Chapter 33 A New Skill!

Though Ruby and Keara is surprised by Levina's appearance. After explaining some things to them, they understood to some extent what happened.

I didn't told them I entered an portal-type dungeon that is <A+> rank, I don't have the reason to, and I feel like that I'll be in trouble if the 2 of them find out.

What's the weirdest thing is that Levina, Ruby, and Keara got along with each other pretty easily.

They all have different personalities so it's hard to believe.

'Maybe they all have something in common.'

I thought but can't really figure out what is it.

It's a good thing anyway, so I didn't bother about it.


Now, I'm alone in my dorm, lying on the bed and getting ready to sleep.

Ruby have academy works to do, the same goes to Keara and she got caught sleeping in working hours by Ruby.

Though Keara doesn't want to leave me, I reassured her that I'm not gonna go anywhere.

Still, she left with teary eyes.

I want to spend time with her, but I'm tired and I want to rest.

So I closed my eyes.


But then Levina called out for me.


I replied not opening my eyes.

-Ruby is weird.

Levina said.

"I know."

I casually replied.

-No, I mean, I can feel demonic energy from her.

When Levina declared that, my brows furrowed, but I still didn't open my eyes.

"Is she a bad person?"

I asked Levina.

-That's what it makes it weird. She's not a bad person, she's in the neutral, no she's in the good natured side more.

Levina said, confusion can be felt in her voice.

"Then it's fine."

I casually waved my hand to Levina.

Ruby is an <S> rank hero so maybe she have a duty to kill demon and their energy sticks on her.

Also Ruby runs [Paradise], where demons, majins, and heroes are everywhere. So it's not that strange if demonic energy got accidentally stuck on Ruby.

With that reasons, I didn't put much thought about it.

I can hear Levina still talking but I can't understand her anymore because I'm so sleepy, so I ignored her and just went to sleep.

And I would come to kinda regret this decision of mine about a year from now.


When I woke up in the morning of the next day, I did my regular routine.

I took a bath, ate breakfast, then I started to run through the whole academy.

Looks like Blake is exhausted by their training yesterday as I don't see him.

"What a nice day."

I mumbled with a smile while still running.

The only bad thing is that Keara isn't with me because the assessment test is getting near, thus her and Ruby's works are increasing.

"I feel sorry for them, but I couldn't do anything to help them."

They aren't even allowed to say to me what they're working on.

I already know that it's about the assessment test, maybe the other students know as well.

So I think it's not like secret anymore, don't know why the academy is still trying to hide it.

-This place is awesome.

As i was running, Levina spoke, she's peeking from the chest pocket of my training suit.

"Just talk to my head, someone might hear you."


Though dissatisfied, Levina obeyed my words.

"Thanks, in exchange, I'm gonna run all around the academy so you can see everything in here."


It's Levina's first time seeing buildings and structures that humans made so she must be excited.

I secretly smile as she's acting like a child Then just like I promised, I ran through every corner of the academy.

It took me for about 2 hours. Then after that, I headed to the training grounds.

The place is packed with countless of students and some professors.

I also saw the main characters but because all of them are immersed in training, they didn't notice me.

I didn't bother to greet them so I just went in a room in the shooting range.

I selected 10 moving targets in the difficulty of 7 as my training.

I didn't waste my time and quickly circulated mana in my whole body.

Crackle- crackle-

Electricity particles started appearing all over from my body.

Then after that, I activated <Calm Thinker> and <Insight>.

After doing so, my head and body started to ache.

But as an exchange, the world seems to drastically slowed down for me and my thoughts are flowing smoothly.

[Session Begin.]

Bang! Bang! Bang!–

As soon as the session begun. I immediately pulled the trigger 10 times in just seconds.

10 bullets flew and each of them hit one moving target.

[Session Finished.]

[Time it took: 3.38 second]

A satisfying result greeted my effort!

-You're getting better in manipulating electricity! Good job!

Levina complimented me, she's still in my chest pocket. I used <Cleanse> on myself earlier so I don't smell sweaty.

A satisfied smile appeared on my face, and even though the gun I'm holding doesn't have a bullet anymore.

I still unconsciously pulled the trigger by impulse.

But then it made me frown, looking at the trigger of the academy's gun I'm using.

"It looks like it can't handle rapid fire."

I grumbled.

The trigger is crushed and I assumed it's broken.

[It's not like it can't handle rapid fire, you just literally pulled the trigger 10 times in a short amount of time.]

The system then appeared and said.

"Isn't that what rapid fire is all about?"

I sarcastically said.

[I know you know what I mean.]

"Sure, sure."

I shrugged and got out of the training room.

I immediately took a new handgun that's provided by the academy.

