Day 351-360

Day 351

After finishing morning training, and enjoying the dragon meat dishes Meal Hero and the Sisters made for me, I saw off Minokichi-kun and Asue-chan, happily diving into our base's【Demon's Howl Gate】.

The two demons headed first to the 【Demon's Howl Gate】 for the 【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 whose exterior has changed in appearance, to one of a luxury liner.

【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 is still anchored in the vicinity of the Labyrinth City «Dur Gha Varia» which is still in contact with the ocean, for the sake of convenience.

I mean, it can be said that there were only so many options.

After all, there are only two places where you can move by going through the 【Demon's Howl Gate】 in the Beast Kingdom - 【Ship Ambrasm Parabellum】 and 【Holy Seafood Cave Of The Fierce God】.

【Holy Seafood Cave Of The Fierce God】 is the closest to land, but the entrance is underwater. It might be possible if we're talking about the lung capacity of those two demons, but because of their race it might be a little bit weird for both to be in water. At the end of the day, it all depends on their races' nature.

The two demons boarded that ship in such a way, and should go toward the land after equipping a magic item called "Crossing Shoes of Watercolor", a shoe type that enables its user to walk on water, in accordance with the navigation given by the minute clone bodies in their ear cuffs, as inconspicuous as possible, I have been planning to go to the location specified while acting similarly.

However, to say that for these 2 demons is not possible, as they tend to stand out with such huge forms.

If a presence of such a magnitude like a house moves, it will be able to recognized if it is not too straining on the imagination of a person.

Prima facie, the two demons have ways to hide the signs of their passage gained from the hunting experience of coming from the Great Forest, so they are still better than normal demons from having mastered that. Although that could be enough for too long ago.

Speaking of being inconspicuously noticeable, they can only be referred to as very noticeable.

Being noticed is unavoidable there, but I was engineered something so as to hide what Minokichi-kun really is.

The method is rather simple.

A camouflage is spread thinly across the entire bodies of the two demons, only to disguise the true appearances by changing its shape.

No need to waste the time and effort in doing so, as it would only be unusual to recognize a couple of beings from a rare giant species. Even so, this is Minokichi-kun, so even in that form he would attract attention, subtlety could not be attributed to him.

There would be no real issue unless he is recognized as Minokichi-kun, after that, he just has to complete his goal and make a quick retreat.

Even if there was a problem, whatever that would be, the blame would fall on the giants who live in the Beast Kingdom.

By the way, because the power behind the camouflage is so powerful, a strong enough existence could still forcefully pierce that shield, but I have not thought that far. It is much less likely to encounter such a presence, and if they did the only choice left would be to give up.

Anyway, thus the two demons, so disguised, go forward towards their destination.

Also, our Labyrinth business is doing well, «Dolphin's Tail・Darfime» is progressing smoothly. It would be even more so with a helping hand, but considering the future of «Dolphin's Tail», I shouldn't be involved at this time, because I would like to be in an unknown position as much as possible, now that this place has a certain relationship with us.

Well, it can also be said that two demons going alone is a stupid idea, but it will be alright as they could even go through a wasteland or a forested hill if they were so inclined.

In the first place, there isn't such an existence in the surroundings to become a potential threat to both of the Demons, so even the thought of being worried about it is laughable.

While praying that Minokichi-kun will accomplish his purpose at the time, today I will worry about the base that has become a labyrinth.

While trying not to fiddle with the artificial base labyrinth, that has already spread all the way down to 【Velvet's Hidden Dungeon】, as much as possible, I adjust the nutritional balance of the «Large Farmland», so that characteristics of spring, summer, autumn and winter are easy to get out from each direction in the base. In the «External Training Grounds», members' stamina becomes easy to increase, so I try to interfere with their limits as much as possible.

However, there are not many things that can be done here. As long as there aren't many problems to be taken care of, there's always something left to be desired and so on.

But this is also the present condition.

Currently, I am managing the labyrinthized base, so there are two patterns of energy sources that are sustaining it: my [Magic Power] and my【Divine Power】.

Until now, when I fought and conquered the previous Dungeons, which had been plundered using 【Dungeon Plunder】, I was basically using my stored 【Divine Power】.

So I never really considered the current issue of a possible energy shortage.

But right now, the 【Divine Power】 is not enough to set up a complete labyrinth, so [Magic Power] is the main source of power for the operation of the base.

[Magic Power] can be easily recovered by using my abilities, but although it is possible to pour a considerable amount at one time, it's efficiency compared to the use of【Divine Power】falls far short, so it's still a matter to struggle over.

If you try to roughly quantify it, 10,000 units of [Magic Power] would be a good estimate of what is required for one of 【Divine Power】.

To run a labyrinth with [Magic Power] alone is not realistic, considering the hardships.

Well, here natural hot spring came springing up, and various other useful ingredients are mixed in, so there are far better conditions found in this place compared with other locations. So here is indeed a good place for having such a dungeon.

Yeah, it's just a matter of time needed to solve the power shortage.

For the time being, I concluded that there's no need to be impatient about it, so I decided to eat one of the 【Sacred Treasure】, as they also serve as a replenishment for some of the 【Divine Power】which was used in the Holy War.

The chosen treasure this time, is the 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】 that I got from defeating the Number hero.

If I were to describe it in a few words, they would be: a white club of about three meters long - or a white bar,

this 【Sacred Treasure】.

A jewel like a red fruit is buried at both ends, and a distinctive geometric pattern which is reminiscent of a tree is engraved around it.

If you look closely at the pattern it is a small number or symbol, it may be some mathematical formulas, but I honestly couldn't understand it.

When lightly shaken, red light appeared inside the jewel, some thin like figures appeared around it.

Also I try to spin it round and round a little, but nothing in particular happened.

To get a feel of it, I tried using it for a while. The surface like a white tree is grinding slightly, but the grasping feel is not bad, there is also a good weight and balance that is reasonable and easy to handle.

It can be used as a beginner's equipment, and it doesn't require much skills for handling it, so it's a pretty user-friendly【Sacred Treasure】, isn't it?

I basically get how to use it, but I still didn't know what was the deal with the red light.

So while trying things, I tried to tap the rocks around me, and the red light instantly permeated them, making the rocks turn to sand, as if they were so from the beginning.

While a little 『 Oh 』 of surprise, the next thing I try to hit is another rock, this time it disappeared in the blink of an eye from the spot.

