Chapter 110: Friendly Mock Battle (6)

Chapter 110: Friendly Mock Battle (6)

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Iris had been harboring doubts all along. To be precise, there had been a lingering suspicion since the start of the mock battle until now.

The behavior of the student council president, Cliff Anton, was clearly tyrannical. He had ignored her instructions as the representative of the Arsene camp and deliberately acted with the goal of losing.

‘But why...?’

Why was he not receiving any warnings or admonitions? There were judges and a broadcast booth present at this mock battle, so why?

The questions kept mounting.

And it wasn't until Iris arrived at the player's waiting area that the mystery was finally unraveled.

The moment she laid eyes on the broadcast screens.


There were a total of five screens showing the battlefield. However, the problem was that all of the screens were only showing the Eloden camp.

The reason was simple — the commentators and the audience were simply more interested in the Eloden faction.

"Wow, they're recovering their holy power through prayer."

"I had only heard about it, but it's truly remarkable."

"Their formation is a bit unusual, isn't it?"

"You're right. Their fighting style is also different from ours."

It was an understandable explanation.

After all, the sight of paladins and priests working together to form a formation and fight was not something that could be seen often.

And there was one more revelation.

Iris found another reason why there could be no interference from the judges.

'They've never shown the base once.'

After checking the history of the recording device, it was clear that the inside of the bases of both camps had never been shown on screen before.

'That means...'

It meant that they couldn't know what was happening in the bases or what kind of conversations were taking place. It meant that there was no way to know about the student council president's tyranny.

The moment this realization dawned on her, Iris gritted her teeth.

'I've been completely played.'

Now it all made sense - why the student council president had insisted on being assigned to the base and why he had been able to act so tyrannically even though the battlefield was being broadcast.

In other words, the student council had known about all of this from the start, and had proposed the deal to Iris; they never had any intention of sending Ulan out in the first place. Their sole purpose was to humiliate him.

What was more shocking was that this was not the first time the student council had committed such misdeeds.

Ibella Elearde's story was the proof.

"...Something like this happened before."

The behind-the-scenes story of the entrance ceremony incident.

In short, the reason Ulan had no choice but to become the 'terrorist' at the entrance ceremony was due to the student council's machination. If they hadn't burned the script, Ulan would never have needed to shout.

The student council's misdeeds were being revealed one by one.

As Iris' expression hardened, Ibella spoke up again, "But I'm curious about something else."

Her face was troubled.

She questioned in an accusatory tone, "Why is the student council so obsessed with hindering Ulan? Is it simply because he's from a barbarian tribe?"

"Half of that is correct."

"Then what about the other half?"

"It's because he enroled as the top student."

"But why would that be a problem..."

"It is a problem," Iris answered firmly, her face set in a stern expression. "The Arsene student council has long been a bastion of aristocratic elitism."

She didn't know exactly when it started; but the majority of the current student council was deeply entrenched in a toxic aristocratic superiority complex. Iris' lips moved grimly, "Last year, there was an incident like this."

A commoner student from the Department of Crafting had placed second in the end-of-semester grades. On the surface, it may have seemed like a trivial matter. But it was more than enough to rile up the student council.

"Huh? In what way?"

"A commoner outperformed the nobles."

"Just for that reason...?"

Leaving the bewildered Ibella behind, Iris continued, "The student council decided to get rid of the thorn in their side, the second-year student. From then on, they unleashed relentless harassment and false accusations, until the student couldn't endure it any longer and had no choice but to withdraw."

After the shocking tale ended, Ibella questioned with a puzzled gaze, "But wait, the security guards and Student Counseling Division just stood by while they did such things?"

"Yes, they stood by."

They had no choice.

The student council had cleverly concealed the evidence.

And there was also a disparity in their backgrounds.

The perpetrators were scions of major noble families, while the victim, the second-year student, was nothing but a powerless commoner.

Even the security guards and Student Counseling Division were powerless against this reality. The incident was thus resolved with the victim's withdrawal.

"They view commoners as inferior beings. If one were to outperform the nobles, they would firmly believe it was an act of cowardice."

Iris wore a bitter expression.

With a sigh, she brought up the main point, "If commoners are seen as such, then Ulan, being from a barbarian tribe, must have been even more unacceptable. Especially since he had enrolled as the top student."

"Wow, how petty."

"Yeah, they're petty."

Iris bit her lip.

And this incident became the catalyst for her decision to run for the next student council president election — to reform the student council, steeped in aristocratic elitism, and to change the unjust system itself.


The closer she got to her goal, the more she felt obstructed by the harsh realities. Even this friendly mock battle was a testament to that.

Her confidence was slowly waning.

As she sighed repeatedly, grappling with a sense of helplessness and unease, a notification appeared before her, further exacerbating her feelings.

[Dilia Arpen: Dead]

[Camilla Tanesia: Dead]

[Arsene Remaining Forces: 3]

The defensive line had completely collapsed.

The remaining forces were a mere three. Seeing this, Iris' shoulders slumped dejectedly.

'We've lost.'

There was no hope of victory in sight; her expression was one of utter despair, as if she had surrendered everything.

