Chapter 13 Reaping Money[3]

"You're indeed beautiful, but I'll never like or love you just because of that."

After an awkward silence. The receptionist I came with whispered something to Ruby.

Then, Ruby smiled and opened her cute mouth.

"So basically, you easily lost interest in me bacause I'm not yours?"

Her words made my eye twitch.

I glanced at the receptionist for a moment. Then I brought my gaze back to Ruby.

"When I told him that, I'm talking about items, not living beings."

After a pause, I spoke again.

"Through it's pretty much true, instead of loving you one-sidedly. I'll instead pour my love to those who also loves me."

Strangely enough, Keara entered my mind when I said that, making me smile a little bit.

Looking at Ruby, I sent her a mischievous smile.

"You see, I like it more when I'm the seducer."

Ruby observed me for a while, then with a curious but charming smile, she opened her mouth.

"You're weird~"

Ruby squinted her eyes and her voice was playful.

'God, she's hot...'

Shaking such thoughts off my head, I rebutted.

"You're weirder, you're a famous hero and you're the head of the [Paradise], yet you're openly revealing your face to me."

Seems uninterested and unfazed by the fact that I know her identity and I can expose it to the public anytime, Ruby replied as she shrug her shoulders.

"This place is only a black market in name and [Paradise] is also just an underground organization in name too. but this place and [Paradise] are legal and approved by the [Heroes Federation]."

Ruby said.

The receptionist I followed opened his mouth to add further explanation.

"We're just an another organization that exist to maintain the balance. The federation is to maintain the balance in the heroes."

He said.

Then Ruby took the lead again.

"And us, the black market, also known as [Paradise], controls the underworld businesses. We also collects informations about majins and sells them to the [Heroes Federation]."

Ruby stated.

I know some of those informations from the novel, but now everything got clearer to me about the relationship between the [Paradise] and the [Heroes Federation].

'In short, they have some sort of partnership or peace treaty.'

Tilting my head slightly and resting my right cheek on my right hand, that is placed on the armrest. I then crossed my legs and yawned before replying.

My activity with Keara in the bath earlier made me quite sleepy.

"That's good and all, but aren't you too trusting?"

Not minding my rudeness, Ruby replied.

"Well, trust is a must in business partners."

With a short pause...

"And also if you happen to be an enemy..."

Ruby muttered with a threatening tone as my sleepy expression turned into an annoyance.

A heavy pressure pressed on my body as my frown deepened. I started sweating bullets and my heartbeats got faster.

Though on the outside, I look calm and normal, it's because I have my <Calm Thinker> activated, it helps me to put up a poker face.


After letting out a sigh, my eyes turned cold, I fixed my sitting posture and looked at Ruby directly.

And with a single thought.

'<Monarch's Presence>'

I activated a skill.

My majestic and elegant presence made the pressure Ruby is emitting bearable, then my skill clashed to Ruby's aura.

Though I'm losing in our clash, everything few centimeters around me is void of Ruby's pressure.

I know Ruby wouldn't hurt me so I'm not really intimidated, that mindset of mine made my resistance to Ruby's pressure easier.

"Do high ranking people enjoys intimidating people that much?"

I asked in an annoyed tone.

'Sir Kendy, Mayor Rancho, and now Ruby. What an annoying hobby they have.'

I thought and sent an annoyed look to Ruby.

Seeing me not fearing Ruby, everyone in the room displayed shock on their faces.

And at my casual actions, Ruby smiled slyly. She withdrew the pressure pressing me.

As a response, I deactivated my skill.

"You're really interesting."

Ruby mumbled as she seducingly bit her rosy lower lip.

Her actions made the others in the room flustered, not me though.

I frowned at the weird feeling inside me, but soon I smiled slyly and leaned my back against the back of the seat.

I don't like the feeling of a woman hitting on me even though it's a joke.

"So does that mean you're interested in me?"

I asked Ruby to get back at her.

Seeing my approach, Ruby smiled similar to mine.

"Yes, I'm very interested in you~"

Her voice is beautiful, it's alluring. It feels like a mermaid is calling for me.

But I'm not here to flirt!

So I stood up and extended my hand to Ruby.

"It may be a late introduction, but my name is Raven Obadiah."

I used my real name to gain Ruby's trust.

Ruby then also stood up and grabbed my hand.

"My name is Ruby Skye."

Once we sat back again. I placed a envelope on the table between us.

Then with a sly tone, I started to go to the business part.

"Well, if you're really interested in me, maybe you'll find those interesting too." 𝒇𝔯e𝚎𝘄𝑒𝑏𝙣𝑜𝚟𝗲𝑙.c𝘰𝚖

I said while pointing at the envelope.

