Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Translator: Redolens

Editor: PlayerProphet

Disclaimers: Warnings for dub-con and victim-blaming

“Your Highness,” Bai Yang said immediately. “I’m not saying no. It’s just that….”

He looked around and summoned his courage. “It’s just that this kind of place is not very suitable. It would be better to….”

Before he could finish speaking, he was grabbed by the Demon King. He heard wind whistling past his ear, and in an instant they were in front of a cave that was surrounded by forest on all sides. There was no sign of people, and he could see mountains in the distance. It was completely isolated.

“Here is alright,” the Demon King said.

Bai Yang: “….”

“Your Highness, I think… you don’t seem like you’re going to qi-deviate,” Bai Yang said.

The Demon King frowned and grabbed at his chest. “Ze Tian, I feel terrible.”

Now that a qi-deviation was imminent, Bai Yang was a little terrified. “Your Highness, it would be better to….”

The Demon King suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Bai Yang was shocked and hurried to hold him up. “Your Highness!”

“I’m alright.” The Demon King wiped away the blood and smiled at him. “Alright, since you’re not willing, let’s go back.”

Bai Yang had started to think the Demon King was pretending, but after seeing him vomit blood, he knew he might not be faking it. He grit his teeth. “Your Highness, this matter should not be delayed. Let’s do it here.”

The Demon King immediately grabbed him and dragged him towards the cave.

Bai Yang stumbled as he was dragged along. “Your Highness,” he said, “Tell me what I’m supposed to do.”

Xiao Ling saw it all from inside his brain and sighed. “I’ll block you out for a while. Call me again when you’re done.”

Bai Yang: “….”

There were no further sounds from his brain.

The Demon King dragged him into the cave. With one hand, he held onto Bai Yang and with the other he lay out restrictions. He used a fire spell to dry out the interior of the cave. Then he used magic to cut the now dried grass and spread it out on the ground.

“Let’s begin.” The Demon King’s voice was very hoarse.

Bai Yang swallowed and took a deep breath. “Your Highness, what should I do now?”

In the darkness of the cave, the Demon King’s expression was unclear. “Take off your clothes.”

Bai Yang felt anxious, but he reminded himself that he was saving someone. He slowly untied his robes, glad that visibility in the cave was poor. It made him feel a little less embarrassed.

Clothes removed; his fair skin was exposed in the cave.

Bai Yang’s body was clean and he was neither fat nor thin. He seemed slim, but also brimming with strength. His skin was thin and smooth.

He couldn’t see clearly in the cave, but the Demon King, with his greater abilities, could see Bai Yang’s body, his blush and his shifty eyes, even in the dark.

“Your Highness, what should I do next?” Bai Yang forced himself to ask.

The Demon King came out of his trance and spoke slowly. “Next… we must establish a channel. The City Lord must have told you where the channel will be established?”

Bai Yang looked embarrassed. “… I know.”

“If you know, then lie down on the grass.” The Demon King’s cold voice floated in the air.

His steady coldness made Bai Yang feel calmer. He admonished himself once again. I’m saving someone. Don’t think about it too much. I’m just saving someone.

Then he walked over and crouched next to the well spread grass. He climbed on and lay down on his stomach.

The grass was dried by the Demon King’s magic. It was soft and clean. It made a rustling sound as he climbed on.

Bai Yang crawled and lay down on his stomach. Sensing no movement in the darkness, he said, “Your Highness?”

There was no reply.

Uncertain, Bai Yang said again, “Your Highness?”

In the darkness, a black shape came closer. Bai Yang shivered.

“Open your legs.” The Demon King’s voice was still cold.

Bai Yang grit his teeth and slowly opened his legs.

Wind from the outside entered the cave and swept past his naked skin. It was a bit cold. Bai Yang’s skin broke out in goosebumps.

He wanted to rub his arms, but suddenly felt movement beside him.

Bai Yang immediately stilled. He became aware that the Demon King had appeared silently behind him.

In an instant, he felt extremely anxious and hastily tried to sit up. “Your Highness.”

“Don’t move. We haven’t started yet.” The Demon King’s voice tightened.

Bai Yang panicked. His hand unconsciously grabbed at the grass and he began babbling. “Your Highness, you said you wouldn’t move. You promised me. As long as you finish after you establish a channel&#k2026; you promised me&#k2026;.”

“Alright, I promise I won’t move. Relax. I’ll finish quickly….” A soft palm gently caressed Bai Yang’s tense back. Due to his nervousness, his body was wound tight, and the Demon King wanted to calm him.

