Chapter 132 132

When Tenku was fighting the Drake horde, Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin were recovering in the cave with restless hearts. They were worried every time they heard the roar from Drake and the sound of explosions. The two girls briefly thought about checking the situation outside. But they quickly dispelled that thought. The two girls didn't want to be a burden to Tenku because of their condition.

Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue could only pray for Tenku's safety and focus on recovering their condition through cultivation. Even though they were worried, they had to suppress those feelings. They have to recover first before going out to help Tenku.

The two girls sat cross-legged on a rock, closing their eyes and running their practices. Wang Ruyue was enveloped in a silver light, while Huang Yuxin was a golden red light. During their cultivation, they kept hearing noises from outside. The sound came from the shaking ground, roaring monsters, and continuous gunfire. The two girls knew the last one must be from Tenku's attack.

But they suddenly opened their eyes, and their cultivation was disrupted when they heard a loud sound from outside that echoed into the cave.


"That sound is not the roar of Drake." Wang Ruyue said with a solemn face.

"Yes. It was not a roar but a howl. That voice was like..." Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue looked at each other, and their faces turned pale.

"Fenrir!" The two girls said simultaneously and quickly got up from the rock. They decided to stop their cultivation and check the situation outside. Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin were worried for Tenku when they thought that Fenrir had come to that place.

When the two girls came out of the cave, they were stunned to see the scene outside. Their bodies trembled as they were slightly frightened. It was their first time seeing such a terrifying sight.

Drake corpses without scales, claws, and fangs were scattered around the cave. The area became open land as more than half of the trees had been cut down, and the surroundings were filled with golf ball-sized holes. But that wasn't the only thing that shocked and frightened them. Their eyes focused on a deep scar in the ground hundreds of meters long that extended to the other side of the valley.

"What exactly happened here?" Wang Ruyue said and broke their silence. She walked over and approached one of Drake's corpses.

"I don't know. This is... What should I say about this situation? Even though I often fought monsters with senior Realizers, I have never seen such a terrifying scene." Huang Yuxin shook her head and replied in a trembling voice. She walked slowly and stopped right next to Wang Ruyue.

"I also feel the same as you. Drake's attacks won't do this kind of damage. So the one who did it must be Tenku. But how could he use such a terrifying attack? Doesn't he fight with a gun? I knew the holes around this place resulted from his Phantasmal Object's attack.

But what about the monsters that were neatly cut in half? What about the sword marks on the ground that stretched hundreds of meters to the end of the valley? This scene was unreasonable even though his cultivation base was at the middle stage of the Sky Origin realm." Wang Ruyue said in disbelief.

"Was it possible that his cultivation base was higher than what he showed in the martial arts competition? He might have fought the Drakes with a sword, not his Phantasmal Object." Huang Yuxin saw Wang Ruyue and asked her opinion.

"I don't know about it. If we want to get the answers, we have to find him. Besides, have you forgotten the reason we stopped our cultivation and decided to check the situation outside the cave!?" Wang Ruyue asked in return.

"Ah! You are right! Where is that Fenrir!? More importantly, where is Tenku!?" Huang Yuxin said frantically and checked the surroundings. But no matter how hard she searched, she still couldn't find Tenku in that area.

"The Fenrir isn't here, and neither is Tenku! We have to split up so we can find him faster! I'll go to the right and you to the left. Whoever finds Tenku first must tell the others immediately!" Wang Ruyue gave instructions to Huang Yuxin. She was worried because she couldn't find Tenku in that area.

Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin thought that something bad had happened to him. The two girls had tried to contact Tenku on his smartphone but it was not active. This made their hearts even more restless and they couldn't stop thinking about his safety.

"I understand!" Huang Yuxin quickly agreed with her words. She didn't care if Wang Ruyue gave her orders because the most important thing now was to find Tenku. But before the two girls could even take their feet, Wang Haotian suddenly appeared.

"Wait a minute! Where do you want to go?" Wang Haotian grabbed the two girls by the shoulders to stop them.

"Grandpa! Where have you been!? We will talk about that matter later. We have to find Tenku now!" Wang Ruyue was startled when she saw Wang Haotian's sudden appearance.

She was upset because her grandfather disappeared after dropping them off at Tenku's location and made his disciple replace his responsibility to protect them. But Wang Ruyue didn't have time to talk about the matter now because they needed to find Tenku quickly.

On the other hand, Huang Yuxin also had the same feelings as Wang Ruyue, and she nodded vigorously at her words.

Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin tried to break away from Wang Haotian, but his grip on their shoulders became tighter to prevent the two girls from moving further.

"What are you doing, grandpa!? Why are you stopping us!? Release us now! We're in a hurry to find Tenku!" Wang Ruyue glared at her grandfather and raised her voice in anger.

Huang Yuxin looked at Wang Haotian with a questioning face. She was confused about why he had stopped them from looking for Tenku.

