Chapter 113 The Monster In The Woods [Part: V]


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(A/N): Let's do a pole, who is your favorite character so far

.Trivia of the day #57: If Asmodeus were to release the full extent of his Demon King Aura then it will be akin to a marble swimming in a pool of thick madness, as his range has long exceeded the planet's overall size


"Hmmm wait Oaflar isn't that?...

"The young mistress of the Walachia family."

Oaflar remarks as he watches the familiar woman from afar observing her with a suspicious gaze, as he said to himself.

'Something doesn't feel right here!'

So as a precaution for his and Ryu's safety, he began to whisper an incantation under his voice readying a spell if necessary, as he signals Ryu to go check it out.

"Confine my enemies, within the walls of the borders of authority, heed De call, and mock the absence of freedom and blissful liberation...

Ryu looks at Oaflar, whispering an incantation to himself, this made him realize right away, that the unexpected encounter with the young mistress was something unexpected.

Yes under the order of lord Michael a decree for the assistance of other families to step in, along with several search parties has long been sent out to search for her, at least to find out any spec of the truth and confirm if she is dead so the Walachia family can have some closure.

However, Oaflar isn't the only perspective one of the two, as he suddenly has a bad feeling about her untimely arrival.

She had been missing for a while now, and for her to just reappear like this out of the blue was suspicious as hell.

For all they know that this thing might be a monster, that has taken her form, honestly, they wouldn't be surprised, Earth-type Mystics especially love to use this ability to shapeshift into others to make their prey drop their guard.

However, the intelligence of the Mystics is at best that of a toddler, as only the High Mystics possess a great deal of intelligence, to begin with.

Along with the four Enlighten Mystics of the order of the sea of the stars, and the ruler of Eden, under the guidance of the great Witch of the stars, the mother of the cosmic flow, and the guide to the spiritual tree Nyx.

The trap seems obvious, and it could be called out right away on the spot, seeing that Mystics of vast intelligence are only 1 in 100,000 in Eden, so finding one in this spot that is classified as a safe zone is impossible.

Ryu prepares to meet with the possible fraud before them, after all, the chances of Melanie being alive in Eden for such a long time is impossible, and not plausible.

So to treasure his decision he gave Oaflar one more look in the eye.

And as if both men had great suspicion from the start, they look at each other at the same time, Oaflar of course maintaining his incantation at a fluid speed, as he nods his head.

But despite that, no words were said between the two, but it was enough for them to understand each other, as Ryu nods his head as well, before taking off, his hand on his sword hilt.

And right after he was three feet away from her, he began to speak, as he ask.

"Melanie Van Walachia I presume, if I am correct you are one Minerva offspring right?"

The question was simple.

However, a Mystic would not be able to respond due to a lack of intelligence and only use the Hax base method to play mind games. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

However, just when Ryu was about to leave the cut the intruder in half; with a single strike, revealing the creature's true form, and even if it survives somehow they were still a small unit of thirty-seven strong.

But that's when it happens.

"Hahahaha... gentlemen... gentlemen, there is no need for such excessive use of violence, I am not but a mere defenseless flower, please put down your sword, honestly what would have happened if my father found out that you strike their daughter in cold blood in fear of the worst."


Question Ryu in utter shock, as he wasn't expecting to receive an answer.


Oaflar screeched in disbelief.

However, he still was not buying it, because something feels extremely off to him, and for once in his life, he knew that this is a farce, what made him feel this way; he did not know.

Was it his years of experience as an experience and a professional porter, or was it the suddenness of the encounter, it could also be because of his heightened awareness and ability to deduct bullshit when he sees it?

Well, whatever the answer may be, he wasn't going to fall for this monster ploy so easily, he was convinced that this was a monster and a highly intelligent one at that.

If that is the case then they are royally fuck, even with their large numbers of troops.

Think about it, if she went missing, then why did she choose now of all time to appear as if she was waiting for them, there is also the fact that Oaflar could not smell any blood on this thing, nor see any injuries, much less dirt and tears on her dress.

It looks noble in appearance; yes, however with the way how Noble dresses are made, with different sensitive, and fragile materials, such as silk, and cotton, running away from Mystics with something like that on, would be hard, especially one like her that reaches the ground, along with the prolonged excess of time she has been missing, the dress should be worn out by now.

It was because of this that Oaflar began to think even deeper about the situation before him, Ryu might be the muscle of the group, but as the vice-captain of this division, his role was to be the brain, and seeing that Ryu seem to trust the words of this so call Melani so easily, he would have to intervene and save his friend from his stupidity because in Eden trust is someone's greatest downfall?

If this was Melanie then she has some serious explaining to do, and seeing that she just went ahead and break one of the academy's most sacred rules, he had all right to do what he was going to do to her, the backing did that matter, so before, Ryu had the chance to even responded to Melanie.

