Chapter 30

This 𝗰hapter is updated by https://𝓯𝙧𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝙗𝓷𝓸𝙫𝓮𝙡.𝒄𝓸𝒎

Chapter 30


"I have descended."

Although Jun-Hyuk was absent yesterday under the pretext of being sick, he came to school today in a completely fine state.

Actually, he wasn’t in a completely fine state.

His face was covered with bandages and gauze. In the spots that were not completely covered by bandages, wounds, and bruises could be seen.

"Are you going around getting hit?”

"What nonsense are you spouting all of a sudden? Oh, is it because of this?”

Jun-Hyuk stroked the wound on his cheek as if it wasn’t a big deal. It looked like the wounds didn’t hurt.

“I got hit a bit while sparring. I go to the training center quite often, you see.”

“Training center?”

"Because I want to join the Department of Crusaders.”

Students aspiring to join the Department of Crusaders had to go to the training center and learn martial arts. Their routine consisted of boxing, judo, jiu-jitsu, mixed martial arts, and others. It was because one of the entry requirements for joining the Department of Crusaders was to have mastery in at least one martial art.

“Should I just give up and become a priest?”

“Do you think anyone can just become a priest?”

"True, but I don’t really want to become a paladin either,” Jun-Hyuk said bitterly. He was checking his face with a mirror hanging in the corner of the classroom. There was not a single spot on his face that was completely fine. His entire face was a mess. free(w)ebnov(e)l

Jun-Hyuk lowered his head and sighed. “Ah, now that I reflect back on it... My handsome face is ruined.”

"Handsome? Who? You?”


While Jun-Hyuk was talking nonsense, In-Ah stormed in through the classroom door.

"Oh, you're here."

Jun-Hyuk greeted her indifferently as if he were not interested at all. In-Ah stared at Jun-Hyuk's face for a long time, then opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"What the... Jun-Hyuk. What happened to your face?”

"I got hit while sparring. My handsome face is completely ruin—"

"Wow. It looks much better now that you’re covering it. Can’t you just always cover it?” In-Ah said with a playful smile. Jun-Hyuk's face hardened grimly in response.

"...I can’t believe you just said that.”

Jun-Hyuk let out a dry laugh and glared at In-Ah. She snorted in a scornful way and ignored his gaze.

Afterward, the two bickered with each other. I treated their voices like background music and studied. Obviously, I was unable to focus properly because my head was filled with all sorts of thoughts.

Sung-Hyun was expelled, and Byung-Hoon dropped out. Sung-Hyun’s gang was disciplined for their involvement in school violence. All this happened in just three days.

Nevertheless, the school carried on just as usual.

In-Ah and Jun-Hyuk were still bickering. The students were studying or chatting with friends, and Ye-Jin continued to warn the students about the kidnappings at the start of each homeroom class. The teachers proceeded with classes as usual.

Sung-Hyun and Byung-Hoon.

I repeated their names again. They felt strange and distant as if they were people that never existed in the first place.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Soon lunchtime arrived, and Jun-Hyuk called me. Only then was I able to escape the swamp of miscellaneous thoughts. For some reason, my head was blank. I didn't even have the energy to respond.

Jun-Hyuk stared at me and said, “You’ve been spacing out since the morning. Ah, right, the sacred dynamics teacher asked you to come to the teacher's office.”

"Oh, really?"

"No, it's a lie."

Jun-Hyuk lied without even lifting an eyebrow.

"You’re seriously insane."

“Nah, let’s just hurry up and get out of here. I’m hungry.”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

I was unable to resist Jun-Hyuk's urgings and ended up rising from my seat. For some reason, In-Ah was not next to Jun-Hyuk for once. She was sleeping deeply on her desk. There was no sign of her waking up any time soon.

"Is something going on today? You both seem to be out of your minds."

I went to In-Ah with Jun-Hyuk. Even though we were standing right in front of her, she showed no signs of waking up. She continued to breathe heavily as her shoulders rose and fell.

"Are you going to wake her up?"

“Of course, I’m going to wake her up. Are you suggesting that we should leave her here?”

“She looks tired, though.”

