Chapter 13 The Queen


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"It would seem that I have been surrounded."

Seven Hob goblins came approaching, and just like the first one, all of them had a really strong magical energy that exceed mine by five times.

However, there was one that exceed mine by ten, and that was the one with a silver aura around him, and unlike the rest that says, elite guard, and hobgoblin, when I look at this one status it said that this was a name monster, with the name Nergil.

And his stats were far above the rest as well, however, I still think I was leagues above him, but you can never be too sure, I didn't know why but my blood was boiling to fight them.

Why was I so excited, I did not know, but one thing was for sure, the feeling was not neutral, if anything they were all on guard even more so than I am.

But I soon got an answer to that, when Lilith said.

[My liege, you might not notice it, but if you saw yourself right now, with the eyes of truth, the aura and bloodlust you were releasing was enough to be on par with their queen, and the reason you were so excited was that by nature your divine bloodline was made for war, in short, that feeling of intense hunger for battle is something similar to what the Olympian feel when excited for war as well]

Lilith said as she tries to explain, everything I was feeling as simple as possible, however, I simply replied crudely, as I said.

"I don't understand, but I will just take it that a divine Incubus is also a bloodthirsty race built for war, despite being a sex demon as well."

"Now that I think about it, why am I a divine being despite being a demon, a well that doesn't matter right now, I feel so excited to get my hands bloody, and my body tattered, this feeling of wanting to battle with a strong opponent is as addicting as sex is, agh the happiness of finally feeling alive for once truly is amazing."

"But enough battering, let us decide this conflict through good old violence."

So from there, I did something that these goblins did not expect me to do, I took Asmodeus, The Sword of Erection, the very blade that solo half of this dungeon, and throw it far behind me and out of my reach, and it landed on the ground as it sticks tightly into a rock as if was a certain legendary sword of old.

With this done, the goblins had a face of worry, truly these guys were smart, unlike normal goblins who most likely had an arrogant smile, and attacked right away because they think they have won, but get killed right after, these guys were different, both physical wise, and intelligence wise, as they analyzed the situation well.

However, their faces twist in even more worry when they began to notice something different about me, something even I haven't realized, because of the pure excitement I was feeling at this time and moment, as I walk up to them slowly, removing my clothes by tearing them off, and right after I unstrap my bulletproof vest that was clawed by the previous set of goblins I killed earlier I proceed to stare them down like prey.







The sound of the vest dropping to the ground, and my footstep nearing the group was like a ticking time bomb, but what made the goblins instantly jump back in fear was when they began to see my eyes glow a menacing pink, along with the sudden manifestation of giant black horns with golden rings that curved behind the head and point itself upwards could be seen.

Then comes the manifestation of the long devil-like tale, that was black, the enemy was also worried about the sudden drop of temperature in the room, and being entities capable of using mana, they instinctively know that this was a sign of the enemy's magical attribute that he has the most talent with is affecting the environment around them due to his excitement.

His muscles could be seen, it wasn't giant or bulging it was perfectly balanced, he was a beautiful monster but a dangerous one.

As he took more steps closer, they all retreated in fear and concern, until he suddenly stops where they were originally standing and began to speak while cracking his knuckles, and stretching his body out.

"Ha... this is getting boring too boring, don't get me excited for no reason, come on show me what you are made off, fight me, hit me, make me bleed, let me taste my blood, let me know defeat, don't tell me your afraid of one man, oh no, no, no, no, lets us fight to the death, right here and right now, let us kill each other, as we gut and tear each other apart to see who shall dominate who, weak dies and strong survive isn't that the code you all been living by, don't tell me this was all an act?"

The Goblins had numbers on their side, but they all felt it, the pure bloodlust of the demon before them, how can something be so excited to face death, so easily, no the bigger question is why do they fear the creature before them.

Was it the madness?

The unending bloodlust?

The pure insanity?

No, it was his intimidating aura, the fearless demeanor he possess, for a moment the goblins began to think how do you defeat something that takes pleasure even in defeat?

"Well, then I guess I will just have to come to you."

And with that said, I run and jump towards them, as I decide to kill the one in front who attacks me first, shivers run up his spine as all he could see was the crushing force of my fist, heading for his head, he didn't even have time to react due to the speed that I was going.

At that moment all he could see was death, in the form of my fist, but right before his head was about to explode under the sheer force of the attack, he suddenly flew back as the goblin with the silver aura from earlier pulled him out of the way, as he tosses him behind, and decide to tank the attack head-on as he put his hand in an x formation to take the blow.

