Chapter 258 Christmas For Two [BONUS]

[N/A: This chapter has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot, I just used the characters you already know, their story/past, their skills but what happens here unfortunately never happened in the main plot. I hope you enjoy anyway, happy reading and Merry Christmas !]


- POV General -

That was it, already one year had passed since the very first Christmas that Freya's family had celebrated in the imperial mansion of Elysium. A concept from her years on Earth, the she-wolf had introduced it in her Empire to keep the traditional festive and joyful atmosphere. Many things had happened then, indeed the imperial family had not forgotten how Kira had crossed the chimney dressed as a very suspicious Santa Claus and made everyone laugh.

All these souvenirs were engraved in the memory of all as a night of celebration full of laughter, smiles and love. Today was the second Christmas of the Empire and also very important since it was the first one spent with Tyle and Alta?s, so it was important to do things right. Shiro was the most motivated of all and as the sun was going down on the horizon one thing was on her mind greatly for the evening that would soon come.

"This year I want to give everyone something ! B-But...I don't know what to get for mommy..."

The little Princess was sitting on the big bed in her room, swinging her little feet to the edge with a serious, focused look on her problem. The bottom of her light blue dress fluttered gently as she brushed her beautiful Lily doll with the utmost care. Sitting next to her was Kira who had responded immediately to her urgency, dropping whatever she was doing to run over and help her with her thought process.

"Your presence is more than enough my little candy cane~"

"N-No I have to get her something Auntie...c-can't I ??"

It wasn't a big deal since really anything from her daughter would please Freya but the little girl wouldn't hear of it. It was much too important for her but hours passed and still no idea came to her mind. Shiro wanted to find a unique gift and as she made her pleading, sad eyes, her aunt couldn't resist helping her for the warmth of her smile.

"Maaaaw~ Of course you can, especially if you make those eyes~ !!! That said, I must admit I have no idea what would make her happy...a cute drawing maybe ?"

"B-But I give her one often, that's not special enough..."

"Mmmmh, I wonder what she would have wanted when she was your age and then even today...but hey ! Don't worry we'll find something, there's still time ! I'm going to go on a news hunt, stay in your room and think, I'll be quick !"

The Princess hadn't even had time to answer anything that Kira had already left the room leaving behind some crackling lightning. Finally it was back to square one but maybe the vixen would be able to be discreet and get some info out of the Empress. Sighing, the little girl jumped out of her bed and slowly made her way to the large box where her toys were all stored with a sad look on her face.

"If only I could know what would make her happy it would be ve-..."

Unfortunately, Shiro didn't have time to finish her sentence when her foot met a marble that was lying there on the big white carpet of the room. In an instant, a second, she was toppling backwards before hitting her head on the floor the next second, still confused by what was happening. As the Princess tried to speak for help, her mind blurred before she closed her eyes and sank into the darkness, alone in her room.


By the time the white-haired girl finally opened her eyes, she had left the comfort of her home, lying in a cold alley. Her head was spinning, she remembered falling, but everything around her only accentuated the confusion she was experiencing. It was very cold, a strong smell filled her nostrils, roaring noises were coming from everywhere along with a cacophony produced by a hundred voices.

Still half stunned, Shiro tried to regain her senses looking around her with a palpable fear… she was really not at home anymore. And for good reason, she was in a huge city filled with lights, cars, people, in an unknown place. How had she ended up here ? The Princess didn't know, everything was new to her, so new that it was terrifying, paralyzing and suffocating.


Her small voice rose in the cold air, voice covered by the incessant sounds of car engines that she thought were steel monsters. Her whole body shook with fear and cold, was this a new world ? Where had the Empire and her family gone ? As Shiro did what she could to get up and understand the situation, she finally stood on her little legs and walked very slowly towards the main street.

She was all alone. This new world was completely unfamiliar, all the people, the sounds and the smell that was not pure at all. Yes, the little Princess of Elysium had landed in Tokyo, city of light, capital of Japan in a mysterious way and without even knowing it. She continued to walk frozen in her blue dress but she had not even reached the main street when the back door of a store opened with a bang.


