Chapter 85

[It’s a meta Q&A session! It’s also…not very interesting, being based off some subpar danmei template with half of the questions being about sex, which – as we all know – no one in the Qinglianverse is good at. YJZ = Yao Jinzi, JQC = Ji Qiaochu

As always, please read for free on the source site, chichilations, and not support an aggregator or content thief. Reposts are not allowed anywhere or for any reason.]

1. May I ask your names?

YJZ: Yao Jinzi.

JQC: Hm, this question’s awfully subtle.

2. Ages?

YJZ: They always thought that I’m still seventeen, but I’m eighteen already.

JQC: That’s… a very complicated question. This much should be said; Zhang Qinglian looks about 27 or 28, and my age is forever staying at 25. (Yep, after 7 or 8 years, Jinzi’s going to be older than your old pal here!)

3. Genders?

YJZ: Male.

JQC: That’s an even more technical question. In order to be clear, a thesis will have to written on whether physical or spiritual attributes take priority.

4. How are your own personalities like?

YJZ: Is there anything to say about something like this?

JQC: Everyone thinks it’s alright.

5. What do you think of the other’s personality?

YJZ: Very good.

JQC: (smiling) Very cute.

6. When did you two meet? And where?

YJZ: In bed.

JQC: When I woke up one morning.

7. What was your first impression of the other?

YJZ: I wasn’t aware at the time, just thought him a little strange.

JQC: A very pretty person. Later on, I thought he was a truly pitiful child.

YJZ: (looks at him unhappily)

8. What do you like about the other?

YJZ: Everything. Especially when he’s sometimes soft-hearted, motherly yet still taking his situation into consideration, and when he looks when he’s clenching his teeth until it hurts. It makes one feel their mind being changed.

JQC: I like all of him, but I like when he’s embarrassed yet putting on a strong front the most. It’s really cute.

9. What do you dislike about the other?

YJZ: Whenever he acts on his own and doesn’t talk it over with me.

JQC: He can sometimes be a bit overbearing.

10. How do you feel your relationship together is?

YJZ: Very good.

JQC: Exceptionally good.

11. What do you call each other?

YJZ: Qiaochu.

JQC: Jinzi.

12. What do you wish the other would call you?

YJZ: Like this is fine.

JQC: Why would this not be fine?

13. What do you think the other would be if compared to an animal?

JQC: I would say he’s…a bit like a cheetah? But cheetahs aren’t as pretty as Jinzi.

YJZ: (ponders this for a good long while) A baiji dolphin.

JQC: (viciously sweating, drily smiling) Actually, he wants to say that I’m like a regular dolphin.

[T/N: In modern times, the baiji is extinct.]

14. If you wanted to give the other a gift, what would you pick?

YJZ: What he likes.

QJC: I’d have him show me a smile. Because this is too hard to think of, we’ll talk about it again later.

15. What gift would you yourself want?

JQC: I’d like whatever he’d give me.

YJZ: Him himself.


16. Is there any dissatisfaction with the other? Anything in general?

YJZ: I already said he kind of like to keep things from me, and he acts tough.

JQC: As stated above, he’s too overbearing and too much of a control freak.

17. What are your own faults?

YJZ: I’m too arrogant sometimes. (That you can recognize that really isn’t easy!)

JQC: I can be a bit softhearted at times, and I’m actually quite lazy.

18. What are the other’s faults?

YJZ: No faults.

JQC: He’s great like he is now.

19. What does the other party do (faults included) that makes you unhappy?

YJZ: ……

JQC: (smiles with eyes narrowed) It seems like your questions are repeating a lot?

20. What do you do (faults included) that makes the other unhappy?

YJZ: When he’s being forced to do something.

JQC: When I refuse him.

21. To what level is your relationship at?

YJZ: The most intimate one.

JQC: What’d you say?

22. Where was your first date?

YJZ: We’re together every day. We don’t need dates.

JQC: There isn’t one, presently. When everything’s over, I might take him to go camping, or on a picnic and such.

23. What was the atmosphere between you like?

YJZ: We already said there wasn’t one.

JQC: ……

24. What progress had you made at the time?


25. Where do you most frequently visit on dates?


(Okay, skipping all that.)

26. What would you set up for the other’s birthday?

YJZ: (stares, then gets hasty) I hadn’t thought about it.

JQC: (smiling) I want to sneak him out to play and personally give him a candle-lit dinner, just the two of us.

27. Who was the one to confess?

YJZ: Me.

JQC: Seems like it was me.

28. How much do you like the other?

YJZ: I like him a lot, more than anything else.

JQC: He’s the only one I’ll love in this lifetime.

29. Then, do you love the other?

YJZ: Yes.

JQC: Mhm.

30. What could the other party say that makes you feel there’s no possible way to refuse?

YJZ: There’s no way to refuse most of the time.

JQC: I wouldn’t refuse if I could.

31. If you had the suspicion that the other is being unfaithful, what would you do?

YJZ: …… (clenches fists, knuckles turning white)

JQC: (quiet, hardly smiling) Never thought about it. Jinizi wouldn’t be unfaithful, right?

