Chapter 250 Lovely Failed Race And Discovery

- POV General -

In the middle of an unnamed forest in the west of the Vancesia Empire, the trees were shaken by a powerful and fast-moving gust of wind. The ground seemed to tremble, the most fearful animals hid and the most reckless dared to observe with a cautious eye. For good reason, Freya and Gaya were racing wildly through the trees, their large wings spread out and beating the air with incredible force.

As if there was nothing around them, the two wives were flying to the horizon without worrying about the rest, lost in their own world...they were having fun. The dragoness was in front and despite the difference in power with the she-wolf, her experience in flying was undeniable. In fact, she was even enjoying looking back with a smile, determined to win this unexpected little competition.

"The first to arrive at the small mountain wins !"

"Perfect, that's where I wanted to go fufu~ get ready !"

In the distance, between the trees, stood a small mountain that was actually a rocky cliff overlooking an upper floor of the forest. It was there that Freya had detected some interesting auras for her hunt so it was perfect that Gaya suggested it as an arrival point. So the ice-winged Empress had accepted the challenge, her very pride and competitive spirit having been ignited by the woman she loved.

Yet, for some reason, Freya couldn't get past Gaya, who in terms of power was normally below her. The truth was that the dragoness knew how to use the different air currents and above all was one with her wings which was not the case for her. She could feel and control every inch of her body while the she-wolf was just manipulating the wings on her back with a skill.

After all, Freya had seen it in her memories, the wings that belonged to her, that were a part of her being were not made of ice but of feathers as black as night. Unfortunately, her demonic form, the ultimate form of Wrathful Lucifer was only 30% complete and ice was the only solution. Yet no matter how hard Freya tried, she couldn't get past Gaya, who was smiling broadly, even letting herself be teased.

"You'll have to do better than that, your Highness~!"

"The Devil always strikes where she is not expected, your Majesty~!"

The two women were having the time of their lives, each mesmerized by the other's beauty and smile under the rays of the noonday sun. Flying gave them a unique sense of freedom, making their hearts race as they sped toward the mountain. The Empress, feeling in a devious mood, in order to overtake her wife, decided to use one of the most effective weapons to destabilize her : her words.

"What a beautiful view from here, my love fufu~"


This one little sentence had caused Gaya to instinctively react, who blushed, slowing down for a split second with red cheeks not even knowing what she was referring to. This was enough for Freya, who giggled and used this time to pass in front of her, returning her wink from the beginning, determined to win this race. The Queen understanding that she had just fallen into her trap, couldn't help but protest.

"Hey, you're cheating !"

"I was just talking, I'm innocent !"

Grumbling, Gaya didn't let it get her down as there were still several meters to go before she arrived, she still had time to win. Now she could see her wife from behind and took advantage of this to make the same red flames appear in her hand as that famous night. Freya wanted to play it that way ? Then she wouldn't hold back. She was determined to honor the dragons and couldn't lose a flying race.

Caught up in the excitement, the dragoness while flying, used her knowledge of air currents to send a fire attack on the tree in front of her wife. She obviously did not want to hurt her in any way but simply to surprise her and make her lose precious seconds. Spinning at full speed, the flames were going to crash right in front of Freya who in turn instinctively saw herself slowing down, not expecting that.

"What the..."


That was it, the Queen had regained the upper hand over the Empress, wearing a satisfied smile as she saw the mountain finally getting closer. Only fifty meters to go. However, threads of blood suddenly grabbed her right ankle before pulling her back towards the one whose violet eyes glowed wildly. The she-wolf used her grip to propel herself even more forward but it was without counting the relentlessness of the dragoness who grabbed her shirt as she was passing.

"Oh no I don't think so !"

"Hey wai-...!"

Both had become entangled in Freya's wires over the last few meters, their speed having made a collision inevitable...they struggled but it was worse. Their wings were caught in each other's and after a few seconds, both of them would go into a tree, then two, then three without stopping. The triumphant arrival that both women had anticipated had turned into a joint, uncontrollable fall.

"Wait, don't move, it's even worse ! I can't get..."

"But it's not me ! I'm trying to..."

