Chapter 103


The Excessive Affection of the Goddess

NT: Yeah… you all should be already aware since a already told you about this before, but… there will be some really, REALLY, bad news at the end of this chapter… prepare yourself before star reading (i’m not gonna drop this by the way)

Living room of Furio's House • Sunset

A few days had passed since Elizabeth’s sudden growth, and return to normal, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened to Elizabeth since then, so all the inhabitants of Furio's House returned to their normal lives with tranquility.

Garyl and Elizabeth, Furio and Lys' Twins, and Risley, Slape and Bireri's Daughter, were happily playing on the large rug in the living room, which had become their playing space, while they were watched by Lys and Bireri.

Garyl, who was next to Lys, was playing with himself.

Garyl, who had inherited the blood of the Race of the Wolf’s Fangs•Kibaôkami• from his mother, had a pair of blue ears growing from his head, and a tail protruding near his waist, which he should learn to hide as he grew older.

Garyl, who was standing next to Lys, was running happily around himself trying to catch his own tail.

Lys spread her hand in front of Garyl, and said, 「Garyl, here!」, as she reached her hand out to him.

At that moment, Garyl quickly rushed to Lys’s hand and leaped over to grab it, however, Lys quickly pulled it away the moment he was about to grab it.

Garyl, who was unable to grab Lys hand, began to grumble in frustration, but he quickly stopped and start smiling again as he turned to Lys with an expectant look. His gaze seemed to be saying, 「Come on, I’m waiting for my next target!」, as his tail jerked from side to side.

Risley was gleefully looking at Garyl as he played with Lys.

What’s more, Risley, who was leaning on the back of her mother, Bireri, never took her eyes off Garyl, who was running from one side to the other.

At first she had tried to stand up and walk behind Garyl, with her hands up, to try to catch him, however she was unable to reach him due to the speed with which he ran from one side to the other, which finally ended up making her decide to look at him sitting down.

However, it didn’t take her too long to stop and start walking behind Garyl again to catch up with him while smiling.

They both kept repeating that routine for a while while laughing gleefully.

On the other hand, Elizabeth, unlike those two, who played energetically on the carpet, was sitting on the sofa, looking out the window, while the adults talked.

Occasionally, Lys or Bireri would say to her, 「Come on, go play~」, and she obediently walked over to where the other two were, but soon afterward she returned to the sofa and started looking out the window again. .

In the past, Elizabeth would have preferred to accompany Risley and decided to pursue Garyl with her.

However, her behavior changed markedly from the day that incident in which she suddenly grew up occurred. Since then, she had only spent time looking through the window selflessly.

… What’s wrong with Elizabeth?

Lys thought, with a confused look, as she saw how Elizabeth looked disinterestedly outside through the window.


Elizabeth, who had been staring disinterestedly out the window all this time, suddenly jumped, and started to hold up as she seemed to have found something outside.

Then, after confirming that she hadn't seen wrong, she began to smile happily.


Lys couldn’t help but be puzzled by Elizabeth’s sudden change of heart.

In front of the confused Lys, Elizabeth had begun to leap happily onto the couch as she waved her hands, then, the next instant, Elizabeth leaped off the couch and ran toward the front door of the house.

「E-Elizabeth!?」, Lys, still shocked by Elizabeth’s actions, started running after her.

Then, the moment Elizabeth reached the entrance…

「I’m back」

Furio, who had just returned home, pass through the door.

「Papa~! 」, happily shouted Elizabeth she hugged her father.

In fact, Elizabeth had always been the type of girl who was particularly attached to her Father.

However, in the past, when Furio returned home, she did not rush to hug him until he entered into the Living Room where everyone was.

But ever since the day Elizabeth experienced that sudden growth, she had been waiting impatiently for the moment when Furio was coming home, and she had always pounced on Furio the instant he walked through the door to overwhelm him with her excessive affection.

NT: This … Isn't it… that? … I mean… This is “That”, isn’t it? … Uhhg… My head…

Furio and Lys’ Room • Midnight

Furio had a large bed in his room.

Usually, the two of them, Furio and Lys, slept at the ends of the bed while the twins slept in the middle.

Lys, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, muttered, 「I wonder what is going on with Elizabeth lately…」, as she let out an involuntary sigh, while looking at Elizabeth, who was curled up on the side where her Father, Furio, was.

