Chapter 113: Friendly Mock Battle (9)

Chapter 113: Friendly Mock Battle (9)

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As soon as Ulan left the base, every recording device turned to follow him. When he finally confronted Eloden's attack force, a palpable tension filled the air.

But that didn't last long. ƒree𝑤ebnσ

As Laurea headed toward Arsene's base, the recording devices split to also capture the impending battle there. Just as the screens divided, a small explosion rattled —

Boom! Crackle!

—and the displays abruptly went black.

[Oh? What's this?]

[It seems there's been some mishap.]

The sudden disruption left the audience and commentators from both sides flustered. Only two recording devices remained operational.

Should they split it up? The thought crossed their minds briefly, but it was quickly resolved.


[Student Ulan is on the move!]

This was because Ulan had suddenly started the battle.

Of course, Laurea was also an important figure, but there was someone who was getting even more attention.

Ulan Bator and Ian Marcus — as the ace representatives of each side seemed ready to engage in battle, the remaining recording devices immediately focused on the scene.

The commentators were no different.

The two individuals, with faces filled with anticipation, observed the formation of Eloden's attack force.

[That's a Grade-3 divine shield!]

[Even if student Ulan is an expert, it's going to be tough to break through a divine shield.]

[The judgment is crucial here. Since a Grade-3 divine shield has a short duration, it might be a good idea to wait a bit and then approach.]

The commentators each offered their opinions.

Just then...

Ulan, who had been conversing with Theron Schlagen, suddenly charged towards the divine shield.

[This seems a bit reckless!]

[It's not a wise decision. With the Chains of Judgment still in place, if he recklessly gets blocked by the shield, he'll only give them an opportunity to counterattack.]

The commentators spoke with a mix of concern and disapproval.

Ulan, on the other hand, paid no attention. He simply kept walking silently.

A short while later...

To everyone's surprise, the divine shield failed to stop Ulan. Instead, it crumbled like a piece of paper.


The commentators' eyes widened; they stammered in disbelief at the sight of the divine shield being destroyed so easily.

[No, why did that just break?]

[I, I don't know...]

Their faces were masks of utter incomprehension. Yet the shield was not the only obstacle remaining — the Chains of Judgement still loomed.

[The Chains of Judgement! As long as that exists, Eloden still has a chance!]

[Speaking of which, what are the Chains of Judgement?]

[It's a divine spell used by priests. They bind their opponent with divine chains and shackles, temporarily immobilizing them.]

After finishing her detailed explanation, the commentator for the Eloden side, Riv Merheil, shouted with a proud face.

[Once they're bound by the chains, there's no way they'll be able to break free easily this time!]

But as the words left his lips - pa-ang! - the sacred chains shattered. And that wasn't all. The Chains of Judgement also dissolved into thin air, to the point of being futile; an outcome entirely unforeseen. Riv's mouth hung agape, petrified.

Likewise stunned, Arsene's commentator Edeline could only shake her head slowly.

[But he broke free?]



No answer came, for Riv knew not the reason either.

And then, in that moment, Ulan counterattacked.


Swinging his cudgel to bat away his opponent's sword, Ulan then seized the man's face in a vicious grip before slamming him to the ground.


The ground shook violently and with the intense shock, Riv and Edeline, who had been dazed, finally came to their senses.

[U-Ulan Bator!]

[He's quickly subduing the students from Eloden's side!]

The two commentators hurriedly broadcast the battle. However, as the battle continued, their expressions gradually became strange.

[Um, but... ]

[Why is he slamming his opponents to the ground?]

As the two said, Ulan not only slammed the three students who had rushed in before him, but even Theron, the representative of Eloden, to the ground; actions that were completely meaningless.

However, the sight of them being slammed down hard enough to sink their heads into the ground was enough to make the onlookers feel scared.

But that didn't last long either.

A wave of cheers erupted from the audience — the moment everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived — Ulan and Ian were facing each other in a showdown.

[Finally, this is it!]

[It's a one-on-one battle between Ulan Bator, the expert from Arsene, and Ian Marcus, the expert from Eloden!]

Riv and Edeline's voices rose with excitement. Though still puzzled by Ulan's earlier actions, this duel superseded all other concerns.

[I wonder what kind of battle they will show us?]

[Personally, I'm predicting an overwhelming victory for student Marcus.]

[Huh? What's that? Are you favoring him because you're both from Eloden Academy?]

[Absolutely not. I'm just telling you the results of my objective analysis and prediction.]

Riv shook her head lightly before revealing her reasoning.

[That's because student Marcus knows a special prayer used by paladins.]

[A special prayer, you say...?]

[You'll understand once you see it.]

A meaningful smile crept across Riv's lips and the implication behind that smile soon became clear.