Honesty, I still don't understand how it works. I just cannot understand any of it.

Well, the ability of the 【Sacred Treasure】 is mostly such as that, but I will not waste time thinking deeply about it.

For the time being, I decided to experiment a little more before eating.

By the way, if you check its performance using the 【Upper All Appraisal・Tool・ Magic item】, it goes as follows.

Name: 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】

Category: 【Sacred treasure / Long-handled Weapon】

Grade: 【Phantasmal】 class

Abilities: 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】 【Treasure of Numerical Formula】

【Mathematical Alteration】 【Forbidden Fruit Arb】

【Transient Phantom Dream】 【God's Love Mathematical Formula Irma Vel Usu】

【Eggs of Numerology】 【Pagan Damnation】

【Capacity Expansion】 【No Penetration】

Note: Yatendouji who gained a victory over «Pagan Heretic / Psalm awakening's epic Away training / main character main cast» and the [Eschatological War Conquest War] 【Phantasmal】 class item obtained by victory in Kami.

Gods that exist in the world will take one of three forms in «sacred treasures / ■■ / ■■», which one of these with a shape reminiscent of the World Tree.

It is only Yatendouji himself or a person who receives permission from Yatendouji who can touch this, unimaginable disasters will befall those who touch such an item without permission .

Because it is a sacred treasures, destruction is absolutely impossible, except for special exceptions.

Would you like to see more information?

«YES» «NO»

It has become like this.

Unlike the 【Sacred Treasure】 that I got from overthrowing Avenger and Water Hero who are both 【Heroes】, the column of abilities is evidence enough that the ability has evolved to its full extent.

In any case, the phenomenon that occurred to the rocks the previous time is also due to 【Transient Phantom Dream】 or 【God's Love Mathematical Formula Irma Vel Usu】 around manipulating the probability to derive some sort of formula. As a result, the idea is that the rocks would become sand or just disappear.

But as I've said over and over, I do not know for sure. It would surely be difficult to know what it would do to trees.

Because it is troublesome, I will forget the details, so I threw it in my mouth to eat.

As usual, the【Sacred Treasure】 is really hard and I have to be continuously chewing, "Gori Gori Gori", but it is a habit to say a bit of texture and chewiness can be enjoyed for a long time.

And finally it gets slightly scraped, and from the fragments sent to the stomach past the throat, the absorbed【Divine Power】 courses comfortably through my whole body. A mysterious feeling that each new cell of my body seems to be born again, as if a new self is being built.

And whether it's from the pattern reminiscent of a tree, but basically, it has the taste of a "Tree Cake Baumkuchen".

The part of the jewels at both ends are like an apple, the part with the formula seems to be made of chocolate somewhere, sweetness like the elegant finest maple syrup is felt, and features as a different sweetness for each part. Even if I eat it for long a time, I just can't get tired of it.

To be honest, of all the sweet tastes that I had eaten in this world, 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】 was by far the best.

『 Ah ah ah ~~~ 』. It seems that the insides of my brain will explode with sweetness and a feeling of happiness, there is something difficult to express with words at this time, ones that you can spend time on fulfilling both mind and body together.

Even if you get interested in drinking water between moments of chewing it, you are unlikely to stop chewing because it brings out the merits in both.

Truly amazing. Because 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】 is full of taste, I will enjoy it from the beginning to the end.

...... Well, if there're any drawbacks, it would be its length.

I think that it would be a very surreal to see me eating a club of about 3 meters of length.


Day 352

If there's something that by any chance the【Labyrinth Seed】could change by itself, I would aim my thoughts on the several bodies which are underground in the surrounding ground.

Currently, I'm the only one in my division who has become a 【Demon Overlord】, by using the dragon meat as nourishment, so I started wondering if we can defend even if the likes of an Emperor comes.

Until then, it is now time to tap with the base's settings.

Or rather, with the limited amount of energy I got there're little we can actually do.

Well, as the remodeling of the base is carried out by the members as before, there's no reason to be frustrated right now or try rushing things.

Time will solve everything.

After finishing some things I had to do, today I decided to peacefully focus in a quest for 【Toxicity】 using the summoned bodies of Black Skeletons.

For the time being, I couldn't settle down so much on it, so I left it to the undead people with summoning abilities for a long time, but the pattern was largely exhausted and it was getting a little stagnant.

Of course, not all that bad.

Repeating trial and error, it's important to produce a certain number. As an outcome, the production of reinforced individuals have increased, and it is also true that their fighting power has also raised.

However, since the extent that can be generated is larger than before, the number of combinations that have to pass through trial and error have also increased.

Because I had time to spare, I have decided to try with a little more effort.

Achieving 【Existence Evolution】 seems more difficult than usually, but it's known that the time limit specific to the creations will disappear with it, so it's a quite efficient method of securing war potential, so I wanted to deepen my understanding on it.

With that said, all there's left is to watch our large crew together with Kanami-chan as they summon, and to contemplate the battle of the creations that unfolds in the large hole, all at the same time.

Even so, it has proved to be good idea to spend time jiggling and drinking alcohol, in this way.

Recently, all I'd been doing is being busy regarding the Holy War.

I finished post-processing and it fell apart, therefore I would like to enjoy a relaxing time.

【Ability learned: 【Tampering Spirit Club of Numerical Formula】】

【Ability learned: 【Treasure of Numerical Formula】】

【Ability learned: 【Mathematical Alteration】】

【Ability learned: 【Forbidden Fruit (Arbwell)】】

【Ability learned: 【Transient Phantom Dream】】

【Ability learned: 【God's Love Mathematical Formula Irma Vel Usu】】

【Ability learned: 【Eggs of Numerology】】

As a result of continuing to eat, "munch munch", I was able to learn safely those.

Divine Power and the number of abilities have increased, and I was able to relax.

I wish I could spend more days like this.


Day 353

Following yesterday, I decided to work on experiments using 【Toxicity】.

Currently, inside the large hole for 【Toxicity】 located in a dedicated space more towards the back of the base, there are dwelling, not only black dyed undead, but also devils of many shapes, a wide variety of demon species, as well as small sized dragon species and giant species. It's being filled more and more with them.

Individuals generated from 【Lesser Summoning: Undead】 and 【Lesser Summoning: Giant】 keep their instincts and move with full force in order to kill the enemies in front of them until they die.

