Chapter 478

Chapter 478

After five days of flying, Kato and other pirates had crossed many perilous areas with thick barriers and restrictions to land on another forbidden area.

It was a floating mountain range covered by a furious thunderstorm. This kind of natural energy had the potential to kill everything that passed through.

Forbidden land.

The pirate group despite the precarious obstacles before them could only move forward. They were very well aware of the fact that all three super powers of Raging Star Flame Area were coming to get them. Irrespective of what disaster lies ahead they could only step forward.

With that they continued to move forward. Five months had passed as quickly as a blink of an eye.

In the last five months, they moved slowly. They had encountered many dangers. Many of them were wounded or even dead. However, they continued moving forward, exploring the deeper places of the forbidden land.

"They are more capable than you initially thought yeah?"

"Hmph, if you didn't help them from time to time as well as personally guide Kato they would have never reach this point."

"Trivial details, it's not like I can force my way through all these barriers. Even if I were to go all out and try it, my hard work would only help other people and serve no credible usefulness to me. But I wonder why the two of you are following this group, with your strength it's fairly easy to force your way inside."

"We have our plans.. "

"That I can guess, you want to search for clues about the whereabouts of your father and uncle."


"Tell me Madam Leona, are you more interested in knowing that, or more excited about the new star area?"

"To look for my father and my uncle is my life long wish, even if the chances of their well being is miniscule. But it would be a lie to not be interested in the location of star map."

"The allure of greatness is surely intoxicating ain't it..? " Leylin laughed.

"There is also something else... " An old voice suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"Indeed, there is obviously something else. This place is too suspicious." The smile from Leylin face was whipped out and a serious pondering expression etched on his face.

"You can feel it too?" Asked the old voice surprised.

"Not feel actually but more like a bad premonition."

"I see.. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's normal for you to be a bit special."

While they had their conversation, screeches came from a far distance. The Pirates seemed to meet something terrible once again.

Leylin and the other two turned their attention towards the commotion.

A luxuriant mountain range stood firm in the sky, with many peaks where the Five Element energies – Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, were moving and sending strange beams of light everywhere.

Under the mountain range was an immense sea, with a cold and dark aura emitting from it. It looked so cold and tranquil that it irritated people. The warriors would then feel their soul altar slowing down, unable to urge their power fast enough.

Weerlig and the pirates were standing in front of the mountain range, releasing their God Domains with their faces turned solemn. Many warriors had jumped into the first ravine. They were coiled and twisted by an invisible force, forcefully dragged to the dark sea underneath.

When their God Body touched the water, they immediately sank and disappeared into the sea, leaving no ripple.

All of a sudden, their painful screeching arose from inside the sea, which rose the hair on the nape of the others. It felt like a sharp sword piercing their Sea of Consciousness, making their souls twinge.

After a while, around a dozen pirates had disappeared into the sea. The others couldn't see the fallen pirates, but they could still hear their pitiful screeches.

It seemed like the Hell was in the seabed of that sea, and the invisible demons had extended their horrendous hands to strangle them. They were torturing the warriors who had been dragged into the sea.

Although they could hear them crying, their Soul Consciousness couldn't pierce through that vast sea to locate the victims.

A fearful, desperate, and powerless intent domain expanded from the sea, which could affect people's minds and generate fear and despair instinctively. They felt that they couldn't dodge the undersea confinement, and would follow the others in sinking and dying on the seabed shortly.

The pitiful cries expanded, storming into people's minds and their Sea of Consciousness. The pirates paled uneasily.

Weerlig, Jashin, Kato, Barrette all the pirate leaders forbade their crew members from walking further. They stopped around several hundred meters away from the mountain range. Emotions froze on their face as they continually gathered and released their Soul Consciousness, sending them to the sea to investigate.

Lightning, cold gust of winds, and sand dragons flew out of the God Domains of the Pirates, stabbing into the sea like sharp swords. However, no matter what energy it was, when the attack fell into the sea, it was like a handful of salt dissolving in water, leaving no trace.

The Soul Consciousness added to that energy attack would be cut off directly right at that moment. It barely had enough time to sense the commotion down in the sea.

After a while, people ultimately stopped their hopeless investigation. Their faces were heavy, looking at the place ahead of them with fright. No one dared to act rashly.

Leylin and the other two looked on emotionless without any intention to help.

Suddenly a wisp of consciousness came in Leylin's contant through the Bloodthirsty mark. It was Kato who turned to him for guidance.

