Volume 4, Chapter 4 [The Next Place]

Volume 4, Chapter 4 [The Next Place]

Translator: Nicholas Ipsen

Editor: TranslationChicken

——After Beatrice ejected him from the Forbidden Library, Subaru returned to everyone in the living room empty handed, looking rather ashamed of himself.

Awaiting him, the living room was the same as when he left. The only difference was that Otto was now sitting in Subaru’s seat, and seemed to have just finished discussing something with Emilia.

Putting on a face that left no doubt in anyone’s mind just how much he resented another guy talking to Emilia in anything vaguely resembling an intimate way, Subaru headed towards Otto.

[Subaru: I see you’re happily chatting with Emilia-tan while I was gone, it would be nice if you go and drop dead now]

[Otto: It’s not in my nature to just sit around silently and let time pass… More importantly, what kind of sane person says a line like that immediately after coming back!? It’s very unpleasant when you always take your anger out on me you know!]

[Subaru(girly voice): D-don’t talk like you can understand! As soon as I buy your oil and fulfill my promise, it’s all over between us, we’re through! So don’t get the wrong idea here!]

[Otto: Could you please not talk like there’s something between us that might cause a misunderstanding!?]

In the short span of time it took Otto to yell at him for being a tsundere, Subaru, as if suddenly completely losing interest, turned towards Emilia.

Kept out of the conversation, she was clearly waiting for him and Otto to finish talking, and seeing him looking at her, she looked back up at him and asked,

[Emilia: ——Were you able to meet with Beatrice?]

A surprisingly difficult question. On the one hand, the answer to her question was YES, but the answer to the question she was actually asking was closer to a NO.

While he had been able to make contact with her, he hadn’t actually broached the most essential topic. He almost wanted to laugh at what a limp, indecisive, cowardly Adventure RPG protagonist he was.

[Subaru: No, it just wasn’t happening]

[Emilia: Oh… Oh well, I guess that was to be expected. When Beatrice hides using ‘Door Crossing’, I guess there’s no way to find her. Neither Ram nor I have managed to meet her after all, so…]

[Subaru: Ehm, actually, I did manage to find her. But she was, how should I say this… I guess she was in a bad mood, a bit mopey… Anyway, I wasn’t able to get an answer from her. Stupid, right?]

[Emilia: You… found her?]

Having thought that he’d never been able to make contact with her in the first place, Emilia’s eyes widened in astonishment. A bit surprised by her reaction, Subaru let out an “Ah?” and nodded his head.

[Emilia: I’ve been thinking this for a while, but… You and Beatrice are actually really close, aren’t you?]

Emilia murmured in a low voice, lightly touching her lower lip with her finger as though pondering something.

In response, Subaru put on his best disapproving frown, working hard to further improve the expression that was shaping his face into something no one could misinterpret.

[Subaru: Me and Beako, friends? Please… She’s like my arch-nemesis, ever since the moment we met. The first time we met she sucked out all of my Mana you know!? I don’t think there’s enough time left in the world for that horrible first impression to go away!]

[Emilia: Even though you made up with Julius? After all that happened between you? Subaru you’re like this sometimes, being stubborn in a reeeaally meaningless way]

[Subaru: Being meaninglessly stubborn is the measure of a man! I’m the kind of guy who continues to carry around that kind of stupid idea, even though I know it’s a bunch of crap. Plus, I HAVEN’T made up with Julius. I, hate, that guy, FOR-EH-VAR]

[Emilia: Sure, sure]

Emilia lightly brushed aside his disingenuous objections with a small laugh. Seeing this, Subaru screwedup his face to show his dissatisfaction. However, on the inside, he just felt relieved that the subject had been laid to rest.

He still hadn’t had time to process his conversation with Beatrice. The sad expression on her face at the very end, he had no idea of how to even begin to make sense of it.

