Chapter 5 - Interactions

Chapter 5 – Interactions

Novel Title: 一生之计在于春 (Spring is the Plan of Life)

Author:御小凡 (Yu Xiaofan)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists: 姚锦夕 (Yao Jinxi -MC), 吴洋 (Wu Yang -ML)

*Please read at, the original site of translation. TQ*


——I was issued with a Good Person Card.

Yao Jinxi was still pondering the concept of the ‘Good Person Card’ being a purely positive term. Then, Wu Yang spoke up again, with a hint of apology in his tone, “Was I a bother to Ruonan?”

Yao Jinxi was slightly surprised. He hadn’t brought up Wu Yang’s interactions with Xia Ruonan so he hadn’t expected Wu Yang to bring it up himself. But, on second thought, calling someone in the early morning could indeed be considered disruptive behaviour, right?

Initially, Xia Ruonan had been worried about inconveniencing others. However, since the opportunity had presented itself, Yao Jinxi openly admitted, “Yes, it does affect her life. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have mentioned it to me.”

Wu Yang: “…”

This direct acknowledgment was completely different from the conversation he had anticipated. He stumbled over his prepared response. But thankfully, he was quick on his feet. He immediately changed his line, “I’m truly very sorry.”

Feeling quite sorry for Xia Ruonan, Yao Jinxi nodded in agreement, “You don’t know this. Her boyfriend is quite petty. When you call her late at night and ask her out on weekends, Wang Peng gets unhappy. If he’s unhappy, he’ll bother Xia Ruonan. She’s been quite distressed lately. At first, when I heard her talk about it, I thought you might be a weirdo – calling a girl in the middle of the night, heh.”

Wu Yang: “…”

At this point, there was really nothing to say. Continuing the conversation would probably lead him to write a self-critique. So, Wu Yang adopted a melancholic expression.

Seeing him remain silent, Yao Jinxi felt a bit concerned. After all, their relationship was still in its early stages. If this person was overly sensitive and harboured any intentions towards Xia Ruonan, that wouldn’t be good.

Thinking it over, Yao Jinxi figured he might as well lend a helping hand. Since Xia Ruonan had said he was idle, he smiled and said, “I’ve heard a bit about you from Ruonan. Her friend is my friend. If you’re feeling down and want some company, I’m available anytime.”

His smile was warm and his dark pupils were bright. His words were ordinary and commonplace. But the sincerity in his smile gave them a compelling charm, making people naturally drawn to him.

After appreciating his smile for a moment, Wu Yang finally asked, “Would I be bothering you then?”

Yao Jinxi pondered for a moment. “Well, I’m pretty idle. I don’t have a regular job or social commitments. I stay up late and wake up late. I guess I’d make a good companion no matter how you look at it.”

He leaned his elbow on the table, slightly tilting his body forward and resting his head on his hand. “Actually, I don’t have many friends either. I usually just stay at home. If you find yourself bored, feel free to reach out to me.”

Wu Yang raised his glasses slightly and regarded Yao Jinxi over the rims.

This person was very genuine. Whether he was offering help or declining, it all felt natural, not abrupt or unbearable. Small talk seemed to have no effect on him. He was straightforward without being rude. It was precisely because of this that being with him was relaxing and easygoing.

He really is an interesting guy.

Wu Yang managed to strike the perfect balance between expressing his delight and not overdoing it. He appeared pleased without seeming overly so. “Sure, can I visit your shop later?”

Yao Jinxi agreed right away. With a destination in mind, their pace of eating quickened.

Once things were settled, Yao Jinxi and Wu Yang took a taxi to his tea shop. The shop’s location was quite good, situated near the intersection of a T-shaped junction. There were many residential buildings around. A local farmers’ market was just a few steps away.

“Is your home nearby?” Wu Yang looked up at the sign; ‘Yao’s Tea Shop’.

Yao Jinxi lifted the rolling curtain and revealed a glass door behind it. “I live upstairs.”

He walked in through the door and gestured for Wu Yang to enter. “Welcome.”

Although he called it a visit, in reality, the small interior of the shop was easy to take in at a glance upon entering. Shelves were placed in the middle and along the walls. Right in front of the entrance was a tea table made of carved wood, accompanied by a few tree-stump-like stools. On the wall at the back was a decent-looking horizontal plaque, bearing the characters: ‘Tea and Zen in one Flavour’.

“What kind of tea would you like to have?” Yao Jinxi walked over to the tea table and switched on a light. Wu Yang was still closely examining the items on the wooden shelves. There were various types of tea leaves and quite a few tea utensils as well.

Wu Yang answered casually, “Anything.”

“Surprisingly ‘anything’? Last time we chatted, I thought you might have a preference for tea,” Yao Jinxi had already seated himself and retrieved an iron caddy from the neat wooden shelf beside him. “How about some Tie Guanyin?”

