Chapter 102 The Guardian, The Yandere, And The Sadist


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.Trivia of the day #46: If Nero Drops the Doki-Doki blade it will drill its way through the earth until reaches the other side.


"So tell me Rize, since you are familiar with this place do you know the exact location?"

Ask Asmodeus who wasn't familiar with the world of Eden, apart from the story he just heard from Rize along with the stories he originally know through mythology.

Although one thing is for sure, and that was the fact that Rize would be a key figure in this hunt for Ether Pendragon.

Her knowledge of foreign dimensions and worlds far exceeds his since she can cross dimensions, although Asmodeus now has all of her abilities as well, even her Chimera blood Absorptions were now in his arsenal of skill

And that goes for everyone here, although he found out something that was very puzzling, he couldn't copy Necroma Chrono deletion, nor Lilu time Dilation, much less Nero Naughty list, apparently all these skills are just mutated versions of his time capabilities that were transferred to them.

However, Asmodeus was content with the fact that he genetically made himself into a Djinn as well, so every racial ability the Djinn had as a race, he now had as well, it's only natural seeing that he is the father of all Djinns.

While his Demon King spirit was null, it didn't bother him much either, since he had Lilith and Kuromaru, and those two were enough for him, a sword that vicious poison that it can destroy all forms of matter, along with the ability to infinitely extend, and shape-shift at will, and A knowledgeable system with a vast majority of features accessible to be used at any time.

The amount of power he had at this moment would make him planetary without a doubt, seeing he could destroy the planet with relative ease and eradicate all life on earth, through various methods such as releasing all of his Demonic energy and corrupting and mutating the world into a wasteland of unimaginable horror, although he was unsure if it would affect a Mana zone since he knows of its holy existence now.

He could even move planetary bodies by summoning a meteor from space, resulting in a mass extinction event via the "Blessing of Akashina", or he could cover the entire world into a thick bed of ice and snow,

Or better yet he could cause a great flood that plagues the world drowning everyone in the process, he could get even more creative by deleting the Ozone layer which would make the process of destruction slower.

But even with all this power at his disposal, Asmodeus begins to wonder, if planetary feats are even that impressive, for example, Pyyrah the witch of imperfection is capable of creating dungeon-like worlds that are infinite in size, and that might not even be her true power.

However, the limits to her power were currently unknown to Asmodeus, but despite all these problems, it would not stop him from getting more strength.

That was Asmodeus thought in a nutshell.

Meanwhile, Rize walk forward leading the group as she began to answer Asmodeus's question.

"Yeah, Eden is a very beautiful place, it's also the home of the rank two race the Mystics, they are beings of pure nature, it is said their power and dominion over the laws of nature are the limits of Gaia's domain over the elements as well."

"They seem very dangerous."

Nero said as she was wondering if she can scale against something of that level, and even defeating something of that caliber by herself might prove to be a challenge.

And to answer Nero's question Rize nods her head as she said.

"Dangerous isn't even the word, I fought against one in the past, a wind type, and I couldn't even scratch it, much less harm it, in the end, I died fifty fours times before I escape, of course, I resurrect right after, but the point still stands, they are highly dangerous and extremely durable, it's even worse if they have the terrain advantage at their disposal, keep in my mind they are highly aggressive and territorial at that."

"If that is the case I only hope we don't run into one any time soon."

Replied Necroma.

But to her and everyone surprised what Rize said next crushed all their hopes.

"Don't get your hopes up, before we could even cross over to Eden we must first get permission from Elder Karna, she is a Flame Seraph, or better yet a fire-type Mystic that was tasked with the job of guarding the Gate."

"Flame Seraph?"

Said Asmodeus in a curious tone.

"Yeah, she is a fire-type Mystic beast tasked with the job of guarding Eden, originally A flugel once guarded this place under Gaia's orders, but that Flugel step down to pursue her own selfish dreams and admiration, now the job of Guardian Eden was given to one of its inhabitants, that being the Flame Seraph Karna, keep in mind she is name Mystic, meaning she is a mystic with vast intelligence and power."

"I see, so the task will not be easy."

Asmodeus voiced out his thoughts as the situation was soon going to become dangerous, as they walked deeper into the island following Rize.

Who was holding the guard over her sword that she seem to have picked up from his knows where specifically for this mission?

"I'm afraid not, Karna according to my memories has always been a miserable and unreasonable woman, although it doesn't matter how strong she is, we have something that she doesn't, she might be a powerful force of nature, but we have something that defies nature, and common sense"

"And that being."