From there had emerged the figure of a young girl of about 10 years old hidden by a hood carrying a bag full of cupcakes in her arms. She was being chased by who seemed to be the store's pastry chef, fat, out of breath with a white apron and wielding a pastry wheel. Shiro, who froze in fear, was trying to understand what was happening but her mind was tired and her tired eyes were not seeing the man who was approaching.



Suddenly the little white-haired girl felt a hand grab hers before dragging her forcefully into the small, poorly lit alley. Her legs would then instinctively start running following the girl while the angry baker still continued to follow them. However, very quickly out of breath, he stopped, but not without hurling insults too vulgar for the nice innocent girl to understand.

After 5 minutes Shiro and the mysterious girl finally came to an exit that led straight to the river that crossed the city. The small alleys had been a real maze but after instinctively following the girl with a beating heart, Shiro could finally breathe. There was a very dimly lit bridge and as the thief headed underneath where her base was, she turned around before throwing out words in a cold tone.

"I told you to run, not follow me. Sigh...go home, your parents must be waiting for you, it's Christmas night after all"


But the little Princess didn't move, she even started to cry at the mention of her two mothers who were indeed far away. It was stronger than her, the tears ran down her cheeks reddened by the cold chilling her now almost blue face even more. Shiro couldn't utter a word, she wanted to go home to warmth and especially to spend Christmas with her family away from this noisy, stinking, frozen city.

"Your parents aren't here ?"

Managing to shake her head slightly despite feeling dizzy, Shiro didn't want to be alone and wanted to stay with the only person she had met. After long seconds, she then felt a hand grab hers to drag her under the bridge where a shack had been built. Behind the holey curtains, a small fire had been lit thanks to a stove, enveloping Shiro immediately in a soft comforting warmth.

"Parents are useless anyway, all good at yelling at you, hitting you and making you feel like the most useless shitty thing in the world. I wish I didn't have any, I'm much better off by myself now..."


"Make yourself at home but I'm warning you, you're not staying here all night...I don't even know why I brought you here in the first place..."

While Shiro sat by the fire unconsciously to warm up more, the girl put the stolen bag on the dirty floor while complaining. Removing her boots with holes in them to reveal socks with holes in them as well, she finally took off her hoodie. At this moment, long black and shiny hair appeared, two cold and piercing violet eyes on a very young face but of a rare beauty and especially far from being unknown.

She did not notice the shocked look of the little girl who had her mouth wide open rubbing her swollen red eyes to be sure of what she was seeing. The one who lived under a bridge and had just flown in for food looked exactly like her mother years earlier. Was it really her ? It was not possible and yet Shiro had to scratch her eyes and pinch herself, there was no doubt, it was her image but much younger.

"Why are you staring at me like that ? Don't your parents ever have to say thank you ? I don't know if..."

Then, as she spoke, it was the girl's turn to freeze in shock discovering that the one in her makeshift home had the same violet eyes. For the first time an expression appeared on her face, much too closed for a child of her age. However this did not last since a few seconds later she resumed her disinterested look, sitting in turn next to the stove for its heat.

"T-Thank you...f-for helping me and...and...b-bringing me here..."

"It's okay, I'm sort of in a good mood or I clearly would have left you all alone and even racked. It's obvious you're not from here so in exchange for my help, just tell me...why is your hair so...white ?"

Intrigued by this unique color, the girl then plunged her eyes into Shiro's who immediately felt a comforting softness in her heart. She was still terrified, confused, lost but finally, the one who was her host, this familiarity she felt helped a lot. With a sad, hesitant, shy voice, Shiro then began to play with her hair while answering as clearly as she could.

"I-I...I don't know but...but my mommy likes them a lot."

