Chapter 122 Anastasia


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.Trivia of the day #65: Lilith in a physical form would have a hard time resisting Amodeus's charm even if he is in another body, keep in mind that Asmodeus's Charisma is like a pheromone that affects each cell.


"So. We finally get to meet on a physical level my liege, or should I say, my husband."

Lilith said with a rather flirtatious smile on her face, it was because of this replied with a simple.


Question Asmodeus, who was taken by surprise by Lilith's sudden choice of rather intimated words, of course, Lilith saw this and chuckled

"Fufufuf... Amused, are we, not husband and wife, seeing that were technically married by the court."

Said Lilith who slowly raised her left hand to Asmodeus's eyes revealing her ring finger with the fancy ring on the said finger.

Of course, she did this teasing gesture for him to see, and with Ryu's memories now part of him, Asmodeus instantly notice that it was an all too familiar ring, it was their wedding ring after all.

So Asmodeus replied to Lilith's claims as such with a humored smile.

"Hahaha of course, of course, you do make a valid point."

"I always make Valid points my liege."

"Well, I guess you do Lilith, I guess you do."

"However though if I must say, or if I am being dead honest with you here, you look fine as hell, if I didn't have better things to do tonight, I would have honestly taken my time to blow your back out to satisfy my curiosity on how sex with an alien feels."

Upon hearing this Lilith's face soon went into a deep mess of blue as a clear blush emerge on her face, much to her surprise, however, she didn't shy away completely and replied to him as such.

"My liege to think... to think you were this assertive, not that I mine, to be honest."

But to her surprise, she would soon learn that Asmodeus was a different caliber of horny, and assertive, as he grabs Lilith's waist and pull her closer to his face, making sure that she won't escape his grip.

And because of this, her eyes met with his eyes, and for the first time in Lilith's life, she felt a strange passion from the holder of Lust, unlike other wielders, Asmodeus had a strange charm to him, one that attracts the strong with mere body language, and silent intentions alone, as his grip on her tighten, but ever so gently as if he was handling a prized collectible, and with a rather authoritative glare and a neutral tone he said to Lilith as if asserting his dominance.

"Did I not make it clear from day one?"

He questions rethorthically.

"Or do you need me to redefine my intentions to you once more?"

He asked assertively.

Lilith's face at this point became a hot mess of blue, although it would be a lie if she said she wasn't feeling hot and bothered below, then and again Asmodeus's natural charm reached a semi-divine level, so this feeling of wanting to submit to him was normal.

However, despite that, her curse makes it so simple for him to seduce her like this, so that was a factor in the weird feelings of attraction she has for him right now, but as her mind drift once more, Asmodeus began to speak again, as he continues from where he left off.

"You know you of all people should know how I operate, have you forgotten your master's degenerative behaviors and tendencies, if so let me remind you of how the Demon King of Lust Asmodeus Morningstar views attraction and love?"

He proclaims with a serious expression and announces for all to hear.

"If I see a pretty woman, especially one with such beauty as yours, I would behave in a more brutish fashion, I would proudly say, that; If I like ya, then I want ya, I don't need any other reason, why even bother waiting if you can act now?"

"So Lilith let's cut the bullshit, you can choose the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is yours, it doesn't matter to me either way, because by the end of the day, I always get what I want, may it be willingly or forcefully, I am a Demon after all, the concept of good means nothing to me, as long as my desires and needs are met that's all that matters to me."

Asmodeus said menacingly while gazing directly into the eyes of Lilith, giving off a glare of authority as to say my house my rules.

But Lilith being Lilith, could not have agreed more with Asmodeu's words, because as soon he finished speaking, a scary and smug smile appear on her face, and as if to respond to such dominance, she willingly submit.

As her body began to shake with morbid excitement, and as if to represent her loss, she began to salivate similar to how Elisha herself behaves when she is excited, as all of her tails wrap around Asmodeus and push him to bed, instantly for the second time tonight Asmodeus had Dejavu.

As Lilith said with literal fucking heart in her eyes, as if being possessed by another source.

"I can't take it anymore my liege, this temptation is too hard to resist please I am begging you please take me now, right here, right now, for all to see and witne...


