Volume 2 Chapter 22

Sorry Guys, I’ve been in the army. Enjoy

The Academy Part 2

Translator: Frostfire10, Henet

Inside the stunned and silent classroom, the teacher silently traced out words onto the blackboard.

There was a palpable tension in the air.

Everyone was trying to pay attention to the lesson but found themselves unable to. Instead, all their interest fell upon a single student. No one directly looked towards him, but all of their sharply honed focus was stabbing deep into him.

He was a man that the students could not accept as a new schoolmate. For he was an older man.

Fluder Paradyne.

A legendary figure, the strongest wizard of the Empire who lived for a period of more than two hundred years.

There was no one in this school that did not know of his many feats.

His was a name that appeared many times within the history books, and if one had read through books about the history of magic, his name was always on the first page. Such books were first-week reading material, and everyone in this class naturally went through them.

Anyone standing close to such a figure would naturally feel nervous.

"….And as such this is evidently the case"

After finishing his sentence with a flourish, the teacher turned to look straight at Fluder.

"Are there any problems? Paradyne-sama!?

"….There seems to be none."

"Thank you! Now, moving on."

He bobbed his head – although the rest of his body followed it into a 90-degree bow – and continued his explanation of the text.

This teacher would normally have someone read out the text, but today, he did not. In fact, he did not throw out any questions at his students.

He explained it himself, and read the text by himself. And the contents of his speech did not deviate from the text.

In a certain sense, this was a single-player game played by the teacher. Excluding Jet, everyone was grateful for this. They feared the consequences of failing to answer a question in front of Fluder.

It was entirely possible that they would be expelled from the Academy.

Even if it was not to that extent, if such an esteemed figure raised a single eyebrow, they would have to take responsibility somehow. The students feared that if the problem they caused could be solved by their expulsion, then the teachers would choose that option.

Jet wiped away the sweat forming on his brow.

Even this simple act took a huge toll on his mind.

If he glanced to his sides, several of his fellow students were on the verge of fainting.

(Someone might collapse.)

As he was thinking this, the teacher had just finished writing on the blackboard and was in the midst of turning around.

「"….And as such, this is evidently the case. Are there any problems? Paradyne-sama!"

"….Hmm, there seems to be none. Your explanation follows the textbook's to a tee. However, if I am being strict, there are some unnecessary portions in the transformation equation, and so if you plan to use spells of the fourth tier or higher, you should use a different formula."

"My! M, my, my apologies! P, please forgive my ignorance!"

The teacher, now pale-faced and trembling, bowed several times.

It was quite a pitiful scene.

He was not a bad teacher. In fact, he was extremely familiar with the content and his explanations were easy to understand. The Fourth Tier was an impossible realm for the average magic caster. It would be ridiculous to teach a class in preparation for it.

Pitying him was rude. However, the students could not help but do so.

However, it seemed that Fluder felt the same, and thus put out his hand and spoke."

"There is no need to apologise. I am a student here. In fact, you should not be constantly asking for my opinion. Yes…. Treat me as if I were but a mere student."

There's no way we can!

Although Jet only spoke those words in his mind, he was certain that every student agreed with him. Heck, even the teacher would.

Could one make the Empire's legendary magician read the textbook?

Could one make the esteemed researcher who peered into the abyss of magic answer simple questions?

Could one scold him when he did not pay attention in class?

And as a fellow student, could one invite him to their house?

Could one ask him if yesterday's homework was difficult?

Could one ask him if he thought he did well on a test?


Jet, the teacher, and the other students believed this.

They would refuse to even try – in fact with him here, some students wanted to hide in the corner – and anyone would agree. This was impossible.

The only ones who could do this were people who were either completely ignorant, or mad.

And in this fashion, the class continued. And when the bell finally rang, the teacher was on the verge of collapse, his legs collapsing under his weight. His face was drenched in sweat, and plastered on was a grateful smile, as if he had found salvation.

And, just barely noticeably, his mouth moved.

"It's over."

Jet was not a mind or a lip reader. It was simply that all three teachers that took them today had all said the same thing.

"A, and…. this concludes the lesson. Thank you for listening."

The teacher gave a bow.

Of course, this was not directed at Jet and the other students, but towards the legendary wizard, Fluder.