Thus, a she-wolf and a dragoness could be seen taking on almost every obstacle that existed in the forest, tangled and too fast to break free easily. Rocks and trunks were completely blown up in their path before they finally crashed to the floor. Like a huge explosion of dust, smashing the ground, the two women had finally made it to the mountain but not in any stylish way.

As the cloud of dust was swept away by the wind, Freya suddenly appeared with her back to the ground in a small crater she had created against her will. Gaya was right next to her having landed on her butt with a completely dazed look on her face at what had just happened. A long silence reigned at the place of the landing then suddenly, the rather rare laughter of the Empress began to resound surprising her wife who could not help but look at her.


The she-wolf had tears in her eyes, she was completely trapped with the dragoness in her blood threads but she was laughing like she had never laughed before. It was a sincere, liberating, almost childlike laugh that warmed Gaya's heart as she also began to laugh just as hard, dropping down beside her. The situation had been so stupid and unexpected that Freya couldn't hold back a laugher letting herself go away from her duties as a leader.

"Haha~ h-honey, I think...hahaha~...that w-we can call it a...a draw ppfffhahaha~"

She couldn't even speak anymore, unable to stop laughing as her blood threads disappeared, crawling like snakes. It was a whole new sensation and even though she hadn't won, the Empress was having the time of her life. However, even though she was of the same opinion, at her words, the dragoness did not accept this end and climbed on top of her wife, planting her hands on either side of her head with a most threatening look.

"No. Despite your little tricks, sly wolf....I won"

At first, surprised by such an action, Freya remained silent observing with attention the face of the one who was very close to hers. It was true that she had not been really fairplay and knew that without what had happened, Gaya would have won hands down. Then, smiling mischievously, finally happy to have discovered a new facet of the one she loved, the she-wolf tipped her over to be on top of her.

"Well...if I could see such an expression on my Queen's face, then I won fufu~


Once again her sweet words had gotten the better of her but not wanting to be fooled completely decided to have her revenge. Grabbing the she-wolf's collar above her, Gaya drew her down to place her warm lips on hers. She blushed but was satisfied as she sensed the surprise in Freya who hadn't moved for a few seconds before lying on top of her to return a passionate kiss.

"I love you~"

"I love you too~"

Paying no attention to their disheveled appearance, the two wives tenderly embraced each other on the destroyed ground while curious animals peeked out from the bushes. At that moment they didn't want to do anything else, enjoying this moment together and away from everything, feeling only love. In each other's arms, a radiant smile on their lips, their hearts beat in unison as if that was where they had always belonged. Then after few minutes motionless...

"Didn't you want to hunt by the way ?"

"Ah...yes true."

"You I swear pffff~"

Finally parting reluctantly, Freya and Gaya stood up dusting their clothes full of dust, rubble and bark. They looked like they had just come out of a storm, their hair was disheveled, their clothes were a bit ruined but they were happy. This little moment had been very pleasant, magical and special so as the Queen stretched, the wolf placed a light kiss on her forehead finally giving in and admitting defeat.

"Thank you for this moment and congratulations on your victory~"

"Hehehe~ thank you~"

Then, turning back to the small mountain, Freya scanned its side before finding a few feet away what she was looking for. There was a hole in the rock, an entrance that led to an unknown place but which she believed contained creatures powerful enough to entertain her. Gaya who had followed her gaze also discovered this tunnel and almost hesitantly, on guard, asked her wife for confirmation.

"Is it inside this c-cave that you want to go ?"

"Yes it's here"

"I-...I see."

Gaya felt cold sweat run down her back as she thought back to all the years she had spent locked up in one. It was a fact, she didn't like caves at all and without Freya's help she knew that today she wouldn't have been in this world anymore...she would have been dead. It was stronger than her, the dragoness dreaded this kind of place and the she-wolf understood this immediately, quickly took the floor to propose a solution.

"But if you want we can go somewhere else, I just wanted some creatures to slaughter, nothing serious. If you ever..."

"N-No, I'll be fine ! I-I'm ready, let's go inside"

"Are you sure ?"


