Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Before the regression, Se-Hoon didn’t have much of a chance to learn martial arts properly. After all, it was more beneficial for him to spend his time striking the hammer than learning martial arts, especially considering he wasn’t particularly talented in them.

You seem to have learned only half. To put it nicely, your skill is mediocre, but honestly speaking, it is utter garbage that won’t be good for anything.

Despite his foul temperament, Mad Dog Yeom Sung-Ha had a remarkable talent for training others. Yet, Se-Hoon’s lack of skill in martial arts had managed to make Sung-Ha give up on training him.

That, along with the fact that he still showed no improvement in martial arts even after learning a few skills from his regular customers, made him never really ambitious about learning.


However, the swordplay he had just displayed left him in a confusing situation.

Even before the regression, I was never able to wield my sword this smoothly...

Rather than feeling the strain of barely replicating the technique, he had felt the fulfillment from flawlessly executing it from start to finish.

He looked down at his bleeding palms with a bewildered expression, still experiencing the unfamiliar sensation that he had felt for the first time.

“Are you hurt?” Ricaros asked Se-Hoon as he approached and looked at his hand.

“Ah. It’s just torn a bit.”

“Hm. This should be treatable in the break room. Everyone, take a moment to practice.”

After briefly giving instructions to the other students, Ricaros led Se-Hoon to the break room inside the training center. The interior was equipped with various amenities, such as sofas, beds, and a fridge stocked full of beverages.

Se-Hoon found the amount of amenities staggering, as it seemed to be enough for a person to live in the room.

This academy really likes to flex their money, huh?

As Se-Hoon was busy checking out the room, Ricaros returned, having brought the first aid kit. He gestured toward a chair with his eyes.

“Sit down.”

“Ah, yes.”

Ricaros treated Se-Hoon’s torn right hand himself with disinfectant and regenerative spray, and his wounds quickly began to heal. As Se-Hoon gazed at the treatment, Ricaros looked around before opening his mouth to say something, “I have something I want to ask.... I’m not going to interrogate you or anything, so answer comfortably.”


“That swordsmanship you displayed earlier, did you learn it from someone?”

Se-Hoon examined Ricaros’s expression in response to the somewhat anticipated question.

It does look like he’s not going to interrogate me.

It appeared that Ricaros was asking with genuine curiosity. Se-Hoon contemplated how he should respond to this. He couldn’t explain how he knew the sword technique, as he had learned that technique before the regression from one of his regular customers in place of the overdue interest fees.

Well, since he also invented the technique on the spot... He thought that it would be okay to also say that he had improvised the technique on the spot.

“I didn’t learn it from anyone; I just made it myself.”

“You’re saying that you created that swordsmanship yourself?”

“Yes. I just roughly came up with it while watching footage of other heroes fighting on the internet...”

Since the old man who had taught him the technique had actually invented it that way, what he said wasn’t entirely baseless. Although the technique had unfolded quite well this time, Se-Hoon considered it not that big of a deal, knowing that it had no solid foundation.

He made this technique himself...?

However, Ricaros thought differently about the technique. The technique consisted of three features, the first being the subtle control of footwork, which smoothly opened up exposed areas in the opponent’s defense. The second was the appropriate grip, which perfectly brought out the characteristics of the sword. The third and final feature was the harmonious synchronization of the previous two features, achieved through methodical breathing.

Each aspect on its own didn’t seem particularly remarkable, but the combination of those three features could inflict fatal injuries on unsuspecting opponents.

I was fortunate that his swing was slow enough for me to respond. If someone of similar or even slightly lower skill level used that technique...

He would be lucky if the usage of that technique only resulted in a serious injury; it wouldn’t be weird for it to be an insta-kill.

Although Ricaros was dueling in a more relaxed manner than usual, as his opponent was a student, this was only an excuse after all.


“Is there a problem?”

“No. There is no issue. Everything is fine, but... well, I’m not sure where to start...”

After much contemplation, Ricaros looked at Se-Hoon with a determined expression.

“First of all, from now on, do not recklessly use the sword technique you just demonstrated.”


“That technique is designed to kill an enemy within seconds. If you use it too much, its effectiveness will diminish as information about it spreads. It’s better to reserve it for specific situations.”

While Ricaros didn’t provide a detailed explanation, Se-Hoon immediately understood the specific situations he was referring to.

So, I should only use it when I intend to kill.

The more people aware of the technique, the less powerful it became. The only way to preserve its effectiveness was, of course, to eliminate all witnesses.

If I think about it, there was a point in time when it became difficult for me to use the technique.

When he first acquired the technique, he used it quite effectively. However, as time passed, there was hardly anyone unaware of his technique left.

With that realization, Se-Hoon suddenly thought of something, Was that why it felt so frustrating to use?

The reason the technique felt so frustrating to use was not because he lacked proficiency in it, but rather because his opponents had a complete understanding of it. He pondered this hypothesis momentarily before quickly brushing it off his mind.

