Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Translator: hiohbye

Editor: PlayerProphet

“Your Highness…”

“I feel like I’ve recovered,” the Demon King said. His brows wrinkled. “At first, I thought it would take me a long time, but I recovered more than half my original stores after that qi deviation. It would not be difficult to make another one.”

The last qi deviation had been especially severe. The Demon King had never completely lost consciousness before. However, this time, if it weren’t for Xie Ze Tian… who knew how it would have turned out.

Xie Ze Tian had wracked his brains through all kinds of schemes before deciding to steal the Jade Cloud Pearl. After seeing the Demon King go out of control, Xie Zetian acted out of desperation. To him, the pearl was like being sent charcoal on a snowy night.

The Demon King prepared to settle the matter at hand. In three months, he would worry about his own deviations.

To be able to recover from a qi deviation so quickly was strange. Xie Ze Tian must have done something.

The Demon King would remember in time, even if Xie Ze Tian didn’t say anything about it.

Bai Yang was worried. He’d accepted the pill once already. He could not, under any means, accept a second. He didn’t have the face to accept it.

“Your Highness, I don’t need you to waste your reserves making another pill for me. I’m satisfied with things as they are.”

“Satisfied?” the Demon King said. His expression darkened. “You’ve been poisoned! The poison will suck you dry out of your spiritual reserves, and yet you’re satisfied?”

His tone was low and his expression severe. Bai Yang swallowed, a little terrified.

When the Demon King was scolding someone, it was pretty scary.

After seeing Bai Yang’s fearful expression, the Demon King eased up a little. “Let’s talk about this later. Right now the most important thing is to find a way to cure the gu poison.”

When he thought about this matter, the Demon King’s brows furrowed even more.

Bai Yang was indifferent to the gu, since he wasn’t going to live that long anyway. Hopefully he’d be out of the program before he died in eight or ten years. However, seeing the Demon King care about his well-being, he couldn’t bring himself to continue acting indifferent. If the Demon King saw him like that, he’d be furious.

Bai Yang sighed.

The Demon King thought that Bai Yang was sighing because he felt uncomfortable about the poison. He comforted Bai Yang, reminding him that the gu poison was curable, and that they would find a way to solve it.

Bai Yang simply agreed.

Probably because the Demon King thought he was grieving and in a bad mood, he granted Bai Yang a short reprieve to rest at home. Whether it was because he emphasized with Bai Yang or because of some other reason, he didn’t force it.

Bai Yang finally got what he wanted.

After he returned to his residence, Bai Yang had a hearty meal, washed up, then slept. At home, no one dared to refuse him anything. Living in the courtyard was harmonious until someone tried to crawl into his bed again.

That night, Bai Yang had been drinking. When he returned to his room, he noticed that the blankets were swollen. Bai Yang lifted them and found a naked person in his bed.

This person seemed familiar. Vaguely, Bai Yang seemed to remember him as one of his concubines, a man named something like Chun Tao.

Bai Yang figured that the author of the novel had referenced prostitutes from a brothel when naming Xie Ze Tian’s concubines. All of them were named things like Fen Die (Pink Butterfly), Xiao Hong (Little Red), Chun Tao (Spring Peach) and so forth.

Bai Yang was surprised that someone named Chun Tao (spring peach) was a man, and just a teenager. He had a pair of large, watery eyes that fluttered as he stared at Bai Yang. His face was flushed, making him seem shy and timid.

Chun Tao was beautiful. His flushed, bare form was arranged in an alluring position on the bed. He obviously meant to seduce Bai Yang.

However, Bai Yang only stared at the sight in front of him. Being enticed didn’t even occur to him.

The sight reminded him of when the Demon King had licked his chest, although their positions had been reversed. Bai Yang had been bound and hung in the air, and his body had reacted&#k2026;

Stop, stop!!! He couldn’t keep thinking about this!!!

After his body responded back then, he’d been worried about turning gay. To avoid the Demon King, he ran away to the Mortal World. Now, looking at Chun Tao’s bare body and amorous expression, his heart did not waver in the slightest. This proved he was still pencil-straight!

If he really was gay, this naked, beautiful man would have caused some sort of response. However, he felt nothing, so he must be straight. He wasn’t gay. That night must have been some kind of accident.

Thinking about it, if anyone else had been in his situation and had their chest licked like that, they would react… right?

Bai Yang was suddenly not so sure.

Bai Yang has a golden retriever as a kid who loved to lick people’s bodies. After taking a shower, Bai Yang had been licked on the chest once, but hadn’t felt anything.