"I at least tell me your name halfling"

"S-Shiro...Shiro N-Nightshade"

"Shiro ? White as the snow or the's simple but it suits you perfectly, little scared puppy fufu~ And then your family name sounds like a villain in anime, the kind that wants to take over the world or something"

The cupcakes thief was being strangely talkative which surprised her herself since it was far from being her everyday type. Perhaps it was the magic of Christmas night or simply this little girl out of nowhere ? In any case, something was different and as she waited, Shiro in turn became a little more talkative, needing to externalize.

"Where I come from, people hated my hair before mommy found me and took me in. And… and now I don't know where she is and...and…my family is gone too...I'm going to be left alone when I want to be...w...with them for Christymaus . I...I'm alone, how am I going to make it without them here ? I'm s-scared, cold, hungry and...and..."

Shiro was shaking not being able to finish her sentence, she had brought her little knees against her chest, a position she always took when it was not going well at all. Her heart was pounding, her eyes had gone blank, her skin pale and it was true that the sight of it hurt even the cruelest of hearts. Her tears streamed down her flushed face, her mind unable to hold them back any longer even though she was no longer alone.

"Here, put this on and follow me instead of whining, I'll show you something."

Suddenly grabbing an old blanket with her right hand and throwing it to Shiro and then her newly stolen bag with her left hand, the girl hurriedly walked out. The little Princess's eyes were still swollen and red, her throat dry, standing in the middle of the confusing hut. She didn't have time to move when that girl popped up again from behind the curtain with a slightly threatening look and a commanding tone.

"Move your ass, you leggy sausage."

Reluctant to leave the warmth of the hut but also very curious, Shiro was not asked and came out awkwardly of the small den. Following the one who had suddenly decided to take her somewhere, they went around the empty bridge before going up. On top and blocking the passage, a huge abandoned container was put there, a structure that the two girls climbed with difficulty before finding themselves at its top, empty.


Without waiting, the mysterious girl with black hair and violet eyes walked towards the center of the container where a pile of large cushions were amassed there. They were all old, torn, dirty but comfortable and able to keep two small bodies warm alone for Christmas. Soon the two girls lay there in silence, looking up at the darkly clear sky as the cold winter breeze tickled their noses and cheeks.

"You said you were scared so I...thought of this place. I've always been alone for Christmas but I've never been sad because every year I find myself here. Sometimes I dream of going to another world where everything would be different but when I come here...I realize that in the end, even though I'm alone and scared and sad, as long as I can look at this light that soothes me, everything will be okay."

Before their eyes, the beautiful, large, full moon shone intensely, hypnotic, its rays sparkling with magical beauty, heightened by the hundreds of stars around. It was cold but the scene was so enchanting that everything seemed futile next to the sensation that only the moon provided. The pure, dazzling, glittering light warmed and enveloped Shiro with a unique warmth as the girl for the first time smiled.

"Your hair is the same color and is just as bright, I guess that makes you a little moon fufu~"

The girl didn't know why she was being so nice to Shiro but as she spoke, she understood that it all had to do with the unique color of her long hair. It was this pure white, it was this color that had always attracted and soothed her, there was no doubt possible. The moment she had said "little moon", the Princess' eyes had opened wide while finally appeared on her innocent little face a shy smile suddenly feeling the urge to ask the question that was burning her lips.

" never wished you had a unique gift ?"


"Something...s-something special."

"Mmmh well, being able to look at the moon is the greatest gift for me so I wish for nothing more. Looking at the moon with caramel cupcakes is quite enough even though every year I do it alone. Being alive for me is already...very good..."

The next moment a cracking sound could be heard, the sound of cupcakes that the girl had just bitten into with the most childish face. It was obvious, she didn't really need anything, for her who had always been alone, only the moon was a gift. To be able to breathe and see its hypnotizing rays was what she wanted the most, what made her feel free and no longer in the grip of the selfishness of adults.