It's free and I'm the only one who uses gun, so they have a lot of extra guns for me!

Even the bullets!

But I got bored to go back to the shooting range.

So I headed to Ruby's office instead.

"I should request a spar."

I muttered excitedly like a child that got a new toy.


"I didn't know you would request a spar right after you came back."

Ruby said as if she finds my action interesting.

"Well, I learned some new tricks and I want to test it."

I replied with a cunning smile.

We're in the room we sparred last time, looks like the wall I got slammed on already got fixed as I don't see the cracks anymore.

"So you want to test some new tricks, that's interesting."

After saying that, a smile crept up on Ruby's face.

Then a normal medieval sword appeared in her right hand, it's the same quality of the swords the academy provides to the freshmen students.

"Just so you know..."

I muttered. Then a katana appeared in my right hand.

"It's gonna be different this time."

Ruby's eyes widened seeing me holding a katana, then her smile deepened as it turned into a curious one.


Ruby mumbled.

"Ready whenever you are."

Ruby then added.

I smiled.


And as usual, I grew a pair of black wings to my back.

Then, I channeled mana throughout my whole body.

Crackle- crackle-


Then soon, black colored electrics and winds covered my body and katana.

I activated <Calm Thinker> and <Insight> to the max!

I'm using all that I can to their max efficiencies at the very start!

Then everything around me seems to stopped moving.

My whole body is screaming in pain, not that I give a shit as I pressed my feet on the ground.

"<Strike everything that is in your way.>"

I looked at Ruby, and for the first time, I saw her frowning.

I smiled, then...


I kicked the ground along with flapping my wings once, thus my body shot to Ruby in a terrifying speed!

Immediately arriving in front of her, I slashed vertically down.

"<Lightning Bolt>!"


Bzzzt- bzzzt-

A loud clashing sound rang along with electric buzzing was produced as my katana and Ruby's sword made contact.

Ruby blocked my attack, but I made her took a step back.


With the clash of our weapons, a strong air shock wave was produced.

Ruby's arms and hands are covered with mana.

She's a water attribute user but my electric barely worked on her.

Well, I already expected that.

A gun immediately appeared in my left hand and I aimed it to Ruby.

And I was about to pull the trigger, but then...

A transparent window appeared in front of me.


[With the help of your abilities and strong luck, you successfully acquired a new skill!]


<Thought Acceleration Lvl.1>


I got shocked, and at my moment of shock, Ruby grabbed my arm and threw me.



Then I got slammed into the wall again.

"That attack was not bad."

Ruby said looking at me with a satisfied smile.

"But why did you let your guard down? Usually you would not stop attacking and be on guard."

She added with a questioning face.

I stood up with a frown and brushed my clothes.

"Something came up."

"What is it?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"It's a secret."

Before Ruby say anything else, I rushed to the door of the room.

"I remembered that I need to do something, thanks for making time for me and I'm sorry for being an inconvenience. See you at the classroom."


Then I left. The last thing I saw is Ruby frowning, she's unsatisfied with something.


As soon as I came back to my dorm, I immediately spoke.

"System, show me the new skill!"

My tone was like an excited kid, but I don't care as I'm really excited.

'I just created a skill!'

So it's normal I'll be more excited at something I made!

[You're like a child, well anyway, this is the skill you acquired.]

After that, a transparent window was projected in front of me.


<Thought Acceleration Lvl.1>

-Accelerate your thinking process to the point that time seems to slow down for you.


"What the..."

The description of the skill is so good that I can't put it to words how shock I am.

I was stupefied...

-What's wrong Raven?

Then snapping me out from daze is Levina's voice.

Glancing at her.

"Something good just happened."

I said.

-What is it?

Levina asked, but I didn't answer. Instead, I activated <Thought Acceleration>!

My head hurts a little but I ignored it and looked around.

Just like the description of the skill said.

The world seems to slow down.

I looked at Levina.

She's talking really slow to me.

Then I tried to walk, but just like Levina, my movements are also slow, actually I'm slower.

'Guess not because I can think faster doesn't mean I can move faster.'

In short, my thinking drastically became faster to the point that everything is moving so slow than it seems to be.

But my body can't keep up, so I'm moving slowly too.

'Well I already anticipated this.'

I just tried if that's really the case, but I already guessed this will happen, and I already have a solution for it.

And the solution is simple as I already did it a lot of time.

I manipulated electricity of my cells, my thinking got even more faster, and at the same time, my movements became faster.

I merged my body with my electric attribute.

'Electric is strong...'

I mumbled in mind.

'Electric... Is fast.'

And as I thought of that, my movements became a lot faster, now it seems like I'm moving in slow motion.

Before I can't even tell if I'm moving...

