Volume 3 Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – The Library and Linguistics

The 【Atelier】's workshop area; In the corner where the【Mixing】 and 【Craftsmanship】 equipment is installed, a new item was placed.

"The thing I asked Lyly for before is finally done. Let's arrange them immediately."

What I took out of the inventory was an empty bookshelf made of polished wood and varnished. It was about as high as I am tall, and seeing the glossy woodgrain gave me a sense of security.

I'd asked Lyly, who's a woodworker, if he could try making one, but he easily accepted my request. He said that he's bored as he's been only making staffs and he'll gladly make something else. Apparently he already built a shipyard and was so bored he could barely stand it.

On the woodworker-made bookshelf I continued to line up items that have been neglected up until this moment.

"Various ornaments should be placed up high, in a spot where their sight can be easily enjoyed after all. And then in the middle shelves I should put the books... good, feels good."

I muttered alone in the workshop section and continued to place items as to fill the blanks on the shelves.

Starting from the middle and proceeding down, I have continued to place the books I'd obtained during the summer event, on the upper shelves I placed the accessories I'd also gotten during that event, decorating them.

The accessories were put in cases in order to make them look of more importance as decorations. Most of these ornaments were accessories that were cursed with various disadvantageous effects. Since I intended to use them as references for 【Craftsmanship】's designs, there was no problem even if they couldn't be put into a practical use.

When I placed all of the items I had in plan to decorate the bookshelf with, the result was the third of the shelves being filled.

"Well, it's finished. Even so, there seems to be a problem."

Muttering, I pulled out one of the books I just placed on the shelf and turned a page. After that, I tried skimming the entire book, but in fact, I couldn't read a single word, a single letter. It was the same for all the books on the bookshelf.

"Haa, well, since Cloude has 【Linguistics】 I took it too to read it, but as expected – I can't do it with level 1."

Once again muttering, I opened the menu to check status of my Senses.

Possessed SP20

【Bow Lv28】【Hawk Eyes Lv38】 【Speed Increase Lv22】 【Discovery Lv25】 【Magic Talent Lv42】【Magic Power Lv43】 【Enchant Arts Lv16】 【Dosing Lv22】 【Taming Lv6】 【Linguistics Lv1】

Unequipped: 【Alchemy Lv30】 【Synthesis Lv26】 【Earth Element Talent Lv13】 【Engraving Lv1】 【Swimming Lv13】

【Crafting Knowledge Lv30】【Cooking Lv21】

These are my current Senses. Speaking of what has changed, by using 1SP I obtained 【Linguistics】 and turned 【Craftsmanship】 into the higher sense which is 【Engraving】.

As for the new 【Linguistics】 Sense, there's nothing special about it to speak of, aside from fact that its required in order to read the letters. For the higher Sense which had me consume 2SP in order to change it into 【Engraving】, a lot has changed.

First, 【Engraving】 allows me to provide a limited amount of additional effects into the item I create.

For example, if there's a reinforcement material, it will give an effect associated with it. In addition, 【Engraving】 originally has a capability of include an additional effect granting the item's user additional stats which looks like 【XX Bonus】. With that said, since 【Enchant Arts】 is already providing additional effect, there's still a lot to figure out about it.

Another point is, that it becomes possible to create accessories with a variety of materials. Of course, that means materials other than metals. This is where the 【Engraving】 is written with golden letters. I felt like retorting to myself, but then stopped thinking to deeply about it.

Anyway, unlike before where I could only make accessories from ingots, I have a wide range of freedom when it comes to creating accessories now.

Well, let's put that aside——

"Reading books, that means a library right? If I'm not wrong, there should be one in the North part of the town."

Occasionally I stroll the medieval European-style town made out of bricks and cobblestone to enjoy the unique atmosphere, thanks to that I more or less know the location of various facilities. From among those, my current destination was the library, it should be facing west towards the main street at the intersection. I should be able to get there without getting lost.

"No time like the present, I guess? Let's go there immediately."

When I left the workshop area of 【Atelier】 I moved to the store area; young beasts Ryui and Zakuro looked up from the sunny spot they were napping in.

I spoke to the salesperson who was at the counter, Kyouko-san the NPC to tell her that I'll be going out.

"Kyouko-san, I'll be going to library for a bit."

"I see. But, why so suddenly?"

"To level up 【Linguistics】? I can't properly read the books I have as I am now."

"I understand. Take care, Yun-san."

Lowering her head lightly, Kyouko-san made a soft and charming smile.

And at the same time, Ryui and Zakuro who heard our conversation stood up and moved closer to me. They looked up at me from below, are you going out? Then take us too. That's what it felt like they were saying.

"I don't think it's that interesting a place but... well, let's have a stroll while at it."

If I recall correctly, next to the library there is a space to rest in with a green lawn in it.

It might be good for Ryui and Zakuro to bask in the sun for a bit. I smiled inside of heart and picked Zakuro up with both of my hands.

While supporting the two tails and its butt with one hand, I left the 【Atelier】 with Ryui walking beside me.

The 【Atelier】 was located in the south part of the town and had an exit leading towards the main street which extended north. Above the street there was cloth extending and on the sides were players who brought tables and ran restaurant services. The more elaborate those were, the more people those stalls attracted.

"The number of players who are using the 【Cooking】 Sense sure has increased."

Recently, it has turned into a trend where nearly half of the player stalls sell ingredients or food items.

