Chapter 166

Chapter 166

That the thing in her hand turned out to be a long strip of pork that had been cut out!

It turned out that before Yu Linglong came, she went to the kitchen to find a piece of fresh pork and tied it to her leg . In order to be realistic, she also stuffed a small piece of blood sausage under the pork, and secretly pierced the blood sausage while cutting the meat . This caused that bloody and horrible appearance .

That Yan Huzi was stunned by her actions . No matter how real or fake the meat would be investigated, he was so frightened that she was talking and laughing while cutting the meat .

Blue and White Tiger breathed a sigh of relief, and his nervous expression slowly eased . Instead, he admired her: “Boss, you are so smart!”

Guo Jianglong and the others behind him also looked on in admiration . Yu Linglong smiled slightly and said faintly: “It is not enough to rely on brute force to get out of the world . ”

Pointing a finger to her forehead, Yu Linglong smiled and said, “Sometimes, I have to use my brain more . ”

Everyone responded in unison: “Boss, we’ll remember!”

Prior to this, most of these people only listened to the words of Blue and White Tiger . Yu Linglong, this Princess Xu who saw the dragon without seeing the end, was just a godlike existence in their hearts . No one had seen her methods, but they have experienced them today . In this matter, the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang finally recognized her as the boss with all their hearts .

Blue and White Tiger wrapped a strip of cloth around the wound on his arm, and said, “Boss, what do you think about this matter today?”

Looking at the scattered tables and chairs around, and remembering Yan Huzi’s arrogant look just now, the smile on Yu Linglong’s face disappeared, she said coldly: “If they just smashed our site, it would be fine . Then how will we mix in the future!?”

As soon as these words were spoken, the people around her suddenly got excited .

“That’s right, are these bastards good for us to bully?”

“Boss, Yan Huzi dared to smash our shop . Let’s smash theirs too!”

“Just say it and we will do it!”

Yu Linglong raised her hand, and everyone’s voices stopped .

“Okay . Everyone listen to me . ”

All eyes were focused on Yu Linglong alone, waiting for her instructions .

“First, clean up the gambling shop . Open the door for business as usual, and don’t let those guys affect our business . ”

If the Ruyi Gambling House was closed because of today’s disturbance, then Yan Huzi’s goal would be achieved . Of course, Yu Linglong would not be able to take advantage of him .

“Secondly, check out the places in Tiansha Hall . Call more skilled brothers, bring the guys, and smash them one by one!”

If you dare to provoke Yu Linglong, then Yan Huzi will pay a thousand times the price!

“Third,” Yu Linglong looked around at the angry and eager trusting faces around her, and said in a deep voice, “Arrest Yan Huzi for me at all costs!”

After listening to her orderly arrangement, everyone responded loudly: “Yes, boss!”

Blue and White Tiger further allocated the manpower, and the people who got the job immediately went out to do their jobs without stopping .

Looking up at the gradually gloomy sky outside, Yu Linglong smiled coldly .

Soon they will know how terrible it was to provoke her!

Obtained by Yu Linglong’s order, all the brothers of the Dragon and Tiger Gang were dispatched one after another . For a time, the capital was full of tension and anxiety .

Before this, the Dragon and Tiger Gang could be said to be mainly doing business properly . Because of Yu Linglong’s orders, the Dragon and Tiger Gang was very powerful and involved in a wide range of things, but it was very subdued and rarely caused trouble . But this time as soon as the Dragon and Tiger Gang took action, people could see the tip of the iceberg of its strength .

Almost on the same day, all the industries under the name of Tiansha Hall were smashed . These people were holding swords and sticks . They had a clear division of labor and were vigorous . Once they entered the shop, they would tie up important people such as the treasurer in charge, and put on a posture of killing anyone who dared to resist, and then in front of everyone, they smashed all the furnishings in the shop, and the damage was a hundred times more serious than that of the gambling house .

After the smashing was over, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang released the hostages . Before leaving, he did not forget to say the next sentence: “We are all from the Dragon and Tiger Gang . If you have opinions, ask Yan Huzi to find us!”

After speaking, the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang left, leaving only a mess and a group of people looking at each other .

The gang responsible for finding Yan Huzi was even more terrifying . They gathered at least a hundred and eighty people each time, each carrying a dazzling knife on their shoulders, walking around in the places where Yan Huzi once haunted . They went into all those “unfortunate” shops visited by Yan Huzi and shouted, “Where is Yan Huzi? Tell the bastard to come out!”

