Chapter Twenty - Two : Sleep With Me

Chapter Twenty - Two : Sleep With Me

The ride home was quiet and agonizing though I was ?a lot distracted than I could tell. Huge thanks to Izzy's one woman rebellion and my sister's sudden mysterious phone call , got my thoughts flying in all direction.

Izzy's?case was quite understandable but my sister's totally out of the blue. She wanted us to meet up for some reasons best known to her which I can't help but feel uncomfortable. She wouldn't just meet with me, a mistake (as they refer to me back home)??If something wasn't up.

I'm a disgrace, a thorn to their bloodline as?they say and they made it quite obvious after I left, they wanted nothing to do with me which I happily obliged till now.

"When are you going to focus on?not getting?me killed? " A voice said bringing me back from my train of thought. Almost immediately, I swerve to the left barely avoiding a collision with a car.

"Just?like I said " Izzy said as a matter of fact while I inwardly scolded myself for almost putting her life in danger.

School was over and Annabelle's people had already taken her home leaving me to deal with this pain in the ass?right here

"So? " I started, my hands clutching the wheel tightly, afraid to be distracted again "When do you plan to pull off that ridiculous facade of yours? "

Izzy sent me a sweet but vengeful smile as she retorted "When you guys decide to treat me like an adult? "

I let out a chuckle, one short-lived due to Izzy's murderous glare

"I believe my words weren't so hilarious, were they? "

"Adult? " I scoffed "You aren't even a teen talk more an adult? You're just?a kid who ?has a lot upstairs "

Izzy didn't reply instead she looked deep in thought but as usual, Izzy will always be Izzy. She cast me her never ending mischievous smirk as she said

"Be sure to remind these very words of yours to me when I hit your sensitive spot"

"Fine, you win " I gave in . Izzy's ?quite argumentative in nature. So you could who would end up loosing if?this continues.

But I'm sure your dad has a different view

I already could guess how tonight would go , the unending arguments between father and daughter as they fail to achieve a peaceful coexistence while I'll be caught in the cross fire.

Izzy's?ruthless slaying of the teachers was already top news in the school, so it's obvious it must have?reached Nik's ears already .

I must have being quite anxious cause immediately we reached home, ?I was quick to thwart ?Izzy's departure from the car which ended with me receiving a frown from that blank face of hers.

"What now? "She sighed with a hint of annoyance while I prayed internally for a moment of peace tonight

"Honey, please promise me you're gonna go easy on your dad tonight "

There was a hint of mockery in her look as she said??"Go easy on?him?"She snorted "He should have thought of that before he conspired with grandpa to tie me down in?that stupid fifth grade besides " She stared me straight in the eyes "I live to torture him"

And that being said , ?she hopped down from the car and made her way inside while I groaned banging my head against the steering wheel. I cursed inwardly wondering why I never thought of this before taking this job in the first place.

I just thought that taking this job alongside the influence of the Spencer family would give me a head start in taking my intended acting career to the next step but it seems aside from a terrifying number of followers on twitter and other social media platforms,?I still haven't secured any ground breaking role which is quite heartbreaking though the title of highest paid nanny in the world still comforts me.

I don't know how long I spent in the car but when I headed inside, it was oddly silent, no yelling nor shouting nor sign of Nik. Yet.

Just like I thought as I checked up on her , she had already gone to bed.?As if on cue, ?the housekeeper, Amanda came out of nowhere. She flashed me a smile while her gentle gaze fell on Izzy's sleeping figure and let out a sigh of relief

"She must have being quite stressed out to go to bed this early " She said while I ran my hand through my hair messing it.

"She likes you " Came her?outrageous reply as I stared dumbfounded

I scoffed "If this is her way of showing likeness, then I'll pass"

She threw me that gentle and comforting smile that could melt a devil's heart 𝗳𝘳𝒆𝘦𝑤𝐞𝚋𝗻𝚘𝘷𝘦𝙡.𝑐𝐨𝘮

"Izzy's ?a broken kid, her mother's?death crushed her. Trust me, before she became this devious self she was once a sweet kid who only wanted her dad's attention ?and I think that's the problem "

My curiosity kicked in, ignoring the warning bells going off in my head "What do you mean?"

"Izzy once took her dad to be her everything, ?her world but for reasons best-known to the couples, Nik kept his distance from the kid which became worse after the divorce and his wife Kay wasn't the ideal mother for a child. "

I inhaled deeply,?with the way my ears were inching I knew I was about to get to the sweet part

"They're rumours that Kay's mental health wasn't stable and worsened after the divorce .So guess what a mentally unstable?mother would tell her daughter before her?death? "

I inhaled sharply many thoughts running through my mind. Even without Kay manipulating the young girl's mind, it was obvious that she blames her father for her mother's death.

So that's why she possesses such personal vendetta against her father

"How did Kay die? " I asked stunning Amanda who looked away at once ,?her smile stuck on her face

"I.. I-I'm afraid I c-can't say that "

"please"I pleaded

She paled at once "Sir Nik forbids us from exposing that "

My head throbbed, why now? when I'm?so close to discovering the truth.