He finish casting his most powerful imprisonment spell in his arsenal in silence and said under his voice.

[Spread and hold: Grand Lyngvi]

And upon finishing the spell incantation, a tremendous amount of mana spread out, and flows throughout the area, the range was not grand, or anything, but right after a giant; bright yellow-looking magic circle formed under Melanie's feet, as it swirls in a clockwise fashion.

And from that very magic circle, hundreds of golden ropes radiate with glimmering brilliance, as it comes shooting out from every direction with a 360-degree angle, as it wraps around Melanie, and pull her to the ground, forcing her to kneel on her knees, before Oaflar strongest binding spell.

** THUD! THUD! **

The sound of Melanie crashing to the ground could be heard loud and clear, of course, this sudden attack shocked Ryu as he said.

"Oi. Oaflar isn't this too much, the girl has probably been through a lot already."

Oaflar of course looks at the head captain as he sighs and said.

"Sigh!.. Ryu, you are my closest comrade and my best friend since our academy days, but honestly, sometimes you fail to see the bigger picture, you trust way too easily, think about it she has been missing for three weeks, her whereabouts unknown, also take in mind that this place is Eden, homes of the IXX3l Rank two monstrosity known as the Mystics."

Ryu pause for a moment as he said.


"But nothing Ryu, noble or not, there is no plausible way; she a mere student could have survived for so long by herself in this hell hole known as Eden, for three whole weeks, with no food, or no water to sustain herself."


Ryu said nothing this time, as he keep on being scolded by Oaflar as he continue saying.

"Also, keep in mind, that bastard Gaia made everything in this Garden poisonous for the likes of humans to drink or eat without the assistance of alchemy, and magical seasons to cook with, and also she has zero injuries, she seems way too calm, and finally think about it, her dress looks untouched and clean, both you and I know that student is forbidden to leave the campus without the proper gear, and the guidance of knight or escort that is two ranks above the area danger limits."

Upon hearing this Ryu opens his eyes from within the helmet with disbelief as he stares at the person who was trying to trick him, as he points his sword and said in an intimidating voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What do you mean, who the hell am I, are you blind I am Melanie Van Walachia, the fifth daughter of Aaron Van Walaci...


However before Melani had the opportunity to finish speaking, she was suddenly hit with a surge of powerful waves of lightning that came from each of the ropes, as she howls in pain, Lichtenberg's scars slowly begin to appear on her beautiful snow-white skin.


** THUD **

And after the lighting took its course and cruelly pass through Melanie's body, she began trembling, as all her muscles felt weak.

And the only thing she heard was the voice of the person who cause this to happen, giving him a fearful look, as he said.

"[Grand Lyngvi] is my most powerful spell, it was created using all three of my magical attributes, which are my Main attribute: Imprisonment, my Secondary attribute: Punishment, and finally my Primary Arrtibute: Interrogation, I'm not a B- Rank Warlock for nothing you know."

"This attack was even capable of temporarily paralyzing a great behemoth for a short period of time, its overkill using it on a human, but the sudden punishment inflicted on you proves that you are lying, you see once you lie you will receive a lightning punishment, each stronger than the next, and when you try to say that you where Melanie Van Walachia, it activates, now then, tell me who and what are you."

Melanie remains weakened on the ground, she was trembling in great pain, tears pouring down her eyes, as she breathes and whispers out once more, and said.

"Tsk... I-I-I told... y-y-you already... my name is Mela...



Her screams of pain become even more prolifically horrendous, as the lightning began to increase, and it didn't take long before she went into a light seizure, however, Oaflar, wasn't going to make death come to her easily, as he took out a potion and stuff into Melanie's mouth.

"This life sustenance potion should prevent you from easily dying as it grants you temporary immortality, it is very expensive as it is used strictly for torture, although medical experts use it for other things as well, however, this is to ensure you don't die easily, tell me who and what you are?"

But no matter how many Oaflar asked the same one question, Melanie answered, with the same thing, My name is Melanie, I am Melanie, and after two hours of brutally torturing Melanie, via braking her bones, healing them, breaking them again, peeling her skin off, cutting her finger off, and even using a blow torch to burn half her face off.

The answer remains the same, the people who witness such insane methods of interrogations, could not help but shudder at the sight of Oaflar ruthlessness, its because of this sadistic behavior of his, and his belief in the name of the better good, that Oaflar was given the Moniker, the Morbid Hangman, within the academy.

To him this was him doing his job, to the others present, they were witnessing a Live horror show, Oaflar the painter, and Melanie the portrait.

It reach a point where the ground was covered in a thick puddle of blood and soaked with piss, creating a humid, thick scent of iron, and a malodorous atmosphere.

