Chapter 84: Declaration of War (1)

Chapter 84: Declaration of War (1)

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Gates of the Abyss.

The source of what lies beyond.

The dark mana created here is called Pure Abyss Mana by mages; this mana instills an instinctive fear in those who wield mana, except for the fanatics who worship the abyss.

In a nutshell, Pure Abyss Mana could be described as mana permeated with all the negative emotions humans can feel.

Despair. Dread. Fear. Anxiety. And more.

Just sensing the mana alone intensified these emotions to the extreme. Therefore, those who received the Blessed by Mana were even more affected.

Because they could see the mana.

"Ugh, ah..."

A pale face drained of color; legs trembling like a weeping willow at the mere sight of Pure Abyss mana, Noah and Dilia stiffened like petrified trees.

Ulan was no different.

He stared straight ahead with a face as firm as stone. Of course, his gaze was directed slightly differently from what the two girls saw.


In the first place, he couldn't see mana.

So what Ulan was looking at wasn't mana but something beyond it. A crack in space where Pure Abyss mana flowed, referred to as the 'Abyssal Rift.'

Ulan knew what it was.

......A rift in the Abyss.

When the Gates of the Abyss opened in his last life, all sorts of monsters poured into the world.

However, there was one strange thing.

The monsters appeared even in places quite far from the Gate of the Abyss. The Abyssal monsters also appeared in Ulan's homeland, the northern plains at the northern end of the continent.

There was only one reason for this.

What he saw before him, the so-called Abyssal Rift, had opened across the continent.

Dilia from my past life told me.

The Abyssal Rift was a kind of passageway created by the weakening of the boundaries between the world and the Abyss; its fundamental role was the same as the Gate of the Abyss.

In other words, the purpose and essence of the 'Rift' was to allow Abyssal monsters to come here without going through the Gate.

However, there was one difference.

Unlike the Gates of the Abyss, which exist forever, unless you close it yourself, the Rift will naturally close over time.

I'm sure I heard a reason for this.......

But he couldn't comprehend it because the explanation was difficult.

So he only remembered that it would inevitably close as time passed. After finishing his recollection, Ulan gazed fixedly at the Abyssal Rift again.

'But why did it open now?'

Just as he thought before, the Abyssal Rift is a phenomenon caused by the weakening of the boundary between the Abyss and the world. At the same time, it was a phenomenon that only occurred after the Gates of the Abyss had opened.

Could it be that the Gates of the Abyss opened

He suddenly thought of it but quickly dismissed it; it was an improbable speculation.

If the gate had indeed opened, the area around the Fountain of Magic would have been blown away without a trace by now.

So why did the rift open?

A question that kept repeating itself over and over again.

In the moment of frustration, as he frowned


suddenly, Ulan's expression changed; because the Abyss suddenly began to wriggle, like a liquid bubbling over. A phenomenon he had often seen in his past life.

Realizing what it was, he quickly shouted, "Everyone, get behind me!"

A shout that shook the surroundings.

Perhaps due to the rumbling voice? Noah and Dilia hastily regained their composure. Then, clinging to trembling legs, they managed to hide behind Ulan's back.

And at that moment


something poured from the Rift; a liquid as slimy as saccharine mud. It poured out like vomit, staining the surroundings in a matter of seconds, then surged upward.

Continuing, it began to take on forms; some appeared human, while others had the shape of beasts, and a few transformed into monsters and demons.

They took on many different forms.

At the moment of facing them, Dilia unconsciously clung tightly to Ulan's arm.

"Hey, Ulan," Her lips trembled delicately; her usually serene golden eyes flickered with agitation as her gaze settled on the monsters that were now almost fully formed. "...What, in the world, are those?" Her voice dripped with fear.

Black, almost ashen-hued mana comprised the creatures. Pure Abyss Mana. Monsters made of nothing but mana. She'd never seen anything like that in the books.

However, Dilia was the only one expressing doubts.

Ulan and Noah did not waver, as if they already knew what those were.


At that moment, the creatures collectively turned their attention here; eyes like Abyss Void glowed intensely. Turning their deep pupils as if they could suck everything in.

Immediately after facing them, Dilia's shoulders slumped, and Noah silently took a step back. Instinctively, their reactions were driven by fear.

Ulan, on the other hand, was different.


He lurched forward; with a gaze flashing with determination. He showed no sign of fear, even against an unknown enemy. Of course, it was natural. Because those creatures were not unknown enemies to him; rather, they were all too familiar.

They were the ones he had fought so often in his last life that he was sick to death of them.

'Monsters of the Abyss.'

The most common of them all; monsters that could change into countless forms, so they werent even given a name. Thats why they were called demonic beasts.

The moment he finished recalling his past memories, a fierce determination coursed through his body.

Murderous intent that made his blood boil. Ulan gripped his axe tighter. At the same time, the monsters kicked the ground, and the ferocious axe cleaved the air

As if to announce the beginning of the battle.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, at a similar moment

when shocking news from Zone 2 reached Arsene Academy, the entire institution was thrown into chaos; the news reached not only the Arsene Guards, but also the Deans of each department. The Dean of the Magic Department, Deflyn Chernihiv, was no exception.

