Chapter 30 The Doki-Doki Blades


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(A/N): Good morning everyone I just want to say thank you for all the amazing support till now, honestly I never thought I would finish an entire volume, but it's all thanks to you guys, now we have one more chapter till the end of volume one, as volume two will begin tomorrow, but apart from that please enjoy the chapter.

"So a kitchen knife is what you desire?"

I ask Nero just to confirm if that is what she wants.

She then grabs my hands and nods, with excitement while saying.

"Yes, I really and truly want one, it is the best weapon I'm capable of using."

"I see very well then let's get to the creation process right away, and for now, step back from me, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Ha, you're going to make my weapon right here and now?"

Nero asks me a little surprised by the fact, as she continues.

"I don't know how you are going to do that, I don't see any smithy here, I see it's magic right?"

She asks me with an excited expression.

"No, I won't be using magic to make your weapon, I will be using a skill to bring it forth into existence."

"Ohhh... what is a skill, is it like great Rimura the slime power from the light novel series."

"No, I wish I was that monstrous, that guy is built differently, unlike him who has the power of the author and anime bullshit on his side, my power stem from the world, I take what I am given."

I said while scratching my chin in slight embarrassment, to which she replied expressionlessly once more.


"What disappointed?"

I ask.

"No, no, no... not at all darling is perfect just the way he is."

She said to me returning a smile, although she wasn't wrong, I and that gluttonous monsters do have some similarities, although I won't get into that right now.

However right after, I began to walk away from her as she watches me with excitement, although her mind would soon change when she saw what I was going to do to create a pair of kitchen knives for her.

As I extended my right arm out, which was my dominant arm, and right after, the tip of my long tail suddenly transform into a sharp blade, and in the blink of an eye, the sharp sword swang at supersonic speed as I cut right through the flesh and bones with ease sending my entire right arm flying in the air as it landed beside me.

Blood began to spray all over the place staining the ground beneath me, but thankfully it was raining and the rain began to wash the blood away immediately.

But the moment I injured myself, Nero rushed to me as she said.

"W-W-What... the hell are you doing?"

"Hey calm down."

I replied to her, as this injury was nothing, however, her Yandere senses were still fooled due to the great amount of blood, sigh... one of the greatest perks of being loved by a Yandere is they protect and seeing my arm flying off like that triggered her worries, as she continues.

"We need to call an ambulance, this is a lot of blood, why would you do something so stupid?"


"We need to get this arm in some cold water and ice."

"Nero... it's alright."

"Wait right here I know a friend who can help us get immediate he...

But before I made her finish talk out of her head, I flick her forehead, which causes smoke to form due to friction.


She said while holding her head in slight pain.

"What was that for darling!?"

She asks me.

"Just listing to me would you?"

"Ahhh... O-O-Ok."

"Good now look at my arm, take a look for yourself and you can determine if I am ok."

With those words, Nero nods her head to signal that she understands as she slowly looks at my arm, and her eyes widen in shock when she saw its current state, because my right arm was regenerating at a fast speed, and when she looks at this she couldn't help but jump on me as she checks out my arm, analyzing it in amazement as her face was filled with awe, honestly, she was so fucking cute.

But it didn't take long for her to start questioning me, as she said.

"How are you doing this... agh I see is this one of your skills?"

"Or maybe a perk of being a divine incubus?"

She asks excitedly giving me puppy eyes, but I just shook my head in denial, as I said.

"No this isn't a skill, this is magic."

"Magic, hmmm..... I see healing magic I presume?"

"Nope this is my unique magic, you see my element is winter I can freeze things, I just silently and quickly did the necessary chant to activate my spell to heal myself."

"Ohhh so there are also elements, but how can winter magic heal a wound of this level?"

"Well my winter magic is so powerful I can freeze concepts as well, and the reason you see my arm regenerating at such fast speeds is that I freeze the concept of injury on myself, meaning any injury becomes meaningless hence fort my arm grow back."

When I said this, Nero had a what the fuck face, as she began to speak her mind.

"That's too broken, wouldn't that mean you have dominion over reality to some extent?"