Ruby then grabbed the envelope and opened it. Inside it are documents I prepared beforehand.

Ruby started reading the contents of the documents.

Then she mumbled their important contents.

"An <F+> rank cave-type dungeon."

"Full of traps and <F+> rank goblins, the boss monster is an <E-> rank gnoll."

Ruby looked at me and sent me a question.

"Does that mean you already raided it? "

"Yes, I already did."

I casually replied.

"How long did it take for you to raid it?"

"I was lucky and picked all short paths, I reached the boss monster in under 48 hours."

'Well, I have a rough idea of the dungeon's layout so I got to the boss fast. The dungeon is fairly big that it may take me about a week wandering it if I got lost because of it's maze-like paths.'

At first there's only few paths to take, but as you reach further inside [The Stygian Lair], the paths you can take increases. Some leads you to a dead end and some leads you to death.

"Do you have a map of it?"

Ruby asked after reading through the documents. I smiled and took something out of my spatial storage.

"I'll sell you guys a copy when my proposal got approved."

I'm casually waving the map, then I stored it back to my spatial storage.

Ruby frowned after hearing what I said and seeing my actions, but then she smiled mischievously. That smile sent chills to my spine but I kept my composure.

"I'll throw your words back at you. You're too trusting~"

Ruby's music like voice was heard as she continues to talk, though her tone were soft, her demeanor isn't!

"We can just take the dungeon forcefully."

"You're not the owner of it anyway."

The room's temperature seems to dropped by a lot that I almost shiver. Almost.

With a calm voice, I spoke.

"Well I bought the land of the entrance of the dungeon and around it. The paper arrived this morning, so the dungeon is officially mine."

Icasually waved the certification I took out from the spatial storage. The certificate proves my ownership of a land. And the location of that land is where the dungeon is.

There's a law that if a dungeon appeared on your land, that's your property, but even if that's the case, dungeons that appeared on people's houses mostly got sold to the federation.

That's why I bought the land instead of immediately making a deal with the [Paraside].

I used that certain law and bought the land where the dungeon is, so technically, the dungeon is my property.

"If you enter the dungeon without my permission, it can be called as trespassing and the federation might take action."

With a sly smile, I continued and sent a wink at the frowning Ruby.

"Though if we bacame business partners, you will be able to use it privately at my permission. The federation can't just barge into private lands so it will really be private."

[Paradise] puts entrance fee to dungeons they controls. They earn money by letting people in them, but because of the [Heroes Federation], that business of them is declining.

They may have peace treaty but dungeons are precious that it can break the peace between the 2 organization.

"You really came prepared."

Ruby's defeated voice echoed to my ears.

"Well, I don't like troublesome and annoying things, so I always prepare things I think I'll need."

I said and shrugged.

"So what's your condition?"

Ruby asked.

I leaned my body forward and answered seriously.

"Let's do 50 to 50."

After thinking for a while, Ruby frowned.

"Hmm... That's a bit."

She seems hesitant.

I know this condition is quite unfair to them as I only discovered the dungeon, and they will run it. And running a dungeon is a complicated process.

"55 to 45."

Ruby bargained. I pretended to think about it. But I'm smiling inwardly.

I already expected this much, but I plan to take more and make the opposite party think that they won the bargain.

'[Paradise] is currently low in the number of their possessed dungeons. Let's use that in our advantage.'

"Running a dungeon is harder than you think."

Ruby then said with a frown seeing me thinking deeply and not replying.

'Well, I really haven't thought about running a dungeon so I don't care.'

After a little more while, I looked at Ruby and spoke.

"Fine, but I'll add another condition."

Ruby was a bit hesitant, but asked anyway.

"What condition?"

Holding back myself to scream out of joy, I smirked instead.

"Give me the strongest gun you have."

Ruby seems confused at my words.

I ignored her reaction and added some more words.

"Guns are known as the weakest weapon in this era so giving me your strongest one will not really affect you guys."

Ruby then started pondering. Her thinking about it is a good sign.

I just need a little more push!

"If you accepted this, our relationship will improve by a lot."

"Just so you know, I'll make a lot of money in the future."

I said while giving Ruby a confident smile.

Looking at me briefly, Ruby shook her head and spoke.

"You're really weird."

"Well, I am weird."

I agreed.

I really think I'm weird.

Ruby laughed at me.


Then she called out to me.


"You're also weirdly attractive you know."

Ruby said. I don't know what to do about that information.

So I calmed myself, smiled, and spoke as politely as I can.

