Chapter 5 Time-Stop


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--10: 34 p.m--

(A/N): Quick third-person introduction

[Somewhere in Down-Town-XXX]







"Hey mister, you want to buy a night with this sister."

"Today been a very hard day at work, maybe I should get something to eat."

"I tell you, Dean looks like a total idiot today."

"Men it looks like it's about to rain soon, maybe we should take shelter what do you say, babe."

The sounds of countless people could be heard loud and clear Downtown, including the sound of many different objects, but overall, the loud sound of rain that was coming down hard.

It was a normal night in this busy business district, many people got together to have fun, other people come to shop for a product that was sold by the vast majority, and some few came to enjoy the many prostitutes that come here at night.

This was a place that is always active 24/7, but it was also a place for many local gang members, and a hotspot for a crime once you walk down the wrong alley.

However, there is one thing that made tonight not normal at all, it was the fact that all of a sudden everything was put to a pause, the people on the street suddenly stop walking, and the concept of sound stopped existing, the rain stopped pouring, and the world became silent and still.

Nothing was spared from the sudden pause that was placed on reality, however, there was one exception, and that was a figure dressed in all black, walking out of an alley, he was dressed in all black, he wore an expensive-looking, black sweat pants, and a black Mucci shirt, around him was an expensive fur jacket, the leather was black, and the fur was red.

Around his neck were many golds chains, of all thicknesses, while on his right hand were, two pairs of red and black diamond watches, and on each finger were gold rings, that were covered with a black stabproof glove.

The boy had a black and neon pink gas mask on his face, that glows menacingly with his pinks eyes that were coming from within the hood, on his ears were a pair of expensive-looking red reverse cross earrings, he was on his new X-Phone 23 booking a week stay at Pandora Hotel, which was the best Hotel in the entire state.

And he was booking the best room at that, around his back was a giant kit- bag full of various items, While on his back was a red school bag, that was a pact to the capacity.

At first glance, anyone could tell that this person was not simple, he had the drip, and he wasn't hesitating to flex it, anyone would have thought that this person was from a big family, and was some type of second-generation young master.

But in reality, he was much more than that, if anything he was a king of the highest order, one so high the world itself coronate him.

He was no human king, vampire king, or some isekai prince, in this modern day and age he is the Demon king, Asmodeus Morningstar, and the first one at that.

So if anything as drips out as he is, this was still peasant clothes.

--Asmodeus Pov--

As I stop the time around me, I gaze at the system, before me and see the synopsis of the time stop skill one more time.

And this was what it said.

[Active skills]

- Time-Stop LVL 1: A legendary skill that allows the user to stop the time of the universe, for a total of five minutes, within time stop, you can not talk as your sound will be paused, and no one will hear it till it resumes, but if you attack or interact with someone during a time stop, the damage will not be received till it is resumed.

- Condition for leveling up: [6.98%/100.00%]

- Cool down time: 10 minutes

And when I look at it I could not help but say to myself inside my mind.

"No matter how much I look at it, or how much I use this ability, it's still unbelievable, it's because of this power I was able to rob multiple stores since I left school and run away from home this afternoon."

And anyone with my living circumstances who suddenly gain amazing powers like mine would have done the same, and since I am a servant of the world, It's only natural I enjoy the finer things in life such as money, woman, fame, and much more.

Especially women, and fine ass women at that, honestly, when I reach Pandora im thinking, of eating in the VIP restaurants where only celebrities, could afford, but seeing that I have robed multiples stores since the beginning of the afternoon, I am stacked with cash right now, of course as of this moment all I have is a lot of pocket change.

I was going to rob the bank, but I will save it till tomorrow, as of right now all I want to do is relax, and have a great and fun time.

"Well since time is stopped, might as well get to work, with the remaining three minutes eighteen seconds I have left."

So like that, I started to go from people to people, stealing their wallets and, and taking all their cash for myself, I did this till I heard the warning coming from the system.

[10 Seconds before time is resumed]

So with that said, I continue to thief from others as I took their wallets and everything they had, and after I got enough, I just casually walk back into the group, as I place all the stolen goods into the kit- bag, acting normal as If nothing ever happened.

And shortly after everything in the world, started to move once more, as the concept of sound resumed, and the movement of reality was resumed as well, the rain, the loud people, and moving cars could all be heard and seen.

And right after it was resumed time, I began to walk the night streets as normal, no! as of matter of fact, I stop to the side, as I flag down an incoming taxi.

The taxi stop in front of me, as the Indian man asked me.

"Were to?"

As I proceed to put my bags at the back of the seat, I take a seat at the back as well, and I inform the driver as such.

"Take me to Pandora's Hotel, please."

The driver nods his head and starts driving as he said.

"Good night youngsters, how do you do?"

The Indian man asks me as he tries to make small talk, of course, I indulge in it, as I replied as such.

"Mhm... oh, I'm doing fine sir, how about you?"

"Well, you know the usual, just doing my usual runs till eleven, before I call it a night, and go home for the day, you're my last customer for the day as well."

"I see, well I hope you make it home safely, these streets of today's are nothing to be on, especially at night, where your chances of being robbed or set up are high."

I said to make the conversation flow, and not die down, to which he replied as such with a positive laugh.

"Hahaha... I hear you, well it's not every night you just run into a dangerous person you know."

"Hehehe... I guess your right."

"So we're you from good sir, you don't look full American at all?"

"How can you tell, when I have on a mask?"

"Kid when you're in the business as long as I am, you could notice and tell a lot of things, about people just be their tones, and the way others present themselves, even something as skin color can be taken into consideration."

