Chapter Twenty : Consider Your Groin My Next Target

Chapter Twenty : Consider?Your Groin My Next Target

Maya's Pov

Four years later* f𝐫ee𝘄ℯ𝚋no𝐯𝐞l.c𝘰m

Time indeed flies while having fun,its being four years and a month since I left the Spencer residence and away from their lives. Right after his proposal, the marriage proposal I turned down.

I didn't regret it , I infact think it was the best decision I've ever made. I couldn't just marry him, ?marry a playboy, ?marry someone that doesn't love me and give up on everything, on my dreams and become a mother. No, it was way too much moreover Tina was there. Even if their relationship was an arrangement, ?I couldn't bring myself to steal?someone's man right under her nose..

"And.. Cut! ?Perfect!?"The director bellowed ?as I snapped back to reality and smiled at the crew.

I didn't spend the last?four years in silence, ?I've being moving on, ?leaving?a huge footprint in the entertainment industry and now, ?my hard work was paying .It wasn't easy to get here at all, ?I had to sacrifice a lot of things, my time, family and the Spencer influence??and now I'm among?the A -lister ?actresses ?in the industry, all thanks to hard work and opportunities.

Even though ?I moved away from the Spencer family but their influence was numerous. I can't remember the number of times I bumped into Nik and each time, he had a different woman hanging unto his arm.

I wouldn't say I wasn't disturbed, of course I was, ?how would you feel seeing a man who proposed marriage to you with another woman clinging unto him in public and passionately showing affection barely a month after his proposal ?but I didn't let it affect me negatively, ?after all I never expected much from a casanova.

I ignored it all but rather focused all my energy into climbing to the top and fulfilling my dream ,my dream of hanging out with the greatest , not only in America but the whole world hearing my name.

I yawned, feeling the urge to go lie down somewhere. Thankfully, ?the movie was over since I just acted the final ?scene, ?so I had the whole day to rest before the party tonight.

Since the shootings was done, ?it wasn't surprising when a party was organized ?for everyone to celebrate and go?have fun after such stressful times. I would've declined but??since I was the lead actress and the fact my schedule was free tonight, my manager made sure I had no chance of escaping ?nor excuse to give.

I sighed, ?I would do anything to give up on this party since I've ?being having a churning feeling in my stomach that going to this party was a bad idea but Deborah my manager would tear my hairs off

"Working hard and watching out for your image is good but all work and no play makes you a dull actress, so no excuses " She would say and I wouldn't blame her for that.

I was so focused on climbing to the top that going to social events and clubs became a burden to me.It got to a point that even my fans were wondering if I was ?anti social while my anti fans tagged me as 'S.?A .M ' meaning Strict Actress Maya.

So when my manager ?posted?online that ?I'll be attending the party tonight, ?it became a huge sensation and caused quite an uproar in the internet as my loyal fans gobbled up my anti fans.

"Who said our ?goddess Maya was dull, pfft! She's just naturally reserve, so go find trouble somewhere else and never come back!! "

"Our goddess wasn't antisocial afterall, wahoo! ????????"

"Our national goddess isn't antisocial , she's just watching her steps and that's the true behavior of a noble woman, ?so flyaway suckers! ????????"

"S.A.M *scoffs* morelike S. G. M :Stunning Goddess Maya "

I let out a laugh as I went through their comments, ?as expected, my fans were the best at defending their goddess. I went through thousand?upon thousands of comments?till my eyes hurt and I decided to go to sleep.

When I woke up, I had roughly two hours before the party began so I dragged myself to the shower .

Dressing up, I let my ink black hair fall over my shoulders in waves while my lips had a touch of pink. My body hugging spaghetti strap dress reached my mid thigh in ruffles as my stiletto heels complemented?the look . I stared at the mirror satisfied with my?reflection.

As if on cue, ?Deborah arrived and stared at me with her mouth agape.