[Subaru: By the way, where’s Frederica gone off too? How could her good judgment be so lacking that she would leave my Emilia-tan and Otto alone together…]

[Emilia: Setting aside the matter of me supposedly belonging to anyone for another time… Frederica has gone off to prepare one of the guest rooms… Since we’re going to need a place for Rem-san to rest]

[Subaru: Ah, I see]

Subaru responded in a low whisper. Emilia, looking pained, narrowed her eyes.

While he hated himself for causing this expression on her face, he simply couldn’t hold back the rending pain filling up his chest every time he was reminded of Rem.

However, with a blink and a shake of his head, he extinguished the grief from his expression to keep his pain from extending to Emilia. Relaxing his lips he said,

[Subaru: In that case, I better get Rem from the dragon carriage. She shouldn’t be lying out there all alone…… Oh, sorry about what I said before, Otto]

[Otto: No, no, I don’t blame you. After all, I sense that…… a lot has happened between her and Natsuki-san. I can hardly ask you to have your emotions in check given the circumstances]

[Subaru: It’s just that when I think of you touching my Rem with your dirty, money-grubbing hands, I can’t help myself…… I’m really sorry]

[Otto: There’s no way you’d say something like that if you were really sorry! I also really don’t think that’s a line a person who just labelled a totally different girl as his should be saying!!]

[Subaru: That’s just me using you in my plan to make Emilia-tan fall jealously in love with me. Don’t make me say it out loud, idiot]

[Otto: You said that out loud all on your own!!]

Grinning at Otto’s reliably explosive reaction, Subaru snuck a glance at Emilia’s face. Having been intently observing their exchange, Emilia’s lips seemed to soften just a little, and the sorrow of moments ago had all disappeared. Confirming this, Subaru drew a small sigh of relief.

[Emilia: Subaru and Otto-kun seem to be reeaally close. Even though you only met just recently…]

[Subaru: Huh, that’s what you got jealous at!? Compared to my feelings for you, Otto is just a toy, a plaything on the side! I want a real and passionate relationship with you, Emilia-tan!]

[Otto: Why am I the one being discarded!? Even though this whole thing has no basis in reality, I still really don’t like that!!]

Seeing the two guys heat up more and more, Emilia suddenly burst out laughing. Covering her mouth with her hand, her shoulders shuddering with laughter, Emilia managed to squeeze out an [I’m sorry] before she was finally able to continue.

[Emilia: I don’t think this is the kind of situation where I should be laughing like this, but I just can’t help myself… Are you sure you two haven’t actually known each other for a really long time?]

[Subaru: He’s a travelling merchant you know? Once his business is over, he’ll be out of here before you know it…… Actually, just the thought of an un-shipped male character other than myself coming near Emilia-tan, aaah I can’t stand it!]

[Otto: I don’t know what that is, but in the short time I’ve gotten to know you I can already tell it’s probably something really awful so I don’t like it——!]

Seeing Otto putting his hands on his head with a somewhat traumatized expression on his face, Subaru snorted loudly, twisting his mouth.

In a way, those exaggerations were actually his true feelings. Ever since baring his heart to Emilia, Subaru chased her with an air of indomitable invincibility, and his heart is set ablaze with jealousy whenever another guy approaches her.

This is surely because the depth of his possessiveness, and jealousy, are both many times that of any normal person.

The rampant conversation in the living room was coming to an end just as Frederica returned from preparing the guest room.

[Otto: I was thinking, I’d like to check on how things are in the village nearby. Since I’m holding onto the certificates for the other merchants regarding the purchasing of their cargo, I can, to an extent, take care of distributing things to the village. Though I’ll get the Margrave to pay for the costs later, of course]

After saying this, as if the fatigue from the long trip did not affect him at all, Otto hustled off towards the village.

No matter how much he showed the face of a calculative merchant, his proposal was, as 60% of the evacuees had not yet returned, nothing short of aid and support for the still nonfunctional Arlam village.

Watching Otto hide all this behind a money-hungry demeanor, Subaru was forced to quickly cover up his sense of gratitude by pretending to spit on the ground.

