Chapter 173: Meeting the Invasion

Chapter 173: Meeting the Invasion

Rainer headed deeper and deeper down the tunnel. When he saw a shining yellow light at the end he thought he had reached the promised reward. But what greeted him was hardly a ‘reward’.

Standing around a tall and nearly finished hourglasses were a variety of races and individuals, each likely having came from the numerous tunnels leading to this single location. Normally this would make Rainer only more excited about the possible reward. It was a shame, however, that both the Golden Aura user and the three-eyed Mage of his party were here as well.

He tensed, on guard, before realizing the increases in his power likely meant they were no longer a match for him. The Arcane Tattoo on his left hand especially assured that. Even the [Void Hold] stored in his right might be enough to cancel out the Will of the Golden Aura user. Then there was his own power on top of that.

It was to his surprise that after exchanging a few words, the lone pair of Humans walked over to him. Any vehemence that was once on their face had vanished. What was going on?

“Fellow Human,” the Golden Aura user started awkwardly, “I apologize for assuming the worst of you simply because you wield the Arcane forces.”

Rainer’s raised eyebrow quickly dropped. Looking at the scattering of others down here that formed into groups, he suddenly realized why these two might try to join with him. Of course he wouldn’t simply accept it at face value.

“That’s a quick turn around.”

“We conferred about your existence to our elders, they confirmed that there are a rare few Magi who can use Arcane, and are unrelated to the Arcanists that we know of.”

Rainer was deeply curious and wanted to ask more questions, but left that for later. Given that they had mistaken him it was likely all they had were myths or rumors and no real knowledge. Such things would only be confusing and expose his own lack of knowledge.

“And now you want to join hands as the others have for whatever comes next,” Rainer asked, not opposed to the idea. But not for the same reason as them. He didn’t truly care whether he won this challenge or not.

“It is an obvious choice,” the three-eyed woman said before the Golden Aura user continued.

“And It isn’t as if we truly fought to the death,” he added, but failed to disguise his own anger over that loss.

The reminder of how… forgiving this Dungeon was caused Rainer to think over its purpose. It seemed it was truly there to reward the strongest, rather than punish those weaker. In fact, now that he thought about it, only a few rare Dungeons weren’t wholly beneficial for society.

Cities were made and sustained by the resources of some, and well explored and noted Dungeons were used as mostly safe training grounds. The system had even apparently forgiven him for trying to break the rules of the Dungeon and kill someone permanently. To assume malice on its part was likely the wrong direction of thought.

For all the talk of it being a “Competition” Dungeon, there was very little truly risky competition. Perhaps other Rank 6 Dungeons were far different. He wouldn’t doubt they’d be dangerous places. Was it just great fortune for a Competition Dungeon to appear?

“Sure. I can even forgo the final reward,” Rainer eventually answered after some thought.

The Golden Aura user just looked surprised, but the other was obviously bothered by the offer. It was too good to be true, after all.

“And what do you ask in return?”

“The method of changing a body with Golden Aura,” Rainer said, doing his best to hide his deep desire for it. He doubted it’d be long before Kara would want another 2nd Tier class. And he couldn’t fault her for it given what they might face in the future. Having an advantage such as a transformed and nearly immortal body like that of her father’s was hard to pass up. If it could somehow be improved even further with her Demonic Aura or her prodigious talent for Aura, that would assure her safety beyond anything.

“That is not a fai-” The Golden Aura user started before being hushed by his companion. Of course, the damage was already done. The three-eyed woman could only give a long suffering sigh. Reluctantly, while playing with her blonde hair, she eventually began speaking.

“It is not any big secret amongst our people. Given the rarity of the Aura type, any born with it freely receive such knowledge, and the knowledge is spread in hopes of helping in general Aura training.”

That answer made him wish they had never been enemies at all. That was exactly the type of world he was hoping to find as he collected them with his [Cosmic Map].

“If you add on your own personal experiences and give it beforehand, and an Aura technique or two once the challenge is over, we can call it a fair deal,” Rainer said. It wasn’t that he was easily trusting them, it was that trusting them and losing a life, a life he wouldn’t have when the Dungeon closed, was well worth it for even a chance at the technique. A chance at visiting a world that prompted open exchange of skills, and perhaps even spells and their theories, was not to be taken lightly either.