Individuals generated from 【Upper Summoning: Demon】 and 【Great Summoning: Archfiend】 and 【Summoning: True Dragon】 make use of the height of equipped intelligence and flexibly to judge the situation of the game and also to kill the enemies running at full power in front of them.

After all, I ordered them to only kill others than your own, but as number of tribes that kill each other keeps growing, lots of drama occur.

The Black Ogre Black Goblin, who was fighting using the Black Skeletons' black bones, suddenly died by receiving a blow to the head from an ax swinging down by a Black Orc black oak, which had been approaching from behind.

One eyeball jumped out vigorously, the cerebral plasma scattering around. *clunk*, the sound from the black bone as it falls to the ground is drowned out by surrounding battle sounds.

The Black Orc who killed the black goblin immediately tries to pull out his ax, but whether it took too much time or rather was sunk too deeply, his heart gets separated from the body, impaled by a three-prong living spear handled by a gray lesser devil, who used that chance to close in the gap.

Nearby, eyeballs and internal organs spill around with every movement of the sharp cutting edge of the blade tail and blade claws as the undead Vorpal Bunny continues his terrible hunting, feeding from the blind spots to throw out deadly blows. On the other end, a shielded neckless knight Dullahan picked himself up, otherwise he would be shamelessly crushed.

It is a yellow-haired demon who finally cuts undead bunny dead meat, vigorously scattering it around without much effort.

Wielding in its hand is a zigzag shaped living sword reminiscent of lightning bolts. Similarly to the Blooddresser Bloody Sword, the Thunder Devil Sword is a kind of devil sword superior in both stroke and swordsmanship.

The lightning stroke of such Thunder Sword is prevented by the Dullahan's shield. At the moment the shield and the sword come into contact, an intense lightning attack strikes Dullahan, but it doesn't seem particularly effective against him, who immediately fights back.

A bargain that the opposing Dullahan and Thunder Sword are willing to repeat dozens of times in between blinks of an eye, a breathtaking tension that is only compensated by each new slash.

As I'm watching finding it frankly funny, while feeling excited drinking a wonderful sake, the last remaining forces are exhausted by the small fire dragon's brace at the end.

The range of its breath is wide, and the giant cave with a depth of about six meters, full with the likes of goblins, giants and other punks that flocked around, is brought to ashes, as the bottom of the large hole became a sight like a burning hell.

Not only there are those who are burned to death due to the high temperatures of the fire, but there are also many of those who suffer panting for oxygen.

If you release something like that in a space covered with walls, well, it can be said that it's a natural result.

The creatures who had survived in the large hole lost due to unbearable fire power, and fell down one by one, and the small fire dragon that remained alive indeed uttered his victory.

Since there wasn't anyone moving anymore, having cautious would be of no use, as anyone would think that the small fire dragon had already won.

However, the small fire dragon suddenly is penetrated by countless tentacles with sharp claws protruding from its shadow. I gets desperately violent, but it's helpless, as the whole body is restrained by the entangled octopus' limbs, it is unexpectedly killed.

Being off guard after winning is the result of death at the last minute.

The surviving one this time seems to be the "Horta Devil of the Altar of the Devil".

The Horta Devil has the ability to lurk in the shadows of the living creature, having octopus-like tentacles coming from its back, and with the appearance of a black clergyman, possessing the ability to use the souls of those who were killed.

Although the physical combat capability is not high up there, it's still a nasty category of devil, as it has access to a variety of magic and special abilities.

I take out the winning Horta Devil and instruct him to rest for a while laboring. Then, I put the next generation into the large hole.

In that case, Kanami-chan also helps, but since Kanami-chan can only summon undead, I took care of summoning the other generations.

After that, it's repeating almost the same thing until the sunset.

We also had the kids be an opposing party, such as Auro and Argento, but basically it wasn't enough facing the effects of【Toxicity】.


Day 354

Minokichi-kun is crushing a group of bandits and thieves found along the way, at the same time looking for derived dungeons, but he seems to be proceeding smoothly.

Also, I plan on meeting them in a few days.

Because it's all going well, this time I will touch a little bit on the circumstances of each country.

Or rather, I have nothing special to tell today.

Anyway, first the Sternbild Kingdom.

There is no particular problem here.

A messenger arrived from Holy Kingdom, bringing news about the earlier Holy War, and that's about it?

Next is about Kirika Empire.

As a result of losing a large number of 【Heroes】 it found itself in a state of generalized uproar, although their original ranking still remained, among the six who were lost, four were 【Heroes】 actually captured with 【Fate Plunder】.

In other words, it's the loss of a strength to one that was originally an enemy, so the only painful costs of the Crusade were losing two 【Heroes】who were born and raised in the Empire, so they are well off.

It seems that many things are happening in their politics, but it's of little concern to their neighborhoods.

Next is about the Atarakua Demon Empire.

In the Atarakua Demon Empire, the new【Demon Emperor】Vasukia is steadily resolving the situation without the use of force.

Well, there is a lot of fraying going on.

If I were to speak in detail, it would take too long as well as being too troublesome, so I'll say for now that Vasukia will eventually become the governor, but that will take a little time.

Next is the Estgrand Beast Kingdom.

The cracks here are already starting to stabilize.

If there is any turmoil, the new 【Beast King】 Earthty immediately goes to handle it with Iron Fist Negotiations, a process that repeated itself many times over.

A muscle brain mentality prevails there.

It goes without saying that the person who has power rules everything.

Next, is the more distant kingdoms.

The current location of the kingdoms, aside from the above mentioned, are mainly across the other side of the Holy Kingdom.

Also, there are small countries across the Great Forest that oppose the Kingdom's domination, but decided to do so in a later occasion.

Distant countries were frightened of the mighty Holy Kingdom. They were inferior not only in number of 【Heroes】 but also in their quality, so it would be inevitable to be so because of the simple difference in both national strength and the average quality of their typical soldiers.

In this case, they're trapped between considering to continue subordinating themselves to the Lumen Holy Kingdom or forming a coalition against it - the demi-human are in the «Haizekus Alliance» and the military countries in the «Harendia Federation» - but they are a jumble as such. Anyway, knowing the outcome of the [Holy War], various changes have started to stir up.

That said, it will still take some time until it comes the time of the actual shake-up.

At that time, the target will be the Holy Kingdom above all.

Finally for the Holy Kingdom.

Because of the black dragon I had already sent, the consequences of the [Holy War] are known at this time by the majority of the people.

Therefore, chaos is raising within the country. With the country being so wide, the scale is much larger than in the surrounding countries.