"Alright...then let's go"

Grabbing her Queen's hand to reassure her, the purple-eyed Empress led the way, heading straight for the entrance. She didn't know what they would find, but she had sensed auras powerful enough to hold her attention. It had been a while since Freya had leveled up, she wanted to reach her next evolution before they returned to Elysium and Gaya needed to test her new element.

Since the war the dragoness had risen to level 35 which was very good, besides, her new fire skills made her more powerful anyway. Just like Freya, Kira, Kalaa and Shiro, she seemed to have entered the sphere of the abnormal as well because of her link with the Nightshade. Had Gaya freed herself from the constraints of the system by unlocking a second element that she could control at will ? Who knows.

Soon the couple arrived in front of the big hole and entered it with confidence while they could already feel different powerful creatures. Unsurprisingly, they had to cross a corridor first, but instead of rock walls, it was actually made of bricks, all carved out. The further Freya and Gaya went, the more they felt that the place was not a simple cave when suddenly an identical message appeared in their system.

- PING -

[ Hidden Dungeon - Emerald Level

Floor : 1/5

Boss : 5

Reward : ??? ]


"This is a dungeon !"

"Wait a minute...I didn't know this existed in this world !"

Stunned at the notification that seemed to activate for any being entering the interior of the mountain, Freya could not believe her eyes. A dungeon ? Was this like the video games they had on Earth ? Why had she never heard of it before this very moment ? The she-wolf had gone hunting and was standing there, unable to know what to think as her wife spoke up to explain, making her even more speechless.

"In this world there are four types of dungeons: emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond to name them from the lowest to the highest level. Hundreds of years ago their appearances were numerous but deemed too dangerous by humans, they were sealed off. Today only the wild like this one remain because too close to humans they are condemned without delay."

"You knew of their existence and I am only learning about it now ? Indeed I know nothing of this world it seems..."

"That's not surprising, adventurers don't talk about it and half-humans usually of too low level never venture there and the cycle continues. The creatures inside the dungeon can't get out so if the subject isn't brought up or you don't come face to face with one, it's hard to know they exist." 𝐟𝗿𝚎𝐞𝓌e𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵ𝒆𝑙.c𝚘𝓶

Just as Gaya had explained, humans always too afraid of a power they would never possess had chosen to seal the dungeons that were born. At first, many adventurers would infiltrate them to level up and of course loot the treasures. However, this almost always ended in massacres, the creatures of the dungeon respawned endlessly if its core was not destroyed, which was very difficult.

So, no matter how high the level of the monsters inside, they always ended up killing all the visitors before they reached the end. Considered as cursed places, the dungeons had ceased to exist for the mankind, which sought above all to preserve itself. If they couldn't conquer them then they would ban them and condemn their access. The Queen had also forgotten about their existence, but was still curious.

"It seems that your instincts have led you here...could it be the core ? Or maybe just the special being that you are ? Mmmh I don't know but we better remember this place and go back or somewhere else"


Even though with the two of them the dragoness knew that they might be able to finish the dungeon alone, it could take an indeterminate amount of time and this was not the moment. If Freya could somehow detect the dungeons then there was no point in rushing because no one was going to beat them to it. As Gaya turned on her heels to leave, she suddenly stopped and turned to the she-wolf who had not moved an inch.

"Freya ??"

The Empress's powerful black and red aura floated all around her, casting the carved hallway in a most oppressive atmosphere for anyone not used to it. She had her head down, her ears and tails erect like her hair on them and her whole body seemed to be shaking. Her breathing was ragged, almost threatening, and it was as if Freya had suddenly undergone a sudden change in mood.

After a few seconds of silence, the Empress finally lifted her head revealing her violet eyes glowing with a wild gleam while her fangs were out. What was going on ? The dragoness didn't know and as she approached worried, the wolf's voice began to echo against the walls. Almost growling, in a breathless, hoarse and almost agonizing voice, she uttered words that then gave Gaya the chills.

"I-...I can't hold on anymore..."



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 year old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 30%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 660

Defense : 660

Agility : 666

Endurance: 663

Speed : 662

Intelligence: 660

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?ˉs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 5865 (keep growing)

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 0/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

D??fense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 30%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 3)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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