During break time, one's friends from other classes would often enter the classroom to meet up. However, not a single person passed through those doors. And it was not just this period. This began ever since Fluder had become their classmate.

In fact, there was barely any noise around. It was as if the classroom was being shielded by an iron board several metres thick. Even the surrounding classrooms were dead silent. Of course, there were other people present.

There were several people quietly walking down the corridors, and there were small sounds when students entered or left the other classrooms.

However, everyone remained as quiet as possible, as if they feared something.

Normally lunchtime would be the most lively and boisterous time of the day. However, all aspects of that were gone. Even if the students wanted to head to the canteen, they did not have the courage to do so. And so, they sat there quietly, patiently, waiting for the situation to change.

All of a sudden, a chair grated against the floor.

The tension skyrocketed. While they wanted someone to make the first move, when it actually happened, they found their throats completely dry.

Fluder stood up to talk to his neighbouring student.

"Now, you."

"Y, yes! What is it!? Paradyne-sama!?"

Jet shot upwards and smacked his hands behind his back.

Yes. Jet was Fluder's neighbour.

Of course, it was not an originally empty seat. One of his other classmates was previously sitting there. But Fluder had changed all that by saying that this seat was the most suitable. No one would dare to refute the words of a legendary magic caster.

It was possible that there was a deeper reason for this that normal average people would fail to comprehend.

And thus the seat's original occupant moved to a different part of the classroom.

Fluder made a wry smile and continued the conversation.

"….There is no need to be so tense."

"Thank you very much! But I would like to remain in this position!"

Fluder stroked his white beard and helplessly shrugged his shoulders.

"So I have heard about this Upgrade Examination."

Jet immediately understood him to mean the Promotional Examination. However, he could not correct him. He must not. He looked around at his classmates.

Searching, pleading, begging for help.

However, not a single person looked towards him. Everyone remained silent in their seats and acted as if they were engrossed in their thoughts. The boys who would normally be laughing any funny antics and the girls who would be chatting about clothes and makeup, they all were silent.

Help would not come.

Everyone should be able to hear him clearly, but not a single person said anything. Their heads were in their hands like they were children who were praying for the natural disaster to go away.

Jet had to face this alone.

He steeled himself.

Firstly, he had to correct Fluder's mistake.

(It would be smarter to avoid the issue entirely….)

Jet naturally knew the optimal solution.

However, if he let this issue remain uncorrected when Fluder learned the truth, his anger would be directed towards him. And so he had to press forward.

Jet shivered.

He did not know what fate would befall him.

"Y, yes. I know of it. The Promotional Examination will be held in a few days."

"….Hmm. I see. The Promotional Exam. And I have heard that one must group up with several other students to participate…. Are you currently in a group?"

"Y…….Yes! There is one other member!"

Sorry, Jet silently apologised to the person he just dragged in.

"I see…. In a certain sense, that's perfect."

What is, Jet could not ask. And just as he braced himself for Fluder's next words, there was a knock at the door.

No one ever knocked on the door, even during lessons. However, strangely, everyone understood why one would.

It was a show of respect for the great man in the room.

The door opened. Standing on the other side was a single woman, bowing.

"Excuse me, Paradyne-sama."

Even from his position, Jet could clearly see that the several students behind the woman were bowing as well.

"I am the current Student Council President of the School, Frianne Wyliea Van Gushmond."

Raising her head, the woman had a bright smile on her face. One that came from the depths of her heart.

Her strong figure that did not tremble in Fluder's presence was indeed one befitting of the Student Council President. However, in Jet's eyes, a complete stranger was standing before him.

It was the figure of the daughter of a Great Noble.

As a fellow magic caster, one would naturally become timid and fearful in front of the Great Magic Caster, Fluder Paradyne. He was simply that much of a great man.

A child who had been learning magic for only ten years could not possibly stand on equal grounds to an ancient man who had been delving for several hundred years.

However, she had been raised as a noble ever since she was born. Few nobles were timid folk. Especially when they were groomed as the heir of a Great Noble house that would be tackling the various monsters within the government.

And there was another reason.

Fluder Paradyne was a great magic caster, but he did not have a high position as a noble. One explanation was that they simply feared his power, or so Jet read in one of his copied notes.

On this front, the other party lost his advantage, and in fact, he was instead at a disadvantage. Frianne had probably considered this a long time ago.

