Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Translator: Redolens

Editor: Cresscentmoon

Little Ji Yuan turned six this year and everyone loved him. His nanny always bragged that he was the handsomest baby in the world. Furthermore, the neighbor’s child also said that he was good-looking. Baby Ji thought: Everyone thinks I’m handsome, so I must be handsome!

Baby Ji looked in the mirror and was startled by his own appearance. He thought: I really am good looking.

As a result, Baby Ji’s narcissism naturally grew. He only played with good-looking children and walked a different path than ugly children.

One day, his mother brought Baby Ji to a party where there were only women. Once they saw Baby Ji, they all cried out in surprise, “So cute!”

Baby Ji stuck his nose higher and higher. Inside, he was pleased with himself.

There were quite a few children there. Each one wore fine and exquisite clothes. Baby Ji held his tiny arm and stood off to one side, waiting for the other children to come talk to him… he wouldn’t be the one to take the initiative, humph!

However, he didn’t realize that he was standing in a bad spot. He had short arms and legs so his figure was hidden behind a tall chair. This meant that even after 20 minutes, no one had seen Baby Ji.

His mother was busy talking with the other women and didn’t pay attention to him. Baby Ji stood behind the chair, alone. His self-esteem took a hit.

He was somewhat upset and a little moody.

He had just prepared to walk out from behind the chair and reluctantly take the initiative to greet someone when a creature with long ears and a fluffy tail suddenly came over.

The creature’s entire body was powder blue, and it was both short and chubby. Its gait was shaky, making its ears shake too. It immediately attracted Baby Ji’s attention.

His gaze sharpened. He slowly walked over and grabbed the creature by its ears.

The creature turned around and blinked at Baby Ji with round and shiny eyes.

How- how cute!

It was a boy wearing a bunny onesie. He seemed to be around three or four years old. His clothes were powder blue, and his cheeks were rosy. His eyes were bright and round.

The boy looked at Baby Ji, turned around, and continued to walk forward shakily.

When Baby Ji saw him walk, he helpfully grabbed his ears and pulled off both them and his hat.

The boy turned around and immediately began to cry loudly. The noise was earthshaking, and it immediately attracted the attention of all the women who, up until then, had been warmly talking amongst themselves.

Baby Ji was bewildered.

“Aiya, why are you crying! Be good, Bai Yang. Don’t cry, Bai Yang!” one of the elegantly dressed women hurried over, picked the boy up, and repeatedly patted his back.

Baby Ji’s mother also came over and calmly lectured Baby Ji. “Why did you bully little brother?”

Baby Ji didn’t even have time to explain when a young boy of around five or six years old came over, put his hands on his hips, and said, “You’re not allowed to bully my little brother!”

“I didn’t!” Baby Ji felt wronged. His eyes welled with tears. But he thinks I’m the handsomest baby in the world, so I can’t cry. I’ll just hold back my tears.

“I saw you tear my little brother’s hat!” the young boy said with the same fierce tone.

Baby Ji couldn’t help it and said in a loud voice, “I wouldn’t bully your little brother! I want a cute little brother too. In the future, I’ll only bully him!”

Everyone laughed.

Baby Ji took this dream to heart. After they returned home, he’d cry every day for his mother to give him a little brother, causing his parents to laugh heartily. Soon after, his mother got pregnant as he expected.

Baby Ji thought, “In the future, I will also have a cute little brother who wears powder blue onesies.”

With him waiting expectantly, his mother gave birth to his little sister in October.

Baby Ji’s dream was destroyed. He wailed and heard his own heart break.

After that party, Baby Ji never again saw anyone as cute as the little brother wearing the powder blue onesie. He also hadn’t seen that boy again.

He heard that they actually lived in the same city. It was just that the city was too big. The adults occasionally partied, but the children didn’t see each other again.

After a few years, Baby Ji became Ji Yuan. He went to elementary school and then to junior high school. He became one of the handsomest boys in school and soon he’d be going to high school. His family was discussing whether or not to send him abroad or have him study at home. Finally, his mother begrudgingly kept him at home.

So, Ji Yuan went to the best high school in his city. There, handsome brothers and beautiful sisters were abundant. Smart students were everywhere. Just as before, Ji Yuan was the brightest of the bunch.

After just a month of starting school, he was elected as one of the two handsomest boys in school.

The other handsomest boy was in class 2. His name was Bai Cong.

Somehow, probably because they could understand each other, the two became good friends.

Ji Yuan knew for a while that Bai Cong had a little brother named Bai Yang. One day, when he was still in junior high school, Bai Cong invited Ji Yuan over to his house to play and that was when he saw his little brother.