32. Could you forgive the other’s unfaithfulness?

YJZ: No way.

JQC: (bitter smile) I don’t know.

33. If the other is more than one hour late for your date, what do you do?

YJZ: Go find him. There must be trouble.

JQC: Be very anxious.

34. Which part of their body do you like the most?

YJZ: I like every part, but really hate the body itself.

JQC: Jinzi is pretty everywhere. I like his waist the most.

35. What’s the other’s sexiest expression?

YJZ: There’s many kinds.

JQC: When he bites his lip.

36. What makes you feel your heartbeat speed up when you two are together?

YJZ: …… (face suddenly goes red)

JQC: How he looks when his face is red.

37. Have you ever lied to the other? Are you good at lying?

YJZ: Mhm. (What’s the fun of being so concise?)

JQC: Same. (A certain someone is also very sly!)

38. When do you feel the most happy and with what?

YJZ: Waking up early and seeing how he looks when he’s sleeping.

JQC: Jinzi waiting for me after Court.

39. Have you ever fought?

YJZ: Yes.

JQC: What couple doesn’t?

40. What kind of fight was it?

YJZ: (playing it down) It was a tiny fight, not worth mentioning.

JQC: It doesn’t matter, it’s already over.

41. How did you get on good terms afterwards?

YJZ: (losing patience)

JQC: We just were.

42. Do you still with to be lovers after reincarnation?

YJZ: (starts to smile, looking at Qiaochu, voice soft) Yeah.

JQC: (returns the smile, holds his hand)

43. When do you feel that you’re loved?

YJZ: When he gazes at me.

JQC: When he keeps me company.

44. When do you feel that they might not love you?

YJZ: Being tender-hearted and full of smiles to someone else.

JQC: When he hurts me.

45. How do you show affection?

YJZ: Protecting him.

JQC: Hugging him.

46. What sort of flower do you think matches the other?

YJZ: A lotus still.

JQC: A plum blossom. Iron bones and an icy heart.

47. Is there something you’re mutually keeping from the other?

YJZ: (dry cough)

JQC: (looks to the sky)

48. What sort of complex do you have?

YJZ: What does that mean?

JQC: I don’t understand either. Do you want to say that Jinzi is Oedipal? Or that I’m a pedophile? (tone getting colder)

(Clearly, I haven’t said anything.)

49. Is your relationship publicly known or under wraps?

YJZ: It’s known.

JQC: Of course it would be out in the open.

50. Do you think your love with the other could last forever?

YJZ: Naturally.

JQC: It can.

51. Politely asking, are you the gong or the shou?

YJZ: Of course I’m the… (looks at Qiaochu) cough, he might not want me to say out loud…

JQC: I’m the receiver most of the time.

52. Why was it decided like so?

YJZ: It seems logical? Besides, he can’t…

JQC: I can’t do anything about it.

53. Are you satisfied with the current situation?

YJZ: It’s great.

JQC: It’s not bad.

54. Where was your first H-scene?

YJZ: In bed.

JQC: Which time do we count as our first, Jinzi? Does the one with the Harmony incense count?

YJZ: (frowns, unsure) I think so.

JQC: (smirks) It doesn’t matter, we’ve always been in bed so far anyways.

55. Your feelings at the time?

YJZ: A little shocked that he helped me that time… but I was really happy.

JQC: (blushing) Embarrassing. Very awkward.

56. How did the other look then?

YJZ: (blushing) Very… touching.

JQC: I was drugged and not paying attention.

57. What were your first words the morning after?

YJZ: (frowns) Seems like we didn’t say anything.

JQC: I don’t remember.

58. How often do you do it a week?

YJZ: Not sure.

JQC: I haven’t been counting.

59. What amount of times per week do you feel is the most ideal?

YJZ: The number isn’t important.

JQC: It’s a bit higher now because Jinzi is young and comparatively impassioned. Concerning relevant statistical materials, the most suitable amount between men and women is four times a week, but I think twice or less would be much better, as there’s more problems between a man and a man doing it and it always leaves one sore.

60. So, what kind of sex is it?

YJZ: Sex is sex, what different kinds are there?

JQC: Tender.

61. What’s your most sensitive spot?

YJZ: (somewhat embarrassed) If he touches me first, then it’s wherever…

JQC: (pondering) My back…I think?

62. What’s the other’s most sensitive spot?

JQC: Is it also the back?

YJZ: Collarbone. I always shudder when you kiss there.

JQC: (shocked) You do?

YJZ: (nods)

JQC: It’s not because it tickled?

YJZ: ……

(Oi, these two… seem to need a bit more practice in this area…)

63. How’s the other’s expression during?

YJZ: I never get tired of looking at it.

JQC: That’s… my eyes are closed and I can’t see it.

64. Be honest, do you like sex?

YJZ: Yes.

JQC: If he’s being gentle and considerate.

65. The place you normally do it in?

YJZ: Bed.

JQC: We’re always in bed.

66. Places you want to try doing it in?

YJZ: The place is too suden and he probably won’t agree to it. But I want to try it in a carriage.

JQC: The bed still gives a more secure feeling. I don’t want to feel like an adulterer.

