Chapter 236 Return In The Middle Of The Night

- POV General -

The evening was over, the soldiers who had been able to quench their thirst for revenge and anger were all slowly dispersing. The great coliseum of Elysium had been inaugurated in the blood of the humans who had been behind the attack in the forest near the Empire. The circle was almost complete, although of the three men taken prisoner, only one had died, executed by the Dragon Queen herself.

As the last of the citizens left the scene, in the middle of the arena, only the Empress, the Queen, the Princess, the Commanders and the prisoners remained. Of course, there were also the two sisters who had been healed after their very first fight in their new bodies. All of them were waiting for instructions from the Empress who didn't want to dawdle, wanting to reach the hospital where Kalaa, Shiro, Angel, Tyle and Alta?ˉs were still waiting probably asleep.

"Commander Kira."

"Yes your Highness ?"

"From now on you are in charge of your special squadron, for tonight June and May will sleep at the barracks but from tomorrow you will be in charge of them. That means the tour of the Empire, our way of working, the rules, the training and of course the history of Elysium and their origins."

The Empress' little sister for the first time in front of the others had not called her "onee-san" or by her first name, referring to her by her title like the others. Now that she was officially a member of the army with a very important role, she knew she had to address the ruler as such. However, this was far from displeasing to Kira who responded with an adorable little proud smile and stars in her eyes.

"As you wish and with pleasure !"

While June and May feeling instinctively close to their new Commander although impressed placed themselves behind her, Freya continued. This time she turned her head to Jade who again had handcuffs around her wrists, watched by Ralph and Thorunn. One was a wolf-vampire hybrid and the other a pure vampire, so they had seen fit to be the ones to watch her in case of trouble.

"Jade, I have to say that your story interests me more and more and after the fight I saw, I can't wait to hear it. We will see you again very soon so be sure to be ready fufu~. Commander Ralph, Commander Thorunn, you may take her back to her cell and go rest."

"Alright your highness!"

"Please excuse us."

Forcing the voiceless vampire prisoner to bow her head, the two young women finally left the arena after a bow, leaving the others still waiting. There were very few orders left to give so, making the still present ice seats disappear, Freya turned to the other Commanders. However, it was the Queen who was also responsible for running the Kingdom who spoke for her knowing what to say.

"Take Myles back to his cell as well, we will need him for later but we will explain this at a formal meeting. The 10 Army Commanders will be in charge of rebuilding the army so you can go and rest as well."


"As my wife said, Commander Kira will be well in charge of the binoculars but until tomorrow, show them the barracks for tonight. I'm counting on you to treat them with respect despite the past differences, June and May are as you will have understood, not ordinary warriors."

"Yes your Majesty."

Luna, Caipy, Nixia, Ynir, Na?ˉa, Trioa, Persea and Emilia bowed respectfully at the end of her sentence, a glint of admiration in their eyes. At their words, the three members of the Imperial family headed towards the exit, leaving the others with their heads down, waiting for them to leave. However, the King who was still wearing his pet collar was still behind her, which provoked a comment from the dragoness.

"Honey, you're forgetting your old toy~"

"Oh but I didn't forget fufu~"

As Freya was about to pass Ynir her leftmost placed Commander, she stopped with a devilish, creepy smile. During that evening, she had obviously loved humiliating and making the former King of Zal her little thing, but now she had other plans for him. With a cold and sure voice, the Empress gave her last order, but not without provoking a very strong reaction from the man concerned.

"He is no longer of any use to me, or at least not in this state, so bring me his head first thing in the morning."

"It will be done as you wish, Empress"


Theophylactus had heard everything as he thought he could get away with it, sticking next to the she-wolf to make sure he was safe. Unfortunately, it obviously didn't work, as he found himself begging once again. Still, the Empress' orders were unquestionable, especially since this one was part of a larger scheme Freya was slowly putting in place to bring down Zal entirely.

"I-I WILL *COUGH COUGH* I...I'll do anything you want..."

The King was weak, in a bad state, empty of all humility and pride, but he still found the strength to beg for his life. Tears had begun to flow down his cheek, terrified of being beheaded, having already forgotten his former status as a ruler. Turning on her heels, the Empress would stand before the one who couldn't even stand on his legs anymore, throwing her katana at his feet with a defiant look.

"Anything I want mmh ? Then...die for me, human. Take this blade, place it against your throat and slice it yourself."

The quick brainwashing the she-wolf had done to the man was enough to make him not even think about his life before, but he still clung to life. Hearing her words, he couldn't hide the terror and despair growing in his empty, pleading eyes. Freya's violet ones glowed with a terrifying savagery proving that she was really waiting to see him obey knowing he wouldn't.

"Come on, show me how far you're willing to go, poor thing. Show me you're willing to take your own life to live."

What she was saying made no sense and she knew it perfectly well, her order left no escape for the one who could not get out of this nightmare. The Empress' cold and emotionless voice echoed in his heart and even his soul like the icy and deadly whisper of the Devil. Theophylactus couldn't move, he was paralyzed as she straightened up with a disappointed, haughty and disgusted but far from surprised look.

"Well, too bad, if you had only taken the katana in your hands I would have let you live but I have no need for a recalcitrant pet. Take him away."

"N-No, wait ! Give me one more ch-...ARG !!!"

