Chapter 178: Men get out! Women come in!

Not entering a department immediately would require the rotation doctor to mention this to the hospital administration director. This was because all of the rotation doctors who weren’t permanently assigned to a department yet were under the jurisdiction of the hospital administration department. If any problems occurred during rotation, the hospital administration department would also take care of it.

Zhang Fan was going to join an award ceremony, which was a major public event. The hospital administration director simply gave Zhang Fan three days of vacation. This was the preferential treatment for someone so skilled.

On Friday afternoon, the biggest auditorium owned by the government in Chasu City was crowded and noisy, with all sorts of banners and flags covering the entire hall. This auditorium was rather old. It had been constructed in the era of Soviet support. The hall’s name was called the Friendship Hall! The construction style was also Soviet, showing off a wild roughness.

The award recipients would need to first report to the Chasu City Communist Party Committee. They were from all sorts of different fields, with many different systems involved. Since all of the award recipients were young men and women, their workplaces would send plenty of people to fill up this auditorium as their leaders would lose face otherwise.

This auditorium was truly large. It would be no problem to seat 1,000 people here. Chasu City Hospital also sent personnel here. A large group of nurses who had originally been off work today were ordered to attend today. This made them filled with complaints!

Such an award ceremony would require rehearsal beforehand due to how formal it was. Apart from the leaders, everyone else would need to rehearse. The award recipients needed to learn how to properly receive the award, how to shake hands, and so on. The minor official from Chasu City Communist Party Committee even made sure to tell them that they weren’t to speak to the government leaders unless a government leader spoke to them first.

There were about 20 or so people here to receive the awards. Not only were there awards for the 10 excellent youths of Chasu City, who were all civilians, it turned out that there were also awards for excellent youths from the military! Zhang Fan was put second to last in line for the rehearsal. To his right was a muscular man wearing a police uniform, while to his left was an icy and beautiful woman who worked in customs.

Zhang Fan was getting really annoyed because they were forced to rehearse many times. He felt that it was ridiculous that so much emphasis on formality was being placed on an award ceremony. Even more annoying to him was that the muscular guy on his right kept trying to make conversation with him. The muscular guy’s objective was obvious. He just wanted to attract the attention of the beautiful woman from customs on Zhang Fan’s other side. If it weren’t for the fact that everyone had been assigned to fixed positions, this policeman who was still single definitely would have asked to switch spots with Zhang Fan already.

“Bro, which workplace are you from? We police don’t have the freedom to wear a suit like you can for this type of ceremony. Have you gotten married yet? I’m still single! But, my workplace has already given me an apartment!” It seemed like this muscular policeman had been single for far too long already. He didn’t even care that Zhang Fan didn’t respond, and seemed like he would tell Zhang Fan about his entire family history soon at this rate.

Zhang Fan turned around slightly to glance at the beautiful woman from customs sitting next to him. If she wasn’t an idiot, then she should probably understand this muscular policeman’s intentions as well. However, she kept an icy expression on her face and didn’t seem to be interested in the conversation at all.

Zhang Fan was unable to bear being the third wheel in this conversation any longer. He felt that police were respectable, while those who were still single were pitiable. Zhang Fan thus decided to help him out a little. “Oh! My uniform doesn’t look that good to be wearing it to such a place. It’s not like you and this female comrade. Both of you look quite heroic in your uniforms. Both of you should be in the same system, right?”

The woman from customs was also wearing her uniform, which was how Zhang Fan had known she worked in customs. Zhang Fan had established a conversation topic for them, so the rest would depend on the muscular policeman himself. The policeman who was still single had such a grateful expression. If it weren’t for the fact that this place and time wouldn’t be appropriate, he probably would have hugged Zhang Fan in gratitude.

“We’re not from the same system, but customs and police are very close to each other. Comrade, what city do you work in?” the policeman asked the customs woman.

“Chark City.”

She had a beautiful voice as well, but she replied quite tersely while furrowing her eyebrows!

“Wonderful. I’m from Chakur City. We’re not far away from each other!” Zhang Fan almost laughed out loud on hearing this. Chark City was the farthest small city under the larger Chasu City’s jurisdiction, while Chakur City was in the exact opposite direction. There would be almost 500 kilometers of distance between these two cities!

For every three sentences that the muscular policeman asked, the customs woman would only reply with a few words. However, Zhang Fan was now free. They had rehearsed many times already, so the rehearsals were finally finished. They were now just waiting for the leaders. Zhang Fan was so bored that he even mentally entered his System and started practicing surgery.

He was about to join the internal secretion department. Since he hadn’t been able to activate internal medicine courses yet, he was unable to practice this subject. However, thyroid surgery under the topic of general surgery would be related to internal secretion, so Zhang Fan began to practice thyroid surgery. Although he had practiced this type of surgery before, he hadn’t practiced it very much compared to other surgeries.

