Volume 1 Chapter 72 part12

Hey guys, guess who’s in Penang:)

The Capital City of the Kingdom Part 12

Translators: Frostfire10, Skythewood

The door to the drawing room slowly opened. Its hinges were regularly oiled and it should have swung open smoothly, but for some reason, the motion of the doors seemed unusually sluggish and ponderous, as though the door was fighting a pressure differential between the air on the inside and the outside of the room. It was as though their speed was matching the way Sebas felt..

If the door had truly read his heart, then Sebas would have much rather it had not opened at all. However, it did open, revealing the unchanged interior of the drawing room to Sebas' eyes.

However, unlike most times, there were three powerful existences inside the room.

One was a light blue warrior. One was a demon. And finally—

"Please forgive my lateness. I am deeply sorry to keep you waiting."

At the entrance, Sebas bowed deeply, almost to the point of reverence, to the existence sitting behind the desk. In the high ranking position as the Land Steward of Nazarick, there was only one person who could be said to be above him.

The person sitting there, was of course Sebas' master.

He was one of the absolute 41 Supreme Beings.

—Ainz Ooal Gown.

This almighty fighting force was also the ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Dim red pinpoints of light played lazily within the hollow orbits of his eye sockets. Even from his bowed position, Sebas could sense those lights sizing him up from head to toe.

The movements of the air told him that Ainz had waved expansively, in a leisurely manner.

"…It is fine. Think nothing of it, Sebas. The fault lies with me, being that I did not communicate my arrival in a timely manner. But let us dispense with these pleasantries. How can you speak from over there with your head bowed? I bid you enter."


Sebas's head was still lowered as he responded to the solemn voice. He looked up, and then slowly stepped forward.

A trail of frost ran down his spine.

That was because his keen senses told him of carefully concealed hostility and killing intent.

He slowly shifted his gaze.

Cocytus and Demiurge were not holding any weapons, and were not paying attention to Sebas. However, that was from a normal person's point of view.

Sebas was abundantly aware of it.

Firstly, Cocytus maintained a distance such that when he drew his weapons, he could blow away Sebas in a heartbeat. He was also matching Sebas' every movement.

In addition, Demiurge was standing next to Ainz, and held the perfect distance to become Ainz's shield in case of emergency. Both of them held the greatest caution towards Sebas.

Their vigilance was not the reaction one would have to an ally.

Sebas could understand why they felt that way. He felt a weighty pressure upon him and he was afraid that everyone would hear the thunderous beating of his heart.

"I think you should stop there."

Demiurge's relaxed voice rang through the air and halted Sebas in his tracks.

Sebas was some distance away from his master. It did not make speaking difficult. However, under normal circumstances, Ainz would consider Sebas to be too far away and ask him to approach. This time, Ainz had not said so. This sense of separation crushed Sebas until he could no longer breathe.

Incidentally, Solution had entered the room with Sebas, but she was standing by the door, awaiting orders.

"Then—" Ainz snapped his bony fingers, though how he had done so was not apparent. "A question for you, Sebas. Need I explain why I am here?"

Sebas felt a jolt down his spine.

While feeling the sweat wet his back, he looked down slightly and solemnly opened his mouth.

"…No, there is no need for that."

"Then, I have a question which I would like you to answer in your own words, Sebas. While I did not receive a report from you concerning this matter, is it true that you picked up an adorable little pet recently?"


"Then, could you explain why you did not report the matter to me?"


Sebas' shoulders shuddered and he stared at the ground. What could he say to avoid the situation developing in the worst possible way? His head was full of such thoughts.

Ainz leaned back into his throne as he watched the silent Sebas. The creaking of the chair as he did so sounded exceptionally loud in the confines of the room.

"What's the matter, Sebas? You seem to be sweating heavily. Shall I lend you a handkerchief?"

With a grand flourish, Ainz produced a pure white handkerchief from nowhere. He grasped it between his index and middle fingers and tossed it towards Sebas. The handkerchief unfolded and spread in mid-air, landing gently upon the ground.

Ainz pointed at it.

"You are permitted to use it."


Sebas took a step towards Ainz and picked up the handkerchief. Then, he froze.

"…That handkerchief is not stained with your pet's blood. I simply felt that it was unsightly to have you covered in sweat."

"Yes… Please forgive my shameful display, Ainz-sama."

Sebas spread the handkerchief and wiped at the cold sweat which beaded his brow.

"Now, let me ask. Why did you not submit a report on that matter? …I wish to ask why you disregarded an order from me. Is the word of Ainz Ooal Gown not enough to bind your actions?"

Those words shook the air in the room.

Sebas hurriedly answered.

"Certainly not! I simply believed that there was no need to trouble you with a report concerning such a small matter, Ainz-sama."


Silence filled the air. Sebas was bathed in murderous intent from three sources.They came from Cocytus, Demiurge and Solution. All three of them would immediately fall on Sebas if their master so ordered.

Sebas did not fear death. It would be his utmost joy to die for Nazarick. Yet, the thought of being executed as a traitor terrified even the stoic Sebas.

That was because there was no greater shame for those created by the 41 Supreme Beings than to be counted as a turncoat and subsequently eliminated.

After some time, and after much sweat had beaded on Sebas' forehead, Ainz spoke.

"…In other words, all this was an exercise of your foolish judgement… Is that correct?"