Necroma asks a little excited as she wanted to go back to the good old days when she and her five thousand goblin kins go out to hunt weaker Mystics, dissecting them and using their body parts to make great material, for magic weapons or potions, to further her development, along with the development of the Nest.

To which Rize replied as such.


"Fair point... Father can probably tear the bitch to pieces with ease."

Said, Lilu with a soft and calm tone.

Meanwhile, Nero replied with an agreeing tone as she said.

"Of course, darling is strong, however, we as his Bogatyr should fight it in his place, I am sure with our combine strength we will be able to take it down with ease, even if we have to blow the shit out of it, if you want I have no problems in taking care of the problems personally, it would be a good warm-up to get the blood pumping."

However, to Nero's annoyance, someone replied to her with disrespect.

"Idiot it will be quicker if Asmodeus just one-shot the thing and get it over with, he specializes in mass destruction after all."

Necroma replied to Nero, who began to eye Necroma down as she said.

"Do you want to be added to my naughty list again?"

Nero said with an annoyed expression as she glares down at the disrespectful maid, who she has grown very aggregated with these past few days since she was introduced to her, but to her surprise, Necroma smiled at her threat and said.

"You might think you have won you Yule bitch, but you forgot your place in this hierarchy."

Necroma said out loud for everyone to hear as if making a statement.

To which Nero replied with a scary and murderous look in her eyes.

If looks could have killed you, then without a doubt you would have been dead over a thousand times, under the pressure of Nero's death glare.

She looks directly at Necroma as she said.

"Come again!?...

Nero spoke questions with a calm, subtle, but horrifying voice.

"Agh... Not only are you blind but you are also deaf, how sad let me explain in the simplest way I can, I have an advantage, that you don't have."

Announce Necroma proudly as she finally decides to stand up to Nero, boasting her chest on high, despite being the shortest person there, as she started to tiptoe, glaring Nero directly into her eyes as if asserting her dominance.

Even by spiking her aura, and as if adding extra coal to the fire, she made her rank #3 position as clear as day.

Meanwhile, Nero saw this as an act of defiance, and a clear threat to her position as the main love interest of Asmodeus, but it was not her alone, it was all seven variations of Nero who found this disrespectful, as the voices became loud and clear in her head saying things like.

[Oi isn't this tiny insignificant bitch losing her place, come on #1 switch places with me, ten seconds that's all I need to skin her alive and make a belt out of her thick skin so I can proceed to beat her ass to death]

[Can we do the same thing we did the third progenitor's wife, she is still a the Nursery world, but I'm sure the SM Toys will be happy to have fun with another victim]

[Nay... This one is asking for a serious level of pain and suffering]

[She looks kind of delicious though, I wonder does she taste as good as the previous meal, I bet the flesh is of top quality, although I would prefer something more tender... Ahhh now I'm hungry, oi original do we have any more naughty ones in the sack I'm starving here]


[Juuuuuust greeeat, anotheerrr botthhher]

However, Nero proceeds to Ignore all of them, as she looks down at Necroma and said to her in a cold voice filled with indifference.

"Ohhh really, and what might that be?"

Necroma folded her arms as she gave Nero a smug smirk and what happened next surprised everyone because in an instant before a blink could be complete.

Necroma suddenly disappeared, before everyone's eyes.

'Was... That a Molniya?'

Question Nero in her mind.

As her speed was mind-blowing even with Nero-enhanced senses she could not even see Necroma's movement.

But she soon got her answers, as the voice of a familiar succubus made its presence known the voice said

"Master... Why don't you tell old Nero here, of our unforgettable first time last night under the stars, you know the amazing event that happen in the pool, of how we fuck like animals in heat till morning... Oh, and while you are at it, why don't you tell her, I was your best fuck yet."

Necroma announce with a satisfied smile on her face.


Meanwhile, Nero slowly turns around to meet Necroma cuddling Asmodeus's arm, as she said.

"Ha... I beg your pardon."

Nero said with a shocked look on her face, to which Necroma said with a satisfied look on her face on the level of sexual satisfaction even, as she continues to spill the beans in greater detail to piss Nero off even more while holding him even tighter.

"Ohhh you didn't know, yeah me and master fuck like there was no tomorrow, we did so much we both lost count of how many times we cum together, he fills me up to the brim, and even now my womb trembles for this man, oh did I told you he said I was his best fuck ye...


However, before Necroma could even finish talking her entire head was suddenly blown and pinned to a tree, as a red arrow made of pure Erotic energy was stuck in her mouth, and pinned Necroma to a tree in the far distance.