A while ago, 【Cooking】 Sense was only used for producing items that temporarily increased stats, honestly, its usability wasn't too good. If used by someone unskilful, it would turn into poison before long and the low amount of monster-dropped materials for stat-increasing food, there were many facets making it hard to use. However, along with the introduction of the satiety system in an update right before the summer event, now with everyone conscious of the satiety level which players needed in order to play for a long time, naturally the 【Cooking】 has come into the spotlight.

"Well, it does look like a risky business though..."

Despite there being a high demand, not necessarily all cuisine prepared by players is high level. In particular, there are some stalls that have a mixture of good and bad things. There's a variety of cooking that goes beyond the basics needed for satisfying satiety. And there, was the room for development when it comes to the Cooking Sense.

"Let's grab a bite somewhere and head for the library."

Hearing my words Ryui turned towards me, and started pressing on my back at a specific angle as to make sure it doesn't hit me with its horn, as if saying 'let's hurry and look for something tasty'.

In addition, seeing Zakuro who was nestled in both of my arms look at me with expectant eyes and cheerfully wave its two tails, I smiled wryly.

"Good grief, when it comes to food, your eyes change colour."

I muttered as if I was amazed, knowing that I was the one who made them remember the taste of food I continued to make a bitter smile.

"You can choose what you want judging by smell."

When I said that, Ryui's and Zakuro's line of sight started wandering busily, then, they turned towards one of the stalls.

Just in time, on one of the stalls skewered pork just finished baking so I headed towards it. Noticing me, the person from the stall raised his hand towards me.

Startled by the action, Zakuro suddenly slipped out of my arms and hid behind my hood.

However... well, it hid itself only partially as its two fluffy tails were sticking out, swaying. Both the clerk and I smiled wryly at that.

"Excuse me, please give me ten skewers with pork."

"Yeap. Big Boar skewers, freshly baked too."

"Ah, do you have a dish or something for take out?"

"Dish for take out eh, I see. Got it. Also, two more as a service for showing me something good."

The nice guy at the stall received payment for the skewers, grinned, and sent a strong glance towards Zakuro's tail. Probably noticing that gaze, Zakuro's body stiffened in my hood and his fur ruffled up. He's still not accustomed to contact with humans, I thought.

I spoke for a moment with the man, when I received the skewers and dish the first thing I did was to remove meat from skewers other than my own, dividing them onto dish.

I figured it would be hard for Ryui and Zakuro to eat skilfully if I passed them the skewers, and thus devised an easy way for them to eat. Ryui and Zakuro who slipped out from the hood started to compete over the meat that was put on the dish. Although Zakuro was bothered by people's gazes for a moment, it lost to its own appetite and started eating the meat from the dish.

"As expected of 【Nanny】. I didn't notice that, but you sure do notice these fine details. This time, allow me to offer you those pork skewers which went on the dish as a service."

"So you know that nickname... um, personally, I don't really like that 【Nanny】 name."

When I raised my eyebrows making a troubled expression, he raised his hand saying "sorry" and handed me another skewer as a service. I obediently accepted it.

I tried biting onto the pork, and I could feel a soy-sauce based taste. Its slightly sweet, seasoned taste would probably be popular with millions of people. Because it was a bit greasy, I was satisfied with a single one, how many of these do you think I can eat. On the other hand, my hungry young beasts cleaned up 10 skewers + service but...

"Thank you for the meal. Can you wrap a few of them for me as gifts? If there's another chance I'll come again."

"But 【Nanny】 herself has the Cooking Sense right? There should be no need to eat out on the stalls, is there. Also, I've seen something good too. Small animals are cute after all."

As the man older than me glanced at Zakuro with an incredibly sloppy expression, I smiled wryly for nth time today.

I said a light farewell and moved away from the stall, heading to the library.

Leaving the main street which was more crowded than usual was quite difficult. At that time, something big and far from human has approached me. Something that looked like a grey rock was gradually wading through people.

"...w-what's that."

"Mutsu? What is it? Did something happen?"

The grey mass has moved pushing people aside and appeared in front of my eyes. Startled by its size, me, Zakuro and Ryui stopped in our tracks.

Then, a long nose started sniffing the package with skewers I just bought. I slowly followed the nose in front of me and looked up at the source of the voice, a girl with elf ears with whom I was familiar with has leaned her head out to look down in my direction.

"Oh? Yun-san, hello?"

"Letia? And... a new tamed beast?"

My face was spasming a little as I looked up at the thing with grey skin——it had short tusk growing, limbs thicker than my body, the existence that could freely move its long and distinctive nose was——an elephant.

Letia jumped down using the leg of an existence which could be called enormous elephant as a scaffold. Comparing Letia and the elephant she came down from made my neck feel painful because of its size.

"Yes. The new tamed beast Mutsuki. Nicknamed Mutsu."

"Even so, was there a mob like this out there? You really did well to tame a boss-class mob."

"This child——is one of the children from the event before."


I tilted my neck slightly and the voice I let out was loose, but Letia seemed to be serious. She looked towards me who couldn't keep up with understanding and continued.

"It's a young beast I have made one of my comrades during the event before. A young beast of Ganesha."

"That means... it'll grow even bigger?"

The giant elephant in front of me was still a child, although I was horrified by that fact, Letia lowered her eyebrows somewhat troubled.

"That's right. Because its so big, it's very costly too. For example, summoning and maintaining cost, food, moving around the city and food."

"No, wait. Why did you said 'food' twice."

As I retorted, "is there a problem?" Letia tilted her neck. No, not really... hey, while we were talking Mutsuki the Ganesha's nose has been attracted by the package with skewers. No way, are they targeted?

"By the way, how much does it need to eat?"

