Chapter 23: Avery Thynne’s Epiphany

Chapter 23: Avery Thynne's Epiphany

Avery opened her eyes and sat up silently.

She was currently inside of the Thynne Family Manor. Her personal room was mostly plain. Her bed sheets were a dull shade of gray, her room only held a sword rack, a small shelf of books, a vanity with a small mirror above it and a chair in front of it, and a brown leather armchair.

"Something is different."

She said solemnly as she held her chin in contemplation.

Knock. Knock.


She said as she stood up.

Two females with dark purple hair and brown eyes, wearing white dresses, stepped inside while pulling a food cart. One maid stayed by the cart and the other went into the bathroom and began running water.

Avery rotated her neck and walked over to the food tray, the maid removed the lid in a rehearsed manner. Two eggs, a slice of toast, a peeled orange, and a cup of black coffee. It was rather simplistic for someone of Avery's standing in the family, but to her, it was more than enough.

Avery ate quickly, but still looked refined as she did it. The maid couldn't help but stare at Avery's indifferent, but beautiful face. Her sharp and youthful features worked in perfect contrast. Avery sent her a glance, which caused her to avert her eyes. Avery finished eating and walked over to the bath.

"The water is ready."

The servant stepped out of the bathroom and made way. The bath was filled with cold water.

"Get my saber."

Avery said as she closed the bathroom door.


After she finished bathing, she dressed in black underwear and sat in front of her vanity and looked at the mirror.

The two maid brushed her long wet hair while trying to restrain their admiration. Her physique was muscular, but in a subtle way that enhanced her feminine charm.

"Something's different..."

Avery said as she looked into the mirror.


A servant asked.


Avery stood up and began dressing. A gray military style jacket, a white shirt, tan pants, and her brown leather boots. The maid handed her her scabbard and saber, Avery accepted it and fastened it to her waist. She grabbed the white ring from the vanity and put it on her left hand.

"I need a carriage."

Avery said to the maid.

"Yes, miss."

The maids bowed slightly and left the room. Avery sat silently in contemplation.

She always seemed brooding or indifferent, actually, all the female children of Valkyries seemed to that way, but the truth was that the training they went through as children were enough to break the mental states of normal humans. Sleep deprivation, massive sparring sessions, survival training, hypothermia training, isolation, hunting, and numerous trials.

Avery began to think back.


17 years ago.

Inside of a snowy forest at the foot of a mountain, a small cabin stood. It was a late night, and the forest was completely still.


A loud bell rung loudly inside the cabin disturbing the silence. There were seven beds on each side of the room, each holding an occupant. They immediately stood up. Each one was an adolescent girl with dark purple hair and silver eyes, they all appeared to be younger than ten years old, their breath could be seen, showing just how cold it was.

A woman walked in with a small bell, which made more noise than one would think from the size. The woman had dark purple hair and silver eyes, it was the Valkyrie known as Judith, who was the aunt of every girl in the room.

"Five minutes."

Judith said coldly as she scanned over all the girls, before dropping a pile of different wooden weapons and leaving.

The girls moved quickly as they all dressed in gray training tights, with a gray cloth tasset belt. Each girl grabbed a wooden weapon by the door and left.

The climbed uphill in the cold, with very little protection from the cold, yet they didn't shiver or grimace, they silently walked with muffled footsteps.

They arrived at a clearing, the ground was flat stone. Judith stood in the middle as she waited for the girls to line up.

A large tub full of blood was sat by Judith's foot.

The girls walked up and dipped their weapons in the blood, and then moved to the edges of the stage.

"Today is your turn, Avery."

Judith pointed to Avery and spoke without emotion. A little girl whose face was noticeably more apathetic then the rest of the girls walked forward to the center of the stone stage. Her eyes coldly scanned her thirteen cousins.

Judith moved the tub of blood away from the stage and stood on top of a large Boulder.

"Same rules. If the blood touches you, it counts as your death. If you lose, you go to the isolation chamber."

Judith stated harshly as she clapped her hands once.

Blood dripped from the edge of the wooden weapons as the girls took up their stances. Avery held up her wooden saber and closed her eyes. The girls spread around her and moved slowly.

Judith watched them and then clapped her hands again.

Thirteen girls charged toward Avery. Three girls holding wooden staves, were leading the charge.

They spun their staves and attacked. Avery raised her sword to block one, sidestepped the second one, and kicked the third in her chest.


Avery shouted as she ran towards the other ten girls.