I was very shocked nobody cared enough to ask me my origins, honestly, this is love for a profession indeed, agh yes good people still exist, in this world after all, so I respond to him as such.

"Well, Mr. I am American legally, however, I am half German from my father's side and half Russian from my mother's side."

Upon saying this man widens his eyes in amazement as he said.

"Wow, no wonder I got a different vibe from you, you're a mixed breed, and a rare one at that, your family must be really awesome?" 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚

"Family haaa... well they love me in their own way, my mother especially."

"Your mother ha... tell me about her, if you don't mind sharing the tale if it's not too much."

The man asks me, in a curious voice, as if he enjoyed small talk like this with his customer, truly the guy was a professional, he was good with conversation, a skill I lack, but since I was in a good mood I don't mind sharing the tale of my mother.

"Well, I don't know much about my mother's family circumstances, since she never use to talk about them, however, I know my mother was a very beautiful and kind person, if anything I would even say she was loved by the world, she loved animals, so much so, she would take in a stray every time she saw one, she loved everything about nature no matter how harsh or cruel it could be."

"Hahaha, I could remember when I was five, she fight a bear with her bare hands, as it came from the woods to annoy the dogs, and when she was finished she gave it a giant bear hug, and simply told it, bad bear, for an instant, it looks like she talking to it, believed it or not."

And upon saying this the taxi had eyes widened in even more amazement as he said.

"That's amazing your mother sounds badass, one like me would just pray for the dog's safety, so what was her name?"

"Well I will be honest, I don't even remember how my mom looks, it's been twelve years since I last saw her, if anything, I only thing I only remember is that she was tall, and her name was Vasilissa."

The conversation was going very nicely, but I could see, that the drivers know where this was going to end as he said.

"I see well I won't ask anything else, although Vasilissa, a beautiful name indeed if I remember correctly that name is of Greek origin, although, it is also one of the many names old Russian would refer to the witch of the woods, the child eater, Baba,-Yabba, although according to Russian mythology the Baba-Yabba, was once a beautiful woman, that was gifted a magical doll from her mother, for her start a new life far away from her home, so she escapes the cruelty of her stepsisters, in short, it is more of fucked up the tale of the fairy tale of Cinderella."

I was kind of shocked, not many know of the story behind the origins of the Baba-Yabba, but here is this random guy who seems to be very in-depth with Russian mythology.

It would seem he caught on to my surprised face as he said.

"Hahaha... I might not look it, but I actually have a Ph.D. degree in History, and before you ask why I am a taxi man, then let's just say, life can be very unfair to people sometimes."

He said with a saddened expression, automatically, I began thinking how useful this person could be, so I ask him.

"Hmmm... what is your name good sir?"

"Awww me.... the name is Irfan Habib.... how about you?"

"Asmodeus Morningstar, of the newly established Morningstar family."

"Hmmmm... as in the Demon King of Lust Asmodeus, one of the nine princes of hell."

"Yep... that is my name."

"Ohhh... your parent really pick a rather unique name for you, Mr. Morningstar"

"Yeah, the world is very kind to those... it's love."

"What was that, I didn't catch that last part."

Irfan said to me as he proceeded to drive through the hard rain.

"Oh, it's nothing important, by the way, Irfan do you have a pen and paper?"

I asked him to which he replied.

"Agh... yes I think I have one right here under the seat." 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

he said as he stretched under to receive it for me.

"Agh there it is, here holds on to it."

Right after I began to grab it from him, as I write down my contact information, along with my email, as I look at him from the front mirror and said in a calm, and professional voice.

"Now. Mr. Irfan, I will be honest with you, I desire your talent, would you like to come and work for me?"

"Haaaa... work for you?"

Irfan said a little shocked by the sudden development, to which I said.

"Yes work for me, I can promise you way more than you make as an average taxi man, my name is not well known yet, nor is my family, but I can promise you much more than anyone else, as a matter, a fact take this as both a down payment for your time and excellent service you have given me today, and also here my contact information, you can think about it, and if you change your mind just hit me up, and we will get down to business."

With that said I took out a total of 5,000USD along with the new X-Phone 23 from my kit bag, which was worth about 4,500 USD on the market, Irfan's eyes widened with shock and surprise, as he said.

"Mr. Morningstar this is too much."

"Look here Mr. Irfan I will have you know I am a man of three things, that I decide to live my life by, these three things are more important than anything else to me, Which are Lust, Power, and Connections, look at this as an act of kindness, look at this as your time to shine, soon you and this world shall know my authority, but even I am not ignorant enough to work alone, that is why I need people like you to build the ideal world I so desire, a world full of endless pleasure, but anyway Mr. Irfan just think about it, I can guarantee you will not regret your decision."

Irfan was baffled, he did not know what to say, however, I already reached my location as I informed him.

"Well, then Mr. Irfan it has been a pleasure talking to you, but I have reached my location, you can stop now."

"Aghhhhh yes, my apologies."

Irfan said as he bow his head to me apologetically as we stop in front of one of the best Hotels in the world Pandora, the place where I will be living for a while, and also forming connections, to heighten my influence.

So I got out of the car with my bags, and gave Irfan one last look, as I said before leaving.

"I expect you to make the right choice Mr. Irfan, have a good rest of the night."

With that I proceeded to leave a dumbfounded Irfan who had what the fuck just happened face meanwhile, the night was still young for me, so I went straight inside Pandora, as I prepare to modify my stats before going for some lunch, but little did I know, you can't always have a peaceful night.

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