"Please I need to know if I'm to?cure ?her of this unending hatred to destroy her dad which is slowly consuming her instead " I said bitterly, holding unto her hand as she battled inwardly.

"Please Amanda tell me, I need to know" I pleaded hoping she would see past the curiosity but sincerity.

I saw a glimmer of hope when I found her walls crumbling down but all of a?sudden, she shuddered and stiffened at once

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that" She said avoiding my gaze "If you truly want the truth, you can go ask sir Nik?yourself " She suggested as all forms of excitement left me at once

I wasn't looking for a death wish. If it was that easy asking Nik would I have come to her?.?I clutched my temple, it throbbed painfully. What in the world was I doing? But I didn't give her a defeated look

"Where's he? " I asked with total confidence not showing the fact I was trembling inside

"He's being in his room all day" replied Amanda with a don't -tell-me -i -didn't -warn -you look.

"Doing what? " I asked ignoring the warning stare she was giving me.

Amanda sighed, her gaze skimming over me in a daring?gesture

"If you're that curious, go check it out yourself"

Amanda simply said and left, leaving me all alone to battle my demons. I stood in the hallway in deep contemplation. It was not really like Nik?to stay up in his room without stepping out for a bit of fresh air.

Unless he's ?being working himself out like a demon but not for this long aleast. Or sleeping?

Nah,?Nik?has chronic insomnia moreover he doesn't sleep in the day but at night which is normally induced by drugs. But if he's indeed asleep then that's a new and welcome development.

After a long period of mentally reviewing things or so I said, ?my curiosity got the better of me and I headed into the lion's den protected by nothing but my own wits.

Upon arrival, I knocked on Nik's door but there wasn't any reply. Thinking he hadn't heard it, I knocked a few more times but there still wasn't any reply.

I grinned knowing I've gotten a good alibi which could save me if things go south. I came in without an invitation as my eyes scanned his room.

His room was simple, ?a lot spacious if I may say. His walls were painted a striking shade of forest green in contrast to the dark polished mahogany floor .Many artistic paintings decorated his wall giving his room an aristocratic vibe but in all, the room exuded loneliness or maybe it was from its host himself. The tea coloured dotted Swiss curtains were snapped shut that it was barely hard to recognize it was an afternoon?, a chilly late afternoon.

There was an eye-catching walk-in closet at the far end of the room but that wasn't my interest ?cause all my attention focused on the figure sprawled lazily on the bed.

His duvet?which he supposedly used to shield his body from ?the cold was lying halfway across the bed while he instinctively snuggled further into his bedsheet for warmth.

I frowned, my second-guess was indeed right. He was asleep? ?Which is quite shocking .This was new which got me thinking, something must have triggered it.

Defeated, I sighed.

" I just hope this is a good thing " I murmured to myself before climbing unto the bed .I grabbed the duvet and wrapped it around??him and turned to leave but something grabbed my attention.

Bewitched I was , but I couldn't look away from his face. Unlike the vicious, rugged and stone heart personality of his, asleep he looked innocent, incapable of inflicting harm. An Adonis, quite well, he deserves the credit.?His face was terrifying breathtaking?that I was for once intimidated by his good look.

I took in his face, ?straight eyebrows which had the tendency to furrow from time to time thanks to Izzy's cruel pranks. Well bridged nose and a strong jawline with a little stubble on it.

Maybe I was really enthralled cause next I knew, my hands were trailing down his face. I was too preoccupied with my admiration that I screamed when his eyes snapped open.

I flinched when his eyes met mine and a mischievous smirk formed on his lips. Discovering I was in for trouble, ?I tried to escape but his arm came around my waist jostling me to his body.

My heart went pit-a-pat as I was suddenly pushed down to the bed while he hovered over me intimately .I gulped nervously, I'm in serious shit.

Nik smiled, ?a kind of there's -no-escaping -for -you -this -time smile.

"Babe" he said?huskily sending my system into overdrive "If you really wanted to get into my bed, you should've??asked me rather than creep in, then??I'll be so happy to oblige ?" He murmured, his face very close.

It was obvious that my senses was already muddled, I couldn't think straight in this situation. So I?tried to escape , I pushed at his chest but Christ! ?This guy was all muscles.

As I pushed further on his chest, I realized at once I was touching real flesh, it wasn't hidden under any clothing.I almost spat blood,??When did he take his shirt of? Was I that distracted? Oh God!

Nik must have being reading my mind cause he whispered in my ears

"Don't look so shocked?baby girl. You should've known you were asking for trouble when you came in"

I shivered violently when his breath hit my neck.I tried resisting ?"Nik... .."

Whatever I was going to say next was lost forever cause his lips consumed mine completely. I moaned softly when he slid his tongue onto mine as he savoured expertly. Whatever rationality?I had was long lost, leaving me completely at a loss to understand what was so great?about?this man that made me this way.

Unlike the kisses earlier, this was devastating. He nibbled ,teased and thrust with so much passion that my senses whirled from this ecstasy.

