Volume 1 Chapter 94 part7

Negotiations Part 7

Translators: Skythewood, Frostfire10

After the talks were concluded, Ainz gathered the Guardians in his room, along with Sebas.

Including Ainz, there were six people.

Since Nazarick had obtained its backing, Ainz had assembled everyone here to confirm the details of the important period that was approaching.

They needed to affirm their direction.

Faster than Ainz could begin speaking, Aura started off with a question.

"Why did Ainz-sama reject the offer to build a kingdom and instead chose to subordinate yourself to a human?"

It was the question in the mind of everyone present. They had no intention to go against their master's decision, but even if it was the proper one, they still had questions. They believed that if they knew his reasoning, they could better serve him.

If they could not, they might perform actions that went against his will. They all worried, especially Shalltear and Sebas who had done such things. The two were making their best attempt to catch the slightest undertone in his words.

Despite being pressurised by everyone's gazes, he managed to convey the thoughts he had.

"There is the question of being able to govern such a kingdom. Ruling over a ruined country would bring shame to the name of Ainz Ooal Gown."

This was a reasonable answer.

However, the eyes of the Guardians flicked over to Demiurge who was smiling. If the smartest person in Nazarick who commanded the Guardians was doing so, it probably meant that there was a problem.

Did it mean that Demiurge had doubts about Ainz's actions?

Demiurge's tiny act was equivalent to confusion in the eyes of the other Guardians.


Demiurge's laugh echoed through the room. Yes— Demiurge was laughing. Even though everyone was doubting him. However, the next moment, they all raised cries of surprise.

"…Did you really think that was the extent of Ainz-sama's plan?"



"What did you say?"



"Everyone, you need to think harder. Ainz-sama is our master, who assembled all the 41 Supreme Beings. Do you think that was the extent of his planning?"

Ainz swallowed, as though he had been punched in the face. Meanwhile, the Guardians were nodding and murmuring "Indeed". When he recalled Jircniv's reaction, there did seem to be something else.

The Guardians did not understand it, and the frustration could be seen on their faces.

They were unsure that they could help Ainz with their heads of theirs.

"Really…. Ainz-sama. Should you not inform us of your true objective now. After all, it will inform our future direction."

Everyone's attention went to Ainz. Their earnest, pleading expressions seemed to say, "Please enlighten this foolish one".

After looking over everyone, Ainz took a deep breath. No, he took several deep breaths.

Then, he slowly rose from his chair, and turned his back to the Guardians. From this position, he offered praise to Demiurge over his shoulder.

"…As expected of Demiurge. To think you had discerned my true aims…"

"…No. Your schemes are elaborate and farsighted, AInz-sama. I cannot hope to compare. And I believe what I understand is only a portion of your plans."

Demiurge bowed respectfully in response to Ainz’ praise.

Shalltear's question carried a hint of jealousy, probably because she could not tread the same ground which Demiurge shared with their beloved master.

"What does this all mean?"

Aura puffed up her cheeks in displeasure as she saw Demiurge's faint smile.

"Ainz-sama, tell us too."

"To. begin with we should not need to have it spelled out for us. Please forgive this foolish one."

Since Ainz was still facing away from them, his subordinates believed that he was dissatisfied with them since they could not understand him.

If they were unable to assist Ainz, the kind remaining master, the last of the 41 Supreme Beings, there was no meaning for their existence.

Ainz would answer their pleas.

As he turned around, forcefully thrusting the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown toward Demiurge.

"Demiurge. I permit you to explain what you understand to the others."


After Demiurge nodded, he began speaking to his comrades.

The structure of the carriage had not changed between the journey to and from Nazarick, but for some reason, every slight bump and jostle along the way seemed magnified. Perhaps it was because of the gloomy atmosphere in the carriage's interior. Or perhaps it was because the people occupying the carriage had changed.

The troops escorting them to Nazarick were composed of men from the 1st Legion. The ones escorting them from Nazarick were from the 2nd Legion.

In place of Fluder was one of his disciples. In place of Roune was one of his scribes. The two original occupants of the carriage who remained were Jircniv and Baziwood.

There, the three people saw Jircniv's rare expression and silently tensed themselves in their seats. They occasionally glanced in his direction.

Their Emperor Jircniv was scrunching his brows in thought. Jircniv was widely known as a man with a smug smile. However, it seemed that Baziwood, who knew Jircniv the best among these three people, had never seen this look on Jircniv's face.

Jircniv was like this ever since they had left Nazarick. Occasionally he would make a face like he was eating insects, but never one of relief.

The reason for that was abundantly clear.

The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. It was due to the events that happened there.