“Sounds good,” Wu Yang deeply inhaled the aroma filling the small tea shop—a mix of sour wooden notes and the fragrances of various teas. He felt his usually tense mind finally relax in this atmosphere. His words came out less casually, “I’ve only read about tea, to be honest. I don’t really have any expertise or passion for it.”

Yao Jinxi smiled, “I see. So, you’re just using it as a conversation starter?”

“Chatting capital,” Wu Yang took a seat across from him, observing as Yao Jinxi brewed tea and prepared the cups and lid.

Yao Jinxi’s tea preparation had no extravagant gestures or explanations. He had performed these steps hundreds of times and knew exactly how much tea to use, the right water temperature, and the subsequent actions. But once a routine becomes second nature, it takes on a unique kind of elegance when performed effortlessly. Coupled with his nonchalant demeanour, there was a distinct air of sophistication.

Wu Yang watched the vibrant green tea leaves contrast with Yao Jinxi’s slender, fair fingers as he worked. “Watching you brew tea is really pleasing to the eyes.”

“Thank you. By the way, have you noticed,” Yao Jinxi followed his tea-making steps without missing a beat, pouring the tea into a fair cup and jesting, “you always unconsciously say such pleasant things.”

“Well, a few words that bring joy to both sides, why not?” Wu Yang finished speaking and realised his words might not have been entirely appropriate. He silently reproached himself for letting his guard down too much and shifted the topic smoothly, “The process of tea preparation is quite intricate.”

That was also true. Yao Jinxi had encountered Gongfu tea ceremonies before, but in his view, it was just a cup of tea. All these added rituals felt too formal.

“This isn’t really about drinking tea, you know. The Japanese tea ceremony is famous, right? They can prepare for a whole year for their tea gatherings. Matcha is actually incredibly bitter,” Yao Jinxi didn’t pay much attention to Wu Yang’s words as he effortlessly poured a cup for him, “A cupful is enough to savour the taste of life. Please.”

Wu Yang thanked him. The small tea cup was just a mouthful. It was full of aroma. He closed his eyes slightly, almost getting lost in the flavour, “The tea is excellent.”

As he put down the cup, Yao Jinxi refilled it for him and also poured himself another cup. He was quite pleased with his tea-making skills, “It’s not that the tea is excellent. It’s because I brewed it well.”

Wu Yang agreed, “Of course.”

But his expression didn’t truly convey his agreement. Yao Jinxi had no intention of spending time explaining the nuances of water temperature, tea quantity, steeping time, and even the pouring method. Every step had to be calculated meticulously to bring out the best flavour. But as an outsider, it all boiled down to the taste of the final result.

Yao Jinxi then brought out some small sweets that leaned towards the sweet side, perfectly complementing the strong aroma of the tea. The two of them conversed while enjoying the fragrant tea and snacks. Both were skilled conversationalists, so the conversation flowed seamlessly. One topic naturally led to another.

But still, as usual, they were discussing safe, unintrusive topics with a stranger, Wu Yang felt comfortable.

Perhaps the tea was too good, perhaps the ambiance of the small shop was pleasant, or perhaps the other person had no ulterior motives or worries, allowing for an easygoing atmosphere. When it came time to leave, Wu Yang felt a twinge of regret.

“I’ll buy a packet of Tie Guanyin then,” Wu Yang paused for a moment, “since I’ve finished my tea.”

Yao Jinxi promptly selected a packet of good-quality Tie Guanyin for him. The packaging was simple and the price was reasonable, “This tea is good quality at an affordable price.”

He handed the packaged tea in a plastic bag to Wu Yang and suddenly remembered something, “Do I need to wait for your call tonight?”

Wu Yang realised that Yao Jinxi was joking. But he also took it as an indirect reminder not to disturb Xia Ruonan again. He smiled and said, “I probably won’t need to call tonight.”

“Alright then,” Yao Jinxi saw him off at the door, “I’ll be waiting at any time.”

As Yao Jinxi had anticipated, Wu Yang indeed didn’t call Xia Ruonan. After receiving this response from Xia Ruonan, Yao Jinxi was quite satisfied, feeling that communicating with this person was quite easy.

Their friendship seemed to be growing stronger through this interaction.

Because of this thought, Yao Jinxi found himself contacting Wu Yang more often. And on weekends, they spent time together. The tea that Wu Yang had bought was brought back to Yao Jinxi’s place on the second weekend.

Wu Yang explained apologetically, “I brewed it so poorly that it’s better to leave it here and drink it whenever I come.”

“You’ve been leaving it steeping in the cup, haven’t you? The taste will become bitter.” Yao Jinxi accurately identified the issue, just like he had witnessed it himself. “Even Xia Ruonan does that. Do you usually drink coffee?”