"My greetings, young lady."

Fluder lightly bowed his head, and in response, Frianne made a kind smile.

"If you do not mind, I would like to have lunch with you, but how about it? Fluder-sama?"

"If possible, I would like to eat with my fellow schoolmates…. But that is fine. Please grant me the honour of your presence for today, young lady."

Her eyes glanced at Jet, and for the first time in their long acquaintanceship, he could not read her. There was kindness there, but that was not everything.

Even if it were a boy who was the acquaintance of a friend, they were not eyes that should be directed towards a student.

(So…. This is the appearance of Senpai as a noble daughter.)

As Jet looked back at her, Frianne was leading Fluder out of the classroom.

The door closed. Three minutes passed. And finally, someone sighed, releasing all the tension that had built up in their body.

It was at this moment that the spell broke, and the atmosphere in the classroom became warmer and relaxed. The students flopped onto their desks and some immediately left the room.

And after a few more minutes, the students, with both their spirits and physicality drained from them, groggily got up.

Their stomachs had churned from the stress, but yet they feared that if they did not eat, their bodies could not hold for the remainder of the day.

All students ate at the academy's cafeteria, and thus the administrators such it up in such a way that it did not place a financial burden on them.

They prioritised the financial situation of the students from poor backgrounds, and thus provided the basic lunch for free. The only time one paid was for the more extravagant orders.

And since poison detection magic was cast on the food, they were safer than any lunches students brought from home.

And thus for these reasons and several others, almost 100% of the students bought their lunch here.

There was just one problem. It was extremely crowded.

The academy had aimed to create an environment where students of all years could mix, and thus there was only one cafeteria. The area itself was quite large and so students were not jostling for space, but the more popular foods would definitely sell out.

And thus, it was common for students to dash there during lunch, but currently, no student had the energy to do so. In fact, they did not even have the desire to put any rice in their bellies.

One student stumbled onto his feet.

And strung along by him, the other students shuffled forward. They were like a pack of zombies. And naturally, Jet was one of them.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Jet collapsed into an open seat.

And sighed.

"I'm exhausted…."

Due to his extreme mental fatigue, he had no desire to eat. However, if he did not, he would not be able to handle the rest of the day.

Jet grabbed his fork, stabbed it into the fried meat, and brought it to his mouth.

If he were physically exhausted, his body might have rejected the food, but his fatigue stemmed from his spirit. The meat fried with garlic went down easily.

"Ahhh, delicious."

Ahhh, delicious. Ahhh, delicious, Jet repeated over and over as he went through the bread, meat, vegetables, water, and bread again. He was like a machine, but this could not be helped.

Originally, he would be eating with his other friends, but there was no one sitting next to him. In fact, everyone probably wanted to be alone right now and so they all split up the moment they reached the cafeteria.

Everyone desired the same thing.

If possible, they did not want to think about the class. At least while they were eating.

Jet pressed down on his stomach. This was as he felt something besides the weight of the food in his stomach.

Humans were creatures that adapted to their environment. However, depending on the new situation they were placed in, the amount of time needed to adapt would change.

"Being pushed to that point would definitely make my stomach ache…."

Being forced to sit right next to Fluder caused the burden on Jet to be the largest in class. The only person probably facing more would only be the teachers. Their pale faces reminded him of warriors looking death straight in the eye.

Sighing helplessly, Jet prayed. That he could at least be granted some small peace during this break.

However, his prayers fell on deaf ears. His quiet alone time was interrupted by the clattering of a tray on the side opposite his.

The female student holding it smiled mischievously.

"What's up, Jee-chan"

"Get lost."


The girl had short hair that revealed her ears, and she seemed to be shocked at Jet's curt and sharp reply. However, her tone and expression showed that she paid no heed to it.

In fact, if she truly were shocked, even if she were tired, she would not reply in that angry manner. Jet made his displeasure audible with a sigh and looked at her with narrow eyes.

"What do you need, Dimoiya? I'm tired, and can't play with you right now."

"Hmm, fu fu fu."

The girl, Dimoiya, smirked and sat down in her chair, smugly adjusting his glasses.

However, it was impossible for a childlike girl like herself to seem intelligent and wise. And thus she only looked like she was playing an adult.

"Oh, you're tired, fu fu fuuu."