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

The sound of weapons and heavy breathing disturbed the silent forest. A little while later. Half of the girls had their gray training tights stained with blood, including Avery. She managed to land hits on six other girls before she was hit in the back with a spear.

"You all go to the isolation chambers! There was not enough cooperation, you could've prevented casualties if you worked together in an organized manner! That's seven of you dead just to take down one enemy! Dead! Dead! Dead!"

Judith shouted grimly as she pointed to the end of the stage. There were fourteen metal hatches barely hidden by the snow.

"Get in!"

She shouted.

The girls ran over to the hatches without hesitation and opened them. Under the hatches was an extremely claustrophobic room, filled with water. There was one breathing tube in each hatch.

"There are heating arrays that will just barely keep you from freezing to death, concentrate on them to get them to work, hone your state of mind."

Judith ordered.

"I'll be back tomorrow and don't think death will save you, I'll bring you back and make you stay in for a week if you die."

She stated brutally as she shut each of the metal hatches. As she got to Avery's hatch she paused.

"Avery, you'll be in for three days. Your mother is the firstborn of this family and you are her first born, as such you have to be stronger than the rest of them because one day you'll be the matriarch."

Judith said apathetically as she shut the hatch.

Avery fastened the breathing tube to her mouth and submerged herself in the water. The weak heating array began to glow as she concentrated, for three days she would have to keep her concentration at its highest point. It would push her mental states to its limits.

Avery closed her eyes and waited alone in the darkness.


"Miss, the carriage is ready."

A maid's voice woke Avery up from her daydream.

"Also, the property has successfully been purchased and registered. I have the key for you."

Avery nodded to the maid and stood up to leave, she tied her loose hair into a ponytail, grabbed the key from the maid and put on her black cloak.

She walked down the steps and exited to see the extended family inside of the dining hall, eating cheerfully. They would be taken care of and would receive a mild training regiment, enough to get an apprentice level in a certain weapon discipline. They stood up to greet Avery and she nodded in response. She felt no particular way about them, no hate or love could be found in her gaze as she glanced at them.


A few hours later, Avery arrived at the capital and passed through the gates in the carriage, the guards could see the family emblem of a sword and spear crossing and knew it was the Thynne family. They were given instructions not to obstruct anyone from their family in anyway.


Avery said to the carriage driver. He stopped the war horses and waited. Avery climbed out of the carriage and turned to the driver.

"Be here this evening."

She said as she put her hood on and walked away.

Eventually, she arrived at the meeting place she stated for Ira. She could see him sitting on a bench reading a black book, with a sigil similar to the one on his left hand, Harper tried to peek over his shoulder and read it, but her face contorted into a confused expression. Ira shut the book and made it disappear as he looked up and smiled merrily at Avery. He turned to say something to Harper, and she waved to Avery, with a little hesitation.


Ira stood up and smiled.


Avery faintly grinned.


Harper said her own name for some weird reason.

"Are you ready to go to your new house?"

Avery asked.

"Don't you mean..."

Ira paused as he raised his left hand and flashed the engagement ring.

"...Our new house."

He chuckled lightheartedly.

"Come on."

Avery chuckled lightly as she shook her head.

Harper looked on with wide eyes. Ira ruffled her brown and black hair.

The three of them walked for about ten minutes before they came to a house. It was a three-story white townhouse, directly across from a busy restaurant, situated in the commercial district. A few other shops could be seen down the street, a smithery, clothing store, furnisher, and a general store.

"Seems like we'll have neighbors."

Ira gave a friendly smile as he followed Avery to the door.

As they made their way in they could see a few furnishings. In the living room was a black leather couch and a fireplace, with a few rugs and a glass table inside. A short hallway led to the kitchen which had a large table and 8 chairs around it, a small stove, sink, and counter.

"There's a basement but it's empty until you decide what to put in it."

Avery stated as they went upstairs.

The second floor was filled with expensive training equipment, large wooden sparring dummies, a punching bag, and a few wooden swords on a rack, a weight bench, and a pull-up bar. As nice as it was, none of this equipment would be effective for Ira, though it could work for Harper. There was a small doorway which led to a bathroom.

Ira looked at the room and noticed a lack of dust, in fact, all the items seemed recently placed.

"Is all this new?"

Ira asked curiously as they walked up the stairs.

"I had it brought here yesterday."

Avery responded succinctly.