(You’re… still outstandingly conservative.)

67. Do you bathe before or after sex?

YJZ: It’s random.

JQC: It’s comparatively more beforehand. I’m also worried about hygiene issues, but ancient bathing facilities are really inferior.

68. Was there any sort of agreement for it?

YJZ: I didn’t like to talk nonsense at the time.

JQC: There wasn’t a need to say.

69. Have you had sex with someone other than your lover?

YJZ: (furious, murderous aura overflowing)

JQC: (dry smile, eyes hiding killing intent)

(Hey, I’m only asking the questions.)

70. Do you endorse or oppose the idea of “if you can’t get the heart, then it’s fine to at least have the body”?

YJZ: I felt it beneath me to do something like that before, but if it’s him, I might think of it.

JQC: Oppose. What’s a body to me?

71. What would you do if the other was being raped by thugs? [T/N: *squints*]

YJZ: (murderous aura goes sky-high, slowly clenching the hilt of his sword) Kill.

JQC: Do such a powerful thugs exist? If so, I’ll treat them to a monk’s way of handling things, as their deaths will be ugly and endlessly miserable.

72. Do you feel embarrassed before sex? Or after?

YJZ: No.

JQC: I do before, not after.

73. If a good friend came to you and said, “I’m lonely, this is only for tonight, please…” and wanted to sleep with you, would you?

YJZ: I don’t have friends.

JQC: I don’t have friends that would dare do this.

74. Do you think you’re good at sex?

YJZ: Tolerable.

JQC: Not… really.

75. Then, is the other?

YJZ: No.

JQC: Very much so.

76. What do you hope the other will say during?

YJZ: Whatever.

JQC: Why so concentrated on sex? If I must say it, I hope that he’d compliment me, saying that I drive all living things crazy, am unique and without match, hardworking, brave, and above all else in the world.

YJZ: ……

77. What kind of expression do you prefer the other to have during?

YJZ: A slightly cowering back one.

JQC: I said that my eyes are closed. Even if they weren’t I couldn’t attend to studying facial expressions.

78. Do you think anyone other than your lover would also be good at it?

YJZ: No.

JQC: Awful. You must be single-minded.

79. Are you interested in S&M?

YJZ: I can’t imagine making him hurt.

JQC: Not at all.

80. If the other suddenly doesn’t seek out your body anymore, what do you do?

YJZ: Seek him out.

JQC: If it’s only for a short time, I’ll sigh in relief; if it’s a long time, I’ll start to panic.

(Honest child.)

81. How do you regard rape? [T/N: These questions suck.]

YJZ: Unforgivable.

JQC: There’s no more vile thing.

82. What’s a comparatively painful thing during?

YJZ: I’m still in the mood but he isn’t, so I have to endure it.

JQC: When I ache, so much so that I hurt.

83. Where you’ve had sex up until now, what the place that has you the most excited/anxious?

YJZ: ……

JQC: We said only the bed.

84. Has there been something the shou took the initiative to lure you to do?

YJZ: Hmph.

JQC: I took the initiative once because I wanted to try being on top, but I still got tormented really cruelly afterwards.

85. What was the gong’s expression then?

YJZ: ……

JQC: An opportunity can’t be lost, time can’t be regained.

86. Has the gong ever been forceful?

YJZ: ……

JQC: No.

87. What was the shou’s response at the time?

YJZ: ……

JQC: I said no!

88. In your own words, what seems to be the ideal “sex-partner”?

YJZ: Him.

JQC: Someone I like, so only him.

89. Does the other meet your ideal?

YJZ: Mn.

JQC: Yes, but it’d be better if he tempered himself a bit.

90. Have you used props during?

YJZ: No.

JQC: Lubricant.

91. When was your first time?

YJZ: (takes out sword and admires it)

JQC: I don’t want to discuss this kind of subject.

92. Was your partner then your current lover?

YJZ: (slowly raises his eyes)

JQC: (crosses arms over chest, giving an un-smile)

(Ah… sorry, disregard that.)

93. Where do you like to be kissed the most?

YJZ: The mouth.

JQC: The neck.

94. Where do you like to kiss the other the most?

YJZ: All over, especially the chest.

JQC: The lips.

95. What the most pleasing thing to the other during?

YJZ: Setting a slow rhythm.

JQC: Moaning.

96. What are you thinking about during?

YJZ: ……

JQC: Your question is really boring. Let’s go, Jinzi.

(Don’t, don’t, Great Aunt! There’s still a few more!)

97. What’s the number of times you go a night?

YJZ: (slightly revealing a smile) The highest amount or the average?

JQC: (looking and him with revulsion) Men never let go of an opportunity to brag about this aspect, and who would’ve known that even you’d be like this?!

98. When it’s time, do you take the clothes off yourself, or does the other help you?

YJZ: I do it.

JQC: He helps me.

99. What is sex to you?

YJZ: Something intimate with one you’re close to.

JQC: The ultimate interaction of feelings and bodies.

100. Please say something to your lover.

YJZ: (silently holds Qiaochu’s hand)

JQC: (smiles, squeezing their own hand)

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