Chapter 21: Let’s Get Along (1)

Chapter 21: Let's Get Along (1)

Before sunrise, Ibella stealthily slipped out of her dormitory it was partly because she had awakened earlier than expected, and partly because she was feeling a bit stifled in her room.

For better or worse, her roommate, who was supposed to be sharing a room with her, had been hospitalized due to ill health.

As a result, she had the room to herself for the time being, and was able to leave the dorm without being seen.

Hooong! Whooong!

The sound of the wind resonated through the deserted forest, accompanied by the swish of her sword cutting through the air. Whenever anger or frustration overcame her, Ibella found solace in wielding her sword. It seemed to pacify her emotions, at least that's how she felt.


However, today was different.

No matter how many times she swung her sword, the suffocating feeling persisted. It had not been limited to just this day; something was amiss.

Why is this happening?

Ibella, who had swung her sword diligently every morning, suddenly felt as if she had hit an insurmountable wall.

How could she describe this feeling?

It was as if she had encountered an enormous boulder on the road she had always traveled, making it impossible to move forward.

I must find a way to overcome this...

Yet, it proved far from simple.

The wall before her was high, the rock massive. Even so, putting down her sword would only amplify the feeling of suffocation and frustration, leaving her no choice but to continue her relentless practice.

However, at that moment...

Thump! Thud!

The ground trembled not far away.

Ibella sensed someone approaching. Soon, a blurry figure emerged from the shadows, casting an eerie aura. It was slightly larger than a human, but its arms were unusually long, resembling logs.

What is that?

It couldn't be a beast, could it?

The thought crossed her mind, but she dismissed it. There was no way a demonic beast would be found in the academy, much less near the dormitories.

However, you can never be too sure about the world.

Ibella tightened her grip on her wooden sword, preparing for whatever lay ahead. Just then, the figure revealed itself, emerging from the bushes.


To make a long story short, it was no demonic beast.

A young man stood there, his upper body exposed, carrying logs on his shoulders.

The moment they came face to face

she realized who he was.

"Ah! You're.."

The barbarian warrior from the Great Brawl test.

The one who had passed the entrance exam at the top of his class.

It was Ulan.

* * * * * * * * * *

Ulan had leaped out of his dorm window, initially planning to take a casual stroll and return. However, as he walked, an irresistible urge to run enveloped him, and with each stride, his restlessness grew.

I'll just do some strength training and then head back.

Soon after he made his decision, he swiftly felled two reasonably thick trees and transformed them into logs, which he carried upon his shoulders as he ran.

That's when he ran into Ibella.

They stood there for a moment, silently regarding each other before Ulan spoke first.

"Are you alright?"

", yes?"

"You're bleeding from your nose."

The mention of her nosebleed startled Ibella, not because of the nosebleed itself, but because she realized she had been staring at Ulan's body with fascination until his words snapped her out of it.

His muscles glistening with sweat, his firm chest, arms thicker than her waist, and perfectly sculpted abs; she couldn't believe he was casually walking around like that.

The sight was stimulating, even for Ibella.

She quickly averted her gaze, and after a moment, when her nosebleed had stopped, Ulan spoke again.

"It's good that you're working on your swordsmanship, but don't forget about your health."

"That, uh, I will."

Thankful that she hadn't been caught staring, Ibella breathed a sigh of relief. Then, hesitantly, she inquired, "By the way..."

Her gaze drifted toward the log Ulan was carrying on his shoulder.

Tight muscles were one thing, but there was something else she wanted to ask. The log Ulan was carrying on his shoulder.

"What are you doing now?"

"Strength training."

His nonchalant response indicated that such an exercise was suitable for enhancing his strength, at least for him. If an ordinary person attempted the same, they would likely be crushed in an instant.

Perhaps it was due to her repeated glances, but Ulan narrowed his eyes, seemingly alert.

"I can't give this to you."

"Huh? What?"

"If you need it, make one yourself."

"No, it's okay. I don't need it."

It seemed as if he thought she was about to ask for the log.

When she shook her head, Ulan turned away, appearing relieved.

"If you'll excuse me, then."

"Oh, yes."

"Finish practicing your swordsmanship."

As Ulan finished speaking, he turned around. At that moment, a thought crossed Ibella's mind.

If Ulan was so much stronger than her, wouldn't he know how to break through this stifling wall?

She hastened to call out to him, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Um, excuse me!"