Governance has greatly been upset for church officials, which are also the nobility and spiritual pillars, now as to the surface issues, soldiers have been assigned to work on keeping country-side quiet, but for the people who have been annexed in lost wars the splintering movement has begun.

Having sensed it, the Holy King has immediately dispatched his most trustworthy subordinates to various places in his nation.

Lumen Holy Kingdom has lost a large number of 【Heroes】 but is still a powerhouse in itself.

The number of people with [Divine Blessing] that have the potential to become the 【Heroes】 of the next generation is also still large, and they also have a large number of soldiers in their fighting force.

Dangerous signs can be seen, and soldiers are being preferentially deployed to such cities where it is likely to happen something in future, they seem to be trying to douse the fire before it becomes a conflagration that will burn up the country.

Some things will still slip through the cracks, even with that much preparation, but with the competence of Holy King, the mayhem may be smaller than expected.

Well, I think world is already gradually beginning to shift.

Regardless of the intents and desires of individuals, the world continues to move.


Day 355

After the finishing the morning's training, we decided to go fishing in the third largest lake in the forest where the elves called «Alebasla».

Alebasla is located in the place where four rivers flowing from various parts of the large forest cross each other, it has a reasonable size and depth.

The water is moderately clear, and I could see a variety of large and small fish shades swimming underwater. Besides fish, I could also confirm small crab-type monsters and aquatic snake-type monsters, so it might be interesting to fish around the area here.

Beneath a blue sky that was clear and serene, we entered the shadow created by the branches of trees spread overhead, waiting and baiting prey with a fishing rod produced from the Labyrinth while sitting in a chair installed next to the lake.

While listening to the hum of insects and singing birds in the distance, the time was going past in quite a relaxed way. In times of peace, it is not a bad way to pass the time.

And because there seems to be no lack of prey that take bait from the hand, the fish that we caught were almost uncountable, the sisters handled them on the spot.

The river fish "Renbomasu" which seemed likely to be 40 centimeters is cleanly removed of internal organs, and set side-by-side on a skillet in front of the charcoal fire.

The only seasoning used is salt, and having put fat on top of them, like only those that have trained cooking with charcoal fire knows. The smell drifting from the rainbow trout that were cooked over the charcoal fire piqued my appetite until the feeling was intense.

Gulp, I involuntarily swallow my saliva.

Whether or not that also aroused their appetites, the others follow me fishing one after another, Kanami-chan and Blacksmith-san, Female Knight, Dorian, Oniwaka, Opushii, Auro and Argento were also fired up.

Alchemist-san has also come along, but Alchemist-san is sitting on an outdoors couch hugging Nicola.

So yes, today also serves as a sort of family service.

This is why, I spent it enjoying the barbecue and fishing.


Day 356

*Crunch crunch*, while eating a cloned【Heroes】' knob, the【Shogun Kobold】Akitainu and Ramura of the【Thunder Dragonewt】 come forward thrusting real weapons while I just have two prepared alloy clubs for training, with a look in their eyes as if fully prepared to die if necessary.

Akitainu has in his hand a large sword type magic item called 【Moon Heavenly War Wolf】 given to him previously. An incredibly sharp blade, that has the ability to generate a warrior-like slash as beautiful as the moon.

Ramura-san has in her hand a living body spear with the general shape of a Naginata[1] , because she clad herself in a purple lightning, it's become a lightning spear that is deadly for most organisms, and if you touch it, you can get burned from the inside out with an electric shock.

Both of them are serious, and the weapons they wield are sharp enough to bisect the training alloy clubs that I have.

For that reason I do not take their attacks directly, always meeting them by knocking them off to the side.

Besides the violent attacks of both opponents approaching from the front, I also have to deal with two demons poised at my back, Netsuki-kun and Fuuki-san, who approached from behind while moving and holding back the tremors made by the other two.

I only use the two alloy clubs. The remaining two silver arms I'm not using are also not supposed to use abilities or an of my other capabilities, they just hold another three meter long alloy club.

Distract. Repel. Entwine. Take down.

Being attacked from all sides, it's still a battle I continued without receiving even a single blow.

When a chance appears, I launch an attack under Akitainu's chin, then drop down to hook the foot of Ramura-san, put a thrust against of Netsuki-kun's stomach, and slap Fuuki-san on the ass, blowing her away.

Since I've been too sloppy recently, today I am only training with members of the executive class, letting me get a feel that everyone's level is rising compared to before.

Wooden clubs were enough in the past, but it's already necessary to use alloy ones.

There are many points that still need to be fixed, but since I changed the gifts they used, their before and after cannot be compared.

Then, for a while, I gathered together Redhead, Female Knight, Kumajirou, Kurosaburou, Rinbo-san, one of the neck-less Dullahan knights, Gladiator King, Boss Monkey, and the preying mantis insect Iss Haa-san, anyway, those of a certain level or above. The team members were assembled and we went into another training party.

Although that alone had crushed the day, while realizing the real growth in these people, I left them all dead tired- but obviously not going as far as to leave anyone actually dead -, making them go beyond their usual exhaustion.

Even if this time I was stricter, I would go as far as burying someone in the ground if necessary.

Maybe... Probably... Surely.


Day 357

As a continuation of yesterday's severe training, I decided to get down to work with the treasure magic items after making the morning training even harder.

Just for the fact they had a free hand, the Blacksmith-san, Alchemist-san, and the Sisters rose to the occasion as assistants.

As I had the experience of being a peddler in my past life, I honestly appreciated the help of these four people.

Blacksmith-san focused on items like armor, ores and such things among it; as for the magic drugs, mixed ingredients etc were handled by Alchemist-san, in the case of the Sisters, they handled the food, fibers and so forth. Because each specific field is divided, sharing went smooth.

Thankfully, while actually acting by and expressing that behavior, I continued to fill in the book with information about the treasures, taken from treasure chests gained by defeating dungeon bosses and some level bosses, while also setting the obtained items at my side.

Well, because it had been just roughly classified in the past, this time I planned to go into a more organized and finely way, with more details to each one.

It's safe to say that it would be better to keep it more frequently organized, but because of the seer number the task would only prove itself to be bothersome, but recently it's become more of a burden not having done it yet.

Should be fair to call this karma?

Anyway, I removed everything from my item box, organized it, and repeatedly stored the items in my item box again.

There is also a wide variety of magic drugs and ingredients, both in kind and number, and because they are used more frequently, they are preferentially selected to be set aside.