"You look... "

"Overdressed? I think this is a bad idea, I should probably go change "

"Seriously? I was going to say amazing moreover it's not like it's ur fault for having a great body that fits with anything you put on.You know, you should have a bit of confidence sometimes " Deborah scolded sternly like a mother scolding her kid and I wouldn't blame her.

Deborah was five years older than me and has been a motherly figure to me over the years. She has stuck with me through thick and thin.

After the scolding session was over, she dragged me to the car.I didn't protest knowing she would only cast me her billion dollar death glare.

Even though we arrived at the club fifteen minutes early, it was already filled to the brim. Everyone had arrived early

Eastern Eden or mostly called E2 is one of the most famous and popular club available ?for only the rich and famous, so it's invitations was quite limited.

Not only is it known for its good drink but it's anonymity. They keep their clients activities a secret from the public , so a lot of celebrities with loose and questionable morals tend to end up here a lot ?but above all this, ?it was one of the best club in the country.

I was so immersed in my admiration of the club that I was quite startled when Deborah whispered in my ears

"Have fun"

Before ?I could reply her, ?she had disappeared into the crowd as I stood shocked to the core , what a betrayer!

Seeing I had no choice than to mingle with the crowd as Deborah suggested, I grabbed a drink and made my way to some of my team who were engaged in a deep discussion . We chattered and chattered until an??actor?who wouldn't take his?eyes off me asked me for a dance which I relentingly agreed .

At first it was awkward, but after some time I got lost in the music and for the first time in a long time, I enjoyed the wild side. As if it was staged, guys after guys asked me for a dance until my feet couldn't take it anymore.

Filled with happiness, I grabbed my drink and made my way to relax on a couch. I didn't rest for long before I felt goose pumps travel down ?my spine. I turned around casually scanning the crowd until my?gaze fell on a face that made me stiffen at once.

As if on cue, his gaze met mine and held as I felt shock waves all over my body. His gaze was cold?and hard, I would have stared?longer if I didn't notice a slender hand travelling down his arm as she whined and pouted ?about something.

The look Nik gave me was akin to a predator waiting to bounce on his prey. He didn't take his eyes off me, not even paying attention to the Barbie trying to get noticed,?if anything he looked bored. 𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖

I looked away, wondering why he was here. As if someone read my mind, ?my ears picked up a conversation behind me.

"Isn't that Nik Spencer? " One of the first female voice spoke up

"Oh my God! It's really him!! "Another voice cooed

"What's he doing here? "The first voice spoke out of curiosity

"Didn't you hear? He's one of the movie investors "

I tuned off the rest of the conversation having gotten what I wanted. Nik was one of the investors? No wonder, he was here.

Even though, Nik?was a lot of distance behind me,?I could still feel his burning gaze. Just what did he want from me?

Since I couldn't take it anymore , I decided to leave. Just when I turned to leave,?I felt an iron grip on my wrist hurling me to a body

"what the he...." The rest of my words got stuck in my throat as my eyes met his sinister gaze

"Play along " Was the only word he muttered before my lips were sealed with a fiery kiss. I stood stunned to the core as he passionately plundered my mouth.

Air whoosh out of my lungs as I felt the air in my chest dwindle and my head spunned out of control.

I protested ?but he gripped my waist tighter as his palm cupped the back?of my head and his other hand running through my hair.

By the time he was through, I jerked away from him trying to steady my fast beating heart. My brain regained it's function once again when I heard him mutter something to the Barbie

"See? I told you you're no fun. So shoo?"

Whoah, hollerup! Did he just use me? He used me to get rid of this Barbie?

I clutched my fist, anger surging inside me uncontrollably and so I reacted.?Nik?never saw it coming , I held unto his arm and flipped him over my shoulder as he landed on the ground with a loud thud.Everyone was shocked,?they'll be more shocked to discover I now own a black belt in karate.