Throughout the journey so far, the pirates have met with hope crushing obstacles many times but it was subsequently resolved by Kato with Leylin's help.

Through this, Kato's reputation among the pirates changed tremendously and Kato's respect and admiration for Leylin was increased many folds.

At this conjunction, yet again many turned to Kato for help and he could only beg for guidance and reverence from Leylin.

'Master, what is going on? What should we do?"

Leylin didn't react or responded immediately, instead he looked at the other two shaking his head and finally said, '...Nothing.'

Leylin's cold and decisive response startled Kato for a moment but he didn't ask any future. Instead like everyone else he continued to watch as the drowning pirates were cut into several pieces, and the unceasing pitiful scream eventually halted.

Those who were under the torture had their life cut off after a long tedious torture. They endured horrendous torture that wasn't designed for humans, as their soul scattered.

Their Essence Qi and soul vanished, as if the sea had finally engulfed them. The despairing and fearful aura didn't ooze out anymore.

The sea, which engulfed those unlucky poor souls, started to raise a tsunami. The seawater boiled, as bubbles that were as big as a pan floated on the water surface. They started to merge with each other, turning into a terrible vortex.

The seething water seemed to find a drainage port, flooding into the vortex and disappearing shortly.

The rough, bumpy dark green ground was exposed after the water was all gone, and a group of ruins of palaces was revealed at the bottom of the sea.

Those collapsed buildings and palaces situated in an area of hundred kilometres. Although those rooms were broken down, they were still pretty tall, reaching around dozens of meters high. The palaces were built from green jade, sparkling with a cold green light as an icy cold aura meandered in every corner of the palaces. Sometimes, steam rose from somewhere, reflecting the light and making a halo cover the shabby, tattered palaces.

The vortex was still revolving in the center of this group of palaces. Bubbles popped, releasing the immense mist with a mellow fragrance.

The green ground around the palaces was filled with seemingly bottomless holes. Cold air emitted from there, chilling people up.

Watching from a high elevation, the group of grand palaces, the green ground, and the chasms looked like a map drawn by a massive pen. However, it looked more like a dangerous formation.

Several mountains were floating, moving around the collapsed palaces as if they were making some magical changes. People could see some energy curves above the mountains. The Five Elements energies slowly pressed down, turning into the clouds of Five Elements drifting above the palaces.

If those palaces weren't wrecked, and if the mountains were luxuriant with foliage, animals, and birds, this place would be a fairyland. They could imagine how grand and luxurious it must have been.

However, from the pirates' location, the ruined palaces didn't bring much sense of beauty. Quite the contrary, they looked more evil and bizarre. They seemed to hide some terrible truth.

All the pirates were frightened as their sharp eyes stared at the wonder that had just emerged. They didn't know what to do except feel respect instinctively.

None of them dared to plunge down to check those tattered palaces, staying silent in awe. However, they still maintained a distance from those palaces. They were afraid that some unknown dangers would jump out from nowhere.

Weerlig, Jashin, Kato and Barrette also banned their subordinates from searching that area, just releasing the Soul Consciousness to check something.

Everyone looked around for some clue without getting down there. After a while, they picked up one green stone tablets, which were carved with three words – King of Heaven Hall.

The three big words on the massive tablets shimmered with a faint green light and a feeble aura.

A green light suddenly glowed brightly.

A torrential energy burst out from the water vortex in the center of the palace. Amidst the popping sounds of bubbles, transparent skeletons emerged.

One more stone tablets appeared with more words – Easygoing.

Now the tablet read 'Easygoing King of Heaven Hall'.

When the five words finally combined, the ruined palaces exploded rumblingly. The chasms on the green ground seemed to be revived, as more Yin Qi gushed out, flooding the ruins.

The ruins of the palaces seemed to be fixed by an unknown power. It looked like countless ghost hands were renovating the tattered palace. The entire palace was being rebuilt at a speed naked eyes could observe.

In around two hours, the ruined palace was restored. The floating mountains halted, and a vigorous life energy arose from the range. The withered trees and foliage sprouted again, thriving luxuriantly.

Everybody gawked at the marvelous transformation down there. No one uttered a word, as if they were petrified.

The massive tablet with 'Easygoing King of Heaven Hall' was now installed on the main hall grandly, giving people a soul capturing feeling.

Slosh Slosh Slosh!

The raging water vortex surged and the pure fragrant water splashed, flying up to the sky, which was against the natural order. It then poured into each floating mountain.