There are also some goods like armor at a level that I think it's still too early to distribute to our members, as it would give too much of an assistance, so there might be a problem if I were to release them too quickly for the general use.

In addition, there are other few matters, but it would be too long if I were to go into detail about it.

To go into the other contents of the treasure boxes obtained from the Age of the Gods Dungeon boss and level bosses, as the number is also too high this time, it would be actually better to go into details when it becomes necessary.

Today has gone away too quickly. Tired, I just tiredly immersed myself in the hot springs.

From now on, I will try a little more frequently.


Day 358

Today's morning, early enough that the sun has not risen yet.

Minokichi-kun safely encounters the new 【Beast King】 Earthty, and their meeting developed into a battle, that he perfectly won, so having done that he began the return to base.

I received this report almost at the same time as waking up in the morning, thus I was a little surprised, but also convinced it was true.

When I was told the full story, it seems like Minokichi-kun heard from the former 【Beast King】 Lionel at that time. 『Could you accept meeting my daughter, and show her what's like to be "on top"? Without killing, if possible, for now please overlook her existence』 Apparently, he spoke of such things at the end of their battle.

Apparently Lionel wished that his beloved daughter Earthty would grow accustomed to a stronger one, also so as to not be self-conceited, and so inducing that she ran into an enemy as formidable as Minokichi-kun.

I also think as to always direct myself towards breaking my limits, but Lionel held that belief more like a faith, in which strength is righteousness, and perhaps had wanted to know a strong enough presence that was strong enough to defeat him.

Death meant you could only reach up to that point. The experience of survival becomes the driving force for the future.

And so I thought, I wonder if such a thought of Earthty went through Lionel's mind in his last moments.

I don't know if he was acquainted with such feelings, but that aside, Minokichi-kun battled and won.

Confirmed through a small cloned body, every one of Earthty's bones ended up fractured or cracked, the internal organs were twisted or ruptured, muscle and skin is torn or split apart, with massive bleeding both internally and externally of her body. She seems to have reached a critical condition of being half-alive.

Although her life had been sustained by a tremendous life force, but left in her current condition, even that force was certainly not enough to keep her alive.

But after Minokichi-kun was done with her, she was allowed to recover with a secret elixir of labyrinth production, and if left to rest for a while, a complete recovery with no after-effects is possible, so it should be rather fine in the end.

However, with that level of injury, movement shouldn't be possible any time soon, even if she is healed.

Her whole body wasn't able to move properly for a while, just her consciousness was directed towards Minokichi-kun.

Lying on the ground, Earthty is looking up at Minokichi-kun with respect. Minokichi-kun, the one that killed Lionel, even while carrying Lionel's former 【Sacred Treasure】 - 【Strong Beast Spirit God・Birusuforuga】, she has a look that seems to say "If you want, come and challenge me again", or at least that's the how it looks to me. [editor's note1]

Minokichi-kun's intentions can only be roughly inferred, but he did not dare to listen to her.

Whether or not Minokichi-kun does have an idea, I just decided to believe in his judgment for the matter.

Although there was a shocking report to start off the morning, there has been nothing else that is particularly unusual.

Because the day was to be spent on training, I let members form groups to rise up to challenge me.

Training that began in such a way was carried out at the «External Training Field».

This time I am armed with my halberd on the right hand and my cursed spear on the left. Basically I'm just using these two, because I do not have anything on the left and right sub-arms

For everyone else, they have their serious battle equipment on.

This time things will be quite serious, so Sei-kun has been asked to be on stand-by so that people can be treated at any time.

Once the preparations were ready, it was to be quickly started.

〓 〒 〓

A harsh feeling is spreading throughout the whole body, while the natural shallow breathing becomes a rapidly one.

Even a word is not spoken as the body and the palms don't speak for themselves, as cold sweat spouting from the whole body run down with a *tsu tsu*. [editor's note2]

Countless veterans gathered in the «External Training Field», while thickly surrounding the one Oni, already envisioning the end of their own fights.

You're pierced if you stay put, you get crushed if you jump forward, and crushed if trying to rush forward.

There's a difference in the intrinsic feeling of training that can only be brought on when fighting for your life, so I change the level for each person, raising it to the limit for each person until they are left throwing up blood.

But, still, the veterans are using their new weapons.

He stifled his fear and charged his chief, even after he accumulated countless defeats.


A shout rise from what appears to be a beast, as the Redhead equipped with her shining armor 【Platinum General】 precedes alone.

The distance between Redhead and Ovarou is shortened in the blink of an eye, as she, while clad in a red phosphorescence, fiercely swung down【General's Large Cleaver】 on her right hand, with the momentum of her sprint.

- Battle Art:【Sacred Beast Bloody Judgement】

Only one who possess 【Job・Sacred Beast Eater】 can release such kind of Battle Arts, its destructive power is tremendous from their nature itself, that full power can be achieved in just a single blow. If it hits directly, even for example a dragon species or the such would be instantly slaughtered.

Because of being fully concentrated in that attack, it could be said there is a drawback that the defense becomes neglected.

Although Redhead is reducing the gap while holding the 【General's Kite Shield】 in front of her with her left hand, it is still possible to say that this choice of action is almost a desperate suicide attack.

Understanding the presented situation, Ovarou smiled slightly. When looking at it, the slash was aimed at his neck, a slash faster than the speed of sound. In addition, Redhead also appears to be smiling.

Ovarou swung the cursed spear in his left hand against that beheading attack.

The spearhead collided with 【General's Large Cleaver】, and on a second moment the colliding forces deflected slightly in a different direction. The shock produced from the collision was almost nonexistent, so Redhead's body was only slightly pushed away.

That merely produced a small gap, but Ovarou didn't miss it, using the halberd in his right hand to 【Foot Sweep】, hooking Redhead's right foot.

Not being entirely aware of what happened, Redhead's response to the attack was barely delayed, which indeed led to her fall, but before being able to take a passive atitude, Ovarou cheerfully approaches in pursuit, while trampling down.

「*---gasp* *ka-thump!* *ka-thump!* *ka-thump!*」[Ed note: tried my best to TL big clumsy footsteps+scared girl here xD]

Although barely avoiding it by rolling in succession, it continued like a giant hammer with such destruction from overlapping 【Hammer of the Earthquake】, which generated a small earthquake, with 【Earth-Crushing Cane】, that triggered as he continued trampling down relentlessly.