It was as if everything and everyone went still as astonished gasps filled the arena. Even the DJ had to tune down his music when he saw the sudden ruckus. With Nik?still on the floor, I squat down and whispered in his ears.

" The next time you touch me, consider ?your groin my next target" I threatened and saw a devilish smile lit?up his face as he murmured

"I look forward to that "

I stood flabbergasted and decided to leave the club cause everyone's attention was now on me. I could literally hear their hushed murmurs and whispers

"She's totally dead"

"Nik?would definitely crush her"

True to their word, I knew I was in trouble.Nik wasn't one to take bull shit from anybody ,so guess what would happen since I just humiliated him in front of everybody but I definitely wasn't going down without a fight.

I pulled out my phone and called my manager at once. She barely picked up the phone before the scolding began

"Are you crazy?!" She screamed but I didn't give an ear to her raving

"Save that for later Deborah, I need you to secure the CCTV footage?before Nik tampers with them "

"You do know that E2 are meticulous about their clients records and privacy"

"If Nik can lay his hands on them why can't I? Do everything to get your hands on it even if you have to threaten to?sue?them for assisting Nik in defamation " I commanded and end the call.

Eventhough my stay with Nik was short lived, I gained enough knowledge to know that If we go to court, Nik would push me to a corner,?he would tamper with the evidence and twist the truth.

He was likely going to sue me for assault while I was likely to push for Abuse and sexual harassment which wouldn't be possible without a concrete evidence. I couldn't trust the witnesses, Nik had the ability and the money, he would probably?buy them over.

Later that night Deborah was able to secure the CCTV footage?, so I slept with a mind prepared for war.

The ?next day I was on edge, I couldn't relax. I waited for Nik to throw the first punch but I didn't hear anything, not even the news of the incident last night was seen in the tabloids. The whole day passed without a single news

The next day came, still no news but I couldn't relax. For all I know?he could be playing with me, waiting for my defenses to be down so his blow could be fatal.

The third?day, still no move but something unexpected happened, I?received an anonymous present.

A bouquet of flowers with a card sent to me thanking me for kicking Nik's ass.I couldn't I.D?the sender, there was?only an initial written on it.

S. A

I didn't put much thought into it since I summarized it as a die hard fan who probably saw my heroic deed and wanted to thank me.

But it definitely become spooky ?when the same bouquet of flowers arrived the next day, this time the initials were written in full.

Secret Admirer

I read out?the words carefully,

"Sorry for coming late, Secret Admirer "

This was the only words written on the card which didn't satisfy my curiosity at all. The worst part was nobody knows who drops it at my house,?my housekeeper just finds?it in front of my door every morning.

As I thought ,the fourth day came with another bouquet of flowers and a card.

"Smile... It irritates those who wishes to destroy you "

Secret Admirer

Immediately, I read those words I experienced some sort of felt Deja Vu. It happened that I had a huge confrontation with another actress yesterday and she ended up saying she hoped?I would never find a reason to smile in my lifetime Ever again .Surely this wasn't just a coincidence, was it?

With my curiosity at the peak, ?another bouquet of flowers came with a card the next day

"Don't allow ourself to be controlled by this three things. - your past, ?people ?and money "

Secret Admirer

This continued for a month and ?I soon get used to the ?idea of receiving a bouquet of flowers and a card every morning, I didn't think it freaky anymore ?.

Soon enough I got an opportunity to be able to send a ?reply and just like that I got pretty close to this stranger.

Contrary to my belief , Nik never bothered me ever since that incident in the club which was rather strange if I might say but I didn't worry. If push comes to shove, I still had my evidence.

Soon enough my curiosity couldn't be satisfied anymore,I noticed my secret admirer I would like to see him one on?one. At first, he refused but after some weeks he couldn't resist my persuading power and gave in.

The night before our meet-up,?I couldn't sleep. I turned and tossed all night in deep thinking, What was he like? Was he handsome? Rich? Responsible? My type? A player? *pfft*he didn't seem like such a person .