And when everyone looks at Nero, she suddenly had a bow made from pure Erotic energy, and her aura began to spike up to a scary level, her size increased as she assume her Krampus form, it was at this moment that all the birds and normal animals in the surrounding area all began to flee in fear for their life.

Rize and Gorgo were on the sideline, drinking tea and eating ginger biscuits, even Asmodeus join the group as he said to the two.

"Who do you think will win?"

"I have 50 souls on Necroma, I couldn't even see her when she use her Molniya."

Rize announces.

Meanwhile, Gorgo commented.

"You're looking down on the potential of our Oruzhiye, although it's not a multiplier like Molniya, as long as you can keep Erotic energy at a constant you can summon an unlimited amount of weapons."

"That may be true but an Oruzhiye will be useless if you can't touch them with it, Molniya is very dangerous especially if you have a sharp weapon like Nero Doki-Doki blades."

Retorted Rize.

However, a voice came in between the two that was debating, of course, this was Asmodeus as he said

"Well in the end neither is going to win, Necroma is unkillable and is an immovable object, and Nero is an unstoppable force, although it's not snowing, Nero has a skill called "I am more than Just a Memory", it's her special and ultimate ability, Nero is being that feeds off the fear of others, this ability makes her unstoppable once certain conditions are met, however, the passive side of this ability is what makes her another immovable object, in short as long you fear Nero even in the slightest, it counts as acknowledging her existence, this means that Nero will just resurrect within three days of her death, Nero is fearless because she can't die, that why people of my factions are dangerous, everyone here has a unique type of immortality, we live to see our battles for another day."

The others were shocked to hear that Nero possess such a skill.

However, around the same time, Necroma Chrono Deletion kicked in, effectively resurrecting her as she glared at Nero with clear malice.

That attack meant war in Necroma's book.

So to respond to the Violence, she physically grabs the air to weaponize it, making an air sword, she shouts out to Nero with great anger.


Nero responded with equal vigorous did the same as Necroma, arming herself with a weapon, as she pulled out her trusty duel knives, preparing to cut Necroma to pieces.


The two then began to rush at each other at immense speeds both has long broken the sound barriers.

Two of them had a clear intent to murder each other.

However, just when the two were about to collide and start their bloody massacre with one another, the voice of a young boy could be heard calling out from afar.

"Ok, that's enough you two, save that blood thirst, and killing intent for Karna, we don't have the time to be fighting amongst ourselves like this."

And right after, both Nero and Necroma suddenly froze in place as if time stopped however, that wasn't the case because the two of them could still speak.

"I can't... move my body, what the hell is this?" free𝚠𝚎𝚋𝒏𝚘ѵ𝐞l.𝑐om

Necroma questions in confusion as she was being suppressed mid-air, by some unknown and invisible force.

Meanwhile, Nero was a little shocked, she couldn't move her body, no matter how hard she tried, even utilizing all her strength didn't help in the predicament, her body remained motionless in the air, and to be honest, the feeling was very uncomfortable.

It was as if hundreds if not thousands of invisible arms and hands were tightly hugging and grabbing her from every direction, while one giant ten meters hand was grabbing her in places.

To the others currently present, it simply looks as if both Nero and Necroma were stopped by some kind of telekinesis ability, however to Asmodeus and Lilu, they saw Nero and Necroma being entangled and wrapped in a sea of thousands of red demonic hands, while a giant red hand was grabbing the two of them in place for extra reassurance.

Of course, the person responsible for this was the current rank #1 Djinn who was Lilu, who was using his newfound power as a High- incubus, to stop the fighting between the two crazy bitches, who seem to hate each other with a passion.

"Oi let me go already, Lilu."

Demand Necroma.

"Boy unhand me this instance your power is revolting and very uncomfortable for a woman, it's like I am being assaulted by an army of men, you are grabbing me tightly you know."

However, Lilu wasn't having any of it, as his face twisted in annoyance and said.

"If you two weren't acting like horny idiots, then I wouldn't have to use my powers to suppress you both, honestly is this how we heroes of Purgatory should be behaving in front of our king."

It was at these words, that both of them see reason as they drop their killing intent, and said at the same time.



"Now then if I let you go, do you promise to behave like the civil Demons."

"Whatever just let me go, this is starting to become revolting."

Nero complains as she didn't like the feeling the power of Lilu gives.

"Very well."

And like that the invisible hands disappear freeing both Nero and Necroma who decide to walk their separate ways, Nero who took the hand of Asmodeus, and Necroma who decide to walk behind the rest.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus commented.

"Well, that was a very interesting show."

To Be Continued

Next Time: Karna

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