Knowing that just being trampled down was simply inexcusable, Redhead becomes desperate while getting covered in mud.

However, because the ground is shaking so much it becomes hardly able to move, and it would seem she is going to get herself captured in just a short while.

「 My lord, prepare yourself -tsu 」

This time, Akitainu comes assaulting from the right side of Ovarou, who is aiming for Redhead.

Seeing that gap Redhead retreats, as the sword blade 【Heavenly Moon Wolf-Warrior】 wielded by Akitainudraws an arc aiming for his torso.

Being slightly faster than Redhead's previous blow, it was an exceptionally sharp blow, however Ovarou killed the blade's momentum by clashing with his halberd, directly repelling the blade even as it was.

And without missing that slight delay, Ovarou threw out a kick forward at his opponent.

Akitainu twisted himself in an attempt to avoid it, but it was impossible to do so, because of the golden thread that was ejected from the toe of the attacking foot, successfully restraining his whole body.

「 Remove! This.. Now *grunt* *ptooey*!!! 」[Ed note: *ptooey* = clearly the sound of someone spitting something out]

Recognizing the golden thread entangling his body, he decided to prepare for the inevitable, first Akitainu used one of the abilities of the【Mask of the Sealed Soul Perudiosu・Maskarade】, which had been equipped as a helmet - 【Ballroom Mask Massive Kaleidoscope】. It softened his own body.

Originally, a mask is a tool to become something else.

If you can master the 【Sacred Treasure】【Mask of the Sealed Soul】 of 【God of Masks】 it is possible to not only become another creature, but also turn into sand or liquid. It was easy enough to escape from the golden thread restraints.

It can not be said that Akitainu is very good yet at commanding the mask, but he managed to make his flesh flexible enough, as much as a slime's, that he was able to get out somehow.

And like that, the softened Akitainu moved his abdomen on the trajectory of the incoming kick.

Not only it softened his flesh, but also his living-armor which covered his body, so he judged the receiving damage to be lesser.

Receiving a powerful unmatched kick on the hard living-armor, he managed to dissipate the shock using his entire softened body.

And then, if there's blow, he shall put up with it, and Akitainu accepted the attack while in weakened state, fully prepared to even die if necessary.

However, as Akitainu was not allowed to be blown away due to the entangling golden thread, the power of Ovarou's kicks dug deep into him so that the impact smashed into his internal organs, penetrating beyond imagination.

The living body armor becomes greatly deformed, with the softened Akitainu's body being bent into the shape of "Ku", extending even more the possibility of being cut a thousand times.

Broken bones throughout the body, the skin throughout the body is dropping away, if he is really wracked by severe pain and shock, like having his internal organs put in a blender, death would normally come after this, and even if one survives they will be crippled and near death.

In fact, Akitainu has almost completely collapsed and been crumbling before the eyes.

「 *Gufuggeboo*! ---*falls over* Not.. Yet! 」

In spite of that, Akitainu pulled himself back to consciousness through his fighting spirit and started vomiting violently from the mouth, but that didn't stop him from moving, and still trying to shake the 【Heavenly Moon Wolf-Warrior】 again.

The remains of his arms are softened and bending like a whip, managing to move the tip close to the speed of sound.

Ovarou grabbed that whip vice arm of Akitainu with his remaining right hand, and in the next moment the figure of Akitainu disappeared.

He was 【Thrown】 without even giving Akitainu a chance to react.

As Akitainu goes flying over the stone gravel ground, Ramura-san passes by there, rushing past with a living body spear shaped like a Naginata. [Ed note5]

「*Shwip*, *tsu tsu*」[Ed note: sound of wind when something passes by in great speed]

The total weight of Akitainu with such a heavy set of biological armor sums up to his speed that more than lightly exceeds a hundred kilometers per hour, as it is coming horizontally towards the ground with plenty of momentum.

If directly hit, even if it was the hefty Thunder Dragonewt Ramura-san, there wouldn’t even be one scrap of that person remaining.

Therefore, from the beginning, Ramura-san did not even try catching Akitainu.

To avoid that, she threw herself down to crawl on the ground.

The wind of the Akitainu passing overhead lightly ruffled Ramura-san's hair, and far behind there was the sound strangely resembling a slime slammed to the ground.

「Whew ...... Haaah - *Gulp*!」

Ramura-san's avoidance of the 【Thrown】 Akitainu was superb, but she was also blocked by the stature of the Akitainu passing overhead, leading to her losing sight of Ovarou after looking away.

After the figure is gone, there is no sign of her target when her visibility is clear again. Still, Ramura-san's kept to her instinct, and threw herself forward in a moment.

While moving slightly slower, as if thinking an attack was going to come over her back, Ramura-san's body suddenly got blown away as if it had received a direct hit from an explosive shell, making the delicate figure of Ramura-san to go crumbling and rolling over the ground.

Without missing a moment after her loss of sight, Ovarou moved behind Ramura-san and attacked with the back fist of his left sub-arm.

「What? This is, Oh, I see. Did she use an electrical discharge to weaken its momentum?」

Ovarou's back fist was strong enough to kill, or at least break the spine and ribs if hit directly, but the power of the hit had only been able to crack some bones.

Ramura-san, who was supposed to have been rolling around violently, immediately rises up using the momentum of the blow, only taking a moment to frown with a pained expression.

Although it was Ovarou who wondered for a moment, as soon as he had delivered the back fist, Ramura-san had coated her back in purple lightning to shave off some of the power from the hit. 『 You did well. It was a good judgement. 』 His face broke into a smile as he was impressed with her move.

「Ha aaaaa Ha aaaaa!」*gasping for air*


Female Knight and Rusty Iron Knight approaching from Ovarou's left and right flanks, both lauching an attack using Battle Arts.

- Battle Art: 【Merciful Radiant Samurai's Cherry Blossoms Storm】

- Battle Art: 【Battle Beast's Iron Fangs and Claws Attack】

Taking away the will power of those who were touched by her light, it was a continuous piercing attack harming the 【Spirit】.

Continuous slashes like fangs or claws from a four-legged beast come without interruption from him.

Both are powerful Battle Arts that repeatedly attack in succession with high power, but the charge is entirely blocked by the halberd and cursed spear that move at high speed, preventing them from reaching Ovarou.

Female Knight and Rusty Iron Knight keep their hands moving and do not let up in their attacks.