"Professor Dirac has turned into a monster?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Deflyn asked, widening her eyes in surprise. In response, Rodeil, a senior mage from the special forces, nodded. Then, he placed the prepared documents on the desk.

"Here's a report summarizing what happened."

Taking it, Deflyn skimmed through the report, which was based on the testimonies of the students evacuated from Zone 2.

Today was a very important day for her.

It was the day she would perform the experiment she had been preparing for so long: opening a rift in the Abyss.

So, just an hour ago, Deflyn had activated the top-grade mana stones she had placed at the far end of Zone 3.

To be precise, the spell inscribed on the mana stone automatically activated at the scheduled time.


An unexpected problem occurred; the rift in the Abyss did not open.

Upon hurriedly checking, it was revealed that the mana stone was in Zone 2, not Zone 3. In other words, someone moved the mana stone.

Just as she was about to start looking for the culprit, such news reached her. Simultaneously receiving the submitted report, she quickly identified the culprit.

At around 9 a.m., Professor Dirac moved to Zone 3 to collect necessary data for his research. We confirmed his return about an hour later.

Since the installation of the mana stones, Professor Dirac was the only one to visit Zone 3. Therefore, it could be concluded that he was the culprit who took the mana stones.

'Then, the reason he turned into a monster is understandable.'

The top-grade mana stones she prepared as materials, they were imbued with Abyss mana.

Unless one was a Master or Archmage who could freely manipulate their mana, most people would be engulfed by Abyss mana.

When that happens.......

their bodies twist and turn as the mana surges through them, eventually transforming them into Abyss monsters. This must be the real reason for Professor Dirac's transformation.

'An unexpected variable in the experiment.'

The result was completely different from what she had anticipated.

However, she was not displeased.

Rather, her expression seemed excited. Deflyn immediately recalled the memories of Professor Dirac.

'He was definitely an advanced-level mage, wasn't he?

Even if he turned into a monster, the mana stone stolen by Professor Dirac remained unchanged. In that case, after he falls, the spell would activate as planned. The Abyssal Rift would open.

'Then, Professor Direc's body and soul...'

would be used as a sacrifice for offerings; a tempting bait to lure those beyond the Abyss. In other words, he an advanced-level mage was used as a sacrifice.

Deflyn could hardly contain her excitement.

It was as if something that had been considered impossible in reality had actually happened.

Just as her eyes were glistening, a voice shattered her thoughts, the voice of Rodeil, the man who had given her the report.

"If I may add something that wasn't in the report, there are currently students in isolation in Zone 2."

"Isolated? Who?"

"Ulan Bator and Noah Darshan. And Dilia Arpen, who was present for a replacement exam."


Her violet eyes widened; because all three were people she was personally interested in.

"We're organizing a rescue team accordingly, and a request has been made to the dean."


There was no reply.

Deflyn simply tapped her fingers on the desk, her mouth tightly closed. Rodeil sighed inwardly as he watched her ponder.

Her thoughts seemed apparent just by looking at her.

'It seems she's reluctant to move.'

Normally, Deflyn doesn't stray far from the Dean's office and research lab. Moreover, she wasn't the type to interfere in such matters.

Perhaps this time, it would be no different. Having finished his speculation, Rodeil lowered his head, "If you're not willing, you can refuse..."

"I'll go."

"......Huh?" Rodeil blinked his big eyes.

The answer was unexpected. At this, Deflyn smiled faintly, "Because as Dean of the Magic Department, I can't just stand by when students are in danger."

Of course, it was a lie. There was no reason for her to go save them in the first place.

Especially with Ulan alone, who had defeated two Masters of the Empire. Moreover, there were those two, Blessed by Mana.

'As long as the Rulers of the Abyss don't suddenly appear, there should be no danger to their lives.'

So, there was no reason to worry; the rescue team was just a simple pretext. The real reason Deflyn wanted to go to Zone 2 was to investigate the abnormal situation caused by Professor Dirac.

'I want to see!'

Professor Dirac, unwittingly offered as a sacrifice. Rather than the usual carcass of an animal, what if the offering was the existence and soul of an advanced-level mage?

She was too curious about how powerful a being might emerge.

'And one more thing.

There was another variable Noah and Dilia.

They were Blessed by Mana, and those Blessed by Mana were a rare offering coveted by the Rulers of the Abyss.

With two such as these lurking around the rift.......

Maybe they'll catch a scent, and the Rulers of the Abyss will respond. Having finished her thoughts, Deflyn's eyes sparkled with a strong desire for research.

After momentarily reveling in a delighted expression, Deflyn returned from her reverie; to turn the fantasy she had just conceived into reality.

"I want you to summon the special forces right now."

"Yes, understood!"

A prompt and thunderous response. Rodeil immediately left the Dean's office.

Left alone, Deflyn donned her crimson robe. Then, she grasped the staff hanging on the wall, emitting an ominous laughter, "Hehehe, I can't wait to see."

Her face lit with excitement, she left the Dean's office.

However, perhaps she was too excited?

