Chapter 26 I DID NOT FALL!

[Raven's POV]

'I just need to survive a minute more and I'm safe.'

I thought as I avoids the lightnings pouring like rain to me.

'Calm down Raven, this is just like your fight with the [Flame Wolf], but harder.'

I tried to calm myself as I was being nervous.

As the spirit said, it isn't using its full power, I think it's not even using half of its full power.

Looking around, I saw a pretty big rock.

I ran toward it, and lifted it. Then I ran again while carrying the rock.

-Hmm, you're using your brain even in this situation, good job.

The spirit said, then 10 lightnings fell from the magic circles in the sky, it all came at me from every direction.

I crouched and a huge amount of mana circulated in my lower body.



Then I leaped forward.

I chose to leap where there will be the fewer lightnings. But there's still 3 of them.

I raised the huge rock I was carrying to block one of the lightning.



But I still recieved damages upon the lightning made contact with the rock.

The rock was destroyed so I threw it away.

I ignored the pain and raised my right hand to the closest incoming lightning.


Then I activated a skill, a black vortex swallowed the lightning I aimed at, then I felt my mana inside my body increasing.



I let out a pained scream as I can't swallow nor avoid the last lightning, thus it hit my left leg.

-Too slow.

The spirit said looking at me.

The spirit is calculating my movements and damaging me slowly.

I frowned as 2 black wings grew on my back.


The spirit looked at me with interest, but I ignored it.

I immediately flew in the air, I'm full of mana as I was absorbing lightning made of mana every minute.

-Well, being able to fly is good but it doesn't change that much.

The spirit said then 3 lightnings that was supposed to go straight to the ground shifted their trajectories and was now coming at me again.

My frown deepened then I flew down at the fastest I can.

Though, a lightning followed me.

At the last second I twisted my whole body to avoid it, but the right half of my body still got struck, including the right wing on my back, which caused me to fall.

Even though it hurts, I still forced myself to land on my both feet. Then not minding anything else, I dashed backwards.


Which is the best decision as 2 lightning fell on my front, where I formerly standing.

-You also have a good intuition, not bad.

The spirit said and waved one finger.



Then I took a direct hit of a lightning.

-But you're still not good enough.

'It hurts.'

In my past world, feeling this kind of pain is almost impossible. Especially for me as I was just a novel writer that doesn't go out of the house if it wasn't necessary.

But know I'm feeling insane tingling pain all over my body every second. My knees were about to give up, but I didn't.

Instead, I dashed forward again.

Countless lightnings were trailing me as a lighting will struck every place I went amd stepped on.


"Argh! Fuck!"

I got grazed by a lightning. And as the time pass by, I got slower and slower.

"Huh?" 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝙚w𝚎𝐛𝙣𝐨𝙫𝘦𝗹.c૦m

But then I realized something. I got confused as no more lightnings are coming at me.

I stopped running and looked at the spirit, it was smiling playfully.

And then it pointed upward.

I looked up in the sky.

And my face crumbled like the whole world denied my existence.

In the sky, an enormous magic circle is forming, and I'm standing in the center of its target area.

I sensed something and immediately jumped sideway.


Then a lightning struck where I'm standing earlier.

I looked at the spirit.

-I can double cast, so you can't take a rest.

It said, looks like the spirit just want to show me the big magic circle to see my expression as the lightnings started to come at me again.

I ran and dodged every lightning, I got hit and grazed many times, but I didn't fall nor stop.

While running, I'm also racking my brain.

There's only one topic my mind is focused right now.

'How the fuck could I survive that big shit incoming?'



Rough breathings can be heard from Raven.

-I had fun.

The spirit said as it looked down on Raven from above.

-Just 50 more seconds and you win in our deal.

It added.

"Oh yeah? I think you don't like that idea huh?"

Raven said.

Above him, in the sky was a gigantic magic circle, it's as wide as half of the meadow.

Raven is already exhausted that he's barely holding on his consciousness, so he can't dodge the spell that will come from the magic circle.

He knows that it's a wide range magic just by looking at the magic circle.

The spirit knows that Raven can't move anymore, so it didn't launch any more lightnings to Raven and decided to finish him using the enormous magic circle floating in the sky.

While about half kilometer away from Raven, Clifford and the others are not in the range of the magic circle. They're looking at Raven and the spirit with complicated expression.

They saw Raven struggling to dodge every lightning he can, and they saw him accumulate damages for about 5 minutes.

And bot being able to do anything made them feel the worst.

"This situation sucks..."

One of the [Coldvale]'s female member mumbled.

Clifford and the others all thought the same as the girl, they want to help, but doing so will endanger their teammates.

