Chapter 115: Friendly Mock Battle (11)

Chapter 115: Friendly Mock Battle (11)

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The dawn of the day after the mock battle ended.

Berge Erkazan, the dean of the Military Studies department, summoned those associated with Ulan's recruitment.

After a considerable amount of time passed, the parties gathered in the dean's office.

But there was a problem.

There was one person less than expected. Realizing who the missing person was, Berge immediately frowned and asked, "Why are only you all here? Where is Dean Deflyn?"

"She reportedly applied for leave two days ago."

"What? Leave?"

"Yes, she said she had personal research to do."

As the saying goes, “Even feces have their use in medicine if there's none left.”

Berge's brow furrowed further.

But it didn't last long, for he knew blaming the absent person would solve nothing.

"Huu, alright. Then let's proceed with the meeting."

Professor Ethan was in charge of the situation briefing.

He explained what he witnessed during the mock battle without omitting a single detail. After a while, Berge asked in a flustered face, "He used Aura in the match?!"

"Yes, I definitely saw it."

It wasn't just Ethan who saw it. Stella saw it too, as did the other professors and all the students in the audience.

"But why did he do that? What was the reason?"

"I couldn't figure that out."

Since he hadn't spoken to Ulan yet.

It was then that Stella tentatively raised her hand.

"This is just my thought, but..." She cautiously voiced her opinion, "The barbarian tribes of the Eastern Forest fight with their full might against a formidable opponent, even if they have the upper hand. Maybe it's something similar?"

Her speculation was based on her experience serving on the Eastern Front. Berge nodded, judging it a plausible conjecture.

But only briefly.

"Huu, but it was still too reckless."

After sighing again, he bit his lip firmly.

"If it's revealed that an individual student reached the realm of a Master, it's bound to attract immense attention..."

Berge spoke as if reprimanding Ulan.

It was understandable, for Ulan's impulsive action had thrown a wrench into the military's plans.

As soon as Berge finished speaking, Ethan and Stella responded simultaneously.

"He probably didn't know."

"Seems like he didn't know."

Because it's Ulan.

That was all the reason they needed.

At this simple answer, Berge sealed his lips too. Thinking about it, it did seem plausible for Ulan to have acted that way.

After a brief silence, he changed the subject, "Anyway, now that we understand the situation, let's stop discussing why he acted that way."

That wasn't important right now.

The urgent matter was finding a solution — how to overcome this predicament and achieve the desired goal.

"Are there any professors of non-imperial origin who have or attempted to contact Ulan?"

"Not yet."

"What about the students?"

"None that we know of."

That was somewhat of a relief amidst the misfortune.

Berge quietly felt relieved, though it was too early to heave a sigh of relief.

"Still, we can't let our guard down."

"Right. Contact is only a matter of time."

"I think it would be best to call Ulan in and have a talk with him before they try to make contact from another country."

"Ugh, a talk..."

Berge let out a low groan, as if some difficulty had arisen. It was then that Stella raised her hand again.

"Excuse me, Dean."

"What is it?"

"Didn't you mention that Lord Seoric al-Ghorfant had devised a contingency plan to recruit Ulan?"

In the past, after the Abyss Worshippers’ incident, one of the Five Swords of the Empire, Seoric al-Ghorfant, had suggested that to recruit Ulan, they should first identify his objective and proceed based on that. He had said he had some ideas and requested to be entrusted with Ulan's recruitment.

Recalling that time, Berge silently nodded.

"Ah yes, I recall that plan," he nodded pensively.

Stella's eyes brightened. "Then if we utilize that contingency..."

But he shook his head. "Unfortunately, that will be difficult."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Because he is not present here currently." Revealing that Seoric was absent, Berge sighed again, "Lord Ghorfant has departed for the Imperial Palace."

"Wha, the Imperial Palace?!"

"Why would he suddenly go to the Imperial Palace...?"