Ehh. There’s no way. Even though he wasn’t talented in martial arts, he would’ve realized such basic things.

He desperately tried to avoid facing reality.

“And also...” Ricaros, after thinking for a moment, looked at Se-Hoon.

“Do you have any interest in learning swordsmanship seriously?”

If he was able to create such a technique just by watching videos, he was definitely not ordinary. There was no way Ricaros could let such talent go unpolished; he simply couldn’t accept committing such an irresponsible act as an educator. Seeing his eyes burning with educational fervor, Se-Hoon’s expression turned bitter.

It seems there might be a big misunderstanding.

The self-defense technique he had used seemed to be quite an effective one. If he were careless, he might end up being embarrassingly misunderstood as a prodigy in swordsmanship.

He pondered how to handle the situation and then realized one important fact, Does it even matter?

There were plenty of people who were praised as geniuses in their youth but didn’t meet those expectations after growing up. He himself had heard various evaluations as a blacksmith before the regression, which embarrassed many people who had no hopes for him during his youth.

There’s no reason for me to reject what they are willingly offering me.

As a blacksmith, even though his reputation would take a slight hit, it wouldn’t matter as long as he could forge decently later on. With this decision in mind, he subtly steered the conversation in the direction he needed.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not particularly interested in swordsmanship.”

“Hmm... that’s a real shame...”

“But I am slightly interested in the movement of my body.”

Ricaros, who was thinking of a way to persuade Se-Hoon in some way, became puzzled after hearing his response.


“Yes. I guess I should say I am more interested in the way my body moves than in mastering a specific weapon.... I invented that sword technique simply because swords were the most commonly used weapon, not because I felt something special about it.”

Upon hearing Se-Hoon’s words, Ricaros reflected on the sword technique he had experienced and pondered over it again.

“Indeed... there isn’t anything particularly inspiring about it in terms of swordsmanship.”

When it came to the adjustment of footwork or breathing, it was something that he could easily pick up. Not only that, the appropriate grip that perfectly utilized the characteristics of the sword could also be considered a natural talent of a blacksmith.

As a genius, rather than simply fusing his inspirations into his techniques, Se-Hoon discovered how to move his body precisely as needed. Ricaros’s eyes gleamed as he realized exactly what Se-Hoon’s talent was.

If that’s the case, then that is all the more reason for me to not let his talent go to waste.

If prodigies were the ones who paved new paths, then Se-Hoon was someone who smoothed and polished those paths for others to walk on. In a way, he could be considered even more necessary than those typical geniuses.

It would probably be better for him to take classes where he can be exposed to a variety of weapons...

Understanding Tools wouldn’t be a bad choice, but there were too many other students, which might make it hard for him to stay focused. Also, the facilities were severely limited.

As all of this called for a much better learning environment, Ricaros pondered for a while, wondering if there were any suitable places.

There is one place...

There was one class that matched all the requirements in Aqar Quf.

However, after Ricaros remembered who the professor was, he involuntarily furrowed his brow. Although that professor was known for his skills, his personality was too abrasive.

Well, there’s no other choice anyway.

That class was perfect for developing Se-Hoon’s talent. Plus, who knew, the two of them might even get along.

With his decision made, he looked at Se-Hoon.

“There is a class I want to recommend to you... would you consider making a visit and getting a feel for it?”

“Of course,” Se-Hoon responded with a smile to his suggestion.


After Se-Hoon had finished the day’s Understanding Tools class and received a recommendation letter from Ricaros, he returned to the dormitory. He changed his clothes and turned on his phone.

Aqar Quf’s Physiology Control course, hmm.

From the name alone, it didn’t seem particularly special. He searched for information about the class on the online community, Tower, but he couldn’t find much useful information.

Hm. I never heard about it before the regression either...

If Ricaros went to the trouble of writing a recommendation letter, there must be something to it. But what kind of class could it be if there wasn’t a single piece of information about it?

Puzzled, he continued browsing through the website. Then, a post on the popular posts tab caught his eye.

[What is she doing here?] (673 comments)


Feeling a chill down his spine, he intuitively sensed that something was wrong. He immediately clicked on the post and saw a photo of Erika standing alone in front of the main entrance of the Department of Blacksmithing. She didn’t blend in with the surroundings at all in the photo, as if she were photoshopped into it. However, what startled him even more was the surrounding landscape.

This place is...

This was the exact location where he faintly caught a glimpse of Erika’s shadow when he was flying to the dormitory in Eun-Ha’s arms. Only now did he realize what the situation was that day after seeing the photo of Erika standing in the exact same position. He proceeded to read the entire post to understand what had happened.

[What is she doing here?] (673 comments)

Isn’t she an honor student of the Department of Ur?

She’s been standing in front of the main building of the Department of Blacksmithing for three hours... brrrrr.

Anonymous 1: ??

Anonymous 2: Huh?




Anonymous 38: Is she waiting for the honor student of Borsippa? She did wait outside his dorm last time.

└Anonymous 22: Maybe?