"Sir Clifford..."

Oscar worriedly called to Clifford who is clenching his fist tightly.

Clifford wants to go right now and save Raven, but he needs to prioritize his members' safety, that's his job as the leader.

-Let's end this.

The spirit said with a bored look and started to chant.


The winds got stronger as the mana and trees in the surrounding started to sway violently, it's indicating how strong the incoming spell is.

Raven didn't move, no, he want to move, he just can't.

He looks at the big magic circle above him with a frown.

"I think it's an 6th tier magic..."

Said Oscar while looking at the mana circle above Raven, at his words, the faces of the [Coldvale]'s members crumbled.

But one face remained serious, it was Clifford.

They were all crouching on the ground, but then Clifford stood up.


"Sir Clifford?"

The others called out for him with an expression asking 'What's wrong?'

Clifford looked at them one by one, and then bowed his head.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."

He said sternly. Not waiting for a reply, Clifford dashed toward where Raven is.

The group's eyes widened as Clifford disappeared in an instant.



Though, midway, something tackled Clifford's side, resulting of him being flung couple of meters away, his ribs also almost break too!

Looking who attacked him, Clifford saw a beast with an appearance of rhinoceros.

That beast stopped Clifford from advancing halfway from his position earlier and where Raven is.

The beast is an [Flaming Rhinoceros], an <A+> rank beast, just as the name indicates, it's an fire attribute beast.


The rhinoceros plans on preventing Clifford from advancing any further at all cost.

Clifford clenched his dadao with his both hands, then water made with mana covered his weapon.

He transformed his mana into water to inflict more damage to the [Flaming Rhinoceros], it's easy for him as Clifford's main attribute is water.


When the [Flaming Rhinoceros] saw the water in Clifford's weapon, it let out a groan and ran to Clifford, attempting to tackle him again.


Clifford stepped his left foot forward, and raised his dadao with both hands above his head. His hands and weapon is covered in mana that resembles water.


When the [Flaming Rhinoceros] was about 5 meters away from him.

Clifford tensed his muscles and swung his dadao with all of his might downwards.


The winds and mana around them distorts as Clifford's dadao travels downward.


As Clifford's weapon made contact with something, an ear deafening sound echoed through the meadow and debris scattered everywhere.

The whole area was immediately covered in dust.

But Clifford didn't close his eyes, in his mind, it's not good to be overconfident so he wants to see the enemy's condition himself.

When the debris faded you can see the results of Clifford's attack, his surroundings are in mess and there are cracks all over the ground.

In the midst of this, Clifford is frowning.

The [Flaming Rhinoceros] was still alive, and in front of it are 2 rock golems that recieved Clifford's attack.

The 3 were flung about 20 meters away from Clifford.

Both golems are still alive, but both lost some parts and their body have cracks all over it.

Then monsters and beasts started to appear one by one looking at Clifford.

Clifford still frowning, clenched his dadao tightly again.


Clifford ordered with an intimidating tone and aura.




But the monsters and the beasts didn't move and just growled at him.

Then 3 [Flaming Rhinoceros] came charging at him.

And 2 flying monster immediately flew down toward him with their sharp claws.

Clifford raised his dadao again.

Clifford then started to slowly accumulate dense mana in his arms and weapon, he knows it will not charge on time so he prepared himself to recieve some damages.

'That young man did it, so I can do it too.'

Clifford remembered Raven taking some hits from few lightnings to dodge more.

The 3 [Flaming Rhinoceros] was near him but he didn't looked at them and focused on slicing the flying monsters when they comes near him.




Clifford splits the flying monsters' bodies into 2 when their claws were few centimeters away from his face.


But Clifford got confused, he didn't feel any pain, he was ready to recieve the tackles of the [Flaming Rhinoceroses] but he didn't feel any.

Looking in front, Clifford saw Oscar, Alina, and the others blocking the 3 [Flaming Rhinoceros].

"You guys!"

Clifford exclaimed in surprise.

"<Earth Reformation>!"


Oscar casted an earth magic that reforms the earth around him in a certain distance.

Then he pushed the creatures away with it and looked at Clifford.

"Let's move forward."

Oscar said and smiled.

"What are you guys doing?!"

Clifford asked in a loud voice, clearly angry.

"Actually, I'm gonna be more dissapointed with you guildmaster if you didn't move until the end."

Alina said as she raised a spear in her hands.

"Yeah that's right!"

"I'm not angry with these guys seeing us as an enemy, let's just kill them all!"

"You're our leader! We will follow your will as long as it's reasonable!"

The others shouted with a smile on their faces.

"That's what they said."

Oscar said as he casted another spell.

