Chapter 7

Staxius Haggard Mirabelle

All the tension cleared; Sophie filled and sign all the necessary papers for the enrollment at Claireville Academy. On top of that, being an SSS-rank mage, her power over politics was even higher than the richest nobleman. Using said power, she officially changed Staxius’s name into Staxius Haggard Mirabelle. Haggard became the middle name and Mirabelle was now the surname. f𝔯𝒆𝚎𝚠𝑒𝚋𝓃૦νℯƖ.co𝘮

“I now pronounced you brother and sister,” Josiah jokingly uttered while she finalized the paperwork. “Ha-ha, very funny uncle.” She sarcastically replied. Staxius stood and waited, the paper sealing his future got signed before him.

“Now then young Staxius,” Josiah spoke, Staxius’s reflection broke. “-I’ll give you a basic run-down on how the school works. The rest will be explained to you by your big sister. First, classes here are divided into four groups: the first years are low-tier trainee, second years mid-tier trainee, third years high-tier trainee and finally fourth years trainee battle-mage. Each year is divided into four classes, D, C, B, and A. Students are promoted and demoted depending on their performance and magical capabilities. There is also an S-rank which is temporary as it gives the gifted students an opportunity to skip a grade. Mind you, if you fail the S-ranked exams, you will have to repeat that grade. It’s shameful and no one ever does it. However, the option is there for anyone willing to undertake such a risk. The reason why Claireville academy is so sought after is that even being a low-tier-trainee, if you manage to pique the interest of any nobleman or royalty, you get the chance to be a part of their family. Those families are always on the look-out for anyone capable of being the head of their household. Now that you’ve finally enrolled here, perform well and you may end up marrying into nobility and even royalty.” Josiah ended his explanation.

“Interesting, this is a good way to get rich fast.” He scowled, “-I’ve got more than I bargained for, I have a hot and smoking big sister, what else does a man need in life?” He pulled out his tongue while smirking at Sophie. “Screw you Staxius, let’s head home now.” She forcefully ignored the part about him calling her hot. Though it didn’t reflect on his face, Staxius’s mind worked tirelessly. Had he done wrong to his father by agreeing to join her family? Had he made the first mistake in ages? None really knew, he desperately tried to find an answer but arrived at naught. The path he took had no visible end.

Filling the necessary paper works took more than normal; part of the reason was Josiah who joked around during the whole procedure. Now, siblings, they came out of the office building exhausted. ?“Sis, can we take a break? He asked, the face showed but a smile and no regret; a fa?ade. “Sure, where do you want to sit?” Sophie asked, she hadn’t the strength to look up. “-there’s a lovely bench there below the maple tree.” He pointed to the left. “Sure, I need a breather.” She sighed.

The now Mirabelle siblings sat in front of the two-story-tall office building. It was surrounded by a beautiful collection of exotic trees, plants, and sublime grass. A few meters away, a colossal north-facing three-story building in a C-shape made its presence known. The opening of the C was placed in such a way that it faced the main entrance. That was the main school building, behind it was the gymnasiums – unconventionally big. West from the school building, the office building laid to rest. A place where the student council had their meetings. East from the school, a bunch of two-story-high laboratories and various other clubrooms. They also had a dormitory that was separated by rank, heritage, and gender. Separated in the sense that both boys and girls lived in the same building, just different floors. On the same grounds, a path continued upwards, further down the vicinity; a place not accessible to commoners.

“Take it all in,” Sophie interrupted Staxius’s observations, “-you will spend the next four years here unless you attempt the S-ranked exams. I saw your eyes sparkle when you heard about skipping grades, with your intellect you probably can but I want you to experience school life at its fullest. Let’s head home, I need to get you ready for tomorrow.” She stood.