"Who knows? Whenever we go through the town it sidetracks to the stalls, other than that, there are players who feed it because it's rare but that won't continue indefinitely. Just now it has eaten everything on the stalls on that side so I'm a bit low on money..."

She put a hand on her cheek and said "what should we do now?" suddenly an atmosphere appeared which seemed like I'll be asked for something, then what should I do. I ended up wanting to retort.

"Well, Mutsu can do a lot of little things so please pass us some food."

"Even if you say food... what I have now is only those skewers and what I have in the inventory..."

Like Ryui and Zakuro, Mutsuki seemed to understand my words and faced towards me with sparkling, extremely expectant look in its eyes. Despite looking like a huge elephant, it was like an innocent lamb and it made it hard for me to refuse.

"Geez, it can't be helped. Here, eat a little."

When I gently unwrapped the skewers smell of sweet sauce has spread. The elephant's nose reacted and skilfully picked up a skewer. Although the meat was still on the skewers, I guess that's fine. When I thought that, the elephant used its nose and mouth to skilfully eat the meat. Although this amount of meat was insufficient for its huge body, but when it opened his eyes wide and opened its mouth enjoying it, I felt somewhat happy about it.

"Hmmhmm. This sauce is quite good. On which stall did you buy it?"

"Hey! Ahh, Letia's eating it too! Also, Ryui and Zakuro are eating again?!"

While my line of sight was stolen, Letia has shrewdly taken one of the skewers and evaluated the taste together with Mutsuki. Although I cried out in protest, my own young beasts started appealing to me that they want some too, so I reluctantly placed a dish down and removed the meat from the skewers.

"What is it. Why are you looking at me with such eyes."

Letia and her partner Mutsuki finished eating first and now were staring in this direction with eyes full of envy. So it wasn't enough, I thought and let out a small sigh.

"Geez. Is something else fine?"

"Sure, as long as it's delicious."

"No, it should be 'as long as it's food' right?"

Why is she sneakily requesting something tasty. But even as I thought that, from the inventory I took out a basket of sandwiches which are one of 【Atelier】's products.

"Thank you very much. Let's dig in."

Letia and Mutsuki swiftly picked the taken out sandwiches one by one and threw them in their mouths. After continuously retorting, I felt quite exhausted, and then when I saw their happy appearances my expression loosened. Then I noticed that I didn't have an opportunity to touch an elephant in real before, and for a change I started getting interested.


Sneakily I tried to stretch a hand to it as it was eating, but Mutsuki was a fast eater, before I could touch its nose it already snatched a sandwich from the basket and I withdrew my hand. Then, I tried to stretch out my hand again to it but I couldn't get the timing right to catch it. Letia laughed finding it funny.

"There's no problem if you want to touch it. Everyone feeds it and touches it because its rare."

"No, um... is it fine?"

I've been found out, although I wanted to deny, I've been silenced by Letia. Because she shook her head vertically, saying that there was no problem with it, I determined myself and tried patting its nose.

Mutsu who was in middle of eating sent me a glance, 'what is it?' and got absorbed in eating again. Although Mutsuki was comfortable in touch, it was more rigid and porous like skin of an elderly person rather than smooth or soft like Ryui's and Zakuro's fur. However, touching it was surprisingly calming.

Ryui and Zakuro who have finished eating the meat have surrounded me, and I alternated between stroking all three.

With each of them being differently pleasant in touch, my heart has completely calmed.

I forgot that we were in the middle of busy traffic, and got absorbed in it.

"Yun-san, your expression has turned completely loose."

"Eh, no way?!"

In a hurry I pressed my hands against my face. Did I really have such a sloppy expression? I wondered. When I stopped patting the young beasts and left my the world of my own into which I escaped, voices of some players surrounding and overlooking us have reached my ears saying a certain word that was bothering me.

Nanny, Nanny, Young Beast's Nanny, Nanny...

"Are you happy? Miss Nanny."


Honestly, this nickname is just embarrassing.

"...haa, it's fine already. I've been held up for too long and the amount of time I have decreased, I'll be going."

"I see. I apologize for holding you up."

"Also, this."


"Aside from Mutsuki there's Haru and Natsu right. It's their share."

I held a different basket towards Letia. The basket she received with both of her hands was stuffed with a decent amount of sandwiches, she understood my intent and bowed her head lightly.

"Thank you for your consideration. Now then, I'll apologize myself."

Letia instructed Mutsuki to raise its leg, and using it as a scaffold, she climbed on top of it swiftly.

Mutsuki and Letia headed towards the east gate with an intention of using that enormous body to send a Big Boar flying and obtain money to buy food. I could easily imagine the Big Boar's figure rolling like a ball after being charged at by Mutsuki's huge body.

"That too, is for the sake for food."

Leaving behind words which were unclear whether they are a joke or not, a single person and a single animal walked away.

Since I was heading to a different destination, I only looked behind over my shoulder... but as the enormous elephant advanced, whether it was players or NPCs, everyone was divided into one of the sides. The sight of the players who were late to escape from its way and were lightly flung aside was quite surreal.

However, it was possibly because the surrounding players were troubling her that she chose to move around the town on Mutsuki. I thought.

Is that how it is? Letia-san. I asked inside of my mind, of course no answer came.

Well, leaving her matter aside, I headed to my own destination – the library.

The library in the north part of the first town was an impressive two-story building made of red brick, instinctively I saved its appearance as screenshots.

When I entered it through the wide-open entrance, I was greeted by chilly air and tranquility specific to libraries. And, when I started walking towards a book which had drawn my attention——

"I'm sorry, but bringing food and drinks as well as living beings is prohibited. Also, there's a 10k registration fee and a monthly cost of 10k for each month of library's usage."

