Chapter 5

The Blood Contract

‘Phew, this farce is finally over, guess getting beaten was worth it in the end. Acquiring an airship ticket is the best I could have hoped for, as those cost a fortune to purchase.’ The trial ended, all parties present left to their respective classes or to attend their duties. Hearing Staxius’s request, Sophie was deeply shocked. He was adamant about leaving Claireville academy, seeing his yet to be apprentice leave the room was kind of heartbreaking. Without looking back, he stepped out.

One by one, the room got emptied, “Sophie, what are you going to do now, have you already given up on making him your student? Where is all that confidence you showed while fighting for his admission? Don’t be afraid, just speak to him.” Josiah spoke. He gave his niece some advice before leaving, she now stood confused.

‘Should I make him my student? At first, I thought that I was going to help him, but today, I’ve personally experienced his genius. Even my attempts at helping were in vain. He swooped in like a hero and solved the problem by himself. His eyes looked so emotionless, despite that, people seem to not pay attention, they were persuaded by his idiosyncrasy alone. Staxius Haggard, what is your secret, why do you wish to become a sorcerer?” She debated with herself – an internal argument about the misunderstanding.

Opposite to her, Julius leaned against the wall. He stood in utter incertitude about what transpired. Did he get fooled, or was he saved? Autumn stood by his side, trying to snap him out of his stupor by tugging on his shirt gently. In hopes of clearing her clouded mind, Sophie decided to converse with the Garnet siblings.

“Hello Autumn and Julius, I was wondering if I could speak with you?” Sophie asked with a friendly smile on her face.”Hi, before you do anything, could you please snap my brother out of his daydream?” Autumn requested.

*CLAP.* “Snap out of it Julius, your sister is calling you,” Sophie said loudly. 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

“Instructor Sophie, I’m terribly sorry, how may I help you?” Still dazed, Julius stumbled and got into a more formal stance as opposed to leaning onto the wall.

“Big brother, I told you that Staxius was a good person, he told the judge to reduce your punishment even though you hurt him,” Autumn added. The look of hate in her brother’s eyes faded. Her feeling of fear subsided, she smiled.


“Hey there Autumn, I have a question, what happened the moment you met up with Staxius?” Julius asked with a tone of regret.

“Oh that, you’ve clearly forgotten the part where you practically beat me every night, however, I know that you weren’t yourself thanks to Staxius. He told me about how you hit your head and went insane.” She cheerfully replied as if nothing happened. “Is that so, what did he say, do you remember?” Sophie asked, her interest piqued.

“Ok, when I ran away from home, I went straight to the hospital. I knew Staxius was there, I had to warn him about your plan. Before I reached the academy, I saw him near the entrance looking for something, without even realizing it, he hugged me tightly and asked what happened. After that, he took me to the hospital to treat my wounds, on the way there, he asked me if I wanted to take revenge on you. Obviously, I said no, but he asked once again, he wanted me to be honest with myself. Confused, I just replied with I don’t know. It was then that he told me if there came a time when I needed to run away from home, he would help me. Then we reached the hospital, all the doctors were super friendly, Staxius’s face felt as if something bothered him. It was then that I told him I wanted to run away and live with him. Sadly, he said no, instead he told me that big brother was just being overprotective and got injured while beating him, so his mind was a bit shaken.” Autumn concluded her story and panted.

“Ha-ha,” Julius laughed. “-what a guy, I completely misjudged him. He’s a hero among heroes, I wish I could do something more to compensate for my actions. When I saw him bring out that invention of his, I was mesmerized. There was something magical, almost god-like to him. I want to be his friend. Alas, my dreams can’t be fulfilled.” Julius said in a saddened tone. All the animosity against Staxius turned into admiration; the mannerism and the composure he kept made Julius envious. It was the first time he had ever witnessed someone like him; unorthodox.

“Julius and Autumn Garnet,” Sophie jumped in, “- this is a very serious question, I want you to tell me if by any chance Staxius got the opportunity to enroll in Claireville Academy, how would you feel?” She asked in a serious tone.

“I would love to see big brother Julius and Staxius get along,” Autumn gave her answer first, she giggled. “He’s an enigma and if given the chance, I’m completely sure that he may alter the world of magic on his own. This may be selfish of me, but I want to be a part of that world as a companion or even a friend.” Julius added his thoughts on the matter – he regretted everything he had done up to now. “Excellent, thank you, I’ve made up my mind.” Sophie sighed. “Why such a question, don’t tell me you’re going to make him your app..” Before Julius could finish his sentence, she stormed out of the room.

Left alone in the room with his sister, Julius tapped her shoulder, “Autumn, I’m sorry for being such a bad brother, I hope you forgive me.” All the prejudice taught to him by his parents slowly vanished. He saw the world for what it truly was. “Listen closely, in the next four years, I want you to grow up and become as strong as you can if you want to have a chance of making Staxius your boyfriend.” Julius teased her, after hearing that, she blushed, her rosy cheeks were redder. Though that only remained a joke for the years to come.