"Now let's go... <Wind Spear>!"




Clifford smiled and slashed his dadao everywhere, this time it's lighter than his previous slash, but it's more accurate as he can now focus because there's people protecting him.



Then Clifford and the others started to fight the creatures as they slowly move forward toward Raven.

-How touching.

But then, they heard the spirit's holy voice, it's mocking them.

Clifford and the others frowned and looked up in the sky, the spirit is looking at them with a dissapointed face.

-But you guys are already late.

There's already less than 10 seconds left in the time Raven needs to survive so the spirit plans to end it before the time runs out.

It didn't want to lose, but the spirit wouldn't go against its own words, so it really plan to release Raven and the others if Raven really survive 10 more seconds.

Not that the spirit will let Raven.

The spirit finished casting and what's left is just to launch the spell anytime it wants.

"Let's pick up our pace!"

Oscar who realized that, shouted to the group.

Then they hastily moved forward; they slashes, stabs, and shot deadly magics to every creature who tries to stop them from moving forward.

Raven was looking at them with a complicated expression.

Then he moved his mouth.

'Calm down, I'll be fine.'

Raven mouthed with a frown.

Clifford and the others frowned and moved faster, contrary to Raven's words.

They don't believe Raven, everyone there knows he will die if he recieve the next attack of the spirit.

-<Wrath of the Thunder God>.

But everything was too late, the spirit finished its casting and waved its hand down.

Then a gigantic pillar of lightning fell from the magic circle above the sky.



The world turned white in an instant, and a deafening thunder was heard.

In a moment, everything in the meadow seemed to be nonexistent.

The last thing that Clifford and the others saw was a gigantic lightning struck a young man.

And the young man was looking up at the lightning with a bitter smile as if accepting his fate.


[Oscar's POV]


I stuttered as the world that seemed to be dyed in white, returned to normal.

Well, not really normal, looking around all I can see is a mess.

It's a total wreckage.

"Cough... Cough"

"Kehum... What happened?"

"W-what's this?"

The others shows similar reaction to mine upon seeing the surrounding.

"No way... Are we too late?"

Alina weakly muttered staring at the distance where we last saw a young man.

The area is covered with debris and dust, but we can already imagine what happened.

If it's us who got struck by that spell directly, we have a chance of 65% of survival, that's already low, so the young man couldn't possibly survive it.

Upon watching the boy, we analyzed that the young man's rank is lower than <B> rank after all.




We all got silent.

We're a bit down, who wouldn't? We just you saw a young man die in front of you and we couldn't do anything.

'Even though we decided to help him.'

'If we just acted much earlier...'

I said to myself inwardly, I'm dissapointed at myself.



As we were silently standing still, the monsters and beasts appeared in front of us again, and it's like they're mocking us.

I glared at the creatures, not just me but the other members too.

Then someone walked forward and got in front of our group.

It was Sir Clifford, he was giving a death glare at the spirit in the air who is looking down on us.

-You guys attempted to get in my way earlier.

The spirit said.

-You should all recieve punishments.

It added and electric sparkles came out from its small body.

We just glared at the spirit and took fighting stances.

We are readying ourselves for a long and difficult battle.



But before the spirit cast a magic, or even our fight started. We all heard a loud yell in front of us where there's a huge crater.

Our eyes, even the spirit and creatures adverted to where the voice came from.

Our eyes widened as we saw the source.

The spirit shows disbelief on its face and it's deeply shocked.

At this moment, no one can utter a word and we were all just looking at the young man standing in the middle of the pit made by the pillar of lightning earlier.

His sharp black eyes are full of life even though he looks like he's about to die.

His black shiny hair is messy.

His whole body is covered with burns and he's pretty sluggish as he's swaying left and right.

"Where are you going?"

The young man asked, it's directed to the spirit.

"I haven't fall yet."

His voice was getting louder and stronger.

Even though his voice is hoarse, his words were clear.


He stepped his right foot forward, the sound of it echoed throughout the silenced area.

"This whole fucking time!"

A bright light was coming out from his body, the aura he's emitting is getting stronger and stronger.

His presence was so big and majestic that we feel we're being looked down by a giant king.

He smiled and looked at the spirit.


The young man declared proudly.

Thump-! Thump-!

The sound of our heartbeats was heard as they were getting louder.

Remembering since the beginning of the deal of the spirit and young man.

It's true, never did the young man even once fall, even in his knees, never.

Looking at the young man's shining starry black eyes directly.

I felt goosebumps washed all over my body as the corner of my mouth rose and adrenaline rushed all over me.

The same can be said to the others, even Sir Clifford.

And this scene right now, we wouldn't be able to forget it even if we want to.

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