He still had some baby fat in his cheeks and round black eyes. He looked utterly innocent.

How- how cute!

He’d already forgotten that he’d seen the Bai brothers before. However, when he saw Bai Yang, he thought he was still so cute that he wanted to touch him and play with him.

He said to Bai Yang, “I’m your big brother’s friend. From now on, I’ll also be your big brother!”

Bai Yang stared at this stranger that had suddenly appeared and thought that he was both arrogant and egotistical. Who do you think you are? Why should you be my big brother?

Bai Yang was a little intimidated and didn’t dare refuse outright. Ji Yuan assumed that he’d agreed.

Bai Yang’s grades weren’t great. Bai Cong brought it up a few times in front of Ji Yuan. He was worried he wouldn’t get into the same high school as them.

Ji Yuan heard this and offered to help Bai Yang study. However, Bai Yang’s mother and father were just as worried and hired numerous tutors for him, making Bai Yang suffer unspeakable misery. Ji Yuan unconsciously found the time to accompany Bai Cong to his house. He saw Bai Yang playing and immediately caught him and made him study.

He made Bai Yang cry once.

Bai Yang’s mother and father both liked Ji Yuan and often used this “son from another family” to chide Bai Yang and urge him to learn from Ji Yuan’s example. As for Ji Yuan, he considered himself to be like a big brother and would take care of Bai Yang.

Bai Yang had complicated feelings about this.

The shadows in your heart when you’re young aren’t so serious in adulthood, but they are hard to forget.

Bai Yang got into the same high school as his big brothers.

Bai Cong and Ji Yuan were both happy. Only Bai Yang was unhappy. In the future, he’d be in the care of two great demons. Could he be happy?

Bai Yang was a coward. Occasionally, he’d provoke a hooligan and be extorted for money. Bai Yang would obediently hand it over. From then on, he was considered an easy target by hooligans, and he didn’t dare tell his family members. This continued until one time when Ji Yuan witnessed it and he lost it. He immediately beat the hooligans up until they were scared witless.

Bai Yang instantly thought he was very admirable and felt much closer to him.

However, these good feelings immediately dried up after a girl publicly confessed to him.

As adolescents learn from their idols and walk the melancholy prince’s road, Bai Yang followed suit and picked up a drawing board that had not been used for a long time. He ran to the school’s garden to show off. As expected, he attracted the adoring attention of the girls.

Eventually, some girls tried to confess, but their love letters never reached him. They were first passed over to his two brothers who were also presidents of the student union. They then directly circulated notices of criticism of these models of puppy love.

At that time, the student union would catch lovers, provoking widespread indignation and discontent. It satisfied the teachers.

Ji Yuan gave an order directly forbidding anyone from courting Bai Yang which would affect his grades.

This act made Bai Yang’s mother and father happy.

Only Bai Yang was indignant and heartbroken.

Ha ha, I’m bad at studying, so I can’t do anything!

Bai Yang was nothing compared to his two amazing brothers.

Unable to date, Bai Yang could only sorrowfully carry the drawing board on his back and draw. Gradually, he actually developed some interest in it. One day, he drew a picture he was rather proud of and excitedly showed it to his big brother.

His big brother praised his drawing. Ji Yuan saw it and said, “You really like to draw?”

Bai Yang nodded. He thought that he’d done well. He felt accomplished, something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Ji Yuan excitedly went home, spent five nights working tirelessly, and finally produced a drawing he could be satisfied with.

He thought: Little Bai will definitely like this.

Consequently, on the second day, Bai Yang unexpectedly received Ji Yuan’s artwork. He told him he’d personally drawn it as a gift.

Bai Yang unfolded the paper and immediately had a big shock. Even the feeling of achievement he’d felt earlier was gone.

What is he trying to say? Is he mocking my drawing?

That night, Bai Yang tried to keep in his tears while he tore up his drawing and shut the drawing board away in a storage room. He never touched it again.

He didn’t dare tear Ji Yuan’s artwork and could only sullenly hang it up in his room.

Ji Yuan scanned his room, saw the picture hanging on the wall, and was very happy.

Bai Yang thought: In the future, I’ll get into university and leave Ji Yuan far behind. If I really can’t leave him behind, I’ll study abroad.

However, he didn’t go abroad. Ji Yuan graduated, and his family forced him to go abroad. Even his own big brother, Bai Cong was packed up and sent to the United States.

Thank heavens!

Bai Yang finally had some freedom.

After graduating high school, Bai Yang didn’t even hesitate before choosing a domestic university.

His family pampered him quite a bit and wanted to keep him close, so they never pushed him to go abroad.