“Please don’t hide your trail,” Sophie ran around aimlessly. “-come on Staxius, give me this opportunity.” She frantically scanned the whole vicinity. Momentarily, near the front gate, she caught a glimpse of his black hair. “WAIT UP.” She shouted.

The shout caught Staxius’s attention. As he looked behind to see whoever yelled; the sight of Sophie running halted him. She stood, hands resting on her hips as she recovered her breath.

“Allow me to break the ice ma’am,” nonchalant to what she thought, Staxius spoke. “-the trial is over, I don’t have any business here. Did I perhaps offend you in some way?” He bowed his head while placing his right hand on his chest. A sign of apology common in the kingdom.

“No-no-no, I should be the one apologizing,” She unconsciously bowed her head as well and hit him unwillingly. They laughed, “Staxius, why not take a walk with me? I have some errands to run in town, we can maybe go there together.” She asked casually. “Anything that may please you, ma’am.” He graciously accepted her invitation.

“Drop the formalities will you, I’m only six years older,” Sophie asked as they entered the town. “As you wish, being formal is just an act of politeness, but it can also be perceived as an act of showboating if misused, so I’ll gladly oblige your humble request, my lady.” He remained as serious as ever.

“You’re a tough nut to crack, fine speak as you wish, I’ve got something I want to ask you.” She gave up and came to a standstill under a two-storied building. Commoners passed them by, none took an interest. “I’m all ears,” Staxius replied, his gaze scouted the area around them. “Do you still wish to enroll here at Claireville Academy?” She asked. Sophie observed his face, she tried looking for an opening.

“Who doesn’t want to be enrolled here, I mean, the moment you step foot inside those doors, your life is completely changed for the better,” He calmly replied. His gaze changed from the surroundings to her. “Yes, I know that, but how do you feel about it?” Her stare became more intense.

“Personally, it’d be an honor for me to graduate here, but I’ve failed the entrance exams so I don’t have the right to stand among the elite. Also, would you kindly stop staring at me so intently, try as hard as you may, but you will never see an opening just by observing my facial or body movement, instructor.” He replied in a cocky tone. “Someone is being smug about it, but I guess you’re right.” She sighed, “-you’re an enigma, you know that? Even the deepest grimoires aren’t shrouded with such mysteries as you are.” No openings were ever made. “I’ll gladly take that as a compliment.” Staxius could not be bothered to go on any longer. “Alright, enough small talk,” Sophie took two steps forward and stood right next to him. She could practically feel his breath onto her. “Is something the matter?” he stepped back; the face remained as blank as an empty piece of paper. “Listen to me closely,” she took two more steps, “- I’ve taken a liking to you. I’m offering you a chance to become a true sorcerer.” She stepped back to relieve the pressure. “-if you choose to accept, I will help you out as hard as it’s physically possible for me.” A grin surfaced.

‘A chance to clear my dad’s name, she seems trustworthy. I mean she did believe my story when I took the entrance exam, this is a golden opportunity, fine I’ll bite.’ Staxius’s brain already thought about all the possible outcomes and how he could take full advantage of this.

“I… fine, I’ll be selfish for once, I want to be enrolled at Claireville academy, please instructor, help me.” He bowed his head once more, the voice changed to a defenseless young adult.

“Thank you Staxius,” she gave a sigh of relief. “-you’ve lifted a heavy burden off my chest. Listen up, the first semester has already begun. Getting admitted now is close to impossible. However, there are exceptions to that rule. It’s uncommon so people don’t usually pick this option, it’s too much work for the parties involved. Let me ask once again, do you wish to be a mage? It’s going to be hard, very hard.” She asked sternly.

“You said hard on both parties, which means that you’ve already decided to undertake this burden by yourself. I can see it in your eyes, you will bear the burden for both of us, unacceptable.” Staxius seemed as if he was going to refuse her offer, but it was the other way around. He placed his right hand over her shoulder. “-we will bear the burden together, instructor.” He replied with a genuine smile on his face. Sophie’s heart was touched, she, in turn, placed her hand over his and smiled. “So, what do I have to do, instructor?” He asked with a friendly tone.

Her daydream was broken the moment he spoke, “oh, it’s simple. As I said earlier, high ranking sorcerers have the right to take in an apprentice and enroll them in whatever school or academy they want. There is no catch to it, people will need to know that you’re a sorcerer’s apprentice. To that end, you will be ordered to wear a uniform that has my insignia on it. Before that, we need to form a blood contract, so give me your palm.” She held out her hand.

Blood contract; a high-tier magic spell that binds two people together. It is often used when taking in an apprentice or acquiring a slave. No one must obey any orders unless you slightly change the ritual to befit in the acquirement of a slave. Apart from that, the only thing it accomplishes is linking both people together mentally. With this, both parties can sense what and where the other one is and gauge each party’s magical strength.