Turning on her heels once more, Freya left for good followed by her wife and little sister who were indifferent. The former King having understood that he had made the biggest mistake, tried to hold her back before being hit by Luna to shut him up. Nothing now could save him and as each one bowed to the exit of the three, they ended up leaving the place too with the twins, Myles and Theophylactus.

Kira, Gaya and Freya went directly to the hospital to see with the doctors if it was possible to move Angel and Kalaa in the imperial manor. This way, it would be easier to protect them in case and the smile of the little Shiro would be guaranteed in return. On the way, when they were only a few minutes away from the building, Kira couldn't help but ask her big sister a question.

"What you said earlier to Cactus, was it true onee-san ? If he had taken your blade in his hand, would you have let him live his miserable life as a toy ?"

"Absolutely not. I need his head, but doesn't it thrill you to know that he'll live out his last hours knowing that his own cowardice will have cost him his life ? I'm sure we'll be able to see a new form of desperation in his eyes tomorrow morning when his head is brought to me fufuhahahaHAHAHA~"

The young woman with the long black hair had responded with the utmost sincerity, even letting her rare eccentric side get the better of her. In the middle of a private road leading to the hospital, she even let herself laugh sadistically at the thought of finding out if she was right. Kira knew her older sister very well, but she still felt chills and cold sweat run down her spine for a brief moment.

"It also seemed very odd to me that you would leave him alive, but uuuh...jeez, you can be so ruthless, right Gaya ?" 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮


Turning her head towards the dragoness to look for support, she only came across a woman who raised both hands indicating not to drag her into the debate. Besides, the Queen loved that side of her Empress more than anything so she was definitely the last person to rally. Raising her eyes to the sky, the silver-haired young woman smacked her forehead as she realized that addressing her sister-in-law had been unnecessary.

"Oh yeah that's right I forgot, I'm talking to the dragoness who immolated herself before gobbling up a charred human in one fell swoop after torturing him...sigh, am I the only mentally sound one here ?? Hahahaha~"

Of course, Kira was joking, but her last comment had aroused the teasing spirit of the imperial couple who listened to the fox talk nonsense. At that moment, Freya and Gaya with a single glance had agreed to play a little trick on the much too talkative fox as a punishment. She didn't suspect a thing and continued to talk enthusiastically as the little group finally reached the Empire hospital where the rest of their family was.


Only a few minutes later, the three women entered the corridor of the large building leading to the back room guarded by two soldiers. No sooner had they entered the place than they were joined by Lia to the delight of Kira who now had her three tails wagging. Without even waiting for an order, the rabbit girl hurried to update them regarding Angel and Kalaa's condition.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty, P-Princess...ahem, the woman you brought here yesterday has no serious abnormalities and seems mostly very tired. She has been sleeping for a while now but you need not worry, the doctors estimate her awakening at daybreak."

"Very well, what about the children ?"

"As you ordered, the Princess did not arrive until after dinner at Angel's bedside, taking care of her little brother and sister as well. She did not approach your protegee's bed and fell asleep very quickly in the one next to the little boy."

Preferring to be present when Kalaa and Shiro and the twins met, Freya had ordered the little moon of the Empire to stay away from her bed. The last time, their element had reacted very strangely, raising only more questions. At Lia's words, the she-wolf without showing it felt relieved as the two soldiers posted in front of the door opened it in panic, seeing who was coming in.

It was dark in the room but it was easy for her to distinguish five distinct breaths, Shiro, Kalaa, Tyle, Alta?ˉs and Angel. They were all sleeping peacefully and the Empress found herself strangely soothed by this special yet normal and reassuring atmosphere. It was late, it was the middle of the night and not wanting to waste any more time, Gaya asked the question that she thought was also not to be forgotten.

"Can we now bring them back ?"

"Yes your Majesty, it is possible to move them all to the mansion according to the doctors. Angel is currently in the same condition as the sleeping woman. He only needs a little more rest but he is out of danger and will wake up very soon according to Commander Caipy. I'm going to get some people to move them right away and..."

"No. We'll take care of it ourselves it's getting late, thank you very much Lia. Go and rest now, take a day off and take the two half-asleep soldiers standing outside the door with you."

"A-All right your Majesty. Have a good night, now please excuse me."

Not insisting further and completely exhausted, the young butler bowed quickly before exiting, happy to get some rest. The Empress, Queen and Princess would take care of bringing their family members back to the mansion themselves although the future was still uncertain. After what they had learned from Leto, a long discussion was also necessary to understand what had happened to Kalaa.

Her relationship with Titania and her motivations, the Era of Extinction, Shiro's powers, her origins, not to mention the common past she shared with Lucifer as a Goddess. Freya's older sister was the only one who had the answers to these questions, but for the moment she was asleep in a bed under the dark sky. We would have to wait until she woke up to learn a little more about what seemed to be a lifelong quest.

"Come on, let's go home."

The she-wolf knew all this, she was apprehensive to know the real reasons for her coming to this world, as if mysterious forces were working in the shadows. The feeling of having to fight to control her destiny was always more and more present, however nothing would stop her. As Freya gently grabbed her older sister to go home, she knew that her fear would never be as strong as her love for her family.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 30%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 660

Defense : 660

Agility : 666

Endurance: 663

Speed : 662

Intelligence: 660

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?ˉs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2241

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 0/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

D??fense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 3)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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