Chapter 129: End of the Party

At the time, Moby thought long and hard about how he was supposed to complete the quest that Avilia gave him.

To him, at first, it seemed impossible but after thinking long and hard he noticed many things that he could use to his advantage in order to complete the quest.

The first was what the quest itself was asking from him. It did not ask him to win the fight but to instead win the bet which was much more doable in his eyes and gave him hope that it could be completed.

After that, Moby thought long and hard thinking of many different factors in order to make sure that there was the lowest chance of failure.

The major factor was the ability to kill without the schools being notified due to the break. Many students went home to visit family during the break or sometimes went to certain locations in order to train. Many of those locations were top-secret to the families, something that they did not want the military to know about. The watches tracking feature is only said to work after curfew or when a student died but the families don't want the military to know the locations of their secret places even if their son were to die which was why the military was pressured into completely disabling the tracking feature on the watch for the entire week of the break, even upon a student's death.

That main idea was the basis of Moby's plan. And, with the introduction of Jayden's new skill that she discovered from her new evolution during the break, Moby's plan was starting to form and come together. Her skill was that she was able to create a clone of herself that was only 10% of her strength and the skill could only last for 24 hours.

Moby's plan went as follows.

First, he needed Jayden to seduce Damian, luring him somewhere in the house that had no cameras before killing and healing his dead body, storing it in her inventory where it would not age. Abby would use her wisps to scout out the area around, keeping towards the ceiling in order to avoid any cameras, to make sure that no one was coming. So, in the case of such an occurrence, she would go and distract them and notify Jayden to finish faster which luckily did not happen.

Jayden would then transform her original body into Damian, and, make a clone of herself. After that, she would clean up all the blood from the bathroom using her inventory, making sure not to miss a single drop before walking out of the washroom talking to herself with Damian extremely mad like he got a prank pulled on him as to not look suspicious on the cameras.

As for the fight, it had already been completely planned out from before. However, Moby and Jayden still communicated with each other using mind link the entire way.

The fight was the hardest part of the plan. They needed to make it as believable as possible. Also, Jayden was not fully adept at using Damian's ability and had a lower power level than him which she masked on her watch using her doppelganger powers.

So, Moby decided to kill two birds with one stone. If the entire fight looked like Damian was toying with Moby, nobody would ask or be suspicious about why Damian wasn't going all out which was a good way to mask Jayden not having full power and control over her new ability. Also, it resolved the problem of how to make the fight believable that he won against someone that had a power level over 1.5 times higher than him as it is very plausible that Damian grew too arrogant and took him lightly, allowing him to take him out when his guard was down and when he least expected.

In the end, everything worked out fine and nobody thought anything suspicious of the fight. However, the truly hard part was that Moby and Jayden were forced to hit each other with the intent to inflict pain in order to make the fight as authentic as possible which was very tough on their souls. However, in the end, they decided to do it anyway.

The final part of the plan was seemingly the easiest but proved to be more dangerous than anticipated as Moby did not expect Damian's father, Brandon, to go as crazy as he did, to the point of wanting to kill or torture his own son.

The plan was when Jayden got home, she would fake a suicide using Damian's body before running away, leaving 0 evidence or leads of her involvement. To her fortune, she was lucky enough to receive just enough time to complete the plan before Brandon showed up in the room to give her a beating and possibly even kill her.

Now, Jayden had already flown back to the Griffith family mansion, making her clone go to the bathroom where she would transform out of her wisp form, dispelling her clone before going back to the party to meet up with her friends.

When she entered the wide, luxurious ballroom where all the guests were, she noticed that Moby was being surrounded by a hoard of rich nobles, something that her clone had communicated to her from before so, it was something that she fully expected to see.

"Mr. Kane! That was an exceptional performance. I completely misjudged you, you are indeed a man of absolute honour! Thank you so much for giving 10 million dollars back to us, you did not have to do that but that was very generous of you! You are a very kind soul indeed! Not like all those other greedy gremlins of your generation,"

"I second that opinion! Your ability was out of this world! It was not like anything I have ever seen before! If you allow me to store it in an ability crystal, I'll be willing to pay you a few billion dollars!"

"Don't listen to him! Whatever he wanted to pay you I'll do double!"

The crowd kept bombarding Moby with many questions and praises, something Moby did not at all expect. He expected to be scorned and make enemies out of the many rich and noble families for making them lose a lot of their money. That was the reason why he decided to give 10 million dollars of his winnings back to guests that lost the bet as a gesture of goodwill. He now slightly regrets his decision but he did not want to take any chances. He absolutely did not want to make enemies out of so many rich noble families. Especially in his current state, even with the protection of the Griffith family.

