Chapter 5: Ms. Miyazaki's Hobby

Since half of us hadn't arrived yet, Ms. Miyazaki was just sitting at her table at the front, reading something.

I couldn't see what's that book. She's too far away from my seat.

Because of that, I stood up and slowly walked towards her. I needed more info so I could start with this teacher of ours once I finished conquering Kana.

Who might her husband be? Is it someone from our school or someone? She just graduated and got her license for teaching so she probably didn't know much about the school. If I have to guess, she's an alumnus of this school. Most teachers go back to their previous high school where they'll start their teaching career.

"Teacher, what are you reading?" I timidly asked when I reached her desk.

Looking at it now, the cover of the book was hidden by a thick binding she was using. Probably to not let it get crumpled on her bag or just she's trying to hide the cover of the book. Is it an erotic book?

Upon hearing my question, Ms. Miyazaki almost jumped back in surprise. Like a reflex, the book she's reading closed shut even before I could take a peek.

Well, I did see something. A page of it, to be exact.

With that familiar page, I kinda guessed what kind of book she was reading.

That page was an illustration page commonly seen on light novels. And that explained why she's hiding it. She probably didn't want her hobby to be known by her students.

However, how careless could she be? She was fully immersed in reading it that she didn't even notice me approaching her table. If I didn't speak, she would probably continue reading it.

"W-what is it? Onoda? You know it's rude to interrupt your teacher."

Just like on the first day, she immediately recovered her composure.

Ah. Maybe this was the chance I was looking for.

"Yes. I'm sorry, teacher. I just can't help but get curious when I saw you enjoying what you're reading." I made an excuse.

I could see her tremble a bit. Probably guessing if I found out her secret or not.

Ms. Miyazaki coughed once before responding to me. "Enjoying? I'm reviewing it for my lesson plan Onoda."

"I see, so one can get inspiration for teaching at light novels as well," I remarked in a low voice. I needed only Ms. Miyazaki to hear it after all.

It's a secret, why will I share it with others?


Upon hearing what I said, Ms. Miyazaki stood up and slammed the binder down her table. And because of that noise, the attention of everyone immediately focused on her.

And to escape that attention she gathered, I already returned to my seat even before she reacted to what I said.

Because of that, Ms. Miyazaki was the only one who got put in that spotlight she created. Upon noticing it, the beautiful teacher couldn't help but be flustered. Or perhaps, her mind instantly turned into a mess.

Aside from the attention she got, she probably couldn't believe that her secret was seen and known by someone else, much worse, it was her student.

Following that, she picked up her things and went to the door. But before she left, Ms. Miyazaki looked back at me.

"Onoda! Come to the faculty later!"

Ah shit. I didn't know it would reach to this. Now I got the other students' attention as well. Classmate A shouldn't get this much attention...

As soon as Ms. Miyazaki left the door, Maemura, the girl next to me, couldn't win against her curiosity. And of course not just her. Everyone was waiting for an answer.

They were all focused on each of their own worlds that they didn't notice what happened nor the exchange I had with the beautiful teacher.

"Yo, Onoda. You're something, huh? What did you do to anger our teacher?"

"Me? I didn't do anything. I just asked a question. I'm also curious why she had that kind of reaction. Do you know the reason?"

"Why are you asking me, idiot?! Anyway, you're being called to the faculty. Congrats on being the first one in all the 1st years to visit the faculty!"

Maemura exclaimed with her lips curving into a smirk that garnered laughter from everyone.

That's right, I got an achievement right away. I got hasty just now. How could I stay at being Classmate A now? I had to refrain from doing anything flashy later. Remember this, Onoda Ruki!

"I don't want it. Do you mind taking the honor of claiming this achievement, Sakuma?"

To send the attention elsewhere, I twisted my body to face the guy behind me who was laughing like everyone else.

"I'm not Onoda, am I?"

"Haa. I guess I have no choice but to become the sacrifice. I won't ever ask something again!" I acted downhearted which became another reason for them to laugh

Even the quiet Rindou was also giggling on my other side.

Oh! Now that I look at her, she's also cute. It's just her fringes were covering her eyes. She was probably being seen as gloomy by others.

After that event, the remaining students arrived from their clubs.

Well, most of them were ambushed and dragged by those upperclassmen. And as if what happened wasn't enough, I got another bout of attention when these latecomers heard about what happened.