When he went out with his friends, they’d done all kinds of intimate things together, but Bai Yang had never reacted to that, either. So why, when it was the Demon King, had he responded?

Bai Yang was suspicious.

Maybe he could test it out.

In any case, no one else was around. If he tried it once, no one would be the wiser.

Bai Yang stared at Chun Tao with an indescribable expression for a long time, lost in thought. Chun Tao had arranged himself in a compromising position expecting to be □□ed right away. However, after maintaining a seductive glance for a while, his eyes were about to cramp. Xie Ze Tian didn’t react at all, and just stared at Chun Tao with a look he couldn’t comprehend, as if he were meat on a chopping block.

The smile on Chun Tao’s face was stiff from maintaining it for so long. “Master, why do you look at your concubine like so?”


Internally, Bai Yang made a 囧 face.

Chun Tao gathered the courage to rise from the bed and reach out, approaching Bai Yang. Bai Yang didn’t respond, so Chun Tao became more daring. He wrapped his arms around Bai Yang, bringing him towards him. Seductively, he said, “Master, when you look at me like this, I get so bashful.”

That sweet, sugary voice caused Bai Yang to break into shivers. Unconsciously, he pulled away.

Chun Tao was half on the bed, half leaning against Bai Yang. When Bai Yang pulled away, Chun Tao fell into the empty air and rolled onto the floor.

Because it had happened so suddenly, his fallen pose was embarrassing.. His four limbs sprawled everywhere, with one leg still on the bed, revealing his flailing penis. The sight was painful to look at.

Bai Yang looked away. Then, he remembered that he had been the one responsible for causing it, and he turned back. He assumed a calm appearance and helped support Chun Tao back onto the bed.

“Are you okay?”

Chun Tao’s large eyes were brimming with tears. “Even if Master does not like me, why does he humiliate me like this?”

He hid his face, sobbing. He picked up his clothes from the bed, threw them over his shoulders, and ran out of the room.

Bai Yang took a closer look and realized that Chun Tao wasn’t wearing a robe made of transparent white gauze that revealed everything, but rather more conservative clothing that revealed nothing

Suddenly, he remembered something Qing He’d said. She said that the people in the yard wore too little and would catch colds. She’d asked if he was willing to let her handle it. At the time, Bai Yang was preoccupied, and had simply nodded.

Apparently, Qing He had made good on that plan.

Bai Yang stayed in the room for a long time, bored, before realizing that he hadn’t treated Chun Tao well. He summoned a servant.

Bai Yang was the kind of person who would go out and personally apologize, but Xie Ze Tian would not.

The person who guarded his door entered the room. “Master, what is the matter?”

“Go to the storeroom and give a thousand spirit stones to Chun Tao,” Bai Yang said.

“Yes.” The bodyguard retreated.

After giving out his command, he returned to his bed to sleep with a heart full of regret, but at the same time he had confirmed that he felt no attraction to Chun Tao at all. Not only was he not attracted, but he was kind of repulsed.

It wasn’t that he hated feminine men. He had a friend in the past who was gay, and had a pretty boy for a boyfriend. Bai Yang, his friend, and that boyfriend would go out together all the time, and Bai Yang never felt weird about it. However, having a gay friend was one thing; having one in his bed was another altogether.

He remembered he had considered asking Chun Tao to lick his chest, and felt goosebumps prickle from head to toe.

Fuck! Am I brain dead?

What a rotten idea to test if I’m gay or not!

Bai Yang laid in bed all night, tossing and turning but unable to sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of the Demon King. He thought about how he treated Bai Yang well. He thought about his face, his eyes, his worried expression, and that guileless look he had the night he’d lost control of himself.

Bai Yang thought about it. The Demon King was handsome, his demeanor imposing, and he was extremely masculine, not like a feminine pretty boy at all.

If he wanted to find someone to test his sexuality, he needed to find a masculine person. Someone like Chun Tao was… no thanks.

“Xiao Ling,” Bai Yang called inside his mind.

“I…” he said, thinking for a while. “I don’t know what to say.”

Xiao Ling understood what he meant. “Sir, are you worried about what happened with the Demon King?”

Bai Yang hummed in affirmation.

“Does Sir like the Demon King?” Xiao Ling asked.

Bai Yang laid on the bed, turning his body over like a fish. “I don’t know.”

He paused, then said, “I didn’t like guys before, and I’ve never thought about liking a man.”

“But do you like the Demon King?” Xiao Ling asked. “Liking a person isn’t a sin.”