"What's so funny?"

Although he asked, Jet had a vague idea about what she was smiling about. Dimoiya planned to work in foreign affairs in the future and thus made it a habit to collect information. She would then analyse it, and draw conclusions from it. She believed that this skill would be useful for her in the future. And thus she had a surprising amount of information about the happenings within the academy.

Working as an information dealer within the academy was a part of her training.

In fact, Jet had requested information from her several times, and he had paid her back with other pieces of information. And thus he had formed quite the give and take working relationship with her.

"I got my hands on a juicy piece of info. I came to confirm it."

"Ah….I can guess what it is, but try me. What is it?"

"….Rumour has it that Fluder Paradyne has enrolled in the school."

"It's true."

"….I see. The strongest magic caster of the Empire, a student. Hilarious."

Dimoiya's face remained expressionless.

"And so Jet. Why did such a person enter the school?"

"Why would I know," Jet spat out. It was a question that he himself wanted to be answered. "Have you heard anything about it?"

Seeing her closed eyes, Jet was surprised. Whenever she did this, it meant that she was weighing the quality of the information she was provided against the value of the information she was giving out. Basically, she had the info.

"According to the rumours, he's here to headhunt someone."

At those words, the tension drained from Jet's body. Dimoiya could indeed gather information, but it was not certain that her information was reliable. Sometimes, it was no better than gossip. Whenever she herself described it, she would simply call it a diamond in the rough, but—

"Yes yes, no way at all. Or rather, that's a complete lie, right? We're all students here. And even the teachers won't be a problem, and he can simply raise a finger and they'll come running. Or rather, there's no way that there's someone that deserves his personal attention in this entire academy…. Ah!"

"W, what is it, Jet? Did you think of someone?"

"Yeah…. One person."

Dimoiya realised who he was referring to, and snapped her fingers in realisation.

"I see. That senpai?"

"Ahh yeah, if it's that person, it would not be strange for him to come. But…. She's not here now."

"She became an adventurer right? The smartest genius this academy has ever seen. The one who everyone believed was on the verge of the 3rd tier before she left?"


Even now, her name still echoed through the halls of the academy. The current Top Three in the school had no choice but to admit that they were yet to reach her level.

"The Third Tier…. Impossible. Well, not that I'm saying that it's a lie. It's just that I can't imagine that someone the same age as me could reach that level…."

"Well, the Ojou-sama is truly a genius after all!"

"….What was that just now?"

Jet got a bit too excited about the admiration and respect directed towards her. But Dimoiya was uninterested and moved the conversation forward.

And without realising her change of mood Jet shook his head and continued speaking.

"Yes…. Well, by the time I noticed it, she was already in a different world."

"I don't really understand what you mean…. But anyway I can't become adventurer…. I don't have the courage."


They were people who fought monsters and were the defenders of humankind. Some of them sought endless riches and others who simply needed the money, but the common point between all of them was that they were prepared to fight against powerful monsters. Of course, some of them took up less dangerous jobs, but they were the exceptions.

And as Jet considered if he could become one, he had to shake his head.

It was impossible. Certainly, it had its plus points. However, whenever he thought about the fact that he would have to risk his life, he would turn tail on the idea.

He did not have the courage. However, the girl before him refuted it.

"That's not true. You're brave, Jet."

"I'm just acting."

"….No, not at all…."

Hearing Dimoiya's whispers, Jet frowned. He wondered if something was wrong, or that she had stumbled into a thought.

A strange silence fell— But they also realised that this was not only between them.

The entire cafeteria was silent.

If they looked around, they would notice that all of the students were focused on a certain location.

A strange silence. Adding on the uncomfortable tension in his body, this was an entirely new sensation to Jet.

"Wow, he's really here…."

Those words from the girl before him confirmed Jet's guess. He turned around to look. There were three people present, bathing in everyone's gazes. One was Fluder, one was Frianne, and the last was the Principal.

The principal was an old man like Fluder, with silver hair. And as many magic casters admired Fluder, they styled their beard like his. The principal was not an exception. However, what differed was not the length, but the fact that the principal had combed and arranged it neatly under his chin.

Jet recalled that some older gentlemen were proud of their beard.

"….The Big Three."

"Ah, indeed."