Those frightening beings, and beyond them on the throne was [Death] himself.

And it was not just fear they felt.

They had seen myriad luxuries, glittering architecture, and all manner of decorations. Nobody could remain unawed by that.

Even Baziwood, who was unskilled in politics, could easily predict the difficulties his country would have, in the face of that being which possessed superlative military and economic power, among other things. The Empire was acting to reduce the power and influence of the nobles and centralise it under the Emperor. However, this had come undone.

For example, this carriage might be watched using various spells, and despite being protected by the surrounding knights, just remembering the incident caused fear to well up in all of them.

As if trying to chase away the fear of Nazarick, Jircniv flashed his usual cynical smile.

"Don't stare so hard. Aren't you losing your focus here?"

"Your Majesty!"

The three voices overlapped. There were hints of joy within them, joy that their Emperor had come back to them. As Jircniv realised what he should be doing, he nodded vigorously.

"….We have an incredible amount of work to do. First, let us decide who Fluder's successor will be. Are there any suitable candidates?"

The flames of desire burned bright in the acolyte's eyes as he heard those words. The position of being Fluder's successor as the Imperial Court Wizard was a mouth-watering temptation. After all, it was a position that gave one the right to administer and manage arcane magic casters throughout the Empire.

Because the position had always been filled by that great hero, nobody else could claim it. Even if one had the ambition for it, their opponent was far too strong to overcome by wicked means. And now, this hitherto sealed-off position had been offered to him.

The acolyte was extremely grateful for being called to this carriage, for being presented with this chance.

However, Jircniv's next words trampled that desire.

"However, one must bear in mind that as the Imperial Court Wizard, one may be called upon to do battle with Ainz."

The flames of the acolyte's ambition went out in that instant. He could not even bring himself to be excited about it. The position he had longed for became one he wished to avoid more than anything else in the world. He would have a better chance of surviving a jump off a five hundred meter tall cliff into a shoal of rocks than he would in a spell battle against Ainz Ooal Gown.

No, he might be better off dying on the spot.

That was why he immediately thought of pushing this to someone else.

"Yes! In that case, I know some people who can use the 4th tier of magic; how about selecting one of them? Granted, I do know some spells of that tier, but I am not very versed with them."

"Are there any among the ones with us?"

"No. They are tasked with important experiments in the Capital. So they were not chosen."

How pitiful, the acolyte whispered in his heart. If they came, they would understand how dangerous the position had become. Since they did not, they would probably lust after the position just like he did.

Without knowing that it was the executioner's chair.

"…I see. Then, gather information on them and then conduct interviews. However, why did Fluder immediately ask to become Ainz's disciple? It is true that he is powerful, but it is unknown if he has high magical abilities right? Do the Death Knights answer everything?"

"I believe it is something else. Actually, master has a special skill to see the level of magic a person can use."


"I think Frontier Earl…. No. The Frontier Marquis' abilities were seen through."

"I see."

Jircniv nodded. He knew that such people did exist.

There were people born with various types of special abilities.

The most powerful one Jircniv knew was the princess of a certain small country. That princess had the lost ability that was said to be the secret of dragons.

"Basically, it is confirmed that Ainz is a powerful magic caster."

Silence fell within the carriage.

The secretary felt the lull in the conversation and asked his own question.

"…By the way, what about Roune-sama?"

The Emperor's answer was clear.

"We cannot rely on him. Even if he returns, put him in a non-important post. He might be brainwashed by Nazarick."

An apple that may be rotten cannot be mixed with other apples. Such was the decision.

They could probably detect any lasting magic using detection spells, but the acolyte said nothing. He had no confidence to detect the magic of that monster Ainz. No, he felt that no one of humanity could do it.

The greatest master who had no equal had now found someone above him.

"However, your majesty. This Gown person…. Or whatever we call him. How do you view the Frontier Marquis? Though I know he is a powerful monster."

Baziwood's question was related to his position as one of the Four Knights. In response, Jircniv made a cold smile.

"What is scary about that monster is not his power. It is his wisdom. That was made clear by the fact that he subordinated himself to me."

"….Does he intend to work at us from inside?"


Please do not confirm it that easily. The three of them thought this at the same time. Thinking of entering that monster's stomach was extremely fear-inducing.

That was why they asked. They wanted to hear something that would allay their fears.

"What should we do? Restrain him with the law?"

The secretary's question was natural, as he felt that he found a trump card against Ainz.

Even currently in the Empire, the nobles were being restricted, but were also being slowly confined by the law. If Ainz became a noble, they could probably do so too.

"….Really? You would attach a bell to his neck?"