[Frederica: I have prepared a room in the servants quarters as instructed. …Strangely, there was only one room that appeared to have been thoroughly cleaned]

[Subaru: Thoroughly cleaned…… The innermost room on the second floor?]

[Frederica: —Yes, that’s right. Only that room seemed clean, as if everything had been thrown out except the bed… Do you, know something about it?]

As Frederica spoke of the room she had just prepared, Subaru struggled hard to keep his grief from emerging in his eyes.

The room she talked about——the innermost room on the Mansion’s second floor in the eastern wing, was the room Rem had used. Hearing the explanation that everything in the room must have been tidied up, Subaru deeply felt the overwhelming power of “Gluttony”‘s Authority: the eradication of existence.

[Subaru: ……No. I just had a hunch; there’s no real meaning behind it]

Frederica, who saw the truth behind Subaru’s words, didn’t say a thing.

She too, seemed to possess an extraordinarily excellent disposition as a maid.

Most likely, Rem and Frederica were the two who had kept Roswaal’s overly-spacious mansion functioning… Ram doesn’t count.

Going around back of the Mansion, a soft snorting sound greeted Subaru as he headed towards the dragon carriage.

Looking at where the carriage was parked, he saw an unfamiliar building that looked like a storehouse——most likely it was the place used to shelter dragon carriages, like a garage.

He saw the building, and Patrasche stabled in the adjacent barn.

The ground dragon with jet black skin let out a valiant cry, extending her neck out towards the approaching Subaru in a gesture of tenderness.

Placing a fingertip against the approaching nostrils, he tickled the rough skin.

[Subaru: Sorry I never thanked you properly, Patrasche. A lot of things happened, and I know it’s late, but, I’m counting on you from here on out too, partner]

[Patrashe: ……]

In answer to Subaru’s words, Patrasch licked the palm of his hand with her rough tongue. Looking at their friendly exchange, Frederica tilted her head.

[Frederica: She really cherishes you. One look, and anyone could tell she is a competent ground dragon, yet to see how tamed she is…it’s astounding]

[Subaru: I haven’t done anything close to taming her? If normal ground dragons are difficult to pet and hug, then I guess it’s just because Patrasche has a deeper emotional capacity than the others. Or, maybe I’m just so incapable, she can’t leave me be]

It’s not like Subaru was being humble, it was simply the only way he could appraise Patrasche’s lovableness.

Within just 3, 4 days from meeting her, how many times had he had his life saved by this softhearted ground dragon.

Conversely, Subaru hadn’t done anything for her in return yet. He couldn’t help but think his meeting with this ground dragon was nothing short of a blessing.

As though understanding Subaru’s self-assessment, Patrasche extended her head, which was licking Subaru’s hands, and rubbed her muzzle against the inattentive Subaru’s cheek. Surprised at the sudden offensive, Subaru smiled wryly at the raspy sensation on his face.

[Frederica: I, think I understood what kind of person Subaru-sama is. —You, have your own hardships]

[Subaru: ……]

Instead of Subaru, who had his hands full with Patrasche, Frederica’s words and kind gaze were directed at Patrasche, who was frolicking with him.

Patrasche stopped her movements for a moment at the deep emotion behind Frederica’s words, looking at her with the pupils of a reptile, before resuming her toying of Subaru.

In that moment, the women somehow understood each other, and Subaru was completely unaware.


[Subaru: Sorry for making you wait, Rem. I’m sure it was cramped and dark, right? I’m gonna carry you to your room now, okay?]

After spending some time playing with Patrasche, he headed for where the dragon carriage was parked——in other words, to where Rem had been left sleeping.

There was no change, Rem was still in a deep sleep. She didn’t raise any objections.

Sulking at being left behind, her head turned away, cheeks puffed out…saying “Subaru-kun is so mean!”, or laughing at Subaru’s apology—none of it will happen.

[Frederica: —I heard about it earlier, but still I am surprised]

From behind Subaru, who was immersed in nostalgia, Frederica, who saw Rem for the first time, was unable to hide her surprise. When Subaru tilted his head at Frederica’s surprised response, she quietly shook her head.