I know that in the normal flow of time, I'm moving very fast.

I tried moving to get familiar with this feeling.

My hands, arms, feet, and legs.

A satisfied smile appeared on my face.

After that, I deactivated the skill.


But then, a coursing pain radiated throughout my whole body. Especially in my head.


I let out a pained scream, my body stiffened and started to fall.

"What happened?!"

But Levina in her human form caught me and slowly lay me on the bed.

'This has to be the side effect of the skill!'

I thought and cursed my stupidity. 𝘧𝑟𝘦𝒆w𝚎𝙗nov𝘦𝗹.𝐜o𝓶

Because of my excitement, I didn't think that this may happen.

Looks like my body can't handle the skill properly, causing me to feel this kind of pain!

The pain is still flowing through my body, I'm biting my lower lips to lessen the sound that I'm making.

I don't want anyone to see me in this state.

I'm glad I tested the skill in my dorm.

-Raven, are you okay?!

Levina asked in a loud voice and a worried tone.

I looked at her and weakly shook my head.

"Of..course... I'm...not..stupid."

Levina frowned but I didn't care and continued speaking.

"Don't...worry.. I..just....need"

As soon as my words faded, I lost consciousness.



I immediately opened my eyes and sat up.

"Haa.. Haa..."

My body still aches but it's bearable than what I felt earlier.

"How long am I unconscious?"

I asked.

-For an hour.

Then Levina back in her spirit form answered, she's flying toward my direction.

"So I still have time to attend the class."

I mumbled, a bit relief.

-Now tell me, what happened?

It was then Levina asked me with a serious tone. 𝘧𝘳𝐞𝚎𝑤ℯ𝘣𝗻𝘰ѵℯl.c𝐨𝚖

Looking at her, I sighed.

"Okay, so..."

After contemplating for a bit.

I told Levina that I acquired a skill and tested it out, and because my body can't handle the skill fully, I suffered a backslash.

-I see...

Levina, after hearing my story, started to look at my body.

-You need to be stronger to utilize that skill without receiving any backslash.

"I know."

I replied in a dissatisfied voice.

-But there's a way you can utilize that skill better right now.

Levina then mumbled.

My eyes then quickly widened and moved to Levina.

"Really? What is it?"

I eagerly asked her.

-It may be impossible to you...

"Just tell me."

I urged her.

-Haaa... It's by going through body reconstruction.

In the end, Levina gave up and told me the answer.

"Body reconstruction?"

I asked, tilting my head and asking for more detail.

Fortunately, Levina opened her mouth.

-Yes, young orcs go through body reconstruction after they reached the age of 10, it will remove the impurities in their bodies and make it more sturdy and stronger.

Levina explained. I know what that is, I'm the one who wrote that setting about orcs to begin with.

Orcs are fighting geniuses, with and overwhelming physical abilities. The question is...

"How will I reconstruct my body then?"

-I don't know, only orcs can do it, that's why I told you it's impossible to you.

I frowned at Levina's answer.

Then I started pondering.

'How can I reconstruct my body?'

I read about it a lot in martial arts novels I saw in my past life. But I didn't put an artifact, herbs, or literally anything, that will reconstruct one's body in my novel.

'If I knew that I'll be reincarnated in my own novel, then I would've put some.'

As I was thinking so.

An idea came up to mind.

"System, request a body reconstruction to the system shop."

I said, and the system automatically processed my command. Though Levina is looking at me weirdly, I ignored her as she doesn't know anything about the system.

[A body reconstruction is worth 10,000 CP, twice the amount you currently have.]

The system's reply made me frown even deeper.

"Can you do something about the price?"

I asked.

[Let me see...]

I waited for the system, then...

[Here, 3000 CP, but it will not be effective immediately as you will need to train hard to reconstruct your body.]

The system informed me.


I actually didn't expect a lot from the system, but it turns out that I'm underestimating it too much. Yeah I'll need to train hard and it will not have an effect immediately.

But who cares, the effect will advantageous to me anyway.

"Purchase it immediately."

I immediately said.


I smiled as I feel like something being added to my body, I can't feel it but I know it's there.

"Let me see what I should do to reconstruct my body."

But then my smile immediately disappeared and was replaced by a frown after the system projected a transparent window in front of me.


[Body Reconstruction]

1.Run 20,000 Kilometers.

2.Do 5,000 push-ups.

3.Do 5,000 sit-ups.

4.Do 5,000 squats.

5.Lift 75 Kilograms, 20,000 times


"This is bullshit."

I angrily muttered.


[Drei05]: Any question about the chapter or novel? Just ask me in the comment and I'll answer! Just no spoilers.

Also, please help me gain more readers by recommending it to someone you know :3

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