After a while, Ms. Miyazaki returned and started the class. The bookbinder was already nowhere to be seen.

Most likely, she's now too embarrassed to take it out again like that, lest someone see it again.

Because of what happened, throughout the class, Ms. Miyazaki kept on glaring at me. She even called me 3 times throughout the lesson to answer a question.

This woman... Did she think I would spread her hobby?

The other students were all smiling seeing me being targeted like that. There were those who were envious as well. Especially the weird ones who wanted to be abused by a beautiful teacher.

Though a bit irritated. I held myself back and just answered when called to.

I don't want more attention. Just go and turn your focus to the main characters okay? I don't need it.

Time passed and that grueling first period ended. I finally got the chance to catch my breath.

As soon as the lunch break came, I hurriedly went out to the cafeteria to buy my lunch.

Before going to the faculty, I want to eat first.

However, on my way to the cafeteria, I ran into someone.

Kanzaki Mio. Class President.

Although we didn't have any initial interaction, she surprisingly nodded at me and passed by.

"Check your messenger."

Huh? Wait. What? Did she say that to me?

I looked around and there's no one she could have told that. So is it really directed at me?

I glanced at her departing back. She didn't turn back again and only continued to walk back to our classroom.

Messenger, huh? I hadn't checked it yet. I hadn't opened the group chat as well. I turned all the notifications off on my phone because of how I was too occupied with Kana.

In any case, I decided to look at it later. I was too hungry to do anything else and was already in need of replenishment of energy after the tiring 1st period.

When I reached the cafeteria, I bought the same bread as yesterday before finding a deserted corner to eat it.

Upon observing the place for a while, there were a lot of students in this cafeteria.

Well, that's normal. If a cafeteria was desolate then what was it for?

Like in my previous school, I began scouting for a new target at the cafeteria. And as expected, even just turning my head a bit, I could already spot a few couples eating together.

Honestly, I dreamt of stealing each and every one of them. Calling them one by one to my side while they're eating. Without any choice, they would leave their boyfriends. And those boyfriends would have no way of knowing that I was eating their girls in place of them.

That would be a truly fulfilling lunch.

However, I had to be extra careful to not stand out so I failed to realize that dream back then. Maybe here, I could realize a part of it.

After a while, at one corner of the cafeteria, I spotted Kana and her Kenji guy. She was smiling happily with him as they ate their lunch together.

I pulled up my phone and looked at the picture I took wherein our lips were locked together. That face of Kana savoring our passionate kiss overlapped to her face now happily eating with her boyfriend.

Ah, I'm feeling the excitement again.

I sent another mail to her. In it was the attached picture of us making out. The same picture I had just looking at.

A few seconds later, I could see her taking out her phone from her pocket.

Looking at the expression she showed when she opened it... there's a trace of shame, bashfulness and guilt. She's eating with Kenji right now, and seeing that picture of hers kissing another guy, she became ashamed to look at her boyfriend.

"Pervert, delete this."

Her reply arrived soon after that. From where I was sitting, I could see her looking to her left and right. Even with the distance, I could guess what that Kenji was asking her. 'What's wrong?' then she just answered him by shaking her head.

Kana was simply too cute. But I didn't have time nor chance at this moment or it would truly get suspicious.

Instead of that, I thought of teasing her more and began typing my reply. "This is our memory. I'll treasure this."

As soon as I sent that, I finished eating the bread.

Like earlier, I felt my phone vibrating again.

Kana always replied fast. Un. I would be taking note of that.

"Pervert. Later, okay? Not now."

Look at this girl... Although she was embarrassed and feeling the guilt in front of her boyfriend, the way she answered me was enough to thoroughly ignite my desire for her.

"I know, have fun with Kenji-senpai, Kana"

After sending that, I put the phone back in my pocket.

It's finally the time for me to go to the faculty. I wonder... If I was lucky, this might be a chance to get something from our beautiful teacher.

That light novel gave me the chance. Although I couldn't call myself a keen reader, I still had some knowledge about it.

Is she secretly an otaku? Well, that's exciting on its own. Her husband was probably not here, I would use that light novel as a bridge to connect to her.

Different from the classrooms that was located at the School Building,the faculty room was located at another building. Name, the Administration Building.