For his 18th birthday, as a rite of passage, the family hosted a birthday banquet. His big brother and Ji Yuan flew back from the United States to spend his birthday with him.

Bai Yang wore a white western-style suit and stood straight and tall. He intended to perform a piano piece. He’d been preparing for it for a long time. He wanted to show everyone his abilities and let them know he wasn’t a good-for-nothing.

Ji Yuan hurriedly returned home, saw the person he’d missed for so long and realized that he’d grown up. He was filled with excitement.

He really missed him and wanted to see his face and hear his voice. He missed his timid appearance. He also missed how cute he looks when he secretly rolls his eyes.

The emotions he’d repressed for so long made his mind feel feverish.

He suddenly realized he needed to do something for his birthday. He needed to create a common memory for them both.

Therefore, halfway through Bai Yang’s piano performance, he didn’t know what weird medicine Ji Yuan ate, but he suddenly came onstage and wanted to perform with him.

Bai Yang was used to giving in to Ji Yuan, so he let him have half the space and they both performed.

In the end, they hadn’t rehearsed before, so Bai Yang messed up the melody and he wasn’t able to keep up with Ji Yuan. The whole time, Ji Yuan led him by the nose.

Even though they smoothly finished the performance, Bai Yang found it difficult to suppress the sorrow in his heart. He really hated the presumptuous Ji Yuan.

After his birthday, Bai Yang didn’t see him again. Ji Yuan calmed down and returned to his senses. All of sudden, he became aware of his peculiar feelings towards Bai Yang.

He finally understood. He actually liked Bai Yang this whole time.

This revelation made him a little confused. He knew that because of the responsibilities he had, his family wouldn’t approve of him being with a man. With the status of Bai Yang’s family, they wouldn’t approve of them dating. If Bai Cong knew, he’d be the first to show him no mercy.

Also, Bai Yang didn’t appear to like men.

Therefore, Ji Yuan decided to stop getting entangled with him. After his birthday, he went abroad. He thought that his feelings would fade with time.

In a flash, a few years had passed. Everyone gradually grew up, and Ji Yuan returned.

The number of people who wanted to be Bai Yang’s girlfriend grew. Some were dubious women or gold diggers. They all surrounded Bai Yang. This made Ji Yuan’s heart break.

He thought Bai Yang couldn’t differentiate between the good and the bad. As long they were female, he would treat them warmly. This made Ji Yuan very nervous. He worried that he wouldn’t be careful and get caught in a trap.

Every time they ran into that sort of woman, Ji Yuan would appear and break apart the mandarin ducks.

Bai Yang was angered half to death.

He’d soon be 25 years old, and he’d never even held a girl’s hand. His standards kept falling and falling. He thought that as long as they were a girl, it was fine. However, even with this, Ji Yuan would still break them up under the guise of “testing them”.

Ha ha. Human nature couldn’t bear being tested. Not long after he’d start dating those women, he’d not even develop strong feelings for them, when a handsome, rich, and talented charmer would suddenly appear and crazily pursue them.

Testing my ass!

Bai Yang was so angry that he’d jab a voodoo doll, cursing Ji Yuan to never find a wife in this lifetime and forever remain a bachelor!

He was endlessly angry. Ji Yuan was also very worried. He kept searching left and right, wanting to find a girl capable of being attentive with and taking care of Bai Yang. Unfortunately, he’d search and search but none of them were satisfactory. He might as well do it himself.

But he couldn’t do it himself….

He was worried to death….

One day in September, Bai Cong suddenly got in a car accident and became a human vegetable. Bai Yang was forced into a character-building program by his father. Everything that happened was very unexpected.

Ji Yuan had been in charge of his family affairs for two years now and was in the limelight. He was a well-known eligible bachelor. When he heard that Bai Cong had been in an accident, he immediately sent people to investigate. He and Bai Cong had cooperated for so many years, he didn’t believe he’d get into an accident so easily.

As expected, the investigation revealed some connections. Following up on the driver and pursuing that lead led them right to Bai Yang’s uncle.

However, at that time, Bai Yang had already been forced into the character-building program. Ji Yuan brought people to intervene but was met with the system’s counterattack. Bai Yang’s body exhibited serious stress.

Ji Yuan was nearly scared out of his wits and didn’t dare fiddle with the system again. He could only let his team, that specialized in technology, use whatever method they could to gently analyze the situation.

It took them five years.

Ji Yuan had already become an older left-behind man.

In the end, Bai Yang’s father didn’t believe that his own brother would ever do such a thing. There was an upheaval in the Bai household and business suffered as a result. If not for Ji Yuan supporting them from behind, the Bai family would have already collapsed.