Honestly, I'm starting to love Nero vibes, I swear if this was the old me, I would say she is one of my people simply because she is reaks of Otaku, why well she knows about the slime series, have vast knowledge over a superpower, interested in demon, vampires, and magic.

Although a have never heard of a Yandere Otaku, or maybe she is just this knowledgable because she is either (A) related or is friends with one, or (B) was already one, to begin with.

But this isn't bad either if she is interested in the supernatural world to this extent, then without a doubt, she will be adapting quickly to it, I do hold hopes that her Yandere physiology makes her a force to be reckoned with.

Yes, a yandere love is nothing to scoff at, however, this is a reality we are talking about, a Yandere is killable, they can be stopped, they can be apprehended, and they can be contained if someone stronger than her appears she is practically useless.

But as I began to think about this Nero took me out of my thoughts as she said.

"So are you a reality warper as well darling?"

Honestly, I wish I could say yes, but im, not a reality warper, my power is not to that extent, instead I correct her by explaining my magic as I said.

"No im, not a reality warper, although my magic can freeze concepts, it doesn't mean I am a reality warper, I can't just alter the things around me to however I please im, I am not a God, I am simply a Demon King that is strong, to understand my magic you must understand what I can freeze, you see not only can I freeze my surrounding, my magic also specialized in freezing invisible things for example concepts, and maybe even ghost, and even when I freeze a concept, my magic is depleted greatly as it very consuming, do you understand?"

I ask Nero as I tried to explain my magic as simply as I can, after all, my Exoteric Winter Magic is not normal as works different compare to normal boring magic that abides by the rules.

Her response to my power was very sophisticated as she began to put in her theory as well, as she said to me with intrigued glare.

"I see, it's not reality warping if anything it falls under the law category."

"Law category what is that?"

I ask confused by her weird terminology and this was what she said.

"Oh it's something I made up, so I guess that concepts are like a law of sorts they abide by their own rules, that follows their laws, what your magic does is break that law by stopping it completely, for example, if you kill someone and freeze the concept of death form them, they become immortal as death loss it's meaning, nothing can kill them, although it depends on which concepts you freeze, for example of if you freeze death itself your only sealing it away with ice not erasing it."

"Your point is?"

"Well, your power only allows you to seal away the meaning behind concepts, not erase it for example since you freeze away the meaning of death what happens if that ice melts."

She asks me with a glimmer in her eyes.

"Then the law of death is reapplied."


"I see you do make a valid point."

"Yes I do, now praise me more as I desire more attention and love, but that doesn't mean your interference is temporary, for example, earlier when you heal yourself, by freezing the concept I f injury, since the concept meaning was frozen it means new laws and rules have to be created, so you instantly grew back an arm, and since it affects your body like that, when the spell worn off your arm remained because it wasn't classified as injured, truly you have terrifying magic power darling, to interfere with the meaning of laws of concepts is truly terrifying, no it's scary because it has infinite possibilities."

Nero said like the Genius she is, honestly speaking I wasn't thinking that far ahead about my magic, she understood my power with great understanding so easily, well that's a Yandere for you I guess.

"Your very smart Nero, your insight truly is amazing, normally I would need to use the eyes of truth, to get that much knowledge about myself but you figured out my power perfectly."

"Eyes of truth?"

"I will explain what that is later as well, I have a lot of different abilities, that's all you need to know concerning my fighting prowess for now."

"I see, darling truly is built different, but I can see that you have the potential to be the greatest support character to ever exist, with your magic you can heal practically any wound, of course, I would put your healing ability as Nigh perfected, in short, you can probably heal almost anything, however im still confused about one thing."

"And what might that be my precious Nero?"

I ask wondering what she wants to ask me.

"Why did you cut off your right arm, im a little confused."

She said as she tries to understand the reason behind my action as to why I cut off my dominant arm earlier, and the answer she got from me kind of surprised her as I said.

"Oh.... well since you are my woman it's only fit I make your weapon using the best material around, so I cut my arm off as I plan to use it to make your knives."

"Wait.... say what now?"

Nero responded in shock to my statement as I reconfirm.

"I plan to use my flesh, blood, and bones as the main material to create your weapon."

When I said this she began to drip saliva from her mouth and her face started to blush in excitement as she began to talk to herself.

