Chapter 97: I’m Here To Tell You Something Good (1)

Chapter 97: I'm Here To Tell You Something Good (1)

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Early June.

Summer had arrived at the Arsene Academy.

Surrounded by towering mountains and dense forests, the summer in Arsene was peculiarly known for its intense heat, surpassing even other places.

Perhaps that was why.

Every year, as this season approached, students' clothes became remarkably light and simple. Just looking at the black-haired girl emerging from the Magic Department building now reflected that.

"Ugh, it's finally over."

The girl stretched with a tired expression on her face.

It was none other than Noah. Instead of the furry coat she usually wore, she was now in a white blouse paired with a navy blue long skirt.

A cool outfit at first glance. However, there was another outfit that looked much cooler than Noah's.

"It's hot."

The red-eyed barbarian who followed her out.

It was Ulan.

He was fanning himself with his hands as if he could feel the heat even without his shirt on, and Noah asked in disbelief.

"And you're still hot?"

"I tend to have a lot of body heat," He answered confidently. Ulan glanced toward the Magic Department building, "I'm glad things went more amicably than that."

"Phew, yeah, they did."

Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

Ulan and Noah had come to the Magic Department building for a reason. It was to find a replacement for the 'Magic Detection' class they used to attend.

If you ask why they were replacing a class they were taking with another class, it's because of an incident that happened about a month ago.

'When the Abyssal Rift opened.'

During the time when they defeated the Frost Dragon.

Professor Dirac, the professor who taught the 'Magic Detection' class had turned into a monster and met his demise. Since then, the Magic Department had been searching for a professor to take over the class, but no one stepped up.

'And as a result.'

The course was naturally canceled.

Afterward, students scattered in search of alternative courses.

The same was true for Ulan and Noah, but after many twists and turns, they found a class that they could take together, and they had just succeeded in enrolling.

"But it was a bit unexpected."

"What was?"

"The lecture earlier. For someone unfamiliar with magical knowledge, it might seem quite perplexing. Yet, Ulan surprisingly seemed to understand it well," Noah said, intrigued.

The class Ulan and Noah enrolled in was called 'Understanding Ancient Sorcery.'

Noah was a shaman, so it was natural for her to be receptive and understanding, but Ulan seemed to be following along surprisingly well.

When she asked him about it, he shook his head in silence.

"I didn't understand at all."

"Huh? But you were taking notes, weren't you?"

"To ask you later."

That’s when the bland answer came back and Noah smiled awkwardly.

The moment she heard Ulan's words, she had a gut feeling. That another path of hardship was about to begin.

"It's just that it's a little unusual."

"Like what?"

"The letters looked like pictures, didn't they?"

"Hmm, they might look like that from a distance. But it's actually easier to write if you just memorize the characters."

Unlike modern magic, which was translated into the language of each country, sorcery had its own writing system.

So it was understandable that someone like Ulan, who was an outsider, would misunderstand it as a picture.

"I also found it curious that the letters were blue."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"The letters were blue......."

"But the letters were white?"


"The blue was just the margins."

Ulan shut his mouth tightly.

After a while, he took out his notebook and opened the page where he had taken notes. Noah, who was peeking at it with him, added her words with an awkward expression, "Ah, well, I guess you could say that even taking notes in the margins is a skill if it's a skill. Ahahaha.”


An awkward silence hovered around them and Ulan quickly closed his notebook.

Then, in a slightly dejected voice, he summarized his current situation in a short sentence, "I'm screwed."

“C’mon, it's okay! Even if you fail the exam, they say they won't give you an F grade as long as you have good attendance!” Noah added consolingly. Because it was true.

It was a special privilege given to all students who had taken Professor Dirac's class.

Since the course had been changed against their will, it was decided that they would never be given an F grade as long as their attendance was confirmed.

“Of course, Ulan, you've already accumulated one penalty because you've been warned three times, so you can't be completely relieved.”

If you were warned more than three times, it was treated the same as an academic penalty. And Ulan had been warned a total of three times since he entered the academy.

The first warning was causing a disturbance at the entrance ceremony, causing multiple casualties. The second was violating the rules during the preliminary rounds and turning Himmel Deorg into a punching bag.

'And the third was for.......’

Two weeks ago from now, on a weekend.

Ulan had left the academy with Ibella, using her Outing Pass to leave the academy and not returning on time.

Of course, there was an extenuating circumstance that the carriage service was suspended due to heavy rain, but he was unable to prove it, so he was eventually given a warning.

‘It was really a mess.’