However, I notice my hand was been stopped by a barrier, but the barrier didn't last long, because as soon as it came, it was shattered with nothing but raw power, as my fist broke through it and landed right on his chest that he was guarding with both hands and all that could be heard.

Was the cracking sound of bones, and the tearing sound of flesh at the same time, as a loud explosion was heard right after, as the name goblin flew across the cave, with sound breaking speed crashing through rocks and crystals, and eventually landing on the ground with his hands blown off, and a giant fist like a holed piston deeply in his chest.


A trail of the goblin blood could be seen clearly as it was smeared in straight lines, as its hands and fingers were all over the place, while a huge trail of guts and blood was splattered on the ground like a pool, and when I look at my hands, it was nothing but red, coated with very blood of the strongest goblin who took the fatal attack of my fist.

And when I saw how much damage a full-powered punch did to the strongest here, my smile faded as look at his now destroyed corpse and said with great disappointment.

"You were more of a disappointment, I honestly thought you could have held your own better than the rest, but in the end, a goblin is all you amount to, what a pity."

But this moment of victory could not be enjoyed for too long, because right after the selfless goblin got fatally wounded and died upon landing, I noticed a shine at the corner of my eyes, as I Instantly ducked, and upon doing that I could see a laser above me as if it was aimed for my head.

I instantly look in the direction of the attack, to see the same goblin I almost kill, was chanting in a weird language, firing off a magic attack that came from a spinning orange magic circle, but I didn't get to attack him again because I suddenly notice the sound of beating heart getting louder, and a bright blue aura behind me.

Surprisingly though there was nothing there, or that is what I would have thought if I wasn't seeing the aura of one of the goblins, approaching from behind at a quick speed, I didn't know what was coming, so I jump the side of the cave with all my might, and in that last seconds, the same spot I was standing at earlier was suddenly destroyed by an invisible force, as a giant crater was formed.

And when I gaze at the crater, I began to see the same blue aura, heading toward me as it attacks me once more but this time I didn't dodge and decided to take this attack head on, and right after I felt something slam into me with great force.


However, the damage I took was minimal, as I lick the blood of the lips I had earlier because after I took a hold of the invisible goblin hand which instantly reveal its location, I finally see what it hit me with.

In its hand was a giant hammer, but since I took a hold of his hand, I wasted no time and ripped it clean off the shoulder as his screams of pain and agony were heard for the remaining to witness.



But it didn't scream for too long, because right after I smashed the head of the screaming goblin with all my force using its own hand that was gripping the hammer tightly.

The other five looked at me with fear as one of them tried to run away seeing that it couldn't win, but I didn't allow it, because right after, I rush in front of it as its scared eyes met my sadistic and predatory glare, and what happens next was nothing but a one-sided execution.

Because I send my hand right through its face, leaving a gaping hole for all to see, as blood and brain matter fly everywhere, killing it instantly.

From there the fire goblin rushes towards me with its flaming club, with a look of anger and desperation in its eyes, as it sends a powerful swing to my head, chest, and feet.

Not slowing down for nothing, of course, I just dodge with grace, and beauty dancing around each of his attacks as of this moment.

But he soon met his ends, as well because he didn't see the attack that was coming from his blind spot, and when he did notice, it was too late because he was decapitated by the speeding force of my tales that was like a sharp whip.




And right after, the flame goblin head was knocked clean off its shoulders, he went to its knees, as a fountain of blood could be seen spraying like a raging volcano as it began covering me, as I bath in it while laughing to myself.

"Hahaha.... ahahahaha..... now this is more I like it, the scent of blood and cries of pain coming from the enemy is always such a turn on, I desire more carnage, this level of blood is still too humble, the screams of despair and agony are far too light and innocent give me more violence, give me more death and despair, your suffering is my nutrients."

But as I said this, I notice a large, set of chains made from the earth, suddenly came rushing before me, as it came from the ground I stand upon, as it began to hold me down, I smile at this as I said.

"Trying to restrain my movements I see."

I said to the goblin with the brown aura around it, as the goblin with the green aura came flying toward me with great speed, with a spear in his hand as he aim right at my heart, however when the spear touched my skin, it shattered due to the thickness of it, which made it had a shocked face.

And when it gazes at me, it trembles in fear at my sadistic smile and glowing pink eyes that were eyeing it down, like a hungry beast, and in fear it instantly tries to fly away sensing the danger that was to come.

However, it was already too late, because I had already broken from the chains by force, and grabbed it by its neck, as I said.