Tap, tap. I lightly tapped her shoulder. However, In-Ah showed no signs of waking up. It looked like she was really tired because she was sleeping like a log. It seemed like a good idea to just let her sleep instead of waking her up. Jun-Hyuk was also on the same page as me since he didn’t bother to wake her up, either. Instead, he was stacking random things on top of her head and forming a tower. The primary construction materials were erasers, paper cups, and crushed cans.


Soon, I let out a sigh of admiration as an elaborate tower was completed on top of In-Ah’s head. The tower, which was roughly stacked with stationery and trash, was more artistic and symbolic than I expected. It looked like some form of installation art. As long as he gave it a proper name, it was good enough to display in an art museum right away.

"Pretty good." As I gave my review, Jun-Hyuk laughed with satisfaction.

“I’m afraid I wasn’t just born with a handsome face, but also artistic talent. Just look at this beautiful and brilliant tower—"


The sound of the tower collapsing interrupted Jun-Hyuk. In-Ah woke up and raised her head while blinking her eyes.

"Urgh... What's this.”

In-Ah looked around, wiping the saliva that had collected around her mouth. Jun-Hyuk looked at the collapsed tower with a stunned expression and slid down onto the floor like a wet noodle.

"My masterpieceee–!"

"What the? What's wrong with him? Is it lunchtime already?” In-Ah asked while tidying up her hair. Her eyes were still half closed and listless.

"Yeah, it’s lunchtime."

"Ah, agh. How long have I been asleep for....” In-Ah groaned and rose up from her seat.

"You've been sleeping all morning. You must have been tired."

"I don't know. I just felt so sleepy. Yawn."

In-Ah yawned for a long time and stretched her body. Once In-Ah was finally able to come back to her senses, she looked strangely at Jun-Hyuk sitting on the floor.

"What's that thing?"

She expressed her sentence in a dry and stiff manner, as if he were an object instead of a person.

“Who knows? I don’t know either."

"Hey get up, we need to eat–"

As In-Ah was about to help Jun-Hyuk up, she suddenly stopped talking. She looked at the trash scattered around her seat. Those were the so-called ‘things that previously formed towers.’

Soon, In-Ah scowled.



At In-Ah’s cold voice, Jun-Hyuk simply lowered his head without answering.

"Clean it up."

In-Ah glared sharply at Jun-Hyuk. He picked up the garbage one by one.

* * *

I left the school cafeteria after finishing my meal, and I walked along the trail path with In-Ah and Jun-Hyuk. We always went on a walk after eating. There was no reason for doing this, we just happened to do so.

While we were chatting about meaningless things, Jun-Hyuk suddenly asked, "Since Sung-Hyun was expelled from school, what happens to the Holy Name of Charity?”

"The seat remains vacant since he’s been expelled," In-Ah replied stiffly. She didn't seem to like talking about Sung-Hyun very much.

I listened quietly because I didn't know anything.

"Then is it going to remain vacant for three years?” Jun-Hyuk tilted his head.

The seven freshman representatives were elected before admission. In other words, the student council members hardly changed unless there was a significant event. That was because Florence Academy specifically selected only qualified students.

However, that didn’t mean that there weren’t any exceptions. For instance, there were situations where a student council member resigned or was stripped of their title, like Sung-Hyun.

“I think they will elect someone else. I think I heard that they were going to do a re-election test.”

It was just as In-Ah said. At times like this, a student worthy of the Holy Name of Charity would be elected through a test.


Jun-Hyuk opened his mouth widely, forming a circle as he let out a cry of amazement.

In-Ah looked at Jun-Hyuk, and she also opened her mouth widely in surprise at his appearance.

“Wow. That expression is really ugly.”

“Yeah, so what? You look even uglier,” Jun-Hyuk fired back childishly.

Thus, a long and childish conversation on the subject of ‘who was uglier’ began. They sure were having fun.

“...Let’s stop. I’m tired.”

“Okay. Truce.”

In-Ah offered a truce, and Jun-Hyuk accepted it. The two stared at each other in silence for a long time and soon began to jabber back and forth as usual. The two often fought with each other, but they were just as quick to reconcile.

“Anyway, assuming that there is going to be a test to elect the next Holy Name of Charity, are you going to take the test?”

