Chapter 69

Chapter 69 – Bai Xi = Little White Face? (part 2)

Feng Ming? Why did he come to Mo Xuan Yuan? Was it a coincidence? No, if he discovered her identity as Yue Hua, then she will be miserable. She has to leave here immediately.

Bai Xi coughed and stood up abruptly, but it was too late for her to leave now. The two of them were about to reach the door. Suddenly, Bai Xi’s eyes lit up when she saw the two bonsai in the hall. She knew what to do.

Bai Chong Yuan hadn’t recovered from the shock yet, so he didn’t notice Bai Yu Jie or Feng Ming entering the room.

“Xi’r… Your… What’s wrong with your face?” Bai Yu Jie looked at Bai Xi in surprise. She was holding a bonsai and her face was covered in mud. It was difficult to tell who it was.

“Oh, this is nothing. I just helped the old man with his bonsai. I probably didn’t notice the mud on my hands, so I accidentally got mud on my face when I was wiping away my sweat.” Bai Xi tried her best to calm herself down. Fortunately, there were bonsai inside, otherwise she would have no way to hide.

Bai Xi kept looking at Feng Ming from the corner of her eye. He hadn’t looked at her when he walked into the room. She prayed to God that this man didn’t recognise her face under the mud.

In fact, Feng Ming could not tell that Bai Xi was the ‘Yue Hua’ Bai Xi at the moment. Even Bai Chong Yuan couldn’t see Bai Xi’s current face, the one which had shocked him moments earlier. It was because the only part of Bai Xi’s face that wasn’t covered in mud were her eyes and mouth. It looked like she was wearing a mask, a mud mask.

Bai Yu Jie frowned. He didn’t believe Bai Xi’s explanation. If she was really merely wiping away some sweat, then how did her entire face get covered in mud? If the mud spilled from the pot, then why were Bai Xi’s clothes clean? He didn’t inquire further.

Feng Ming’s handsome face was as indifferent as ever and did not change.

“Since older brother has something to discuss with the old man, then I won’t bother you. I’ll go back to my courtyard.” If she didn’t leave, then it was hard to ensure that Feng Ming couldn’t tell. That man’s eyes were too sharp. Her face was also covered in mud and she wasn’t used to it.


“Old man, I will accompany you next time to get the remaining bonsai.” Bai Xi then turned and left without giving Bai Chong Yuan a chance to respond or for Bai Yu Jie to finish speaking.

“Bai Xi.”

Bai Xi paused and turned around stiffly. She looked at Feng Ming. “Hm? What is it?”

“I’ll accompany you back.” After Feng Ming finished speaking indifferently, he turned around and took Bai Xi outside, without giving her a chance to resist.

When Bai Yu Jie wanted to follow, Bai Chong Yuan said behind him, “Jie boy, have you ever said that Xi’r wasn’t your younger sister?”

“Eh? This…” Why was grandfather suddenly bringing this up?

“Yes or no?”

“Yes,” Bai Yu Jie answered truthfully.

“Then, apart from talking with your father, did you mention it to anyone else? For example, Xi girl.” Bai Chong Yuan’s expression was grave and his tone was serious.

Bai Yu Jie’s expression changed. “Grandfather is saying that Xi’r… she… knows?” Grandfather would never mention this for no reason. He only knew about this secret after he accidentally heard a conversation between his father and grandfather.

But now, grandfather suddenly mentioned it. Coupled with Xi’r’s reaction earlier, could it be…

“I’m not sure.” He wasn’t sure if she knew. She only said that she heard a conversation between Jin Hang and Jie boy. She didn’t continue or ask him if it was true. Instead…

“By the way, Xi girl’s face…” Bai Chong Yuan stopped suddenly, as if thinking of something. Instead of continuing, he asked, “Why did you come to Mo Xuan Yuan with Ming boy?”

“Happened to meet on the way. Grandfather, why did Xi’r come to see you?” He wanted to know what Xi’r and dad said in the study. Why did dad look nervous and scared? But, dad didn’t want to tell him anything. So, when he learned that dad and Xi’r appeared in Mo Xuan Yuan one after the other, he rushed over immediately. He didn’t know that he would meet Feng Ming at the entrance.

“It’s nothing. I just asked Xi’r to come and tidy the bonsai outside.”

“Really?” The doubts in Bai Yu Jie’s heart grew. He didn’t believe this answer.

“Do you think this old man is lying to you? Okay, it’s getting late. You should go back soon. This old man wants a great-grandson next year.” Bai Chong Yuan ordered him to leave.

Bai Yu Jie wanted to say something, but Bai Chong Yuan had already left.

On the other side, Feng Ming had pulled Bai Xi out of Mo Xuan Yuan and hadn’t let go of her hand. He did not know whether this was due to his worry that someone would avoid him when he let go, or that he didn’t want to let go.

“That… Can you let go of my hand?” Why was it that the more she tried to hide from him, the more he appeared in front of her? It was like this at the palace and it was like this now.