"I understand. Beside the library there's an open square, are animals allowed in there? Also, here's the registration and monthly fee."

"Yes, if it's in the square then there's no problem. You can go there directly from the library, and it's also possible to bring food and drinks in there. However, please refrain from taking the book out. Now then, please take this library pass. We're closing at five o'clock. In case you want to borrow the book, you'll have to make another payment other than the registration and monthly fee which is also 10kG."

"For now, I'll just read it in here only."

"Then, please enjoy yourself."

No way, I didn't think that I'd be immediately stopped by a librarian. Unlike the libraries in modern Japan which are visited by tens of thousands of people, in this library admission was limited. After that, I guided Ryui and Zakuro to the open square next to the library, made them wait there and went back inside the library.

There were many thick books, even after reading the text on the back covers I didn't know what to pick.

First I tried to pick up some bulky books, then some thin ones to see, but I couldn't read them and my 【Linguistics】 level didn't increase.

"...I came to the library and I still can't read any books, huh."

I suddenly started feeling frustrated, but there are people who would teach me if I asked politely. I went back to the librarian who received me a while ago and tried asking.

"Excuse me, what do I have to do to be able to read the letters?"

"To be able to read you need to obtain 【Linguistics】. After that, if you want to start learning, I recommend starting by reading the picture books from the corner on the right."

"Thank you very much. I'll go there immediately."

The corner with the picture books I've been recommended, had very thin books that had conspicuous pastel illustrations in it.

The letters I read for the first time were about the same as Japanese hiragana. It's possible that I won't be able to read the books I have in 【Atelier】 unless I raise my level high.

"Haa〜. Well, let's start with this picture book."

To think I am reading a picture book at this age, that's how it felt but it can't be helped.

The book I took in hand was apparently a story about a fire mage. Born in a very common household, the man became a mage's apprentice and after several twists and turns, he subdued a dragon alone. It was a story about an adventure. It was all written in hiragana, I easily read the short text.

"Well, this is quite normal, or rather standard."

It was a fantasy-themed picture book you could find anywhere. However, in the end of the book was the original book's title, but something like mosaic was applied on it and I couldn't read it even if I strained my eyes. I judged that once again, my 【Linguistics】 level wasn't high enough, the only part of it I could read was the name of the person who became a mage.

What I took in my hand next was a story of a swordsman. I easily read this one as well and then took another book in my hand.

All of them were ordinary stories, after a while I started to notice that the stories were speaking about people who took certain Senses.

The story of a fire mage spoke about him having 【Fire Element Talent】 and 【Magic Talent】.

A swordsman, aside from the 【Sword】 Sense had also 【Armour】 and 【Physical Increase】 Senses. I've seen that build somewhere before, I think that's a typical style players take isn't it?

Then, I searched for a certain picture book.

"...found it."

The book I was looking for, was one about an archer. It's contents wasn't a story about a mage or a swordsman who killed a dragon nor hundred of foes, but one about a hunter searching the forest in order to look for a herb who ultimately faces off against a bear all alone. In the end, he took the herb and went home to heal a sick person which is a happy ending. However, since it was the bow, I hoped for anecdotes like the ones about Robin Hood or Nasu no Yoichi. It was a bit disappointing.

Since that was the case, after that I started looking for picture books about the Senses in my possession. Even if I say that though, it's difficult to tell at a glance which one are those. I was unable to determine which ones are for enhancement-type Senses like 【Speed Increase】 or auxiliary Senses like 【Crafting Knowledge】 so I gave up on finding them.

After reading a number of books, I muttered a thought as if sighing.

"I wish I had a notepad and a pen."

What I thought of doing, was noting down the titles written at the each books' end. I still wasn't able to read it completely, but I could look for these books based on the character's name and the part I was able to read. If I read the original the picture books reference to I will be able to understand the Senses more deeply, I thought. After thinking that made me want to obtain a notepad immediately, I left the picture book and moved away from the corner.

"...geh, there's none after all."

After I read the books and obtained some experience, my 【Linguistics】 level was still low, at level 3. I thought a writing instrument might be given to me if I level up, I couldn't find any and decided to go back to the picture books.

"Did something happen? You have been walking back and forth for a while now..."

"Ah, miss librarian. No, I wanted a notepad and a writing instrument, and started wondering if library sells anything like that..."

"Ohh, I see."

Before I decided to call her myself, the NPC in front of me spoke to me. Really, sometimes it's so real I start to wonder if I should speak with the NPCs, and their human reactions are so fun it can't be helped.

"If it's that, then we have it in reception. I'll take out what's needed."

"Eh, is that so."

"Yes. If you're satisfied with a fountain pen and a notepad, we can sell you those. The library is cooperating with a paper and stationery shop to sell them."

I was told so, and at the reception I was given a paper poster. Even as my fingers bit into it, I still couldn't read most of the characters. Just barely, I was able to read the price. The fountain pen cost 50kG and the notepad cost 10kg, I felt it was quite expensive, I wonder if it's something valuable in this medieval world setting.

Although I wanted to keep money for the crafting guild's founding, I also thought that I should make an initial investment into my comfortable library life.

"Mmmhh... I-I'll buy it."

"In that case, please take these."

"Here, money."

No way, I didn't think I would spend money for something else other than library registration's fee. I felt dizzy paying a price equal to that of a good armour piece. Although recently the 【Atelier】's sales have went up, I still haven't got enough money to use freely.

"Now, please continue to enjoy yourself."