Just as she was about to give up,

"It's too early to give up yet."

Ibella's voice rang out.

To Iris' surprise, she was smiling - the smile of one who has not lost hope.

"We still have Ulan."

"Yes? But with just that man alone…."

"He'll win. No doubt about it."

Her words carried unwavering conviction.

In contrast, Iris shook her head, still resigned.

"Even if we assume that's possible, to leave the base, we need the cooperation of the student council president."

If he were to leave the base alone, the student council president would also abandon the base. He was hoping for Arsene's defeat, after all.

'Then we'll be disqualified immediately'

But how could they win, really?

Furthermore, Eloden had Ian Marcus, an Expert just like Ulan; and even if Noah, the last survivor of the Arsene forces, were to switch with Ulan, the odds would still be slim.

Thus, Iris was convinced.

Iblla's hope was futile.

But just then,

[Among the three remaining Arsene survivors, the Eloden attack force has quickly reached the base! They've already arrived at the base!]

The scene signaling the end of the battle came into view.

In an instant, the attack forces of the Eloden faction rushed up the hill, entering the hut.

[Student Denver! And Student Robern are advancing with their shields. Now that they've secured the banner, the mock battle will be Eloden's victory...]

The commentator's voice was filled with excitement.

Just as the broadcast reached its climax—


—a sudden, deafening noise echoed.

The screen shook from the strong impact and shortly after, a powerful shockwave swept in all directions.

And at that moment,


Together with the broadcaster's dumbfounded gasp, the Eloden’s attack force was sent flying into the air.

Thud! Crash!

The two students slammed into the ground; beside the motionless bodies of the two fallen, fragments of shattered beads fell.

[Denver Gordo: Dead]

[Robern Krach: Dead]

[Eloden Remaining Forces: 8]

A hush fell over the arena.

Neither from the broadcast booth nor the audience seats did anyone utter a word. A while later, from the edge of the silence, the broadcasters barely managed to speak.

[Wh- What's happening right now?!]

[I-I'm not sure. It might be a counterattack from the defending forces at the base…]

During the moment of confusion in the broadcasters' speech, someone revealed himself — crimson eyes burning like flames.

The moment they laid eyes on the bare-chested figure, the broadcasters immediately realized who he was.

[Ulan! It's Ulan Bator!]

[Ulan Bator, the Expert of the Arsene faction defending the base, has finally made his appearance on the battlefield!]

Ulan boldly stepped out from the base.

Iris' eyes widened.

She was curious about how he had blown away the two students, but what surprised her more was that the student council president hadn't come out to pursue Ulan after he left the base.

Just then,

An explanation that resolved her doubts was heard.

"Looks like Noah... succeeded in the... switch."

Dilia's halting speech.

Seeing her self-satisfied smile, Iris asked in confusion.

"Switch? What do you mean?"

"We sent her... to switch places."

"But the student council president wouldn't just sit still..."

It was unthinkable.

He would have surely resorted to some underhanded tactic, whether chasing after Ulan or attempting to surrender by taking the banner and leaving the base.

So why wasn't he coming out?

As she pondered this, the video recording device that was reflecting Ulan's figure suddenly illuminated the interior of the base. And there, Iris saw something familiar.


A man lying face-down on the floor.

As Iris' eyes widened,

Ibella and Dilia, having witnessed the same scene, immediately spoke up.

"He's staying put nicely."

"Seems he's been... quite well persuaded."

They chuckled knowingly.

It was clear what had transpired in the base. Meanwhile, the commentators were striving to objectively analyze the situation.

[But why is the student council president there...?]

[Putting that aside, according to the rule that there must be two members defending the base, student Ulan from the Arsene faction has no choice but to fight alone!]

[On the other hand, Eloden's forces number eight. Even excluding the ones stationed at the base, they still have six capable fighters.]

Facing six opponents alone.

Numerically, he was at a disadvantage, but there was an even more pressing issue.

[And with the ace of this mock battle, student Ian Marcus, still present, can Ulan truly mount an effective fight?!]

As the broadcasters finished speaking,

the two girls burst into laughter.

"They... don't know a thing."

"Yeah. Being alone makes him even more terrifying."

Ulan was currently alone.

Neither Ibella nor Dilia, nor even Noah, was there.

From this perspective, it might seem like an imbalance of power, but in reality, it was not.

"Because, Ulan, is special."

"In short, if we were to summarize the current situation…."

One could say this:

All the shackles that had previously restrained Ulan's actions have been completely removed.

And shortly after that.

Ulan proved it.


Ulan charged up the hill, swinging his dual clubs like a wild, unleashed stallion. His auburn hair fluttered in the wind, alight like a torch — signaling the start of the counterattack.

* * * * *

At the Arsene base on the hill,

Theron Schlagen, the representative of Eloden, sent two scouts to the hut.

The reason was simple.

He had a bad feeling about this.

'There are two people guarding the base right now.'

Ulan Bator and Cliff Anton.

Both of them were people to be careful of, but Theron was particularly wary of the latter.

'I heard Cliff Anton is supposedly a master of defensive magic.'