Fortunately, after a year, Bai Cong woke up and took over his family’s affairs. He put an end to the desperate inner strife in the family. He even sent his uncle to prison.

Only Bai Yang was still in a coma and hadn’t woken up yet.

In five years, everyone gave up. They made peace with the fact that there was no way for him to wake up again. Only Ji Yuan firmly believed that he’d definitely wake up again.

No one knew where his confidence stemmed from.

One day after five years, Ji Yuan’s team finally had a breakthrough. They found a loophole in the system. They drew up a plan. They decided to transmit a data pack into the main system.

The only requirement was that they needed someone to use the identity of a participant to transport the data pack.

Ji Yuan kept everyone in the dark about him taking on the responsibility himself. The condition he set for leaving was that Bai Yang be able to leave the world.

The day he entered the world, he sat in the test chamber that Bai Yang had used originally and left him a message. “Little Bai, it’s me. I’m Ji Yuan. I’ve come to save you….”

A powerful current of data swept past, and time flew….

Bai Yang sunk into a fantastical realm. He seemed to have seen Ji Yuan’s memories.

Zhou Ying killed him. Bai Yang completed his task and left the world. Soon after he sunk into darkness but didn’t lose consciousness.

He seemed to have entered into a fantastical space. He saw the other person’s memories. He saw Ji Yuan carry the data pack into this world, saw him quickly fly down and get rolled up in a vortex of data. He saw him wake up and walk over to a mirror and discovered that he’d become someone else entirely….

Jet-black hair, a fair face, wearing black robes….

Bai Yang’s eyes widened in shock.

He heard the man in front of the mirror question, “Who am I?”

A moment passed.

“I am… the Demon King of Eternal Darkness, Ji Zixuan?” that person said.

Bai Yang’s eyes were already filled with tears.

Those memories were interlocked. They gradually turned into numerous glowing fragments before dissipating in the wind.

Bai Yang’s body suddenly sunk down, accompanied by the sound of the wind. He sank down into a deep place that he couldn’t see.

He stayed in that dark world for a short period of time. Suddenly, a light appeared before his eyes. Pleasantly surprised, he fought to follow that light upwards….

Then, he suddenly opened his eyes.

“He’s awake! My god! Bai Yang woke up!” someone shouted in surprise. “He’s awake!”

“Quick, inform President Bai!”

“What about President Ji?”

“There are some reactions! President Ji is also waking up!”

“Heavens! The plan finally succeeded!”

“This time we’ll definitely get a bonus!”

Happy and surprised voices surrounded him. Bai Yang blinked blankly. He tilted his head with difficulty. He saw a group of people wearing white robes at his bedside, singing and dancing.

“I….” he opened his mouth but found it difficult to make a sound.

After five years of living as a human vegetable, his body had deteriorated.

The people wearing white robes quickly approached him. “Bai Yang, don’t worry. Speak slowly.”

Bai Yang said with difficulty, “He… returned?”

The people in white robes looked at each other in dismay. “He who?”

Bai Yang weakly took a breath and said, “The Demon King of Eternal Darkness… Ji Zixuan… Ji Yuan….”

Just those few utterances made him start to sweat.

“President Ji has already returned! He’ll be here soon!” the people in white robes consoled him.

“Bai Yang!” someone suddenly came into the room, eyes full of tears. It was his brother that he hadn’t seen in so long, Bai Cong.

“You’re finally awake!” Bai Cong threw himself on the bed and grabbed his hand.

After all, it had been so long. Bai Cong had changed a lot. Bai Yang was in a trance.

After a while he finally said, “… big brother?”

“Ai!” Bai Cong’s eyes reddened, and he said, choked with emotion, “I thought you… I thought you….”

He didn’t say the rest.

Bai Yang tried hard to smile. “I won’t.”

Bai Cong wiped away his tears and said smiling, “I always believed you’d come back.”

Bai Yang rolled his eyes. “Really?”

You clearly had already given up.

Bai Cong felt a little guilty.

“Bai Yang!”

He suddenly heard a strange yet familiar voice.

Bai Yang inclined his head and saw that behind the crowd stood a man wearing a blue patient’s outfit.

He was a lot taller than he remembered, and stronger. He was also much skinnier. Only his eyes were as shiny as they were in his memories. Proud and arrogant. Like the stars in the summer sky, he was both bright and intense.

He passed the crowd, and stood in front of the bed. He knelt on one knee and rested his chin on the bed. He earnestly looked Bai Yang over.

After a while, he said, “You’re finally back.”

Bai Yang’s nose was a little sour. Smiling, he said, “En.”

We’re both back.

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