“You have a deal.”

“Good,” Rainer said, suddenly giving a predatory glance towards the rest of the people in here. His use of [Void Presence] was easy enough to hide, but the effect was there just the same. He didn’t fear anyone in here, after a quick glance with [Arcane Revelation], so it was best they feared him.

“I still haven’t apologized for taking the final prize. Consider this a part of it,” he added on. He didn’t think it mattered if the others that heard him truly believed it. Just the thought combined with the hidden [Void Presence] was enough.

With Kaltek and Ol-dea by his side, Rainer stood by as the sand in the hourglass fell. Eventually, he just sat down. Everyone standing around trying their best to look menacing was just annoying. Even if he was the biggest offender in that regard.

“You, stop what are you doing this instant!” someone yelled out.

Rainer raised an eyebrow at the strange race. He looked Human enough but his distorted form reminiscent of how Rainer looked under [Void Suppression], set him apart. Though his race was simply [Giant]. Did they have skinny ones among them?

“You are clearly doing something. No one could look so menacing just sitting down and relaxing!” he said, clearly trying to incite others to act with him, “We have had enough of your mind magic.”

“I’d imagine a relaxing Dragon is scary enough,” Rainer responded. Though he barely kept from laughing. A relaxing Tiamat was anything but scary.

That, and a lack of support, stopped the man short, and he seemed to have nothing else to say. No one else seemed to be willing to fight before the challenge, not to mention the people beside this weird Human weren’t easy to deal with either. They were part of the reason groups were formed in the first place.

“You are using a skill of Will, what is it exactly?” Kaltek sat beside Rainer, now relaxing as well.

“I am leveraging my energy to pressure my surroundings. It is a version of [Mana Presence],” Rainer said, offering the knowledge freely. It wasn’t a big deal and getting a more truthful answer when they told him the method with Golden Aura was an easy motivation. Given the causal way it was asked, it likely was a normal thing to exchange skill information amongst their people.

Kaltek merely nodded but the look Rainer got from the rest of the room, Ol-dea included, was pure shock. That he so openly admitted to subverting their minds meant he didn’t fear them in the slightest. Remembering the challenges they faced and the fact he came alone… that could only mean one of two things: his entire group was sacrificed to allow him down here. Or… he never had a group at all.

Rainer yawned, wondering if anyone else would be coming from the tunnel. He almost hoped one of these people would challenge him, if only so he could capture them and have them hand over their resources. It looked like no one was rising to the bait though and he wasn’t willing to become an outright bandit.

He considered descending the Void itself, but he knew that would be pushing things. He wasn’t here to kill indiscriminately. Given the vast variety of places he had collected with his [Cosmic Map] generating a poor reputation wouldn’t be a good idea. Nor did he himself desire to do such things.

No one else bothered him as Rainer took time to explain the presence to Kaltek, while the man himself already started speaking about how to change ones body with Golden Aura, along with some of the general principles surrounding the unique energy.

He carefully listened, though didn’t bother to truly remember anything. The memories would be consolidated in [Sleep Learning] later, no matter how closely he paid attention.

An hour later, the hourglass had nearly emptied and the air in the room was filled with anticipation. And his still remaining [Void Presence]. Several had even looked like they would either retreat or even fight it out with him. But none said a word.

“Was it your party that won the 2nd Stage?” Kaltek suddenly asked. He remembered the Flame-Touched Goblin in their group.

“It was,” Rainer said, not offering up how they managed it.

“Consider it your own folly for making us stay,” Ol-dea complained, obviously not pleased about losing the reward for that stage. The blonde woman seemed to expect his response and said no more. Kaltek didn’t even seem to register her complaint.

Space became disrupted and the hourglass vanished and seemed to split into five different portals.

Rainer glanced around, noting that no one seemed to be willing to take the first step. Seeing no discernible way to tell the portals apart he stepped forward, the two following beside him. A look with [Arcane Revelation] revealed nothing as to how they functioned, unfortunately. They just appeared as a pure glob of Mana. Were it not for the appearance and the spatial fluctuations, they would be no different then just someone playing with Mana in their hand.

