Chapter 25: Eat While You Can (Revised)

Chapter 25: Eat While You Can (Revised)

The rest of the week passed by pretty smoothly. Ira completed three nondescript jobs, earning 5000 Gre for each, adding on the money from capturing Romelyn, he currently wasn't starved for funds.

The restaurant across from him, The Blue Bird, regarded him as one of their best customers, and permanently reserved a table for him.

Ira and Harper were sat at the table inside the restaurant. Dozens of empty plates stacked on top of each other littered the table and only one plate still had a half eaten steak on it.

"Come on, Harper." Ira snatched the half eaten steak away and stood up, leaving 2000 Gre on the table. It's not that he was being generous it's just that he had been eating more and more.

"Hmm." Harper pouted a little and then stood up. She wore a brand new outfit which consisted of an oversized black shirt, black pants, and black leather boots.

A few weeks ago she would've preferred to wear a dress or a skirt, but now she acted and dressed like Ira. Even her over-sized shirt was one of his.

"Ah! See you later." A woman in her late 60's with graying hair and a slightly wrinkled face waved at Ira and Harper. She was the widowed owner of the restaurant who had come to know Ira and Harper.

"See you later, Ms. Edda."

"See you later, Ms. Edda."

Both Ira and Harper spoke at the same time, with big smiles on their faces.

They traveled the streets of the capital before they arrived at the gates where a lot of people were entering and exiting.

A dark brown carriage with an emblem of a sword and spear crossing was stopped near the gate. Waiting in front of it was Avery who made a slight grin when she saw Ira.

"Are you ready?" Avery asked before she climbed into the carriage.

"As I'll ever be," Ira responded as he followed her in. Harper hurriedly climbed in and to her disappointment, Avery sat in the seat next to Ira. Harper reluctantly decided to sit across from them.

"Will there be food when we get there?" Ira asked with a serious face. Harper also looked over with expectation.

"If there is then don't steal any of mine!" Harper said as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, there'll be food," Avery responded looking over at Harper curiously.

"You hear that, Harper? You better finish eating before I do." Ira laughed.

"Just watch me." Harper giggled as she responded tauntingly.

"Oh! Avery, do you know how to do a soul contract?" Ira asked suddenly.

"You just need the blood of the people signing the contract, and they have to be willing, otherwise it won't work. Any material will work for it, just write the conditions and sign," Avery explained.

"That easy?" Ira had a look of realization on his face.

The carriage was silent for a few minutes before Ira yawned.

"Wake me up when we get there." He laid his head on Avery's lap, without asking at all, and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he was sound asleep.

Avery didn't say anything as she looked at Ira's face and then turned to look out of the carriage window. Harper laid on the seat she had to herself and closed her eyes, though she couldn't fall asleep as fast as Ira.

His self-adaptation allowed him to control his bodily functions, although the process was more like slowly turning a dial then it was quickly flipping a switch. His control had become more efficient, especially these past few days, although it wasn't a result of practice. In fact ever since he woke up after being cursed, his body seemed to be changing, gradually at first, but now it was immensely faster.


The carriage arrived at the bustling Thynne Manor in the late evening. A few dozen carriages were parked outside of the manor. The only people present were the drivers, the passengers had long since made their way inside. Avery's carriage stopped and was parked in an empty spot. Inside Avery looked at Ira's sleeping face as she gently moved the hair away from over his eyes. She placed her hand on his forehead as she spoke.

"Ira," She said his name softly causing his eyes to open instantly as he looked up at her.

"Avery," Ira responded with a smile.

They continued to look at each other, neither of them felt any embarrassment. Avery smiled slightly and began to speak.

"I'm in lo-"

Just as she began to speak.

"Harper!" Harper sat up and yelled while giggling.

Ira smiled at Avery once more before he sat up and turned to look at the door.

Someone knocked on the carriage door.

"Miss Avey, your mother told me to call for you as soon as you arrive." The voice of a woman resounded from outside the carriage. Avery's eyes flashed with a slight annoyance as she opened the carriage door and stepped out.

"Let's go," Ira said to Harper as he followed Avery. As they entered the Thynne family manor, both Ira and Avery had to leave their swords and scabbards at the door. A female maid with purple hair and brown eyes handed Ira a long sleeved white button up shirt.

"Mandatory?" Ira asked as he began taking his shirt off.

"I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind if you chose not to wear it," Avery said indifferently. The maid looked at Ira's muscles and began to blush, she felt a cold gaze on her, only to turn and see Avery looking directly at her with apathetic eyes. The maid looked down in a fearful and apologetic manner.