Jet instinctively agreed with Dimoiya's words. After all, there were no better words to describe the three of them. They were the greatest magic caster in the country, the representative of the students, and the representative of the teachers.

They were collecting their food and talking, and then began to walk off.




Jet and Dimoiya cried out in unison. However, their voices were extremely soft. It was not even loud enough for them to be overheard from the next table. Or rather, it was precisely that volume because the three figures sat down right next to their table.

Jet contemplated.

Whether he should leave or not. Fortunately, he had already finished eating. It would not be unusual for him to leave his seat.

Arriving at the same conclusion, Dimoiya guessed Jet's next move but pleaded with him to stay using her eyes.

(Sorry. But I don't want my stomach to hurt any further.)

He did feel guilty about abandoning her, but when he returned to class, the same hell would be waiting for him. He wanted her to grant him at least this.

And in response, Dimoiya pouted like a child.

Anyone who saw her would instinctively want to protect her, but it did not work on Jet. He knew that she was completely aware of how her expressions affected others through their long relationship.

(However, would it be rude for me to stand up just as they were sitting down?)

He might have been worrying too much about it. However, overthinking was never a problem. So just when was it best to leave his seat?

In contrast to him, Dimoiya saw her chance. The speed she was using to eat went up several notches.

And seeing this, Jet felt a revelation come upon him.

Wasn't the best time for him to leave when she had finished her meal?

Deciding upon this course of action, Jet had no choice but to listen to the conversation of the other party. By sheer coincidence, they were discussing the Promotional Examination.

"But if it's Paradyne-sama, I do not mind just passing you?"

Fluder replied with a wry smile.

"Please refrain from doing so. I have registered in the academy as a student. And I believe that it would cause problems for me to receive special treatment."

"If it is Paradyne-sama, many teams would love to invite you."


But his next words of "if that is what master desires" melted away into the wind, unable to reach the ears of anyone.

Fluder out on a kind smile and turned to Frianne.

"I do not desire that Ojou-san. I do not wish them to admit me just because I am Fluder Paradyne."

"However, at this time, barely any groups are lacking members."

"And that is why I am a bit troubled…."

Fluder's brows furrowed.

Jet noticed a shine in the eyes of the girl before him and glared at her.

(Your speed is falling. Stop thinking about such ridiculous things and hurry up and eat. Or…. Should I leave before her?)

"….As expected, it would be best to ask his Highness to edit the rule that enrolling halfway through the school year is not permitted."

"Not necessarily, principal. I have heard that the reason that such a rule was not created was in consideration of the students who skip grades and the ones who have shown excellent results. I do not wish for trouble to be created solely for my sake."

"I see…."

"Anyway, we should ask many students."

"Being asked by Paradyne-sama…. I believe that they will be over the moon."

"Maybe, Ojou-san. I will be happy if they react in that way."

"By the way…."

Unconsciously, instead of looking out of the corner of his eye, Jet turned to face them directly. However, it was not just Jet that did this, but several other students dotted around the cafeteria.

"I would like to ask Paradyne-sama, but exactly how is it that you have managed to live for so long?"

The surroundings were not noisy, but the sheer silent grated on one's nerves.

The method that Fluder Paradyne used to live his long life. This conversation elicited a high level of curiosity in the minds of everyone. Even Jet forgot about the pain of his stomach.

However, he felt it. That the secret would not actually be revealed.


"One would have to be able to use a Sixth Tier spell of my own creation…."

—Audible gasps could be heard.

"Is that so…. Then if one is able to use the sixth tier, anyone can become immortal?"

"In theory. But a prerequisite is that they need a large amount of mana. Even I need to drain every drop in my body. And afterwards, I am unable to use any magic for several days."

"….An additional question. Is it possible to regain one's youth?"

"….That is a strange question."

Fluder stroked his beard and closed his eyes. And arriving at his answer, he opened them and faced the principal.

"I shall state this clearly, principal. It is impossible at the current level of magic in the Empire. Those able to do so are standing in the realm of gods..,. Probably."

"I see…. If there is such a person, I would like to pay respects to him or her as the head of the Imperial Academy of Magic. No, I would like to pledge myself to him."

Immediately after, Jet noticed that Frianne's knuckles turned white from her tightly clenched fists.

(Did something happen?)