"Yes. It is as you say, Ainz-sama. Please forgive my foolish mistake!"

"…Hm. I see… I believe I understand now."

As Sebas lowered his head in apology, Ainz's emotionless voice filtered into his ears. The fact that Ainz had not ordered a summary execution slightly eased the tension in the room.

If there were levels to hostility, it seemed to have gone down several levels.

However, Sebas could not relax. Before he could do so, Ainz said something that made Sebas' heart lurch within his chest.

"Solution. Fetch Sebas' pet."


The door quietly closed behind Solution as she moved to carry out her orders. Sebas' keen senses informed him that Solution was heading away from the door.

There was an audible gurgle as Sebas gulped.

Here were the three people, Ainz, Cocytus and Demiurge. There were anthropomorphic beings. They did not even bother casting an illusion to hide themselves. Basically, they wanted to show Tsuare their true forms.

Did they not mind being seen, or would they do something when seen?

Soon, Sebas sensed two people approaching. They were approaching this room from the distance.

—What should I do?

Sebas' eyes shifted and he focused on the air.

Once she arrived here, Sebas would have to make a choice. And there could only be one answer he could give. Sebas' gaze moved to Demiurge, who was observing him. Then to Ainz.

And then, he looked powerlessly at the ground.

There was knocking, and then the door opened. As expected., there were two women there.

They were Solution and Tsuare.

"I have brought her."

Sebas had his back to Tsuare, but he could hear her gasp from the entrance. Was she shocked to see Demiurge, a demon in the flesh? Was she shaken by seeing Cocytus, the gigantic blue insectoid? Was she terrified by Ainz, the avatar of Death itself? Or was it all of the above?

The Guardians' displeasure intensified as Tsuare made her appearance. That was because to some extent, Tsuare was the physical incarnation of Sebas' sins. It would seem she was trembling from the hostility directed at her.

The hostility of the Guardians, who were easily the most powerful beings in this world, could instil a primal terror in the hearts of the weak. It was surprising that Tsuare had not broken down in tears by now.

Sebas did not look back, but he could clearly feel Tsuare's gaze boring into him from behind. Her reservoirs of courage were derived from Sebas himself.

"Demiurge, Cocytus. Stop."

As Ainz's quiet voice echoed through the room, there was a change in the room's mood. No, it would be better to say that the hostility direct at Tsuare had vanished. After reprimanding the two Guardians, Ainz slowly extended his left hand to Tsuare. Then he turned his palm to the ceiling, and beckoned her over.

"Enter, oh pet human that Sebas has picked up —Tsuare."

As though controlled by those words, Tsuare took step after step forward on trembling legs.

"That you did not choose to flee shows courage. Or did Solution tell you something? Did she say that Sebas' fate lay within your hands?"

Tsuare was shuddering all over and did not answer. Sebas felt the gaze directed at his back grow stronger. Said gaze made Tsuare's will abundantly clear, more than any number of words could explain.

After entering the room, Tsuare walked up to Sebas' side with no hesitation whatsoever. Cocytus shifted position to stand behind Tsuare, awaiting orders.

Tsuare grabbed the corner of Sebas' coat. Sebas suddenly recalled how she had clung to his clothing in that alley. At the same time, he was filled with regret. If he had handled things better, the situation would not have come to this.

Demiurge glared coldly at Tsuare—


—And the sound of snapping fingers rang forth. Demiurge understood the meaning behind his master's gesture, and said no more.

"—It is fine. Pay it no heed, Demiurge. As praise for the courage to face me without fleeing, I will forgive the rudeness she has shown to myself, the ruler of Nazarick."

"My sincerest apologies."

Ainz nodded magnanimously at Demiurge's apology.

"Ah, yes." Ainz leaned back into the chair, making it creak. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the master of Sebas over there."


Ainz Ooal Gown, one of the 41 Supreme Beings who ruled Sebas.

Being addressed by the master to whom he owed absolute loyalty was his greatest delight.

Yet, for some reason, Sebas' joy was less than he had imagined. It merely made his spine tingle.

As Sebas was pondering this matter, both sides were still conversing.

"Ah… I, I am…"

"It is fine, Tsuare. I know a little about you, and I have no interest in learning more. Stand there and remain silent. Soon you will know why you have been summoned."

"Ah… yes."

"Now then…" The points of red light in Ainz's eye sockets shifted. "…Sebas, I have a question for you. I told you not to attract attention with your actions, did I not?"


"And despite my clear instructions to you, you got yourself into trouble because of this meaningless little woman—am I wrong?"

"No, you are not."

The word "meaningless" made Tsuare shudder, but Sebas only answered the question and made no other response.

"At that time… did you not think you were ignoring the orders I had given?"

"Yes. My thoughtlessness has displeased you, Ainz-sama. I shall reflect upon my sins, be more careful in the future, and I shall not make the same mistake ag—"

"—It is fine."


"I said, it is fine." Ainz shifted, and the chair creaked once more. "People are not perfect, and mistakes are to be expected. Sebas. I shall forgive this trifling mistake of yours."

"—Thank you, Ainz-sama."

"However, mistakes must be rectified—by death."

The air in the room suddenly grew tense, and the temperature felt as though it had fallen by several degrees. No, that was not it. Only Sebas felt that way. The two other Guardians, Solution, and Ainz were still calm.

Sebas gulped. What did his master mean by "death"? No, that went without saying.