As the librarian NPC gave me a relaxed nod, I also responded with a light nod and went back to the corner with picture books.

That item of low importance, the fountain pen I bought at that time has eventually become one of my favourite tools in OSO the longer I played.

The corresponding Senses mentioned in the corner's picture books and the titles of the source books, I transcribed the originals' titles to the notepad, then started to pick up new picture books.

I was simply writing down simple words in order to find out more about the Senses, but it was more fun than I thought it would be. I began to study Senses other than the ones in my own possession.

Because I continued to concentrate for a long time, I noticed that I was able to read other characters to a certain extent only after I raised my head up by chance.

"Ah, I can read the letters I was unable to read before. Eh, even so it's only on the level of simple kanji, huh."

When my checked my status, I saw that the 【Linguistics】 level has increased to 6.

Although there were lots of picture books left, if I continue to read simple books my level won't raise. I'm almost done with this one, let's go find a new book.

"But, where and what kind of book should I look for?

I still couldn't read part of the poster's letters.

"It can't be helped, let's use the references."

Speaking about the references. Roughly, it's a type of service where the librarian helps out the library's user find necessary materials. Although it's hard to find a book on one's own, as long as I tell what kind of content I'm searching for, I'll be told where I can find it. While I'm at it, let's try learning something on crafting Senses.

"I'm sorry to bother you time and time again, are there any recipe books for 【Mixing】, 【Alchemy】 and 【Synthesis】 I could use for leveling my 【Linguistics】?"

"There are. Five books are matching the description, what would you like?"

"I'll read all five of them."

"I will guide you to the book's location, please follow me."

I walked behind the librarian who acted in a calm manner, we left the first floor with bookshelves and arrived in a certain corner.

"This is where you can find a number of books about crafting. And the books you've specified are this one, this, and..."

She has took out the books from the shelf and put them on top of my hands. The books were quite thick, but about half of each book was filled with illustrations.

"We're closing soon, can you read them all before that?"

"Ahh, I wonder? I'll read as much as I can before that, and borrow the remaining ones?"

"If that's the case, then you have to pay 30kG of security fees to borrow them. The deadline is two weeks, if you exceed it, the items will be transferred back to the library automatically."

What's with that super-overtechnology. If that's the case then you don't need the security costs do you. I thought, but the librarian said "that's the rule" with a smile on her face... I'll ask her to lend them when going back.

I held the five books and went to sit down at a nearby table. I opened the notebook and continued to write down the important information.

And, right before closing time came.

What I was able to finish reading, were two books. Although it took me til just being closing, the content of two books had written out the basic methods of usage of 【Mixing】 and 【Alchemy】. It was almost perfectly what I verified earlier. But there were new discoveries too.

If a monster-based material with a negative effect is used, the negative effect can be nullified using corresponding materials. However, the stat-rising effect will lower.

The example of a recipe like that was one that which Rock Crab meat's bad status as a negative effect.

The Medicine Stones crafted with usage of 【Alchemy】 from the gallstones which drop from Herbivores.

And the negative effect countering antidote grass, pills made out of those three components turns into stat-rising type of item.

It seems like something I should try making. Whether it does overlap with 【Enchant】 Sense's buff or not. Also, since the effect is lowered after it's neutralized with corresponding materials, I need to find a way to enhance the effect by that amount.

"Which way would be faster?"

Would raising my 【Linguistics】level and locating the information in the book be faster, or maybe go with the trial-and-error method trying to make the enhancement pills——Boost Tablets and arrange a recipe like that.

For a while, wrinkles appeared between my eyebrows, then I suddenly laughed.

"It's not like I have to pick only one of those options. I'll just examine the book and try preparing it."

By the time I left the library the town build of stone was already dyed red with sunset, I went to pick up Ryui and Zakuro who were waiting on the square next to library.

"Ryui, Zakuro... sorry, I made you wait."

When I came to pick them up, the two animals sleeping on the lawn raised their heads. Ryui, the white horse was dyed in madder colour, Zakuro's black hair let out an unique sheen in response to the sunset's light.

"Now, let's go home for today. If there's a need, let's come back to this place sometime."

When I embraced Zakuro and was about to go back side-by-side with Ryui, I looked back for a moment at the library, it was lit up by the setting sun.

In response to the sunlight falling on the window I felt a slight discomfort as I saw a red reflection, I thought it was probably my imagination and went back to 【Atelier】.

It’s been a few days since I borrowed the book from the library. Basically, since I didn't go out of town and fight, I devoted my free time into reading the books. As I stocked on information, I continued to work on improving the items.

"Hmm. This goes here. No, that's no good. It won't go well no matter what."

What I was doing at the moment was improving the stat-rising item prepared from monster's meat, Boost Tablets.

At first, I made the item according to recipe but——

Boost Tablet (Rock Crab) 【Consumable】

DEF+1/10 Minutes

A pill created by using Rock Crab as material

That's what came out from the default recipe, in attempts to increase the effect I tried mincing the meat, boiling it, drying it, marinating it in antidote. Although I tried many things, there was no effect. All that happened, is that my 【Cooking】 Sense's level increased by 1 as I was tampering with a ingredient item.

"Haa, not good. Although I tried to create a highly-effective item at low cost, it's hard to make something like that alone. A material that doesn't cause a bad status effect is high but because of the drop rate it would be costly... can't be helped, let's leave it at that and read some books."

Speaking of that, what I was currently reading was the last book of the ones I borrowed the other day.

The two books I read first, 【Synthesis】 and 【Alchemy】 Senses' simple ways of usage. It was a simple list of item recipes.