Ira finished putting on the shirt, tucked it in, rolled up the sleeves, and undid the top button. It gave him a sort of unruly charm.

"Looking fancy, Ira." Harper stuck her thumbs up. Ira chuckled and ruffled her hair as he turned to Avery.

"After you," He said.

Avery turned to the maid and nodded her head, and in response, the maid led them to the back of the manor dutifully.

They came to a large terrace, that looked to be recently made. An arrangement of tables was set up in a neat order with four sections, divided according to status in the family. The furthest back were the members of the Thynne family furthest away from the bloodline. They were visually different, most of them having brown hair. Next were the members of the family with dark purple hair, but a color of eyes other than silver, Aldis could be seen sitting among them with a blank expression. After the members without the silver eye color were a dozen females with silver eyes. These were the females who had yet to awaken to their blood, each of them had empty and indifferent expressions. A few were still in training, and it showed by their distant attitudes.

At the very front, there was an empty table with five seats and a huge metal chest placed next to a long table which held close to twenty females. All of them were Valkyries who'd awakened; they gave off the impression of cold hostility and those who saw them wouldn't dare to approach without being called.

All eyes turned to examine Avery, Ira, and Harper. Lauren and the other Valkyries looked especially at Harper, they were already informed of her circumstances by Avery, but it was different to see her in person. A few of the females who had yet to awaken evaluated Ira. Even though he was handsome, they weren't interested in his looks, they were attempting to get a closer look at his strength. Their mothers told them of Lauren's condition that Ira may marry another woman if he decided to, though she of course wanted a female from her family to be his first choice.

The maid led them to the empty table practically next to the Valkyries, causing a few whispers. Many of the people present didn't know why they were here, but could clearly see it had something to do with the boy with black hair and yellow eyes.

Avery, Ira, and Harper sat down and waited. The tables were adorned with expensive wine glasses and decorative plates, the tablecloths were made from silk and draped over each of the mahogany tables. It was clear the occasion was very special.

Lauren looked over the people gathered and stood up to speak.

"The reason I've called all of you here is to celebrate the engagement of my granddaughter, Avery and her fianc, Ira." Lauren stated gracefully as she directed her hand towards Avery. Avery and Ira stood up, but only after he received a meaningful look from Avery.

"If there is anyone who would like to speak against it, this will be the only time," Lauren said with a little bit of sarcasm. Who was insane enough to voice their disagreement with the family Matriarch? Especially if they weren't Valkyries.

"Grandmother." A voice rang out from amidst the silence, apparently, there was a person lacking a sound mental state.

"I would never doubt your decision, but Avery's the most talented woman among the children. I think maybe she could marry someone who fits her talents," A man in his twenties with dark purple hair and brown eyes stood up and spoke respectfully, but the fact he chose to speak at all was a big mistake. freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

Each of the Valkyries looked at him with cold eyes, even his mother.

"Eric," Judith said in a low voice but sounded as if it was spoken next to everyone's ears. Lauren raised her hand to silence Judith.

"Do you have a suggestion?" Lauren held a beautiful smile as she spoke, but her eyes were complete indifference and disregard.

"M-My guild leader is rated second of all the Mercenaries in the Kingdom." He stumbled on his words when he noticed his mother's expression growing increasingly grim.

"Oh? Just number two?" Ira laughed loudly, which caused all eyes to fall on him.

"Why don't you marry him instead?" Harper giggled, as she spoke in a manner unbefitting of a child.

Avery smiled slightly, which was noticed by a few observant eyes, while a few others held back their laughter or hid their smiles.

"He's more than enough to defeat you!" Eric responded with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"I think you're right..." Ira said while wiping away his smile.

Eric looked surprised, he even thought Ira was smarter than he previously estimated.

"...Yeah, you are right, Harper. He really should marry his guild leader, just look at his eyes." Ira burst out laughing again. A few people couldn't contain themselves and laughed a few times. Eric tried not to show it, but he felt ashamed.

"Enough," Lauren said elegantly, after waiting for a few more people to laugh, humiliation was the lightest punishment she would give to him, if it was any other day he'd be forced to fight the females who were still training for their awakening for a few hours and then tossed in an isolation chamber for a half day.

"If that matter is finished we can move on to the next one," Lauren said as she sent a telling look towards Judith.

"It's done," Judith spoke for Eric. He was her only son, out of four children he happened to be the only boy, much to her disappointment.

Eric noticed his mother's expression and forced himself to keep quiet.

"Ira, I told you before that if you choose to marry another woman she can be taken as your second wife. Did you have anyone in mind currently?" Lauren asked with a light curiosity, while the Valkyries and their daughters showed visible interest.