[Frederica: Nothing. It is just, her face looks very similar to the Ram I know. The only difference I see is the color of the hair… twins, as you said]

[Subaru: I’m sure it must be hard to believe, what with losing your memories and all, but I’m glad you believed me. It would make me glad if you remembered her, without thinking it was some kind of cruel joke]

Nodding at the reason for Frederica’s surprise, Subaru stretched his palm out to touch Rem’s cheek.

Somehow, he felt no warmth nor coldness. There was no doubt all her life-functions were active, but there was nothing left living within her.

Confirming what he had already checked countless times, Subaru again received an incurable wound to the depths of his heart. Even knowing this, he still could not help but check.

[Frederica: Subaru-sama. It would be fine for me to carry…]

[Subaru: I want to do it. Please let me. I want to be the one that takes Rem to the Mansion… to her room. Sorry I’m being selfish]

[Frederica: Not at all, it’s really touching. Your eyes look like those of a murderer, but you are kind, I see]

[Subaru: I also have a heart that gets damaged from such casual dissing!]

Responding to Frederica’s words, Subaru wrapped Rem up in his arms. He has carried her several times now to move her, but even so he was reminded of how light she was.

It was with this body she had stood in front of him, fighting hard to protect his useless self. The more he dwelt on this, the more his feelings of just how precious she is swelled up.

[Subaru: I’ll wake you, as soon as I can. So, please, scold me angrily for feeling the softness of your body with these fingertips of mine]

[Frederica: It was such a good line, until you had to go and ruin it.]

Subaru exited the dragon carriage, leaving Frederica’s disgruntled words behind him.

He nodded a quick goodbye to Patrasche, who had poked her head out of the stables. Subaru then entered the mansion, led by Frederica.

Led to the Eastern Maid’s room——The bedroom, the room that once was Rem’s.

[Frederica: You talked, with Beatrice-sama]

The statement was thrown out abruptly, as they walked.

Subaru, who had been carefully going up the stairs, looked up at Frederica’s back.

She narrowed the pupils of her sharp eyes, and looked back down at Subaru with a gaze that held only intimidation. Although, Subaru understood it was only a misunderstanding, as he had the same kind of eyes, with more white area than was usual.

Coming to the correct assumption that his silence was affirmation at her question, Frederica said,

[Frederica: Is she doing well? I ask because, since my return to the Mansion, I have yet to see her face]

[Subaru: I already told Emilia-tan, but she was doing ok…I guess. Though, I couldn’t talk to her as much as I normally do, since she was in a worse mood than usual]

[Frederica: Is……that so]

As though anxious, her expression at Subaru’s answer was not a bright one.

Seeing that look, Subaru couldn’t help but wonder about something. It was about what the role of the girl named Beatrice actually was, in the Mansion.

Up until now, Subaru had not dug deep into her position or background.

The girl, in the Mansion of Margrave Roswaal, stayed in a mysterious magical space, the Forbidden Library, and was treated by Rem and Ram as both guest and nobility.

Then again, she seems to childishly adore Puck, a spirit contracted to Emilia, a candidate for the Royal Election, as though he were an older brother. Also, the way she behaved towards Subaru seemed appropriate for her age, though her actions during their last encounter——they were all mysteries.

[Subaru: Umm, Frederica, you’ve been working in the Mansion for a while?]

[Frederica: Oh, are you interested? Emilia-sama, the girl in your arms……and Beatrice-sama…you seem to have a lot of interests]

[Subaru: Stop mixing Beako in so smoothly, I’m not interested in young kids. You can see that both my hands are filled with Emilia-tan and Rem, right? Frederica is…Honestly, it’s only been a short time, but you’re not my type]

[Frederica: Oh, I’m hated]

[Subaru: It’s no good, you trying to yank my chain feels just like what one of Roswaal’s maids would do. Oh, and it’s only an issue of personal preference; I don’t hate you or anything]

Frederica’s eyes danced, and she laughed at Subaru’s comeback, while covering her mouth with its cruel-looking fangs.