Ryu seem to get enough of this, as he walk up to Oaflar who lost it and said.

"Hey man, stop this Mystic or not, this is too much, what if she is Melanie are you prepared to face the consequences."

However, Oaflar gave Ryu an unmove and emotionless expression as he said with a neutral tone, which was kind of unsettling to hear and witness, seeing he wasn't affected by this in the slightest.

"No worries, I can confirm this is not, Lady Melanie Van Walachia, from the moment my [Grand Lyngvi] caught her in her lie, I can definitely confirm that this is not Melanie with a 101% accuracy, however judging by this thing's weak demeanor and lack of any physical strength to at least struggle and fight back my spell."

"I think I might know what this might be though, I was worried at first thinking that this thing might be strong seeing it shows vast intelligence, however, its the opposite, this is an intelligent Earth-type Mystic called the Mimic, it ranked (E) normally it is weak, and they normally take the form of other races to sneak into their nest or home and eat their food under their noses by taking a familiar form, their behavior is similar to the Wind type Mystic the Dodo bird, although this one is highly intelligent, even more than normal, it's very interesting, super interesting."

"So If I just knocked it unconscious, instead of making it suffer more, by forcefully keeping it conscious, then it should revert to its original form."

Ryu gave Oaflar a disturbed look from within his helmet as he sigh and said.

"Honestly, you are one sick mother fucker, to think you show passion in these things."

"Everything I do is for our safety."

Oaflar remark.

And with that said.

Oaflar took his sword, and bash the hilt of it in the creature's head knocking it unconscious, and just like he predicted the creature playing as Melanie reveal its true form, it was a giant four-meter grey slime, with tentacles coming out of its blob like body, and core at the center of its body.

When Oaflar saw this, he was happy, because he caught an interesting specimen, and as a warlock, a side passion would always be live experimenting to further his progress or overall fighting prowess in any way possible.

However, just when he was about to seal and trap it once more, he felt a sharp pain as something or someone stabbed him from behind.

** STTTAB! **


Oaflar eyes open wide in shock and pain, as he slowly looks down at his abdominal area, his hand shaking, his vision suddenly a little hazy, and blood dripping from his mouth, and to make things worse and completely shocking to him, was the fact that a familiar sword was poking out from his stomach.

He attempts to walk forward, but falls over the Mimics' body, however, he still tries to crawl his way up, but due to the surprise injury due to a backstab, it proves quite difficult to perform.

However, he began to hear footsteps along with a familiar voice coming from behind him.

"Well, that was quite the presentation human, I must thank you, because of you I have learned various methods of interrogation indeed, truly you have my thanks."

Oaflar tried to get up and turn around to meet the person to that did this, but he was soon kicked back down on his belly.

Seeing that he was weak, he waited till the person reach right next to him, and gave him a pained look of anger and betrayal as he ask.


The question was simple.

"WHYYY... why Ry-u?"

Ryu just smile at his pain as he pulled out his sword and wipe the blood off it using Oaflar pants, as he said to him.

"Ohhh... no hard feeling human, I simply wanted to toy with you before I receive a proper vessel that can house my demonic presence before I infiltrate the academy and to see you torturing your friend for two hours straight to the point he was begging for death was simply amazing, this kind was please with your presentation."

Upon hearing this Oaflar opens his eyes in shock as he asks Ryu in despair and confusion.

"Wh-What ar...are you talking a-a-about?"

However, Ryu smiles demonically at his pain as he says.

"Get a clue will you human, are you that stupid, I am trying to say that I played you for a fool, no! seeing is believing, after all, well anyways, here see for yourself, and witness my true form."

Upon saying this, Oaflar eyes open in pure horror, as Ryu, well the person who he thought was Ryu, began to transform into a different person, as butterflies fly off his body revealing the true person behind false skin.

Oaflar body began to tremble in horror at the sight of the person before him, beautiful eyes with a strong glare that shine a bright pink, a handsome and masculine build of a man that was 7"4 in height, his porcelain white skin radiating an aura that made him shine like a sun, he had straight long black hair that reaches to the back of his knees, on his head was two pair of black horns the first pair curl around his head like a crown to reveal his status.

While the second pair curled backward and goes straight up, on his tailbone, was a long demonic black tail, meanwhile on his lower back was a beautiful pair of Crisom red wings that resemble that of the flugel.

"No... way... yo-yo-your a... Demon, a Demon... A DEMON KING!"

"Ohh so you are familiar with how demon ranks themselves, ha, well I do have a horn that curls like a crown, so the king status was obvious at first glance, but yes let me reintroduce myself, My name is Asmodeus Morningstar, the Demon King of Lust, greetings human, and goodbye."

To Be Continued

Next Time: Demonic Possession

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