time, I’ll buy you an extra luxurious goose mansion.”

Shang Que glanced at the gosling. “Peppa, come back.”

Peppa had originally already started walking in that direction. After being called to a halt by Shang Que, she immediately flapped her wings. While making “ga ga” noises, she ran over to Shang Que. Shang Que bent down and picked her up, then placed her on top of Yu Zhengdu’s shoulder. He warned, “In the future, you’re not allowed to make these predictions anymore.”

Peppa nodded. “Ga ga.”

The programmers started howling in misery. Liu Wei said with a bitter expression, “Boss Shang, don’t be so petty. We only place bets at lunch. It won’t get in the way of work.”

Yu Zhengdu already understood at this time. He said, “We’re not doing this to stop you from placing bets. This is for your own good.”

Everyone expressed their confusion: “What’s wrong with placing bets?”

“Once or twice is fine, but too many times isn’t,” Yu Zhengdu explained. “When you have too much wrongful luck for wealth, it’ll affect your true luck for wealth.”

This explanation was easy to understand and didn’t need further interpretation. But Liu Wei was in slight disbelief. “It can’t be that serious, right?”

Shang Que glanced at the person who had spent a lot of money and earned a small fortune off soccer bets. “You earned a lot of money, right? If you don’t get rid of all that money, you’re going to become very unfortunate soon.”

That person’s expression instantly turned slightly foul. “Boss, don’t curse me ah.”

Shang Que was too lazy to explain everything to him. He simply sat back down next to Yu Zhengdu.

He wasn’t letting Peppa continue to make predictions. Everyone else had no other options. They could only disperse. The employee who Shang Que had said was going to become unfortunate was still feeling indignant. He lowly complained to his other coworkers, “Boss’s speech is too, you know. Didn’t I just use Peppa to earn some money? Does he need to curse me like that?”

His coworker comforted, “Boss has always spoken like this. You don’t need to take it to heart.”

But that person was still displeased. “Being straightforward doesn’t mean you have to be mean. Fuck. I’m going to quit.”

He thought about it and whispered, “I’m going to secretly tell you. Actually, I already received an offer from a P2P company two days ago. I originally thought that since our company’s atmosphere is really nice, I would be a bit reluctant to leave. Thus, I was still in the middle of considering. But since Boss is like this, then I might as well just leave.”

His coworker sweatdropped. “There’s really no need. Boss Shang is a pretty nice person. And, he’s never mistreated us. He just can’t be bothered to be courteous.”

But that person wasn’t even listening. Somewhat pleased, he scoffed and said, “Didn’t he just say that I was going to become unfortunate? I’m going to tell you the truth. The new company offered me a salary that’s a 50% raise of what I’m being paid now. Also, my hometown is recently about to get demolished, you know? My luck for wealth is great right now. It hasn’t been affected at all.”

The reason he dared to speak so bluntly about Shang Que was also because he felt confident due to these things.

Because of the little interlude at lunch, the atmosphere around the Amazing Future programmers instantly became depressed. The employee who Shang Que had said would become unfortunate honestly couldn’t handle his anger. He instantly submitted a letter of resignation.

When Yu Zhengdu received the letter of resignation, he felt a bit surprised. Coincidentally, Shang Que was next to him. He shook his head. “Go ahead and approve it.”

Thus, Yu Zhengdu approved the letter of resignation. Because of this incident, the programmers all exploded. Everyone felt that there was no need for such a trivial incident to cause such great consequences. Their department had always been quite close. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have pooled their money together to place soccer bets. As such, everyone tried to convince that coworker to stay.

That person had originally hoped that the company would try to keep him. He hadn’t thought that Yu Zhengdu would so carefreely approve his request. His shame transformed into anger. It became even more impossible for him to change his mind. Not only so, but he also purposefully sent screenshots of the offer from his new company to a few coworkers he was closer with. This was done as a slight attempt to intimidate the company.

That person had submitted his letter of resignation, but he still needed to complete a handover of work. The next few days, he continued working at the company. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got to the company on this day, Liu Wei suddenly sent him a link:【Is this the P2P company that gave you the offer? I think it’s collapsed?】

That person’s eye twitched. He immediately clicked in to check. When he did so, he practically stopped breathing.

These past few years, many P2P companies had collapsed one after the other. It wasn’t that he didn’t know this, but how could this have happened so coincidentally? He had just quit.

Liu Wei:【It really is? Oh shit. It can’t really be like what Leader said, right?】

He forced himself to reply:【So what if they’ve collapsed. The salary wasn’t much anyways. I’m not missing that small amount of money.】

Liu Wei:【Oh right. You’re a demolition household】

Shortly after this conversation, that person’s phone started ringing. He glanced at the number – it was a call from home. For some unknown reason, his heart skipped a beat. While trembling, he answered the call, only to hear his father say, “……A few people on our street who are refusing to relocate have caused a fuss. The demolition is probably going to be delayed for a long time……”

That person: “……Only our street?”

How fast did information get spread on the Internet? That P2P company was also quite famous. As soon as it collapsed, everybody knew. In only an instant, Amazing Future’s programmers had already started discussing this incident. They naturally couldn’t avoid mentioning their coworker who had immediately quit after receiving an offer.

“Fuck, it can’t really be like what Leader said, right? His wrongful luck for wealth affected his true luck for wealth?”

A lot of people felt sorrowful, but many of them shared the same opinion as Liu Wei. They thought that since that coworker was going to be getting compensation for demolition, he wouldn’t need that trivial salary anyways.

Just as they were speaking, they saw the coworker they were discussing put down his phone and run over to Yu Zhengdu’s workstation, expression on the brink of crying. This past period of time, Shang Que kept coming over to Amazing Future for some unknown reason. Right now, he had his laptop too and was working next to Yu Zhengdu. That person pleaded, “Leader, Boss, I was wrong. Can you guys teach me? Teach me how to save my true luck for wealth?”

The other programmers: “……”

Holy shit!

The goose was magical; the goose’s dad was magical too!

The author has something to say:

From Today On I Will Be A European God: It’s Peppa’s two dads today.

Netizens: Two dads?????

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