When encountering such a character, even if it was a popular store, all the customers scattered in an instant . The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded and bowed out, explaining that Yan Huzi really wasn’t in his shop .

After confirming that Yan Huzi was not there, this group would leave . Before leaving, they didn’t forget to say loudly: “When you see that bastard, tell us quickly, or else, you will provoke the Dragon and Tiger Gang, do you know what we’ll do?”

No one was so stupid as to really want to ask what the Dragon and Tiger Gang going to do . Everyone was full of smiles, not even daring to speak . They just wanted to send these evil spirits out as soon as possible .

What was eviler was that these people have been walking around the street with knives for several days, but the capital magistrate and the bailiffs patrolling the street didn’t even ask about it!

That’s because Yu Linglong and Lord Xu took care of it, and even the nine battalions and twelve guards who met the Dragon and Tiger Gang didn’t even pay attention to them . Who else would dare to come forward?

Even if she used power for personal gain, it was just that the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang just looked scary on the outside, but their target was only Yan Huzi . They didn’t do anything extra, and it was not a disturbance of public order .

But in the eyes of those who did not know the inside story, these situations have added a lot of mystery to the Dragon and Tiger Gang . Who were these people? How big was their backing? Why did they stroll through the city with knives and the government didn’t care about them?

Some people have had a foreboding feeling that the arena in the capital would change drastically .

As long as Yu Linglong spread the news, if she wanted to catch Yan Huzi at any cost, Yan Huzi seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and no one had seen his shadow again .

Yu Linglong had already expected this . With so many members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang and all the commotion, Yan Huzi must have been notified by someone long ago . This guy knew that he had a problem this time, so he found a place to hide .

Yu Linglong wasn’t in a hurry, anyway, her purpose was not all to get Yan Huzi . It was her most important purpose to make the Dragon and Tiger Gang an instant success and smash the arrogance of Tiansha Hall .

After going through this incident, Yan Huzi wanted to make a comeback, but it wasn’t that easy . The people of the countryside most value loyalty and face . All the pavement of Tiansha Hall had been smashed this day, but Yan Huzi did not dare come out like a tortoise with a shrunken head . How could he show himself in the future?[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @ novelmultiverse . com]

A few days after the incident, someone finally got the news that Yan Huzi was hiding in his concubine’s house in Nancheng . Blue and White Tiger immediately took people and went to “visit” Yan Huzi .

The large room on the third floor of Ruyi Gambling House was full of people . They were all leaders of the Dragon and Tiger Gang . Most of these people were members of the original Dragon and Tiger Gang . They were also the brothers who were the most loyal to Blue and White Tiger and Yu Linglong . Everyone was in charge of the business in a region of the capital, and they were all tyrannical characters .

With so many people standing there, the atmosphere on the entire third floor immediately became more solemn .

In the middle of the room, Yu Linglong was dressed in a black-colored moiré silver-lined robe . Her hair was pulled up with a black hosta, and two black pearl earrings hung on her earlobes, making her skin white as jade, cold and harsh .

At this moment, she was sitting on a huge armchair with a pair of clear and icy eyes looking at the sturdy Yan Huzi on the ground, and a mocking smile appeared in her eyes .

Did you admit it so soon? Useless!

Yan Huzi still showed his shaggy chest, but this time it was not because of his deliberate play of being cool, but the result of his clothes being torn apart during the fight .

At this moment, he was pushed to the ground, and he said stiffly: “If you have something to say, quickly, let it out! I’m very busy!”

Seeing him trying to look fierce, Yu Linglong couldn’t help but sneer: “Busy? What are you busy with, are you busy asking people to clean up the shop and reopen it? Or are you busy collecting manpower and wanting to make a comeback? Yan Huzi, do you know the current devastation of Tiansha Hall?”

In just a few days, Tiansha Hall’s reputation in the capital plummeted, and Yan Huzi hid, and the people underneath each went their own way .

Actually, the gang that included most of Tiansha Hall’s younger brothers was the Dragon and Tiger Gang .

Yan Huzi’s face turned pale . Even his full beard couldn’t hide his pale face . Undoubtedly, Yu Linglong’s words prodded a fresh wound .

He had known that the people in the gang life were not so messy, but he didn’t expect that he would lose more than half of his years of foundation in a few days .