"Uh, have you seen it?"

"Seen what?"

"My swordsmanship."

Naturally, he had seen it. Ulan had excellent vision.

"I've seen it."

"What was it like?"

"It looked like you were dancing," Ulan blurted out his answer.

Hearing those words, Ibella's expression showed her surprise.

Huhh, how did he know?

He was right. It was a sword dance that had been passed down from generation to generation in the family of Count Deorg. It's a sword dance used to entertain at banquets.

It was the only swordsmanship she'd been taught.

'Don't hold the sword needlessly, and dance when there's a banquet..'

Ibella wasn't satisfied with the sword dance.

Although she was born a swordswoman, she spent a lot of time and effort refining it.

As a result, her sword dance has been transformed into an actual swordsmanship that is quite powerful.

I can't believe he recognized this at first glance.

Perhaps Ulan possessed a profound understanding of swordsmanship as well.

For a moment, she hesitated, but then a determined look appeared on her face as she gazed at Ulan. It was Ulan who spoke first.

"Is there something you want to say?"

"Uh, yeah. Umm."

He must have read her expression.

Flustered, Ibella quickly composed herself and spoke earnestly, "If it's not too much of a bother, could you please let me know if there's anything I need to improve in my swordsmanship?

"I do not know about swords."

As soon as Ibella finished speaking.

Ulan flatly refused.

It might sound a little cold, but there was no way around it. It was true that Ulan was a complete stranger to swordsmanship.

Ulan, a born warrior, instinctively knew how to fight from birth, but he couldn't teach it to someone else. Swordsmanship, archery, spearmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and more while others had to learn these skills from someone else, they came to Ulan as naturally as breathing.

Thus, he couldn't offer advice on what she needed to work on or how to improve her swordsmanship.

Could it be because of such an adamant answer?

Her expression immediately darkened. Seeing this, Ulan's tightly closed lips twitched.


He just had one piece of advice; advice he could give, given their past as comrades.

"I'll give you a little advice, if you don't mind."

"Sure! No problem."

Her complexion instantly brightened.

As if on cue, Ibella's face flushed with color. And Ulan immediately remembered a memory from his past life.

When was that?

It was probably on a night when he couldn't sleep well. Ulan, Ibella, and Dilia sat around a campfire, engaging in idle chit-chat and lighthearted discussions; unusual topics, unusual stories.

Somewhere along the way, the question came up.

"If you could have a one-minute conversation with your younger self, what would you say?"

In response, Ulan had said he would prevent his brother's death, and Dilia vowed to stop her younger self from learning magic.

'And Ibella said...'

She spoke about her sword.

"To be honest, my family's swordsmanship isn't good enough to hold onto my talent, so if the opportunity arises, I'll tell myself to abandon my family's swordsmanship first."

Recalling her words from back then.

Ulan repeated after her.

"First, abandon your family's swordsmanship."


"You have a talent for swordsmanship. But your family's swordsmanship isn't good enough to hold onto your talent."

Abandon my family's swordsmanship?

Ibella had a strange look on her face.

No wonder. For someone from a noble family that valued honor and dignity, to be told to abandon her family's swordsmanship was a very rude thing to say.

If it were Himmel in this room, he would have challenged him to a duel immediately. Of course, it didn't matter to Ibella since she had no attachment to her family. However, it was still a sensitive statement.

To say something like that without hesitation

Ibella was shocked.

Meanwhile, whether she was shocked or not, Ulan's memories of his past life continued to flood back.

Next, I'll tell my younger self that you lack strength with the sword. Your Sword Path has too many redundancies, and your breathing is too long.

"And you lack strength."

"Heh, strength?"

"Increase the power in your sword and eliminate redundancies. Shorten your breath as well."

This was a rather practical advice.

Ibella took Ulan's advice to heart, every word of it.

"Lastly, seek a sword technique that is unique to you, not your family. That way, you will reach the realm of a Master much earlier."

"Ma, master's realm?!"

Her turquoise eyes widened.

Of course, as someone who walked the path of the sword, it was something she had always aimed for, but she hadn't thought it was realistically possible.

Even in the Empire, there were only five knights who had reached the realm of Master.

Moreover, all five of them are from prestigious noble backgrounds.

They were elite among elites who devoted themselves entirely to swordsmanship with immense support from their families.