└Anonymous 18: Then she would have already contacted him saying that she was here, idiot.

└Anonymous 38: I was just saying that might be the case... I can’t even say anything I guess...




Anonymous 128: Please take down this post. This is clearly an infringement on the right of publicity.

Anonymous 129: Delete this post quickly.

“What the...”

After reading through the comments, he made a bewildered expression.

Initially, most of the comments were asking why Erika was behaving that way. However, after his name started being mentioned a few times, the comment section became filled with those who urged for the post to be taken down. It was pretty obvious that it was those who were related to Erika.

It seems she left after she conversed with a professor...

Although he wasn’t sure, it seemed like she left after hearing that he was done with the forging session. While it did feel like he was being too conceited, there was no other apparent reason for Erika to come all the way to the Department of Blacksmithing and act like that.

I just don’t understand her.

If a bond had been formed between them, her actions might have made sense depending on her personality, but that was not the case either. Feeling perplexed by the completely inexplicable situation, he made his way down to the dormitory entrance to make a trip to the College of Aqar Quf.



Se-Hoon made eye contact with Erika, who had the attention of all the students around them.

Naturally, their attention shifted along with her gaze, and their expressions changed to display a sense of curiosity. Perhaps they were thinking about the post on Tower and entertaining weird fantasies.

They’re all so young... and youthful...

Ignoring the gazes filled with anticipation, he approached Erika, who was still staring at him.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came after hearing that you returned to your dorm.”

“So, you were waiting for me to come out?”


She nodded as if genuinely asking what the issue was. Se-Hoon looked at her with a sense of pity.

“Then you should’ve attended some class or practiced during this time. It’s not like you have all the time in the world.”

“I am practicing.”


She pointed at her head in response to his question.

“In my head.”


If some other student said the same thing, he might have dismissed it as nonsense. However, as she was an honor student, saying it in such a calm demeanor made it seem somewhat plausible.

Staring at her with a concerned expression, he eventually sighed and changed the topic.

“So, what were you waiting for?”

“The thing you forged yesterday. Can you show it to me?”

Of course that was her intention all along. Since he wasn’t planning to keep it a secret anyway, he rolled up his sleeves and showed her the Inkstone Bracelets.

“Here you go.”


She gazed intently at the bracelets without uttering a word. It seemed like she was reading the information message or scrutinizing its structure.

Hm. This is kind of uncomfortable.

Unless it was well-forged, presenting equipment that hadn’t fully drawn out the potential of its materials made him feel uneasy. At that moment, the urge to smash the bracelets crept up again from deep within his heart.

“I had a good look at them.”

“...Is that it?”


Although it was better that she didn’t probe him, her lukewarm response stimulated his imagination which was plenty irritating. Se-Hoon, further fueled by the desire to destroy, narrowed his eyes and stared at the bracelets.

I reforge them no matter what by the end of the year.

While he was grinding his teeth, Erika pulled something out of her uniform and extended it toward him.



It was a square envelope that was identical to the one she handed him back then to demonstrate what barrier spells were. Seeing the more complicated barrier spell attached to it, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

She’s still a kid, after all.

Although she didn’t mention it, it seemed like she was a bit annoyed when her spell was destroyed back then.

After he received the envelope from her, she looked at him with a keen gaze. He examined the barrier that surrounded the square envelope and couldn’t help but be impressed.

She sure inscribed it properly this time.

While the spell looked similar to the previous one, there were no visible gaps in it.

Realizing that he didn’t move hastily like last time, she looked at him with slightly triumphant eyes.

“It’s probably different from the last one.”

“Hm. Yeah, it’s definitely different.”

Although he should have been able to come up with a viable dispelling technique if he spent more time examining it, he believed that it would be better to try a different approach this time, as that might take some time.

Black Weaver.


A black thread extended from his fingertip. This was the skill that he acquired while forging the Inkstone Bracelets; it had a very straightforward effect.

[Black Weaver] 『D』

[A thread-like barrier spell made from compressing spell patterns.

This allows the user to deploy a barrier in any environment, and its durability increases with each layer.

*Rate of mana consumption increases depending on the environment where it is deployed

*Durability of the barrier increases with each layer]

This skill produced a barrier spell that could be easily deployed anywhere. It was for versatility, so its effects were not outstanding. However, depending on how it was used, its potential was boundless.

The basic structure itself is similar, so...

Black Weaver began connecting the focal points of the spell pattern, and moments later, a black spider web that spanned across the envelope was complete.

He then promptly flicked a section with his index finger.

A shock reverberated through the entire barrier via Black Weaver, causing the spider web to ripple in response to the recoil. Observing these subtle movements, he quickly adjusted the previous dispelling technique and then grasped the envelope.

“That envelope is actually...”

Riip! Riip!

The square envelope was torn apart vigorously.

Erika’s eyes widened, and surprised murmurs began to echo among the onlookers. Amidst all this, Se-Hoon looked down at the now-unrecognizable envelope.


He nodded in satisfaction.

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