Elizabeth, just as she had been doing for the past few days, launched herself at Furio to cover him with her excessive affection at the moment he returned, and did not stray from his side even while dining.

The only time she separated from him was when she entered the bathroom with Lys, and for some reason, she seemed to feel reluctant, no, rather uncomfortable, when she had to take a shower with Garyl, which is why Furio had lately had to take care of bathing Garyl separately.

Then, after bathing, Elizabeth hugged Furio again and began to follow him from one side to the other, making sure not to leave him for any moment, even when she had to go to bed.

「I heard that the girls had a desire to be pampered by their Fathers, but, I feel like they didn’t mean this, did they?」, said Furio, while stroking the head of Elizabeth, who was sleeping peacefully next to him.

「I think it is different for everyone.

Slape tends to spoil Risley a lot, but she doesn’t like being around him」

「Now that you say it, it’s true」, said Furio, smiling wryly at Lys’s words. 「Although… I am happy that my daughter loves me this much」, said Furio, smiling kindly, as he began to caress Lys face.


Lys, who placed her right hand on Furio’s shoulder, and use her left hand to hold his, and softly murmured, 「… I like you a lot too… Danna-sama(Husband)」, while kissing Furio.

Soon after, those two, who were still kissing, decided to lie down on the bed, where they were ready to continue with their affairs.


Just as Furio was about to start undressing Lys, something tugged at his hand.

「… Ah?」

「… Huh?」

They both stammered as they turned to see what had pulled from Furio’s hand.

「… U~h…」

Elizabeth, who had been sleeping peacefully until just a few moments ago, was now leaning against Furio’s back, pulling his hand with her little hands.

At first glance, it seemed as if whe was trying to prevent Furio and Lys from continuing with what they planned to do.

「Okay Elizabeth, come on, let’s go to sleep」, saod Furio to the grumpy Elizabeth, who was trying to keep her sleepy eyes open as he took her to bed once more.

Then, he looked over at Lys over his shoulder, and with an, 『I’m sorry』 look on his face, raised his right hand in front of his face as he regretted what had happened.

That was his 『We must give up today』 sign.

… It ca-can't be, We'll postpone it again tonight?

This had been repeating itself since the day Elizabeth abruptly grew up. Since that day, she had been interfering with the couple’s nightlife almost every day.

… No, it can’t be, it’s definitely a coincidence.

… Yes, Elizabeth just wants to be pampered by Danna-sama(Husband)

… Yes, it is not possible that she is intentionally interfering in our path when we want to be together

Lys thought, biting her bedding in frustration, as she stared at Elizabeth.

Then, in front of her, Elizabeth murmured, 「… Papa… I love you」, just before falling asleep while smiling.

◇◇ In a certain corner of a certain forest ◇◇

Blond Hero• Yûsha •-sama, what happen with you so suddenly」

「I was really shocked when you suddenly started digging a hole」

Tsuya and Valentine said, in confused voices, as they looked at the Blond Hero• Yûsha •, who was at the bottom of the hole, still digging, while carrying a spear that he had taken out of his magic bag, which he settle next to the others spears he stuck at the bottom of the hole.

「How annoying, my intuition tells me that I must dig a hole here」, said the Blond Hero• Yûsha •, as he continued digging with his faithful companion, the Drill Bulldozer Scoop.

「The speed at which you digs is as impressive as ever」

「Idiot, stop saying the obvious, *Hum*, this is nothing」, said the Blond Hero• Yûsha • with a laugh in response to the words of Ririanju, who looked really impressed.

「… *Fum*, I’m running out of spears」, muttered the Blond Hero• Yûsha • with a frown as he checked the contents of his magic bag, then, he looked at Tsuya, who was next to him. 「Tsuya, there was a Knights Brigade around here, right?」

「Yes, I think there was one to the south~」

「Good, time to go steal-… time to go borrow some stuff like always」

「E~h!? Again~!?」

「Stop complaining and get going!」. The Blond Hero• Yûsha • started to walk south while ignoring Tsuya’s complaints.

Seeing that, Tsuya yelled, 「A~h! Wait for me~!」, as she started to follow him in a hurry.