However, it seemed like the nobles immediately jumped at the chance of monopolizing on a new, potentially overpowered ability that they had witnessed twice during both of his matches.

Moby guessed that most of them had probably planned to do the same thing even if he had lost the bet. If anything, they would have much preferred it if he had lost which would allow them to offer him the deal while he was down, poor, and depressed which would have increased their chances of success exponentially.

"No, sorry guys, I do not plan to sell anyone my ability no matter what the offered price is! I plan to make this ability my signature, something exclusive to me and my future family," Moby said, rubbing the back of his head trying to calm down the crowd in front of him.

Abby and Alex were both on the balcony discussing various things including how relieved they were that the plan worked out well, with Joseph, Alex's father, taking a quick peek at them every now and then with a proud smile on his face to make sure that all was going well for his son.

As for Jayden and Alex's mothers, they were having a seemingly simple conversation in the corner of the ballroom on a 2 person table.

The other guests were all having casual conversations with each other, taking up a large portion of the gigantic ballroom.

Jayden walked through the crowded room, trying her best to reach Moby, completely ignoring or rejecting all the people that tried their best shot at hitting on her even though they knew full well that she had a boyfriend.

"Jayden my little honey bun! You're back!" Mason said, greeting Jayden as soon as he noticed that she had returned from her washroom break.

"Hi dad! Did I miss anything important while I was out?" Jayden asked Mason with a smile.

"No, you missed nothing important… However, I have a very important thing to discuss with you about… In private. I always try my best to be honest with you and I do not plan to stop doing so anytime soon…" Mason said in a serious tone, looking into Jayden's slightly confused eyes.

"Sure dad, I know that you always want the best for me. Talk to me about anything," Jayden responded with a smile, making him nod back to her before leading her to one of the empty balconies.

"So… I have been thinking about this new boyfriend of yours… I really tried my best to like him but I just can't seem to do it. He is far too arrogant and reckless. At first, I thought that he was not that bad. I liked his fight against Leon as he outsmarted him and bested him with his powers while at the same time getting a lot of money in the process. I respect that. To be honest, if I were in his place, I would have done the same. However, his fight with Damian was completely reckless and made his arrogance come to the spotlight. It was such a stupid move to do. However, he still won due to sheer luck because his opponent made the grave mistake of greatly underestimating him, allowing him to take him out while his guard was down. The fight could have ended very differently if that were not the case. This leads me to believe that he will be a bad influence on you and only drag you into unneeded trouble due to such arrogance and recklessness. Even if he does truly love you…" Mason said in a very serious tone, looking straight into Jayden's eyes with a heavy look.

Jayden listened to her father's entire monologue with a blank expression on her face before letting out a casual chuckle.

"There are no accidents…"

"It was not luck at all. I know Moby better than anyone else and I can assure you he had a plan. He never goes into anything completely blind. That's just the type of man he is, and part of what I really like about him…" Jayden responded with a bright smile, looking up at the calm, yellow, slightly cloudy sky.

"I...I am going to take your word and trust you on this… Even if I still find it hard to believe, I will trust your judgement. I was just really worried about you as your father, that is all... I might just be going a little too hard on him. Maybe he did have a plan and I just did not pick up on it… He might not be such a bad influence after all. For the entire day so far, you have not been acting normal at all. Normally you would have voiced hundreds of complaints and had many servants fired for even looking at you the wrong way. In my opinion, the change is surely for the best!" Mason said with a cheerful chuckle, making Jayden join him as well.

"I wonder… was he the one that caused that change in you? The dates add up… It can't be a coincidence right?" Mason said, looking at the expansive garden under him.

"As I said before, there are no accidents…" Jayden said with a laugh, making her father laugh as well.

"Anyways, you should enjoy the party while it's still going on! It was supposed to be a party to celebrate your great achievements after all! The dance part will start very soon! Why don't you go back in and dance with your boyfriend before the party ends? It would definitely be a fun romantic experience. Also, I'll be sure to talk to him before the party ends. Don't worry! I won't threaten him or anything! I just want to better know what kind of person he is…" Mason said, looking at Jayden with a smile.

"Thanks a lot dad! You're the best! I love you! Well, I'll go do that now! Thank you so much for trusting and having faith in my words!" Jayden said with a smile before running out of the balcony to go find Moby.

'I know that I spoiled her way too much which made her think she owns the entire world. I just couldn't get myself to punish her at all... But, I am glad that my little girl is not like that anymore, She sure has grown up quite a bit in such a short amount of time… I am so happy to see that.., Moby Kane… was it really you that inspired such a change in my sweet little Jayden?' Mason thought with a calm smile, starring at the clam sky from the balcony.

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