The aim of the two is to train their sword skills and see if they have improved when compared with their past lives, so they throw themselves at the weapons of Ovarou.

If Ovarou has any weapons equipped, when even unarmed he is lethal, his entire body becomes a lethal weapon. Whether it is possible to seal his movements, it becomes a priority if you want to pin down Ovarou.

Because the focus of the training was on weapons, Female Knight and Rusty Iron Knight attack in angry waves. But the tide is noticeably being overturned, gradually increasing the scars on their arms and legs.

「Tsu Tsu! Kuwuuuu!!」

「Groowwl Ooo Waaaaahhh!!!」

Female Knight and Rusty Iron Knight let out groans of pain.

They desperately endure the attack, but Ovarou increases the speed of his attacks, with his continuous attacks appearing like a muddy stream, thus passing through their slight defenses. At that moment, they each received a 【Rounded Up Uppercut】 from below, launching them into the sky.

Even though managing to prevent a direct hit using with each of their shields and equipment, they still found themselves helpless in the air and are blown far away.

「Ukyee Ooooooo Oh!」*monkey screaming*

At that moment, the Boss Monkey leap from behind Ovarou.

The aim of the Boss Monkey approaching unarmed was simple. It was the only way he could see that slightly gave him a chance to bind Ovarou from behind.

Just like Redhead's, this was a second "suicide attack".

「Hummmm.. *sigh*!」

「Sister Auro, keep on shooting! ~Tsu」

That said, typically the Boss Monkey's desperate move would have been ended in a vain death.

The left and right sub-arms are still vacant, and nothing else was visible to Ovarou from behind. There was no way to catch Boss Monkey who came grasping from behind.

However, in order to disturb him even further, explosions by Auro's magic gun and Argento's silvery white and gold partisans were aimed at the sub-arms, much like a burst-fire.

「Oh, I cannot raise my arms because of their shooting. However, there's still a long way to go for them. Yet, this is very sweet.」

It is Ovarou who rejoices in the growth of his children, but he is not so enamored as to standby by and let himself be attacked without fighting back.

From his vice arm he can usually shoot from the fingertip a rarely used black cursed bullet - 【Curse Spell Shoot】, to intercept the approaching magic bullets and partisans.

【Curse Spell Shots】- which were like black shots, as well as magic bullets exploded in the sky as astonishing fireworks, sprinkling out in a colorful flash of light.

The partisans bounced away from the impact, being sent flying like meteors.


The Boss Monkey screamed, while receiving the shockwave of the blast.

The defeat of fellow who risked his own life for the benefit of his companions, because the covering attack was not enough. That left them feeling powerless, done once and for all.

In other words, Ovarou was ready for the Boss Monkey by the time he recovered, in a prepared posture.

That was the same as a kind of suicide.


Ovarou changed one of his sub-arms into the shape of a shield, increasing its strength with【Shield Wall】, while also overlapping invocations of 【Shield Bash】 and 【Back Attack】 "Leaning Mine Afterglow" -unleashing this alias "Leaning Iron Mine · Tetsuzankou" attack at the Boss Monkey.

Boss Monkey attempts to defend with its thick arms, but it’s meaningless.

Both arms are bent with the pressure, blown apart while the whole body flew away. Its momentum is stronger than any other, and the spray of blood turns into a blood cloud as he is leaving orbit.

With the death of the Boss Monkey - obviously not dead - something of a waste, those who remain also attack with the remains of their vigor, but in a certain sense the dominance of Ovarou obviously did not collapse.

Next, both Netsuki-kun equipped with 【Wolf Fang Spirit Sword】 and Iss Haa thrusting with both of her sickle arms, but they found themselves repelled by the halberd and a spell just like a replay of the past fight. [edit note4]

Female Knight, along with the 'resurrected' Akitainu, let out a beheading slash from a blind spot, but, being aware of everything, Ovarou wasn't hit by it.

Ovarou stopped short Oniwaka's fighting spirit fueled attack with just the tip of his finger, and the two jewel animals that Opushii had released were left trampled into the ground.

As the【Spirit Axe of the Sand OxNusutufu.Rabyusu】 swang down on him, he decides to target Toro's heavy jaw floating atop its big frame, applying terrible strength to it. Then, he sent Scarface's bone body flying, which should have been greatly strengthened from intense training.

As he gets playful, the Kumajirou that usually fatally rushed at enemies was thrown away aside, while also stroking the three of heads of Kurosaburou which were coming to attack from all directions, rocking their brains.

For the sake of defeating Ovarou each member puts all their efforts into the challenge, but they were left with the feeling that the wall they had to break through was endlessly thick.


We ended up repeating that training over and over again, gradually getting the training grounds heated up.

The first participants had an easier time, but for the second half, Kanami-chan, with Burasato-san and Supeseientered the battle. The border between life and death became quite delicate up to the last minute.

Those three Oni were for sure willing to kill me. If it wasn't for me being myself, I would have died without a doubt back then.

Anyway, training with a feeling of being too overwhelmed was initially intended only for some of the top teams.

Still, there was a repeated need for me to hold back because of the gap in strength, so I eventually decided to try to go back to fighting with my bare hands for the lower members of the group, such as with five member groups and ten man leaders.

Well, rather than fight, it would be more accurate that I was actually lightly playing. It couldn't be called anything else, since a gale would occur with one swing of my hand.

However, I was still able to gauge the power of the leaders which was long-awaited, while trying to fight with the leaders of five-men teams and the leaders of ten-men teams.

Since it would take a party of 100 members to almost be a suitable training partner, I prefer to focus on my Birthday Festival - because the long-awaited birthday is approaching, there are plans for a festival - I wonder if it will be just as good as the previous entertainment?

Today's synthesis results:

【Black Octopus Ink that Should be Avoided】 + 【Acid Bubble Breath】 = 【Black Octopus Bubble Acid that Should be Avoided】

【Fireproof Mucus Secretion】 + 【Violet-Blue Fluid Iolite Liquid】 = 【Fireproof Viscous Blue Fluid】

【Black Immortal Knight Garment・Black Knight Cross of Immortality Group】 + 【Blue Shrimp's Steel Shell】 + 【Indestructible Armored Castle Shell】+ 【Multiple Shells】 = 【Unbreakable Armor of the Demon God】


Day 359

Today I spent the morning with Alchemist-san.

Speaking of what we are doing, we are experimenting on how to reproduce the tastes from my memories.