Jet could not see any change in her expression or bearing. After all, she was a noble daughter who had learned how to hide her emotions.

(Then what is she so emotional about?)

He had a suspicion that there was an issue within the noble factions.

As he was not a noble, Jet was completely clueless about their world and thus could only imagine the situation.

"….Indeed, Principle. I feel the same."

Seeing both Fluder and the Principal break out into soft smiles caused Jet to sense that something was off. Nothing was as simple as it seemed on the surface.

(….What is it? Are they acquaintances? ….No does the Principal know Paradyne-sama?…. No, that doesn't seem to be the case. But I have no clue either way. Do they have a common friend? If so, then the conversation….)

Jet then realised that his thoughts had leaned towards an absurd direction.

(Didn't Paradyne-sama himself say that restoring one's youth was impossible? Then are they now talking about something else?)

He tried to recall the other details of the conversation, but the impact of hearing about restoring one's youth and how to remain unaging had caused his attention to waver. However, Jet did not feel an iota of regret. After all, the chance that the Great Magic Caster known as Fluder would have any further impact on his life was minuscule.

To the strongest magic caster, a small speck such as himself was no different from the other faces in the rabble of students. Or at least that was what he believed at the time. In a few days, he would soon mock himself for his naivety.

"What a fiendish intellect he has! Such a diabolical move!"

Everyone who had heard the news felt similar emotions.

Fluder Paradyne had entered the Imperial Academy of Magic.

When they first heard it they had doubted their ears. However, once they realised what this meant, they wanted to cry out in rage. Even if they were in the newly constructed office of the Emperor.

"No, these are the acts of a madman! Forcing the legendary magic caster to enter the academy?"

"A madman? Hmph! I did not ask how effective his methods were! After all, it is only to us commoners that he seems like a buffoon. Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown is a genius, never forget this fact!"

Those words were filled with shock, awe, and range, without a tinge of arrogance. They were hit with a plan that most would not even dream of. But this was because all those present had similar sensibilities.

No member of the Empire could possibly think of having the unrivalled great magic caster of the Empire enrol in the academy. This was common sense. However, this "belief" was easily torn asunder.

Thus was the plan of someone standing in the realm of diabolical geniuses, someone worthy of being called a monster.

And their common sensibilities had to go up against this monster known as Ainz Ooal Gown.

"He is indeed a monster."

Jircniv slowly slumped down into his chair.

"This is terrifying. The most fearful part about him is not his magic, not his subordinates, and not even his stronghold. It is his mind, filled to the brim with wisdom."

Jircniv's face scrunched up into a frown.

"He has seen through all of our plans and lightly threatened us…. Or perhaps those were not threats but warnings, simply to tell us that he had known about everything, and now he's finally truly making his move."

"Yes. He should be using Fluder-do…. No Fluder to expand his influence."

"I can think of no other possibility. And of course, I believe that I do not need to state the great effect that Fluder has. With he himself preaching the greatness of the Archduke, many students will be willing to work for him."

"Not only that but should the information that someone as great as Fluder has switched loyalties…. Your Majesty's standing will fall…."

"Indeed…. And we have informed the Great Nobles…. But now it will even spread to the commoners."

Gritting his teeth, Jircniv stood up from his chair.

Ainz Ooal Gown. An undead with massive power.

What was the most fearful thing about him?

Jircniv could easily answer this. That was that he had no information on him.

To what extent did his abilities extend? What was his organisational structure? What subordinates did he have? All of the necessary information to form counter-strategies was covered by a thick veil that he could not peer through.

Of course, it was clear that Ainz was purposefully obscuring this information.

And thus Jircniv had used several methods to try to peel away that veil.

Having him kicked by the Sleipnir, using arm-wrenching tactics to send in maids, and thrusting the responsibility of territorial rule upon him.

However, all of these plots were seen through by that wise undead and Jircniv instead found himself grasping at straws.

"He is indeed a terrifying opponent."

He had wished for an extremely intelligent opponent, but certainly not one of this extent.

"If there is such a thing as having a sense for strategy, just how far must one climb before he is able to attack me on multiple fronts with just one move?"

Noticing that several of his subordinates had doubtful looks on their faces, Jircniv grew irritated. Why did he have to explain everything to them? He had to take one step at a time.

Jircniv shook his head. He should be ecstatic that some of them could notice.