“Alright, let’s go,” They headed into town, then turned towards the noble district. Claireville town was divided into three districts, the town square where all the merchants did business. Normally jammed packed with shops and other buildings such as a library, a tavern, and other stuff. A lively place for anyone new in town. The other two areas were a noble and commoner district used purely as a residential area. Disparities between those two social groups weren’t that much here, seeing as both parties were rich; the only thing separating them was their blood. However, this didn’t stop people like Julius to discriminate. People were not born with prejudice, rather, they were taught to be that way thanks to their parents or masters. A child is but a blank slate upon which anyone could inscribe their ideals.


“What are we doing in the noble district? I feel out of place, look at all these houses with massive yards and expensive-looking cars. Hold up, this is the first time I’ve seen one of those cars, they are rare in Dorchester.” Staxius’s question became more frequent.

“Will you shut up,” she snapped, the questions got on her nerves. “- this is how SSS-ranked mages are treated in Hidros, we’re basically considered nobility. As there are only about ten to fifteen triple S-ranked mages living on Hidros; the king demanded that we are given the title of Duke or Duchess.” She nonchalantly answered his bickering.

“You mean you’re a Duchess? Holy hell sister, you’re someone important in this kingdom. Here I thought you were only high ranking as a mage.” He spoke trying to flatter her ego. “My title is Duchess, however, us mages have more power over the current nobility. If you remember correctly, you’re also part of my family now, which means that your nobility too. Don’t worry about that stuff, first and foremost you’re my responsible little brother.” She replied casually with a hint of pride. “You’re right, nobility or not, I’m Staxius Haggard Mirabelle now, Duchess Sophie Mirabelle’s handsome younger brother.” He added jokingly. The smile he put on his face felt at ease, but it pained him dearly.

“Oh boy, what have I done, before you were even nobility your mannerism made you someone who people would often confuse of being important. Now you’ll fit into that role too perfectly, just don’t go overboard.” Sophie jested. Staxius remained unimpressed. “Here we are, my humble house, welcome home Staxius.” She ignored the awkwardness of that joke and steered the conversation.

“In what sense is that fucking humble? IT’S A BLOODY MANSION.” Staxius lost his composure for the first time, the face sank into disbelief.? “Did you just swear?” she stopped and stared in astonishment. “-oh lord, today keeps on giving.” She shook her head and headed for the main door.

Staxius’s mind got blown, the new home looked big and majestic he practically fainted. The main doors were massive and had a golden shine to it. Sophie opened the door, and he followed behind. After taking the first step inside, he stumbled upon seeing butlers and maids waiting to welcome his older sister.

“Welcome home, ma’am, is this the new master you’ve told us about?” A butler spoke out as soon as she entered. “Thank you for waiting for me once again, Jeremy, but I’ve told you countless times to not waste energy on such formalities.” She graciously spoke, her personality completely changed. “Staxius,” she handed the middle-aged looking man her coat. “-what are you waiting for, get your act together and behave how you normally do when I’m not around,” She leaned back and whispered. ‘I guess I’ll play along.’ He straightened his posture.

“My apologies, my name is Staxius Haggard Mirabelle, starting from today, I’m officially Duchess Sophie Mirabelle’s little brother and apprentice.” He introduced himself with a polite and formal tone. “No apologies needed young master, if there is anything you need just call on us, we are here to serve,” Jeremy replied as he took care of Sophie’s coat. “Emily, if you would, please escort the young master to his room.” He ordered one of the youngest looking maids. “If you may, please follow me.” Emily bowed her head and asked. He followed her deeper into the mansion. “Staxius, after you’ve had a shower, join me in the dining room, we’ll discuss your training.” Sophie’s voice faded as he walked further in.

“Excuse me, Emily, can I ask you a question?” He stopped and stared out of one of the windows. “Anything that may please you, master,” she turned around and kept her head bowed. “Could you kindly drop this whole master-servant act, it’s rather tiring.” He sighed; “-my question was how do you feel about my big sister?”