The thoughts "As I expected" and "I hope not" weighed heavily on Sebas, but still, he asked:

"…What… do you mean…"

"Hm… what I mean is that I expect you to eliminate the source of your mistake in order to wipe the slate clean. How can you be the representative of everyone else when you leave the origin of your error untouched? You are the Land Steward of Nazarick, and one who stands at the head of the manservants. If you do not handle the matter appropriately…"

Sebas exhaled. Then he took in another breath.

Even when faced with a mighty foe, Sebas' breathing remained calm and regular. Yet, it was now frantic, like a small animal that had run into a predator.

"Sebas. Are you a loyal hound who obeys the orders of my exalted self—of the 41 Supreme Beings? Or are you a man who believes that your will alone is righteous?"


"—I do not need your answer. Show me your conclusion."

Sebas closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

He hesitated for only a moment. No, it would be better to say that he had spent an entire moment hesitating. It was enough time for Cocytus, Demiurge and Solution to show hostility. After that long, interminable moment, Sebas finally made his decision.

Sebas was the Land Steward of Nazarick.

He was nothing else beyond that.

His foolish hesitation had brought about these consequences. If he had pleaded with his master earlier, the outcome might have been different.

All this was his fault.

A hard lustre filled Sebas' eyes. They gleamed like polished steel. Then, he turned to Tsuare. The hand clinging to him let go. Tsuare looked at Sebas' face. She had probably guessed his decision by now.

She smiled, and closed her eyes.

That was not a look of despair, or fear. She had accepted what would happen next, had accepted her impending fate with all the grace of a martyr.

Sebas' movements did not waver. His heart had long since descended into the abyss. In his place stood a steely servant who had pledged his utmost fealty to Nazarick.

That being the case, there was no reason not to obey the absolute order handed down by his master.

Sebas' hand formed into a fist, and then he struck at Tsuare's head, seeking to grant her the mercy of an instant death.

And then—

—Something hard intercepted his fist.

"—What are you doing?"



Sebas' unhappy voice was directed at the one who stopped his fist, Cocytus. Cocytus had reached out a hand from behind Tsuare and stopped Sebas' fist.

Was Cocytus a traitor, given that he had blocked a strike which the Supreme One had ordered?

And then, the doubts in Sebas' heart were immediately answered.

"Stand down, Sebas."

Sebas was anxious and doubtful, but he was still halfway through another punch when he heard Ainz's order. The strength he had channelled into his hand dissipated in an instant. His master had not censured Cocytus, but had instead told Sebas to stop. That indicated that he had also arranged for Cocytus' interdiction of Sebas' strike.

Indeed, all this had had been planned ahead of time. The fact was that his master wished to verify Sebas' intentions.

Now that her life was no longer in danger, her wound-up emotions snapped inside her. Tsuare's body convulsed with shudders as the tears streamed from her eyes. She very nearly collapsed from the shaking of her legs, but Sebas did not reach out to support her

What else could he do, now that things had come to this?

Ainz paid no heed to Tsuare's fear and began addressing Cocytus.

"Cocytus. Was that blow intended to take that woman's life?"

"There is no doubt that it would have been instantly fatal."

"Then I declare that Sebas' loyalty is no longer in question. Thank you, Sebas."


Sebas bowed, his face stiff.



"Any objections?"

"I have none."



"Very well. Then, let us move on to the next item."

Ainz snapped his fingers and rose to his feet. He swept his hand grandly through the air, causing his cape to flutter.

"Thanks to the efforts of Sebas and the others, I feel we have gathered sufficient information. There is no reason to linger in this place. We shall vacate this property immediately and return to Nazarick. Sebas, I will leave the disposal of this woman to you. Since I have already verified your loyalty, I will not object to whatever you wish to do—or at least, I would like to say that, but some considerations must be made before releasing her. Allowing her to go free and speak of Nazarick would be troublesome, do you not agree, Demiurge?"

"It is as you say."

"Then, what should we do?"

"…Should we not make sure of things first?."

"Indeed… Sebas, we will decide Tsuare's fate later. I would prefer not to kill her, but I cannot guarantee that."

While saying that, Ainz tilted his head in perplexity. It was an attitude that said that he did not know how to handle Tsuare.

Sebas could not hide his surprise at the fact that the highest authority in Nazarick, Ainz, could not immediately make a decision.

"Ainz-sama. Are we retreating from this house, from the Royal Capital, because of my mistake?

"…Perhaps. Perhaps not. Like I said just now, I feel we have learned everything we can from this area. There would be no gain in continuing to stay here. This is a safer course of action, according to my calculations."

Sebas audibly gulped. This action was absurd, but even if he were to pull out, he had to do one thing.

"I have an absurd request but—"

Ainz raised his hand, and cut off Sebas' words.

"—I cannot hear it. Even if I hear it I cannot answer immediately. The time has exceeded its limits. I am worried about Aura and Shalltear who have been left alone in Nazarick, should they act on their own. Firstly, I shall return to Nazarick and then listen to a detailed explanation. You request will be after that."


"<Greater Teleportation>."

Ainz almost immediately activated magic and disappeared. He had probably returned to Nazarick using teleportation magic. Demiurge had seen him off, and turned to Solution.

"Bring that human to a different room."

"Yes, Demiurge-sama."

"No, I shall bring her. There is no problem. Right, Demiurge?"