"I will not lessen my share any longer."

And with a sly seducing smile, I added a tease.

"But it'll be a different if you became mine."

Ruby just smiled and casually replied.

"You're unexpectedly flirty."

"I already said it earlier. I like it more when I do the seducing."

"Hmph, fine."

Ruby pouted then took out a mana contract from her spatial storage.

"You're unexpectedly cute sometimes."

I unconsciously said. Though I was ashamed after realizing what I said, my poker face prevailed!

Ruby have her eyes widened and smiled at me.

"You're really honest, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. Isn't it one of my good points?"

I replied.


Ruby then handed me the mana contract.

After putting the deal we agreed on in the contract, we both signed it.

Though that time, I forgot that there's other people in the room except Ruby and me, and one of them is glaring at me.


Ruby and I are currently waiting in the same room after coming to the conclusion of our deal.

It's just the 2 of us here.

Normally I would be nervous. But I'm currently busy relaxing.

On the other hand, Ruby is reading a mail on her phone she received earlier.

'She's probably reading informations about me.'

I thought. I noticed Ruby sending weird signals to her subordinates in the room earlier before they all left us alone, so I assumed she's investigating about me, well, it's understandable considering Ruby's background and life.

Anyway, the reason I'm waiting here with Ruby is because of the gun.

Ruby said I can have it today as it is stored nearby. And the earlier I got it, the better, so I stayed.

'The strongest gun in the world...'

I closed my eyes remembering some details of the gun from my novel.

'Even though it's the stongest gun, it's still a gun, the weakest weapon in this era.'


Breaking my thoughts and the silence, I heard Ruby's amused voice.

Opening one of my eye, I asked her.

"What is?"

Ruby pointed me with her beautiful index finger and smiled.



Me? Interesting? Why?

"You're younger than I expected."

I suddenly frowned when I heard that.

"So you're my student."

"You aren't our professor at any class."

I rebutted. Ruby isn't our professor at any subject, she's teaching sophomores.

Ruby ignored my rebuttal as her figure disappeared.

"Are you gonna blackmail me and make me do lewd things in exchange of not revealing my informations?"

I then heard Ruby's seductively beautiful voice as she whispered in my ear. The enticing and pleasant fragrance coming from Ruby almost made me want to jump at her. Almost.

It's getting harder to keep my composure now that she's near me!

'When did she even get near me?'

Ruby just appeared beside me like she teleported. But Ruby being an <S> rank hero is already the answer.

Opening my other eye as well and looking at Ruby, I spoke.

"Why would I do that?"

"If I do that I'll lose your trust. Seducing you will be harder for me."

I added whispering back to Ruby's ear.

Ruby smiled and went back to her seat.

After sitting, Ruby spoke again.

"Your past and background are as weird as you."

Her words piqued my interest as I perked my ears and waited for her next words.

"What do you mean weird?"

I asked.

Ruby pointed at her phone and looked at me.

"There's not much information about you, your parents' origins are not clear, and your grandparents on your mother's side are also a mystery as if they doesn't exist."

Ruby then suddenly stopped her explanation and looked at me.

"Oh, sorry for digging in your past. I have to be careful at making new connections for my safety you see, no offense."

Ruby apologized.

"None taken."

I replied as her digging about my life actually helped me a little.

Seeing no dirt in my life, our relationship will be stronger. I also got clue from my past in this life.

"Anyway, is there anything else you discovered about me?"

I asked. Ruby smiled and opened her mouth.

"You have no strong backing, you have no history of doing something great until you got admitted to Lunar. Oh, and I know this is bullshit based on what I saw from you today, but it is said you're a victim of attempted murder of someone your age months ago."

Hearing the last part of Ruby's words made me frown. Why would someone at my age attempt to murder me? What did I do?

Because I know I wouldn't get any answer about that topic, I redirected my attention to other else.

"Why did I get admitted from the Lunar?"

I thought I got admitted because of money. But I think there's something more.

When I entered this body, I'm <F-> rank, the lowest rank. I also have a limited talent cap so I thought my parents used a lot of their saved money. Though, that's not enough to get me admitted.

Ruby then nodded her head lightly before opening her mouth.

"You got admitted using money. But you entered the highest section because of your talent."

Ruby said with a shrug.

My talent?

"What talent?"

I asked.

"I don't know, only your homeroom professor, Kendy Nasah knows, he's the one who picked you."

I started racking my brain to find my talent, but to no avail. So I stopped thinking about it.

Instead, turning my attention back to Ruby, I asked her.

"Is that all you got?"