"….Would it be an issue for those who are now under Ainz's influence to be involved in the important roles of this country?"

Everyone groaned.


Fluder could pull excellent potential subordinates over to Ainz's side. That much was permissible. But in turn, there was the possibility that he could use them to attack their own side. However, the main problem was that Fluder could still call upon his previous connections. It was like a poison remaining in one's veins.

"Your Majesty, what about forcing Fluder to be expelled."

"You fool!"

Jircniv berated the subordinate that made that suggestion. It was like a dam had burst within him and his emotions were all riled up.

"For the Emperor to use his authority on a mere student and force him to be expelled! Even if it is Fluder!"

It was indeed possible. It would be a simple matter for him. However, forcefully expelling someone from Ainz's side without any reason would be directly picking a fight with him. Additionally, it would signal that Jircniv viewed Ainz as a serious threat.

The oppressive fear that the nobles had for him would weaken and it might become a possible reason for Ainz to form his own powerful faction.

Jircniv knew.

He could envision a fierce battle with Ainz. An invisible, political war.

That was why ever since he had granted Ainz the position of Archduke, he had completely refrained from any further political purges. In order to decrease the number of nobles that would attempt to flee under Ainz's wings.

And some of the Great Nobles who had ability and had seen Ainz's true face pledged their loyalty to Jircniv. They had seen Jircniv treat Ainz as an equal- the two of them were chatting happily during the ball.

They were wary of such a powerful undead and thus strongly supported his rival Jircniv. Rather than selling favours to an undead, it would be a safer bet to pledge loyalty to Jircniv.

Then should they learn that Jircniv himself is, in fact, wary of such a person, and if they ever feel that even he is not his match, they would be reluctant to side with the Anti-Ainz Ooal Gown faction.

The effects would not end there.

The faction of Ainz Ooal Gown was small.

Ainz was not actively growing it and people were reluctant to side with an undead that hated the living. And if one joined with him, they could possibly turn the priests that could heal them into their enemies.

And for this reason, the ones joining his faction were the ones drawn towards his overwhelming power. And so should they learn that even the most powerful person in the Empire, the Emperor, was wary, it would go to their heads.

Basically doing so would result in the weakening of Jircniv's faction and the strengthening of Ainz's as the current Jircniv could not direct resist Ainz.

This would bring about a tragic effect on Jircniv.

It would leave blemishes on the Blood Emperor who had spilt the blood of countless nobles.

Jircniv released the fury that had arisen in his heart with an angry roar.

"And this is precisely why Ainz is terrifying! If Fluder had joined as a teacher, it would be possible to chase him away. We could say that his education is improper and that he was developing the incorrect methods inside the students' minds. The nobles with children in the academy will understand this. However, for a mere student, would the Emperor himself move? Even if the one in question is Fluder! For what reason can we even expel him? He is unsuitable? Idiots, it will not work. Everyone will think that I am scared of Ainz! And so he chose to send Fluder in as a student!"

Jircniv's face scrunched up into an ugly grimace.

"And to attack precisely during this period. It seems that bastard has seen through our plans! Ainz Ooal Gown…. You monster of strategy! ….We had mocked the Kingdom…. But now we are under the same situation…. Baiting such a monster…. No. We firstly have to push through! ….Oi!"

One of the men quickly bowed his head as Jircniv shot out his order.

"Inform all the staff of the Academy! Place Fluder under strict observation and take note of his aims and movements! Next is to—"

Powerful creatures were not difficult to find within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Certainly, Fluder could be considered to be standing at the pinnacle of human beings, but there were plenty of monsters at his level. If the owner of the tomb opens its doors, the world will be destroyed by rampaging monsters.

Among the monsters of Nazarick, there was a group that was at a whole other level.

The ultimate group of "demons" were known as the Guardians of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick

Fluder could not determine how strong they were. After all, his eyes could only perceive the magical tier that one could use. And so, for the first time in his two hundred years of life, Fluder learned that he could not gage actual fighting ability.

Normally, one could base one's strength on what tier of magic one could use, but users of the 10th Tier were common in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. In fact, Fluder could fondly recall that on his first day here he rolled around on his bed due to his excitement of the gap between his previous knowledge and what he had seen here.