There one could find the faculty, guidance counsellor, Principal's office and other such rooms pertaining to the school administration.

Although there's a collective faculty room where all teachers of the school gather, each teacher was given a private room for themselves. The school was one of the high-end or prestigious ones across the country that's why even teachers had that kind of luxury.

Since most of them are advisers, each class would always have some trouble children they had to give advice on. Having private rooms was the most convenient place for it. It also probably helped the teachers relax whenever stress built up on them.

When I arrived at the Administration Building, I forgot to ask where the faculty room was. There were some students and teachers coming and going out so I just followed one.

Luckily, we had the same destination. When I entered the faculty room, the eyes of the teachers inside instantly focused on me. Judging by my uniform, they knew I'm a first year.

So it's really true that I might be the first one to be called here among the 1st years. Am I being marked by them now? Haa. Another unnecessary attention. I'm Classmate A you know. I'm not a trouble child!

"Ah. You're here, Onoda. Follow me." I heard Ms. Miyazaki's voice and followed it. She was sitting on one of the tables. I saw a lunchbox on top of it. She just finished eating her lunch.

"Oh? What's this Miyazaki? You already have a problem child in your class?"

One of the 1st year teachers asked.

"Not really. I only have something to ask him. I couldn't find the time earlier so I had him go here."

And Ms. Miyazaki answered with a straight face.

I see. Thanks for clearing that up Ms. Miyazaki... I was saved from being marked by the other teachers.

"Oi, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Perhaps seeing me stuck staring at her and not moving my feet, Ms. Miyazaki called out to me before her feet began moving towards the depths of this Administration Building.

"Ah yes. Sorry."

I bowed to the other teachers before following behind her.

I heard them laughing and giggling from behind me.

"That student got a scare of his life, didn't he? He probably thought his school life is over when we all look at him like that."

"You're right. Teasing first years like that never lost its charm."

Damn you. If I find another target among you, don't blame me. Haa... I really have to stop standing out.

Throughout our journey to her private room, Ms. Miyazaki was silent as I timidly followed behind her. I noticed there were a lot of doors here with a teacher's name on them. Each room wasn't that large so there's a lot of them.

When I noticed Ms. Miyazaki stopped her footsteps, I knew we finally reached our destination. At the left door, the name Miyazaki Shiori was pasted on it.

Using her own key to open it, Ms. Miyazaki pushed it open and entered before ushering me in.

"What are you waiting for? Come inside." With an authoritative tone, Ms. Miyazaki reminded me.

"Y-yes!" I still acted timidly as I stepped foot inside her private room.

Like I had guessed, the room wasn't that large. Upon further observation, one could reach the four corners of it with only 5 steps each corner.

Ms. Miyazaki is a new teacher and that's why the room isn't decorated yet.

I could only see a small closet in one corner. A sofa on one side, a table and chair, and a bookshelf.

The bookbinder she had earlier was on her table. And looking at the books on her shelf, there's a row on it that was covered by a thin red cloth. Probably her light novel and manga shelf?

"So, did you tell anyone?"

"Uhm. About what?"

"Don't play dumb. About my hobby."

"Ah. Is that why you called me teacher? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."


I nodded vigorously towards her.

She just stared at me for a minute.

Is she judging whether I'm telling the truth or not?

Looking at my composed figure. She let out a sigh.

"Okay, I believe you."

"Thank you, teacher. Having a hobby is normal. You don't have to be ashamed of it."

I gave her some assurance. Honestly, I wasn't not really sure earlier if my guess was true. However, upon seeing her reaction now, then I must be right. I wasn't sure about the genre though. I didn't get a good look at that illustration.

"Really? You don't think it's weird?"

Suddenly, her voice that was commanding earlier now turned soft.

What is this? This is kind of cute on its own. Is this how she is normally?

"Not at all. It's perfectly normal!"

My voice turned a little higher as I answered like a timid kid, afraid to offend my teacher.

She didn't say anything back but instead went and took the book from earlier. She removed the binding on it letting me see the real cover.

She then handed the book to me.

Upon looking at the illustration on the cover, I couldn't help but gulp at my own saliva.

What the hell is this title? And this illustration? It's too erotic even for a light novel.

"Now. Do you still think it is normal?"

I read the title of the book. It's a bit long and... even for me, this was unexpected.

"My Beautiful Class Advisor who lets me do anything to her."

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