Chapter 87: Dragon Attack
Chapter 87: Dragon Attack
Translated by AmaLynne
「Nonsense! What does that mean? Explain so I can understand!」
The king’s voice rang out.
The soldier continued with further reports in a trembling voice.
「A red dragon is flying toward the capital!」
「Are you sure you’re not just passing through?」
「Damage has already been done on the streets!」
「―――What! Why are dragons targeting this country?」
As soon as the king’s attention was turned, panic broke out among the quiet crowd.
Some were running for their lives, others were mourning in despair, and still, others were fainting.
Sam understands how they feel.
Dragons are such a threat.
A dragon is different from a dragon. ?
Dragons are treated as monsters, but dragons are treated as something more. ?
「Be still! Calm down!」
The king’s exhortation causes everyone to stop moving.
「Who can fight? Ludo! Can you move the magic army?」
「Yes. It is possible if you give us some time. But there is no guarantee of victory against the dragon.」
Ludo’s expression was bitter, perhaps because he didn’t want to complain even before he fought.
However, as the leader of the army, he had to tell the truth.
「I know that! But we must protect our country!」
「Of course. I will defend the Skye Kingdom even in death!」
「……Please. And the other, court wizard! It’s your turn!」
Sam is surprised that none of them responded. b𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎
Günther was about to raise his hand, but was stopped by Jonathan, who said,「You are not fit for battle, stop.」
The dragon is definitely a threat.
There may be no chance that a country’s proudest wizard can compete with it.
Especially since the country had just lost its most powerful wizard.
Not all of the court wizards are present.
Perhaps they are all wizards who are not suited for battle.
(―――How pathetic.)
But no matter what the excuse, any wizard recognized by the state has an obligation to fight.
Sam was sure that if Ur had been here, she would have been happy to go to battle.
The same goes for Sam.
Sam is now a court wizard and the most powerful wizard in the Skye Kingdom.
As Ulrike Scheidt Walker’s discipline, he could not be intimidated by something as trivial as this.
No, there is no way he could be intimidated.
On the contrary, it’s the opposite.
(I can’t believe I have another chance to fight a dragon… It’s a great opportunity to test how good I am now…)
「Your Majesty. I will fight.」
「―――Samuel Scheidt, are you serious? You would fight the Red Dragon?」
「Of course. That is why I am the court wizard and the most powerful wizard in the land.」
Sam kneeled before the king and lowered his head.
「This is not my first time fighting a dragon. I was with Ur, but I fought and this is how I live. Please command me.」
「―――Okay. I’m sorry, but I need your help.」
「Leave it to me.」
Sam stands up and bows to the king.
Then Günther waited for him.
「Wait, Sam. Then I will fight too. I will not put my husband in harm’s way.」
「Günther Ignatz, you will fight for us too? Thank yo―――mm? Husband?」
「Don’t talk nonsense, Günther! We got the king’s head on the line in this time of emergency! I mean, I’m the only one who has to fight.」
「That’s too arrogant, Sam! You have certainly proven your ability! I’ll even admit that you are better than I thought you were! But no one can beat a dragon, not even Ulrike!」
Günther also had an extra word, but Sam knew he was sincerely concerned.
It is true that no matter how much Ur tries against a dragon, she may not win.
In the past, when she fought against a dragon, she did not die, but could not win.
「Yes, Sam! They are not like dragons, they are a higher species we can’t even imagine! You can’t fight them alone and win!」
「Lise-sama… I appreciate your concern. But if I don’t fight, who will?」
「―――!!, t-that’s…」
「The Royal Magical Army cannot win, if I may be so cheeky. The court wizard, except for Günther, is useless, not even trying to fight. Then who will fight if I, the successor to Ulrike Scheidt Walker, don’t?」
Sam’s words were an insult to the court wizard.
But there was no outcry of rebuttal or anger.
The court wizards present had no intention of fighting the dragon.
They probably do not want to fight the dragon by raising their voices.
Sam was sincerely disappointed that such a coward was in the position of court wizard.
「Then I’ll fight too!」
Jonathan’s voice echoes as he stops his daughter.
「You certainly learned swordsmanship under The Sword Saint, but how can you fight a dragon with a single sword!」
「B-But, Father.」
「What can you do when you haven’t held a sword in your hand for so long?」
「Yes, Lise-sama. If anything should happen to you, I would be sad.」
Sam agrees with Jonathan.
If something happens to Liese, who is still not in her right mind, when she joins the fight, Sam will definitely regret it.
He would also feel bad for Ur.
「But if something happened to Sam, I’d be sad too, you know?」
「Trust me. I will come back safely, I promise.」
「―――Can you promise?」
「Of course.」
「It’s a promise then.」
Lise hugs Sam tightly.
When Sam pats her lightly on the back, Lise pulls away and turns her back.
Maybe she is crying.
It was tempting to call out to her, but Erica, Alicia, and Grace ran up to her and decided to leave her to it.
For their safety, we must fight the dragon.
「Your Majesty, please evacuate first.」
Sam advises the king.
「I understand. I’ll tell the people to evacuate as well.」
「I’ll leave that to you.」
Panic may set in, but a dragon is like a natural disaster. There is no choice but to escape.
「Then I’ll buy you some time. If I could defeat it, I will.」
「I am sorry, Samuel. I will repay you for your service when all is well.」
「Thank you. Hey, Günther.」
「Can you set up wards over the entire area to protect Royal Capital?」
At Sam’s question, Günther crosses his arms and thinks.
「I don’t think I can do it on my own, but if I could borrow some of my men and some wizards from the magic army who could use warding techniques, it would be possible.」
「Then, please.」
「―――So you’re saying I should protect everyone in Royal Capital instead of fighting the dragon?」
「Günther, who specializes in defense, can do it, can’t he?」
「If my husband expects me to do it, I will do it. I’ll give it my all, but I can’t guarantee how hard the warding will be or how long it will last.」
「That’s fine.」
There is a difference between having protection in Royal Capital and not having one.
Sam is not good at fighting while worrying about what’s behind him.
He wanted to concentrate only on the attack.
Fortunately, Sam is well aware of the solidity of Günther’s warding techniques.
Sam believes he will do it.
「Master and madam, take everyone and evacuate as soon as possible.」
「Sam, no, I will say nothing. I’m sorry, but please. I’ll do what I can.」
Jonathan nods emphatically.
Lise burst into tears and called Sam’s name.
Sam smiles at her and tells her not to worry.
「It’s all right, Lise-sama. It was the Dragon King who fought with Ur, but I’m alive like this. I’ll get through this time, too.」
「And maybe.」
Sam’s feet leave the ground.
「There don’t seem to be any wizards who can use flying magic, so I think it’s my job to take on a flying dragon.」
Surprised by Sam’s flight, the voices around him rose one after another.
「I understand. I won’t hold you back anymore. But be careful and make sure you come back.」
「Sam! Take it easy!」
「U-Umm, good luck, Sam-sama.」
「Thank you. I will definitely come back.」
With the three sisters seeing him off, Sam took off in a wide-open flight.