Normally the Sisters would be the ideal ones to approach if you want to reproduce the taste of a certain dish since they are the ones who are more experienced with food.

But this time, the Alchemist-san is more qualified.

- This might seem abrupt but do you remember the first thing I ate since my reincarnation?

It was white, well-rounded, soft and fatty, and filled with plenty of nutrients.

Yes, it was a caterpillar.

From the cave that we once lived in, caterpillars were relatively easy to obtain by digging into the wall.

I suddenly missed its taste, but after finding and eating one of those caterpillars, it had somewhat thinned in flavor, I mean, there was no depth to its taste.

Why is the taste different? I can only tilt my head and wonder.

However, if I were to really think back on it, it feels like the caterpillars I'd previously caught had about the same taste. At that time I did not think too deeply about how they taste or especially care because there were not many options to eat like there are now. The difference is much clearer now that my tongue has had more experience with food.

- I wonder why that is, exactly.

When I use the 【Old Demon's Wisdom】 that I had obtained from the old man goblin, it seems that Gobujii had made a dilution of a special poison, called 【Goblin's Poison Arrow】to give to the caterpillars.

Doing so adds a mellow taste to the caterpillar, it seems to become thicker and delicious just like trout.

In other words, that means that what we were eating at the time was not an ordinary caterpillar.

If poison is required, the Sisters and Meal Hero would be outside of their areas of expertise.

Although Meal Hero is capable of making medicines based on the food itself, as one would expect, asking him for poison would be unreasonable.

That's why the Alchemist-san, who excelled at its production method, was singled out.

Having in mind reproducing such a taste, I used a mortar made from Rembara stone that had a surprisingly long history as well as a【Rising Drug Efficacy】effect, grind up a liquid made from an "India" tree found in the Great Forest. Added to that were some kinds of poisonous plants which are native of this region, that had been left sun-drying for a few days. Among them were leaves of "Wild Anxiety Ansebi", roots of "Spinaceous Igurashisa" and fruits of "Real Death Isshimi". All of which were ground together into a paste.

In the clan we were born in, the【Goblin Community of Small Devils】, this magic item was something that the oldest person had to take over for many years.

Previously it was a product that Gobujii had chosen as his favorite, but ever since Gobujii passed away, nobody had used it, leaving it stored in a warehouse, forgotten.

If you were to look at its effects alone, there are plenty of better items available so there was no reason not to store it in the warehouse.

For this time though, I think I will first try to replicate the product to that same effect, so I'll be pulling that item out of the warehouse and use it instead.

That way, we can just get to see how to raise its production efficacy many times over, so in the future there may be no need for it anymore, finding its end inside the warehouse.

Anyway, I was there to advise Alchemist-san, and continue to occasionally help with the work.

Although I can work comfortably with the poison around me because it has no effect, I truly believe that, since the preparation is quite difficult, if even one mistake was made in the formula then it would've meant death for Gobujii.

Anyway, it took a few hours of struggling while adjusting the concentration by pouring water in.

There were plenty of failures through our lack of experience, and we ended up having to redo it several times.

The bastard of a poison was almost impossible for the Alchemist-san's processing ability to figure out, but she said that she was happy to try and at the same time I vowed to create a success and was apologetic.

I did not want to end up with a failure.

As I became accustomed to the process, I finally felt as if I could figure it out - it seems like it did come out as a poison in the mortar - which is apparently referred to as 【Goblin's Poison Arrow】 - after collecting it, we reduced it to a certain amount.

【Goblin's Poison Arrow】 is used afterwards, mixing it with just a sap of a highly detoxification solution poured in a mortar, as its poisonous contents are lowered.

Then a white smoke rose from it while producing a *Fsshhh* sound.

I pulled the white smoke into one place using 【All Creation】 so that it does not damage the surroundings with its toxicity. We then proceeded to add water to the mortar.

Before long, the white smoke started gaining more momentum.

The smoke decreased after a little while, leaving the remaining poison changed from a blue to a light blue. Reaching this point, the toxicity is weak, becoming a poison that is of little to no use.

In the mean time, several dozen caterpillars were dropped in.

Slowly consuming the poison out of the mortar, the rapidly growing caterpillar blossom.

When the poison is almost eliminated, I removed the caterpillar and gave it a quick wash using 【All Creation】, then ate it off with a crunch.

Its *jelly-ish* *squishy* body provided a reasonable elasticity that was like a cooked shrimp, juicy and rich fluid fills my mouth.

It would be inferior to the dragon meat. Not even winning out to other labyrinth ingredients.

But it does remind me of the old days, a kind of nostalgic taste.

Since the procedure has been found, I think I will try to mass produce it and distribute them to everyone. Since it is likely that Alchemist-san will help with the mass production, we will have an easier time with it.

Oh, but it really is a nostalgic taste.


Day 360

I am wielding a knife at the Sisters' place today.

Next to the figure of the Sisters, who were dressed with aprons, is the Meal Hero's party with a counter-top in between them.

The Meal Hero's party prepares the main meal, while the Sisters follow their orders while also getting cooking lessons when time presents itself.

This time, it could be said I am more of a hindrance here, really.

【Seaweed Cooking Nabe・Tangurea Potter】, 【Cookware Cooking Utensils・Cooking Ozeru】. These are 【Sacred Treasures】 class cookware, possessing such effects as 【Seaweed Cuisine - Full Mastership】and 【High-Grade Seafood Cooking】, and so forth.

Since the cooking of a decent amount of food had mostly been done by now, they set aside some time to teach the two some things.

I also have plenty of time, I thought with myself.

I liked cooking and had been doing it for a decent amount of time, so I had been helping whenever possible.

However, it seems there is too much of a difference when it comes to the top level of cooking.

They used a rapidly flowing process. Their site of control runs in second long increments. The difference was too clear taste as dishes come out with a slight difference in tastes.

They use various bits of techniques to vividly dismantle every ingredient. Charged with maximizing the taste of each ingredient. Servings come out showing their ingredients deliciously.

There was also a variety of dishes, but as I had imagined, there were some dishes here that went beyond what I had thought was possible.

Moreover, it seems the Sisters have reached that top level of cooking.

In the future, it may be better to just stop lending a hand here.

It can be harmonious if we're talking about just a small dish, but at dinner time I must just be seen as an obstacle.

There are many things that I have to think about, but I can still enjoy the delicious cuisine.

Yeah, it was good after all to taste the Sisters's homemade meal.

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