[Frederica: I’m not much concerned. You, also seem to be a worrywart]

[Subaru: It’s because I hurt you when we first met. You laughed it off, but it still hurt a bit, didn’t it?]

[Frederica: ……]

At Subaru’s words, Frederica’s eyes flickered with an expression of surprise this time. The smile wiped from her face, she stared at him. The gold in her eyes sparkling, she slid her gaze to meet his, and Subaru was met with the sensation that she was trying to look through him.

Slowly letting out a small sigh, Frederica said,

[Frederica: It is not very often that someone sees into my heart. I would appreciate it, if you refrained from doing so]

[Subaru: I just tried to put back together what I’d trampled over. Besides, I’m one to talk, what with my eyes being just as fierce looking……well, for me it’s the whole family though]

Since both his parents had naturally fierce expressions, their son had it too.

During dinner, they all wore the same expressions as they squirted out mayonnaise from their own personal tubes, and it probably looked as though they were performing some Black Magic around the dining table.

Frowning as he saw his own memories objectively, Frederica deepened her sigh even further.

[Frederica: You are not a discomforting guy, just really strange. I think I understand why Emilia-sama behaves the way she does]

[Subaru: Emilia-tan, what?]

[Frederica: It is nothing. This time, Emilia-sama would truly be upset with me. What will you do once you know how long I have worked here?]

Shaking her head, Frederica shifted the topic back.

Even though he couldn’t make sense of those words, Subaru too returned to the original topic.

[Subaru: So the thing is, I wanted to talk about Beako… Beatrice. If you worked here as a maid for a long time, then I wanted to ask how long she’s been living in the Mansion]

He hadn’t voiced it as a question or anything, but from Subaru’s estimation, Frederica was several years older——Around 23 or 24. Even if she was a veteran maid of ten years, and since Beatrice was around twelve now by all accounts, all he had to do was count back and he could come up with an estimate.

But, at Subaru’s question, Frederica shook her head.

[Frederica: I am sorry, but I do not know. Beatrice-sama has shut herself up in the Library a long time, since before I started working in this Mansion]

[Subaru: Ah, well I guess it can’t be helped. Your background as a maid doesn’t necessarily mean it directly correlates with how long you’ve worked in Ros-chi’s Mansion. So you came to the mansion as an expert maid then…]

[Frederica: No, that is not the case, Subaru-sama]

Frederica interrupted Subaru, who felt his conclusion had been denied by a rather plausible reason.

As Subaru furrowed his brows, she straightened her back, and complemented by her vicious countenance and a noticeable concern, she said,

[Frederica: The only place I have worked at as a Maid, is here at the Master’s mansion. And when I was first taken in as a servant, I was 12 years old. That was over 10 years ago]

[Subaru: ……Wait, isn’t that weird? Because, calculating back since then, that would mean Beako has been shut-up in that moldy room from when she was a toddler]

[Frederica: Don’t you, already know?]

As though criticizing Subaru’s stubbornness, Frederica shook her head.

With her attitude confirming a doubt he had held within his heart, Subaru understood what he had tried to avoid thinking about too deeply.

In other words, the girl in the library—

[Subaru: Her appearance hasn’t changed. …… I guess she really isn’t human then]

[Frederica: Since the beginning of the Mathers Family, the librarian who took an oath to continue watching over the Forbidden Library——that is who she is, the Great Spirit Beatrice-sama]

Unable to detect a lie in her words, Subaru was left with no choice but to accept them.

The true identity of the girl he had interacted with until now, was an existence that belonged to a completely different dimension.

[Subaru: Great Spirit… that title is the same as Puck’s, but she looks really different and all]

[Frederica: It relates to the absence of a contract and the oath……… no, this is more than I should say. Please forget it]

[Subaru: Impossible, totally impossible]

How many times had Subaru’s ignorance caused him to be dragged around by what other people knew but wouldn’t share.