"…Indeed. You have the right of it, Sebas." A thin, fiendish smile appeared on Demiurge's face, and he gracefully gestured to the door. "Please, carry on."

"Please come with me."


Tsuare replied hoarsely as she followed shakily behind Sebas.

After leaving the room, the hallway echoed with their footsteps. The two of them walked in silence, and soon they reached the door to Tsuare's room. It was nearby, but the journey there seemed to have taken a very long time.

When they reached the door, Sebas finally made up his mind and quietly spoke.

"I will not apologize."

Sebas sensed Tsuare tremble from where she was following behind him.

"However, the fact that my master ordered me to dispose of you was my fault. If I had dealt with the matter in a better way, it would not have come to this."


"I believe that such things will not happen again, but I cannot say that it will not. I am a loyal servant of Ainz-sama—of the 41 Supreme Beings. Even if the same thing happens again, I will respond in the same way… so I hope you will stay in the human world and find happiness there. I will try to seek Ainz-sama's approval… given that Ainz-sama can modify memories. Let Ainz-sama erase your unpleasant memories and then live well."

"…How about my memories of you, Sebas-sama?"

"…I will ask Ainz-sama to erase your memories of me as well. After all, remembering me will do you no good."

"And what is good for me?"

Sebas sensed a fierce determination in Tsuare's voice, and turned around.

The woman before Sebas stared defiantly at him, and although her eyes were brimming with tears, they had an unshakeable look in them. Sebas felt his heart waver, and he thought about how to persuade her.

It was true that Nazarick was a wonderful place, and one could say it was a land blessed by the gods. But the only ones who thought that way were Sebas and the other people who had been created by the 41 Supreme Beings, as well as the vassals of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Sebas did not think that human beings, who lacked talent and power, could find happiness in that land. There, the value of Tsuare's life would not be worth much. Could the strange existences known as weak humans bear that?

The happiness of humans lied in the land of humans. Sebas believed that.

"….In Nazarick, your life will not be viewed as much. Are you still asking what differences there will be? Become happy in the human world."

"I have already found happiness."

Sebas felt that Tsuare was quite pitiable as he heard her ironclad statement.

"….If you can do something in hell, you can feel slightly satisfied, but you will be in hell. The happiness in hell cannot compare to the happiness in the human world."

She had seen the worst the world could offer, so she had taken joy in even a slightly less wretched environment. That was all.

However, Tsuare laughed at his observation.

"…I do not feel that this place is hell. I can eat my fill here and I have a decent job… I grew up in a small village, and life was hard there."

For a moment, Tsuare glanced into the distance. Then she recovered, and looked straight at Sebas.

"Our stomachs cried out in hunger, and no matter how hard we worked the fields, our lord took almost everything and left us with precious little to eat. In addition, we were nothing more than toys to our lord. No matter how much I cried and screamed, he kept laughing as he raped me. He laughed at me. He—"

"—I understand."

Tsuare's smile was twitching as Sebas pulled her over, enfolding her within his embrace before gently putting an arm over her trembling shoulders. Just like before, Sebas could feel Tsuare's tears soak his clothes as she broke down.

What she had seen and lived through was not all of the world. Yet, to Tsuare, that was the sum total of the human experience.

Sebas fell into thought.

What was the best course of action? He confirmed that there was only one.

"….I have heard that the lizardmen have become one of Cocytus' subordinates. You might be able to become mine in a similar manner."


Still in Sebas' embrace, Tsuare raised her head.

"I understand, Tsuare. I will plead with Ainz-sama to let me take you to Nazarick."

"Thank you very much. If Sebas-sama had reported about me when you picked me up, I might have been removed while still in that terrible state."

"Ainz-sama is a generous master. I do not believe that he would do such a thing."

"However, that is not absolute."

Sebas said nothing. The master whom he gave his loyalty to and a pitiful woman. It was true he tried to avoid having to make a choice between them.

Sebas let the strength fade from the arm on his shoulder, but Tsuare refused to leave. She clung tightly to Sebas' clothes, looking up to him with dewy eyes.

There seemed to be a look of expectation in those eyes. That was what Sebas' instincts told him, but he did not know what she was hoping for.

Still, he remembered that he had to confirm one thing first.

"Allow me to make sure this. You have no attachment to the human world? Do you not wish to return to your home?"

Even being taken to Nazarick did not entail being completely separated from human society. That was because he was not taking Tsuare there to be a prisoner. However that possibility could not be entirely ruled out.

"…I… I would like to see my little brother again. But more than that, I don't want to remember all the things in the past…"

"I understand. Then, go to your room. I will go and meet Ainz-sama once more."


Tsuare let go of Sebas' clothes, and then she wrapped her arms around Sebas' neck. Sebas was taken by surprise. Even from the viewpoint of an outlandishly powerful monk, they were perfect movements. No, he thought that because his heart wavered.

Tsuare paid no attention to the outwardly expressionless, yet inwardly conflicted Sebas, and stood on the tips of her toes.

And then, Tsuare's lips met those of Sebas.

The moment of intimacy was exceedingly brief. Tsuare's lips soon left his.

"It was a little prickly," Tsuare said as she stepped back, touching her lips with the fingers of both hands. "It was the first time I was so happy to be kissed."

Sebas had nothing to say. However, Tsuare looked intently at Sebas, and then smiled sweetly.