As they arrived on the third floor there was a hallway that led to two bedrooms. The doors of both rooms were open. One room had a small bed and small furnishings, clearly a room for Harper. The other room held a bed with black sheets, a dark brown nightstand, a dark brown vanity, and a closet full of black clothes.

"Where is the room for Miss Avery?"

Harper asked curiously.

"Right there."

Ira pointed at the room with black sheets.

"So where is your room?"

Harper continued.

"Right there."

Ira chuckled as he pointed in the same direction.

Harper wasn't aware that Ira and Avery were engaged, so her confusion could be expected.

Avery looked away in a distracted manner. 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝓌𝘦𝘣𝑛𝘰𝓋𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝓂


12 years ago.

The forest was an autumn shade of reds and browns. The activity of wildlife was very minute, as the occasional rodent could be seen scurrying away, or a bird could be heard chirping ever so often. The sun could barely be seen as darkness fell onto the dense forest at the foot of a mountain range.

Torches were lit up around a stone stage. Fourteen girls with dark purple hair and dull silver eyes stood next to each other, some were around there mid-teens and others were just a year away from reaching their teens.

Twenty men and women covered in burlap sacks were bound in ropes, and in a kneeling position.

Each of the girls had real weapons in their hands. A woman with dark purple hair and bright silver eyes stood on top of a boulder. It was Avery's mother, Casey.

"These people are all criminals. Some have committed small excusable crimes and some have committed terrible crimes. You'll be the judge and the executioner."

Casey said coldly.

The fourteen girls walked around surveying the people tied up, some of the girls asked questions, some of the girls examined their hands and arms, some just listened to their whimpers.

Avery didn't move at all. She looked over all the people tied up and drew her saber.


The noise drew silence from everyone. The people tied in ropes stirred nervously, and Avery's thirteen cousins just watched her. Casey's eyebrows raised slightly but no one noticed.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She made her steps intentionally loud, those bound in ropes began shaking. A sense of terror burrowed into their skulls. Whoever was the closest to the footsteps couldn't help but be fearful. Each step echoed certainty, there was no hesitation. It was clear to them that whoever was taking those steps was certain about their decisions.

Avery stopped at a woman on the end.


She stabbed her saber into the woman's throat and kicked her body down.

Shlik! Shlik! Shlik!

She continued down the line. By now the people bound in rope could hear the sound of blood and the muffled groans, they didn't need to guess someone was being killed, but the problem was the sound didn't stop and moved closer to them.

"Wait, please! All I did was steal some food!"

A man cried out from under the burlap sack, his cry sparked everyone into confessing their "minor" crimes all at once.


The man who cried out was beheaded by Avery as she continued down the line.


Her sixth kill was an older woman who attempted to plead with her but was met with a cold blade.

Casey watched on and didn't say anything. The other girls took it as a sign and hurried to kill the rest of the people lined up. Eventually, the stone stage was filled with blood as every breathed quietly. Some of the girls looked visually disturbed, while some tried to act indifferent, Avery kept her usual cold and distant expression.

"What was your reason for killing them, Avery?"

Casey asked without emotion.

"If I am to judge them, then they are all guilty. If I am to be the executioner, then they will all die."

Avery stated indifferently as blood dripped from her saber.

"All of you to the isolation chamber. You'll be in for two weeks. There is one piece of dried meat and a canteen of water inside. Avery, you'll have half of what they get."

Casey said harshly.

The girls placed their weapons on the ground and got into their isolation chambers.

Casey came by and shut each one and paused at Avery.

"You did well. There is no innocent or guilty among the dead. You'll be in for a month, Avery. Do not disappoint me."

Casey faintly smiled as she shut the metal hatch.

Avery sat down and closed her eyes. The least amount of movement would help her save energy. She waited in the darkness.


A soft hand touched her cheek and woke her up from her daydream. Her eyes came into focus as she saw Ira standing directly in front of her, inches from her face, he currently had a puzzled expression.

"I was just explaining to Harper that we're getting married but you blanked out...Where did you go?"

Ira asked as he held her face, surprisingly with all his strength, his palms weren't coarse at all.

Harper looked up at her with a confused expression.


Avery stated directly.

Ira leaned forward and touched his forehead to hers.

"Well, Welcome back."

He chuckled playfully as he moved away.

"Let's see if the food across the street is any good."

He began walking down the steps.

"Welcome back."

Harper repeated as she followed Ira down the steps.

Avery shook her head with a faint smile and followed behind them.


All three of them sat a wooden table inside of the restaurant.