However, there were things that my 【Synthesis】 crafting kit didn't support as it only could synthesize three items. Aside from the items created by synthesizing four materials that were listed in the book, there were things like stone arrows I made before. There were recipes what can be created by combining multiple items in there. However, I didn't think of improving the crafting tools before.

And what I was reading currently, was a book titled 【Make a Chimera】.

It was written in a fantasy world-like language, instead of MP it said 'magic power' and mobs were represented by 'demon' and the like which made it difficult to understand, I noted down the important parts written in there.

And what I learned as a result——

The 【Synthesis】 Sense could combine certain items to create mobs.

It was different from mobs befriended by using 【Taming】 Sense, there was nothing like leveling up for those and the mob's strength was determined by the synthetic combination.

Well, the requirement of the recipe is to 【Have a crafting kit capable of synthesizing five items】, it's two stages above the current crafting kit I have.

The crafting kit supporting four items cost 100kG, one supporting five items cost five times that, 500kG. If that's the case, I'd rather acquire 【Mixing】 and 【Craftsmanship】 tools.

"So, I've thought it over. However, it's impossible in the current situation."

It wasn't that the materials were a problem, but the investment cost was too high. Since this synthetically-created mob couldn't be made via multiple usage of synthesis, it was put on hold.

The last thing... what I felt faintly, was that the chimera's intelligence increasing depending on the used material... in other words, the mob's performance was unchanged and the AI could be improved.

It was something like difficulty levels on the computer fighting games, I wonder. At first they're weak, and gradually become stronger. Of course, their abilities don't change and the strength depends on how well the body is handled.

I finished reading the book and spat out a long breath. I glanced at the books on the shelf, while only the titles were barely readable, the contents of the books were still unknown. Level 9 of 【Linguistics】 felt like there's still a long way to go.

"Maybe I should try finding a new book for a change of mood..."

I headed to the library. This time around I left Ryui and Zakuro in 【Atelier】 to watch over it and entered the library alone.

I returned the books I lent out last time at the reception and again aimed for the corner with books about crafting.

Although I knew the approximate location, it took me a moment to search for it. It was a dim place far away from the small window on the bookshelf furthers in the back. I took the book in my hand and headed towards the nearby window in order to read it.

In order to level up I picked up various books, but basically most of them were related to Senses I have. However, if I limit it only to the ones about my own Senses, there surely will be a limited amount of books to read so I read books anyone could have interest in.

After reading several books, the one I took in my hand this time was a book titled 【Pre-cooking technique of special ingredients to draw out the poison】.

What was written in there was a way to handle a poisoned item.

Locations and characteristics of venom glands, ways to judge parts that caused abnormal status by colour. Also, it seemed possible to remove venom glands and eat it.

Suddenly, something connected inside of my head.

The features of the venom glands were similar to that of Rock Crab's meat.

To be precise, when split vertically there was something which seemed like purple blood vessels, I saw that when I was grinding and drying the meat.

If I were to cut it, the poison glands would be damaged and meat would be contaminated. It could also be contaminated by temperature change. In the book it was written how to usually get rid of poison.

"This... can I use it?"

I closed my eyes and reassembled the image.

Make a vertical cut on the Rock Crab's meat, carefully remove the poison glands on the sides as not to damage them. After that, all that's left is to wash the meat clean and craft the Boost Tablets.

There were other books I haven't read yet, but I wanted to try out this piece of information. Feeling like that, I stood up.

I quickly cleaned up the books and borrowed the book about poisons, then hurried back to 【Atelier】.

Ryui who was lying down in a sunny location inside of the store raised its head for a moment and tilted it curiously as I passed by, I entered 【Atelier】's workshop.

I took out the book from my inventory, while reading on poison I took out material and knife.

I vertically inserted cutting edge of the knife made for me me by Magi-san into the meat, opening up the body. This work was much more delicate than cutting chicken's white meat and I ended up damaging it. However, since the venom glands remained, I decided to remove them as practice and continued.

The result was that I eventually damaged three venom glands in the piece of meat. Second time was similar to the first one. The third time went a little better but I let my guard down in the end and damaged the gland.

After that it continued endlessly, I wasted a lot of meat because of poison contamination but somehow managed to remove the venom glands in the end.

Later, I accustomed myself to it after a number of times. In the end, I was accustomed to it enough to have one out of three attempts succeed. I was able to secure some material. Just when I thought that——

『”The 【Cooking】 Sense is level 10 or higher, the number of successful attempts of removing poison from material has exceeded ten times.”』

It was a message I saw before already. I quietly checked on the new skill.

"Looks like it's 《Poison Removal》. A skill that removes poison from ingredients. Whether it succeeds or not depends on the player's level and DEX. Disabled and unusable during combat. Well, it's a crafting auxiliary skill."

At any rate, since I have gotten the 《Poison Removal》 skill, I tried it out on the Rock Crab's meat but...

"Only one out of five succeeded, so doing it manually gives a much higher success rate eh."

That's the result with a low-rank material. I silently decided to manually remove poison. By the way, the material that fails to have poison removed changed into the mysterious damage-inducing item 【Poison】 that I've seen appear when 【Synthesis】 or 【Alchemy】 failed before. Before, it was a liquid, this time it's a strangely-poisonous looking piece of meat tinted with purple. I wonder what's the difference.

I used the 【Dosing】's skill on the Rock Crab's meat from which poison was removed and dried it, then crushed it into a fine powder. Then I took out the Medicine Stone that was already crushed to powder and mixed it carefully making sure to balance them.

"Finally, add water little by little and to bring them together. There."