Frederica did not care about Subaru’s scornful glare, and tightened her lips; it seems she had no intention of touching the subject again. At her attitude and behavior, Subaru sighed, recognizing that he would be unable to pursue talking about Beatrice.

Remembering their talk had continued on while their legs had ceased moving,

[Subaru: Frederica]

[Frederica: Forgive me, Subaru-sama. My tongue was a little too loose. I was just glad someone appeared that cares about Beatrice-sama. Please, forgive me]

[Subaru: It’s okay, but my arms are at their limit]

His upper arms shaking, Subaru looked up at Frederica with a stiff expression on his face.

He was acting strong because “it’s a light light body” and “anything’s possible with love”, but things like his arm strength, muscle stamina, and so on, ignored those lines, attacking him in force.

[Frederica: Oh, oh]

[Subaru: So, step away, please!]

Subaru swore to himself he would never do something as foolish as setting Rem down on the floor, or handing her to Frederica; then brushed past her and her offer to switch, heading to the guest room with hurried steps.

The sounds of soft footfalls running echoed from behind; it seemed Frederica was following behind him. Reflecting on the horrible way he had ended their talk, he arrived in front of Rem’s room.

[Emilia: —You really, took your time]

Emilia said, her expression showing how monotonous her wait for Subaru had been.

Laying Rem down on the bed, Subaru pulled the quilts up over her chest. The beating of her heart, and the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, gave testament to the fact that she still lives. Until the day her eyes open again, he wondered just how much time she would spend here.

[Subaru: I guess that’ll depend on how hard I try, huh]

Turning his feelings into a new vow, Subaru gently brushed away Rem’s hair resting on her brow, and then, he turned around to face Emilia, who had been standing silently behind him.

[Subaru: Sorry for making you wait. Frederica and I ended up talking about all sorts of things, and I wound up with some serious build-up of lactic acid in my biceps]

[Emilia: It’s wonderful if you were sidetracked in conversation. What were you and Frederica talking about?]

[Subaru: I started by asking some questions relating to rehabilitating the shut-in little girl. How long has she been shut-in, when did it start, how she treated people after it happened… they’re all closely related to her recovery]

[Emilia: Hmmm, I see. Subaru, you’re really informed when it comes to shut-ins. It’s amazing]

[Subaru: Emilia-tan, I’m sure you didn’t mean it but… your words sometimes cut me to my core. Just like right now]

It was a bit disconcerting how genuinely she seemed to be praising him. Emilia, her expression purely innocent, tilted her head and looked at Subaru, who was frowning. He replied with a wry smile, and shrugged his shoulders.

[Emilia: So, you weren’t able to get Beatrice to tell you anything, then?]

[Subaru: Her mouth is shut firm and she doesn’t budge. By the way, I know I’ve asked this a lot already but …where’s Puck?]

[Emilia: —No luck, there’s still no response. This happens once in a while, but the timing is reeealy horrible this time. Geez, this is really distressing]

Reaching into her shirt, Emilia pulled out the green crystal stone. Fit in a pendant, the stone was faintly glowing. Within, a bewitching light swirled where the Great Spirit resided. It was the link that sealed the contract between Emilia and Puck, and Subaru, having seen his materialized form going in and out of that crystal almost daily, knew this as well. Only, as one could deduce from their conversation, there has been no hint of him within the crystal stone these past few days. He was gone ——It was hard to believe, but he wasn’t responding to their calls.

[Subaru: This, happens sometimes? But, that’s got to be really exasperating for you]

[Emilia: Whenever I really, really need Puck’s help, he always comes. So, I don’t think he’s not watching… I’ve asked him about what he does when he’s not around, but he’s never told me]

Hearing Emilia’s apologetic words, Subaru scratched his head, saying, [That’s…]. He couldn’t hide his disappointment at the fact that Puck, who was aware of everything, would choose to remain silent. With this, all the important figures he could have relied upon for help with his doubts, had all gone silent at once.

[Subaru: Puck and Beako, both quit talking to me at the same time. …This blows]

[Emilia: I know……Hey, Subaru, what should we do?]