"Then, I shall wait here. Thank you for your concern, Sebas-sama."

"Er, oh… I, I understand. Please wait here for a while."

"Is something the matter? It would appear your face is red, no?"

"It is nothing, Demiurge."

That was the first thing Sebas heard when he returned to the room. Upon hearing someone comment on the redness of his face, Sebas calmed his breathing back to a deep and even rhythm. If he allowed his consternation from just now to show on his face, what right would he have to receive his master as his servant? Sebas resisted the impulse to touch his lips, instead putting on the expression of the perfect servant.

About two minutes later, space distorted.

By the time the distortion had faded, someone stood in its place. Naturally, that person was Ainz.

Sebas, Cocytus, Demiurge and Solution knelt as one and bowed to him.

"Thank you for the warm welcome."

Ainz waved the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, which the blackness of it could elicit pain from those who viewed it. He then moved behind the desk and sat down on the chair.

"You may rise."

The four of them straightened up at once, all looking at Ainz. He seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Let's get down to business. Demiurge, this just goes to show you were worrying too much. I didn't believe for a moment that Sebas had betrayed us. You are all too cautious."

"My deepest apologies. And I am grateful that you would accept my pointless suggestion, which contradicted your own judgement."

"That's fine. I also make mistakes from time to time. However, I can relax when I know you are paying attention and checking, Demiurge. Besides, you made that suggestion because you were worried about me. I am not so petty as to censure you for that." Ainz moved his gaze from the deeply bowing Demiurge. "So what is your wish, Sebas?"

"Before that, I would like to ask Ainz-sama something." Pausing, Sebas glanced at Ainz's expression before continuing. "How shall we we deal with Tsuare?"

Ainz thought for a bit, wondered why Sebas' asked of such a thing, and nodded when he came to an answer.

"Hm. I recall that letting that girl go would result in news about Nazarick getting out, am I correct?"

Demiurge nodded under Ainz's gaze.

"Indeed, that is so. Ainz-sama, how shall we handle this matter?"

"Then we should take the time to edit her memories. Thanks to a certain priest, brainwashing might be impossible, but I have become quite skillful at manipulating memories."

"Ainz-sama, I feel that killing her outright would be more convenient."

Solution nodded at Demiurge's suggestion. After seeing their reactions, Ainz sank into contemplation. Since the two of them felt the same way, he should probably do it… perhaps.

Sebas began to panic.

Once his master made a decision, asking him to change it would not be easy. While Ainz had forgiven Sebas, Demiurge, Cocytus and Solution would surely think very poorly of him now. Carelessly voicing his opposition would definitely incur their ire.

However, he had to make his proposal right now.

Sebas opened his mouth, preparing to speak in opposition to Demiurge's opinion. However, he ended up not doing so, because Ainz spoke first.

"…That's enough, Demiurge. I am not fond of killing when it doesn't benefit me. Or rather, once you kill the weak, you cannot use them any longer. You must consider that they might still be of use as long as they still live."

Sebas swallowed a sigh of relief. Tsuare had not yet been condemned to death. That said, it was still a possibility.

"I understand… Then how about having her work at the ranch managed by my subordinates?"

"Ah, to handle the livestock."

Ainz laughed, thinking that it did not suit Demiurge. In response, Demiurge returned a mirthful smile. Sebas silently watched the two.

While his master was enjoying the conversation, it would be foolish to interrupt.

If handled poorly, he would earn Ainz's displeasure, and Tsuare would be done for.

"Thanks to your ranch, we have become able to use scrolls without worrying about the remaining stock. An extremely noteworthy achievement. I will continue to rely on you."

"Thank you very much."

"That's right, have you considered mincing them and using them as rations? We need to improve the quality of Nazarick's provisions."

Ainz's gaze left Demiurge ad he began to stare off into the distance. It then returned.

"…Unfortunately, the quality of their meat is poor, and they are not up to standard. Using them in glorious Nazarick would be a little…" Demiurge smiled, indicating that he did not approve."Still, we can chop up the dead beasts and feed them to the others. Of course, they will not eat the meat if you feed it to them directly, so we have to mince it up first."

"I see… Is it a type of Taur (Taaru)? Then Taurs should be goats? Do goats eat meat?"

"It seems they are omnivorous."

"Hmm. Is that so. Well, I do not know a lot about goats, and they might be unique to this world."

Ainz nodded in understanding.

"However, I do not believe that the Commander of Nazarick is suited for farm work. Should it be a bother, you can assign it to someone else instead you know? There are other jobs that you must do."

"No, this is a job I would like to do, and it is my pride to allow Ainz-sama to have plenty of materials for scrolls."

"I see."

Ainz smiled happily.

On the other hand, Sebas was frowning inside. Sebas and Demiurge were both servants of the Supreme Beings, and Sebas knew Demiurge's personality well. Someone like Demiurge would never run an ordinary ranch. Then what was the ranch that was raising goats that could eat meat?

A brilliant flash of light raced through Sebas' mind.

This was because he had guessed what sort of creatures Demiurge was raising.

Could he send Tsuare to such a place? Indeed, Demiurge would probably guarantee the safety of her life. However, the same could not be said of her mental state.

"While the goats are pitiful, they are working for Nazarick. There is no greater happiness than this. Isn't that right, Demiurge?"