That was indeed Wu Yang’s daily beverage, “Yes, one packet in the morning and one in the afternoon.”

Yao Jinxi shook his head, “Drinking too much coffee isn’t good for your heart. Let me switch it to jasmine tea. It’s more suitable for busy office workers like you. What’s the capacity of your tea cup?”

Wu Yang didn’t quite understand the purpose of this question, so he answered truthfully while gesturing the size using his hand. Yao Jinxi nodded and turned to weigh a pound of loose tea from the bulk containers. He then carefully packed it into individual portions, “Each of these small packets is enough for one steeping. If you’re not a fan of tea, one packet could last you the whole day.”

Wu Yang rested his chin on his hand, watching Yao Jinxi’s repetitive tea-packaging motions. “Actually, you’re not afraid of trouble either. Why don’t you contact He Qi then?”

Although it wasn’t the first time his name had come up, the name didn’t immediately trigger Yao Jinxi’s memory. “Who? Oh… Ah, you mean that. You still remember?”

Packing a pound of tea leaves into several small bags wasn’t the kind of trouble Yao Jinxi was referring to. He said with a casual tone, “I didn’t mean that kind of trouble. I meant… Well, anyway, don’t worry about me.”

He didn’t elaborate. But Wu Yang understood Yao Jinxi’s intention. Some people simply didn’t enjoy social interactions and preferred to lead simple lives. Yao Jinxi happened to be one of those individuals.

Wu Yang watched him pack several bags of tea leaves and came up with an idea, “How about this? You’ll only be responsible for the tea leaves. I’ll handle the business negotiations.”

Yao Jinxi smiled, “You’re quite persistent, huh? It’s like you want to invest in the business. Wait a moment.”

He took the tray and went to the small room at the back, where he used a machine to vacuum-seal all the small bags side by side. “Just to clarify, this will be a bit more expensive. I’ll be charging for the packaging.”

Perhaps because of his straightforward and composed nature, this meticulous approach was surprisingly easy to accept. Wu Yang handed over the money, “Of course. By the way, how do you feel about my proposal just now?”

How could he not remember that?

Yao Jinxi had already wiped his hands and was getting ready to brew tea. “Let’s talk about that another time.”



>The Gongfu tea ceremony, also spelled as “kung fu tea ceremony,” is a traditional Chinese method of preparing and serving tea that emphasises precision, artistry, and a deep appreciation of tea. The term “Gongfu” or “kung fu” in this context does not refer to martial arts but rather means “skill achieved through hard work” or “masterful technique.” This ceremony is especially popular in southern China, including regions like Fujian, Guangdong, and Taiwan.

Here are the key elements and steps of a Gongfu tea ceremony:

Tea Selection: High-quality loose-leaf tea, such as oolong, pu’er, or certain varieties of green or black tea, is typically used. The choice of tea depends on the occasion and personal preference.Teaware: Special teaware is used, including a Yixing clay teapot (which absorbs the flavours of the tea), small teacups, a tea tray, a tea boat (to catch excess water), a tea scoop, and a tea pet (a small figurine that is used for decoration and to catch any stray tea).Preparation: The teapot and teacups are preheated with hot water to ensure even brewing and to maintain the temperature of the tea. The tea leaves are placed in the teapot, usually in a precise proportion of tea leaves to water.Rinsing the Tea: Hot water is poured over the tea leaves, and this first infusion is quickly discarded. This step is called “waking up the tea” and helps to awaken the flavours.Multiple Infusions: The tea is steeped and poured into small cups in multiple short infusions, each lasting only a few seconds to a minute. The tea is poured in a circular motion to ensure even distribution of flavour.Appreciation: During the ceremony, participants take time to appreciate the colour, aroma, and taste of the tea. They may also discuss the tea’s characteristics and history.Ritual and Aesthetics: The Gongfu tea ceremony often includes precise movements and gestures, such as the way the tea is poured, the handling of teaware, and the use of special utensils. These actions are not only functional but also contribute to the aesthetics and meditative aspects of the ceremony.Tea Snacks: Sometimes, small snacks are served alongside the tea to complement its flavours.Tea Pet: A tea pet, often a small clay figurine, is placed on the tea tray. Excess tea is poured over it, and over time, the tea pet may change colour and develop a patina, adding character to the ceremony. Conversation and Relaxation: The Gongfu tea ceremony is also an opportunity for social interaction and relaxation. It is often performed with friends or guests, providing a serene and contemplative atmosphere.

The Gongfu tea ceremony is not just about drinking tea; it’s a holistic experience that encompasses the preparation, presentation, and enjoyment of the tea. It allows participants to connect with the tea on a deep level and appreciate its nuances.


☝🏻Tie Guanyin Tea

☝🏻Japanese Matcha tea

Next update: 2023.09.21


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