Shiro didn't need to hear more because while the light made her beautiful hair shine, she couldn't take her eyes off the one who had helped her. For the first time she saw in her sad and empty violet eyes a singular glow of joy, more innocent than any expression. Without a word, the two girls watched the moon and the stars as suddenly the sound of a bell rang in the was midnight.

The little Princess was finally smiling too, she felt better and no longer felt that special fear that had made her tremble and cry at first. Even if she still didn't know what was going on, she was in the presence of the one who had been able to reassure her in spite of her frightening look. Finally she too was alone and for much longer, yet she was brave and as Shiro listened to the sound of the bell, the one next to her turned around.

"Merry christmas little moon~"

"M-Me...meirry christymaus h-huuum..."

The moment she had wanted to answer Shiro had started blocking on her own, after all this time, the one next to her still hadn't said her name. She wanted to wish her a warm Merry Christmas too from the bottom of her heart after all she had done but what to do ? As snowflakes started to fall from the stars, the black haired girl, having guessed the problem, finally gave the name she was waiting for.

"Aihara, Aihara Freya"

"Merry Christmas...F-Freya..." f𝗿e𝙚𝘸e𝐛𝚗𝐨𝙫𝚎𝙡.c𝒐𝐦

The princess of Elysium had no idea why she was in Tokyo or even that she was in this city that was so different from where she came from but it didn't matter. She had come by chance, alone in the cold, scared, lost and left to her own and yet it was once again in an alley that Shiro had met Freya. Once again, it was her who had saved her and as the princess felt her eyes close from fatigue...she was happy.

"You too Shiro, merry christmas"



"Shiro !!! Shiro, are you okay ??"

"Huh ? Wh..."

"You weren't answering so I went upstairs and found you lying on your carpet, are...are you sure everything is okay ? You're not hurt ?"

As Shiro opened her eyes slowly, she noticed that she was in her room exactly where she had fallen, far away from Tokyo. The Empress her mother was leaning over her with a worried look on her face that didn't really go with the Christmas hat on her head. Nodding hers, the Princess stood up before being carried by Freya who now had a sweet smile on her face, far from imagining what had happened.

"Come on my little moon, everyone is waiting for us~"

Without waiting a second longer, the she-wolf put the hat on her daughter's little head who was already wagging her tail at the idea of finally not having missed anything. Soon they were both walking through the large hallway on the top floor towards the living room where the whole family was already gathered. As Freya finally pushed open the two large doors, Shiro couldn't help but make a small comment not forgetting what she had been through.

"I'm sure you'll eat a lot of caramel cupcakes hihi~"

"Eh ? H-How do you know that ?"

The moment her daughter had said those words, the Empress had stopped, distant memories of her past suddenly assaulting her out of nowhere. How could her daughter have guessed what she always ate alone every Christmas when she was on Earth ? However, seeing that the little one kept her lips sealed with a small mocking smile, the she-wolf decided to let it go, pinching her nose gently before opening the door.

"Alright, keep your secrets, little brat! fufu~"

There awaited Gaya, Kira, Kalaa, Tyle, Alta?s and Angel who were all sitting on the couch already well into eating and drinking in a festive atmosphere. A large fir tree was set up right behind and a soft comforting fire was crackling in the fireplace for a warm atmosphere. As Freya laid her daughter on the floor, Kira took the opportunity to slip very quietly near Shiro and ask her the question that intrigued her the most.

"So ? I didn't find anything on my side but you...did you finally have an idea for a gift ?"

Without a word, the little Princess glanced out the window where the moon shone high in the black winter sky, lighting up the entire Empire with its white rays. In fact she had not found what to give to her mother, but she had realized that in life everything was not only material. So, thinking to the younger Freya and shaking her head with a smile, Shiro then pronounced the moral she had learned a little while ago triggering a proud and moved smile from her aunt.

"The greatest gift is to be together auntie, I'm sure that's what Mommy wants more than anything"


[N/A: Drawing of this final scene, posted on my discord~ yes for the first time there is a drawing of the whole imperial family fufu~ go check it or cry about it]

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