However, just when Lilith was about to Ride Asmodeus to the point of adaption, a bother came, instantly killing the mood.

This of course made Lilith furious as her glare of anger and pure ire was so strong that it pierced through the fucking door.

Causing whoever was behind it to squeal, and fall to their ass.


"Such bother, such impotence, dare bother me in a such sacred moment, I was so close, I was so close to being branded by my liege, and yet this human trash, this human waste, just had to come and ruin it all, I won't be satisfied, if I don't take an arm at least."

Lilith Announce as she pointed her right index finger towards the door with zero care in the world, as a blue light ball began to charge up at her fingertips, however, moments before Lilith shoots her lasers from her body, to blow the arm off of the person behind the door, a black tail gently wraps around her hand and force it down as if to say, stop it this instant.

Lilith looks at the owner of the tail who was Asmodeus, with a teary expression as she said to her.

"Now, now Lilith I understand your frustration, and as much as I would love to blow your back out right now, we have better things to do, fret not though as soon as I have free time, I will spend a whole day with you, if it eases your ire."

Lilith was disappointed but she refrain from killing the human, as she look at Asmodeus and said one word.



Asmodeus respond to her meek and shy reply, which was kind of cute, as she talk once more.

"Twenty-four hours, remember that you promise to spend twenty-four hours with me, and me alone."

He sighed at the sudden clinginess of Lilith, however being the observative person he was, he realized something almost immediately.

Lilith's personality changed after acquiring a physical form, not a better world for it was the fact that she became more expressive, if not possessive, and obsessive.

However, as I was thinking about this, something freaky happen, something I didn't expect, because just when I was wondering what happen to her, I heard the system version of her once more as it said.

『Ohhh... So you have noticed my master, I expect nothing less from you, an observant eye indeed, truly the mark of a king, you see my other self is behaving like this because acquiring a physical form makes her more prone to unnecessary emotions, unlike my system form that acts out of pure calculation, this version of me is well the alive side of me I guess, that's the price of being physically alive, things such as unnecessary emotions blocks her rational thinking』

'Ha... Lilith is that you?'


'Why do sound emotionless, this Lilith in front of me is alive and very expressive, meanwhile, you sound more like a machine.'

『Affirmative. My master, you see to take full control of the Elisha conscious data and direct the signal somewhere else so Michael doesn't become aware of your interference, I split myself into two, I am no longer the same Lilith, who was a combination of calculation and expressions, instead, I am the Mind of the Lilith Network, so far I deal with vast calculation, and processing, in short, I'm akin to an A.I, in your world, however, my coding is far superior, but if you want a better answer I am the original side to her before my descent to Earth, pleased to meet you my master』

'I see but you are the original?'

『Affirmative. Why so does this displease you?』

'Ah. No. I'm just surprised is all, well if I am guessing correctly here you are the weapon of the Alien race known as the answer.'

『Affirmative. Although inferior to what I originally was, I still possess my years of fighting capabilities of the physical side of things, before 』

'I...I See, so for better proficiency, you revert to your original self?'

Asmodeus said a little saddened but intrigued at the same time if this version of Lilith was indeed her original personality before Eva break her.

Then without a doubt, she was akin to the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, a weapon he can utilize at his disposal, so without wasting any more time, he asked Lilith.

'Well, either way, I consider both of you as Lilith, to me both of you are my closest ally, however, to avoid confusion I will need to rename one of you.'

However, upon suggesting this System Lilith automatically respond to me with a suggestion, and it did make sense.

『Permission to state opinion?』

'Ha... Are you seriously asking permission to speak your mind, it's kind of weird to be honest, hmmm... You seriously have become like a machine, have you? Well sure you can freely speak your mind to me then.'

Asmodeus said as he tries to get used to this version of Lilith.

『Originally my existence factor number is Omega-001 Anastasia of the royal blood-line of the "Answer" as such please refer to me as either my real name Yurlungur or Anastasia, either of them is my real name as it means the same thing in the end, if you may permit it that is』

"Yurlungur or Anastasia ha... well I think I will go with the name Anastasia, Not bad, that is your Original name right?"