Back when Zhang Fan had first received his System, he had been paranoid that the System would vanish on him one day. Rather than being a generalist, he had wanted to be a specialist. That was why he practiced orthopedic surgeries more than any other type of surgeries in his System. Later, when he was able to activate general surgery courses, he mostly practiced surgeries on the major organs. He didn’t spend much time yet on practicing these surgeries for more minor organs.

General surgeries were quite rough and direct. For already diagnosed problems, such problems would be surgically treated. For undiagnosed problems, the surgeon would simply open up the abdomen to inspect how things were. When looking through medical reports in general surgery, it was common to see a question mark after the doctor’s preliminary diagnosis, meaning that the diagnosis was uncertain. This was because the organs in the abdomen were far too complex. It would be quite difficult to be certain of a diagnosis without opening up the abdomen.

Although it would seem obvious if a patient had pain in the McBurney’s point of the appendix, doctors would still commonly write acute appendicitis? with the question mark in their preliminary diagnosis. This way of writing a preliminary diagnosis had become popular recently. Was it that the diagnosis techniques had regressed, or had the doctors’ overall abilities regressed?

Thyroid surgeries weren’t that difficult. However, thyroid surgeries had some risk associated with injuring the patient. As much as 0.5% of the time, the recurrent laryngeal nerve would be injured. The recurrent laryngeal nerve was responsible for controlling the muscles for the vocal cords. A light injury to this nerve would cause the patient’s voice to become raspy, while a more severe injury could even cause suffocation. This nerve was far too fragile. Having even some slight bleeding pressure this nerve might cause a person’s voice to become raspy.

“What workplace are you from?” The woman from customs was getting really annoyed by the policeman, so she wanted to drag Zhang Fan down with her. She asked twice, but Zhang Fan seemed as if he was ignoring her, since he was busy practicing thyroid surgery in his System.

‘You’re just pretending to ignore me!’ She gritted her teeth in anger. But since the policeman who was single was being far too persistent, the woman from customs asked her question again while elbowing Zhang Fan in the arm.

“Are you asking me?” Zhang Fan asked uncertainly.

“Yeah, what workplace are you from?” She didn’t say anything else, as she was trying to change the topic. The policeman was even trying to ask for her address by now!

“Oh! I work at a hospital. The nature of my work is quite different from either of you. As for you two, your work is quite similar.” Zhang Fan didn’t want to deal with the policeman, either. The policeman was far too chatty for Zhang Fan. Thus, Zhang Fan tried to change the topic back to the two of them.

Due to the special nature of the award ceremony, the beautiful woman was unable to do anything. Normally, she probably would have gotten angry and long since left already. She had white skin, a slender and tall figure, and light makeup along with a face filled with collagen. Her neck seemed like a swan’s, without any trace of cosmetic surgery. She was really prideful, yet she was able to appear here at this award ceremony as a recipient. From all this, Zhang Fan analyzed that this woman probably was 25 years old or younger, and that either her father or mother was quite powerful, rather than her being here due to her own accomplishments.

Zhang Fan then turned to look at the muscular policeman. This fellow’s face was weather-beaten. There were also obvious sunburn and frostbite marks left behind his ears. He also had a really passionate attitude and innocent eyes. For a policeman like this to be able to join the excellent youths of Chasu City award, he definitely had to have achieved something grand. Zhang Fan was quite worried about the policeman’s money should he try and romance the woman from customs.

Zhang Fan wanted to convince the guy to give up, but then glanced at the policeman’s very muscular body and expression that seemed like he was going in heat. Zhang Fan remained quiet and didn’t say anything, because he didn’t want to receive a beating!

This award ceremony was rather high in level. The leader of the entire Chasu City Communist Party Committee personally came to this award ceremony. This high-ranking leader gave a speech for more than 40 minutes. After that, various other leaders gave speeches as well. The award recipients had to sit down and wait as they listened to the leaders’ speeches. The leaders were quite eloquent and skilled at talking about nothing for such a long period of time. They all said basically just one thing: that young people needed to ask for a smaller salary and be more selfless!

The policeman, whose name Zhang Fan learned was Zhu Bing, finally fell silent now that the leaders were giving speeches. Zhang Fan sneaked a glance at the woman from customs next to him, but she only glared at him! Zhang Fan didn’t care, as he had a girlfriend already.

Finally, the leaders ended their speeches, and the award presentations began. The youths raised their heads and stood up straight as they were illuminated under the lights, showing off a solemn atmosphere.

There was even special music being played to create an atmosphere where everyone couldn’t help but feel serious. When it came to Zhang Fan’s turn to receive the award from the leader of Chasu City Communist Party Committee, he felt that the committee leader’s hand was quite soft compared to most men’s hands which would be harder and more callused.