He was especially skilled in setting traps.

So it was possible that he had set up countless traps at the entrance of the base. That's why he sent the scouts to check it out.

Of course, Ian had said that he should be wary of Ulan, not Cliff, but Theron didn't pay much attention to that.

'I'm not the one who's going to face him anyway.'

As much as it pained him, Theron knew he couldn't defeat Ulan.

Just as a master can only be challenged by another master, the only one capable of fighting Ulan as an equal here was another expert like him.

'So my role is...'

To make sure that Ian can fight Ulan one-on-one, or to get the banner before that happens. That's all.

Just as he was setting a clear goal.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came from the hilltop.

Along with a cloud of dust that swirled like a storm, came the unfortunate news.

[Denver Gordo: Dead]

[Robern Krach: Dead]

[Eloden Remaining Forces: 8]

Just as he had anticipated.

His eyes narrowed sharply and immediately issued his orders, "Paladins! Recite the prayer!"

"We are erecting a 3-star Divine Shield!"

Divine shields came in various grades.

And a 3-star divine shield has the effect of perfectly nullifying magic attacks of the same level, and even defending against physical attacks several times. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

In other words, Theron's plan was to create a divine shield, then charge straight to the base and secure the banner.

A strategy solely focused on victory.

'Of course, the duration is short, but...'

There was no need to worry.

For they had the next Saintess, Laurea, here.

Her mere presence would ensure their holy power never depleted. As long as Laurea remained, the Eloden attack forces would not be defeated.

But then,

Some students shouted in alarm.

"President Schlagen!"

"Someone has come out!"

Someone has come out?

Theron looked towards the hill and soon, his eyes narrowed.


A man revealing his well-muscled upper body.

There was no need to identify him separately.

Among the players from Arsene's faction who participated in the mock battle, there was only one who took off his shirt.

"Damn it."

Meanwhile, Ian grimaced.

For the very thing he had been dreading had now come to pass.

At the same time, his eyes met Ulan's.

Although it was a considerable distance away and he couldn't see it clearly, he could see him moving his lips the moment their eyes met.

"Huh? Just now..."

Laurea's eyes widened.

As if she had understood Ulan’s words.

After a moment, she whispered softly enough for only Ian to hear.

"I think he murmured your name."

"Nah, surely not. That can't be…,"Ian chuckled.

Why would this man, whom he had barely even seen before, mutter his name?

Surely Laurea must have misheard.

But he couldn't finish his response.

The moment he averted his gaze, Ulan charged towards them like a furious bull.


The billowing dust cloud following his thunderous approach.

At this fierce momentum, Eloden’s attack force took a step back almost simultaneously.

"Tch! Don't retreat!"

Theron growled ferociously.

As if unable to admit that he had just been intimidated by Ulan, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "There's only one of him! If we charge with the divine shield, we'll surely win..."

But he couldn't finish his sentence.

Or rather, his voice was drowned out by Ulan's resounding roar.


A scream that shook the battlefield.

Ian, the person whose name was called out of nowhere, muttered with a clear look of bewilderment.

“What, what is it? Why is he calling my name all of a sudden…….”

"Come to think of it, I've heard of this before."

"Huh? What is it?"

“They say that barbarians charge at the enemy leader they must defeat while calling their name.”


Ian clamped his mouth shut.

A foreboding feeling had crept in.

"So does that mean..."

"“Doesn’t it mean he’s going to kill you?" Laurea replied with a smile.

But Ian couldn't find it in himself to smile back. Seeing this, Laurea patted his shoulder.

"It's been fun, Ian."

"But why? What on earth...?"

"I don't really know myself." Laurea shrugged, "Anyway, it's for the best."

"For the best? What are you talking about?!"

“I happened to have something to do.”

The moment she uttered those words, her expression turned serious.

As if a truly crucial matter had arisen. Afterwards, she leaned in close to Ian's ear and whispered in a grave tone.

"So Ian, as the next Saintess, I have a very important mission for you."

"A mission?"

"Yeah. Hold out here as long as you can.”


"Until I finish my business.”

“No, what do you mean…….”

Ian asked back, looking confused.

However, there was no answer.

Laurea had already knelt down, clasping her hands in prayer. The content of the prayer was one Ian was well-familiar with.

『Bridge of Sacred Light』

Laurea's unique divine prayer that allowed her to teleport to any place bathed in light.

The moment he realized this, Ian hurriedly reached out, "W-Wait, senior!"

But there was nothing to grasp.

Only empty air swirling in the wake of Laurea's vanishing act.

Seeing this, Ian's expression was one of dejection.

Understandably so.

After all, he was now in a position where he had to fight Ulan alone, without Laurea’s support.

Faced with the harsh reality, Ian clasped his hands and muttered.

"...Oh, holy spirit. I am defeated."

A prayer that could easily be considered blasphemous.

But he couldn't simply give in to despair.

Right after Laurea disappeared,


With a loud roar that shook the ground—

“I’m here.”

—baring his white teeth in a grin, the barbarian had appeared before Ian.

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . .

Translator's Notes:-

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