“I just can’t tell if I like him, or if I’m just grateful for everything he’s done,” Bai Yang said. “I think I’m just grateful.”

“So Sir is worried that if he is only grateful, and accepts the Demon King’s feelings, that he will come to regret it later?” Xiao Ling asked.

Bai Yang nodded. He was also worried that the Demon King would regret it as well.

“Time will prove everything,” Xiao Ling said.

Bai Yang sighed again. Forget it. Xiao Ling was only a system. It would not understand him.

In order to find out whether he liked the Demon King or not, he would need to find out if he liked men or not.

After resolving to go through with it, his heart relaxed. After a while, he fell asleep.

The morning of the second day, Qing He came to find him. In the eyes of everyone else, Qing He was Xie Ze Tian’s favorite. He favored her so much that he gave her control of the entire residence.

Bai Yang was happy to see her. Now, he could finish all of his daily tasks.

Without reservation, he stepped forward and grabbed her waist, then reached up to pinch her chin.

“I’ve been gone for so many days. Did you miss me?” he teased.

Not to boast, but Bai Yang knew that when he behaved in a roguish manner, smiled a little, and said playful things, he was extremely arousing.

Qing He had not seen him for a long time. Being taken liberty of so suddenly caused two large red patches to appear on her face.

“Master, don’t be like this so early in the morning,” she said.

Bai Yang waited for the ding! sound that signified the daily task had been finished before releasing her.

When the people guarding the entrance of the residence saw it all, they were even more certain that Qing He was the most important person in Bai Yang’s heart. The night before, Chun Tao had been seen crying as he ran out of Bai Yang’s room. He had clearly not succeeded in his seduction, and had been chased out.

When they compared how Qing He was treated to Chun Tao, could anyone doubt Qing He’s position in the household?

Bai Yang washed up, then talked a little more with Qing He. Qing He was assigned by the Demon King to ensure that Xie Ze Tian did not cause any trouble. She knew that the Demon King was anxious about him, and so did not dare to make any moves on him. Even when Bai Yang teased her into a blushing, flustered state, she still had to back away.

After staying at the residence for a while, she learned that Xie Ze Tian was different from what the rumors said. Xie Ze Tian had a reputation for being lecherous, violent, arrogant and domineering, someone that was hard to deal with. However, Qing He found that was not the case.

She even felt staying behind and remaining as Xie Ze Tian’s concubine wasn’t such a bad thing.

However, a woman’s intuition was sharp. For the past year, Xie Ze Tian spent every day at the Palace of Eternal Night. Not only did he spend every day by the Demon King’s side, but he even had his own palace.

Treatment like that was usually granted to Demon Empresses.

The Demon King had never been moved by anyone, he never had a favored concubine or beauty. In his heart, there was only work. Beauties who were sent to him were set aside never to be touched, and given their own living quarters by his subordinates. Qing He used to be one of those beauties. One day, the Demon King had approached her and assigned her to Xie Ze Tian. He promised that if she did as he asked, he would release her from the palace.

Qing He knew the Demon King’s character. If she were to wait for the Demon King to copulate with her, she didn’t know how long she would have to wait. Perhaps it wouldn’t even be one lifetime, but two. The minute she heard his proposal, she was moved and hurried from the palace to chase her future prospects.

In the beginning, she hadn’t thought much after spending some time in Xie Ze Tian’s courtyard. However, as time passed, she began to realize some unusual things.

When the Demon King forbade Xie Ze Tian from touching other people, was it only to ensure that he didn’t slack off? When Xie Ze Tian went to the palace, it was said that he spent every day dozing, doing absolutely nothing.

Not only that, but the Demon King had established a palace just for him! This was absolutely unprecedented in all of the Demon King’s rule.

Qing He had a theory. The Demon King probably had feelings for Xie Ze Tian.

But she didn’t dare confirm anything. After all, Xie Ze Tian had stayed at the Demon King’s side for so long, and nothing happened between them. Why was he interesting to the Demon King all of a sudden? It was strange.

Of course, Qing He never spoke her thoughts out loud, nor did she dare to. She buried these thoughts in her heart, focusing on her task.

After Qing He left, Bai Yang had the housekeeper convene all of the men in his household.

His harem was roughly split between both men and women. There were tall, short, fat and thin men, some as beautiful as peaches, and others tall and handsome and well-groomed. Bai Yang looked through the crowd for more masculine men.

TL note: sorry for the delay! promise chapter 61 will be here next week —hiohbye

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