“You’ve worked hard!” the committee leader told each of the young award recipients.

“Leader, you’ve also worked hard!” This sentence hadn’t been part of the rehearsal. However, the first award recipient said it, so everyone else also said it. Perhaps the leader really liked hearing this!

Zhang Fan received his award, which was a certificate, along with a bonus of 5,000 yuan. However, this reward money would be sent to his workplace only after the end of the award ceremony.

The award ceremony was now finished. Three days of preparation had been made beforehand for a short process that lasted only a few seconds. Such extravagance! As everyone gradually left, the policeman Zhu Bin hurriedly stopped Zhang Fan and the woman from customs. “It’s fate that brought us all together. How about the three of us eat a meal together?”

Of course Zhu Bin would be in such a hurry. It would be unlikely for him to ever meet the beautiful woman from customs again if he missed this opportunity!

“The two of you can go eat together instead. Forget about me!” Zhang Fan was only thinking about returning to his apartment and grinding thyroid surgeries some more. That was because he knew already that Director Dilibaer of the internal secretion department was really strict, and that she would often test the rotation doctors. It would be too awkward for him if he was spotted flipping through a medical textbook in a patient’s room instead.

“Do you know me?” The woman from customs was truly angry now. She was no longer tolerating things now that the award ceremony was over. The police guy was as annoying as a fly, while this so-called doctor fellow was not only dense, but he kept bringing her into the conversation. That was why she glared at him after hearing Zhang Fan’s words.

Zhang Fan was zombified by her reaction. Even he could tell that she had gotten really angry now! At this moment, Tang Jingjing arrived and walked over. “Doctor Zhang, not bad! You’re an outstanding youth of Chasu City! You should be treating me!”

“Sister Tang!” Zhang Fan no longer felt awkward as he hurriedly greeted Tang Jingjing. Ever since Tang Jingjing stopped working as Kang Hua’s secretary, she now dressed even more conservatively than before. She appeared as if she was past 30 years old already despite only being in her 20s!

“Sister Tang!” the woman from customs exclaimed inconceivably upon seeing Tang Jingjing.

“Lu Renjia!” Tang Jingjing was even more surprised to see the daughter of the second-highest ranked member of the General Office of the CPC Chasu City Committee here.

“What’s going on?” Tang Jingjing glanced at the group consisting of Zhang Fan, Zhu Bing, and Lu Renjia.

“We’re discussing how we can better dedicate ourselves to others!” Zhang Fan hurriedly mentioned.

“What?! These two wanted to invite me out to a meal.” Lu Renjia was no longer so angry, since Zhang Fan was the acquaintance of an acquaintance. However, she still held a small grudge as she revealed Zhang Fan’s little lie.

“Haha, Doctor Zhang, that’s not good.” Tang Jingjing chuckled wickedly. However, she didn’t say anything about why this wouldn’t be good. Leaving face for others by leaving certain things unsaid was a calculated maneuver. Tang Jingjing was well on her way to becoming a skilled politician herself!

Tang Jingjing was quite lucky as she was already the vice director of the Economic and Trade Bureau of Chasu City. A while back, Lu Renjia’s father had introduced his nephew who worked in finance to Tang Jingjing. Lu Renjia had also been there for that first meeting.

“Haha, let’s forget it since Sister Tang discovered me. You guys keep chatting, and I’ll be leaving now!” Zhang Fan didn’t give any explanation, as he was in a hurry to go home and grind surgeries.

“What, you’re unwilling to pay for a meal now that I’m here?” Tang Jingjing pretended to be angry. Only now did she seem like the young woman she actually was. Being a politician would truly be such a trial!

“Oh! No, it’s that I just wanted to invite you by yourself! Now I guess we’ll all have to eat together.” The policeman Zhu Bing was unable to express himself well anymore.

“Let’s go, Bro! You don’t want me to pay for the meal, do you?” Zhang Fan said on purpose. He figured he might as well encourage Zhu Bing, but the latter had already started giving up! It was unknown if Zhang Fan was actually helping or harming him!

Zhang Fan drove everyone around. Zhu Bing remained completely silent on the car! Even he was feeling pressure now. Zhu Bing could tell that Tang Jingjing had to be a decently high-ranking government official. Zhang Fan’s car, the new Toyota FJ Cruiser, was also giving Zhu Bing a significant amount of pressure. Even Zhu Bing’s boss, the police captain, only drove a Land Cruiser. During the award ceremony, they had all merely been excellent youths of Chasu City, but outside of the award ceremony, the cruel reality informed Zhu Bing that Zhang Fan was also a wealthy person!

“It seems like you doctors must receive plenty of red packets. You can actually afford a car that costs over one million yuan.” Lu Renjia was still young and inexperienced. She didn’t realize that words like hers would easily anger others.