Bai Yang let out a sigh of relief. A second later, a tearing sensation pierced his brain like a knife.

(Lights out.)

It was done.

Bai Yang lay motionless on the floor, eyes unseeing.

The Demon King leaned very carefully against him. “Does it still hurt?”

Bai Yang didn’t say anything.

The Demon King felt guilty and said, “I’m sorry.”

Bai Yang finally moved a little. He turned his head to stare in the direction of the Demon King. He didn’t say anything.

In the darkness, the Demon King leaned closer, his voice taking on an ingratiating tone. “Does it hurt? Do you need my help?”

He reached out a hand to touch Bai Yang, who snapped and jumped like a fish. “Don’t touch me!”

The Demon King could only withdraw his paw, offended.

Bai Yang took a breath and lay down without daring to move. He accused the Demon King in a hoarse voice, “You promised you wouldn’t… you promised me….”

The Demon King was silent for a while and responded with a great sense of guilt, “I’m sorry. I honestly couldn’t help it. You… were too cute.”

“Bastard! You didn’t keep your word! I thought I could trust you!” Bai Yang was so angry he wanted to jump up and hit him, but as soon as he moved, he gasped and lay back down on the pile of grass, his face twisted.

“Don’t move.” The Demon King embraced him. “Tell me where it hurts. I’ll help you.”

“I don’t need you to!” Bai Yang replied in a loud voice and he struggled to push him away.

The Demon King knew he was angry and didn’t dare provoke him again. He sat beside Bai Yang and pretended not to exist.

Bai Yang took a breath and grimaced.

If it weren’t for Xie Ze Tian’s body which had been through a lot and was already as strong as steel, he wouldn’t have been able to handle the Demon King’s reckless and relentless actions.

That’s right. Not only had the Demon King broken his promise, but he also had no technique! Without foreplay, he just burst in and messed around. If he exchanged with someone less skilled than him, that person would be killed on the spot.

Ha ha. Where does it hurt? Where else?!

Bai Yang absolutely wouldn’t let the Demon King touch him again.

A demon’s healing factor was very powerful. Bai Yang laid on the ground and waited for his wounds to heal themselves.

He thought about it and suddenly felt sadness in his heart. He’d wanted to help; how did he end up getting fucked?

He was in a terrible state. He also worried about the Demon King’s body. When he thought about what just happened, something didn’t seem right. He asked, “You said you’d establish a channel and that we’d both need to exchange qi. How come I feel like I didn’t do that?”

There was no reply.

“Answer me!”

In the darkness, the Demon King said, “… I forgot.”

Bai Yang opened his eyes wide in disbelief. “What?”

The Demon King coughed then said a bit shyly, “… I felt so good just now. I forgot to establish a channel.”

Bai Yang: “….”

So he’d just been screwed for nothing?!

Bai Yang ignored his pain and jumped up to fight him.

The Demon Realm wasn’t built to withstand critical hits made in a violent rage. Bai Yang blew up the inside of the cave on the spot, sending rocks flying and leaving holes everywhere.

The Demon King didn’t dare retaliate and dodged sullenly. “Don’t be mad. I won’t forget next time.”

Bai Yang already felt his bottom split in two. He’d planned to end it, but as soon as he heard the Demon King’s words, he exploded in anger again and said with red eyes, “What next time?! There won’t be! There won’t be a next time! There won’t be!”

He threw his magic in all directions, leaving more holes all over the cave. The ground started to shake, the movement becoming greater and greater.

Bai Yang wasn’t aware of it and hurled fiery dragon-like magic around.

“Careful.” A hand embraced him in the darkness. Bai Yang immediately hurled magic at the figure beside him. In an instant, a burning smell filled the air.

The Demon King grunted but didn’t dodge. He held onto Bai Yang and exited the cave.

Just as they left, the cave collapsed. With a rumbling sound the whole mountain became shorter.

Bai Yang stared at the collapsed mountain in bewildered silence.

A wind blew past from afar, chilling Bai Yang. He lowered his head and saw his d***, only then remembering the clothes he’d thrown about in the cave now buried under the mountain.

He turned around and saw the Demon King standing beside him, fully dressed. He stared at Bai Yang with concern in his eyes. His hair and the cloth on his shoulder were a bit burnt. That must have been Bai Yang’s doing.

Bai Yang grit his teeth and took a deep breath. “My clothes?”

The Demon King turned his head to look at the already collapsed cave. He then turned back to Bai Yang and said, “I don’t have them.”