Subaru, resting his hand on his forehead, was in deep thought when Emilia asked him for his decision.

He cast down his eyes at her call. Seeing the reliance and trust that dwelt within her gaze, he despised himself for feeling so happy at a time such as this. Realizing that she was relying on him, out of that trapped, stifling feeling, he understood what he must do.

[Subaru: Since the two who might actually know something suddenly went quiet, we really don’t have a choice but to move on. …Although, even if we find that guy, whether he’ll tell us anything is another matter…]

[Emilia: You mean Roswaal, right?]

[Subaru: Yeah, it’s about time he spilled his guts and told us everything that’s been going on, I think] 𝙛r𝚎𝐞𝑤𝚎𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝚕.𝒄𝐨𝓂

Seeing Emilia’s grasp of the situation, Subaru nodded his head. Since she recognized his train of thought, she was probably thinking the same thing as well.

Emilia placed a hand over her chest, and seemed relieved that their opinions aligned.

[Emilia: I’m so glad, that Subaru agrees with me. I was wondering what I would do if you object to my proposals like Roswaal and Ram always do]

[Subaru: I might disagree depending on the details, but overall, I’m a hundred-percent behind Emilia-tan, you know? Even if I disagree with you, it’ll always be because of my love for Emilia-tan, I hope you can believe me]

[Emilia: Love… —Subaru, you reeeally know how to pick the opportunity to flirt]

Subaru’s irresponsible pick-up line took Emilia by surprise, and she quickly turned her face away. Subaru’s cheeks were reddening slightly as well as he clenched his fists, while Emilia, still refusing to look at him, said,

[Emilia: Then, I have a proposal for you, Subaru, since you’re always on my side]

[Subaru: Alright, let’s hear it, whatever you want]

Subaru placed a hand to his chest in respectful subservience. Seeing this, Emilia closed one of her eyes saying “Since you said it so nicely”, pursing up her lips and looking back at him.

Then, taking a moment to let out a deep breath, Emilia stared directly into Subaru’s dark pupils.

[Emilia: There are things we need to talk about with Roswaal, and we also have to know what happened with the villagers, right? That’s why, I want to go to the “Sanctuary”]

[Subaru: “Sanctuary”……]

It was the name of a place he had heard countless times at the Roswaal Mansion. Subaru had unfortunately never been able to find out where it was, but the evacuees led by Ram had headed there to avoid the Witch Cult. At the very least, now that the sect of the Witch Cult led by Betelgeuse had been annihilated, the threat level at the “Sanctuary” should be no more than that of the mansion.

[Emilia: I’ve been told it’s a place I’d need to visit sometime anyway, so I think this is the perfect time. I’ve decided that this time, I’ll finally talk with Roswaal about everything]

[Subaru: W, wa, wai, wait a minute! You aren’t thinking of leaving me behind are you!?]

[Emilia: Eh?]

Holding his hand up in front of him at Emilia’s enthusiastic words, Subaru put a damper on her decisive declaration. But even so, Subaru had to say it.

[Subaru: Emilia-tan, I know you’re getting pumped, and I’m in agreement, but you can’t just leave me behind. I know I’m weak and dimwitted, but I’d hate it if I couldn’t try my best by your side. I know it’s selfish, but please understand!]

Hearing Subaru’s ardent, relentless words, Emilia’s eyes widened.

But they were unmistakably his true thoughts. Subaru was going to stay with Emilia. If he wasn’t with her, he couldn’t protect her. He couldn’t do anything for her. There was no pretense to his feelings, it was simply that his existence was necessary to help her. It had nothing to do with him wanting something in return, it was simply what he wanted to do.

Emilia’s expression still showed her astonishment at the forcefulness of Subaru’s words. Deciding that now would be the best time to throw her off balance, he continued.

[Subaru: It’s no use if you try and stop me. I’m going with you. I’ve no intention of getting left behind. Whether it’s the “Sanctuary” or Roswaal we’re going to face, nothing will stand in the way of my burning love for——]

[Emilia: There’s no way I’d leave you behind. Come with me]

[Subaru: I don’t want to get left behind, no no NO! —wait, what did you say?]