Ready, Staxius put his palm forward. Concurrently, Sophie took out a knife, “Is that a scythe on your palm?” She asked. “Yes, is it a problem?” he asked with a hint of skepticism. “Not really, it’s just pretty that’s all. An unconventional place for a tattoo, but I’m not going to judge.” She continued with the ritual. Knife in hand, Sophie lightly sliced her index finger and drew some strange magical formula on his palm. Then, recited the incantation to finalize the pact.

*I, Sophie Mirabelle, an SSS-ranked mage, hereby enter a contract with Staxius Haggard, from today on, he will be known as my sole apprentice. I swear upon my blood that I shall pass down all the knowledge I’ve acquired throughout my life.*

The symbol began to light up, it burnt his hand, the pact was sealed. Both he and Sophie got the symbol of a dragon beneath their neck. “Undrar, the Bringer of Death, it’s his insignia, Staxius, do you realize what this means? You’ve received a blessing straight from the strongest dragon who ever lived.” Sophie uttered in awe. “But instructor you have a dragon on your neck too, surely this is your work, isn’t it?” he fired back, it was a good observation.

“This is where you’re wrong. Normally a blood contract only uses the symbol drawn with the blood as the mark which binds both parties. However, in your case, your magical strength broke my symbol. Either way, we’ve entered a pact now. Time has gotten rather late, let’s discuss this further tomorrow.” Sophie spoke. Fatigue from the blood contract took its toll. “Goodbye teach, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he waved and left.

A few minutes went by, Sophie reached her house. It was big for someone who lived alone, trees and lovely plants made the view even more enjoyable. Inside, as soon as she reached her bedroom, she collapsed.

*Cough, Cough.* “My body feels like it’s about to break down,” blood spat out of her mouth. “-Staxius Haggard is truly a monster with strengths going beyond my imagination. Blood-contract usually makes the strongest mage the leader. I basically became his apprentice, talk about pathetic. Anyways this normally doesn’t affect anything. It’s a question of pride but still, I’m one of the strongest mages inside Oxshield right now, this is completely preposterous. I’ll just keep it a secret.” After trying to sense a bit of his mana earlier, her mind nearly broke. This was the reason she had to rush home.

“Sophie Mirabelle, you’ve decided to take my heir as your apprentice. So far you stood firm despite my attempts at breaking your inner magical link. Congratulations, you’ve passed the test. Staxius Haggard, the next death reaper or god of death is in your care, teach him well.” A deep menacing yet soothing voice broke Sophie’s sleep.

*Huff, Puff.* “It can’t be a dream, this is no coincidence, getting marked by Undrar and now this, Staxius is truly the next god of death, he has the death element, this explains why he doesn’t have any magical affinity.” The magical element heard in legends existed. It didn’t quite hit her yet, she was half-asleep and mumbling. “- I’ll have to teach him how to use shadow magic, it’s a sub-class which is linked directly to that element. Well, today is a new day, next god of death or not, Staxius is a great guy to have in your company. I made the correct choice in making him my apprentice.” As she opened the window to let the fresh morning breeze inside her room, Sophie reflected on the message that broke her sleep.

*Yawn.* “Sleeping with the starry night sky as my roof wasn’t that bad after all, guess its morning already. Thinking about it, I entered a pact with Sophie yesterday but she never told me where to meet her. No matter, she’ll probably seek me out once she’s ready, I need food, too bad there are no fruit trees in this park.” Staxius awoke on a grassy plain used as a small garden. Hungry, he wiped his eyes and headed into town to find something to eat.

A bakery stood before him; the place was crowded by people. Laid outside, hidden away from the sunlight, pastries, loaves of bread, and other food from differing provinces. ?“Hello, mister baker,” Staxius went inside, “-would you consider hiring me for a short time just so I can afford enough money to get breakfast?” he politely asked the intimidating man who stood in front of him. “Of course, son, help me unload today’s raw materials and I’ll give you some bread.” He kindly accepted his request; the baker possessed contradicting mannerism for someone of his stature.

Back at Sophie’s house, she calmly took a shower when the realization that she didn’t know how to contact her new apprentice crossed her mind. “SHIT, if I don’t keep a close eye on him, he might just leave Oxshield on a whim, clean faster Sophie, you don’t have all day.” She furiously washed her armpits. An hour went by, this was the fastest time in which Sophie Mirabelle managed to get ready. Using blood-contract, she pinpointed her apprentice’s exact location. It gave her a mental map; it was weird at first but she got used to it.

“What is he doing in the market at nine o’clock?” Sophie wondered as she approached the location. Staxius was there, working for the baker as a helper. He rushed all over the place, helping the owner serve customers, clean, and unload merchandise as it came in. Fascinated, the young instructor took a seat at the nearest pizza place and stared at her would-be prodigy diligently working.

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