“No!” Feng Ming didn’t stop walking, and his gold eyes didn’t even look at Bai Xi.

“Aren’t you looking for the old man? Go ahead. I can return to Xi Yuan by myself.” Her heart was in her throat. Although there was mud on her face, she was afraid he would see her real face.

“I was looking for you, not the old man.”

Eh? Looking for her? Why was he looking for her?

Feng Ming stopped and lifted Bai Xi up. He did not use his martial arts, but continued to walk steadily.

“Feng Ming, put me down!” He just hugged her without saying anything. Even though it was at night, there were still many people passing by.


“Let go!”


“If you don’t let go, I will take the mud from my face and put it on your clothes,” Bai Xi said slightly threateningly. She knew this man was a clean-freak.

“Wipe it. It’s dirty anyway.”

“Put me down and let me go, okay?” If threats didn’t work, then she would try a softer approach. She didn’t believe that this man wasn’t affected by either. But, Feng Ming was a person who wasn’t affected.

“Put you down so you can avoid me, right?” His gold eyes stared straight at the mud-covered face in his arms.

“Eh? You… did you see?” For some reason, Bai Xi felt a little guilty, as if she had been caught doing something wrong.

Gold eyes looked up and away from Bai Xi. He continued to walk forward, but his steps were faster.

“I didn’t hide from you, I just…” Bai Xi scrambled for a suitable excuse. “I didn’t hide from you. I was a bit anxious at the time, so I rushed to the house.”

Feng Ming ignored her and didn’t even glance at her. He still looked indifferent.

“Hey, what I said is true. I didn’t lie to you.” If she had known he had seen her that time, she wouldn’t have run away.


“Feng Ming, did you hear me?” Could he give her some sort of reaction?


Bai Xi sighed in relief. The man finally responded, and he believed her. “I didn’t hide from you, so can you let me go?”

“Just holding you like this. You have to get used to it sooner or later.” Feng Ming softened his voice. His gold eyes flashed.

Get used to it? What did he mean? Bai Xi struggled a few times, but she found it was ineffective.

“Bai Xi, I don’t mind shortening the half-year limit. Old man Bai will be very happy to marry you to me.” Feng Ming suddenly smiled, holding Bai Xi closer.

Bai Xi stiffened and didn’t dare to move. She was afraid that this man would do what he said. She obediently let Feng Ming hug her and take her back to Xi Yuan. Feng Ming smiled lightly, very satisfied with the reaction of the woman in his arms.

The people who come and go are acquainted and those who are far away have already escaped. And then there was a figure standing in the corner, watching. Why was it still saddening to see it now? He should be happy for her. When Feng Ming’s figure disappeared into the dark night, the figure also turned and left with slightly staggered footsteps, leaving only the quiet night.

Xi Yuan

Bai Xi returned while being hugged. She almost frightened Mu Qiu, who was guarding the door. Unexpectedly, there was something more frightening behind her. When Mu Qiu saw Bai Xi’s face, she almost fell.

“Young… Young miss, you scared this servant to death,” Mu Qiu said softly as she patted her chest.

“Get the tub and hot water ready,” Feng Ming commanded indifferently as he carried Bai Xi inside the room.

“I didn’t say I’d take a bath.” She didn’t want to wash the mud off her face in front of him, otherwise she wouldn’t have bothered to wipe mud all over her face.

Feng Ming put Bai Xi on the bed and said, “I didn’t say that you have to wash.”

“Eh?” She didn’t have to? That is… “Doesn’t your room have a bath? You can go back to your room and take one, so why do you have to use mine?” This person has a bathtub, but doesn’t use it and instead uses her smaller one. His one wasn’t even far away, just across the wall. Did his brain short-circuit?

“If you accompany me, then it’s fine to go back.” Feng Ming bent down suddenly and his white, jade-like fingers lightly touched her muddy face. A small piece of skin was exposed.

His action made Bai Xi back away. “Hehe, no… No need. You can use it.”

Feng Ming lowered his gaze to look at the mud on his fingers. His eyebrows wrinkled and he muttered, “This face is really dirty.”

“Yeah, it’s very dirty. I’ll go wash it right away.” Bai Xi quickly got out of bed. But just as her feet touched the ground, an extra arm appeared around her waist. His words made her feel shocked.

“I’ll help you.”

“No… no need. I can wash it myself. No need for you to get your hands dirty again.”

“I am happy to help you wipe it off.” Feng Ming straightened Bai Xi. He then took out a white crescent silk cloth to help wipe the mud off Bai Xi’s face.

Bai Xi dodged, but some was still wiped off. “I’ll do it myself.” Bai Xi reached out and grabbed the silk cloth from Feng Ming’s hand. But, her fingers accidentally touched his warm ones. Her face turned red immediately, but it was hidden by the mud.

Bai Xi shook her head. What was wrong with her? They had already kissed and she had her clothes removed by him. They had also been naked around each other. Why was she so nervous just touching his hand just now? She must be afraid of being discovered by him. Yes, that must be it.