The system was truly a powerful thing. No wonder there were Ancient Aspects protecting system-less worlds from intruders. Rainer wondered if there was a reward if he could bring the system to other places? But even with all the people he brought to the Mana-filled world, there was no title or change. So he hadn’t the slightest clue how to spread it. If the Divinity of Wealth proved trustworthy enough, perhaps he might have an answer? Rainer’s focus snapped back to the challenge in front of him.

It was to no real surprise when they appeared in another tunnel and that after a few seconds there was no one following them. Any sense of safety that brought them was completely ruined by the buzzing noise the echoed down the tunnel. Up until this point, Rainer hadn’t seen the type of monsters that would truly bother him in any large number.

It seemed that was about to end.

With the two beside him preparing for a long fight, Rainer looked at the horde of buzzing insects with disinterest. Had they been any stronger it might have been an issue. But no matter the number, so long as they were weaker than a certain point, they were nothing before the Arcanium.

Violet light descended, and like a cascading wave those in front crashed into the ground. Rainer walked forward, but he noted even with his full effort, it wasn’t enough to kill them. Though he quickly realized that his massive increase in Soul in the past month had affected [Arcanium Descent]. It was clearly stronger to so easily deal with what seemed like 2nd Tier Monsters, although they were at the bottom of that tier.

He glanced at the tattoo on his left hand, staring at with [Arcane Revelation]. Was it possible? Without activating it, he tried to leverage the energy stored inside, using the innate connection the enchanted item had with whoever was holding it. Without wasting any of it, the air changed as a second Arcanium descended.

Rainer’s mind hurt, and he quickly he realized that without the change involved with reaching [Avatar Control] level 8, this might have been impossible.

With more focus, he managed to make the descended presences not collide but add together. Even if it wasn’t perfect, it was enough to pressure the stronger monsters coming from further down.

Not caring to kill these flying insects, or bothering to step on them, he floated forward, leaving a stunned pair behind him to eventually follow. He did his best not to look down. They were truly gross looking things.

Rainer reconsidered his final Dungeon reward. He had truly underestimated it. Who knew what other secrets it held, just like the [Cosmic Map]. But his confidence at one day reproducing this enchanted item had plummeted in return. Not to mention the material, but finding out the stored energy was similar to an actual pool of a living being...

He shook off the gloomy feeling, focusing on his way forward. As if he would accept that it was truly destined to be a one of a kind item.

With the combined strength of Kaltek and Ol-dea, even if they couldn’t kill any monsters they faced later instantly, they could hold them down or distract them enough for Rainer to do it.

At the very end of the tunnel, after fighting and killing a monster bordering on the 3rd Tier, they reached the final prize. Four other tunnels led to this place, but it looked like they were first.

During their trip, Kaltek had already verbally explained the entire process of transforming one’s body with Golden Aura, as well as how to heal with it and morph it into steps to navigate in the air.

The two looked at Rainer cautiously, a sense of violence filling the air, but he only gave a good natured smile and waved them forward. When they opened the chest in the center, a few messages passed by Rainer’s face but he ignored them. He was at level 25, and was long since used to gaining extra experience from other challenges he completed in here.

He stared at the several enchanted items they pulled out of the chest. They were interesting, but nothing compared to the Dungeon rewards. Nonetheless, he stored away the Enchantments he saw in his memory to be recreated later in [Sleep Learning].

“I suppose you wouldn’t be open to me visiting your world?” Rainer suddenly asked.

The two exchanged glances before Ol-dea stepped forward. Winning this challenge had pushed both of them to level 25 with their second classes. They had no doubt that the insect horde alone, while Kaltek could survive it with little issue, would have slowed them down severely.

“What do you need to do so?” She may be a different case, but Kaltek was long since ready to take his 3rd Trial. It was the perfect ending to this Dungeon, even if they failed in what they thought was to be an assured victory.

Her easy acquiesce made Rainer think their world wasn’t exactly the nicest place. Or the organization they came from was truly powerful. Or that their world simply wasn’t worth paying the cost of transporting 3rd tiers to.

“Just touch this, and don’t resist,” Rainer said, taking out the orb.

Perhaps assured he could have done this by force, she agreed. Other than a slight tug on her Soul, which she recognized as copying some memories, there was nothing else. She was a bit annoyed by it, given she hadn’t really been given an actual warning for something so invasive, but considered it a cultural difference.