“I just take 1,000 yuan per day. It’s enough for me! Haha, what would you three like to eat?” Zhang Fan changed the topic.

“Let’s eat hot pot! That will be livelier. What do you think, Renjia?” Tang Jingjing suggested.

“Okay, let’s eat hot pot. I haven’t eaten hot pot for so long that I can taste it in my mouth already.”

Hot pot? They then decided on the Little Plump Sheep restaurant. Although this restaurant’s food tasted average, it had a good environment.

The weather was getting colder. There was a thin layer of ice on the road. Although Zhang Fan and others all drove slower for this reason, Zhang Fan still witnessed several car accidents on the way to the restaurant.

Zhang Fan parked his car at the restaurant. The two women got off and were chatting about something to themselves. Zhang Fan and Zhu Bing walked behind them. Right when they arrived at the entrance of the Little Plump Sheep restaurant, they heard a shrill scream. “Aaah!!!”

Zhang Fan saw a woman who had tripped over, along with an old lady next to her who was trying to support her in standing up again. Zhang Fan was still stunned and hadn’t reacted, while Zhu Bing instantly dashed forward. This was the difference between professional training and a civilian.

“What’s the matter?” Zhu Bing asked as he ran up.

“My belly! Belly!” The woman who tripped was incredibly nervous as she pointed at her stomach. Zhang Fan and the two women also arrived at this time. Zhang Fan instantly felt a sinking feeling in his heart when he saw the scene!

The woman who tripped was pregnant. Judging by her stomach’s condition, she was probably about to give birth soon. Not only that, there was already red on her legs! “No, it really hurts! My Child! Aaah! It’s coming out!” The woman’s face was going incredibly pale due to pain as she screamed out loud in fear.

Zhu Bing had originally been about to support her, but now he no longer knew what to do in such a situation. Lu Renjia was too scared to even react. Tang Jingjing hurriedly asked, “Doctor Zhang, shall I call for an ambulance to take her to the hospital?”

“There’s no time. The roads are clogged and slippery. There’s probably not enough time to go to the hospital. Instead, call Chasu City Hospital and tell them to send someone here.” Zhang Fan looked around for somewhere warm as the temperature was far too low outside, which would be detrimental to the pregnant woman. He saw many bystanders who had gathered around to see what was going on, so Zhang Fan loudly declared, “I’m a doctor from Chasu City Hospital. Some of you men come help me out and lift this pregnant woman into the hot pot restaurant!”

Several men stepped up when they heard that Zhang Fan was a doctor. Without worrying about the pregnant woman’s blood getting on them, they all helped to lift the pregnant woman into the hot pot restaurant.

“Hey! Hey! Hey, what are you all doing?” Zhang Fan commanded the men to put the pregnant woman into a private dining room in the hot pot restaurant. The female manager of the restaurant had never seen anyone lifting someone into the restaurant for a meal before. She also saw that the woman was bleeding, so the manager stood in front of the private room and spoke in a really loud voice while not allowing anyone to enter.

“There’s no time to explain. I’m sorry. Zhu Bing, you deal with this for me. Sister Tang, go find some hot water and clean towels. You must hurry. Remove the table’s glass turntable and place the pregnant woman on the table,” Zhang Fan issued commands to everyone. He then turned around to the spectator crowd. “Are any of you nurses? If there aren’t any nurses, some women who have experience with childbirth please come into this room. All other men, get out of this room!”

The men who had helped lift the pregnant women into the room all exited the room. Several middle-aged women who were willing to help out came into the room! There were still plenty of people willing to help others in society. “Ladies, please assist me the best you can.”

At this moment, outside the restaurant’s private room, Zhu Bing loudly declared, “I’m a policeman. There’s a pregnant woman who’s about to give birth inside this room! This is my police ID.” Zhu Bing showed his police ID to the restaurant manager.

“I’m not someone unreasonable. But, this is a hot pot restaurant! Giving birth, sigh! Why am I so unlucky!” The restaurant manager had a depressed expression. The restaurant patrons all stopped eating and also gathered around to watch what was going on!

“This is an emergency. If this had been summer, we definitely wouldn’t have come here today, but the temperature outside is so low. We’re so sorry! If there’s any losses…” Zhu Bing was unable to continue speaking or take responsibility. For such a large restaurant, of course the restaurant would incur significant losses for today!

“I truly don’t mind taking losses for one day. Anyone would be willing to help out in such a situation. But you see, with such a big commotion, what if others are superstitious and view our restaurant as taboo in the future? How are we still supposed to do business! I need to immediately call the restaurant owner. I don’t even dare to look at your police ID!” The restaurant manager didn’t leave, but called the restaurant owner as she stood in the doorway.

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