Vigorous vitality arose from those mountains, and the green jade palace restored shiningly. A green halo was moving about the palace like a fairyland.

"Easygoing King of Heaven Hall!"

Jester couldn't help but shout, looking absolutely terrified. He fumbled with an ancient book, trying to open it with his trembling fingers as if he wanted to confirm something.

Jester is an Original God Realm level warrior and a Divine rank dark alchemist who was invited by Weerlig in this journey.

His knowledge was extremely abundant and his vast wisdom have saved and helped the pirates at many turns. Most of the time he kept a rather low profile and only come forward when the pirates meet an obstacle or difficult situation.

Everybody was surprised by his reaction and couldn't help but look at him.

Shortly, Jester took a deep breath, his eyes filled with fear. He lowered his voice, shouting. "It's the Easygoing King of Heaven Hall!"

"Yeah?" Weerlig frowned, but he didn't know of the situation. "What happened? Jester, you know this palace hall?"

"HaveIt's like this," Jester contemplated for a while before pulling himself together, "The martial inheritance in our Raging Flame Star Area comes from this clan. Before they came here, the Raging Flame Star Area was a barbarian area. We knew neither the martial power Upanishads, nor the cultivating methods. At that moment, our ancestors were still at the primitive tribal stage. They didn't know how to utilize natural powers. Our ancestors were so weak at that time!"

Everybody was shaken, looking at him and listening to him attentively.

"A clan of people calling themselves Gods arrived in the Raging Flame Star Area and spread the martial arts and power Upanishads. They taught our ancestors to use the powers of Nature. They helped us in getting out of the barbarian stage, finding more suitable cultivating methods. That clan had imparted the martial path on our ancestors in the Raging Flame Star Area. They brought prosperity to the Raging Flame Star Area, and laid down the cradle of warriors," Jester took a deep breath, explaining in a trembling voice.

"What happened to this clan later on?" This was the first time anyone of them had ever heard about this.

"Disappeared…" Jester beamed a faint smile. "Disappeared inexplicably. There was no sign left. It seemed they had disappeared completely in one night. I like old books, so I got many mysterious books and scriptures recently from strange places. That's why I know where our ancestors had found the martial arts. Martial arts were created because of this clan, the clan that called themselves Gods."

"Why did they disappear all of a sudden?" Kato contemplated.

Jester wore a miserable visage. "This is the mystery that none of the ancient books have recorded. Many people have tried to solve this mystery, but they have all failed. It's been so many years. They want to know the reasons. However, they seem to have disappeared into the river of history, leaving no vestige."

"But what do this clan have to do with this Easygoing King of Heaven Hall?" Barrette was shaken inwardly, asking gingerly.

"When that God Clan descended in the Raging Flame Star Area, they came with only one troop of not more than one hundred members. They had two leaders, namely Easygoing King of Heaven and Carefree King of Heaven. These two Great Kings were the ancestors of the warriors in the Raging Flame Star Area," Jester said with a respectful face. "The two Kings of Heaven of the God Clan had their own battleships. They were the massive moving palaces called Easygoing King of Heaven Hall and Carefree King of Heaven Hall. They were so tough, and way more dangerous than the top quality battleships of our Raging Flame Star Area."

Listening to him, everybody quieted down. Divine light sparkled in their eyes as they gazed at the palace, which had been restored to a new condition down there.

If this palace was the moving palace of the God Clan that year, according to Jester, how precious was this palace?

"So, is this Easygoing King of Heaven Hall the moving palace of the Easygoing King of Heaven?" Weerlig was thrilled as he gazed at the palace without blinking even once.

"I don't know," Jester shook his head, giving a miserable smile. "I can only say that if this Easygoing King of Heaven Hall belonged to one of the Kings of Heaven of the God Clan that year, it would be absolutely precious!"

Leylin was observing them from behind couldn't help but feel intrigued.

'God clan... '

There were legends of God Clan in Grace Mainland as well. The God Clan was one of ten strong clans in the Antiquity, the strongest one. The other nine clans had joined hands to expel this clan. At the same time, the most powerful branch of the Demon Clan – the Immortal Demon – was terminated. The other clans suffered big losses from which they couldn't have recovered even after ten thousand years.

The God Clan was the so-called most perfect clan.

It seemed that this perfect clan had existed in some other continents. The God Clan, which used to exist in the Raging Flame Star Area, perhaps wasn't the same clan from the Grace Mainland.

A series of questions flashed in his head.

"Madam Leona, Lady Fiona do you guys know about this God Clan?"

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