Ibella, on the other hand, was an illegitimate child of lowly status; she had no support, no stepping stones to rise from.

What that why? she suddenly thought: Is he mocking me?

Her fine brow furrowed.

But she realized that wasn't the case.

Because his eyes were too sincere for mere teasing.

"If it's you, it's possible."


"You will undoubtedly reach the realm of a Master. The only variable on the path of your sword is timing."

Ibella closed her mouth.

In the face of those strong, confident eyes, she momentarily lost her words. It was the conviction-filled gaze that left no room for doubt that she would unquestionably reach the realm of a Master.

Ibella bowed her head in acknowledgment to that strong belief

It was a gaze she hadn't received before.

Even when she was young and staying with her mother. Even when she first entered the Count's household, it was a gaze she had never received from anyone else.

Feeling uncertain about how to react, she closed her mouth and dropped her head.

Fortunately, Ulan paid no attention to her reaction.

"That's the end of the advice," Ulan said, turning away with the log on his shoulder. He disappeared gracefully in the direction of the male dormitory.

How much time had passed?

Only after Ulan's presence had completely vanished did Ibella slowly lift her head; her cheeks slightly red, her expression dazed.

A moment later, as if possessed by something, she began to swing her sword. It was a different swordsmanship now, infused with Ulan's advice.

She put more strength into her strikes; any unnecessary movements that slowed her down or made her feel like she didn't need to, she discarded out boldly. Each breath was kept short.

After a considerable amount of time had passed.

Her sword pierced through the air.


The sword shot like a flash of light.

As she gazed at her sword that stood tall without any hindrance, Ibella let out a suppressed breath.

"Hoo, hoo!"

Her breathing became ragged; beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and trickled down her chin.

She felt like she could collapse at any moment, but it was the best feeling she'd ever had, like a wall had been breached that had been holding her back.

".......It's amazing."

She had only made a few changes, yet she had achieved such a breakthrough.

"As expected, you have great insight into swordsmanship."

This was not advice that someone ignorant of swordsmanship could give. Despite not knowing much about swordsmanship himself, Ulan was still humble enough. He had been too modest in admitting he didn't know swordsmanship.

"He didn't get the top rank for nothing."

After honestly expressing her admiration, Ibella's cheeks flushed. It was because of Ulan's words that she remembered again.

If it's you, it's possible.

You will reach the realm of a Master.

Upon hearing these words, her heart swelled in her chest. It felt good to have her talent recognized by such a powerful figure.


Ibella's lips curved into a soft smile.

A small giggle. Instead of a stiff expression, a bright smile graced her face, like any other child her age.

But then, she belatedly realized something.

"Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself properly."

She knew Ulan's name, but he probably doesn't know hers.

Not to worry, though. As fellow students, they would surely meet again someday. That's what Ibella thought.

"And let's talk properly next time."

Feeling overwhelmed by his eyes that seemed to have experienced so much, she unintentionally raised her voice, though she soon realized it was unnecessary.

Arsene Academy only accepts applicants under the age of twenty for the entrance exam, which meant that no matter how old he was, he couldnt be older than nineteen.

"I hope we meet again."

When that happened, she wanted to properly introduce herself and express her gratitude. Thanks to him, she could wash away her frustrations and overcome the wall before her.

While she was still immersed in bashfulness and joy...

Suddenly, a voice resounded through the forest.

Announcement from the Magic Department.

The bureaucratic voice echoed throughout the academy. It was a school-wide broadcast.

Ulan Bator, Dilia Arpen. Both students are requested to report to the Dean's Office, 9th Floor, Main Building, Magic Department, immediately.

Ulan was called out of the blue.

However, Ibella paid more attention to the name called out alongside Ulan's.

Dilia Arpen.

The person who ranked second after Ulan.

One of the most famous among this year's incoming students.

A call for top-seat and second-seat

Could they be receiving some sort of reward?

With an insouciant thought, she turned away.

Whatever the reason for the call, it had nothing to do with her, who ranked 99th.


To be honest, she felt a little envious.

The second place seemed like a position that allowed one to stand proudly beside Ulan. That was why she momentarily felt the urge to covet that position.

But her envy was short-lived.

She snapped back to reality.


A tap on the cheek snapped her back to reality.

"Let's do this."

With renewed determination, Ibella took a step forward.

Her turquoise eyes blazed with resolve; these were the eyes of someone with a new purpose.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . . .)

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