"My current fianc is enough," Ira said as he smiled brightly, showing no hesitation in his answer, it appeared as if he didn't consider it all. A few Valkyries showed disappointment while others showed approval. Avery gave Ira a deep look.

"With that, I can tell you all that the wedding will be in three and a half months and you'll stay here until then, let us begin the banquet," Lauren said as she sat down. No one had a choice in the matter, but they already made arrangements expecting this development.

Servants brought out dozens of carts of food and began serving each table. Four full carts came to Ira's table as they began to place everything. They were given special instructions by Avery to prepare a lot of food for Ira specifically.


Gazes of amazement were placed on Ira, he finished eating four carts of food, which probably weighed about the same as a fully grown man, in under an hour. Avery already finished her plate, and Harper was struggling to finish her third plate, which was lined with thin beef strips with boiled vegetables. She placed her hands over it and guarded it carefully.

"Stay back," She warned Ira with a cautious expression.

"Harper, you've managed to eat two, don't feel embarrassed if you-" Ira began talking in a relaxed manner before his arm reached out faster than Harper could react to and snatched her plate.

"No!" Harper protested but it was too late.

She could only watch in vain as Ira ate her food. Ira finished chewing and ruffled her hair.

Lauren and Casey approached the table and sat down.

"We have prepared a dowry for you, but if you have something specific in mind please ask," Casey said.

Ira held his chin in thought.

"Do you have any alchemy ingredients?" Ira asked.

"After everyone leaves, we will let you take your pick of three things." Lauren was slightly surprised that he didn't pick a weapon or something else.

"Moving on to another matter, Avery says you've stagnated in your training, so for three months Casey and I will alternate training you. If you have outside matters to attend to I suggest you do them before your training," Lauren stated sincerely.

"Alright," Ira said with a grin.

Eventually, the banquet finished and all of the guests that weren't residents of the main house went to stay in the guest manor further down the road. Only the Valkyries, Ira, Avery, and Harper were present.

Two Valkyries brought forth a large metal chest. Lauren stepped forward and stood in front of the chest.

"It's a spatial storage chest, I'll save you the explanation since you should already know how it works. If you place your hand on it, you'll know what's inside automatically. If you pick something we can't part with I'll ask you to put it back," Lauren said. As her hand began glowing, she touched the chest, causing it to unlock, after that she stood out to the side.

Ira placed his hand into the chest and knew all the items placed inside. Weapons, potions, rare remains, ingredients.

The heart of a spectral lord, crushed bones of a lunar rabbit, and blood of a dream-walker.

A spectral lord was a semi-corporeal malevolent spirit. They start as pale blue orbs that usually wander around and possess corpses, but occasionally some will grow stronger, becoming terrifying spectral lords, capable of wielding spirit magic very adeptly.

A Lunar Rabbit was a spirit based animal that could rarely be seen during times of winter when both the moons, Ulta Major and Ulta Minor were visible. While their bodies were white, they also had two small glowing circles between their eyes. They would only be seen on full moons and were incredibly hard to catch, they could draw power from the lunar force to enhance their spiritual power and could create solid phantom projections of themselves to distract any predators.

Finally, a dream-walker, which was a sub-race of Succubi and Incubi. While Succubi and Incubi could manipulate dreams and entrance others, dream-walkers could cast illusions and sometimes vaguely read minds.

Ira saw a lot of things inside the chest, each of them rare and unheard of, there was even the heart of a Phoenix, but he doubted the Valkyries were truly willing to part with it. Weapons, armor, artifacts and many other things were inside the chest, but none of them lined up with Ira's interest or were enough to make him forego the alchemical ingredients.

The chest opened and only the three items Ira selected were inside.

Lauren looked at Ira, "Are you sure of your selection?" She asked as she watched Ira intently, she had a feeling he would do something important with those items.

"Yes." Ira nodded his head as he waved his left hand over the items and made them disappear.

"If that's all then we'll be on our way. Come back here when you're ready to start training," Lauren stated as she turned and signaled to the Valkyries. Two of them grabbed the chest and lifted it up. One after another, wings appeared from their backs as they flew towards the mountain range. Casey smiled at her daughter before she followed behind the other Valkyries.

"We'll take the carriage back." Ira turned to Avery as he smiled. Harper yawned as she was visibly tired and didn't say much.

Avery contemplated for a short while before she spoke.

"Goodnight," She said with a faint smile.

"Goodnight," Ira said with a chuckle as he walked away.

"Goodnight," Harper yawned with a sleepy expression, trailing behind Ira.

Avery watched them leave while she placed a hand over heart, then she walked into the manor.

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