"Well it's not a bad move, but it would be foolish to anger Ainz right? However I want to send several people inside Nazarick to collect information. We need to tiptoe on the fine line between using the law and not angering him."

"Then, how shall the Empire treat the Frontier Marquis?"

"Hm? Ah, I already decided. That monster Ainz has snuck into the Empire. At this rate the Empire will be picked clean by him. So I shall feed him."

"Feed him?"

"Even a man-eating beast will not attack as long as its belly is full. I shall make him know that coexistence is the best option. I shall teach him that it is foolish to kill the goose that lays golden eggs. Using feed that will satisfy that monster."

What was the food that Jircniv referred to? No one understood. However, none of them were confident to ask. How would they feel if told that it was them?

"….Why did he reject the offer to build a country? Did he think it was simple to ride off the Empire?"

"No, he saw through my plan." Jircniv quickly answered their doubts. "This land is where three countries, the Empire, Kingdom and Theocracy meet. What would happen if he built a country here? The monster would be noticed and be regarded as a potential enemy. Then three countries would unite against him in secret. However Ainz is now part of the Empire. Basically, now the surrounding countries would be scared of the Empire who now wields that monster as a weapon."

Jircniv had a mocking smile on his face.

"Would you believe a person holding a dangerous weapon if he asked to form an alliance against that weapon? The other countries would pay attention to Ainz, but more on the Empire."

"Shouldn't we have rejected him?"

Jircniv looked at Baziwood like he was a fool.

"You…. Do you want him to throw his lot in with the Kingdom? If so, would you take responsibility and defeat him for me?"

Baziwood hung his head in shame.

It was an obvious face. Jircniv just chose the lesser of two evils.

"….Basically he aimed to destroy the alliance from the start?"

"That's it."

Jircniv pointed at the secretary.

"That is the question. If he had absolute power, he could have ignored us and just destroyed the alliance. I believe it is fine to think that there is a reason for that. Maybe, the terrifying reason is that he just likes to kill people slowly. What we have to do is to collect information while he is occupied. Along with info about those that can defeat him."

"Do people like that really exist?"

Given the casual tone with which it was said, nobody would have believed those words came from the acolyte. Gown was an unimaginably powerful opponent, who might be unbeatable even by the mightiest Dragons. He was an opponent that made people think that way.

And to that, Jircniv issued a confident reply.

"Indeed, they do."

"People like that really exist?!"

"Don't they? Look within that throne room."

When he put it that way, it seemed obvious enough.

The four monsters standing next to Ainz. The dark elf, the silver haired beauty, the silver insect and the demon.

"…Do you plan to induce a revolt?"

"I don't think it's possible, but we still need to try. They might do it for money, position or the opposite sex."

"Won't it be dangerous?"

"Definitely. But we might be misreading Ainz's abilities by orders of magnitude. At worst, this will not be about the surrounding countries, but a battle for humanity's existence. Nothing matters to me after I die, but it will be troublesome for a war to break out before I do. That is why I am doing this."

"—And that is how it is."

"What, Demiurge. That Emperor believes that we will betray Ainz-sama. Is that what you are saying?"

"Hmm, he is surprisingly an idiot."

"It seems that the Emperor does not know the meaning of loyalty."

Mocking laughter filled the room.

Did he really think they would betray Ainz, one of the 41 Supreme Beings who made them?

Although this was nothing more than Demiurge's hypothesis, it was enough to thoroughly displease the Guardians.

"Shall we kill them all?"

Shalltear laughed at Aura when she said such menacing words.

"I'll turn him into a Vampire. After all, if he's good enough, there's no reason he can't serve in Nazarick."

While her tone was calm, one could see a burning fury hidden underneath. Although Cocytus had remained silent, his large mandibles made a clacking sound of warning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you do remember that we are in the presence of Ainz-sama?"

As they heard Sebas' cold, clear voice, Aura, Shalltear's and Cocytus' anger instantly vanished. Afterwards, Demiurge continued speaking.

"….Now, regarding the information that Ainz-sama seeks about the strong. The Empire will do this for us from now on. Even if they do not give us their informats, all we have to do is pay attention to the Emperor."

Hearing Demiurge's explanation, the Guardians and Sebas then understood. Not only that. Their respect for Ainz who was able to instantly understand that in such a short time broke the through the max.

"I see!"

"As expected of Ainz-sama."

"I am amazed. To be able to think that far ahead."


"Even I am shocked. Being able to do such calculations in such little time. This Demiurge offers you his respect."

Ainz then turned around. He was somewhat embarrassed. That was natural. All the eyes Ainz saw was filled with respect and admiration after all.