"That was some nice teamwork, but you're going to have to try harder if you want to hurt me, and right after, I pull his head off his body with raw strength, as even the spinal cord was pulled out, at that moment."

More blood splattered on the ground and upon my face, but I didn't drop the head, instead, I began to use it as a morning start, as I wrap this spinal cord tightly around my hand and send a devastating swing toward the gobling that restrain me which made him flew straight into to the cave wall upon impact.

From there I began beating him to death using the corpse of the already dead goblin, in the end, I kill all of them except one, and that was the one that was trying to heal the others earlier but fail.

"Oh, that one puss out like a bitch as well, ok then I can't have that, it's death or death."

So using the eyes of truth I could see it was running with all its might with a scared look in its eyes, however seeing that it made some distance between us, while I was killing the others, I think to myself that this was a good chance to test out the power of Asmodeus.

And with that said, I lift my hands in the air and said.

"To me my sword."

And with that command, Asmodeus fly out of the rock it was stuck in, and flew right into my hands, as I place it fort and aim it towards the running goblin as I said while sacrificing 5,000 Hp.

"Awaken Asmodeus."

And upon saying what happen was truly horrific and satisfying to watch.

Because in an instant a loud explosion could be heard as Asmodeus Became a literal giant sword as the blade expansions speed traveled at an immense rate even breaking the sound barrier, and when I look, the last goblin brutally exploded into tiny chunks of meat, as the sword of erection claim it's life with its menacing erection expansion.

However, right after the last goblin died, I return the sword to its small side, and I grab it, and began to walk forwards, as the only thing I heard was.

[Congratulations You have leveled up]

[Congratulations You have leveled up]

[Congratulations You have leveled up]

"Hahah... that was fun, however, I think it's time to fight off the real deal.

So with that in mind, I began to move forwards, and as I traverse deeper into the dungeons with great speed and skill, and after about thirty minutes of killing more goblins on the way, I finally reach a giant door, that was fancy as fuck, and it had so many designs on it, along with a giant skull at the center of the door.

And upon touching it I got a rather surprising notification, that said.

[Welcome to the deepest part of the dungeon]

[You have discovered the final boss room]

[Would you like to enter]

[Yes] or [No]

And upon seeing this I began to wonder.

"Isn't the last floor supposed to be the layer of the Gobling king, im sure this is the Goblin queens layer so why is it the last floor?"

This question plagued me greatly, something wasn't right, for some reason I'm getting a bad feeling as I can sense the immense fluctuations of power coming from behind this door. 𝘧r𝗲𝑒𝔀𝘦𝙗𝓃oν𝑒l.𝐜𝗼m

But seeing that I couldnt do anything about it, I just rub it off and left everything to luck, as I said.

"Yes, I want to enter the final door, now open the door of the queen."

And with that said, I began to feel the earth shake when it opens up, but at the same time an immense sense of danger overwhelm me, as I could feel what is probably the strongest thing I have encountered so far, and when I look up all I see was purple, the entire room was flooded with an immense and dense field of mana so dark its was overwhelming.

And when look past that darkness, I was shocked to see what I have to face, and truly this was something that was going to need the aid of time-stop, and Kuromaru without a doubt.

Before my eyes was an entire room full of over 5,000 goblins of all sizes, however, there was something I could not believe, in the middle of this giant room, there was a giant sixty meters throne made from nothing but bones, and what lay on that throne was without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life.

So much so, that I could not help but say in this situation.

"I refuse to believe that is a goblin, that's a fucking elf."

Yes, this goblin queen looks more like an elf, than an actual goblin, but my eyes of truth speak otherwise, however, her power was insane, and I could see why this dungeon was a B-rank this woman alone was B-rank without a doubt.

She was a tall woman, at least 6" 0 a little shorter than me, but she had beautiful clear skin, long and straight blond hair, and bright and menacing purple eyes that shine with radiance and power, she wore nothing but a white dress that covers the floor, her breast was also huge, but her ass was thick as well, so thick the dress couldn't even hide it, while on her head a crown made from bones.

Normally I would be trying to find ways to make this woman mine, but her stat was making this difficult for me, in more ways than one, as it looks like this.

[Goblin queen stats]

- Name: Necroma D' Undying

- Race: Ancient Goblin

- Title: Goblin Queen, Eldest Goblin, Grand magus

Age: 7,539

- HP: 150,000 /150,000

- LVL: 75

- MP: 80,000/80,000

- Strength: 17

- Speed: 18

- Charisma: 324

- Defense: 35

- Stamina: 87

- Intelligence: 89

- Wisdom: 67

- Vitality: 570

- Luck: 29

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