For just an instant, Demiurge sent an inquisitive gaze towards Ainz, and nodded.

"It is just as you say, Ainz-sama."

"Then I shall continue to leave Demiurge in charge of the goats. Compared to myself who knows nothing about them, you can utilize them far better than I can."

"Yes, Ainz-sama…. So Ainz-sama knows nothing about them?"

Ainz's face twitched slightly in reponse to Demiurge's strange question, but he nodded in agreement.

"…. Well, that is how it is."

"Understood. I shall handle the management of the goats perfectly."

Demiurge had a full smile. It was the face of a subordinate who had received tacit agreement from his master.

He took a breath.

If he was to speak, he had to do it now. Sebas opened his mouth.


"Hm? What is it, Sebas?"

"I would like to have Tsuare work for us in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick."


"Tsuare can cook. In all of Nazarick, only the head chef and the sous-chef can prepare food, excepting Yuri and the others. After considering the future needs of Nazarick, I feel that it would be better if we had more people who could cook. I also feel that it would be very beneficial to test the ability of humans to work in Nazarick. It would set an excellent precedent to show that even inferior lifeforms like humans can render service unto Nazarick. In addition—"

"—I get it. I understand, Sebas."

Ainz raised his hand to interrupt Sebas' non-stop rambling about the many uses of Tsuare.

"I know, Sebas. I am fully aware of what you're trying to say. Indeed, I have thought in the past that we have too few people who are able to cook. It is a problem worth pondering."

"But Ainz-sama, can she really prepare food which is worthy of Nazarick?"

Sebas glared resentfully at Demiurge for a moment. In response, Demiurge merely smiled.

You bastard.

Sebas swallowed the curse before he could speak it.

Even if Ainz had forgiven Sebas, Demiurge had not. Therefore, he was striving to be as contrary as possible to Sebas' wishes while they decided the disposition of Tsuare. That must be it.

In fact, that thought was completely correct. Cocytus was surprised and his brain was working harder than even Sebas. Solution believed that Sebas should be punished, and by Demiurge no less.

"He does have a point. What do you think, Sebas?"

"…Tsuare mainly prepares basic dishes. As for whether they are suitable for Nazarick… that is a little difficult to answer."

"Basic dishes. I doubt Nazarick will require steamed potatoes or the like."

Demiurge spoke with the hint of a mocking smile.

"Since she can make simple dishes, should she ask the Head Chef she can master others. I believe that we should focus on the future."

"Then I would love to have her help prepare food in my ranch. Making mincemeat is hardly a trivial task."


The two of them bickered back and forth. Ainz watched their conversation.

At the same time, he looked beyond them—

"So, where are we going today?"

"The Fire Giants—"

"The Ice Dragons—"

"…Hm. Ulbert-san, I believe we agreed to farm the Fire Giant boss Surtr for his rare drops. Did you forget?"

"I'd like to ask if you forgot, Touch-san. There are people who need to hunt Ice Dragons in order to meet their job change prerequisites, aren't there?"

"…Indeed, that is so. But Yamaiko-san needs the drops to get stronger."

"Ah, I'm okay with…."

"Are you referring to the Primordial Fire? Then the Primordial Ice is just as essential, no? That being the case, we should hunt the Dragons—"

"…We can raise drop rates with a cash item. Surtr has a lower drop rate than the Dragons, so don't you think we ought to beat him first?"

"So you're telling me to shell out for a cash item, then?"

"…Well, about, about, about that…"

"…How about fighting lewd monsters like Succubi in the Abyss?"

"Shut up, little bro."

"Well, if we're going after demon-types, we ought to fight the Seven Lords of Sin. Granted, we might need to make a lot of preparations."

"…Touch-san, I don't think you should be so selfish. Don't you think we'd be more efficient fighting the Ice Dragons, given the members who showed up?"

"You're the selfish one, Ulbert-san. Besides, games aren't all about efficiency."

"Would the strongest mage and the strongest warrior please stop fighting…"

"They've always been like that. Ever since they recruited me."

"Touch-san must have been a really great guy to chat up a pink penis."

"…Chagama-san, Peroroncino-san, could you please put your weapons down? I'm invoking my Guildmaster's privileges."

"Didn't some other guild beat the Seven Lords of Sin already?"

"Someone took out Pride. There was a post online."

"Apparently you're guaranteed a World-Class Item once you beat all the Seven Sins, after all, they are World-Class Enemies."

"Speaking of World-Class Items, let's use the [Caloric Stone] to make a super-powerful golem."

"Nuubou-san. I feel it would be better to socket it into a weapon instead of making a golem."

"I think a suit of armor would be pretty good too."

"Well, we have a lot to consider for that"

"That's right, Momonga-san."

"We already know how to farm Caloric Stones, but that method depletes a lot of the metal from the seven hidden prismatic ore mines."

"Yeah. As long as it's divided up among other guilds, we can't replace it once it's used up. Why not just take turns using it… how about selling the information to [Trinity]?"

"So we sell it to the [2ch Alliance] and let them kill each other? As expected of Bellriver (Beruribaa), our strategist."

"About the [2ch Alliance], it seems they are planning to ally with other guilds."

"Eh? Why's that?"

"I heard they obtained some kind of World-Class Item, so they changed their stance towards other guilds."

"Achya—still, it'll be hard for them to form a high-tier coalition like last time."

"—How about letting Momonga-san decide?"