She didn't notice that a figure had been waiting in a corner of the deans office the entire time for her to leave.


A swirling mist emerged from the ground; it was none other than Bai Lang, gradually taking the form of a wolf.


Bai Lang didn't hesitate, and arrived at another room connected to the dean's office. It was Deflyn's private research lab.

There, Bai Lang found what it had been eyeing for the past few days: top-grade mana stones more than twenty top-grade mana stones.

Bai Lang smiled in satisfaction.

Like a hunter who has found its coveted prey.

* * * * *

Kwajik! Pwaaaaack!

Every time the angry axe cut through the air, the creatures quickly exploded. Truly formidable power.

The all-consuming onslaught left no room for the creatures. And so it was that Ulan alone dominated the battlefield.


Noah was still confused.

Although she barely escaped the fear brought by the pure abyss mana, she discovered the Abyssal Rift as she tried to regain her composure.

What the hell, why now.......?

The Abyssal Rift has opened, hasn't it? Wasn't that a phenomenon that doesn't appear until the second half of the original? Noah's eyes flickered like a candle in a strong wind.

'The future has completely changed.'

Of course, the distortion of the future began with Professor Dirac turning into an 8-star demonic beast, but even so, there hadn't been any occurrences of the Abyssal Rift opening at this specific moment.

At least, not that Noah knew of.

However, at that moment, an ominous speculation flashed through her mind.

'...Could it be?'

Has the Gates of the Abyss opened? No, that didn't make sense. It would have to be at least 20 years before it opened.

But even then, she couldn't be sure; since the future had already changed considerably.

'If the Gates really did open.......'

Hidden pieces or whatever, it was all over.

In game terms, the situation was like entering the final battle just as the tutorial ended. In such a situation, no matter what she did, she wouldn't survive.

As soon as she realized that the situation was hopeless, her composure was naturally disturbed.

Anxiety. Fear. Panic.

A torrent of negative emotions rushed through her. At that moment, as if to intensify Noah's anxiety, a sound reached her ears.


A vibration that shook the ground.

Noah snapped out of her thoughts. Shortly afterward, she realized what the source of the vibration was.

"That, that is...!"

A massive shadow staining the battlefield.

A gigantic monster appeared, as colossal as the shadow. An unidentified monster that looked like a carnivorous dinosaur. Noah knew what it was.


From the original novel Arsene Continental War, the Abyss monsters were divided into three main categories; they are categorized according to their danger and strength: lower-grade, middle-grade, and upper-grade.

The first monsters that appeared were of the lower-grade.

On the other hand, Corcus, who appeared now, was an upper-grade abyss monster. In the original work, it was a powerful abyss monster that appears much later in the story.

To make matters worse, there were three Corcus.

"Haha, ahaha......."

Is this a dream? It must be a dream. It can't be real.

Noah shook her head vigorously. But the vibrations, getting closer and closer, only proved that the scene before her eyes was a reality.

Corcus, now approaching at close quarters Noah stared at them, dumbfounded; with a half-dazed expression on her face.

And then, at that moment, the world split in half.


A gasp escaped her lips.

At the same time, Noah's eyes widened; the realization dawned on her.

It wasn't the world that split.

Splat! Splat! Splat!

With the sound of flesh being torn, and Corcus' body split in half.


Noah's eyes widened.

The Corcus had been neatly split in two, and then it collapsed as if crumbling.

Crack! Thud!

Crimson blood poured down like rain; her hair and clothes were soaked with blood. But there was no need to pay attention to such things. A familiar voice tapped on his ears.

"It's okay."

A calm tone that broke through the despair.

A muscular body covered in monster flesh; a man running a hand through his blood-soaked hair.

The moment she locked eyes with him, Noah absentmindedly pursed her lips, "Aah, Ulan......?"

She wasn't the only one who regained her composure.

Even Dilia, who was overwhelmed by fear, held onto her senses when she heard Ulan's voice.

Facing the two girls, "Don't be afraid," Ulan said gravely; even with a number of monsters in front of him, there was no change in his expression.

Without showing the slightest sign of agitation, Ulan turned away. And he spoke in a calm voice, "I am before you."

That was it.

Strangely enough, from the moment she heard those words, an overwhelming sense of relief washed over her like a wave; a wave that washed away her fear and anxiety.

Coincidentally, Noah felt secure. Just Ulan being in front of her, that alone made her no longer afraid.


Right after she let out the breath she'd been holding

Noah and Dilia slapped their cheeks vigorously.

A moment later, with red, swollen cheeks, they both opened their mouths without knowing who would speak first.

"......Thank you, Ulan."

"Yeah. Now, it's okay."

Unlike her hot cheeks, Noah's mind quickly cooled down. When her reason returned, Noah shot a cold glance.

'I don't know what happened or how...'

She knew she couldn't rely on him to help her forever.

So she made up her mind.

First, she would help Ulan defeat the monsters of the Abyss, then she would return to the academy and begin her investigation into what happened today.

The moment she had a purpose, the trembling stopped.

And at that moment


the two remaining Corcus howled.

Immediately, the battle resumed.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . . )

Translator's Notes:-

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