Basically, even if the Guardians could use magic of the 10th Tier- although the number of beings that could threaten the world had increased- it was not anything to be surprised about…. Or at least within Nazarick.

And compared to how he could feel the power and pressure when he faced a powerful monster, the Guardians did not illicit this feeling within him. When he talked with one of these "Demons", a dark elf girl named Aura, she felt like a perfectly normal young girl. Except for that light in her eyes.

He saw a typhoon of chaos lying in the depths of her soul.

But, surprisingly, his chats with her brought him peace of mind.

Basically, excluding his master and the librarian, the only ones that were friendly with him were the Guardians. Fluder was often hesitant to even speak to many of the monsters and the only ones he could chat freely with were them. And they treated him quite kindly.


As Fluder had spent most of his life researching magic, he was not particularly skilled in reading people. However, he could still feel that the friendly attitude that he was treated with was simply a form of respect for his teacher Ainz Ooal Gown.

Because he was a disciple of his master, he was being treated favourably despite being human.

He was an insect that his master was raising and thus the subordinates were being nice.

And this was why Fluder treated them with the utmost respect. Of course, he was aware that they were powerful beings who had reached a level in magic that he had not even seen. And he wanted to build a strong relationship with them as fellow colleagues of Nazarick.

Perhaps he saw something in him, or perhaps because he found him "interesting", the wise demon called Demiurge would occasionally drink with him. Of course, Fluder knew that he was a terrifying demon who viewed humans as nothing more than toys.

Fluder recalled a conversation they had in a bar within Nazarick that was run by a myconid.

They had first talked about their master but had often jumped topics and ended up discussing how to enact orders.

"The important thing is to predict what our master is thinking and make suitable preparations."

Naturally, the demon continued.

"There are times when a genius finds it difficult to explain his thoughts using words. Using his great intellect, but believing others are at the same level, he tries to explain his thoughts but fails."

Fluder felt his heart fall. He recalled that he had often faced this problem in the past.

When his students came to ask him questions, he taught them patiently but found that many of them still failed to understand. They would ask again, and Fluder would learn precisely which aspect they did not understand, but he would often wonder "why can they not reach this conclusion".

And at the end of their conversation, Demiurge said this.

"Ainz-sama wields keen insight and wisdom and thus is a man of few words. Because he believes that such things are obvious. And so when Ainz-sama gives you an order, you simply must consider his intentions so that you can enact his orders perfectly."

Recalling this conversation, Fluder bowed and began his report to his master.

Fluder had one question. Why did he have to enter the Academy?

He had indeed heard the reason.

He was to ensure that a certain student would graduate.

To be honest, when his master had ordered that of him, Fluder had doubted his ears. It was a completely ridiculous command.

He was the best magic caster in the Empire. So why did he have to enter the Imperial Academy of Magic? And not even as a teacher, but as a student.

His first thought was that it was because he was merely at that level, and his master was disillusioned with his inability. However, his respect for his master's intellect utterly crushed that thought.

There was no way that it was such a simple command. It was simply that he had yet to learn of the true reason.

Realising this, Fluder let out a sigh of relief that he did not embarrass himself in front of his teacher. If he had asked, he would probably have received an explanation, but his worth in the eyes of his master would fall.

He must show his teacher his best side.

In the end, he identified two possible points as to why his master had wished this of him. The first was to recruit students with high potentials before others fought with him over them. And the other possibility was to rapidly spread his name.

Finishing his report, Fluder asked his master if he were correct.

His master slowly got up from his chair and peered out the window. He stood there in silence, before solemnly speaking.

"….A, as expected of my disciple, Fluder. T, to understand my thoughts…."

"Yes! Thank you very much!"

Satisfied with his achievement, Fluder lowered his head.

It was possible for another goal to simultaneously exist, but asking would reveal how superficial his thought process was. He needed to do more research.

"However…. Just two more."

"Yes. With how they are acting around me, it will take some time before they are willing to ask."

"I see…. Got it. Just continue to follow my commands."

"Understood. I shall prepare the list of people who have spoken to me. After all, they do have confidence in themselves.

"Ah, please do."

Fluder left the room. At that moment, he thought that he heard a small sigh, but it was probably a figure of his imagination. But, it was not. It came from the room's master, Ainz.

"….Just two more…. My time has finally come."


Maruyama: I want to release another chapter in June….

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