“Well then, see you soon,” Rainer said before vanishing, the protection on this place gone. And more importantly, the Dungeon was winding down. He’d leave an Avatar in here out of curiosity, but he had no desire to find out personally what happened when the timer ran out.

He helped his party and a few others finish up with whatever they were doing, and said goodbye to the Dungeon.

The Dungeon closing had no greater effect, but Rainer and his party had already returned to the Enchanter’s Guild in Neutral City before that information was known. Both Art and Frederick stood over the slaver he captured from the City of Wealth.

“Should we try talking to her first, these types tend to bend rather than break,” Frederick said.

However, Art, not willing to lose a test subject of such an interesting race, countered with his own thoughts. That they happened to have merit and truth to them was pure coincidence.

“And have our mental intrusions affected by defensive thoughts when she ignores our questions out of spite? Too much of a risk. We best attack the information we need without any prior warning of what we are seeking. How can we let such sympathy affect us when we need information to defend against a God itself?”

Without room for argument, Art woke up the multi-armed woman.

“W-what?” she stuttered before the ancient Magus suddenly invaded her mind and tore apart her Soul. Frederick sighed before joining his family member—technically at least—in the effort. He wasn’t one to think of mercy, but such uses of mind magic that left the subject utterly ruined always left a bad taste in his mouth. Causing death was one thing, giving a fate worse than it was another.

Rainer stood in the back, a low chant of the [Devil’s Soul Language] leaving his mouth as he assisted their efforts as requested. Even if he had taken care of her quite easily, she was still a top Tier 2 Aura user and with a Soul to match. But the pressure he provided along with his grandfather’s efforts made the task far easier. Rainer even had to hold back quite a bit given his increase in Soul.

It was a few hours later than the trio finished, and the elders were ready to share the information they gained from her. Said information source was no more than braindead at this point.

Rainer’s face was slightly pale upon seeing this scene. Not out of guilt—she was a slaver after all—but out of a realization his only defense against such a thing was his powerful Soul and a level 1 [Void Insulation]. But that certainly wouldn’t be enough to deter a true expert of the mind in the 3rd Tier. He had always thought that even if he couldn’t win in a direct fight, killing them with [Blade of the Void] or escaping with his myriad of fleeing abilities would be enough.

“Hey Grandpa.”

“What,” both spun around and spoke the same word.

The earlier worry vanished and he found himself chuckling.

“When you two are done being cute, can one of you teach me to resist mental attacks?” Rainer asked.

Frederick looked annoyed but Art wasn’t even phased.

“It won’t be pleasant.”

“I didn’t expect it to be,” Rainer said. When had learning things in [Sleep Learning] ever been pleasant?

“Good. Frederick can start you off. I doubt you’ll ever meet my type of assault in combat. It’s better to let the rampaging bull go first. He is far more suited.”

“A rampaging bull you could never best.”

“You know, Rainer,” Art started, “had you ever considered the Divinity’s of Wealth talent was not in information gathering.”

Rainer suddenly froze. If he hadn’t noticed a mental intrusion… something a Divinity of enough power might be capable of hiding from him then…

“It was only a thought of mine. Given it was your Avatar, it would be unlikely as you could just disconnect if you noticed something, perhaps in an explosive manner. I doubt it would be worth it to chance such a thing. But it is good you are being proactive.”

“So what’d you learn?” Rainer asked, changing the subject.

“It seems this Divinity of Wealth has no limits to what he seeks. So long as it can increase the value of his currency he is willing to sell anything. Whether it is it flesh or transportation for some to invade other worlds, he is happy to provide his services, for a price,” Art said, with no judgement of his own.

“Another reason to accept his request of partnership,” Frederick added. Even without the knowledge this Divinity knew of Rainer, just simply having knowledge of this planet could mean that it would be worth it to be on his good side. Unlike most in the group, he didn’t consider it a good deal, but rather a chance for survival. All debts had to be paid eventually and only the dead were capable of keeping secrets.

Frederick Nvos would never be satisfied so long as this Divinity of Wealth existed within the world. Whether that was spiritual or physical.

Rainer nodded as he listened to more basic information. He switched focus over to his Avatar in the Mana-filled world.