“Are you sure you don’t need me to help?” Feng Ming leaned down a bit and looked at her carefully.


Feng Ming suddenly let go of her. He then started to remove his clothing. When Bai Xi was about to ask him why he was undressing, she noticed Mu Qiu from the corner of her eyes leading someone to prepare hot water.

“Then I won’t bother you. Take a shower.” Bai Xi then walked out of the room quickly. She had to quickly wash the mud off before she put the mask back on.

Feng Ming didn’t stop her. He just glanced at the beautiful figure that disappeared quickly. He smiled slightly.

Bai Xi did not go far, just to a nearby room. After she washed the mud off her face, she reached into her pocket to get the human skin mask. That was when she discovered that the human skin mask she had put in her sleeve pocket was gone.

Bai Xi’s mind raced. She was quite sure she had collected the mask. How was it gone now? What did that mean? Either the mask had fallen out of her pocket, or it was taken away. But, who could steal the mask from her without her noticing?

Her heart thumped. If he was the one who took the mask, then it was possible. But, would he really take it? If so, then didn’t that mean he already knew that she was the so-called Little White Face? Why didn’t he inquire about it?

But this wasn’t the point. What was she going to do next?

After a while, Feng Ming came out of the bath. He put on the clean clothes that Qing Wu had prepared, only to find out that he was alone in the room. Bai Xi was nowhere to be seen. He didn’t think that the woman would automatically go back to the room when he was there. He had just walked out when he heard a familiar voice.

“The prime minister is clean.” Bai Xi, no, it was Yue Hua now. She had been anxious about what to do next, but she suddenly had an idea. She could now avoid this man like she wanted to before.

At this time, Bai Xi was dressed in men’s clothing, sitting on the fence in the corridor as she smiled.

The brilliant gold eyes in the night stared straight at Bai Xi, who was dressed as a man. Although he didn’t say a word, she could feel an invisible pressure.

“Prime minister, I heard from Xi’r baby that you are willing to return the silver taels with interest. Is that right?” Bai Xi’s face had a radiant smile. It was half a million taels. Of course she was happy.

“I didn’t say it.” Feng Ming’s tone was extremely indifferent.

“You… Prime minister, you are a dignified official. You should have some integrity.” He never said it? This man dared to say that?

“Then did you hear me say something like that?”

“I… Prime minister, are you sure you haven’t told Xi’r baby that you were going to pay me five hundred thousand taels with interest?” Bai Xi gritted her teeth at every word.

“That’s Bai Xi who lied to you.” Feng Ming walked towards the wind.

Bai Xi shouted “jerk” in her heart.

“Bai Xi has hidden already?” Feng Ming stopped suddenly and said indifferently.

“Of course. Was she supposed to stay here and wait for you to lie?” She knew this man was a liar, a big liar who played around with her.

“You should tell her that if she wants me to pay you, she will see me in person tomorrow morning at nine.” Feng Ming then disappeared.

“Only a ghost would believe what you say.” Bai Xi stared at the direction where he disappeared. She won’t be deceived anymore, but she’ll write down this account first and then calculate the interest after she comes back.

But she discovered one thing. That man didn’t seem to know her secret. Then, where did her human skin mask go? Just in case, she had already searched the path they took quickly, but she didn’t find it. Where could it have gone?

“You… Who are you? Why did you appear in the young miss’s room?” Mu Qiu asked with a panicked expression as she tried to maintain her composure. She was going to ask if the young miss wanted a bath, but then this man suddenly appeared in her young miss’s room, and her young miss and the future young master were gone.

Bai Xi smiled. “I am your young miss’s lover.”

“Lover? You lie. The young miss has a future young master. How could you be the young miss’s lover?”

“Little Qiu Qiu, if your lady hears the words ‘future young master’, how do you think she will punish you?” This girl, why did she say such things again?

Mu Qiu hurriedly covered her mouth. She had already begun to believe the man in front of her. “Are you really the young miss’s lover?”

“Of course.”

“What about my young miss?”

“This is a letter from your young miss to the old man of Mo Xuan Yuan. You can send it to him on her behalf. As for your young miss, she has decided to elope with me.” Bai Xi picked up some packages at random and handed the letter she had prepared to Mu Qiu.

“What? Elope?” Mu Qiu looked at the man in disbelief.

“Shh, be quiet. If you want to marry Qing Wu, I don’t mind calling the shots and marrying you to him.” Mu Qiu covered her mouth again, not daring to make a sound.

Bai Xi smiled slightly upon seeing Mu Qiu’s actions. “Remember, you have to hand this letter to the old man tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Mu Qiu nodded obediently.

“Also, you can’t tell anyone about your young miss eloping with me, including Qing Wu, unless you don’t want your young miss to be happy.” At least, she couldn’t let Feng Ming know about it tonight.

Mu Qiu nodded obediently.

“Good. If you have a man you like, remember to tell your young miss. She will arrange it for you.” Bai Xi patted Mu Qiu’s shoulder and quickly left.

She hoped the trip to Qing Chen would give her the answer she wanted.

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