He could only himself for offending the wrong person . He wanted to take down the Ruyi Gambling House and establish Tiansha Hall’s position in the capital, but now it seemed that he tried to gain an advantage and ended up losing .

It turned out that the reputation he imagined was not that he was strong enough, but that he had never encountered a strong enough opponent .

Facing Yu Linglong, he was just as vulnerable as an ant . Yu Linglong only needed to stretch out his toes and twist him gently, which was enough to turn him into powder .

After all, the people in the gang world belong to the underworld, and they were always a little afraid of the court . No matter how powerful they were, they didn’t dare to show up at the feet of the emperor, but this Dragon and Tiger Gang dared to carry swords in broad daylight, looking for him all over the street . This battle was something he had never seen before after years of wandering around the gang world .

So, he was scared, he was really scared .

He could insert seven or eight knives into his body without wincing, but when he saw the hundreds of people with swords on their shoulders searching him from a distance, his legs were still weakened timidly .

Putting a knife on himself was because he knew that he wouldn’t die like this, but when he saw the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he had only one thought: if he was found, they would definitely break him into pieces .

This was the so-called, the strong are afraid of the hard, and the hard are afraid of death .

Yan Huzi was tough, but the Dragon and Tiger Gang was more desperate .

After a long time, he suppressed his anxiety, raised his head to look at Yu Linglong, and asked, “What do you want me to do?”

Seeing Yan Huzi’s look that could not hide his panic, Yu Linglong smiled faintly .

“It’s nothing big . I will just tell you one thing . ”

Hearing these calm and bland words, Yan Huzi was even more heartbroken . He was used to seeing those bluffing guys, and he had also seen those guys who pretended to be stronger than they were, but this was always the same . Yu Linglong, who looked indifferent, made his heartbeat like a drum .

Intuition told him that this surprisingly young woman was really unpredictable .

Looking around at the sturdy men, Yan Huzi knew that if he fell into the hands of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he would only be reduced to a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered .

Fish meat does not need to think, or in other words, no one cares about what a fish thinks .

Yu Linglong obviously thought the same, therefore, she didn’t give Yan Huzi any chance at all and said directly: “From now on, Tiansha Hall will belong to me . ”

The nine words sounded like a bolt from the blue in Yan Huzi’s ears . He couldn’t believe that this woman was so blunt . She was telling him that it was as simple as asking for candy .

Before coming, he had thought the worst plan was nothing more than bleeding and receiving a lesson . He bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and even gave up some territory as a price . But he didn’t expect Yu Linglong to come like a lion and opened her mouth and directly demanded his entire Tiansha Hall .

Yan Huzi was angry . He almost forgot to be afraid, so he cursed, “Fuck! Do you want it!?”

Hearing him exploding to Yu Linglong, Blue and White Tiger and others immediately stepped forward, but their movements were stopped by Yu Linglong’s hands .

As if she didn’t hear Yan Huzi curse, Yu Linglong looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly: “Or, if you die, Tiansha Hall will belong to me . ”

Yan Huzi’s curse choked in his throat abruptly, but he couldn’t say it anyway .

Yu Linglong’s words were concise and easy to understand, but he didn’t want to accept this result . Tiansha Hall was the result of half a lifetime effort, so how could he easily give it up? Because of what the little girl who was less than fifteen years old in front of him said?

People tend to lose their minds when they are excited . At this moment, Yan Huzi didn’t seem to think carefully about why all the big men in this house treat a little girl with respect . He shouted: “You’re dreaming! I won’t give it up . What will you do? If you have the courage, kill me!”

Seeing him shouting wildly, Yu Linglong shook her head with a little regret, and said softly: “Do you think I wouldn’t dare to kill you? Or are you not afraid of death at all?”

It was impossible not to be afraid of death . Yu Linglong had seen someone who was not afraid of death, but he was definitely not like Yan Huzi . If a person was really not afraid of death, he would not hide like a tortoise when something happened .

Then he didn’t believe that she dared to kill him .

Yan Huzi was struggling, trying in vain to get rid of the rope tied to him, and shouted arrogantly: “If you kill me, I will still be a hero after eighteen years!”

Seeing him appear to be not afraid, Yu Linglong felt a little amused inexplicably .

Before, she thought that this kind of situation would only appear in TV dramas, but she didn’t expect that Yan Huzi would follow her in the same way .

Interesting .

Well, since you are really not afraid of death, I will have fun with you!

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