Chapter 557Vol. 11 - - Rina and Akemi’s War Council
Meanwhile, after making her escape from Zephyr, Akemi came to visit the waiting room of a certain person—someone who was paramount above all for her, and a target of her respect and admiration.
Upon taking her entry, Akemi quickly scanned the area and affirming that silhouette, she made a nosedive on that person's... bountiful bosom.
"Rina onee-sama!"
"Eeeep! ...ah, you gave me a fright for my dear life, Akemi-sam. It happened again, I presume?"
"I mean, yes, but you know! Neither Class-1 nor Class-8 even showed any interest! *Sniff* I can't believe itttt! *Sniff*!"
"Good girl. I know you did your best, Akemi-san. Alright, please cheer up now. Besides, I did warn you about their responses, didn't I?"
Akemi glanced up at Ekatrina with puff eyes, her hand entwined around the latter's back, showing no sign of separating.
Ekatrina smiled wryly at the childish action of Akemi and gently caressed her head.
"Just believe me. This is why I said it would be a useless errand. But hey, on the brighter side, you have Class-5 under your camp. I say that's a good formation."
"*Sniff* Really?"
Under the consolation of Ekatrina, the undulating emotions of Akemi finally settled down.
There was some noise from classmates around—the Class-51 to be precise—but they're rather used to it now after seeing the similar situation in their first match and semi-final. In fact, everyone now looked up at Ekatrina with a gaze of adoration.
The main topic of Akemi and Ekatrina's discussion was about the finale. They'd played well to arrive at the current juncture, but neither of them were considered strong by the crowd.
It stands to reason. While they wouldn't be routed straight, a confrontation would surely leave them in a sorry state.
Both classes were well aware of their shortcomings as well, so they opted for an alliance to make up for the gap. At the same time, they also contacted other fav-favourite classes. Eventually, they managed to rope in the support of second favourite class, Class-5. Atleast, they now had enough force to hold their ground against Class-1 and Class-8, Ekatrina concluded.
In the meantime, Kajmal and Wardol, the two followers of Akemi, finally chased up to her track, and stumbled on the sight of Akemi and Ekatrina in hug.
"C-Cripes! What in the world are you doing, Akemi-san?!"
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"R-Rina onee-sama, I so, so much apologise for our idiot leader! Just a minute, I will have her leave you ASAP!"
"Huh, what the heck are you doing guys?! I am not letting you break this hug!"
Aside from Ekatrina, the rest of Akemi and the gang were commoners.
A pale expression covered Kajmal and Wardol's face as they immediately turn to tear away Akemi from Ekatrina. Nevertheless, Akemi tightened her arms around Ekatrina and refused to budge away.
Dreading that they might apply too much force, and cause pain to Ekatrina, Kajmal and Wardol temporarily gave up on removing Akemi. A look of dumbfoundment covered their face.
Just as the two felt at their wit's hand, Ekatrina helped them out of their predicament.
"Ahaha, I guess we can stay like this for a while. I don't mind."
"I love you, Rina onee-sama~!"
"Ugh, we're really sorry for our leader's behaviour."
"Aye, very much sorry. I am gonna make sure she learns her lesson next time."
In an odd move, Kajmal and Wardol knelt before Ekatrina.
Ekatrina cleared her throat slightly when she saw them, implying to end this topic there.
"Ahem, please raise your head. It's hard to speak otherwise."
Once they'd heard her clear, the two finally rose up.
"Anyway, how's your preparation going? Have you prepared the item I asked for?"
"Perfectly. You will not find any flaw in our dwarven unit."
"Likewise, everyone is ready."
What should have been the task of Class-12's leader, Akemi, was undertaken by her followers on a strange note. Then again, Ekatrina's question was precisely meant for them. It was apparently a normal scenario for them.
"The items are all ready. I will pass them at the arena. Right, I already have Class-5 carry some of them."
"Thank you very much."
Gradually, their plan for the finale was coming out,all but ready to tackle the match.
"Do you think we can win, Rina onee-sama? If required, feel free to ask me anything. I will make sure to stand up to your expectations!"
At last, Akemi released Ekatrina from her hug, and quipped in a pepped up tone. Albeit, both leaders were aware it was easier said than done.
Ekatrina didn't mention any false hope, and spoke straight to the point.
"What we have to do is give our best. Never lose hope, this is pretty much it. By the way, i have a task for you and you two."
"Anything you say, Rina onee-sama!”
After weathering the earlier matches by relying on Rina's skill, Akemi could be said to be a die-hard loyalist of hers. Ekatrina need not to say anything but mere words, she would follow them even with eyes closed. Her straightforward manner had allowed them to pave their path to the final.
Affirming her node, Ekatrina then listed our task.
"There's one vital piece of strategy match, and you must be mindful of that, Akemi-san. And that's information."
"Indeed. It's not hyperbole when I say whoever controls the information would have the lead."
Having experienced the overwhelming odds «Dragon's Miniature Garden» had granted them , Akemi understood the importance very well.
"However we can't win this match by relying on «Dragon's Miniature Garden» alone. Our opponents are also in possession of similar, strong information gathering ability rivaling it."
"What?!? Ability rivalling «Dragon's Miniature Garden»?"
Akemi released a flabbergasted shout.
As far as she had seen, «Dragon's Miniature Garden» was a tool almost in its own realm, a unique-grade equipment in her opinion. It was already the highest tier she could recall, so hearing the existence of something similar rank on their opponent's rank was shocking news for her.
Just the thought that everyone they say or do might be within the watch of their opponent had Akemi and gang trembled in apprehension,
They'd witnessed their opponents folding under the palm of Ekatrina.
The thought of something similar happening to them gave rise to dreadful feelings.
However Ekatrina's following words calmed them down.
"The holder of such ability is Cat-kin Karua. We have to pin down Karua-san no matter what if we want that silver glimmer of hope to win."
Karua was the first line of defense to Class-1, an absolute one on it. Ekatrina was fully aware of that.
Ekatrina paused on her words, and resumed.
"I need your help in taking her down."
The alliance's first target was Karua. Ekatrina gradually unfolded her conceived plan to the three.
T\N : Heya, everyone. How do you do? I hope you’re all doing fine. So, recently we’ve decided to throw a small challenge in the wake of holidays—rating milestone challenge.
As of now, there’re 170 ratings in the Novelupdate, and the goal is to hit 200 marks (You can give any rating, it’s not a bribe xD). The duration is 14 days.
At the completion of the challenge, 4 additional chapters will be released for the week. So give it a try~.
And on a not so related note, It has been some time since I was thinking, ~~though my procrastination often kicks in~~, it’s about the short stories author released in light novels. Below are the list of side stories, titles are tentative for now, so choose any of two and I will release them during the holiday season.
Or, would you like to see Hannah’s side story? That would be four chapters from her side. (It just happened that I was waiting for the summer timeline to end in the main vol, since stuff in her vol had spoilers, not that it matters much here?)
You can upvote either of the comments which one you want to see.
The duration for this is one week (can’t stretch or chapters wouldn’t be ready by then).
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v4 -
I was thinking of having comment with side story upvote, and count from there which one to do. But that's gonna fill the comment section and too much hassle. I will create a poll or something. So until then, do upvote if you want side story or Hannah's story in """"comment section"""". (Either of them are excluding our rating milestone challenge.)