"Haven't the investigations into the incident that occurred at the Zone 2 of the Fountain of Magic been completed recently?"

The incident in Zone 2 referred to the opening of an abyss rift that allowed monsters to pour out. After that, the Academy formed its own investigation team to investigate the scene of the incident. And the investigation was finally completed recently.

At the same time, two reports were completed.

One was for the military and the other was for the Imperial Palace.

And the person who was entrusted with delivering these reports was none other than Seoric al-Ghorfant.

The reason a high nobleman would take on the role of a messenger was to verbally convey information that was not included in the reports.

"I see. To present the report..."

Berge stroked his chin. "Khrm, this complicates matters. Then we must postpone the recruitment until Lord Ghorfant returns."

"Right. So in the meantime, instead of recruiting him, let's discuss how to prevent professors from other countries from contacting Ulan as much as possible."

Let's buy as much time as possible before Seoric finishes his business and returns to the Academy.

Setting a clear objective, the three engaged in a vigorous exchange of ideas.

* * * * * *

In the early hours before dawn, when the sun had yet to rise, a brilliant light illuminated the dark Imperial Capital. It was the study of the mansion where Prince Shartrand, the Crown Prince of the Ruben Empire, resided.

The light was emitted from a top-grade magical lamp affixed to the study's ceiling. Beneath it stood a middle-aged knight clad in armour.

"That concludes the report on the Eastern fronts."

Sachsen Yul Ordene, one of the Five Swords of the Empire and the strongest knight dubbed the 'Imperial Sword', bowed towards the man seated opposite him.

With platinum hair and crimson eyes, the expressionless man was not only the master of this study but the soon-to-be ruler of the Empire - Crown Prince Shartrand himself.

"Next are the Southern fronts, I presume?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sachsen responded deferentially, addressing Shartrand as the sovereign despite his current status as merely Crown Prince.

Two months prior, when Shartrand had declared his intent to ascend the throne, Sachsen began addressing him as 'Your Majesty' — a discourtesy the Prince had not minded.

"First, here is the report from the Southern Front. The situation on the front is as usual, and there are no suspicious movements from the heretics."

The report mainly concerned the political situation inside and outside the Empire. Sachsen's report also included a list of forces that could pose a threat to Shartrand in the future, or nobles who could be recruited.

"One notable thing is that Count Deorg, the commander of the Southern Front, has requested extended leave and has not returned to the front."

"Extended leave?" Shartrand 's expression shifted, as he knew Deorg had never taken leave before.

"Was there any special reason given?"

"Yes, he said he had an epiphany from the duel with the Level-0 Management Target at the Arsene Academy and wanted to focus on his personal training for the time being."

Shartrand's expression changed again at the answer that came back. This was because another name that he remembered came to mind after Count Deorg.

It was the Level-0 Management Target.

As far as Shartrand knew, there was only one person designated by the imperial military as this being.

"You mean that barbarian?"


The powerful barbarian, Ulan Bator, who had defeated both Deorg and Ghorfant. Recalling his existence, Shartrand's eyes narrowed.

"How is the progress in recruiting the barbarian?"

"I was informed that Master Ghorfant is taking the lead in preparing a recruitment plan for him."

"Has he made any contacts with other forces?"

"No, not yet from what I've heard."

Sachsen's crisp responses seemed to satisfy Shartrand, who smiled faintly.

"Then tell him to proceed with the plan as soon as possible. It would be troublesome if he were to be snatched away by someone else."

"I will convey your urgency," Sachsen bowed respectfully, fully aware of the importance of this matter.

If they succeeded in recruiting Ulan, they could plant the Empire's banner at the heart of the Northern Grasslands without spilling a drop of blood.

'But the benefits do not end there.'

The Fierce Sword and the Loyal Sword.

They could also get their hands on Ulan, who had defeated the two strong men.

Then they could plant the Imperial flag in the Southern Desert and the Eastern Forest as well. And then they could even challenge the unification of the continent someday.