“As you wish,” she raised her head. “- well Duchess Sophie is a great person; she doesn’t really act like nobility and doesn’t force us to do anything that goes against our will.” They began walking once more. “I’m here because Jeremy raised me when I was abandoned, so I’m repaying the favor. Speaking of favors, we’ve reached your room. Please take a shower and join lady Sophie in the dining room. If you need anything, please call on me, I’ve been appointed as your personal maid starting today.” She opened the door and left.

‘Calling this a room is an understatement,’ he entered. ‘I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, I hate this. Anyways, I’ll work for my money, I’m not going to stay here for free while Sophie takes care of me. It’s not like I’ll live here for four years straight. I honestly think that one week in her company will be enough for me to try and strangle that girl to death.’ He headed into the shower; the feeling of regret continued to whelm but he stood strong.

A few hours later, Staxius had dinner with Sophie. The meal was surprisingly simple and cheap but tasted delicious. Following that, they headed into the study, “Hey Sophie, I don’t think I can do this nobility stuff. I mean a private maid, people constantly watching me, I just feel uncomfortable and out of place.” He voiced his concerns. “Shut up and grab a seat,” Sophie fired back sharply. “Alright no need to be forceful.” he backed down and sat. ‘I’ll kill you I swear to god.’ Staxius’s animosity grew. “I know this is overwhelming but maids and butlers are a must to keep such a mansion in perfect order. If you feel that uncomfortable about it, I can always fire them.” Her tone changed immediately, it now sounded friendly and caring. “It’s not that, it’s their stares, they are filled with hate and mistrust.” He felt their emotions earlier; they were putrid.

“You’ve noticed too,” she grabbed a book laying on her table. “-the previous lord of this mansion was a real sadist.” She showed him a picture of the man himself. “All the maids, and butlers who serve me now previously served him. Don’t let it get to you, from tomorrow on, I’ll ask them to leave you alone.” She closed the book. “It’s not me I’m worried about; don’t you fear that one day they might try and kill you?” he asked out to see what her reaction would be. “Awe, little brother is worried about me,” she leaned closer and patted his head. “-I’m not one of the strongest mages in the kingdom for nothing.” She smiled.

“I guess you’re right, so what did you want to talk about?” he brought the conversation to normal. “Yes, let’s forget the nobility stuff, you’re also my apprentice. Starting from today, I’ll train you in the art of using shadow magic. It’s directly linked to your element so this shouldn’t be much of a problem. Also, here, you will wear this uniform to school starting tomorrow.” She handed him grey clothes. “Are you sure this is a uniform? It looks more like a suit, are you sure?” he picked up the clothes and felt the quality of the fibers. “Of course, I’m bloody sure. This is what you must wear when you become an SSS-rank mage’s apprentice. I know the formal grey against black isn’t your style but just wear it. As you see, the buttons are engraved with my insignia, and for god sake don’t lose them. They are pure gold, a gift from Duke Josiah, otherwise known as our uncle.” She pointed out how valuable they were. “Uncle Josiah is a duke? Man, this day has been hectic. By the way, is your insignia a thorny rose?”

“Yep, that’s mine, it comes from my nickname, the Crimson princess.” Though Staxius didn’t ask for a backstory, she gave one regardless. “On a mission long ago, bandits tried to overrun the capital. I was dispatched as a combat mage. Before the normal soldiers could react, I killed everyone without any exception. In the end, my uniform was deep red and soaking with blood. Hence the name Crimson princess. After that, I went on countless wars and battles around the world fighting for our kingdom or allies as part of the united army. I earnt my rank from slaying countless people and now I’m enjoying the life of an instructor after the war ended.” Her eyes looked devoid of emotions. ?“You’re like father, I’ve seen my fair share of killing too, but don’t worry about it,” he reassured her.