(Did he not care about his disciple? He would not neglect the safety of his genius disciple who had won the martial arts competition! Then what is the reason he stopped us?)

Huang Yuxin pondered and tried to figure out why Wang Haotian had stopped them from looking for Tenku.

"I'm not preventing you from looking for that kid, but I'm stopping you from doing pointless actions." Wang Haotian smiled bitterly when he received such looks from his granddaughter and Huang Yuxin.

"What do you mean, grandpa?" Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin didn't understand Wang Haotian's words.

"You won't find Tenku in this area because he has gone quite far due to being chased by two Fenrirs in a berserk state." Wang Haotian replied.

"What!?" The two girls were shocked after hearing his answer. But then their faces turned red with anger.

"Then why are you stopping us!? Besides, why are you here instead of looking for him!?" Wang Ruyue shouted at Wang Haotian. This was the first time she felt so angry towards her grandfather.

"Aren't you worried about him!? How can you stay calm when Tenku is in danger!? He is your disciple! Why do you have such a heart for him!?" Huang Yuxin exploded with anger that was no smaller than Wang Ruyue.

"Please calm down. Let me explain it to you first." Wang Haotian said helplessly. He didn't expect the two girls' reactions to be that extreme. Wang Haotian felt sad that his granddaughter scolded him for a boy she had barely known, even though Tenku was his disciple.

(Brat, see how I punish you for making my granddaughter mad at me!)

Wang Haotian grumbled in his heart.

"Then explain now!" Wang Ruyue urged her grandfather to speak, and Huang Yuxin looked intently at him.

"As I said, I have no intention of stopping you guys from looking for her. I'm worried for him too. But I'm doing this for his good because fighting seventh-level monsters is really good training for him. As for why I didn't look for him, I had to stay here to protect you, and I'm sure that boy already knew about it." Wang Haotian explained.

"Training for him? Are you saying Tenku still hides his strength and can take on two seventh-level monsters at once?" Wang Ruyue asked curiously. She thought Tenku had the strength to fight the two Fenrirs after hearing her grandfather's words.

Huang Yuxin also looked at Wang Haoitan and waited for his answer. If Tenku possessed strength that could rival seventh-level monsters, then her confusion about Wang Haotian's attitude would be answered. No wonder he looks calm and doesn't care about his disciple. He knew that Tenku was as strong as the two Fenrirs, or so Huang Yuxin thought.

"No, you're wrong. He would die if he fought those two monsters." Wang Haotian quickly refuted Wang Ruyue's words. His answer plunged the atmosphere into deathly silence.

"What!? He would die fighting those two Fenrirs!? Then why are you saying that it was training!? If he is in danger, you should help him! You don't have to worry about us because we can take care of ourselves here!" Wang Ruyue's anger was reignited when she found out that Tenku was in danger and her grandfather was indifferent to the safety of his disciple.

"He won't die because he won't fight those two monsters. Didn't I say that the two Fenrirs were after him? He knew he couldn't beat seventh-level monsters, but they seemed attracted to him. Whatever he did, the two Fenrirs would attack him. Because of that, he ran away from this place. Tenku doesn't want to put you two in danger.

If their battle breaks out, this area will be destroyed, including the cave where you recover. I didn't help him because I couldn't win against seventh-level monsters either. So I decided to stay here and take his place to protect both of you. I'm sure this is what he wants." Wang Haotian tried to convince the two girls that Tenku would be fine. 𝒇𝚛e𝘦wℯ𝑏𝓃𝑜νℯ𝒍.co𝗺

"Trust him. You have to wait for him, and he will come back here. He was a cunning brat and wouldn't act without thinking. I'm sure he already had a plan when he lured the two Fenrirs out of this area. After all, he was a brat who often created miracles." Wang Haotian added another word before the two girls could respond.

Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue felt like they had been struck by lightning when they heard Wang Haotian's explanation. They didn't expect Tenku to use himself as bait to lure the two Fenrirs out of this area to protect them. The two girls were moved to tears by Tenku's actions for them.

Their hearts fluttered and warmed with an abundance of sweetness. But then, Wang Ruyue glared at Wang Haotian.

"I hope your words are true. If you lie and something bad happens to Tenku, I won't talk to you anymore! Let's go, Yuxin!" Wang Ruyue snorted and pulled Huang Yuxin back into the cave to continue their recovery while waiting for Tenku.

Huang Yuxin nodded and followed her. She silently prayed in her heart that Wang Haotian's words were the truth and not a lie to make them not worry about Tenku.

"Why are they still angry with me after hearing my explanation?" Wang Haotian sighed and looked in the direction Tenku had left.

"Please come back safely. Otherwise, my granddaughter won't talk to me anymore." Wang Haotian spoke in a low voice, and his face revealed a trace of worry.

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