Harboring such lofty dreams, Sachsen continued his report.

"That is the update from the Southern fronts. Next, I shall relay information regarding Arsene Academy."

"Arsene Academy?"

"To be precise, about the Fountain of Magic."

The Fountain of Magic.

Shartrand's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

That was understandable. After all, reports on this topic didn't come up very often.

"The report was submitted by Master Ghorfant and the main content deals with the incident that occurred at Zone 2 of the Fountain of Magic last month."

Sachsen dispassionately recounted the event's details — from Professor Dirac's mana disruption and monstrous transformation to the opening of an abyss rift that unleashed countless monsters from beyond.

After the full report, Shartrand’s expression became somber. "Hmm, the Abyss..."

It seemed like an unbelievable tale. Wasn't the Gates to the Abyss merely a myth from ancient legends? Yet it was said to truly exist?

Shartrand’s eyes questioned this as if asking for confirmation. Perceiving his doubts, Sachsen added another piece of information.

"In addition, I heard that the Holy Kingdom is also paying attention to this incident."

"Hoo, the Holy Kingdom, you say?"

"Yes, I'm told a prophecy has been issued."

At the word "prophecy", Shartrand's eyes sharpened instantly.

"Tell me the details."

At the same time, Sachsen continued his report.

He explained the content of the prophecy and the fact that a delegation of students from Eloden had recently been dispatched to Arsene Academy to investigate.

After hearing the full account, Shartrand's face hardened like stone.

"......It's not something I can just laugh off." freёweɓ

The fact that they had dispatched a delegation meant that the Holy Kingdom was taking this matter seriously.

And a prophecy had even been issued — this was no small affair.

Judging the situation's severity, Shartrand organized his thoughts before speaking again.

"Just what are these 'Abyss Monsters'?"

"The report describes them as far more dangerous than demonic beasts. And..." Sachsen hesitated.


"I'm sorry, but I have something irreverent to say..."

"It doesn't matter, so just tell me."

What a fuss.

Shartrand urged Sachsen to answer.

So Sachsen finally had to put the irreverent words into his mouth.

"It says that if the day ever comes when the Abyss Monsters were to completely escape into our world, the Empire's very existence could be imperiled."


It was indeed an irreverent remark — to suggest the Empire itself might be endangered.

Had anyone else jokingly uttered such words, they would have faced charges of blasphemy.


The report came from Master Ghorfant himself, one of the Five Masters of the Empire.

For one of such stature to use that expression meant the matter was truly grave and serious.

With a solemn expression, Shartrand continued pondering. Then, as if a new curiosity arose, he turned to Sachsen with a question.

"Wait, so you're saying Master Ghorfant single-handedly dealt with the monsters that emerged from the Abyss rift?"

"Officially, yes." Sachsen's response implied the truth differed.

Just as Shartrand was about to ask again, he preempted him.

"Here is a list of those who were present at the scene at the time."

Among the names listed besides Master Ghorfant's, the one that immediately caught Shartrand's eye was 'Ulan Bator'.

"This barbarian really gets himself involved in everything, doesn't he?" Shartrand chuckled in amusement.

Sachsen then continued his report.

"Master Ghorfant stated that Ulan Bator was the most instrumental figure in this incident."

High praise indeed, though understandable given Ulan had previously defeated Ghorfant in single combat. It was only natural he outperformed the Master.

"He even added that without Bator, they may not have been able to complete this report."

"What? You mean to say..."

"That if Master Ghorfant had faced the Abyss Monsters alone, he most likely would not have survived the encounter."

Both Sachsen as he relayed this, and Shartrand as he heard it, froze with grim expressions.

According to Ghorfant's report, the Abyss Monsters were powerful enough that even a Master would have to be prepared to die facing them.

These were not monsters out of a legend.

They had never even heard of these monsters before.

An oppressive silence enveloped them, until a voice cut through the heavy atmosphere.