Elelaria led the way in the Mana-filled world as Rainer took in the changes. They still occupied a pretty small part of the port city they had taken over, but it was certainly far more lively. Whether it was younger mages the group here had slowly been gathering or the families of the Enchanter’s Guild members Rainer had brought here, it was looking more and more like an actual populated city. After all, there was plenty of demand for ‘normal’ people when enough people were gathered.

Without the Mana-Well, Rainer had asked the Guild to focus on understanding the technology of this world, and more importantly, getting it to run on Mana Crystals. While undoubtedly some thought that would be a huge waste, no matter how vast the resources of this mysterious [Archon], they complied and were interested themselves in the study.

Already, one of the grandmasters had managed to make a small object float, based off the floating city, with a Mana Crystal as a source. The only issue was that it consumed a considerable amount. An issue for someone who actually relied on Mana Crystals, Rainer thought.

He looked at the wobbly little wooden plate, a Mana Crystal on top of it providing power to an floating device attached to the bottom. Just this effort quickly depleted mana at an astounding rate.

“I will work hard to improve it, Lord [Archon],” the old man bowed, wondering why this man seemed so happy about this test.

“I would expect nothing less. When we can return, you’ll be rewarded even if you never go beyond this,” Rainer said before walking away. His dream of a flying city was already here. No matter how inefficient, what did it matter with the Mana-Well? Of course, he had no reason to test the limits of the Mana-Well and wasn’t in a rush to have a floating Mana sink.

“How are your assistants?” Rainer asked, noting the non-mages in the back of the room.

“After we filtered out those who truly hated mages amongst the captors, it wasn’t hard to find experts willing to help. Free room and board, a generous salary, protection, and a new challenge is more than enough to entice them,” Elelaria said, ignoring the fact that the biggest reason was that they were captured in the first place, “With how their technology has progressed, they have an abundance of those capable of it, especially with less work to go around since their wars against mages had ended, pardon, had ended prior to the creation of this little city.

“The language barrier causes some issues, but your family’s magic for learning language isn’t hard to master so long as they have some experience with mind magic.”

“Keep up the good work,” Rainer said, before following Elelaria elsewhere. She would handle any rewards given.

“I’ve been meaning to get your opinion on something,” Rainer said before detailing what had happened with the [Nature’s Walkers] and their eventual deal. Her complete lack of surprise was a bit disappointing for Rainer.

“You wish to bring them here?”

“They wanted a safe place. Bringing them to Alvra right before a war just seemed disingenuous.”

“That is true. If you ever want their help in that for the future, you certainly cannot put them right into a warzone. Do you think you can trust them?”

“I think no one but me can offer them what they truly want for a price they are willing to pay. And with my abilities, they should know that betraying me cannot end well.”

“Then that is enough for now,” Elelaria answered. She wouldn’t mind a greater population here to deal with their issues. A gathering of powerful mages made it hard to find those for tasks beyond magic and warfare.

“Do you think bringing one of my new 3rd Tier friends to the meeting with… Tor…” Rainer shortened, unsure what to call him to others as there was already an Art in his life, and getting tired of constantly saying the Divinity of Wealth or his full difficult to pronounce name, “is a good idea?”

Elelaria took quite a bit to think it over, as they continued walking in the city streets. There were many things to consider. She had already had time enough to get over her surprise. Having a legendary 3rd Tier on their side just didn’t seem that impressive when considering who they had already, Rainer included.

“Given what he knows of you thus far, that would be quite the surprise to him I’d imagine. At the same time, what if your ability to transport 3rd Tiers touches his bottom line? Perhaps he makes quite a profit being the sole outside source of world travelling in that regard. For all we know, his portal services extends beyond just the City itself.

“Of course, it may be the perfect bargaining tool in that regard. That you keep your ability to transport 3rd Tiers to yourself and don’t use it to make money. It might only strengthen his desire to not be on opposing sides with you.

“I’d say the gains are greater than the risks,” she eventually said, “Though, it’s best whoever you bring does not talk or even participate. The language barrier would be obvious enough to question his origins, and while the effect of transporting him would still be strong, this Divinity of Wealth might just assume the truth: he is not ours but a bribed 3rd Tier. It would be well within your capabilities to bribe a 3rd Tier after all.”

“I’ll ask them then.”