"Sounds good to me. Guildmaster, what do you think we should do?"

"…Eh? Wha? I wasn't paying attention at all… eh? Oh, are you asking me now? …Honestly… We'll go with majority vote as usual. That way nobody will have any complaints."

"Fine with me."

"Same here."

"Alright, then, the new coin will represent Ulbert-san while the old one represents Touch-san. Good—everyone, take your coins. We're going to listen to the two of them speak now—"

"—Are you done with this squabbling? You stand before Ainz-sama!"

Cocytus' words were like a bucket of cold water dumped onto the ever-escalating quarrel between Sebas and Demiurge. Both of them turned to look at Ainz, who was staring at them, and their faces blanched in unison. There was no way to tell what expression lurked within the dancing points of light within Ainz's empty eye sockets, but there was no doubt that there was great power in his gaze.

"Forgive your servant's rudeness in your presence, Ainz-sama!"

"Your servant deeply regrets forcing you to witness his foolish behavior!"

The two of them bowed in apology, but neither of them could understand Ainz's reaction.


The room suddenly rang with loud and relaxed laughter. Its origin was Ainz.

They did not recall Ainz ever laughing with such mirth. Cocytus, Demiurge, Sebas and Solution stared dumbly at this unbelievable sight.

"It's fine. I permit this! I permit you to argue! Yes! That's how it should be, going back and forth without end. Ahahaha."

They had no idea what had moved Ainz's heart, but Sebas heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Ahaha…. tsk, even happiness is suppressed eh…."

Suddenly their master's mood calmed down, as though something had snapped inside him. Still, Sebas was sure that he seemed to be in good spirits. Running a finger across the staff, the symbol of a Guildmaster, the representative of the 41 Supreme Beings, Ainz jovially spoke to Sebas.

"Now about Tsuare, isn't it fine. Home cooking. I thought that we needed a chef. I had intended from the beginning to leave Tsuare to you. If you thought that it was fine, then it was nothing that could bring harm to Nazarick. And while I did not suspect you personally." Ainz heavily emphasized the word suspect. "It is true that you were suspected. Forgive me for this."

When Ainz finished speaking, his head scraped the table as he bowed.

"Please! Please raise your head! Everything was due to my mistakes!"

"It is just as he said. Suspecting him was out mistake! There is no need for Ainz-sama to apologise!"

"That is so! I am the first person to suspect Sebas-sama! Instead of Ainz-sama apologizing, please punish myself!"

Ainz raised a hand to silence his panicking subordinates. He then continued to express his thoughts.

"I will leave Tsuare to Sebas. Now, Demiurge. As I said earlier, if it brings no harm to Nazarick, use your head to find a way to guarantee Tsuare's safety."

"Understood. After we return, I will immediately inform Nazarick about Tsuare. To the point where even if she is on her own, no harm will befall her."

"Excellent. This is what will happen. Is this fine, Sebas?"


Sebas bowed more than 90 degrees. Rather than his loyalty it was to express his gratitude.

"Now. I believed that Sebas had a request for me?"

Sebas clammed up for an instant. Asking for any more than this would be extremely rude.

Sebas began to wonder if Ainz's apology to him was intentional rather than being a stroke of good fortune for Tsuare.

Tsuare was something like a present from Ainz, as a sign of his apology. Should anything happen to her, it would be disrespectful to Ainz. Thus, Tsuare's safety would be protected.

Asking for any more to such a generous master would be to step all over his kindness.

Ainz grasped Sebas' confused thoughts and jovially asked.

"I do not mind Sebas. Speaking is free. Speak."

His master's words gave Sebas courage, and he opened his mouth.

"Yes. When I saved that woman, it seems that there were others captured. If possible, I would like to save them."

"Sebas. That is a request fit for insects. Such thoughts had brought you trouble in the first place, did it not? Do you not think that you should never speak of such things again?"

Demiurge frowned. However—

"—Hm? Isn't it fine? Is there a problem?"

Hearing such lighthearted words from Ainz, Demiurge's eyes widened slightly.

"…. No, if Ainz-sama is fine, I have no reason to object."

"No, I asked not about reasons to object, but if there were any problems with that….It is not like they made fun of Nazarick or disrespected myself right? Their suffering brings us no benefits. Then isn't it fine to save them?"

"…. However, there might be a strong person there. Sebas may have investigated, but I do not believe that he has investigated about someone in the shadows."

Ainz understood, and raised a small voice.

"…. I see. While his or her existence is unknown, should we still proceed? Since we are on the side of justice, I believe that there was no problem but…. That was a miscalculation eh."

The basis of Ainz's actions were firstly for the preservation of Nazarick. Next was about the expansion of Nazarick and avoiding confrontations with other Players. While they had roughly the same priority, Nazarick's expansion was slightly more important.

He did not want to get involved in problems not related to Nazarick's expansion.

Such were Ainz's thoughts, and he debated whether to refuse Sebas' request. When his gaze fell on Sebas, and when Sebas and Demiurge came into view, his decision changed.

"—I shall allow you to rescue them."

The air in the room shook. Ainz's earlier words were something he spoke of half-heartedly, but his current ones were ones that he had thought through. The two were overwhelmingly different.

Why did Ainz make that decision? The answer to that question was not known by Sebas, Demiurge, Cocytus and Solution.