Starting with Jun-Hyuk's question, the subject of the conversation once again moved back to the topic of the re-election test for the Holy Name of Charity.

“Hmm... I don’t think I’m going to take the test,” In-Ah tilted her head and said. Jun-Hyuk looked at In-Ah as if he was surprised.


“I’m already overwhelmed by studying. If I add student council activities on top of that, then I don’t think even two hours of sleep per day will be enough to deal with everything.”

“Oh, but since we have an opportunity, I think it’s worth trying. I’m going to take the test no matter what.” Jun-Hyuk turned his head and looked at me. “What about you?”

“Well, let me think about it.”

I put off answering and contemplated my options. If I get selected as the Holy Name of Charity, I could become a prelate as long as I didn’t lose the Holy Name midway like Sung-Hyun did. Then it was obviously a good idea to take the re-election test. If I could become a prelate, then the chances of meeting my mother again would increase.

However, In-Ah had a point. If I received the Holy Name of Charity, then the number of things that I would have to do would increase.

Not only would I have to deal with studying and student council activities, but the bearer of the Holy Name of Charity also had to donate to the school. On top of all that, I would have to continue my religious activities as the cult leader of the Voodoo Cult.

Even if I somehow had 48 hours in a day, it probably wouldn’t be enough time. Not to mention, my insomnia would only get worse as well. Before becoming a prelate, it was possible that I could die from overwork.

While I was in the midst of a dilemma, Legba made a suggestion.

[What is there to think about? Of course, you should apply.]

[Don’t you like being busy? You masochist.]

“...” I nodded quietly without answering. Legba knew me better than I did.

When I imagined receiving the Holy Name of Charity and working harder than anyone else, I could feel my heart pounding. To be honest, I liked being busy. I knew it sounded masochistic, but it couldn’t be helped. Whenever I stood still, my body felt itchy.

“So, are you doing it or not?” Jun-Hyuk asked.

“I’m going to do it,” I replied confidently. Legba's advice made up my mind.

“Really? Then it looks like we’ll be rivals. Let’s do well. I’ll use you as a stepping stone.”

Jun-Hyuk pulled out his hand for a handshake. I stared blankly at his hand.

“What makes you think we’ll be rivals?”

“Didn’t I tell you that I’m also going to apply for the test? If we both take the test, then we’ll become rivals.”

“I don’t think you qualify to be a rival, though.”

“Oh? You punk, are you already trying to keep me in check?”

“I only keep tabs on rivals. Didn’t I tell you that you don’t qualify to be a rival?” I said with a playful smile. Jun-Hyuk huffed out a dry laugh. He seemed to be angry even though he knew it was a joke.

“Alright. As expected of my rival, you already—”

“Why do you keep trying to label me as your rival?”

“—Argh! Just wait until the test. I’m going to seriously screw you over, ” Jun-Hyuk screamed while huffing and puffing. In-Ah burst into laughter while listening to the conversation.

"Ahaha—! That's right. Jun-Hyuk, you're not a rival. You’re just a stepping stone and one that’s located at the very bottom at that."

"Wow, you guys have been verbally attacking me in pairs since earlier. I’m so depressed, I’m going to cry," Jun-Hyuk grumbled as if he was dumbfounded. "Sigh. Since I’m kind, I’ll put up with it.”

“Put up with what exactly? What’s going to happen if you can’t put up with it?”

"Hey. If I hadn't put up with it, you guys would have been..." Jun-Hyuk was trying to bluff with his chest puffed out when he suddenly shut his mouth. His face turned pale. His eyes trembled and shook precariously as if he was anxious.

I shifted my gaze in the direction that Jun-Hyuk was looking. Far off in the distance, someone was charging toward us at a tremendous speed. Their running form was light and elegant, like a cat.

No, based on their speed, it was more like a cheetah.

She narrowed the distance in an instant and stood in front of me. Even though she had run all the way here in a single breath, there was no sign of fatigue.

"Eat it."

With a clear tone, Jin-Seo immediately handed me a jelly. It was the same jelly that I received as a token of gratitude when I previously healed her finger.

“You’re giving me this? So suddenly?”

“Because I have some left.”