Switching to his Avatar, it only took a few questioned people to find the man he was looking for. He figured if he was going to ask for the favor, he’d ask the best among them.

“You wish me to accompany you to a meeting with the Divinity of Wealth?” Locklar asked, talking a bit slowly. Other than the highest of Emperors and leaders of Guilds and Organizations, it wasn’t a normal thing to meet the Divinity. Though he could understand that someone with such unreasonable powers managed it.

“Yep. You would be pretending to be a bodyguard, but you are welcome to refuse. It won’t affect my offer of transportation.”

To Rainer’s surprise the otherwise stern man gave a child-like grin.

“Screwing with a God sounds interesting,” Locklar said. His knowledge of Rainer’s lack of 3rd Tiers on his side had been bolstered, and it made the request all the more entertaining.

“That it does. I’ll find you when it’s time.”

That night, alone in [Sleep Learning], Rainer paused as he was about to split himself up into Avatars. Taking a moment to test it out, he confirmed, even with the increase in Soul size and technically then strength, [Soul Presence] at level 9 still ‘only’ increased his spell’s strength by just under 50%.

Of course, this was outside any other bonuses, making it a true 50%. On top of that, just because he had his Avatars, didn’t mean by casting the the spell four times that it would be four times stronger. A explosion of anything could counter another. If he wasn’t careful he might even cancel out the strength of his own attacks when it came to raw Arcane bombardment.

And even 100 [Blade of the Void]s cast and swung at once couldn’t equal the change that increasing the skill’s ability by 50% caused. The way it cut through barriers and ruptured space when improved wasn’t something that could be made up with sheer numbers.

His Soul shook as parts were compressed and elevated in a qualitative way by [Soul Consolidation]. The changed part of his Soul resisted but he overcame it. He struck out with a fully charged [Arcane Bolt], assisted by [Soul Presence].

He watched the resulting explosion as it slammed into a wall created for that purpose.

“65%?” he mumbled to himself, “Or perhaps even 70%.”

It was a massive increase. Just how far was he from adding yet another doubling to the effects of [Arcane Awakening]? The power of the 3rd Tier was not far at all. Finished with his quick test, it was time to call others in. He had news that would make Kara very happy after all.

After taking a few minutes to memorize a few things permanently in auto-pilot, Rainer pulled everyone into [Sleep Learning] as usual. He took Kara aside before they went to Art.

“I’ve gotten the information on how to change your body with Go-” Rainer’s words were interrupted by Kara’s lips.

“I know I made an exception, but we really should avoid doing that in here.”

“Even though it bothers you when I rush to the next Trial, thank you. I promise I’ll take my time.”

“Well, let's head to Art for our nightly torture,” Rainer said, inwardly knowing his would be much worse when he set his main body to have his mind attacked by his grandfather.

“It might even make for a good catalyst to change my body with my Aura,” Kara added, her mind filled with the changes that might happen to her Werewolf form.

“So long as you test it in here.”

The night passed, but soon, Rainer’s sleep was interrupted.

Ling Yun hovered over a small village in the north. More and more of his people were spreading out through the so-called Demonlands, capturing all they could. This place had been found as they explored the borders of the cursed lands. They no longer bothered with stealth, given that the coming of their 3rd Tiers was nigh. His message of the Soul-Stealing Demon had caused his people to be more than ready to quickly pay the great cost of transporting them.

He growled as he rubbed the three scar marks across the burnt left side of his face. At the last moment, the Soul-Stealer had burst forth with a nearly 3rd Tier level power. It clearly cost him dearly as his Soul looked to be permanently damaged and the actual Soul used seemed to be consumed. But the effort had let him escape. It was why the higher-ups were now in a rush to get here.

No matter what he applied on the wound, it was incredibly slow in healing. Looking at all these wolf-type demons he figured it was an easy task.

He frowned as two of these changed Wolves managed to head off and kill part of his forces as the others huddled. That frown turned into a look of pure fear as he dodged a powerful sword of violet magic that seemingly came from nowhere.

He tumbled to the ground, getting his bearings straight as he stared at his assailant. The others appearing rapidly in the background were left for later. It was only moments after that he felt the absence of sensation from his right hand. His Aura surged as his anger grew. Even while retreating he put up the perfect defense for close-ranged magic and yet…

What sort of place was this planet?

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