Ruby seemed to misunderstood my question as a provocation. She raised her chin and proudly opened her mouth.

"Well based on what I got, you seems to be a new rising novel author."

I nodded.

"And you like older women."

But my face twitched at Ruby's words just now.

"You have a lover who is over half a decade older than you."

'She's talking about Keara?!'

Just how good is Ruby's informatiom team?

"It also seems that you seduced her under 24 hours. You must be a really good seducer~"

Ruby said, smiling playfully. She's trying to annoy me, and it's working.

Losing one-sidedly isn't my taste, so my pettiness unconsciously activated.

And with a sly smile, I said:

"Oh, shut up if you're that curious..."

After a short pause...

"Why don't you try me yourself?"

I added.

But shame attacked me hearing how cringe I am. So I decided to correct Ruby's information immediately to avoid that topic.

"And it's not like I like older women. I just like her, there's no other reason behind it."

I said, hiding my nervousness.

Ruby sent me another beautiful smile. I'm gonna fall in love if not for <Calm Thinker>!

"You just made me more interested in you."

Ruby said.

"It's fine, bacause I'm pretty interested in you too."

I replied back.

'Ruby is the leader of black market and [Paradise] after all even though she's only 27 years old.'

So it'll be natural to be interested in her.

"Then our feelings are mutual then."

Ruby said in a seductive voice.


Tok- Tok-

I was about to reply when 2 knocks was heard from the door.

Ruby looked at me. I just nodded my head weakly.

"Come in."

Ruby calmly said.

Following her words, a handsome man in a butler suit entered, holding a black heavy-duty briefcase. He seems to be someone who is in the room with us earlier.

"Here's the item."

The man said then placed the case in front of me.

And without replying. I opened the case.


A subtle click sound was heard opening the briefcase.

Looking at inside.

I saw a beautiful obsidian-black pistol.

And without further ado, I made the system appraise it.

[You flirt here and there since yesterday like a horny dog and then you just order me around like a slave. What a bitch.]

I have no time to argue with the system so I just let it nag at me as I looked at the description of the gun in front of me.



-The last product of the greatest unnamed gunsmith that ever lived.

-Have a passive skill <Concealed Shots>.

<Concealed Shots>

-Lessen the sound and spark of the gun produces when shooting.


A satisfied smiled appeared on my face.

[Nyx]'s firepower is strong enough to pierce through the skins of <E> rankers, monsters or human, etc.

In the novel, [Nyx] would just be covered in spider webs in Aoi's long-ranged weapon collections.

This gun was just briefly mention in one chapter in my novel, in a filler, this was mentioned as a remembrance of a certain event.

Aoi was supposed to get [Nyx] as a reward from Ruby after saving the Zreles City with Alec and the others, from the dungeon overflow of [The Stygian Lair].

Well anyway, my point is taking [Nyx] will not affect the story. Probably.


As I was admiring [Nyx], I heard a tongue clicking.

And at the corner of my eyes. I saw the man who brought the gun, glaring at me.

I looked at Ruby in front of me, she was smiling at me as if asking for my understanding.

I planed to do just that and ignore the man.

"Arrogant leech-like shit."

But I heard the man muttered beside me.

Ruby was about to talk, but I snapped first.

Shifting my gaze to the man. I spoke.

"Hey, what's your problem."

<Monarch's Presence> automatically activated reacting to my emotions.

This man is angry at me for no reason so I'm annoyed.

"What?... I just hate your guts."

The man then said. Not hiding his hatred toward me.

Appraising at his stat, he's <E> rank.

It's pretty low for his age. But he's still 2 ranks higher than me.

I crossed my legs and looked at him like he was a disgusting bug.

"Why do you have to be a bitch about it?"

I provoked him.


It worked seeing him about to explode in anger.

While looking at him, I suddenly asked myself.

'Why would he hate me?'

Is it because I demanded the [Nyx]?

Well maybe that's a part of it, but most likely it's because of the way I interact with Ruby.

I came up with that conclusion just after a second. I looked at the man again, he seems to be in his mid 20s.

"Gosh, why are you throwing a tantrum when you're older than me. Aren't you embarrassed?"

I spat out harsh truths as a provocation.

And when his veins was about to explode.

I smiled.

Ruby is looking at the whole situation as if she's amused.

But I wasn't focusing my attention on any of them at the moment.

Because as soon as I provoked the man.

The system appeared with a message.

[The Transcend Beings said they will give you 1000 CP if you fight and win against that man.]

I smirked and opened my mouth.

"Say, if you really hate me even though I didn't do anything wrong. What about having a duel against me?"

I need to test some equipments anyway.

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