Ian's body was enveloped in a brilliant silver luminescence. Divine power, a pure manifestation of force distinct from magic, began coalescing around his sword.

[No way...!]

Edeline's eyes went wide, as if she recognized what this was.

[ Aura?! Is that an Aura?!]

[Yes, a sacred Aura.]

The symbol of a Master - an Aura. Riv grinned and confirmed it.

Still unable to conceal her shock, Edeline questioned further:

[B-But student Ian is just an Expert! How can he possibly wield an Aura...?]

[It's thanks to the prayer.]

[Is that the ‘special prayer’ you mentioned earlier?]

[Correct. The Paladins of Eloden can temporarily unleash power far exceeding their norm through unique prayers.]

No sooner had the explanation finished than a tremor of unease rippled through the audience stands. And it wasn't just the crowd. In the waiting room where the eliminated contestants gathered, shock had set in as well.

“He can use an Aura?”

“But that's cheating!”

“How are we supposed to beat that…”

Disbelief, outrage, resignation and so on — these were all the reactions from the players on Arsene's side. This was also true of Iris Seniore, who was Arsene's representative.

'So that's why he felt extraordinarily powerful.'

It made sense, given how one-sidedly she had been defeated. Exhaling a silent sigh, Iris' gaze drifted to Ulan beyond the screen's boundary.

'You did fight hard, but...'

This appeared to be the end of the line. Still, he had fought admirably, single-handedly taking down six of Eloden's attack force. freewёbnoν

'Yes, that's enough.'

Iris' shoulders slumped as she resigned herself to relinquishing hope. Yet in that moment, something else caught her eye.


It was Ibella and Dilia. Unlike the other students, the two girls still had faces that didn't give up hope. Instead, they just looked at Ulan on the other side of the screen with eyes that sparkled like stars.

Seeing this, Iris' own eyes gradually widened.

'Could he really prevail against an Aura...?'

Did they truly believe Ulan could win?

No, it was impossible. When an Aura-imbued weapon clashed against a regular one, the latter would invariably shatter.

[Is this really how the fight ends?!]

[It must be. Even if they reach the level of expert, they can't defeat a master.]

The commentators' reactions were equally pessimistic — understandably so. That an Expert cannot triumph over a Master was common knowledge even to a child. Only another Master can defeat one who has achieved that sublime realm.

'Which means...'

Ulan could never beat Ian. Iris was convinced of this..

But then...


A sound of shattering conviction was heard.

For Ulan's barbaric body facing Ian had abruptly become wreathed in crimson hue. At the same time, searing flames erupted from the club in his hands — it was the same kind of power as the divine Aurora that enveloped Ian's sword.

[An...An Aura! Is that an Aura too?!]

Edeline screamed, her face a mask of shock and disbelief. But she was not alone in her astonishment - Riv's eyes bulged as her lips trembled violently.

[How can someone who isn't even a Paladin wield an Aura?!]

Edeline's cry encapsulated the incomprehensible question. Yet the answer was itself disarmingly simple. For an Aura was the symbol and proof of Master - which only a Master could manifest.

From that perspective, there was only one possible reason Ulan could use an Aura:

"...The realm of a Master."

A voice trembling violently escaped Iris's lips as she clenched her teeth. The moment the unbelievable truth was etched in everyone's minds.


With a thunderous boom, the battle reached its conclusion.


A moment later, after the dust settled.

What appeared on the screen was Ian, lying upside down on the ground like the other students.

The sword that had been enveloped in the divine Aurora was broken in half, and the shield was completely shattered.

In the blink of an eye, victory and defeat had been decided, leaving the audience stands enveloped in stunned silence. They had seen nothing.

No one understood what had transpired or how Ian had ended up embedded in the earth. But they knew one thing for sure.

Ulan was a Master.

Not an Expert, but a true Master.

Confronted by this unavoidable reality, Iris clenched her fists tightly. She had thought it impossible.

When the Student Council interfered and Ian then manifested his Aura, she believed it was over.

But Ulan defied her expectations, taking the field alone to achieve an incredible reversal. He had thoroughly demolished everything Iris considered an impregnable wall of reality.

As she watched in awe of Ulan's feats, Ibella and Dilia grinned widely.

"See? We told you, didn't we?"

"Ulan absolutely, positively, does not lose."

Their smiles brimmed with unshakable conviction.

【Victorious Side: Arsene Academy】

【Final Winner: Ulan Bator】

【The mock battle has ended】

The friendly mock battle was over. Yet no cheers rang out — only silence pervaded the audience stands as students and professors alike gazed at Ulan in mute stupefaction.

They couldn't help it.

For this was the moment when, for the first time in Arsene Academy's history, one of its students had undisputedly proven themselves to have attained the exalted realm of Master.

On the day the friendly mock battle ended.