My ex-boyfriend Andrew was a good kisser but it was nothing compared to this. Burning from this passion, my nails dug into his back extracting a savage groan from Nik.

He nibbled on my lower lips as if it I was some delicacy meant to be savoured slowly. I couldn't recall how long this lasted but if this was Heaven, then I never want it to end. But sadly, all good things must come to an end.

By the time Nik pulled away, we were panting so hard that it wasn't easy to breathe. I stared at Nik, his lips were swollen while his hair was ruffled?in all directions and knew my own appearance was probably?far worse than his.

There was a?few scratches on his face and I knew at once, my nails were to be blamed.?Quivering with embarrassment I looked away, was I that wild and unrestrained?

Nik must have noticed my thoughts cause his hand gently turned my chin towards him . His face broke into a smile as he asked

"Isn't it too late to act shy ? "

I blushed crazily and looked away looking for an excuse to get away.

"I need to go" I said ?but I?never expected the answer that came afterward

"No, we aren't done yet !" Nik?growled, his hold on me tightening immediately leaving me dumbfounded . I never knew this guy was too?insatiable and possessive

"What do you mean we aren't ?done? " I frowned, my sixth sense telling me something wasn't right. I was having an ill feeling about this.

I stared at Nik and a shiver ran through me when??I was saw it. ?My heart pounded wildly when I saw in the depths of his eyes raw desire and knew I was doomed.

Subconsciously, I tried to retreat but he pressed down on me further throwing my heart into an uneven beat.

There was a dangerous air of sensuality as his breath caressed my face and he murmured hoarsely ?" Sleep with me "

I gulped hard , fiddling with the sheet as I asked nervously "A-A-are we really going to do it now? "

Nik's brows furrowed "Do what?"

I gulped again but it didn't seem to stop?the dryness in my throat "The sleeping? ?You said you wanted u... Us to.... " I said suggestively and was surprised to find a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"What are you thinking? " he said as I found his eyes looking down on me in sheer mockery ?and understood at once.

He just played me.

I clutched my fist and ground my teeth in fury as I lunged at him " You player! " I roared intending to attack him but he held me down before I could even move a finger

"Please? Just lie beside me " He added but I wasn't going to fall for his trap this second time

"Go find a sleeping buddy elsewhere " I raged and stood to leave but he caught my arms dragging me back to the ?bed.

"Please? " He pleaded again. This time earnestly and desperately

"Fine" I surrounded at last, it wasn't like I was going to fight him anyway. It's already decided who would win if such a need arises. "I'll do it but don't get any ideas "

He chuckled, a low rumble that vibrated through my body "Baby girl, I think that warning should be for you? "

"What? "

"Remember??you were the one that came into my room ?besides I'm the one in danger of being seduced ?by you"

I almost ?spat blood. Did he really have??to say that right at my face?

"Fine! You might as well wear an armor that'll shield me?away from you?" I said harshly hoping the words hurt him as much as he did.

Enraged already, I tugged on the duvet, grabbing?it and?wrapped it around my body with my back?turned?to him. My actions must have infuriated him cause next I knew, ?a warm arm wrapped tightly around my waist as he dragged me?closer??to his body

I?tried shaking him off but he stood his ground before I burst out saying

"With you so near, I won't be able to sleep cause I'll be tempted to seduce you again "I taunted using his own words against him.

There was no emotion on his face, ?just a blank ?expressionless face. I couldn't read what was on his mind, ?his poker face was perfect but that was until a mocking smile graced his lips

"Fine then " He said as a matter of fact " We'll stay awake and maybe we can take things from where we stopped "

He said wriggling his brows suggestively while I choked. What's this? This guy's a complete ruthless pervert and here was I thinking there was a bit of innocence left in him.

Defeated, I sighed and gave up while Nik displayed a contented smile like a cat who was fed milk. He drew me into his arms giving me no choice but to snuggle into it.

"Just this once" I murmured repeatedly as some sort of assurance that I haven't lost my cool because of?him as my eyelids began to feel heavy.

I never expected to fall asleep despite being tortured by Nik's wandering hands, the guy seriously can't seem to keep his hands to himself.

Unexpectedly, I slept soundly like a baby until the sudden blaring ringtone of the phone woke me up at once as I released torrents of curses.

Fazed and drowsy, I searched blindly for the phone until my hands found it and I received it without glancing at the caller ID nor the phone I had picked up.

"Hello? "I murmured huskily. Sleep still evident in my voice.

"Nike hon.....wait a minute "She suddenly trailed off as I noticed some hesitation in her voice. The earlier voice which was calm and sweet turned vicious at once

"Who are you and what are you doing with Nik's cell phone? "

My eyes snapped open at once when I subconsciously recognized that cold voice and all traces of sleep disappeared from my eyes at once.

I sat up hardly recognizing this room??cause darkness surrounded me but my instincts and swarms of memories I just received told me I was in his place.

I looked down on the caller ID and froze,?all my senses which seem to have flew out the window hours ago rush back to me at once .

This wasn't my cellphone but Nik's, I had sleepily picked it thinking it was mine.

My blood ran cold when I saw the name written boldly


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