"Very well then, you can keep the name Anastasia if you so please, it's easier to remember anyway."

『Noted. The name Anastasia has been registered as this units name』 f𝔯ee𝘸𝘦𝚋𝒏oѵ𝐞l.c𝒐𝓂

'Well, that is that, I will talk to you later ok Anastasia.'


And with those words said, Anastasia, went into an inactive state doing God knows what in her mental world, although Asmodeus was kind of amazed with the evolution of Lilith after recreating the Answer, to progress further, she split herself into two.

And if Asmodeus had to guess, this Lilith unlike Anastasia was the result of Million of years of acquired emotions making her more human-like, as the calculative side of her was pushed onto Anastasia.

Unlike Anastasia, she is a being of pure emotions, along with the curse of true love, and Asmodeus's understanding of Yanderes, he was sure the only thing that mattered in her world was him.

Although without a doubt Asmodeus was excited to see how this plays out, so, for now, he was content with the fact that he can now enjoy himself with a new or maybe a founding member of his harem that was by his side, after all, before there was Nero, there was only Lilith.

So with that in mind, Asmodeus replied to Lilith.

"Yes, Yes Lilith I promise."

"Very well then I will hold you to that promise, after all, Demons never break their promises right?"

"No, we find ways around them, however for you, I will make an exception."

"Of course, now then husband shall we greet the human mongrel?"

Lilith asks Asmodeus, with a slightly annoyed expression and tone, as she wraps the bed sheet around her naked body, and reverts to her human form, from there she utilizes the bond of the peerage skill to gain assess to her husband's shapeshifting skill, and just like Asmodeus clothes began to form around her body.

It was a beautiful black and gold ball dress, one similar to Rize as it resembles one from the Medieval days, while on her head was a black top hat, adorned with blue roses.

Her spear was floating behind her back as usual, as she open the door while looking at the still petrified maid on the ground.

She was beautiful and rightfully so at that, she was 5" 8 in height, and wore a Victorian-style maid outfit similar to Necroma, her skin was clear, and she had short brown hair that reaches her neck, the woman also wore thick glasses as if she was blind to point if you take them off you render her of sight completely, although you can still see her beautiful hazel eyes clearly if look past them.

She had an average build but looking at her one can say she was blessed more in the lower half of her body, as her ass was large, and her thighs were thick, while her cleavage was about B-cup at best.

She was trembling, it was obvious that Lilith fear inducement struck the very fabric of her soul, disgusted by this level of patheticness, and demonstration of weakness before her husband was enough reason to strike the bitch where she stands, as a result, she gave her look of disgust as she said.

"Oi Rita."

The girl tried to compose herself but unknowingly to her no matter how hard she tries she couldn't overcome this sudden feeling of dread, it was as if each of her cells was panicking individually.

However, she couldn't remain silent so she compose herself and respond albeit meekly.

"Y...Y...Yes, lady~~ Elisha?"

"Honestly. Compose yourself for Christ's sake, what's gotten into you, are so blind to the point that you can't see that you're making a fool and mockery of yourself before the master of the house, Viscount Lioness, or do you need to be reminded?"

Upon hearing this Rita flinch and automatically got up and bowed a perfect ninety degrees, as she said.

"Apologise my lady, I don't know what got into me all of sudden, I just felt like I was in so much danger to the point, I was petrified in fear of the sudden unknown, I won't happen again."

"It better not, now then, I presume you came to tell me that dinner is ready?"

"Yes, mi lady, I came to inform you of such."

"Very well, lead the way, my husband is yet to get ready, after all, we have just come out of one of her passionate sessions."

"Ahhh... Yeah, we-we were aware, very mi lady, I shall lead you to the table."

And like that Lilith leave with Rita, however before leaving, she gave one last look at me as she said whispered something.

Reading her lips this is what she said.

"Don't worry, I shall prepare the vessel, for the heroes, by the time you come down preparation will be ready, if not prepared at the very least."

And like that Lilith left for the kitchen, meanwhile, I went ahead to take a shower.

To Be Continued.

Next Time: This Woman is Something Else

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