Dilia's reaction was particularly bad.

Judging from the atmosphere at the time, it seemed like she was going to have a showdown with Ibella, but fortunately, it all worked out.

It was only after it was revealed that there was nothing between the two of them. Since it was a word spoken by Ulan on his name as a warrior, it must be true.

‘But it's a bit unexpected.’

Spending the night with Ibella?

If it were the original Ulan, he would have taken the initiative long ago. The original Ulan was a character that perfectly suited the term 'heroic adventurer.'

But maybe nothing happened.

‘Well, this time it makes sense.’

The Ulan currently next to Noah was far, far away from the original.

The fact that he became a Master at the age of seventeen and that he knew about the Abyss and the Rulers of the Abyss were things that did not exist in the original.

‘I'm investigating the reason, but……’

There has been no progress so far.

She had been living in the freshman library for a month, but there was little information about the 'Abyss', and there was nothing about the 'Rulers'.

Was it because she was feeling frustrated?

Just as she was about to sigh inwardly…

…suddenly, a group of students were seen rushing towards the Military Studies Department building. The reason for this spectacle was soon revealed.

"Students from the Holy Kingdom have arrived!"

Not long ago, it was reported that a delegation of students had arrived from Eloden Academy in the Holy Kingdom, with which they had a sisterhood agreement, for an exchange event.

"What? From Eloden Academy?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Oh, and there was this incredibly pretty girl."

"Really? Who is she?"

"I don't know who she was either, but she had turquoise short hair."

As the conversation continued,

Ulan and Noah's eyes both flashed simultaneously.

A student from Eloden Academy with turquoise short hair and a beautiful face—there was only one person that immediately came to mind.

‘The Saintess, Laurea Lo Charpel.’

One of the Seven Warriors.

The moment they thought of her, without the need for further conversation, they both turned in the same direction; there was no need to exchange words. Just by looking into each other's eyes, it was evident that their interest had sparked.

And so, Ulan and Noah followed the bustling students, making their way toward the Military Studies Department.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, at a similar time…

…the student delegation from Eloden Academy was being guided through the campus according to the prearranged schedule.

"So, we've finished touring the main facilities of the General Studies Department. Next, we will..."

The staff member from Arsene who was in charge of the tour.

The delegation following her consisted of thirty members in total, with ten students from each grade, 1st to 3rd. While the admission criteria varied by grade, they all shared a common trait – being promising students who could represent Eloden.

In other words, they're elite.

Was this why?

The Eloden delegation moved with restrained steps, as if practicing the virtue of moderation in accordance with Eloden's strict rules. They didn't spare a glance around, maintaining stiff expressions.

Of course, not everyone was like that.

"Wow, so this is the famous Arsene. I've only heard about it before."

"I felt it earlier, but it's really big."

"It looks three or four times bigger than Eloden."

These were Eloden's first-year students.

Not yet accustomed to the school rules, they looked around Arsene with curiosity.

And then, at that moment.

Suddenly someone spoke up.

"...Who's making that noise?"

A stiff, low-pitched voice.

It was the gray-haired young man in the lead.

His name was Theron Schlagen.

He was the student council president of Eloden and the ostensible leader of this delegation.

"We're not here to play," Theron glared at the first-year students, then spoke with a warning. "Keep in mind why we are here and what our mission is."

The purpose of the Eloden student delegation was tied to the prophecy the Holy King received last month. The content of the prophecy was as follows —

「Since the fragment of the Abyss has crossed the rift and flowed out into the world, the day the Gates to the Abyss opens is not far away. Gather the scattered stars, and become a beacon that will illuminate the Abyss.」

It is widely believed that the fragment of the Abyss that crossed over the rift into the world outside was the Abyss monster that appeared at the Fountain of Magic about a month ago.

However, this was only a speculation.

And so, the Eloden delegation arrived at Arsene under the pretext of an exchange meeting to confirm this speculation.

In other words, the purpose of the delegation was to investigate the correct interpretation of the prophecy and information about the 'Abyss', which was repeatedly mentioned in the past oracle.

'With such a heavy task on our shoulders.'

They were acting like they were on a trip, looking around and sightseeing. Even if they are 1st year students, it is too thoughtless and immature behavior.

Theron wore a stern expression; then he pointed straight ahead.

"Everyone, look at Lady Laurea!"

The shout echoed around the room.

All eyes turned to the girl in the lead. A short-haired girl with an unassuming demeanor as she walked through the crowd.

Laurea Lo Charpel.