"Is that so. However, Demiurge, you were able to see through everything."

"No. If Ainz-sama had not reacted in such a way, I would not have been able to do so."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Demiurge.

"However, as expected of Ainz-sama. To be smarter than Demiurge, the best in Nazarick."

"It's true! Ainz-sama is the best!"

"I knew that Ainz-sama was amazing, but for there to be this much of a disparity…. As expected of the leader of the Supreme Beings."

"Agreed. Generous and wise. There is no better master than Ainz-sama."

While being showered in praises, he ended it with a somewhat embarrassed wave of his hand.

"That's enough of that. Anyway, we have to decide what to do from now on. Can I leave the negotiations with the Empire with you Demiurge?"

"Yes. Please leave it to me."

"Ok. Sorry for pushing such important things on you. Anyway, listen to secretary Roune and write his words down. And have the liches in the library memorise them. No, use the liches I made."


"Shalltear, please handle Fluder's and the secretary's room. And Cocytus, take charge of Nazarick's forces and be cautious. Aura should hasten the construction of the hidden base in the forest. Sebas can continue to keep the 9th and 10th floors of Nazarick clean and handle guests."

All of them bowed in unison.

"Excellent! When the Empire and Kingdom battles, it will be our time to shine! Take care with the preparations."


A cry of unison echoed in Ainz's room.

Several days later.

The Empire announced that the magic caster Ainz Ooal Gown had subordinated himself to the Empire. They also announced that Ainz Ooal Gown had become a Frontier Marquis.

And the territory given to him was extremely near the Kingdom's city of E-Rantel.

In regards to the fact that they were granted the Kingdom's territory, the Empire said [Ainz Ooal Gown was originally controlling this area, and the Kingdom was unjustly occupying it. It must be returned].

Should this not be obeyed, the Empire would even go to war.

Of course, the Kingdom could not accept such a thing. They immediately replied with [There is no history of Ainz Ooal Gown ruling the the Kingdom's land, and has no legitimacy]. [Should the Empire go to war, the Kingdom would respond with force].

Most of the Kingdom's nobles assumed that this was part of the yearly war with the Empire. Thus they did not think deeply and assumed that Ainz Ooal Gown was a sad magic caster used as a pawn, and laughed at the Empire's attempt to justify their war.

Especially when they gave a high position to an unknown magic caster. This was an act that was often used to justify war where royalty vied for power.

By this time, the information of the vampire Camilla and Ainz Ooal Gown's abilities were known by the nobles, but few paid attention to it.

The first reason was that there was no magic caster with a high position in the Kingdom. The second was that a magic caster could not affect a war with the Empire greatly. The third was the magic caster had not done anything in the Kingdom, basically he had no achievements.

Even if they were told that he was extremely powerful, he was still taken lightly.

But, several people had differing opinions.

The reason for that was the number of troops the Empire was sending.

Out of the eight companies of the Empire, seven would be utilised. Considering that the Empire only used up to four in previous wars, this was a broken number.

Next was the declaration from the Slane Theocracy.

E-Rantel was an area vied over by three countries, and so when the Empire and Kingdom warred, the Theocracy needed to make a statement. Although to the two parties, they were just sticking their nose in.

Most of their declarations were that part of E-Rantel's area was the Theocracy's.

However, this time it was very different.

[The Theocracy have no records so it is unknown, but if Ainz Ooal Gown ruled that land, they would accept his legitimacy].

To the Kingdom's nobles this was an idiotically infuriating statement. They had come out from the woodwork to speak nonsense. However, some people understood their true meaning. Such as the woman called Golden, one of the Six Great Nobles, and the Warrior Captain.

They fully understood.

Their country's decision of [We have no intention to face Ainz Ooal Gown]. The fact that the strongest country in the surroundings were reluctant to face one magic caster.

This war between the Empire and the Kingdom.

The meaning in it had changed completely. Those who understood— Only a small portion of humans— began to move the troops.

And a tragedy occured.

—The sound of laughter melded together in the room.

It was filled with it. It was like the sound of a beast being released from its chains.

Fluder looked happily at his laughing master.

A master's happiness was his disciple's happiness.

"Wonderful, wonderful. Fluder, you are the best."

"Thank you very much. Allowing my master to be happy makes me happy as well."

"This is enough about the strength of the "strong" in the surrounding countries. Next tell me about the strength of adventurers. First the A+ adventures. And the estimated strength of the members of Blue Rose."


Fluder began telling him the information the Empire collected. Everything Ainz heard the strength of one member, he smiled.

Ainz was smiling gleefully.

Yes— Extremely gleefully.

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