Currently, Ira was eating six 72 ounce steaks, which weighed about 27 pounds in total, his metabolic rate was getting faster and faster even while he was in a resting state. He had to exercise a lot of control to keep his body from metabolizing faster than he could keep up with. Harper had herself a one pound steak and a cup of milk, trying her best to copy Ira and yet failing to finish eating it completely and Avery had a piece baked chicken, some roasted vegetables, and a glass of wine.

"You know...I almost never have to use the bathroom."

Ira said as he chewed his steak. Even though it wasn't proper table talk, none of them seemed bothered. Especially the impressionable Harper, because of Ira she began showing some minor changes in her behavior.

"My body uses just about everything I eat."

He said to Avery as he finished his final steak.

"It's like this...Just about anything can burn right?"

Ira asked.

Harper nodded her head acceptingly.

"If the fire is strong enough."

Avery added.

"Right. But it all leaves ashes. My metabolism is like a fire that burns everything and doesn't leave ash."

Ira explained in using an analogy.

"Maybe your bloodline is in a growth period."

Avery suggested.

"I think so too. Hey, speaking of growing you think you can train little Harper here."

Ira suggested as he took the rest of Harper's steak and ate it.


Harper exclaimed as she searched his plate for something to take but was left empty-handed. She hurriedly clutched her cup of milk and drank it quickly. A small trail of milk was left on her upper lip when she finished.

"I'll train her in my spare time, but the one who needs training the most is you."

Avery sipped her wine after she finished speaking.

"Your combat skills have stagnated."

She continued.

"I'm open to suggestions."

Ira said as he stole the rest of Avery's baked chicken.

"At the end of this week, I'll see if my grandmother can train you."

Avery stated as she stood up to leave, she started to pull out money but Ira stopped her.

"It's on me this time. Harper's aim helped make me some extra money."

He chuckled as he waved his hands and left a 1000 Gre. The meal itself was close to 300 Gre since Ira ordered 6 large steaks.

Avery nodded before turned to walk away.

"You know our house is right across the street. You don't have to leave without us."

Ira laughed brightly.

"I'll see you at the end of the week."

Avery smiled charmingly as she left the restaurant. Harper looked at both of them with milk still on her upper lip.

"Wipe your mouth, kiddo."

Ira said as he began leaving. Harper wiped her face with her long sleeves and laughed as she chased after Ira. Maybe a normal little girl would be embarrassed, but Harper's sense of shame began to erode the longer she stayed near Ira.

It was night by the time they finished at the restaurant so both Ira and Harper went home to get some sleep.


Avery arrived at the gate as she walked slowly. Currently, she was trying to concentrate on her own bloodline, the sense of change she felt may have been a result of it getting close to awakening it.

She arrived at the gates to see a carriage pulling in three people. Two of which, she knew personally.

"Franklin. Justin."

Avery said as she walked to the carriage.

"Captain Avery, we believe that this man is the brother of-"

Franklin spoke excitedly.

"Don't talk here. And I'm no longer Captain."

Avery looked around as she spoke.

"Do you have a place for him to stay?"

Avery asked them as she looked at the third man in the carriage, he had a face that could be considered handsome, only his appearance now was very rough, to be blunt he looked like an alcoholic beggar.

"Yeah, we're gonna put him up in a cheap inn before we report in tomorrow."

Justin explained dutifully.

"Alright you two follow me and he can wait for you at the nearest inn."

She said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Justin handed the haggard man a few Gre and jumped down from the carriage. Franklin followed Justin and jumped down too.

"Let's go."

Avery said as she led them to her carriage. They climbed in silently as the coachman slowly road away.

The haggard man's eyes showed a strange glint as he climbed out of the carriage and followed behind them, their pace made it so it wasn't hard to keep up.

After 30 minutes of riding, the carriage came to a stop and Avery, Justin, and Franklin all stepped out and walked into some nearby woods.

"Tell me everything you know."

Avery said seriously.

"His name is Sebastian Fallmire, he says his brother was named Siegfried Fallmire and when he was younger, his parents became crazed and took Siegfried away, last time he received word of them was in a small town not too far away from the black pillar. He spent all his family's money attempting to track them down but failed as he slowly went into debt. There are a few details that don't add up, such as the age, and sudden appearance, but I'm sure if we sit both Ira and him down we can find the truth."

Justin explained with a tinge of pride in his voice.

"You've done well...So do you plan on telling the Kingdom about this?"

Avery asked indifferently.

Franklin felt something was slightly off, but didn't say anything.