"Your Majesty."

It was Sachsen, his face grave.

"May I say something?"

"What is it?"

"It concerns the 7th Imperial Princess."

Perticia Ib Al Ruben, the hidden Imperial Princess and Shartrand's dearly beloved younger half-sister.

"Even if hiding her is the aim, I have reservations about sending her to Arsene Academy given the current circumstances."

Shartrand understood Sachsen's implied concern, yet the moment he finished speaking, Shartrand shook his head without hesitation.

"My decision on this remains unchanged."

"But Your Majesty..."

"True, it carries risk, but that can be resolved by ensuring she avoids the vicinity of the Fountain of Magic. It is far safer there than the war zones to come."

Shartrand stated firmly, his eyes flashing.

"Besides, Perticia is my sole vulnerability. Thus, until I can eliminate all threats, it is wisest to keep her at Arsene Academy."

His resolute expression made it clear his mind could not be changed. Recognizing this, Sachsen nodded in acquiescence to Shartrand's will.

It was then that Shartrand spoke again.

"However, now that we know such an incident occurred at the Fountain, we cannot simply do nothing."

"You mean..."

"We shall form a new investigative team."

Master Ghorfant’s report alone was insufficient - more evidence was needed.

"In particular, we must obtain proof that the Abyss truly exists, and that the Abyss Monsters pose a grave threat to the Empire."

With such evidence in hand, it would provide justification to conscript the nobles' private armies, while also presenting an opportunity to further consolidate imperial authority.

There was, however, one caveat to consider.

'Arsene is a neutral zone.'

Per the international treaty with the Kingdoms' Alliance, no armed forces could be deployed there.

This was likely why the Holy Kingdom had sent Eloden students instead of soldiers.

After hearing this condition, Sachsen responded as if having an appropriate candidate in mind.

"Fortunately, I have a suitable nominee."

"Oh? Who might that be?"

"Count Dermore."

"Dermore, you say..."

"Demuel Ron Dermore, the current Tower Master of the Tower of Earth, who also previously served as a professor at Arsene Academy."

An ideal choice to lead the investigative team. Shartrand's expression brightened slightly.

"And where does the Count's allegiance lie?"



"Yes, though the 3rd Imperial Faction once attempted to recruit him, the Count has maintained a neutral stance thus far."

Satisfied with a neutral party, Shartrand nodded in approval.

"Very well, let us proceed accordingly."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

With a respectful bow, Sachsen continued providing reports on other regions until the sun reached its zenith.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, at that same time in the faculty cafeteria at Arsene Academy.

This place was usually off-limits to students, but today was an exception.

The higher-ups had specially granted permission for its use for an after-party to celebrate the friendly mock battle that had successfully ended yesterday.

However, there was a minor issue.

"Huh? Why are there so few people?" Ibella looked puzzled.

She looked at the list of student reservations placed at the entrance of the faculty dining hall. It was the list of players who had participated in the friendly mock battle.

Ulan also tilted his head as if he didn't quite understand.

"There were definitely supposed to be twenty-four, right?"

With twelve fighters per side, the total should indeed have been twenty-four names.

On the other hand, there were only ten names on the list.

This meant that more than half of the players were not attending the after-party.

"Well, the entire Student Council didn't sign up," Noah muttered glumly, which was expected given their failed hijinks and the awkwardness of facing everyone, not to mention the Council President's hospitalization.

"But the Eloden side is a bit surprising," Dilia chimed in.

At least Arsene was decent. Everyone except the student council had their names on the list.

Eloden, on the other hand, was different.

Out of the twelve players, only two had indicated their intention to attend.

As they were looking at each other with puzzled expressions,

As they exchanged puzzled looks, a familiar voice called out.

"Hello, everyone."

"You all seem to be here already."

A familiar voice rang out in their ears.

The two attendees from Eloden who had just been mentioned.

They were Laurea and Ian.

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . .

Translator's Notes:-

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