I nodded. Just like last time, it looked like she wanted to give some since she had some leftovers. I had no idea why she was going out of her way to give some to me. She could have just given them to her friends. After all, I didn’t particularly like jelly.

“...Oh, In-Ah. Hi there.”

“Uh... Hi.”

Jin-Seo belatedly recognized the existence of In-Ah, who was next to me, and greeted her. She was smiling, but it wasn’t a smile of joy. It was just a smile of formality. In-Ah returned her greeting with an awkward expression on her face.

It looked like they knew each other, but they didn’t seem to be particularly close.

Jin-Seo gave me the jelly, glanced menacingly at Jun-Hyuk for a brief moment, and ran off. We quietly looked at Jin-Seo’s back as she ran away at a tremendous speed.


Soon, when she was completely out of sight, Jun-Hyuk let out a large sigh as if he was relieved. He seemed to be afraid of Jin-Seo for some reason.

"Are you not on good terms with Jin-Seo? Why are you shaking like that?" I asked as I lightly placed my hand on Jun-Hyuk’s trembling shoulders. Jun-Hyuk shook his head.

"She was my sparring partner yesterday..."

"...Your sparring partner was Jin-Seo?" I repeated back in surprise.

Jun-Hyuk's face was literally a wreck. There were bruises and wounds here and there, and his eyelids were swollen. Jin-Seo's face, on the other hand, was clean, without any scars. The difference between the two of them was just way too exaggerated.

"Jin-Seo is a monster. I was continuously beaten up in all three rounds... I shouldn't have provoked her....”

"What in the world did you say to get hit that much?"

Jin-Seo was nice, at least as far as I knew. She was not the type of person to beat someone up to this state without any reason. Either Jin-Seo was in a bad mood that day, or Jun-Hyuk had crossed the line. I thought it would be one of those two possibilities.

"I talked about you. I shouldn't have... I had no idea I would get hit this much.”

“...What are you talking about? You talked about me?”

"If you're curious, just hear it directly from Jin-Seo. Wow, I feel scared just thinking about it again. The look in her eyes completely changed when I talked about you.”

Jun-Hyuk laughed as if he was insinuating something. I didn't understand the situation. Jun-Hyuk told Jin-Seo something about me. When Jin-Seo heard it, she beat Jun-Hyuk black and blue. Just what in the seven hells did he say?

"Hey, why are you guys talking about something that only you guys know about?" In-Ah grumbled while listening to our conversation. Although she said it playfully, she pouted as if she was disappointed.

"Hey, don't stick out your lips. I’m going to throw up."

Instead of comforting In-Ah, Jun-Hyuk only added fuel to the fire. In-Ah stared daggers at Jun-Hyuk before attempting to kick him in the shin.


However, she failed. Jun-Hyuk had raised one leg to avoid her attack.

"Ha ha! That's my afterimage. I already know your trick—"


In-Ah kicked the opposite shin. Jun-Hyuk jumped up and down while clutching his shin. In-Ah laughed as if she was refreshed. Her gaze turned to the bag of jelly in my hand.

"You must be very close to her. She even gave you some jelly."

"We're not that close. I think she just gave this to me because she had some left over."

“...Is it normal to have leftover jelly? Whenever I have jelly at home, I always end up eating it all.”

In-Ah looked at the bag of jelly with a look of curiosity. Jun-Hyuk had been jumping up and down for an extended period of time, and he eventually limped towards us.

"But you always receive it and don't eat it. If you're going to do that, just give it to me. I'll eat it," Jun-Hyuk said.

Then, he tried to take the jelly. I quickly shoved the jelly into my pocket.

"I won't give it to you. Go away."

"I thought you didn’t like jelly? You always seem to leave it lying around somewhere without eating it.”

He was absolutely right. I hated jelly. Even if someone delivered it into my mouth, I would probably still not eat it. But I had no intention of giving it to Jun-Hyuk. The reason was simple.

"You’re not being polite, so I’m not giving it to you.”

Jun-Hyuk clicked his tongue after hearing my answer.

"Ah, yes. I can see why Jin-Seo was upset yesterday. So this was why."

Jun-Hyuk nodded while walking past In-Ah and me. Perhaps I had hurt his feelings because his walking pace was exceedingly fast.

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