He must have seen Bai Yang’s unimpressed expression. He took off his own outer robe and draped it over Bai Yang’s shoulders. He said, a bit bashfully, “I didn’t know what to do the first time. I didn’t know how to do it… just make do for now.”

Bai Yang remained silent, breathing heavily.

The Demon King said shyly, once more, “I’m sorry. I really couldn’t help it…. I couldn’t hold back when I was inside. Unless you’re impotent, you have so many concubines and therefore a lot of experience. You must understand.”

Bai Yang who had no experience: I understand that you’re a hammer!

Bai Yang looked at the Demon Lord’s cautious and ashamed innocent face and grinded his teeth.

The Demon King saw that he still hadn’t calmed down and said, “If you’re truly still angry, then hit me. I won’t retaliate.”

Bai Yang raised his head, a gleam in his eyes. “If that’s what you want.”

The Demon King saw him react with his own eyes. In his heart he thought it would be okay to suffer a bit if it meant pleasing Bai Yang, and nodded his head. “Come on.”

Bai Yang dashed towards the Demon King and tried to punch him in the face as hard as he could.

He hadn’t even touched the bridge of the Demon King’s nose when his fist hit a protective barrier. That was the Demon King’s body shield, which rebounded any attacks that exceeded certain limits. Bai Yang believed he wouldn’t retaliate and attacked him without hesitation. The robe he’d been wearing flew off in midair, leaving behind a shining white body that smashed into some shrubbery. As luck would have it, the bush was full of thorns.

“Ah!” Bai Yang screamed as he struggled among the thorns.

The Demon King was shocked and hurried forward to fish him out.

Bai Yang was covered from head to toe in thorns, turning him into a human-shaped hedgehog.

The Demon Realm was full of evils and the plants that grew there were all fierce and tough. There were no plants that were easy to deal with in this desolate, wild mountain. Most of them were poisonous.

Bai Yang began to swell.

The Demon King knew he’d screwed up and hurried to help Bai Yang remove the thorns. As he pulled them out, he started babbling. “I’m sorry…. I forgot to remove the protective shield…. I’m sorry…. The thorns are poisonous, but not too toxic. It’ll wear off quickly… don’t worry….”

Bai Yang pushed him away and started walking ahead.

The Demon King knew he was very angry and chased after him. “I’m sorry… forgive me… the protective shield is always there. I really did forget about it….”

If he’d really screwed Bai Yang over, it was intentional. But Bai Yang couldn’t blame the Demon King for forgetting to remove his shield. He hadn’t used it in such a long time that it was normal for him to have forgotten about it.

But that second, no matter what he said, Bai Yang wouldn’t believe him.

“I’ve already gotten rid of the protective shield. Hit me… hit me…,” the Demon King shouted as he chased after Bai Yang, his voice eager.

Bai Yang didn’t say a word and continued to walk forward.

“How can I make you forgive me?” the Demon King shouted at his back.

Bai Yang didn’t even turn his head.

The Demon King, who had no experience with this kind of thing, didn’t know how to coax him. In a moment of desperation, the Demon King jumped straight into the thorn bush and rolled around. When he was covered in thorns he climbed out and, while chasing after Bai Yang, he said, “Look, I’m like you now.”

Bai Yang turned around, stared at the Demon King with red eyes and said, “Get lost! I don’t want to see you!”

The Demon King froze, a helpless expression on his thorn covered face. He gazed after Bai Yang’s hedgehog-like back, but didn’t dare chase after him. He could only cautiously follow him at a distance.

Bai Yang pulled out more thorns as he walked. The burning sensation in his nose became more and more unbearable. What a mistake it had been.

He wanted to help someone, but somehow things ended up like this.

There was a jingling sound and Xiao Ling said, “I’m coming out. Are you done?”

Bai Yang didn’t say anything.

Xiao Ling was shocked when she saw his appearance. “What happened? Did you not do it? How did it get like this?”

Bai Yang had been full of grievances but had had nowhere to vent. Xiao Ling’s arrival finally gave him someone to rant to and he said, “It’s all his fault!”

He let out a sob and cried as he explained what happened.

Xiao Ling: “….”

After listening, Xiao Ling wanted to laugh. However, it wasn’t the time to be laughing. She consoled him by saying, “It’s alright. You’ll be fine soon.”

Bai Yang said, “I’ll never trust him to keep his word again!”