I poured a little of distilled water on it and quickly mixed, it became a mass. Since it has become a watery paste because the amount of water was too much, it has ended in failure. It didn't settle well if the amount of water was too small either, but it wasn't a big enough problem to mind it.

I shredded the mass I have made in the end into small pieces and shaped them using my palm.

"Last thing to do, casing, I guess."

Although I was able to make the pills after drying them, for the pills taken into the mouth the taste was honestly too awful.

From this point onward it didn't affect the amount of recovery, I coated the still-damp pills in flour to smoothen their texture. Since Medicine Stones and Gallstones themselves felt a bit oily, it adhered to it firmly. And there, I decided to add colouring.

To show the effect in the same way as with Enchant Stones, after they dried I coloured the Boost Tablets made from Rock Crab which increased defence power were dyed with blue which was the colour of DEF's enchant.

What has come out in the end, were vivid-blue coloured pills.

Boost Tablet (Rock Crab) 【Consumable】

DEF+4/10 Minutes

A pill created by using Rock Crab as material

"I made it without using the Antidote Grass..."

Although at first I was sceptical whether I really removed the poison, but when it has succeeded, I relaxed my shoulders.

The material's price to effect ratio was good enough. All that's left is to sell it in store for a price that wouldn't disrupt the Boost Tablets market.

"Kyouko-san, are you here?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Will you do some market research? I want to determine the optimal selling price of Boost Tablets with an effect like this."

"Another new product, isn't it. I understand. Next time I go to town to buy materials I'll take a look."

"Also, could you gather a small amount of monster meat of each kind? As samples."

"Understood. Then, I'll go back to the counter."

As Kyouko-san left the workshop, Ryui and Zakuro entered instead.

"Oh, sorry. I still haven't cleaned up. Hey, Zakuro don't come over here."

As it scurried with its small feet towards the workbench a kitchen knife was on, I picked Zakuro up.

Ryui's gaze was aimed at the end of the workbench where the damaged Rock Crab's meat contaminated with venom glands was.

"Come on, let's go back to the store."

I prompted Ryui and stroked its back, but instead it has taken a step forward.


When I looked there, Ryui has created a water ball and plunged it inside of the container with contaminated Rock Crab's meat, and loudly washed it. From my point of view, it was a surprising sight as if looking inside of the washing machine.

And then, Ryui ate the washed Rock Crab's meat! Heyyy!?

"Hey! That's for disposal! And it's raw too! Spit it out! Come on!"

Although I tried persuading it in a hurry, Ryui munched on it and carefully chewed before swallowing.

"...nothing's happening? The poison wasn't applied has it."

Ryui shuddered to my words, affirming it. Next, I took out a piece of meat out of the water ball and put it in my mouth.

Since it's a crab it probably can be eaten raw. The taste was... so-so, I guess? I thought it would be good to add into miso soup or something. Not wait, not that——

"There's no poison? Why."

Why, although I said that, the answer was obvious. It's probably because of Ryui's ability.

Previously, when I had 【Curse】 applied on me, Ryui healed me with the water ball. It seemed like its effective on the 【Poison】 status.

"Hahaha, what the heck. And here I desperately tried to learn how to remove poison, like an idiot."

The mountain of meat I planned to dispose of has been purified by Ryui's water ball and could be reused. Since Zakuro started to eat it, the amount of Rock Crab meat decreased a little, but I could recover the rest.

Since I had a bit of time, I made a dish using large quantity of Rock Crab meat.

Cooked rice with crab's scallop and crab miso soup, as well as crab salad has turned into a crab menu. Somehow, my acquaintances and regular customers have sniffed it out and ate a cup of rice and miso soup each before night has enveloped the 【Atelier】.

46 thoughts on “Chapter 2 – The Library and Linguistics”

  1. Rereading while waiting for the next chapter (V4c5 as of this writing). What, no Aki or Fuyu? Did Letia skip a few? I kind of want to know what kind of mob gets named Kisaragi, for... . Other possible naming series could be derived from the Zodiacs (East or West).

  2. Bareus

    "Various ornaments should be placed in high, in a spot where their sight can be easily enjoyed after all.

    -> "Various ornaments should be placed up high, in a spot where their sight can be easily enjoyed after all.

    In addition, 【Engraving】 originally has a capability of include an additional effect granting the item user additional stats which looks like 【XX Bonus】.

    -> In addition, 【Engraving】 originally has a[/the] capability to include an additional effect granting the item's user additional stats which looks like 【XX Bonus】.

    OR In addition, 【Engraving】 originally has a[/the] capability to include an additional effect granting the item's user additional stats which looks like 【XX Bonus】.

    Another point is, that becomes possible to create accessories with a variety of materials.

    -> Another point is, that it becomes possible to create accessories with a variety of materials.

    ..., thanks to that I more or less know locations of various facilities.

    -> ..., thanks to that I more or less know the location of various facilities.

    If I recall correctly, next to the library there is a space to rest in with a green lawn in it.

    -> If I recall correctly, next to the library there is a space to rest in with a green lawn in it.

    As if to support the two tails and his butt with one hand, I left the 【Atelier】 with Ryui walking beside me.

    -> While supporting the two tails and his butt with one hand, I left the 【Atelier】 with Ryui walking beside me.

    (grammatically your version is correct, but because of the "as if" it sounded like, Yun is just pretending to hold Zakuro or something like that o.o...)

    Above the street there was cloth extending and on the sides there were players who brought tables and ran restaurant services.

    -> Above the street there was cloth extending and on the sides there were players who brought tables and ran restaurant services.

    ..., it's usability wasn't too good.