Why did the master make such a decision? Being able to answer that question without asking was the hallmark of being excellent subordinates. The air shook because they could not do that.

They felt disappointed that they failed to understand their master, and felt shame as they were useless.

In front of his deflated subordinates, Ainz gave them his answer.

"Because— It is natural to save people in need."

Ainz's words seemed to be lifted straight from someone else, but it caused all those present to widen their eyes. This was as they did not believe that such words suited their master.

They were words that refuted all his actions until now.

What was the existence known as Ainz?

All their individual answers differed slightly, but what was common in all of them, was that he was an absolute being.

He was one of the 41 Supreme Beings that created Nazarick, and represented them. He stayed with them until the end, and was the one that all beings in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick offered their undying loyalty to.

He was filled with wisdom, endless foresight, the generosity to forgive his subordinate's failings, and was willing to grant generous rewards to those who worked for him. To those outside of Nazarick, he was coldly calculating and acted based on benefits. He was such an existence.

Such an existence just said that it was natural to save those in need— It was like they were hit in the face.

The most surprised was Demiurge.

In the earlier conversation, on top of Ainz knowing what animal he was talking about, he had given Demiurge tacit agreement. Or so he had thought.

The strange atmosphere reached Ainz.

This was bad. He made a mistake.

Seeing the Guardians' and Solution's shocked reactions, Ainz realized his own failing.

They were words from the past, something someone said. He had spoken them, but it was the truth that he had made a mistake. Ainz panicked due to this lowering his charisma, his ability to rule.

Ainz was strong. In a one vs one, he could take on any of the Guardians without tasting defeat.

However, that was in the game. Actual fights do not go as planned. It was the answer he came to when the invaders came and fought him without magic. With his body, and even in terms of levels, Ainz was overwhelmingly superior. Yet he was pushed back by four weak adventurers. Ainz severely lacked the experience of fighting true battles, where people aimed to take each other's lives. In such a battle, the possibility of Ainz losing to a weaker person than him existed.

Thus, he had the powerful armour known as the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Having his ability to rule it lowered would cause Ainz to fall into a great panic.

Of course, Ainz himself knew well that as a normal person, he had no charisma. However, he felt that it had gone well for him until now. Losing it would be a pity.

Ainz frantically used his brain to come up with a line that someone important would say.

—This was it!

Ainz spoke in an important manner, to not panic.

"Do you not think that there is nothing more foolish than for Ainz Ooal Gown to fear someone who may not even exist? Us who claim that Nazarick is undefeated."

He suppressed his desire to look at the expression of the Guardians, and continued his act. If he had a heart, it would be beating fiercely due to his tension.

Demiurge, Sebas, Cocytus and Solution had their eyes widen slightly. Compared to his earlier words, his current ones were far easier to understand.

And they had much persuasive power.

Ainz Ooal Gown. For the strongest existence created by the 41 Supreme Beings to fear an existence that may not even exist was at the height of foolishness. There might be someone powerful. However, there was only one time when the Guardians tasted defeat. That was when 1500 people at their level came at them in overwhelming numbers. And at that time, they were repelled by the Supreme Beings. Basically, the Guardians may have been defeated, but the Nazarick created the 41 Supreme Beings was undefeated.

Ainz Ooal Gown was strong.

Caution was necessary, but there was no need to fear shadows. Even if there were, they did not need to run.

"As I said a long time ago there is no need to find hostility, but with the cover of saving those in need, justice in on our side. If they say something, we just have to show it to them, our power."

"Basically if there is a powerful enemy, we shall show them our power using saving the weak as our alibi."

"N? …. That…. Is true?"


Demiurge spoke as their representative, and all of them bowed to Ainz simultaneously.

"Then we should take this city and show them our power—"

"No!" Ainz stopped Demiurge in a panic. "There is no need to give them information. If there is a powerful enemy, we will investigate. Doing what you just said would cause information to fall into their hands. We shall perform our actions quietly."

"It is just as you said. I am taken aback at Ainz-sama's deep foresight. As expected of our ruler. I cannot match up with such wisdom."

Demiurge smiled and agreed with Ainz.

It was difficult to find fish in the depths with one's eyes, but baiting it to surface made detection simple.

"As expected of Ainz-sama."

"It is natural to save those in need…. I did not think that those words had such a deep meaning."


"Eh? …. R, really? Y, yes, that is how it is. I, it seems you have understood? Then I shall leave that to Sebas, and we shall retreat. Anyway clean up this manor and do not leave any information behind. Right, Demiurge?"

"Of course."

"That is how it is, Sebas."

"Understood." Sebas bowed towards the frantic Ainz. To his master who was willing to grant his wish, his bow was filled with gratitude. "…. By the way, should I kill all the humans I meet?"

"N? Hm…. There is no need. There is no need to leak information about us, but if none leaks out there will be no meaning. It would be better for some to live. It depends on the situation. However, do not bring anyone to Nazarick unless they wish to be there."

It was not coercion but an act of free will. He wanted to make such a cover.

Sebas understood and immediately replied.


"….However, they are all women right?"

"I believe so."

"….Women. Is it worth it to increase their numbers? Personally I would prefer men as they are better for physical labour…. I do not feel that there is a need to increase the number of women…."

Sebas had no response. Of course, if Ainz wanted to hear his opinion, Sebas would speak. Ainz immediately came up with an answer and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it's fine. Begin the operation."

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