Xiao Ling pointed out the facts. “Sir, you having sex with the Demon King was within your expectations, isn’t that right? You also must know that asking a man to not move is inhuman. The Demon King likes you, which means he can’t be indifferent. Therefore, you’d already mentally prepared yourself, right?”

Bai Yang gritted his teeth. “… I held onto the 1/10,000 hope that he would keep his promise.”

Xiao Ling had the appearance of someone who knew a thing or two. “Men will say anything to have sex.”

Bai Yang: “….”

Xiao Ling: “So don’t worry. You’ve been blaming him, but it’s you who was wrong.”

Bai Yang pointed at the thorns on his face and body. “But he shouldn’t have done this to me!”

Xiao Ling stifled a laugh. She said in a deadpan voice, “You know in your heart that it was an accident.”

“I don’t want to forgive him!” Bai Yang shouted.

“Yes, yes, yes. First give him the cold shoulder,” Xiao Ling said. “Well… then again, it isn’t easy to end up like this for your first time. Maybe it will go down in history.”

“Screw going down in history! Xiao Ling, you’ve changed!” Bai Yang accused. “You always say things to help the Demon King. Tell me, do you like him or me?”

Xiao Ling took a firm stance. “Neither. Sir, I am your system. How can I help him and not help you? You forget that I urged you to use him to help nurture the male lead.”

After Xiao Ling brought that up, Bai Yang remembered why he’d agreed to dual cultivation. Wasn’t it because he’d done a lot of things he was sorry for? The Demon Lord had been good to him, so he’d wanted to repay him.

So, everything had been a result of his own actions?

This conclusion made Bai Yang choke on his words.

Bai Yang walked miserably into the forest without saying anything.

The Demon King followed behind him. He saw Bai Yang crying and his heart hurt even more, but he didn’t know what to do and could only worry helplessly.

He really had no experience in this area.

Ah, I made him cry!

I should die!

He blamed himself. If I could turn back time, I definitely would… oh… this… oh….

He realized, even if he went back in time, he’d still seize the opportunity to eat Bai Yang.

Thinking this, his mood became delicate.

Even though I know doing it was wrong and even though I feel guilty for doing it, in retrospect, I would do it all again.

His scummy and trashy way of thinking made it hard for him to feel guilty, but as long as he could obtain the person he loved most, if he took the initiative, nobody could resist.

Therefore, he shouldn’t have felt regret, he should have been thinking about how to reassure Xie Ze Tian.

The Demon King started thinking about how to coax back his lover with the same determination he used when thinking how to manage the demon world. He knew that if he failed to handle it well this time, it would be very difficult to benefit in the future.

Once he’d tasted the meat, it was impossible for him to become a monk.

He hadn’t expected that to feel so good.

Before, the Demon King had been very strange. He’d never felt any impulses, as if being in the netherworld blocked his feelings in that respect. Ever since becoming aware of Xie Ze Tian’s love for him, those kinds of impulses had gradually awoken.

To tell the truth, he hadn’t eaten his fill the night before. Xie Ze Tian had lost consciousness and his fear that continuing would hurt him had stayed the Demon King’s hand.

He plotted in his heart. The Demon King stared at the person in front of him and waited.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Xie Ze Tian came to a stop and looked around.

The Demon King was the one who found that very remote place, so Bai Yang was unfamiliar with the area and couldn’t find the way out.

The Demon King appeared in a timely manner, “Ze Tian.”

Bai Yang was startled, and he jumped like a frightened rabbit. “Don’t come over!”

Seeing the Demon King, he reacted like he was seeing the Wen Shen. If something else went wrong, the situation would be even worse.

Sure enough, the Demon King didn’t move and raised his hands to show he was safe and harmless. He peeled off his innermost robe and said, “It’s not good to be naked. Put this on.”

After he took off his robe, Bai Yang couldn’t help but look at the Demon King’s figure with a bit of envy. Suspiciously, he said, “You’re giving this to me? What will you wear?”

“That’s easy.” The Demon King, clad only in his underpants, laughed confidently. He raised his hand and used illusionary magic to create fake clothes.

Bai Yang: “….”

Xie Ze Tian wasn’t very proficient in illusionary magic and couldn’t do it himself. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dashed naked down the mountain the first time he’d run into the Demon King.

In other words, people can’t be compared. Constantly comparing himself to others would only make him angry.

Bai Yang went over hesitantly and stretched out a hand to take the robes from the Demon King.

The Demon King thought in his heart: He finally came over.

T/N: Sorry again for the delay! Things have just been quite hectic.

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