    -> ..., its usability wasn't too good.

    This a little bit sweet, seasoned taste would probably be popular with millions of people.

    -> maybe replacing "a little bit" with "slightly"?

    Can you wrap a few of them for me as souvenirs?

    -> ok I'm curious, is this really correct? I mean, c'mon, food as souvenirs? Or is it some weird quirk of the english language I don't know?

    Then, a long nose started sniffing package with skewers I just bought.

    -> Then a long nose started sniffing the package with skewers I just bought.

    This is sauce is quite good.

    -> This is sauce is quite good.

    Because she shook her head vertically, saying that there was no problem with it, I determined myself and tried patting its nose.

    -> maybe replacing "shook her head vertically" with "nodded her head" ?

    Ryui and Zakuro who have finished eating the meat have surrounded me, and I alternating between stroking all three.

    -> Ryui and Zakuro who have finished eating the meat have surrounded me, and I alternated between stroking all three.

    After that, I guided Ryui and Zakuro to the open square next to library, made them wait there and went back inside the library.

    -> After that, I guided Ryui and Zakuro to the open square next to the library, made them wait there and went back inside the library.

    After that, if you want to start learning, I recommend starting by reading the picture books from the corner on that corner on the right."

    -> After that, if you want to start learning, I recommend starting by reading the picture books from the[/that] corner on that corner on the right."

    It was all written in hiragana, I easily read the entire, short text.

    -> remove the last comma

    However, in the end of the book there was the original book's title, ...

    -> However, in the end of the book there was the original book's title, ...

    ..., but one about a searched the forest in order to look for a herb, ...

    -> ..., but one about a search in the forest in order to look for a herb, ...

    ..., I noticed that I was able to read other characters to a certain extent was only after I raised my head up by chance.

    -> ..., I noticed that I was able to read other characters to a certain extent was only after I raised my head up by chance.

    There's five books matching the description, what would you like?"

    -> There are five books matching the description, what would you like?"

    However, the stat-rising effect will lower.

    -> However, the stat-rising effect will be lower.

    (I think "will be lower" is more fitting here than "will lower", since a crafted item won't lower its effect, but it will be lower from the start)

    The example of a recipe like that was one that used Rock Crab meat's bad status as a negative effect.

    -> The example of a recipe like that was one which used Rock Crab meat's bad status as a negative effect.

    (also optional, but "that was one which" is nicer to read than "that was one that"... at least for me)

    Also, since the effect is lowered after its neutralized with corresponding materials, I need to find away to enhance the effect by that amount.

    -> Also, since the effect is lowered after it's neutralized with corresponding materials, I need to find a way to enhance the effect by that amount.

    Ryui, the white horse was dyed in madder colour, Zakuro's black hair let out an unique sheen in response to sunset's light.

    -> Ryui, the white horse was dyed in madder colour, Zakuro's black hair let out an unique sheen in response to the sunset's light.

    (do you mean with "madder" as "crazy" or do you mean the colours madder red/brown?)

    ..., I thought its probably my imagination and went back to 【Atelier】.

    -> ..., I thought it was probably my imagination and went back to 【Atelier】.

    ..., let's leave at this and read some books.

    -> ..., let's leave it at this and read some books.

    Speaking of that, what I was currently reading was last of the books I borrowed the other day.

    -> Speaking of that, what I was currently reading was the last [one] of the books I borrowed the other day.

    However, it's impossible in current situation."

    -> However, it's impossible in the current situation."

    The last thing... what I felt faintly, was that the chimera's intelligence increasing depending on the used material... in other words, the mob's performance was unchanged, and the AI could be improved.

    -> The last thing... what I felt faintly, was that the chimera's intelligence can be increased depending on the used material... in other words, the mob's performance was unchanged, but the AI could be improved.

    I quickly cleaned up the books and borrowed the book about poisons, then hurried back to 【Atelier】.

    -> shouldn't it be something like "poison removal" instead just "poison"?

    Ryui who was lying down in a sunny location inside of the store raised its head for a moment and tilted it curiously as I passed by, I entered the 【Atelier】's workshop.

    -> Ryui who was lying down in a sunny location inside of the store raised its head for a moment and tilted it curiously as I passed by, I entered the【Atelier】's workshop.

    I vertically inserted cutting edge of the knife made me by Magi-san into the meat, opening up the body.

    -> I vertically inserted the cutting edge of the knife, made for me by Magi-san, into the meat, opening up the body.

    "Last thing to do, casing? I guess."

    -> "Last thing to do is casing? I guess."

    OR "Last thing to do is casing, I guess.[/?]"

    From this point onward, it didn't affect the amount of recovery, I coated the still-damp pills in flour to smoothen their texture.

    -> From this point onward, since it didn't affect the amount of recovery, I coated the still-damp pills in flour to smoothen their texture.

    ..., after they dried I coloured the Boost Tablets made from Rock Crab which increased defence power were coloured with blue which was the colour of DEF's enchant.

    -> ..., after they dried I coloured the Boost Tablets made from Rock Crab which increased defence power were coloured with blue which was the colour of DEF's enchant.

    Although I was sceptical whether I really removed poison, but when it has succeeded strength left my shoulders.

    -> Although I was sceptical whether I really removed the poison, but when it has succeeded strength left my shoulders.

    OR At first I was sceptical whether I really removed the poison, but when it has succeeded strength left my shoulders.

    The materials price to the effect was good enough.

    -> maybe replacing "to" with "for" ?

    It seemed like its effective on the 【Poison】 status.

    -> It seemed like it's [also] effective on the 【Poison】 status.

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