"Hehehe.... marvelous, splendid, subarashii, it will be like im always holding darling manly arms when I tear, cut, and separate the enemy's limb from their body beaming with life, truly marvelous."


"Hehehe... darling, darling, darling arms, what better gift can I want, what better gift can I desire."


"When I kill it will be like an amazing romance between us."


"Darrrrrrrliiiiing... hehehe!"


I shouted to get her attention as I snap her out of her perverted bloodlust, to which she replied in shock immediately.

"Agh yes darling?"

"I just want to snap you out of your trance, now let's get this started."

"Agh... yes my apologies."


"So how are going to make my weapon."

"I have the power to shapeshift into anything I see once, so I plan to use this ability to transform my flesh and bones into a suitable weapon for you."

"I'm not even surprised anymore... what next, time stop."

She said with a sarcastic voice.

I didn't answer her instead I just gave her a smug smile that smells of Heh... and when she saw this she said.

"No way, can you actually stop time?"

"No comments."

I said in a teasing tone, as she cutely puff her cheeks while saying.

"No fair don't leave me hanging."

"Anyways let's get to the weapon making."

"No fair so you're just going to leave me in pure suspense like this, you fiend, you are worse than an author who leaves a reader in suspense as they try desperately to look for the next chapter."

She complains to me with a tint of despair, but I didn't pay her any mind as pick up my severed arm, and ripped it in two, from there I began to morph the ripped arm into two separate and identical kitchen knives.

And after two whole minutes, it was finally complete, and when I gaze at the blade there were two identical kitchen knives in my hands, they didn't have any fancy design as they look like simple kitchen knives, the only difference that differentiated them from the norm was the fact that they were created by the demon king who uses his flesh and bones as a material to craft them.

That and the fact that simple traditional styles fit a Yandere much better than something out of the ordinary, I also created a red scabbard for both of them, I then began to appraise both of these beauties with the eyes of truth to see how special they are.

- Demonic Kitchen Knives: a pair of powerful kitchen knives created by the Demon King of Lust Asmodeus Morningstar, using his own flesh and bones of his severed right arm, the blade is nigh indestructible as it can regenerate once mana is pumped into it, but the main power of the blade is the fact it was created with the flesh of the strongest Demon King so it can be considered as an extension of Asmodeus himself, meaning some passive skills and genetics that Asmodeus wield is now within the blade.

- Skills: Harem empowerment, Frost blood, and favor of nature.

- Harem Empowerment: As long as the blade is within range of Asmodeus woman its sharpness and durability go up by +2 every +1 seconds, the more harem member around the blade the sharper it gets, there are no limits to how sharp it can get.

- Frost blood: Due to Asmodeus's awakening power of unique magic during his battle with Necroma, his blood has unique effects on every monster some crave it and other is afraid of it, there is a 35% that it can freeze them or burn them with divinity.

- Favour of nature: This power was not birthed due to the apostle's blessing, instead this is a weaker version of it that was inherited through genetics, Asmodeus's mother was said to be loved by animals due to her gentle nature, meaning as long you hold this blade in your hands, all animals of the earth has a 46% additional favorability towards the wielder.

Rank: Semi Divine

When I gaze at this my eyes widen in surprise, I know the blade should be durable but this is basically

me in blade form.

Nevertheless, it was strong enough to protect Nero, and all that it was missing was a suitable master, so I walk up to Nero and gave her the new weapons I just made which she accepted with sparkling eyes.

"Woooow, they're amazing!"

She said.

"I know."

I replied.

She then asks.

"So what can they do?"

From there I began to explain the functions of the blade which amaze her even more.

"I see these blades are overpowered as hell, they make cutting up people, and annoyances so much easier."

"Well as long as it makes you happy, although what shall you call them?"

I ask her with slight curiosity.

"Hmmm... I know, I shall name these two beautiful knives of mine, the Doki-Doki blades, the knives that can cut the world in two."

"Doki-Doki blades hmm.... interesting it fits you, although enough talk about blades because I think it's about time I got my knife to sharpen if you know what I mean."

I said to Nero as I began to pick her up into a Princess carry, which made her blush in excitement as she replied as such.

"Yes, I also can't wait anymore darling."

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