All?manner of thoughts raced through my mind until I dozed off sometime later.

The next day I hastily put everything in place. I dressed casually, putting on a pair of hot pink jeans with a white designer polo shirt with "I love me " written stylishly on its front. My long ink black hair cascaded down my shoulders in waves?while I rocked in matching pink flat shoe.

I reached the restaurant before him as I was directed to my seat, I wasn't supposed to have problem locating him cause he agreed that his clothes would be a match with mine except his jeans would be blue instead of pink.

I didn't stay for long before I felt someone beside me, I looked up only to scowl and frown with untoward countenance.

He still had that same arrogant and cold glint in his eyes but there was a softness to it this time. That stubborn jaw was clench tightly while his gaze skimmed over me, eyeing me all over.

My gaze fell on??his clothes, he was wearing a Blue Jean?with the same designer polo shirt I was wearing just as my secret Admirer said he would show up with.

No way.

I jolted away from my seat and stared at him hard in the eyes, ?asking

"What are you doing here? "

"I think you already the answer"

I swayed but his hands were so quick to save me. I jerked away from his grip and clutched my temple, murmuring negatively

"No you're not him"

Then he swiftly dipped his hands into the pocket of his jeans and brought out bundles upon bundles of the card I replied him with.

The truth dawned on me at once , Nik was my secret admirer all along. How?did I not notice, was I indeed blind all this time. Suddenly, something clicked in my head. Was this his revenge against me because of that club incident months ago?

"You! "I roared "All this times were you playing with my feelings all because of that club incident "I accused and saw his eyes widen at once.

So it was true? I realized.He didn't say a word neither did he show plans of denying the accusation ?.His silence said it all.

I grabbed my purse and was about to leave when I heard three?words that crushed my defence.

"I love you" I heard someone said and froze in my footsteps. I turned around with excruciating slowness to see the unbreakable Nik Spencer biting down on his lips and ruffling?his hair nervously, avoiding my gaze as he said once again

" I love you "

My mouth hung open in disbelief, all traces of his icy aura?were gone, now he looked like a clueless gentleman about to embark on?his first life changing adventure.

"I know it might not seem real to you but I think I fell in love with you the first night I saw you, the first night I knocked you down with my car. Maybe the ?reason I couldn't let you go was because I unconsciously realized you were a rare gem but my stubborn self wouldn't want to admit it.

I'm sure you already know this but Kay really did a number on ?me so as a defence mechanism,?I closed??my heart , didn't give anyone a chance because I was afraid of it suffering once again

When you left, I didn't want to admit that I missed you so I went out with any girl just to prove to you and myself that I was okay without you but that didn't make it better. It made me miss you badly that I?thought I was going to lose my mind.

So that night I saw you at the ?club, I couldn't take it any longer so I acted out of my urges?but I ?realised??afterward that it was impossible to win you over that way.So I decided to do it the long and?old fashioned way, so here I am "

By the time Nik was through, ?all the walls I built around me all this years?came crumbling down and the tears came falling down. I can't remember how long I cried but by the time I was done, Nik's shirt was soaked thoroughly.

I pushed him away yelling "This could be a lie! How do I know you're not lieing?to me! There's no assurance you won't break my heart! "

Nik calmly and gently ?ran his hand through my hair in a soothing manner while his other hand cupped my face, his thump wiping my tears away.

"Fine then " He said, his gaze filled with assurance "Give me three months, if I can't prove how much I love you till then , you can gladly break up with me and I won't blame nor bother you "

A tears slipped down my cheeks and he kissed it away murmuring

"It's not your duty to love me but mine to love you"

And so?I stood protected in his embrace as the world remained invisible to us. And I knew at once, our's was going to be a rough journey but together, it's going to be worth the ride.

*End of imagination *

Maya snorted, snapping ?out of her useless imagination . She had to stop this madness once and for all before it consumes her.

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