She was known as the next Saintess of the Holy Kingdom, and it was no exaggeration to say that she was currently the center of attention at Eloden Academy.

As such, Theron's eyes immediately glowed with respect and admiration.

"Look at the way she walks without looking around and only looking forward! Look at the noble way she walks, pursuing only her mission."

The fervor in his voice, the fervor in his words, made him seem like a fanatic, but Eloden's delegation took it in stride.

"This is the attitude that we should also learn. So don't look around and follow the example of Lady Laurea and have a pious attitude."

Theron clasped his hands together in prayer.

The sophomores and freshmen, as well as his classmates, respectfully clasped their hands together — However, there was an exception.

The one closest to Laurea, the young man with the ultramarine-blue hair walking with her.

"Senior Laurea."

The young man, who appeared to be a first-year student at Eloden Academy, glanced at Theron, who was praying with an overwhelmed expression on his face, before addressing Laurea again, "Isn’t the student council president misunderstanding you, senior? Wouldn’t it be better to tell him the truth?”

But no answer came.

The young man spoke again in a whisper, "Actually, I have a hangover from drinking too much yesterday, so if I turn my head too quickly, I feel like I’m going to throw up… In good conscience, I should…”

"......Ian," Laurea moved her lips; the words spilled out in a thick stream. After a moment, her fine brow furrowed slightly.

At first glance, it seemed like she was frowning, but even that was too beautiful. However, the words that followed were not beautiful at all, “Shut up. My head hurts.”

The words were harsh, almost unbelievable coming from the mouth of the next saintess. But there was no sign of surprise from Ian. Rather, he just shrugged his shoulders as if he was used to this attitude.

And then it happened.

"Ian Marcus."

Someone called the young man's name.

It was Theron, the man who had been praying reverently just moments before.

"Your role here is of the utmost importance. The Arsene Academy is not only home to our allies, the Ruben Empire."

The Holy Kingdom had many enemies.

And the biggest among them was the kingdom of Lacerta, with whom they were not on the best of terms. And Arsene has several nobles from Lacerta.

In other words, it means that there was a high probability of unnecessary friction or conflict.

“So, make sure you protect Lady Laurea safely. There is no one else I can trust but you in times of crisis.”

“Yes, well…….”

Ian made a nonchalant expression; he smiled as if to say not to worry.

"I’ll do my job properly since I was paid for it. Of course, if a bigger problem arises than what I was paid for, then the story will be different.”

As soon as Ian finished speaking, most of the other students frowned.

“Tsk, he’s such a materialistic person, it’s hard to believe he’s a candidate for a Paladin.”

"I see his shallow nature hasn't changed."

"No matter how good his skills are, why is such a thug the escort of Lady Laurea?”

All sorts of accusations and negative words were thrown around.

Ian, on the other hand, didn't seem to be bothered, just smiling broadly.

And as they started walking again.

A large group of people followed behind the delegation.

Arsene's students.

They gazed at the delegation from a distance, as if they were watching a curious sight. Though most of their eyes were on Laurea.

"Ignore them. They are mere bystanders."

Theron said in a flat tone.

True to his word, Eloden's delegation paid no attention to Arsene's students.

But then.

Ian's face suddenly stiffened—


—and he gripped the hilt of his sword at the same time; this happened right after he made eye contact with the 'something' in the crowd.


A serious expression that he had never shown before.

With his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword, Ian spoke in a stiff voice, "Do not ever leave my side."

"Why all of a sudden?"

"There's a monster."

"A monster?"

Laurea frowned.

It was unclear whether it was because of his sudden words or because of the hangover he mentioned earlier.

Then her hazel eyes moved.

Toward the direction of Ian's gaze.

A moment later.

"Ah, I see."

Laurea's gaze sank low.

As if she realized what Ian meant by 'monster'.

"It's definitely a monster."


“I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.”

"I've seen them often."

"What? Really? Where?" She asks, stunned.

Ian replied calmly, "At the Paladin training center. It’s not common, but there were often people with muscles like mine among the instructors there.”

Immediately after his answer.

Laurea gave him a strange look. Ian, noticing this, asked curiously, “Hmm? Why are you like that?”

"It seems that you and I have different ideas of what a monster is.”

"Huh? That means......."

“The monster I was talking about is next to that exhibitionist.”

Laurea pointed in that direction.

There stood a girl with dark-black hair.

It was Noah Darshen.

End of Chapter. . . . . . . .Thanks for Reading. . . . . . . . .

Translator's Notes:-

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