Blond Hero• Yûsha •-sama, why don’t we go to the Soujahya City which is further ahead? I heard that something called 『Winter Festival』 was going to be carried in it, and I think it sound very interesting~」Valentine said as she started to follow that pair.

「『 Winter Festival 』 you says? What is that?」, asked Ririanju suspiciously as she looked at the pamphlet that Valentine was holding.

「I don’t know, but it seems like there will be some events where we can win something if we get first place」

「What? A prize for first place? Fufufu, this is perfect for me. Alright, this Blond Hero• Yûsha • will win everything」, said the Blond Hero• Yûsha • as he walked with a smile.

Meanwhile, Tsuya, Ririanju, and Valentine continued to walk behind him, laughing happily as they passed the wheel.

◇◇ In a certain corner of a certain forest ◇◇

「Dark King! Ar-Are you okay!?」shouted one of the Dark King’s subordinates who had managed to avoid falling into the deep hole.

The Dark King and his minions were heading to the next city where they would establish their new base.

Due to the nature of their business, the group had to move at a certain distance from the road, trying to be as discreet as possible, however, their path was obstructed by a hole that suddenly appeared, to which their leader, the Dark King, fell into with to the horse he was riding.

「Dark King!」

The Dark King, who had fallen to the bottom of the hole, finally managed to regain consciousness due to the incessant screams of his minions.

Although the Dark King fell into the hole, he somehow managed to avoid suffering a fatal injury thanks to the fact that he had fallen on his horse, which cushioned his landing.

However, he did not emerge completely unscathed from the sudden fall, and had difficulty getting up.

「Dark King! Are you okay?!」

In response to the words of his minions, the Dark King muttered, 「… Someone get me out of here」, with a weakened voice.

「Ooh! The Dark King is fine! Quick! Someone bring a rope! Wait a little longer, we’ll come down for you soon!」

The Dark King began to click his tongue as he looked towards the surface, where it seems that everyone started making a fuss.

… It doesn’t matter who's the responsible of this… You, who dared to hurt this Dark King… Just wait. I assure you that I will find you, and kill you


「… *sneeze!* 」

「What’s going on~? Blond Hero• Yûsha •-sama~? 」

「*Hum*, I don’t know, but I feel like I’ve missed something」

「Ha~a? Is that so~? 」, Tsuya, who was concerned when she saw that the Blond Hero• Yûsha • seemed to be feeling unwell, could only tilt her head confused.

NT1: Alright… here it goes… I have no more content to work on. Due some… circuntances (my own laziness), a haven’t been able to translate more chapter of Lv2 to the Spanish Version, and, as you already know, Spanish is my main language. The only reason why i can do this version althoug i am not really good speaking english (i know a little, and i can undestand and read it with no problem, but still…), is because i take my time making the “Spanish Version” so i can let the browser “translate” it and not be afraid of this one making something awful, so i just have to correct the few errors this one have to make a “good-enough chapter” so you can read it with any huge problem.

Anyway, i’m working on the others novels that i am translating (into Spanish) and i don’t have any plan of star translating some new chapters of Lv2 until finish with what i am working right now. This might take me… two weeks, and after that,I’m planning to make a huge pack of Lv2 (like, 15 chapters… maybe more. I don’t know). This one might take me like… other two or three week to finish… maybe fourth, so… i guess there will be no new chapter to this version until… i don’t know… ¿a month? Yeah, i guess i will not translate any new chapter during one month, soo… until then i guess…

You can try to read something else during that time… Catora is translating other two novels into english (“The Villager of Level 999” and “The Emblem od Din”), so you can try looking them to be aware of Catora current situacion… There also other three novels… two of them, “Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi” and “Because, Janitor-san Is Not a Hero”, are being translated into english by someone else (althoug Catora doesn’t really like Tondemo’s English version since the translator add a lot of crap, so he ended up buying the translated Light Novel that is a way better in my opinion, and… “Mister Janitor” was dropped by the translator after the first arc was finished due some issues he had…)… there’s also the other novel that Catora is translating, “The Killer of God of Level 0”, but… there is not English Version and Catora doesn’t really recoment it to read it while letting the browser to translate it if you don’t know Spanish (or Japanese if you read it from the Raw) since there might be a few problems with it due the browser doing some “funny things” with the translation..

ALRIGHT, that’s all i guess… see you in a month… if you survive.

NT2: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.

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