Subaru, still half-way down on the floor and about ready to grovel and plead, asked Emilia this question.

Seeing his display, Emilia placed a hand against her lips, her face reddening ever so slightly.

[Emilia: Like I said, come with me. I’d be too anxious if it was just me]

[Subaru: Eh, Emilia-tan……]

[Emilia: Subaru, I’m counting on you. I don’t think you’re weak, or dimwitted. I, need your strength]

[Subaru: ———]

The impact those words had on Subaru went beyond description. His mouth agape, Emilia’s face clouded over with uncertainty at his stillness. Lifting up her hand, as though struggling over whether to reach out and touch him or not,

[Emilia: Ah, uhm, wh, what’s the matter? Did I say something strange again?]

[Subaru: The switch to my motivation is in your hands. Whether it’s on or off, depends on just a word from you. I can’t take it]

Covering his face in his hands, Subaru spoke teasingly to Emilia. [Eh? Eh?? What do you mean?], unable to read the intention behind his words, Emilia fumbled for a reply. Seeing her so confused, he almost wanted to rub it in her face. After all Subaru had just went though at her hands, he’s savoring every last bit of it.

[Frederica: —It sounds like you’ve come to an agreement]

[Subaru: Gyaa—!?]

Their exchange, which must have looked like two people flirting, was tragically interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Frederica’s entrance.

Emilia wasn’t surprised by her arrival, but Subaru, trying hard to conceal the thumping of his heart, couldn’t help but glare at her. Even though Frederica must have easily seen through Subaru’s feelings, not a hint of it appeared in her calm, but still vicious-looking expression.

[Frederica: I have no objections about the two of you heading to the “Sanctuary”. However, preparations will take about two days]

[Subaru: By preparations, does that mean you’re coming with us?]

[Frederica: Not at all. As I still have duties here, I will be unable to accompany you. I will instead give the directions to the “Sanctuary” to the ground dragon you brought back with you]

[Subaru: You mean Patrasche?]

Subaru widened his eyes at the unexpected proposition. His response received a [Why, yes] from Frederica, who continued as though it were obvious.

[Frederica: Ground dragons are very clever creatures. If you instruct them properly, they can understand which roads to take well enough that a guide is unnecessary. Since she seems especially clever, I don’t think it will be an issue]

[Subaru: Patrasche, you just keep on getting more and more valuable! Really, just what triggered this turn of events?]

[Frederica: More importantly, there are several things I must tell you two]

Subaru tilted his head trying to understand his partner, but Frederica ignored his question, straightening her muscled body, she looked at both of them,

[Frederica: If you are headed for the “Sanctuary”, there are several things I would like you to remember. Especially Emilia, I would like you to be careful of the issue of your birth and appearance]

[Emilia: ——Yes, I’ve prepared myself. After all, I’ve heard it’s a place with some complicated issues]

At Frederica’s dire warnings, Emilia tightened her jaw, the look in her eyes carried her strength of will. To show he respected her decision, Subaru moved to stand beside her.

[Subaru: Honestly, I don’t know anything about that place except that it’s called the “Sanctuary”……but my supreme goal is to support Emilia-tan. So I’ll listen to whatever you have to say]

[Frederica: Actually, I sense a very refreshingly pure, ulterior motive there]

Exasperation and admiration flashed through Frederica’s eyes at the same time, then, blinking once, she pushed down her sentiment, and held up a finger.

[Frederica: In that case, let me tell you about the “Sanctuary”. But before that, there is one thing I need you to remember]

[Subaru: Need us…]

[Emilia: …To remember?]

Subaru and Emilia’s heads tilted at the same time. Seeing this, Frederica nodded with a [Yes], dropping her voice ever so slightly.

[Frederica: ——Beware of someone named Garfiel. Within the Sanctuary, you two must be very careful, of coming into contact with that man]

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