The attention of all was not on the Eloden delegation, but on a single barbarian warrior.

* * * * *

After the official end of the mock battle.

The officials were busy preparing for the award ceremony.

On the other hand, the professors from Arsene still couldn't pry their stunned gazes away from Ulan.

"Honestly, I can scarcely believe it."

"He was a Master, not just an Expert."

"You don't think he lied about his age, do you?"

Shock, bewilderment, disbelief and so on — a tumult of emotions spilled from their voices. At the same time, the professors' eyes darted this way and that, assessing the value of this newly revealed Master.

Ulan was a barbarian master.

He had no prominent backing, no noble lineage, no political ties to any nation. He belonged to no one, you could say.

This was a considerable merit. It was like a strategic weapon without an owner lying around.

The moment they realized this….

"Ahem! I'd best take my leave first."

"Yes, pardon me, I should be going too."

"I have something urgent to do, so I'll be going...."

One by one, the professors hailing from the Kingdom Alliance made tactful excuses as they departed — this was to inform their respective homelands of the information that a barbarian master had appeared.

Perhaps sensing this chaotic atmosphere?

Professor Stella, who had been silently looking around, opened her mouth with a stiff face.


"What is it?"

"No matter how I look at it, it seems like a rush job, doesn't it?"

Ethan didn't respond — there was no need to state the obvious. He exhaled heavily, furrowing his brow.

'The scenario I dreaded most has come to pass.'

That Ulan was openly revealed to be a Master.

Though even Ethan hadn't anticipated this exact event - the student Ian Marcus manifesting an Aura, and Ulan generating one of his own in response. It was utterly unforeseen.

'But I can't simply wallow in regret.'

The situation is already out of control.

From now on, the professors of each kingdom will be in fierce competition to get their hands on Ulan, the strategic weapon without an owner.

Especially the smaller realms lacking a Master — they may make outrageously generous offers inconceivable under normal circumstances.

'To prevent that...'

There was no more time for hesitation. He needed to approach Ulan immediately, ascertain his wants, and begin negotiations.

As soon as humanly possible — right this instant, even.

After organizing his thoughts, he turned to Stella and asked, "Where is Dean Erkazan?"

"He returned to his office a little while ago. Dean Deflyn was absent for personal research from the start."

Likely just minutes before Ulan manifested his Aura, Erkazan had retreated to his office.

Without further ado, Ethan spun on his heel.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"The Dean’s office."

"Eek! You're going to see him right away?"

"We need to come up with a plan before it's too late."

Of course, it was clear that Dean Erkazan would be angry. But it would be cowardly to hide the truth just because he was afraid of his anger. It was better to relay this development as quickly as humanly possible and devise a strategy together.

Thus, leaving the apprehensive Stella behind, Ethan strode briskly toward the Military Studies building.

Meanwhile, as the professors scurried about, the preparations for the award ceremony were finally complete.

"Thank you all for your patience!"

"We will now commence the award ceremony!"

Edeline and Riv, who had commentated the mock battle, took on hosting duties for the ceremony. Their voices rang out tensely as they recited the provided script.

"First, we will bestow rewards upon the competitors who contributed most significantly to each side."

"Student Ulan Bator of Arsene and student Ian Marcus of Eloden, please step forward!"

Ulan silently mounted the stage. Ian, however, was nowhere to be seen - understandable, as he had been knocked unconscious by Ulan and sent to the infirmary along with the other incapacitated students.

As a result, Ian's proxy ended up being Laurea.

"To student Ulan Bator, we award a prize of three gold coins and three overnight passes."

"To student Ian Marcus' proxy, student Laurea, we award a prize of five gold coins and a specially crafted commemorative plaque."

Despite receiving the overnight passes and gold, Ulan's expression remained rather impassive. For such rewards had never been his aim to begin with.

Ibella and Dilia, on the other hand, were a stark contrast - their faces alight with joy at securing the night passes, a reward exclusive to the victorious side.

After the formalities and praise were over.

"And with that, the award ceremony concludes!"

"Once again, applause to the brave players from both sides!"

The sound of applause echoed around them.

The sound of polite clapping echoed around them. Ulan turned away, his expression impassive, to exit the stage.

But then, a voice calling out stopped him in his tracks.


It was Laurea. A strange glint flashed in her eyes as she leaned in to murmur, ensuring only he could hear:

"Are you free tonight?"

"Um? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

"Just answer the question first."

Her delicate brow furrowed slightly into an impish look.

After a momentary pause for thought, Ulan gave an affirmative reply.

"I should be available."

"Really? That's perfect then. Come to my room."

"For what reason?"

"I have something to discuss. It's important."

Her expression had turned markedly serious. Seeing this, Ulan simply nodded silently.

It was understood.

And so time marched on until the promised night arrived...

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . .

Translator's Notes:-

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