"Of course, if we can get knowledge of the Black Forest from Ira, it may help out the Kingdom a lot."

Justin stated with a heart full of patriotism.

"I don't think he'll be willing to cooperate." fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

She retorted.

"Then we'll make him. He's a danger to this kingdom and everyone around him."

Franklin spoke up in a righteous manner.

"Does anyone else know about this yet?"

Avery asked as she looked up at the moonlight that began shining through the trees.

"Not yet, Captain."

Justin and Franklin both spoke at the same time assuredly.

"Heh heh heh...hahaha."

Avery raised both hands over her heart as her gentle laughter resounded through the woodland.

"C-Captain. Are you alright-"

Justin asked as he was stunned from Avery's beautiful laughter, but felt something was off about it.

"So that's what was different."

Avery interrupted as she closed her eyes and softly cupped her hands over her heart.

"Ever since that day...I know it's incredibly clich...but ever since that day I could see something in him. I could see a similar feeling to what I felt when I was kept in the darkness for my training, but I could tell what he had been through was so much...more. Maybe that's when it changed, or maybe it was here since the start."

Avery still spoke with her eyes closed, but her eyebrows raised in realization.

"Are you still talking about the boy, Captain?"

Justin asked in a confused manner.

"No...I'm talking about the boy that I'm in love with."

Avery chuckled callously as she opened her eyes.

"You said you were the only two who knew about this right?"

Avery asked with a ruthless smile as she gripped her saber hilt and her scabbard.

"Frankie, ru-"

Justin tried to yell, as all his instincts told him to escape as fast as possible, but it was too late.


Avery drew her sword and swung fiercely.


Justin's head was immediately separated from his body, blood splashed onto Franklin's face as he stumbled backward.


He screamed loudly and drew his sword clumsily.

"C-Captain! W-Why did you kill him?!"

Franklin asked fearfully as he shivered.

"You know the things I hate the most?"

Avery asked as her smiled slowly faded away.


Franklin remained silent as he was too fearful of Avery suddenly attacking him again.

"Princess stories...Some damsel in distress being so incredibly weak she needs someone to rescue her. I hate those noble girls who fawn over the knight in shining armor. I find those gaudy love stories incredibly disgusting. Until recently, I began to suspect love was just something humans made up to comfort themselves, knowing they'd eventually die, but I understand now. Though I should state this isn't as repulsive as those fairytale ideals."

Avery chuckled.

"C-Captain are you saying Did you kill one of your own men just to protect him?"

Franklin asked as he grew teary-eyed, and began to take up a sword stance.

"Well, he is my fianc after all."

Avery raised her hand to show the pearl white ring, which had an entrancing glow under the moonlight.

"Captain! I know you must care for your own men even just a little. You put on that cold exterior because you're afraid of caring too much and being hurt. You saved our lives by making us stay back when those assassins attacked you! I don't believe this is you speaking, Captain! I'll help you come to your senses!"

Franklin began crying as he shouted, some a rather sanctimonious, words. He wiped his face and charged forward.

"No need."

Avery responded soberly.

Franklin charged forth and swung downwards, while Captain Avery lightly spun her body to avoid the sword trajectory and stabbed him in his throat.


Franklin dropped his sword and clutched his throat with one hand, while the other reached out toward Avery.


Avery got closer to him and used his clothes to wipe her saber clean before she turned away and sheathed her blade.


Franklin fell into the fallen leaves as blood pooled around him.


Avery's head turned to look in the direction of where she heard a branch being stepped on.

"If you wish to tell Ira what you saw today, feel free. But I can tell you're lying about a few things yourself."

She spoke loudly as she departed from the woods.

Behind a tree, Sebastian Fallmire tried to conceal his nervous breath.

"I have to find, Siegfried."

Sebastian said with a strange look of concern in his eyes.


Avery walked back to the carriage silently.

"Miss Avery."

The coachman greeted, he heard the scream come from the forest and saw Avery walking out alone, so he could guess what transpired. Still, the Thynne Family paid him very well for a mere coachman, enough for him to buy his kids extra courses in the academy. He pretended not to notice the absence of the two men she came with, in fact, he tried to forget the two men ever existed.

"To the manor."

She stated as she climbed into the carriage.

"Yes, Miss Avery."

He smiled as drove the carriage toward the manor.


The 𝓶ost uptodate nov𝓮ls are published on 𝐟𝗿𝗲𝗲𝐰𝗲𝐛𝗻𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

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