Before she could say anything else, Staxius stood and left. Hearing her voice made his head nearly break out into a wave of anger and hate. The day ended, Staxius Haggard not only got enrolled into Claireville Academy but he joined the nobility. This was earlier than expected but his plan in clearing his father’s name advanced with a huge leap thanks to Sophie Mirabelle, someone who he didn’t expect to hold such power and authority.

The sun rose faster than expected, Staxius slept like a baby in his new comfortable bed. A huge improvement from sleeping as the starry sky as his roof.

*Yawn.* ‘Man, I’ve never slept like this before, usually having a grassy pasture was the best you could have hoped for. I can definitely get used to this; however, I need to get back on track and pay Sophie back somehow.’

Time struck five o’clock in the morning. Practically camping outside for his entire life, Staxius’s internal clock was set to wake him up at exactly five every day. After brushing his teeth, he stepped out, seeing Emily clean the hallway this early in the morning gave him a bit of a shock.

“Good morning Emily, do you always clean the hall this early in the morning?” he asked out of courtesy. “Do you have to be so obnoxious early in the morning too?” She whispered not realizing Staxius stood right behind her. “Obnoxious am I, I’ve only arrived yesterday, how can you be so judgmental?” he teased her. “Excuse m-my r-rudeness, master, I wasn’t paying attention. Punish me however you feel like it.” Her head instantly bowed. “No, I like your personality, it feels much more real than yesterday. Seeing as you wished for punishment, I order you to give me that broom and head back to sleep.” He demanded with a smile on his face. “I can’t possibly do that, it’s disrespectful to you.” She argued reluctantly to follow the order. “You disrespect me and refuse to follow my instructions; do I have to tell Sophie about this?” ” She unwillingly headed back to sleep. ‘Time to earn my place.’

For the next two hours, Staxius cleaned the whole mansion from top to bottom. It looked spotless; he did a magnificent job. The time now was seven o’clock, Sophie stepped out of her room and into a sparkling hallway. Wondering who could have done such an incredible job, she wandered around looking for the culprit. It wasn’t long until she found Staxius mopping the floor.

“Mister Staxius Haggard Mirabelle, kindly explain yourself?” Hearing his big sister right behind him using a menacing voice, he slowly turned around fully expecting a mouthful. Instead, he received a hug, confused he asked, “Weren’t you going to scold me?”

“Not really, I just wanted to see your reaction. You’ve done a good job cleaning but I want you to leave that to the maids, now go have a shower and get dressed, we’re leaving to school in one hour.”

After witnessing what an impeccable job Staxius did cleaning the mansion, all the maids and butlers were thoroughly impressed. Not having the luxury to cut his hair daily, for a boy, his hair was long. After having had a shower two times in a row, they were fully cleaned. Once the grey suit; apparently his uniform was on, he proceeded to tie his hair in a ponytail. It wasn’t that long so the hair just barely reached his shoulder.

Seeing his apprentice in formal clothes almost made him unrecognizable. From the first time they met, Staxius had his hair separated down the middle. The length wasn’t that obvious, but now that he tied it, his handsome face became more apparent. “I’m an attractive younger brother, aren’t I?” He asked playfully. “No arguments from big sis, you’re going to be very popular.” She patted his back. “When are we leaving?” He asked while having breakfast. “In five minutes or so, a car will come to pick us both up. Before you start complaining, this is Josiah’s doing, I’d personally love to walk there, sadly it’s under strict orders.” She finished her last morsel of food.

“Lady Sophie and master Staxius, your transportation has arrived,” Jeremy informed both siblings.

The ride was far more pleasant than expected, they both had a heartwarming conversation before reaching the academy. Seeing how the students reacted when they saw a black car bearing Sophie’s insignia arrived was a new experience. It practically made everyone turn their heads and wonder who was traveling in such luxury. “We are almost there Staxius, get ready for your grand entrance.” Sophie slowly got excited about going to school with her very handsome younger brother. ‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this, time to suck it up and accept that this will be my life for the next four years.’ Staxius wondered as the car slowed to a halt.

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